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The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast with Dave Drimmie

The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast with Dave Drimmie

By Wealthy Wednesday with Dave Drimmie

Welcome to the Wealthy Wednesday podcast with me, Dave Drimmie!

In this Podcast, I'm going to give you tips, information, and guidance on wealth in life and business.

Tune in every week to see what we can achieve together!

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The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 2: Vision

The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast with Dave DrimmieNov 10, 2021

S3 EP10: Creating a People First Culture with the author, Michel Falcon

S3 EP10: Creating a People First Culture with the author, Michel Falcon

This week, I'm delight to have Michel Falcon, Founder and CEO of Brasa Peruvian Kitchen | Author of People-First Culture.  We've based a number of previous episodes around the People First Culture theme and to speak to Michel himself about it is very exciting.

Partial Transcript:

Dave: I love that. Thank you very much for sharing that. and I completely agree with you. And in fact, talking about Apple, I just found a couple of weeks ago that you, go into one of their stores, and all the Apple, employees, working there, are required to do 40 minutes of customer, service sales training on a daily basis.

Michel: Doesn't surprise me.

Dave: It's just they're professional and they look after people, they ask the right questions. I'm, certain that's exactly what you do in your restaurants as well.

Michel: Well, think about it. If you wanted to be a healthy human being, you should have some sort of movement for 40 minutes a day. Walking, lifting weights, some sort of hit exercise or whatever. So if you want a healthy business, how can we not practice the same? It could be 30 minutes, it could be an hour, or whatever. As long as it's something that's habitual. You don't just host one customer experience seminar for your employees and not do it every month, or in this case, every day in some capacity. some companies see it as something on their to do list. They cross it off and be like, all right, we're done with this company culture stuff. It's got to be ingrained into the DNA of the company. It really does. It can't be hollow.

Find Michel on Linkedin HERE

and buy a copy of his book, People First Culture on amazon HERE

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Mar 15, 202335:37
S3 Ep9: How Whole Person Assessments will help you make the correct recruitment choices, with Mike McCormack of PeopleRight

S3 Ep9: How Whole Person Assessments will help you make the correct recruitment choices, with Mike McCormack of PeopleRight

This week, I'm so please to have Mike McCormack back on the show, concentrating on Whole Person Assessments and they can be used before and during the hiring process to help you make the right decisions

Partial Transcript:

Dave: Mike, you shared with me a story. It might be worthwhile tapping into this. It's not just about, attracting and bringing in of, the employees, the five star employees, but it's about also using, the profiles that you specifically use to elevate the individuals into leadership. That's correct, isn't it?

Mike: Yes. Depending on what level it's kind of, opening Pandora's box there. Dave, there are a lot of different assessments that can be used in different areas and for different purposes. How you started off our conversation is very, consistent with how most people think about assessments in that when they hear the word assessment, most people think about some type of four quadrant personality style tool. And the reality is, there's a lot more types and kinds of assessments than that. And it really helps if you just take a step back and think about, okay, what am I trying to do with this tool? Before trying to select the tool and then understand what all the choices are that are available to you.

Dave: Great. Thank you, Mike. I appreciate that. So we're going to dive into that.

Mike: Just now, think about the purpose. And for most business leaders, owners, managers, our end goal is to get the best people possible who can knock it out of the park. And the ones that are knocking it out of the park are usually not the ones who want to leave. So we want to find people who can do things well and want to stay. That's the end game for all of us who are in business. So, like you alluded to earlier, there are literally thousands of different types of tools out there, and the vast majority of them fall into that bucket called personality style test. just to expand on that a little bit before we maybe drill down into some details, but other types of assessments include cognitive assessments, skills and abilities. What can they actually do? it might be manually, what can they do? It might be mentally. What can they do? There's lots of different types of those assessments, and also, what kind of work are they interested in? So, getting back to your question, what we do is use information from all of those categories. in a client company, we will go in and assess their top performers and then show the owner, manager, leader, whoever we're working with. We'll show them what traits, characteristics, skills, interest, et cetera. Kind of the whole enchilada, if you will. We'll show them what their top performers have in common and how it's different from their middle or bottom performers.

Reach out to Mike either through the PeopleRight Website or on

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Mar 08, 202348:00
S3 Ep8: The Definitive 5 Star Employee Recruiting Process, with Danielle Mulvey

S3 Ep8: The Definitive 5 Star Employee Recruiting Process, with Danielle Mulvey

This week, I have the pleasure of talking to Danielle Mulvey of the All In Company.

Partial Transcript:

Danielle:  So what's interesting and Mike Michalowicz and I (Mike is the author of Profit First.) we're business partners, and sort of partners in crime and things. he'll do his keynote on Profit First, and then I'll follow behind him doing the workshop, actually teaching how to implement Profit First. And his books, have been sort of an evolution of the entrepreneur as their business grows and scales and such. And the next book that is coming out, is called All In how to Get Your Employees to Act Like Owners. And that is an evolution, really, from profit first, and seeing businesses become profitable, scale their business, but then sort of start struggling with their profitability at the point of, about ten employees and a million dollars or more in real revenue, then what happens is their biggest expense is payroll. And, that big expense, if it's not efficient, if it's loaded with one, two and three star employees, is starting to put a drain on the business and start to negatively impact the profitability of the business, because one, two and three star employees their average hom or worth. But the funny thing is, it takes two or three one, two, or three star employees to do the job of one five star employee. But you pay the five star employee the same that you pay a one, two or three star employee. So that is where you just start this spiral down in terms of losing some ground on profitability when your business has one, two and three star employees. The other thing about kind of that tipping point of ten or more employees, a million dollars or more in real revenue is that that business is scaling. That business started out with maybe, you know, two or three employees. And the interesting thing is, is maybe some of those employees that started with you, they were five stars when you were doing $300,000 a year. But as you grow the business, and as you get into new markets or require a new level of sophistication that five star employee who may be someone who started with you and was great, hasn't necessarily scaled with your operations of the business. So that person could become a one, two or three star employee as your business grows. And now they're sort of a liability, in terms of your profitability instead of an asset. And so it's really important for owners to continually be evaluating their employees. We like to use the five star employee rating system to keep leveling up the organization as it grows. And it's okay if someone isn't necessarily a fit for the organization after it reaches a certain point. I know for me, I was the bookkeeper I was the bookkeeper in our construction materials supply firm in 2010 when we started the company. That position quickly outgrew my skills and abilities, after about two years and such, so I moved on. I didn't hang on to doing that role, if that makes sense. And that happens in business. and so it's really important that as your companies grow as they scale, you've got the right people in the right role. Or as Jim Collins would say, on the right bus, in the right seat, and going in the right direction.

Find Danielle on Linkedin HERE

and on the website discussed: where you can also download the How to Hire 5 Star Employees Guide.

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Mar 01, 202345:31
S3 E7: Recruitment Strategies - Making the best Hires, with Tara O'Brien

S3 E7: Recruitment Strategies - Making the best Hires, with Tara O'Brien

This week, I welcome to the show Tara O'Brien, Recruitment Strategist!

Partial Transcript:

Dave: I'm loving this, by the way. This is absolutely brilliant. And thank, you very much for sharing because what I'd like to ask now is how would you I've got my own thoughts about how to do this. How would you build that platform? Because M, if you think about in business, we've got, when we sell anything, if somebody wants to buy a Tesla, if they want to buy an iPhone, if they want to buy whatever they want to buy, we all go through three stages. We go through awareness, consideration, and decision stage. So aware that we have a requirement for something, we then go out and consider something and we'll investigate. And then decision is based about okay, price, et cetera. So what would be the first steps to a company or organization? building a platform to attract their ideal clients, would you say?

Tara: Yeah. And the recruitment or the candidate journey, as we call it, tends to go through exactly the same cycle as that. But we tend to call it awareness, consideration, and application are the first three stages in the candidate journey. And it's a difficult question to give a definite answer to, because it really depends on the organization and whether they're an organization that's known in the area that they're based in, or if they have a brand name that people are aware of. But ultimately it's about building that employee brand, that brand that people talk about when they're down the pub and say, oh, I work for this company, they're a great organization to work for, this is what happens. I don't know, I get to work from home three days a week, or I get to go early on Friday afternoons, or whatever it is that they're talking about. And bearing in mind that most people don't leave an organization for financial reasons, obviously some do. and of course at the moment, there's a little bit more of that because of the financial current situation, where it's difficult for people to, cost of living is going up. but generally speaking, people leave because of their manager or because of the organization. And it's usually linked in with fairness somewhere along the line. They rarely leave just because of money. So if you've got somebody talking about an organization, the organization they work for being I don't know, really inclusive, really caring, really wanting M to look after their employees and nurture them, they're going to tell other people that. And that's how you start to spread your brand message. there's other ways you can spread your brand message. so tools like LinkedIn, if you're recruiting for people in the professional sector, LinkedIn tends to be a great tool. Getting people to follow your social media pages. LinkedIn obviously, but the Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, whatever the platforms are on, that you're on at the moment. But also then putting out content that's going to be relevant to them. Where companies go wrong with these type of pages is they start to put out information about why they're brilliant. Nobody cares about that. You've got to focus on what's in it for the candidate. So you've got to put yourself in the candidate's shoes and think, what's in it for me from the candidate's perspective. So saying, we're an organization, we've got offices in, blah, blah, nobody cares. What they care about is how you're going to make them feel and what you're going to do to make them feel like they're the right employee for your organization. And so that content that you need to put out to really, build that, ah, brand needs to be all about what you're going to give to the candidates, not who you are.

You can find Tara on Linkedin here, and on her Website here.

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Feb 22, 202352:40
S3 E6: Be the Leader you want to be AND avoid the toxic culture, with Clayton Drotsky

S3 E6: Be the Leader you want to be AND avoid the toxic culture, with Clayton Drotsky

This week, I'm so pleased to welcome Clayton Drotsky to the show, all the way from South Africa.

Partial Transcript:

Dave: So, how many years have you spent working within call centers there?

Clayton: 18 years.

Dave: 18 years. You must have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly when you've been working there.

Clayton: Oh, yes, definitely. I've had people who are leaders who may have got all their leadership qualities from watching The Sopranos. I've had leaders like the one I've just explained, who have been unbelievable. And that's why leaders have such a massive impact. You add value, and you can inspire people to do and be better every single day, and you shouldn't do yourself an injustice. Having a great leader like I had had a massive impact on the rest of my career, but I could have been unlucky, and I could have had a really bad leader, and I could have had a negative impact on my life. So when you look at a toxic call center, it's because well, my feeling, at least, is because the people who are in the leadership roles are there for the wrong reasons. they're there to make money, which is obviously what everyone wants to do, but they forget that the people that are in the call center, if they enjoy what they do and they find satisfaction in what they do, they'll look forward to doing it, they'll enjoy doing it, and they'll accelerate it, too naturally. But that's what you want. You want that feeling.

Dave: So this is really, really fascinating to me because this podcast series was actually, inspired by a gentleman called, Michelle Falcon. It's a great book, actually. It's called People First culture. I really strongly recommend it. People First Culture build a lasting company by shifting your focus from profits to people. So what you're really saying is that's exactly, without even knowing about that book, basically that's what you've been doing for the last 18 years, correct?

Clayton: Yes. Yeah, exactly. And lucky that it happened to me, that I was able to understand what good leadership looked like and was able to implement it myself.

Dave: Well, I just find that that's fantastic. so when you look at toxic companies, what you mentioned obviously, about leaders that are just solely focused on, the money side of things. And obviously The Sopranos, that's their training guide. But, what else? Talk about toxicity. Talk about some of the lessons that you've learned. And that when you walk into a company now in your current role, that you can immediately spot what toxic elements are there.

Clayton: I've been to some companies where people compare busyness. They'll, make some of the remarks. Like they might make a remark when they come back from lunch, just come back from lunch, probably have 120 emails. Again, why would you say that? Why are we comparing busyness? Why are we putting our boundaries do we not want people to ask us things because we don't know how to do it? Is that why we pretending to be busy? Or why is busyness such an important thing to us to compete in? And that, I must admit, I've heard often, and that's kind of a sign for me, that the people are not there as a team. They're working individually. And when you start comparing busyness, there could be boundaries up. they are afraid of taking on challenges. They don't celebrate the victories of others. and it almost rolls into what a fixed mindset looks like.

Find Clayton here on Linkedin

or get him at

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Feb 15, 202342:20
S3 E5: Mindset, Core Values, Culture and everything in between with Paula Wingate of Influential Minds

S3 E5: Mindset, Core Values, Culture and everything in between with Paula Wingate of Influential Minds

An amazing episode this week with Paula Wingate of Influential Minds

Partial Transcript:

Paula: Everybody gets out of bed because the doctor gets to get out of bed to watch TV. They get out of bed to make a difference, to be that game changer serve. they want to feel amazing, they want to feel fulfilled. But yet most employees are trained to get out of bed to fill a nine to five slot. So don't matter if you're on Facebook, don't matter if it's on LinkedIn. It's between nine and five. Right? I've got to fill my time. Whereas if we flip it and go, Right, I tell you what, do your daily target today, and as soon as you finish, get yourself off home. If you finish at 01:00, get yourself off my bank the time. If you finish by 10:00, get yourself a phone. and teach these employees to be sharper, not to fill the time, but to actually how do I actually do my job in a high quality return? Hit my targets, let the business grow, and then by going, take a rest day, just like a footballer would do, if that makes sense.

Dave: Absolutely. But I think that's a lovely way of putting it, actually. And it's just, reflecting on that just now, if we can inspire people, particularly post COVID and what have you, or post lockdown, I should say.  But in terms of, performance, if we can excel in a shorter period of time, then the employees of the team are allowed to take time off. That's just such a wonderful way to help them go and spend more time with their family, but cram in as much work as possible that can optimize the performance of a company.

Paula: Yeah, it's an operating they're like, you know, like, I see this 95 or fill the 95 strategy and they don't hit the targets. And I go, Why are you here, then? How do you feel if you don't hit the targets? Where's your fulfillment? Where do you feel special? And they go, we don't. We just come here and do the job, paul and then they go and I'll go, okay, and how would you feel if we did it the other way, where you felt brilliant, you felt fulfilled and you learned, I'll take your daily target in the shortest piece of time, just like an athlete would do. So you same bolt has trained his body to hit that 100 meters target in the quickest time possible. Turn them much of the money as possible. And I'm thinking everybody is an athlete, whether you're a business, whether you're an employee, whether you are a footballer, everyone's an athlete. So why are we not training our, body to return or be stronger or be sharper to return these returns for whatever business or your family or your friends, and play this level of fairly messing about and fannying about getting straight to the point.

Get in touch with Paula at The Influential Minds Website or on Linkedin

As ever, reach out to us on

Feb 08, 202349:15
S3 E4: Core Values, Growing a Construction Company from $700K to $5M in 3 years, with Harlan Hammack

S3 E4: Core Values, Growing a Construction Company from $700K to $5M in 3 years, with Harlan Hammack

Today I'm joined by the incredible Harlan Hammack, business coach.  Tune in to hear his story and more importantly, his experiences!

Partial Transcript:

Harlan: There are a lot of places that I've, I've worked that the culture was toxic. And and mainly because you had people set up, to where they were competing, or they felt they were competing against their colleagues, competing for raises, competing for recognition, whatever it happened to be. Those people, they keep knowledge to themselves. They don't share, they don't help. If they see somebody struggling, you know, they they point the finger at them. Look, they're struggling, but I'm not. So they can keep that spotlight on them. That's very toxic. I work for one company that was the exact opposite. We had people it was a big project, big software implementation project. And when somebody got done with their work, they went around all the cubicles, knocking on the cubicles, asking, what can I do to help you? How can I help? And they would do almost anything right to try to get things done, because that was the way that their company was set up, is that we live or die as a team. We survive, we grow, we thrive as a team. And so everything was focused on teamwork. And if somebody was struggling and you didn't at least offer to help, you had a conversation, right? You took a little walk outside the building, to have a conversation about that, because that was what was so important. And that's what I try to get in with my clients, is that you want to try to build a team that isn't out for individual recognition. They're trying to do whatever it is they can to make the company as successful as possible. Because if the company grows, everybody grows, everybody benefits, right? So with the business leaders, the business owners, I try to teach them, take care of your employees. If you take care of your employees, your employees will take care of your customers, your customers will take care of your business, and your business will ultimately take care of you. And that's really what you want to do, is try to get that thriving kind of, culture going in your business.

Dave: Wise words. Just fantastic, actually. I really appreciate that and a couple of things going on in here. So if a business owner comes to you and you go in and you spot some deficiencies in culture.  What would be the first area that you might work on? So if you take a, company through a process, until I'm using the consultative language here, but taking a company through a process of changing culture. What would be the kind of ABC of success that you would take people through?

Harlan: What I try to do is start with, the core values, right? Everybody has, a, set of core values. Whether you acknowledge it or not, every decision you make is based on your personal core values. Well, same thing in business. You set up the core values of the business. What are we in business for? What are we trying to accomplish? Why are we doing what we do? I help the company set up their core values and then teach everybody in the company, these are our core values. So every decision the employees make are based on those core values. If they aren't making them on the core values, who knows what they're using as their foundation, right, for their decisions? one client that I'm working with, Michael we're doing that. We put his core values in place slowly teaching everybody. At every Monday morning meeting, they go through the core values again to let people know, this is exactly what this means to us.

Find Harlan on LINKEDIN and at

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Feb 01, 202337:33
S3 E3: Good Hires, Good Culture, Good Company with Emma Marriott

S3 E3: Good Hires, Good Culture, Good Company with Emma Marriott

Join me in conversation with Emma Marriott (Emma Marriott Consulting, and recruitment expert) as we discuss good hires, bad hires, company culture, and more!

Partial Transcript:

Dave: What you're sharing here is absolutely fascinating, because when when I think about, recruitment consultants, many don't have the the experience you've got. Many do it in a very poor way. But your experience of actually growing a business all the way up to managing director, dealing with the internal clients, ie. Your own teams as well as the external clients, I find it absolutely fascinating because that must be part of what you've done, part of your experience in learning how to create a culture of growth, for example. And right here today, particularly in post pandemic situation, I think it's really, really relevant because I'm hearing time after time after time, oh, I can't find people, there's nobody in my sector, there's nobody good enough, et cetera, et cetera. Is that just like a time old record?

Emma: No, I think we're in quite a unique situation, actually, just now. in the 20 odd years I worked in recruitment consultancy World, there was definitely trends where you would go up and down following the curve of a recession. Unfortunately, my stand out time would be 2006 seven was an actual boom time, where there was more job of mortal vacancies than there was people similar to now. But you could see that that was just a good, wealthy, strong economy. Then also went to 2007. The world seemed to fall apart till 2008 nine, where we get more of a balance of quite a number of jobs. One recovery point, good number of people. But then also we got that branding because there was a lot, an awful lot of people not entering construction, you know, in the 2007 time. They don't see it as a career of choice. And then it comes to 2015, and you can't find the people you're actually looking for because they've never entered the marker at that point in time. So we get the difficulties of the push pool. But now I think we've not got a particularly buoyant economy at the moment, for a whole host of reasons, but yet we've still got a massive dearth of job roles are open that we can't fill. And, yes, the employment rate is high. I think there's been information out today that wage increases have been at a record level than they have ever before. But there is definitely the candidates and employees in the market are probably have more demands and more expectations than they ever have before. And I think we are not necessarily as employers going out to find the right people, where they're hanging out and giving them the type of culture platform environments where people will thrive.

Reach out to Emma at:

and find me on

Jan 25, 202346:54
S3 E2: 5 Star Employees with Heenle Turner

S3 E2: 5 Star Employees with Heenle Turner

We're so excited to be joined by HR and 5 star employee specialist, Heenle Turner of The All In Company!

Partial Transcript:

Heenle: To answer your question, first and foremost, it's so important to understand what a five star employee is. And that goes with in all facets because you're never going to find a five star employee if you don't know what you're looking for. So our general theme around five star employees is that five star employees crave that transparency, they crave results, they crave accountability. So five star employee, um, meets all five stars of the five star criteria. First, the five star employees core values align with that of the business owners. Five star employees score seven or higher on the eleven universal qualities of five star employees. So the eleven universal qualities of five star employees is kind of that same DNA that runs through all five star employees. Things like they listen, they're limber, um, and they produce quantifiable results for you. And there's eleven different, um, qualities in total.

Dave: On that point, Heinle just, ah, sorry to interject here, but ah, it's a spreadsheet exercise, isn't it? The person is yes or no or a number, or thereby it's not, oh, this person might be a good person sometime in 2004 or whatever. It's yes or no, isn't it?

Heenle: It is, yeah. So we always look for, in our process, we're looking for an objective application of the five star rating system, um, against your employees as well as applicants who are coming into your pipeline. So you run through the eleven qualities exercise and identify first with your existing employees. Well, does this person have this quality or do they not? So with your existing team, for instance, you can do the Quick M Litmus test, right? You can tell yourself, well, does this person listen? Does this person produce results for me? Does this person have, uh, the skill set, which is that third star, um, for the role. So, um, a very process based system to evaluate your five star employees and five star candidates.

Dave: Outstanding. So that's two of the stars there, is that correct?

Heenle: Correct. Yeah. So you've got first is the core values. The second is they have to score a seven or higher on the eleven universal qualities of a five star employee. The third is that they have to meet or exceed your scorecard and expectations for the role specific aptitude and skills. So a big difference between saying it and actually doing it is what a skill is and aptitudes. Right. Every role has a different set of requirements in terms of what that person needs to bring to the table. So, um, it's your responsibility as, uh, the business owner to understand what those aptitudes might be and what, um, your minimum expectations are for that. So we guide our clients through this step by step process to customize this five star rating system for their organization and the role, and then they're ready to go to make that assessment, um, in their recruitment process.

Get in touch with Heenle to find out more on

and at:

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Jan 18, 202335:19
S3 E1: People First Culture, an Introduction

S3 E1: People First Culture, an Introduction

Welcome to this brand new series of the Wealthy Wednesday podcast. With me, Dave Drimmie, which we are calling People First Culture. 

Partial Transcript:

It's the culture in a company that provides fertile ground for people to grow and develop into amazing colleagues. One of the biggest challenges to building wealth in a company is the lack of talent in the sector. In fact, since COVID hit, and especially in 2022, I kept hearing phrases like, there's no talent left in our industry. It seemed to be a common complaint across the globe in multiple sectors when I was speaking to people. So in the summer of 2022, I conducted a quiz to uncover the biggest challenges that owners of companies in the construction sector were experiencing. Because that's the sector I specialize in. Now. There were five core, uh, challenges that appeared. One, no roadmap for strategic growth. Two, they had poor sales processes. Three, unreliable cash flow. Four, difficulty in hiring amazing employees, and five, lack of work life balance. In fact, uh, 2022 left most business owners highly stressed out and in need of time off at Christmas. It was horrible. Some of the things I was hearing, really, really horrible. For both the individuals I was speaking to and the families, it was just awful. The quiz highlighted that 39% of people who owned a company had huge difficulty in finding, hiring, and then retaining amazing people. Now, with work life balance coming next at 27%, and the remaining three sitting roughly level with each other, it, uh, really was apparent that I wanted to focus on the aspect of hiring amazing people. Okay, so discussing this with business owners in other industry sectors, talent acquisition was also their own major challenge. So it wasn't just construction alone. It was across multiple, multiple sectors. So our intention with this podcast series to unpack why this is the case and invite experts and guests on the show who really know how to hire amazing talent, how to retain them, and how to build culture that creates a fertile environment for them to grow and thrive. Because ultimately, when it comes down to it, the longer we can have employees working with us, and the more experienced they are, the better our business can perform. Because when we hire five star employees well, put it another way, if we don't hire five star employees, if we've just got poor quality employees in the business, the business doesn't perform as well as it possibly can. There's no way we can grow and scale that company unless it's some form of slick, automated sales machine. So that is really what we're looking to do in this podcast series. It's really just to help you to uncover how to hire, retain, and build culture in your company.

Link to Michel Falcon's Book:

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Jan 11, 202313:56
S2 E13: Cash (flow) is still King and the money hidden in your business with James from Counting King

S2 E13: Cash (flow) is still King and the money hidden in your business with James from Counting King

Join me in chatting to James of Counting King and discover why you might have money hidden away in grant/tax eligibility.

Partial Transcript:

Dave: I found this absolutely fascinating because when we first met, I had no idea about this. But I also discovered very, very quickly there's a lot of people jumping on the bandwagon, but they actually are only thinking about themselves as business owners, where you think very much differently. It's quite a holistic approach. You're really caring about the results of the business and the business owner. That's correct, isn't it?

James: Ye, absolutely. I think in our market space, a lot of our competitors, um, either do one or two of the things that we do. Don't look at the kind of like that term, but that's what it is, like a holistic view and saying, what's the right thing for the business? . Sometimes we do speak to businesses that have looked at R and D, and we will always try and gravitate to, as I like to call it, um, where we can get free money for the client first. Or money. That they can get to without having to, , consider servicing that or paying, , an interest or arrangement fee in any shape or form. M, if that isn't available to them and they don't qualify, then we can look at other forms of funding. But the good thing is about all these, , various forms of funding, we can look , at, , all aid in cash flow, um, but in most cases, they can all work in tandem. So it's not that you have to choose one over the other. So for example, we're speaking to businesses where the initial discussions about R and D, but it actually comes through in discussion that um, they have a bit of an issue with cash flow in general. It's maybe a little bit slow and , they would like to accelerate that and take a bit more control over their own businesses cash flow and not be treated, as one client said to me recently, not be treated like a bank by their customers. Which is a very fair point.

Find James at:


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Dec 21, 202228:23
S2 E12: Stand Out Podcasts with Kerr Mathieson

S2 E12: Stand Out Podcasts with Kerr Mathieson

Join me in conversation with Kerr Mathieson of Audio Outsource who specialise in creating podcasts for businesses.  Learn why a podcast might be just the right way to help your business Stand Out during this forthcoming recession.

Partial Transcript:

Dave: It's really interesting, actually, because there's a formula out there, it's called the 7-11-4. It's 7 hours of content. This is what people need to know in the buyer's journey. There need to be 7 hours of content. Eleven different touch points through four separate channels, and that's whether it's offline or online. So 7 hours of bumping into people and meeting them, having a coffee or boardroom or whatever, and then different locations, and then online exactly the same as well. So it's fascinating. As human beings, we want to actually, we want to connect with people and know like and trust, etc. For. And I was speaking to a client of mine this morning, or potential client, but hopefully it can be a client. And various people over the last few weeks, technicians, they're amazing at what they do, but they're rubbish at marketing. And as the whole crash comes along, my personal viewpoint is we need to increase the amount of marketing we do. So as the market, contracts, then we become more visible. And this is just what's going to happen. I've seen it back in 2008 when I was working with the company, helped the company go from six to 15 million coming out of that recession. And it was just about being in the right place at the right time with the right connections, but having identified them. So tell me, why is podcasting, as in podcast marketing, why is it so powerful in today's age, would you seek?

Kerr: Yeah, I think part of the biggest reason why podcasting is so popular is because it's still a huge growth medium, and there are so many different, aspects or topics for you to listen to that some of the most popular topics are things like the fictional topics like crime dramas, or true crime podcasts and things. And people go from, picking up and listening to podcasts about, fictional things, or as they would an audiobook, to suddenly discovering that, just like on YouTube, if you want to find out more about something, there will be a podcast about it. Or if you're looking for help on a topic or a subject, there will be a podcast about it. that's part of why it's still growing so much. And I think the other reason that businesses are starting to use it m more and it's becoming popular is because it's a very personal thing and it's very accessible. So we're all making video content. Even me, as an audio producer, is making more video content nowadays. But video is still a difficult medium to indulge in anywhere or any time. You can drive down the road listening to a podcast, but you can't drive down the road watching a video on how to do something. It's the same even with a walk. You can but you shouldn't drive down the road watching. But it's walking is the most popular form of exercise. And you can go for a walk listening to a podcast. It's much more difficult to get the benefit of going for a walk if you're concentrating on your phone walking down the road trying to watch a video. So it's very accessible. and it's completely personal and flexible. So, as a business, you essentially can do whatever you want with the podcast to get whichever message is relevant at the time out to people. so yeah, I think it's still.

Reach out to Kerr on

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Dec 07, 202231:59
S2 E11: Knowing your Numbers with Craig Alexander Rattray

S2 E11: Knowing your Numbers with Craig Alexander Rattray

Join me in discussion with Craig Alexander Rattray to tackle more of the financial side of our CRASH acronym:

Partial Transcript:

Craig: I think to start, we need to take a step back and understand that most people who are running businesses, and whether that's construction or some other sector, they're running that because they understand that sector. they know how to build houses, or they know how to provide a particular type of service, because that's what they've been taught in. But they've never been taught about finance, accounts, banking, cash flow, any of these things. And what happens is that as the business grows, they then move into managerial roles that they've perhaps not been trained for either. And that makes it very challenging. And there's no classic. You don't know what you don't know. So people, set up in business, they bring on a couple of employees, they grow, they bring on a couple more. And all that happens there is that the working capital stretches more and more, so that whilst you are turning over more and probably generating more profit, your cash position is becoming worse. And for many business owners, they're the worst paid person in the company, because you need to pay the employees first, then you need to pay the suppliers. And as you're growing, if you've not filed accounts, you won't get the level of credit limits you need from suppliers. So cash is always tight. So what I start by doing is understanding where is the business just now, because in most cases, they don't have up to date financial information either. So you need to know where you are.

Dave: I see a lot of accountancy companies, as very much generalists and more worrying, the companies who don't use cloud software. So how can they possibly help their clients be fully up to date in real time? And, more and more are moving, whether they're using Xero, QuickBooks, Sage, any of these wonderful tools. But it's amazing how many occasion practices do not do that. So that must frustrate you as well, coming from your background, is it not?

Craig: It does, but it's often used as an excuse. Dave if I look back to being 1999, when I did my first role in industry, now, this was long before cloud accounting software. I still managed to put in place systems and procedures where we did everything every day. I had to report to my divisional head office in Houston, Texas, within three days with flash figures for the whole month and five day full reporting packs. So I had to put in place the people, the systems and procedures to allow us to do that. So if I could do that 20 years ago, plus then there's no excuse for people doing that now, because it's so much easier now. You've got all the apps that can take the information, all the receipts can go in, your bank feeds talked to Xero and QuickBooks and all these other systems as well. So there really is no excuse for not being up to date.

Find Craig on Linkedin here:

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Nov 30, 202239:47
S2 E10: Cash is your Oxygen with Iain McPherson of Hewitt & Mcleod Ltd

S2 E10: Cash is your Oxygen with Iain McPherson of Hewitt & Mcleod Ltd

Join me as I discuss the importance of Cash, Invoicing, and getting paid on time with Iain McPherson of Hewitt & McLeod.

Partial Transcript:

Dave: There are cashflow challenges in a good economy, and there are cashflow challenges in a downturn and recession. As we're here in, November 2022, just looking at the forecast for the next 26, 28 months. Looks a little bit daunting. so what are the differences between a good economy and a bad economy? Or are there not really any? We should just be doing the same processes to recover money?

Iain: I think what the difference is, it's the consequences of not getting paid, that's what's changed drastically in a good economy, so to speak. You can get paid. Okay. and you can maybe have to wait for that, as we may be going to discuss. But the big difference now is the consequences between getting paid and getting paid on time. what can happen in between time can have a huge impact on your business with your suppliers being able to pay your employees, cover your own expenses. That's the big difference. That time scale now has really just everybody is struggling, your customers are struggling. So you have to be very proactive now, more than you've ever been to make sure that cash is coming in as quickly as possible.

There is a basic framework that we would recommend every business has when it comes to getting paid. And the very first thing, as I alluded to there is knowing your customer. Before you even get to a collection process, you need to have an onboarding process so that starts with knowing your customer, doing a credit check on them checking, for example, company's house checking what their payment history currently is. Are they slow payers? Have they got a record the history of being a slow payer? Have they got a record of CCJs? So that warning signs right away, you then allude to terms and conditions. What are the terms of conditions? Are they, agreeable to them or are they forcing back? Are they trying to get you to come on to their negotiation there? So these are all steps that you have to have in place before you even get to the actual collection side of things. And, all these things have to be ticked to have to be agreed. They have to be agreed by the correct parties as well. Because your credit control and collection sometimes are looked on as the anti sales department. And we're not we're actually trying to maximize sales. We're trying to maximize sales that you're going to get paid for. And that's the difference. So when you're negotiating, you need to make sure you've got the right parties around the table. Okay? When you're agreeing payment terms, you're agreeing payment terms with your opposite number who can make those payments. You're not agreeing that with a buyer or a seller, you know, there's different parties involved in getting an invoice paid. It's not just anti accounts payable and accounts receivables.

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Nov 23, 202233:46
S2 E9: Surviving and Thriving in troubled times with Kevin Engel of AWK Chartered Accountants

S2 E9: Surviving and Thriving in troubled times with Kevin Engel of AWK Chartered Accountants

I'm delighted today to be joined by Kevin Engel of AWK Chartered Accountants.  

Partial Transcript:

Kevin:  I'm surprised at the number of businesses, some of them fairly significant in size, that don't really have a very good handle on their regular income and outgoings and you might expect it in the newer business, but like I said, there's some big businesses that don't, and that's because in good times, you don't necessarily need to because you look at the bank balance and it looks good. But the challenge, as you and I know, Dave, and we've spoken about many times, is, that very quickly evaporates when markets start to slow. Sometimes it's too late, because that bank balance erodes very quickly and you can build up liabilities and your sales dry up and before you know it, you can be in difficulty. So, yeah, the basic fundamentals of having a really good handle on income and expenditure, not just on a weekly and monthly basis, but on an annual basis, making sure that your working capital cycle, which is your short term cash cycle of your stock and your bank, and your debtors, less your current liabilities, your creditors really, that working capital cycle is properly managed because depending on the sector that you're in, you can very quickly run into difficulty with managing that sector, such as property and construction, which you and I know very well that working capital cycle could very quickly suck up any cash that you got and getting out of that hole can be quite difficult. So planning ahead for that, looking around the corners and making sure that you've got that really well nailed down is important and it's actually not that difficult to do.

Dave: There's lots of amazing tech in there and it leads us nicely into the scenario we're in at the moment. The bank of England have kindly forecast, recession next year. Obviously, inflation rates are going through the roof. Ah, hiring people is a challenge and what have you. I've spoken to four business owners this week, three of them run on the face of a very successful businesses. they are great technicians and inside the walls of their office they're amazing. But outside the walls is little or no visibility. They're not promoting themselves, so they're not even promoting their core values and everything to allow not only just great clients to come in, but to promote hiring based on core values as well. So going into recession, I think it's really important as the market contracts, our visibility needs to increase so that we pull in the client work, the fee paying work, that we need to not just survive but thrive in a recession, which I genuinely believe is possible. You mentioned earlier on about the recessionary side of things when it comes to ensuring the business survives and thrives, have you got a few ideas that we could share with people listening to the podcast?

Kevin: I'd be happy to share my thoughts. it's no Holy Grail, but glad to share what I'm talking to clients about now, given what I've seen in the past. So taking a couple of new clients over the last two weeks actually, who were looking for part time finance directors. In fairness to them, it was a move that they took, recognizing that we might be heading into tougher waters and actually bring somebody on board with financial experience might be a good move for them. But actually, and this is common with a lot of my clients, we actually spend not an awful lot of time talking about the numbers initially, because the starting point for every new client that I take on at the moment is how are we preparing for what could be choppy waters ahead, And that's about them understanding that there could be some fairly significant changes coming down the line. So the starting point is always, what does that mean for you?

Nov 16, 202232:45
S2 E8 Talent Acquisition - How to hire 5* employees to grow your business with Mike McCormack

S2 E8 Talent Acquisition - How to hire 5* employees to grow your business with Mike McCormack

Join me in talking to Mike McCormack of People Right about the difference between hiring and recruiting, how much the wrong hire can cost you, and how to land those 5* employees.  You can also watch the full video of this episode on Youtube and Vimeo.

Reach Mike at

and check out his website People Right


Partial Transcript:

It's very interesting when you start talking about the cost associated with a bad hire, and the estimates are really all over the map. Dave, I would tend to agree with what you just said. It's higher than most people think. But even if you take the bare minimum, and the Society for Human Resource Management ah, sharp, if you will, says that the cost of a bad hire typically is six to nine times what their monthly salary would be. So if you're paying somebody $5,000 a month and they end up not working out, and they leave, or you ask them to leave, it can cost you up to $45,000 for making that mistake. Now, if you take a really bare bones approach to hiring and you say, yeah, but it really doesn't cost me that much because if they didn't perform, I didn't pay them, they were on commission, whatever. If you really try to strip it all away, even the bare bones cost in terms of the time spent, the posting, the ad, the advertising of the job, etc. Or most studies I've seen, say that that's at least a $5,000. And that's a hard cost. That's something you can measure money you have spent to make a higher. Even at the bare minimum, it's $5,000. But the reality is, I'd say the six to nine months probably applies to entry level jobs, to lower end management jobs. I'd say the number you quoted is probably more for mid level to senior level roles. I saw an article last week, and I think you shared it with me. Steven Jobs said jobs. Jobs. I'm still not sure how you pronounce his name years later, but he said that, a player can produce 50 to 100 times more than an average or poor player. So it's really phenomenal what the difference can be depending on what level you're bringing a person in and what they're going to be responsible for. I think it's very safe for a mid level to upper level, higher in any company, any industry, to say that it's going to cost you ultimately two to three times their salary if you make a mistake, and have to start over. So you can look at studies all over the map, and you can say, yeah, it's really not that much. It could be astronomical. It's somewhere in the middle of those two, but it's a big number.

Fascinating, actually. Really fascinating in this whole aspect I've got a new client, actually, who's, come on board and successful business, but there's challenges within the personnel, for example. And, one of the senior people basically is phenomenal in terms of operationally, but is horrific in terms of dealing with staff and is, destroying the culture that's been built up within the organization to the point that people want to leave because of this one individual. Right. So how could something like the tool you've actually gotten I'm hoping you'll leave some details at the end where people can get in touch with you if they're interested. But how can a tool like the one you actually utilize and we'll use senior level people here, because, I'll just focus on that for the time being. But how can a tool like that screen, out possibly some of the deficiencies? Is it even possible?

As ever, contact me on

Nov 09, 202239:53
S2 E7 - The CRASH Summary

S2 E7 - The CRASH Summary

Welcome to this week's Wealthy Wednesday Podcast.

Today, I'll be summarising the last few weeks content around the CRASH acronym.

Partial Transcript

I've heard there's going to be a recession and I've decided not to participate. This quote by Walt Disney is absolutely fantastic. And really, I wanted to start off today's show, as part of the summary of the last Crash series and really just simplify what we've been talking about, we have a choice of how we can look at a recession as to whether we're going to be a victim or whether we're going to be a victor. That's probably the best way I'd like to put this. And over these last few weeks, really what we're putting in place is, a way that we can be a victor and we can prepare for coming out the other side and taking market share. So if we look at the crash acronym, C stands for Cash Buffer, R stands for Reducing Costs, A stands for Assets and Automation. S is for standing out and H is for getting and giving help.

Truth is, if there's no downturn or recession, the advice I've shared over the last five weeks and today can dramatically improve the profits in any company. But here's the kicker. We all need a little help to push us in the right direction. Even this weekend, my niece and nephew were over visiting, from New Zealand, have been over here for a few weeks now and they stayed with us. Now they are 20 and 24. And, both of them right now are reading the 600 page book called Principles by Ray Dalio. Now, Ray Dalio grew Bridgewater Associates from a startup company in a twobedroom apartment in 1975 into a company 40 years later that has made more money for its clients than any other hedge fund in history and grown into the fifth most important private company in the United States, according to Fortune magazine. It's unbelievable. My niece and nephew are reading it because their dad recommended reading it to them. And he himself ran a $2 billion company as a CEO himself. 

Now, the testimonials in this book are phenomenal. Bill Gates rates it incredibly highly. That's all I really need to say here. It's phenomenal. So on Sunday, I actually dusted down, the copy I've had in my personal library for a couple of years. Actually never quite got around to reading it. Dusted down at 09:00 a.m. and began reading it. 6 hours later, having read over 300 pages, I learned that going back hundreds of years, recessions come in cycles, and quantitative easing, as in the printing of paper money, is not a new thing. So for me personally, I'm preparing for the worst, while at the same time looking for the opportunities for growth, both for me and for my clients.

If you'd like to get in touch, find me at  Or log onto and set up a chat!

Nov 02, 202214:21
S2 E6 - CRASH: H is for Help

S2 E6 - CRASH: H is for Help

Welcome to this 'helpful' episode of the Wealthy Wednesday Podcast!

In this episode, we are tackling the 'H' of C.R.A.S.H. which stands for 'Help'.  That's both the Help you can look for from trusted professionals and your network, and the Help you can offer others.

Partial Transcript:

This week we're talking about H which stands for Help. And by help I mean help for you through building a terrific network, and by you helping others. I'm going to dive pretty deep with this because it works in any economic situation, not just in a recession or downturn, to help you thrive, but only when you have partners around about you that share your own core values, which are crucial in any environment. So when you have these people, they will bring you the best client referrals and opportunities. 

What do I mean by help? Literally, having an inner circle of trusted suppliers and partners who can help you through tough times is essential. The key to this step, however, is deep diving into how you can help other people when times get tough as well. What products or services can you create and deliver that would help others survive the crash? So think about this carefully. 

Whether you're a plumber, whether you're an accountant, whether you're a lawyer, whether you're, whatever, it doesn't matter. What can you do to help others so that others tell people to come to you to solve that same problem? It's just going to create a wonderful, wonderful array of cash coming into your business. 

If you can answer this question, you can position yourself in a way that will help you keep the cash coming in. More importantly, it further cements your status as an influential and highly regarded authority in your field.

...........Next, got to think about banks and finance providers. But what I want you to think here is you need personal relationships with anyone in the money lending business because there is a huge amount of greed where money does weird things to people's brains and the thought of a commission check is on their radar. Now, banks are sometimes incredibly difficult to deal with. They tend to give you an umbrella when it's sunny and take it away when it's raining. there's often too much corporate approval required. However, it's important to develop a relationship with these organizations if you have aspirations of growing a seven, eight or nine figure business. Now, with finance providers, there's also a huge array of different finance options available specific to whatever your requirements are. I mean, it's unbelievable what kind of finance is actually out there. And there's often huge flexibility for your business, which is brilliant. However, the key here is to make sure that the person you deal with actually has been in the industry for a decent period of time, has great experience and an excellent track record. Because again, there are too many sharks in the finance sector, who will willingly take advantage of you for a paycheck.

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Oct 26, 202222:20
S2 E5 - CRASH: S is for Standing Out

S2 E5 - CRASH: S is for Standing Out

Welcome to this 'stand out' episode of the Wealthy Wednesday Podcast!

In this episode, we are tackling the 'S' of C.R.A.S.H. which stands for 'Standing Out'

Partial Transcription:

Today I want you to consider this: begin with the end in mind.

This is the second habit of the book, written by Stephen Covey called The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It's an amazing book and well worth reading for any entrepreneur. And it leads us nicely into our show this week, which follows on with the acronym Crash
C-R-A-S-H. As this week, we discuss the letter S for standing out. And it really is so important right now that you begin with the end in mind.

For basically, when we exit this downturn, once it kicks in. In fact, even if there was no downturn or recession, it's vital that you both stand out and stand for something that your clients believe in. Or put another way, when the markets are contracting, becoming more visible will always bring new opportunities and new profit streams when done correctly.  F ailing to stand out means that you enter into a race to the bottom and cut your prices just to win business at any cost. You become a commodity if you like. It's commercial suicide. And in the chaos of a recession, people will want to turn to entrepreneurs and professionals they know, like and trust. So you need to be recognized as the go-to person in your industry. It's crucial.

In a recession, every business will be competing for attention and visibility in what is already an incredibly noisy and competitive marketplace. With this in mind, positioning yourself as an industry leader is one of the fastest ways to create a breakthrough in your business. Imagine being widely recognized as an influential thought leader in your industry, and you and your team were regularly featured in the media and invited to speak at large scale conferences. What would happen to your cost per lead? How much easier would it be to attract and retain top talent when you're visible like this? And what partnership opportunities would come your way?

Here's the thing. Until you are recognized as one of the go to brands in your industry, everything is more difficult and more expensive. And this isn't just me sharing this with you, but the team at Dent, headed by Daniel Presley, shared this as well. It's a great organization run by Daniel and well worth following. Businesses led by founders who are well-known, liked and trusted are much more resilient in a downturn because people know they're the best. The flip side of the coin is that you end up fighting for the scraps that fall off the table of those who are the go-to people. Where still you fall for the lies are told in a recession that there are no opportunities, and the opportunities are non-existent. This is completely flawed. In fact, it's completely wrong. Opportunity is everywhere. It's first created in the mind. By knowing what you are searching for. And if you're searching correctly, and you place focus on standing out, you're going to attract opportunities to you instead of having to go and hunt them down.


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Oct 19, 202211:40
S2 E4 - CRASH: A is for Assets and Automation

S2 E4 - CRASH: A is for Assets and Automation

Welcome to this week's Wealthy Wednesday Podcast.  We're continuing our campaign around C.R.A.S.H. and this week it's A for Assets & Automation.

Partial Transcript:

What I want to share with you is: in every industry there are companies that take off. They effortlessly hire talented people, attract loyal customers, create amazing products, and make lots and lots of money. These companies seem to stand out and scale up quickly with the support from investors, partners, and media, no matter what the economy. 

Now, sadly, most companies don't perform this way. Most entrepreneurs and business owners are not building anything of value. They work hard, they make sacrifices, they struggle, they dream, they plan and strive. In the end, it does not pay well. And it doesn't have to be like this, especially in the digital age. And continuing on from our last two episodes in this crash season, where C stands for Cash buffer, R stands for reducing costs. Well, this week we're going to talk about Assets and Automation.

And in his book 24 Assets, entrepreneur Daniel Priestley carefully lays out 24 of the assets in sequence as I'll explain in a moment. Now Daniel, Priestley is an amazing man. Actually, he's got some fantastic assets out there himself. He's got a wonderful company called Dent Global. There's something called key person of influence, and I just feel that he's somebody that should be followed. In fact, he created this crash methodology which I'm sharing with you just now. 

So listen, I want you to understand that none of us knows what's around the corner, but the economic warning sirens are blaring right now. And yet so many people are just going, whatever, it'll be fine. But, I'm sharing with you right here, right now, it's important that you pay attention to this message. I've been through three recessions and the recent pandemic, and I'm old enough to see the signs again. And wise enough to take advice from the red squirrels who prepare for winter all autumn by creating a store of nuts so they can survive when there's no food around. Literally. I live in the countryside and I'll watch these wonderful animals right now, just preparing for winter. 

Now, in terms of the last financial crash I've been through, well, back in August 2008, I joined a contracting organization in Scotland as the financial crash hit, I joined as a business development manager. I'd had 20 odd years in construction as a quantity surveyor and I'd set out from that career and I'd gone away to start my own businesses, some of which failed, some of which were successful. But I joined this contracting organization at the beginning of August 2008. And through careful planning. And from what I've learned before and through trial, and error managed to help them grow from 6 million of sales every year to 15 million, 5 years later. And they came out in a different sector and different niche where they still operate to this day. So what's that? That's, over a decade later and, they're still successful and profitable in that sector. So today I want to share with you a plan on how you can exit the coming recession. No matter how long it is, whether it's 24 months, 36 months, whatever it's going to be. So you can exit the recession in better health and with more profit than your competitors.

check out Daniel Priestly HERE

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Oct 12, 202215:49
S2 E3: CRASH: R is for Reducing Costs

S2 E3: CRASH: R is for Reducing Costs

Join me to explore the second letter of our CRASH acronym:

R stands for Reducing Costs, but is it as simple as it sounds?

Partial Transcript of episode:

So this week, we're actually talking about R in the acronym Crash for Reducing Costs. It's actually critical because whenever you can reduce an expense in the business, basically it goes straight to the bottom line. It increases your profit. It's a fantastic way to immediately increase profitability in any business. And if you've got a business and you are wanting to become wealthy, it's really crucial that you follow these steps. 

There's so much more than I do working with clients. We've got a, whole different arena of areas. But ultimately, if you want to become more profitable, when you become more profitable, then you can invest in systems that allows scale, et cetera, et cetera. So, it's a wonderful way as a business owner for you to, grow your business simply by cutting costs. 

Okay, so what do I mean by that? Well, if you're going to reduce costs, proper allocation of your cash is just half of the equation. To be fully prepared for a crash, you also need to be able to significantly cut your expenses. Okay? This isn't about being cheap for the sake of being cheap. Be wary of minimizing cost to the point it negatively impacts your brand. Okay? What I will say is spending less should not equal doing less. So do not cut cost to the point where you start devaluing your brand and restraining your ability to deliver your full and remarkable solution for your clients. What you need to do is have a very thorough understanding of every expense involved in running your business. From there, you can identify which of these expenses can be reduced or even eliminated altogether. And to do that, you just need a simple three step process. First, identify hotspots. Second, prioritize which ones to make cuts to. And number three, incentivize the cuts.

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Oct 05, 202212:24
S2 E2 CRASH: C is for Cash Buffer

S2 E2 CRASH: C is for Cash Buffer

Welcome to Episode 2 of Series 2.

This week, I'm covering the 'C' of C.R.A.S.H. which stands for Cash Buffer.

Transcript portion:

So the economy is a little bit shaken at the moment.  The dollar to pound ratios down at 1.03, down from 1.37.  So the financial marketplaces are telling us that there's been some interesting decisions made by the UK government over the last week, which has affected all the markets. 

However, I want you to think about this: 

If you looked at just a bunch of words together and it says opportunity is nowhere, it can also be looked at as if saying opportunity is now here. Because in every downturn, there's always an opportunity. If we do not get sucked into listening to what the markets are telling us, and the sky is falling in and everything like that. So doom and gloom or boom, boom, boom really is just a simple phrase. But listen, avoiding the crash is a case of just deciding not to take part. In fact, recession is an "Opportunity in Wolf's clothing". This is something that the wonderful Robin Sharma actually put down as a quote. And then Walt Disney said, I've heard there's going to be a recession, I decided not to participate. 

That is the way to think if you want to get through the next 26 months between now and the end of 2024. Because that's what the bank of England is saying, is where there's going to be a shallow recession all the way through to the end of 2024. They're not publicizing it. They're just publicizing getting to the end of recession of 2023. But realistically, it's going to be 2024. So if we're going to do that, let's plan in advance what we're actually going to do.

Listen in to hear the plan!

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Sep 28, 202219:42
S2 E1 - CRASH: 5 steps to recession proof your business

S2 E1 - CRASH: 5 steps to recession proof your business

Welcome back to Season 2 of the Wealthy Wednesday Podcast

As ever, if you'd like to get in touch, find me at

5 Steps to recession proof your business partial transcript:

So for the next four or five weeks, focus on strategies that will help you and your team get recession ready. So, what I want you to think about is an acronym, and it's called CRASH. And we're going to be discussing these more over the coming weeks. But right now, C stands for cash buffer. Get your accounts organized to make sure you always have, ah, cash allocated for a rainy day. This is so important. Just remember when you were younger, maybe you're a piggy bank and you put your savings away there, whatever it was. Please. In business, put savings away. Keep a rainy day account. R stands for Reduce costs. Do a thorough cost cutting review of all your business expenses, but be careful not to devalue your brand and capacity to deliver your full and remarkable solution. Now, reducing costs, just literally get your credit card bills out. go through any cost you've actually got, because what happens then is the cost savings go straight to your bottom line in terms of profit. Very important. Okay. A in crash stands for Automate with Assets. Here's where you've got to get your team thinking of what assets they can create to free up time and resources for bigger, more revenue impacting work. Really crucial. So if you can think about how you can educate your clients on how amazing you are, whether it be a podcast like this, or YouTube videos, or blog posts, whatever it might be, do all you can to automate assets so that you can just forward the assets URL directly to people who are interested. Really important. S in the word Crash stands for literally stand out. Position yourself as a trusted authority in your field and leverage your influence as a competitive advantage in business. So no matter which field you're actually in, what I want you to think about is how can you stand out, from the rest? It's all about differentiation as the market tightens. So important that you begin right here, right now, and actually start building your profile, connecting with and, being in touch with your key individuals. You can think about your dream 100, your ideal clients you want to work with, or that you currently work with and continue to work with, and just build even stronger relationships with those people, but stand out really, really important. H in Crash stands for help build a network of trusted partners and suppliers who will collaborate with you in the event of cash flow concerns and keep an eye out for opportunities to help others by becoming a trusted partner or supplier to someone else. It's a bit like the old American movies where the Indians were attacking the cowboys and the wagons were rounded up the settlers would be on the inside. They're all protected because the settlers were working together against the alleged bad guys on the outside. In business. Right here, right now, look at people you can collaborate with. Really, really important. 

Sep 21, 202214:13
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Ep25 - Discover why Jim Rohn thinks you should set a goal to become a Millionaire
Jun 22, 202214:06
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Ep24 - The Forgotten Power of Strategic Alliances
Jun 15, 202218:12
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Ep23 - Your 1 Page Strategic Plan
Jun 08, 202213:45
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. EP22 - The 7 Wealth Traps
Jun 01, 202210:37
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. EP21 - Picking the right market: your 4 key elements

The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. EP21 - Picking the right market: your 4 key elements

Welcome to Episode 21 of The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast.

Do you know your ideal client / market?

This week we're exploring the 4 key elements and questions to knowing your market and maximising your opportunity for growth.

All feedback is welcome to

May 25, 202215:08
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Ep20 - $100M Offers. Make offers so Good, People feel stupid saying No.
May 18, 202211:00
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Ep19 - Outside Perception, are you the Obvious Choice?

The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Ep19 - Outside Perception, are you the Obvious Choice?

Welcome to Episode 19 of the Wealthy Wednesday Podcast.

Ask yourself, are you the Obivous Choice, or 'go to' business for your market?

Are you giving your customers the reasons why?

Maybe your internal values aren't necessarily perceived on the outside?

Would love to know your thoughts on this week's episode, catch me at:

May 11, 202208:40
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Ep18 - People First Culture
Apr 27, 202211:57
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 17 - Business Identity and Customer Service

The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 17 - Business Identity and Customer Service

One of my absolute favourite subjects: Customer Service.

Is your company good at it, and how does that reflect on your Business Identity?

Please get in touch with any feedback you may have, and definitely feel free to reach out to me about any topic we cover on the Wealthy Wednesday Podcast, and beyond!

Apr 20, 202210:29
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 16 - Ask your market
Apr 13, 202207:20
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 15 - Do you have an Exit Plan?

The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 15 - Do you have an Exit Plan?

On the back of Tyler's fantastic episode, join me to think about one of the most important and first questions I ask my clients - Do you have an Exit Plan for your Business?

It's something that I'm always surprised owners hoping or wanting to sell their business, but not having the tools in place to get it into shape for receiving the maximum return.

As ever, please get in touch with any comments and feedback.

Apr 06, 202212:02
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 14 - Tyler Martin - 5 secrets to growing you business
Mar 16, 202222:31
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 13: Success Story
Mar 02, 202205:45
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 12: Podcasting with Kerr Mathieson
Feb 16, 202226:42
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 11: Wealth Dynamics with Julia Felton
Feb 09, 202251:60
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 10: Mark Coulter
Feb 02, 202224:08
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 9: The power of your unconscious mind.
Jan 26, 202210:33
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 8: Millionaire Mentors

The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 8: Millionaire Mentors

So as we near Christmas - this is always a terrific time of year to set in place plans for next year - and indeed for our lives.

And this week I’m going to introduce you to 4 amazing Millionaire mentors and some of their resources to help you on your journey to building SUSTAINABLE wealth.

Until next week - have an amazing Christmas - and cherish this amazing time of year to be with family and friends

As ever, get in touch using

Dec 22, 202119:02
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 7: Sheryl Andrews
Dec 15, 202138:28
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 6: The Mexican Fisherman

The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 6: The Mexican Fisherman

Welcome to Episode 6 of The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast.  This week, I recount the story of the Mexican Fisherman.

This is the story that started the “be more with less” movement for me. While I knew all work and no play wasn’t the way, I thought I would forever be stuck in the cycle of working to live.

Check out the book The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle which I mention in the podcast.

As always, feedback is welcome

Dec 08, 202109:26
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 5: Wealth Dynamics and Profiles
Nov 30, 202120:59
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 4: Mindset special with Jamie McBrearty
Nov 24, 202146:34
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 3: Mindset
Nov 17, 202117:28
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 2: Vision
Nov 10, 202115:19
The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 1: The Introduction

The Wealthy Wednesday Podcast. Episode 1: The Introduction

Welcome to my new podcast, Wealthy Wednesday with Dave Drimmie!

In this introductory episode, I'm going to tell you why doing this podcast is the right thing, and what I hope we can achieve together from it.

Tune in every week to get tips, information, and guidance on wealth in life and business.

I'd love to hear from you with any input you have

Nov 03, 202109:06