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Weird Millennials

Weird Millennials

By Snow Black

Become a Paid Subscriber: Can we be honest and admit we have no clue what's going on? The main subjects here will be relationship stuff ( are you in the friend zone, cultural influence and impact in your love life), work, money, the definition of success and more...
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Weird MillennialsAug 23, 2021

S03Ep04: Passport Bros... are western women doomed? Manosphere vs Feminist

S03Ep04: Passport Bros... are western women doomed? Manosphere vs Feminist

Are western or westernized women doomed? The new trend for men is to travel overseas to get a wife... Does it mean Western women should feel threatened by men willing to go abroad to find a more "submissive" partner? Also we talk about relationships and traditions, genders role, the influence of social media on relationship. The modern approach and bias to marriage.

On this episode of weird millennials, we are talking about it and what is it to be a passport bro, what is it for those guys? Are they that desperate? Or are they just fed up with the "Feminist" movement that keeps them down? Or is it a ego issue? Well let's dive in

Jul 31, 202301:55:18
S03Ep03: How your value shapes you? The Alpha & Feminist problem & Pork?

S03Ep03: How your value shapes you? The Alpha & Feminist problem & Pork?

New Episode, interesting conversation.

Welcome to Weird Millennials episode 3, we are taking accountability from the previous 2 episodes (mainly Abid), if you haven't watch them go check them out!

It is easy to be influenced by the content we consume? Yes, insouciantly we absorb the same content so much that we loose ourselves, in a para-social relation we build. Let see how all of this influence us, and when others notice. And as classical Weird Millennials we talked of course about everything under the sun.

The problem with the manosphere and extreme feminism online, 2 sides of the same coin. Religion and the forbidden pork (bacon is delicious) and much more.

Check us on Instagram and subscribe to our YouTube channel and all the platform where podcast is available!

See you soon!

Jul 03, 202301:49:39
S03Ep02: Once a cheater always a cheater?? with special guests: Mark & Lindsay

S03Ep02: Once a cheater always a cheater?? with special guests: Mark & Lindsay

New episode and we are talking about cheating... Yep, the topic of this episode is cheating and Abid's intervention??
Let's find out with our special guests ( a returning guest from one of our most listened-to episodes, back in season one) Mark and his girlfriend Lindsay agreed to have a very open and honest conversation about cheating.
Relationships are weird and interesting; of course, we talk about our experiences in our previous relationships and the impact on our current one. It's a full episode with a twist? Abid's intervention on porn (watch the previous episode to understand) and other stuff...
Enjoy, subscribe, and follow us on Instagram.
See you in the next episode!
Jun 12, 202302:01:17
S03 Ep 01: Oh boy we are talking about P*rn and it's impact

S03 Ep 01: Oh boy we are talking about P*rn and it's impact

Well, we are back peeps!

Thank you for your patience after our little (long pause), we are BACK!!! New season and more episodes! And we are off a strong strong start with this topic. We had what I could say a heated debate about this specific topic. And of course, we get to me ranting about Drake and Foot & Fish (or Fresh & Fit) and more... I don't want to give out too much, but the title of the episode says it all!! 

Enjoy and don't forget to follow us on Instagram: @weird.millennials_podcast & YouTube: @weirdmillennialspodcast

Mar 15, 202302:42:16
Various random conversation: From Only Fans to immigrants experience?

Various random conversation: From Only Fans to immigrants experience?

Long time no see, I know life has been insane lately!

In today's episode, we are talking about various subjects as you can read in the title. Would you create an Only fans account as a side gig? Would you be cool if your partner do it? 

And of course, we are talking about relationships as usual and others things. But the ones that stood out are these 2 subjects.  What is your experience as an immigrant? For example, in this episode, Abid and I talk about our experience as the "first" and "second" generation of immigrants in the western country. Is racism dead? Oh HELL NO!! Enough with the description, please enjoy the episode and let us know what are your thoughts

Nov 20, 202202:13:15
Let's talk Crypto with special guest: Vimal... Bitcoins, investment, understanding crypto currency

Let's talk Crypto with special guest: Vimal... Bitcoins, investment, understanding crypto currency

The wait it's finally over!!! New Weird Millennials episode with a guest (Vimal). 

In this episode we talk about the world of crypto currency, have you ever been interested in it, have you heard of it? what is you history with crypto currency? Well with out special guess we will tackle the subject, and of course we will derail a little bit from the subject and talk about hair loss? (messy I know) attractiveness after marriage, and if money changes people, does it bring happiness? I learned a LOT on this episode, I am sure you will too!! 

 Enjoy the show and don't forget to like, share, subscribe and follow us on every platform where podcast are available!!

 Catch you on the next episode!!

Oct 09, 202201:57:29
We got TRUST Issues and other stuff

We got TRUST Issues and other stuff

This episode is about... well you read it in the title: trust issues, let's talk about it.

In relationships, jobs, friendship, politics? and society? Can we rebuild trust once broken? Can you start a relationship with you have trust issues? Well if you all wonder about that, it's mainly the conversation of the episode. Of course as a usual of going off topic, we talked about polyamory things, ranking rapper attractiveness? And more... Enjoy, let's us know your opinion and experience, share and follow, subscribe to the Weird Millennials Podcast.

PS: I am sorry for the delay, was distracted or may I say busy with other stuff and put the podcast on the back burner, but don't worry we have episodes to come. That's what happen when you get slapped by life with adulting... Thanks for your patience and understanding? Anyway, have fun, enjoy and see you on the next episode.

Aug 15, 202202:40:17
The difference between a Pick-up artist and a confidence coach with special guest Howin

The difference between a Pick-up artist and a confidence coach with special guest Howin

On this episode of Weird Millennials,

We have a special guest (Howin) on this episode! And we are talking about everything in the book, why guys fail to get numbers or dates..

Do you know how to approach people without coming off creepy? Can you take rejection with grace? What is the real  problem when it come to expose how you feel when you approach someone you like? Well we going to answer to those questions and more in this very interesting conversation we had with our special guess.

Hope you enjoy the episode, don't forget to follow us on every platforms podcasts are available and on Instagram and YouTube!!


Jun 26, 202202:04:31
Loneliness vs. Solitude, a millennial crisis (uncut/unedited episode)

Loneliness vs. Solitude, a millennial crisis (uncut/unedited episode)

Are you a loner or a social butterfly?

We going to talk about how some people were able to thrive during the pandemic and how others when through depression.

According to some studies millennials are very much lonely, are we? Humans are social creature, we love and crave to interact with one another to a certain extend. Some are loner, introvert, or shy if you will but mainly everyone is different. Sometimes you just want to be away from people to reconnect with yourself. We all going through shit and we all handle it differently. This episode is to talk about mental state and health, and be able to distingue between being a loner and being lonely. Like they say you can be in a room full of people and still be lonely, being a loner is a choice, loneliness happen to you. So let's have a sort of "mental health" talk episode about solitude vs. loneliness and more...

May 15, 202202:49:59
Body & Health with first guest of season 2 Jess from Asgardian Strength

Body & Health with first guest of season 2 Jess from Asgardian Strength

Hey Weirdos Millis?

Today episode topic is about physical health, yes we are talking fitness and health!

On this episode we will tackle

  • How the pandemic affected our physical and mental activity
  • How to develop and keep a balance lifestyle
  • The body goal myth, how possible is it to achieve? is it even achievable?
  • Social media influence on body image
  • The corrupt fitness industry
  • Body acceptance movement vs the fitness life
  • Steroid: Good? Bad? It's complicated

It was a really educative episode, if you like this, let us know by subscribing to our YouTube channel, follow us on instagram, and everywhere podcast are available!!


Mar 27, 202202:03:50
Money, money honey... get rich or die trying HARDER

Money, money honey... get rich or die trying HARDER

 Hey Weirdos? Still using it... this month episode is about money Ok!

 We're going! Where the money resides, where the money resides!! (if you don't know this viral videos from 2021, I can't help y'all!

 The subject or the main topic of this episode is money and how it dictate our lives and ruined out mindset. We are talking about how to be smart with your spending? The hardship of being a millennial immigrant/ first generation utopia of western culture, the view from other about money!! The current workforce dynamic (employer vs Employees) and much more... 

We even give good tips on how to not struggle with debts!! 

 Enjoy the episode and Subscribe, follow all that good stuff!!

Feb 27, 202202:35:14
Hook-up culture, when dating becomes a sport

Hook-up culture, when dating becomes a sport

Hey Weirdos, Millis?

This episode is quiet long, but the subject is relevant and quiet honest... As the title of this episode says we are talking about hook-ups culture.

Did we lost ourselves in this bizarre world of non commitment? What happened to long term and serious relationships? Why are we so keen to hook-up but not having the serious conversation about relationship? Did become so lazy that we are contain with a one night stand? Why are we running away from official label? Is romance dead? 

A lot of questions and of course a lot of answers on this episode. 

Do you agree that social media or dating sites are to blame when it comes to short terms relationship? Would you say it easier to cheat on a partner then it was years ago before social media? All that and more on this episode of Weird Millennials...

Jan 31, 202202:47:33
Single life: The strange struggle of being single

Single life: The strange struggle of being single

Hey Weirdos?? Or hey Millis? I don't know, but hey guys!! It's been a moment but I am back.

So, this episode is one of those where my personal experience come in full play.

 I am not sure if you noticed but single people are usually the but of the jocks, especially during the holidays (with families, distant relatives). I wanted to tell about some experience I went through and I think a lot lived as well. I said that a million times but being single is tough as fuck, the struggle is hard as hell even worst now!! Anyway, this episode is more a fair well to my old struggling life then any complaints, and  I sure don't want to go back out there, it's awful! Any who, enjoy this long episode.

Dec 29, 202101:11:23
Activism- What is it really about?

Activism- What is it really about?

Environmentalist, feminist, black activism, LGBTQ+ how does it impact you?

What is the power of activism? What change did it bring? 

This is my experience and relation with activism, I am a woman therefore a feminist? I am black, should I support BLM?

Nowadays, no one seem willing to have a conversation but shooting what's wrong or right according to their own belief but will disregard people who don't agree with them. This is the first episode of season 2: Activism what is it really about?

Nov 06, 202158:06
Season 2 announcement

Season 2 announcement

We are expending !!

S2 of Weird Millennials is around the corner, and we have so much to talk.

This season we are expending to:

  • Patreon
  • YouTube channel
  • and more...

Catch you in September for season 2 premiere.

Aug 23, 202114:05
"Political episode" Israeli-Palestin conversation with first guess (Mark) plus R*pe culture and more

"Political episode" Israeli-Palestin conversation with first guess (Mark) plus R*pe culture and more

On this episode the conversation is mainly focus on the current conflict between Israel and Palestine, we chose to have a respectful and honest conversation on a sensitive subject. We do think is important to be aware of the situation that have been and still destroying people lives. If this makes you uncomfortable, you can skip this episode, or skip the segment in about an hour (1h 03 mins), but I would suggest you to listen to the whole episode, I learned a lot and sure it's a serious subject, our main goal was to enlighten our listeners about this crisis. Of course we resumed to our usual conversation in mid through the episode. We tackled subject about rape culture, what is consider rape, consent and of course more...
On behalf of Weird Millennials I want to thank our guess Mark for his input on this episode, really appreciate your contribution and opinion on this difficult subject.
May 20, 202102:06:32
Hip-hop and culture impact, & Anime and more

Hip-hop and culture impact, & Anime and more

Today we talking about Hip-Hop music evolution, the culture around the genre. Then we talked about cheating in a relationship, the motivation behind the ACT of cheating, nostalgia topics and Anime!! A great conversation today with now co-host Abid
Apr 12, 202101:24:02
Men vs. women: sexuality inequalities

Men vs. women: sexuality inequalities

As a man have you been shamed to be a virgin? And for my ladies did get the side eye because of your body count? on today episode Abid and I are talking about the double standard between genders when it come to sex and more...
Apr 06, 202101:19:45
Your love life doesn't need to be mine

Your love life doesn't need to be mine

Episode subjects: Modern "feminists" women vs. traditional women, why can we be both? Online dating and it's fuckery, should we be ashamed to be single? Is there a competition between singles and couples?
Feb 14, 202150:08
Colorisim and obstacles of being a minority

Colorisim and obstacles of being a minority

The issue with colorisim, stereotypes and prejudice against minorities. My experience as a black woman and journey to acceptance and self-love if who I am, among others things.
Jan 30, 202152:46
Beauty and dating standards, what it takes to be accepted

Beauty and dating standards, what it takes to be accepted

Insecurities on physical and cultural standards and double standard in dating world. Expectations when it's come to what you are looking for in the ideal partner
Dec 10, 202049:48
Friendzone and love relationship conversation with Abid

Friendzone and love relationship conversation with Abid

On this episode I am joined with my friend Abid, we talk about the concept of friend zone, relationship status, attraction. Cultural influences on relationship, dating scene and more...
Nov 07, 202001:00:52
Intro:What's this about?

Intro:What's this about?

Introduction on what Weird Millennials is about, all the subjects that will discuss. It's an intro basically the title is saying it
Oct 26, 202022:36
The impact of Disney princess on femininity

The impact of Disney princess on femininity

How all these all the Disney princesses influence the double standard of feminism and femininity over the decades? How our generation is the last one who have been fed with that narrative? We talking media influence, lazy industry and Mulan 2020....
Oct 26, 202056:12