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By MelodyHero, Melody Morrison.

(The title is a SONG by Woodbridge band!)
I'm Melody Morrison an Online Entertainer of 7years. A ‘Cam-girl’ +clip-creator. YEP! I’m known as MELODYHERO 🎶
Life on a fringe society as an intentional misfit-Its been ABSURD! And NOT all Fun-n-Fiddling! I became commodity-I claimed the economy of-ME! -GOOD, BAD- I got to LIVE then!
I NEED to share these stories. A career in ‘Cyber-S8X’.
*This is AMATEUR rambling of life less known! Some audio…is bad!*
~Cam is RISK-with no promises, but a CHANCE 4 FREEDOM!⚡️

This is an AMATEUR show! Support my hot garbage:
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November 13, 2019


How I was OUTED! /Side effects of Dissapearing

How I was OUTED! /Side effects of Dissapearing

Have you ever tried to disappear? probably not-but a hiatus can become a disappearance and disconnection from this kind of career. It can be very painful for anyone to lose someone they enjoy in their life even if it’s a online symbiotic-parasocial relationship! Remember your worth more than money both users and performers! I hear many people that have holes in their heart after a performer disappeared and how sad they were you can see them asking in forums, too. This goes both ways though and whether they’re on the user end or the performer end and this can really affect a lot in any life. It’s taboo often we don’t have anyone to console us if needed to quit. A user may feel like they were just playing on a moment for some money perhaps-and that’s all it was not anything more. Yet the name we give ourselves is only as real as our freedom to be safe to be that name…for ourselves we have to hide so much in every day life, until we are free from shame the light will bring out those who have wanted to bask in the light of their truth. If we see #Sexworkisrealwork maybe we would never want do it but we must treat each other with enough respect to not have us living in the shadow of shame.
Nov 21, 202222:20
BURNOUT DIARIES; 1. How to Heal? No, Healing happens. Now do only which is your true desire.

BURNOUT DIARIES; 1. How to Heal? No, Healing happens. Now do only which is your true desire.

From being burnt out right now and also many mannyyy burnouts before; I would note that eventually, you kind of give up! You just gotta give in, it doesn’t matter anymore! You’re Fucked! Then, and only then you can go on from the ground you lay on up. That is it! Within tasks naturally executed these moments weave and you can finally remember who you are and what you WANTED to be doing! What is something you’re enjoying? If you find that something you’re doing is and was before you the whole time-then you always loved Something of it! When we over-stress; somehow we forget things that aren’t ‘relevant’ or right in front of us! When nothing has value anymore, it can build meaning all over again! Listen in on how I have changed as a cam girl a little, and as I read aloud the beginning of The DAO DE CHING by LAO TSU ☯️
Apr 01, 202124:02
For Corona-Cammers! If You are Leaving; Don’t Forget Us.

For Corona-Cammers! If You are Leaving; Don’t Forget Us.

Many people had taken up online sex work as a result of this pandemic-especially in the USA 🇺🇸 due to the lack of quickly accessible Unemployment and Stimulus $. Consent, is a spectrum we do things we don’t always want to do-at any job...but if camming, Onlyfans-ing and indie Clips weren’t your cuppa tea...Don’t forget us still in the industry-willingly. Advocate where we cannot. Be an ally and don’t throw us into the regret pile to be condemned even if you had a horrible experience. This letter is from me to you. Melody x
Feb 15, 202115:04
This whole Pandemic thing...

This whole Pandemic thing...

I’m back and holy moly I’m sorry I wish I could have been updating you all on this as it was taking place but here I am now to try and give you some information on the climate of the online sex industry in the Novel Coronavirus pandemic. I’m MelodyHero /Morrison and this is what the f**k happened from MY point of view!
Sep 12, 202017:44
I survived the AVN sex convention!👌

I survived the AVN sex convention!👌

Goddamn I said God. Damn. The AVNs are tough. It’s in the heart of darkness-and my own personal Hell; Las Vegas, Nevada. I just left the place in summer swearing never to return but Doja Cat live at a private concert had the devil tempting me all the way to the hard r(cock) hotel. This is just my personal experience so for disclaimers; I didn’t cry at a greyhound bus station, I didn’t pee my pants when I got to downtown LV, I didn’t witness a 7-11 being robbed with an implied gun in a backpack and I didn’t have PTSD from living in Las Vegas to start with. Welcome to the shit-spo!
Feb 15, 202005:50
November 13, 2019

November 13, 2019

Nov 13, 201900:59
Can you have healthy Relationships while Camming!?! my thoughts, +some other Angles and insights!

Can you have healthy Relationships while Camming!?! my thoughts, +some other Angles and insights!

I should have addressed this ages ago. .
this is a HUGE HUUUUUGE deal for a lot of people considering/starting camming. Actually its a big "?" in the adult industry in general...Taboo is sometimes normal and you get shocked by how far the world is behind you when it comes to just accepting a career surrounding sex. SEX SELLS, Its everywhere-marketing, magazines, fashion, monthly loot boxes for ED treatments...watching porn is so normalized its a joke on TV (notoriously censored) when you're caught by your mom with a playboy magazine...Audience laugh track* OH BUT MAKING IT?!"OH NO...We need to talk honey."
Yeah we need a discussion, we need this talk right here right now, on MY goddamn podcast! Welcome noobs, to The Webcam Girl Zoo!
Jul 17, 201916:50


Self-Reservation, preservation.
Apr 14, 201924:27
FAME & How To Not Die From It.

FAME & How To Not Die From It.

The Fame monster-really is a monster. It really is not a joke. On any scale it can harm your mental health-it killed Amy Winehouse, and countless of other celebrities of all sorts of categories and trades. Webcam personalities and performers are so unknown of and misunderstood if understood at all that this really can be a scary thing and if you’re going into camming-or want to know how to help and better treat people in the industry by doing just little changes to things you never thought twice over-then please tune in for ME! Your host Melody! Firstly I shall be rambling about my own issues and current weigh-ins over the industry-But don’t worry! There’ll be plenty of juicy gossip and all that nasty stuff you people love.
Apr 01, 201947:55
N🚫 TO DICK PICS! ❤️ YES to lovely people and their call-ins!

N🚫 TO DICK PICS! ❤️ YES to lovely people and their call-ins!

Anchor • N🚫 DICK PICS BEYOND THIS POINT. NSFW please be 18+ if you have functioning ears...JEMMA STONE IS HILARIOUS. I love her podcast I listened to only like 2 episodes before having to make my own on specifically the topic of UNSOLICITED DICK PICKS. I don’t think I stand for every woman online but I can advocate for nearly every Webcam “camgirl” online since there’s so few of us in general-at least in podcast format-anyway NO I for one NEVER WANT TO SEE OR IMAGINE HOW YOUR DICK LOOKS OR WORKS OK!?! You’re loathed 20% more if not an acquainted member online and 90% if you’re some guy in my Twitter or instagram DMs!!!!!! I like dick but you guys know how to ruin shit I guess. ❤️I was listening to some super old but super touching call ins I had on here-touched my icy cold heart though for real! Thank you so much for your sweet words and time it took to say them they inspired me today...anyways, sorry if you don’t want your bite up I’ll take it down if requested! And to you guys who didn’t make it into he podcast THANK YOU ☺️ ‼️
Feb 28, 201918:01
Personal/AVN AEE Experience

Personal/AVN AEE Experience

My personal experience on this year 2019's AVN/AEE Expo
Feb 17, 201908:41
Answering Newgirl Questions!

Answering Newgirl Questions!

Be confident! Be unique/creative, be Engaging and bring people out of their shells! Keep a schedule, have a twitter just for your cam-self to promote and gain a following it works with even a few followers!!! Have BOUNDARIES and don't cross em-if you do-when you do-forgive yourself don't let anyone tell you what to feel or act this is the digital frontier and its a strange and wonderful place. I wish you girls boys and lovely creatures who try camming the best of success! Its a real job and it is not easy but I hope you learn more about yourself, and humanity on the other end of the cyberspace universe.
Feb 04, 201921:27
Hey! I’m back AGAIN with some stories!

Hey! I’m back AGAIN with some stories!

Hi!! I’m back again. Like I never left I’m picking it up firstly by talking about how I see a lot of boycotting of private establishments. Marriott is the most recent I’ve heard of. They’re apparently going to train staff to look for signs of human trafficking-which to be sadly honest are incredibly difficult to spot even by trained personnel. To help both Escorts stay out of prison and Stop Sexual SLAVERY is to DECRIMINALIZE prostitution. No dodging police, no more living in fear. We need to be calling local representatives, local media, organizing protests for the decriminalization of prostitution-nobody should be working, or living in fear of punishment for selling services or being a victim of someone selling them for such services. Look, a private property can kick you out anytime for any reason to be honest it’s called refusing service and it’s on the wall at McDonald’s-Mmkay. So please don’t waste time. Be smart or Educate thyself and go straight to the root of the issue-take it to your political representatives! ✊ ALSO I will be answering some very common but very neasecary~*NEWGIRL*~ Questions and giving the realest darned answers to them! You may wanna have a listen if you’re serious about business!!!
Feb 01, 201914:39


Renovated, back and better yo!
Lets learn about eachother! Call in! Ask anything!
Only love for you all. x
Mar 28, 201808:08
dec 23rd tripping on call ins

dec 23rd tripping on call ins

Dec 23, 201712:07
Dec 17th Dont Silence Me

Dec 17th Dont Silence Me

Dont Silence Me. • Pedestrian at Best • So Weird • Me Being Communist • Don't Hate on Me
Dec 18, 201707:20
Escapism Dec 16 2k17

Escapism Dec 16 2k17

what are you running from? What am I?
Dec 17, 201717:29
relationships /10/17

relationships /10/17

relationships as a Camgirl • Gaia • So Much It Hurts • Get Free (feat. Amber of Dirty Projectors) • A Real Hero • Electric Paradise
Dec 11, 201704:05
Stigma + Change! My Resume?

Stigma + Change! My Resume?

I'm adding my work as a camgirl to my resume because why not? really? I'm not concerned about the fact people are scared of sex more than telling the truth about my work experience. The truth is I've worked very hard! (don't make a dick-joke!) 😒😝
Dec 07, 201711:38
Web Showgirl Intro

Web Showgirl Intro

the basics of getting paid to entertain a bunch of guys on the web!@?
Nov 22, 201709:57