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Wayfinders Kyle Messages

Wayfinders Kyle Messages

By Wayfinders Kyle

Wayfinders.Church in Kyle, TX. This podcast stakes messages from our Weekend Worship Experiences and puts them in audio! Series, one off, and more.
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Servant of All

Wayfinders Kyle MessagesJun 19, 2019

Hayah! - Become the presence of God

Hayah! - Become the presence of God

The first installment of our Hope Remains Series.  In this message we explore the little known book of Zepheniah and how sometimes we have to stop living like God doesn't exist if we want to take on the life God has in mind. 

Aug 09, 201940:10
Stretch? - and bonus

Stretch? - and bonus

To be the perfect Christian needs to be stretched?  Why God doesn't want us to be useless.

Jul 29, 201945:33
Who Cares?

Who Cares?

To be a perfect Christian we have to lift up each others burdens?  And lean into the mess???  What does tension have to do with it?

Jul 29, 201924:25
Perfect Church?

Perfect Church?

Is there such a thing as a 'perfect church'?  What does it mean for us to lean in to life together and become the family God is dreaming of. 

Jul 29, 201933:31
The Perfect Xian?

The Perfect Xian?

Is there such a thing as the 'perfect' Christian?  Why do we keep adding to the 'list' of things that a perfect Christian is supposed to do, or be... and why doesn't that match up with the day to day reality for most Christ followers?

Jul 29, 201939:56
Family Vacation: Encounters w/the Divine

Family Vacation: Encounters w/the Divine

What do you do to tell the story God is weaving in your life?  Guest speakers Gary and Candy Barrett share from a classic story in Genesis and their lives.   *there's bonus content too!

Jul 01, 201941:25
Servant of All

Servant of All

How do we capture God's heart?  By becoming the servant of all.  Take your place in God's family.

Jun 19, 201934:47
11 Pints

11 Pints

What does it take to see a move of God?  What does a story about slapping water have to do with it?  

Jun 19, 201953:18


What does it take to see God work in our lives and city? Do we have a role to play... Perhaps it has something to do with blood and thunder.

In this message Pastor Todd Barker teaches from 2 Kings chapter 2 where Elijah is taken in a whirlwind to heaven and Elisha takes on a double portion of the great prophets spirit.   It leaves us thunderstruck with the power and presence of God.  Do you have that kind of power?

Jun 02, 201951:15
Things Jesus Never Said: You Get What You Deserve

Things Jesus Never Said: You Get What You Deserve

The final installment of Things Jesus Never Said.

May 24, 201936:31
You Won't Have Bad Days

You Won't Have Bad Days

Things Jesus Never Said: part 3 - You Won't Have Bad Days.

“Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. …” John 16:20 NIV

“Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. 21 A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.” John 16:20-21 NIV

“So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.” John 16:22 NIV

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world …” John 16:33 NIV

“… In this world you will have trouble ...” John 16:33 NIV


So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. 7 These trials will show that your faith is genuine. … 1 Peter 1:6-7 NLT

  • A faith that has been tested is a faith that can be trusted.


Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4 NIV

For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 John 5:4-5 NIV

“… In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV

May 18, 201943:01
Go Do What Makes You Happy

Go Do What Makes You Happy

Part 2 of a 4 part message series called: Jesus Never Said That. 

Jesus shared a lot of wisdom in the Bible. And lately, He also seems to share a ton on Instagram, on screen-printed mugs, and in those images your aunt posts on Facebook, too. But how much of it is true? Where’s the line between what He actually told us, and the Things Jesus Never Said?  

In this message, Pastor Todd Barker shares from a narrative about an adulterous woman from John chapter 8 in the New Testament.  In this, we examine the trap of temptations and why the good news is a call to be free of sin!

May 09, 201935:23
You Don't Need to Forgive Them

You Don't Need to Forgive Them

Part 1 of a 4 part message series called: Jesus Never Said That. 

Jesus shared a lot of wisdom in the Bible. And lately, He also seems to share a ton on Instagram, on screen-printed mugs, and in those images your aunt posts on Facebook, too. But how much of it is true? Where’s the line between what He actually told us, and the Things Jesus Never Said?  

In this message, Pastor Todd Barker shares from Jesus' teaching in the sermon on the mount about God's forgiveness and our connection with it. 

May 01, 201939:27
With Perspective

With Perspective

Our faith was not meant to keep up cozy up next to the fire but go through it!  In this installment of Above the Ceiling, a series on prayer, Pastor Todd teaches from John 17 on how Jesus prays for protection.  We often pray that too... but what if we need a different perspective?

Mar 24, 201943:16
With Authority

With Authority

The opening message of our Above the Ceiling series.   This week we explore what it means to pray with the authority given to us by the Holy Spirit. 

The power, presence, and movement of God.

Prayer changes us. It moves the hand of God.

Are we doing it right?

Just what exactly is happening....

Above the ceiling.

Mar 12, 201954:48
Stand Firm

Stand Firm

The final installment of Masterpiece in Progress - Guest Speaker Pastor Michelle Anderson teaches about what it means to stay in progress through trial and for the long haul as we put on the whole armor of God!

Mar 09, 201935:51
Mimic and Grow

Mimic and Grow

There's something about a process of growth.  Perhaps our success and failure isn't about the 'results' nearly as much as it is in the process.  How is God changing us?

Mar 09, 201945:33
The OLD has to GO

The OLD has to GO

Becoming a Christian is more than just putting on new clothes - its a becoming something completely different.  How do we do that?  Listen to what this section of Ephesians teaches us. 

Mar 09, 201942:35
Masterpiece in Progress: Take Your Name

Masterpiece in Progress: Take Your Name

From Ephesians 4.... 

How we operate: ID/VALUES ---> actions/rituals ----> reinforce/reinterpret ----> ID/VALUES


To become who God has made us to be, we must BIND ourselves to the Holy Spirit.

The thing I'm a part of is bigger than the part I play; but the part I play MATTERS.

We choose to be responsible with grace.

*** God calls us to grow so that we can use our gifts for his glory. 

******* Our maturity is measured not by our gifts but by how we love God and love others.

Feb 17, 201949:08
The Display

The Display

Part 2 of 9.  We are the display of God's goodness and mercy in the world? How do we become the 'us' we want to be?

Jan 20, 201946:54
The End In Mind

The End In Mind

The first of a 9 part message series through the book of Ephesians.  What if life in Christ has to start with the end in mind?  Where is all creation headed anyway....

Jan 20, 201940:53
Life to the full

Life to the full

The final installment of Christmas Stories - we look at a particular set of prophets and why their story sets the Christmas story up for eternal meaning for all of us.  

Jan 20, 201938:13
Christmas Stories: Hope when you need it

Christmas Stories: Hope when you need it

What does barrenness have to do with the story of Christmas? Our lives?
Dec 18, 201835:06
Christmas Stories: Joseph

Christmas Stories: Joseph

Joseph's story is one of tremendous faith. What type of life do you want? Can you steward God's presence in the world?
Dec 13, 201842:24
Christmas Stories: Hope in the Dark

Christmas Stories: Hope in the Dark

Looking specifically at one character of the Christmas story - this series asks the question: What kind of life do you want? This message looks at the story of Mary and explores just what Trust has to do with our lives.
Dec 04, 201836:59
Thanks and Giving: Cultivate.

Thanks and Giving: Cultivate.

What does it mean to give from the whole heart? Freely? How do we even get there?
Nov 27, 201841:53
Thanks and Giving: continually?

Thanks and Giving: continually?

Special guest pastor Michelle Anderson shares a message from God on how we are to keep at this thing... and it just may impact us in unexpected ways.
Nov 26, 201828:40
What Gratitude Does

What Gratitude Does

A special message kicking off a new series by Pastor Chris Kauffman. Looking into a classic story about Jesus' healings, what does it look like to start the cycle of gratitude.
Nov 12, 201836:57
Prayer & a resounding response

Prayer & a resounding response

The final episode of Collapse - a journey through the book of lamentations. Does God respond when things go awry?
Nov 11, 201833:53
the lens that defines

the lens that defines

Part 4 of a 5 part message series called collapse going through the book of Lamentations. This message deals with our perspective when we live in lament too long - and how our perspective can get trapped. How do we deal with depression, comparison, and bitterness? Let's change the lens that defines us.
Oct 29, 201836:43
dare to hope

dare to hope

Part 3 of Collapse: a series through lamentations. What does it mean to hope? How would lamenting lead us to hope and healing? What do we do when we feel walled off from the life we want and the world we need? DARE TO HOPE.

God sees. God hears. God does not ignore.
Oct 25, 201831:15
See Me!

See Me!

Part one of collapse – I series through the book of Lamentations. What if we never give voice to what is wrong in our world? What if God is the one to blame for all of our struggle? How does expressing our frustration begin to change everything?
Oct 17, 201829:56
Hear Me

Hear Me

Part 2 of our Collapse series through Lamentations. What does it look like to get raw with our grief, frustration, and let it all hang out? Does God hear us? Or are we shunned?
Oct 17, 201839:40
Don't Waste Your Work: Calling

Don't Waste Your Work: Calling

What if there isn't 'one thing' that's perfect for you and your work... what if calling had less to do with 'what' you do... and everything to do with who you are?
Sep 22, 201825:49
The Why

The Why

Don't Waste Your Work - the why. Why do we work? What's it all for? The purpose? What if we are tapping into the fabric of creation itself when we work.....
Sep 13, 201847:01
Sacred Rhythm

Sacred Rhythm

the foundational message for the don't waste your work message series. This message answers the question about what 'real life' is about... what if we've missed it?
Sep 05, 201835:31
The Bible Doesn't Say That: More than I can Handle

The Bible Doesn't Say That: More than I can Handle

The final installment of our series we look at the line: God won't give me more than I can handle. What is the nature of suffering - and is God really good?
Aug 27, 201833:53
The Bible Doesn't Say That: Obedience leads to blessings

The Bible Doesn't Say That: Obedience leads to blessings

Pastor Jake Isbell of Wayfinders Jarrell shares his first Wayfinders message about how we can do all things in Christ! (and it may not mean what you think)
Aug 23, 201829:07
Message: Keep at it

Message: Keep at it

Published as a one off, this message was originally part of the Soundtrack series. Keep at it explores where the breakthrough comes from in our spiritual and everyday lives.
Aug 21, 201850:43
The Bible Doesn't Say That: God helps those who help themselves

The Bible Doesn't Say That: God helps those who help themselves

We deal with anxiety... we have issues... so does God only help those who help themselves? From 8-12-18, Pastor Todd Barker unpacks a common misconception that is actually great news for all of us.
Aug 21, 201842:32