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She Is A Goal Setter

She Is A Goal Setter

By Wendy L. Shields

If you are a goal-setter with a desire to learn from others you are in the right place. I will focus on the real things that will help you meet and achieve your goals, such as organization, time management, scheduling, and process development implementation.
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She Is A Goal Setter interview with Jared Schroeder owner of TryEffect, apparel line.

She Is A Goal SetterMar 14, 2021

It is difficult being an Entrepreneur.

It is difficult being an Entrepreneur.

I want to talk about some of the hard things about being an entrepreneur instead of just telling you it’s excellent, it’s terrific. I’m not telling you these things to discourage you. I’m telling you these things to hopefully help you find ways to overcome them or at least to know you’re not alone. My first example is I don’t use credit. It’s not because of the tremendous abundant amount of excess money. I want for my business, and I can’t do it right. I have to wait. The most complex struggle for me is learning to sit back and wait.  The only suggestion I thought was a bunch of malarkey, and I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t give a vision board a  thought. A vision board opens my mind to see opportunities when an opportunity becomes available.  I made a vision board with 12 items on it six months ago. Three of those are happening within the next two weeks.  I can see a great possibility of three more happenings within the next three months.  I don’t know that it’s because I put it on my vision board, I think it’s more like I was open to it, and those things were constantly in my subconscious mind. My vision boards are my laptop screensaver, so I’m looking at it continuously.

People don’t want to tell you it’s difficult when it’s time to bring on staff.  You may feel like nobody can do it exactly as you do. You’re not wrong, and no one can do it exactly as you do. You have to have some flexibility with them, require that you at least get approval before anything significant is publicized or put into action. Ask yourself, can I scale this business to be what I want it to be is still do all those minor components myself. For most of us, the answer is no, which means we do have to start looking at hiring employees, hiring independent contractors, or help in some manner. The problem is we don’t usually hire until after we needed it. At that point, it’s so hard to find the time to train these people. I recommend doing a lot of screen recording when you were doing the work yourself, maybe some voice-over with it, upload, and save that somewhere. When the time comes, you can easily hand that training off to someone else. This action will probably cut your actual hands-on training time down significantly.

I used to have trouble with the erratic income—the $1000 this month, the 10,000 following the 3000 a month after that. I just had to establish a three-month bumper.  The first few months I worked as an entrepreneur, I lived on nothing extra until I got myself in a position where I was at least three months ahead. If I  had a $10,000 month, I paid my bills, and I might have allowed myself one small treat; everything else needs to go into savings until I have three months’ worth saved up. Later, if I have a $10,000 month, I can make some choices and do other things.

The fact that a lot of us work from home.  It is us and our family and friends respecting the fact that t I may be in my house, but that doesn’t mean free. It doesn’t mean I have the day off. I’m still working, just like if I went to an office. We have to be more rigid with ourselves because we have more freedom. A lot of people see us as being available. I could catch myself quickly, but it took a little longer with my family. My kids were toddlers. They learned a lot quicker than their father did.

The fact that there is no handbook, there’s no manual, and so often, I don’t even know what I’m missing. Sometimes I don’t understand what the problem is. I’m going to give an example of my email list; at one point, I was having trouble getting it to grow. I was getting tons of clicks on my free item but no follow-through. Eventually, I figured out I needed a landing page. Issues like I don’t know the point I’m solving without having any guidance. It’s a difficult position.

Aug 24, 202110:44
4 Suggestions To Start A Successful Month

4 Suggestions To Start A Successful Month

Let's discuss a few things you can do to help your month flow a little easier, with less hassle and upset. Full disclosure some of these steps have sub-steps.

When preparing your calendar to write down everything you need to accomplish that month, your calendar should include the calendars that affect you, such as your spouse or your significant other's, your assistant, your children, school, and the sports schedule.  Compile all these items on your calendar at the beginning of the month. I refer to those as my rocks.  Most school calendars and sports calendars can download directly into your Google Calendar. It also downloads the addresses, and this can activate your GPS. I go ahead and schedule the travel time onto my calendar as well. I do the same thing if I must go to a physical meeting. That's the first thing I do, and I refer to that as my rocks.

The second thing I like to do is to review my goals.  What do I need to achieve this month to make my long-term goals happen? I mean, it could be I need to research this, or I need to make a phone call or put that in the mail.  I take the things I need to accomplish this month and break those down into bite-sized pieces as possible and divide them into the most straightforward steps over the month in a way that makes sense. I take the things I need to accomplish this month and break those down into bite-sized pieces as possible. During this time, I check my vision board. Is it over halfway done? I wish I had to do that every month,  usually every six months. I then schedule those things into my schedule—those items I refer to as sand.

I begin the month with balanced accounts and a budget for my business and my personal life. My money seems to go twice as far when budgeted.  For example, I already know in advance of placing ads, I'm going to spend $500 this month on certain kinds of advertising, which means I can pay out this much on each ad I run. Knowing that information in advance and am ready to go, I know I'm not overextending myself. Personal bills  I pay in advance and rarely think about them again, yes I know many of my accounts aren't due yet, but I know roughly what there are.

Because my health is the engine behind all my productivity, I schedule my grocery shopping, food prep, and exercise. I add those to my schedule then, and that is pretty much my water. I am not a health coach, but energy dramatically affects our ability to achieve, so those things are still important.

I put the big things in first, then add in my goals steps I wish to achieve. I  budget to set myself up for a solid financial month. Last but not least,  I make sure that I will meet my nutritional needs and that I'm allowing myself time for exercise. I cant achieve nearly as much if you don't live a long time.

Aug 01, 202105:23
Is It time to leave your 9-5?

Is It time to leave your 9-5?

Is it time to leave your 9-5? Let's talk through a few things to consider. 

Jul 13, 202107:53
5 Suggestions to Help You Stay Consistent

5 Suggestions to Help You Stay Consistent

Let’s talk about consistency and know first you are in a no-judgment zone. I and I still cannot say that I have mastered this. We’re going to learn from my mistakes. Five things that you can do to help you be more consistent.

Jul 05, 202110:38
Q & A with Wendy

Q & A with Wendy

Today we are doing something a little different. We pulled some questions out of my DM’S and I thought I would answer those. The first one, what are your pet peeves?  OK well, here they are, in the house my major pet peeves are somebody brushing their teeth and not washing the sink out afterward, not good Wendy does not like that. Another pet peeve is when people I don’t know DM me and their statement to me is, Can you do me a favor? I'm like I don't know them so I'm not going to just vaguely answer, without knowing what they're talking about without having the information. I won't even respond when people do that. The last one is in the online stage with other coaches, a lot of people are bragging like oh I make 7 figures, and some of them do but most of them do not. . I mean income can be calculated in so many different ways, Do they subtract out their cost of products and overhead costs or  Don't they subtract the cost of personnel or anything else. Your number is going to be different than someone who is legitimately going OK here's the number of my taxes. I wish there was a way we all had to speak the same language.  I wish that everybody understood, the difference between net and gross. If we're going to speak income statement information to track clients, then a well-understood standard of practice      The next question, Wendy what are your favorite forms of education? I get at least an hour of education a day, and how I do that well, my two faves are audiobooks, because I drive a lot and of course, YouTube. YouTube has been so helpful while entered the online world. There are so many technical things that I don't understand.  I go watch like 3 or 4 YouTube videos and see how I'm going to handle the situation,  if I'm going to try to learn the skill or if I'm going to outsource it, or if I'm going to learn the basics and still outsource it.       The third question is Wendy do you get haters? If so what do you do about it? I do get haters, and I want to tell you guys that I always just ignore them. The truth is 99% of the time I do. If I take the time to answer them then they are keeping me from doing what I need to do, which would mean they are winning, so I'm not even gonna respond. I wish I could say I always do that but once in a while something gets under my skin and I spout something back. Not bad words or anything like that it's usually pointing out the errors in their ways or their statement.        The 4th question I get quite often is, how did you get so many followers in such a short amount of time? A lot of work, it was a lot, it is and remains a lot of work.  I'm not doing as much as  I used to. because while trying to grow a business there's only so much I can do. When people have questioned me on this  I recommend that they go on my channel, She Is A Goal Setter, and look up “How I hit 10 million followers”, that video has quite a few recommendations on it.       The big question I get is, Wendy you always talk about being a business coach why is there's nothing on your site?  It will be there soon, in the next month,  you will see stuff about my being a business coach. I am currently a business coach and have been for a very long time but, most of the clients I've been working with to date are people that I physically know, or live in the state of Ohio, who have connected by a referral. I  do phone calls but most of the time we do Skype or Zoom. I'm currently worked with a lady I coached ten years ago and she just came back to me. That is such a compliment  I get tons of questions and do the best I can to answer them all. Keep them coming.

Jun 27, 202108:17
Time-management, Processes, and Systems, That's How to Accomplish all of that.

Time-management, Processes, and Systems, That's How to Accomplish all of that.

Hi, this is Wendy Shields, she is a goal setter, and today we're going to talk about a question I get asked a lot.  How do you get so many things done? You have one business, you're starting another company, and you post so much. How do you get all that done? Full disclosure, I completely understand when somebody says it's my season of life. My beautiful children are all adults out on their own. I am single and not in a hurry to change that because I have so much going on with my business. That means my day is literally, my day so I can do whatever I want to. I realized that many mothers or fathers or even people who are in a serious relationship or marriage need to make time for your family a partner. I'm not belittling that. The first business I built probably the most significant business I built. I did with a five-year-old and eight-year-old and nine-year-old and husband, so I've ultimately got it. I want to share what I think holds it all together, the glue.

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May 03, 202114:02
What I look for in a Business Coach

What I look for in a Business Coach

6 Skills I look for in a Business Coach.

1. I prefer they are a few years ahead of me in business. Not always calendar years, but where I forecast being in two years.

2. They have a strong following. Only because it shows, Business coach's opinions are respected.

3. Experience = education is fine, but the experience is boss. What kind of experience?

4. Communication = How often and by what means.

5. Cost $

6. Similar Value, or at least can respect mine.

Hi, it's Wendy, she's a goal setter, and I just wanted to share with you today that I have been looking for a new business coach for myself because I believe although I am a coach, I still need a coach to help me grow. I first hired my first coach in 2008 well let me tell you things were different I didn't go online to find my coach I knew somebody that was a coach that was reputable and I mean she lived for I mean within my state before away you know what I mean but we had to physically drive and meet up once or twice a month but you know that's how you found a coach back then so things have changed a lot and I didn't even think about how that so much when I I started offering coaching on line a little bit and so when I went to look for a coach then all of a sudden I went Oh well this is more difficult than I would have thought so I had to form some guidelines as to what was important to me in a coach Anna thought share those with you which may be good for me and maybe bad  because it may weed me out but even if it does let's find you the culture that's for you OK these are the things that I listed that are important to me and maybe they'll be important too maybe they won't maybe you'll say hey Wendy that that's a value that doesn't matter to me and or maybe that's not something that I even care about or you might think of something and be like hey she didn't think of this and you could be right not forgot about that anyways one of the things I look for in a coach OK the one of the first things is I want somebody that's ahead of me in this game and business in general but not that so far ahead of me that I can't fathom where they're at or where they're coming from like I think they might have forgot what it was like to be me you know I mean it's so long ago there's a couple of reasons I don't hire those people I just named a couple of them another one is usually those people are very pricey so I don't feel like at this time that I can do very crazy you know what I mean I can't maybe spend like $50,000 on a coach or something we can do that so I mean I'm not willing to do that so anyways so that's one thing I do is I look for somebody that's a little bit ahead of me in the game but not extremely maybe a few years ahead of me but not 25 years ahead of me the other thing I like to look for someone that kind of has a strong following why would following even matter the only reason it matters to me when I'm looking for a coach is that says there are a lot of people who respect this person's opinion that's the only reason that I would care if they had a following but I do care because of that I care what kind of experience they have I say this how they ever run a business was what was it was it a popsicle stand or was it you know what I mean or was it a big Corporation that I even can't even you know understand all the workings in myself or is it a Corporation that's a Corporation like the size of mine or is it a bigger you know those things that matters to me where she coming from he or she where are they coming from where is their growth coming from I do you know I mean I don't really care if they have a college degree in the field I don't care experience means more to me than that although you know I do have a college degree but I honest to goodness think that my experience is far outweighs my college degrees so there's that another thing that's. 

Apr 27, 202108:18
Building an Email List NOW

Building an Email List NOW

   Emails list building Why build an Email List?   Building relationships with future and past clients. Did you know email contacts are 40% more likely to become buyers than Socia Media followers? When putting content out on social media, approximately 6% of your follower actually see it, while 25% of your email list will open and see your content. If you aren't building now, it will literally cost you later. One month free and Get 50% off your Fl Design emails people love. The link above is an affiliate link. If you chose to use them, I would receive some compensation from Flodesk. Please note I do not recommend companies I'd don't thoroughly enjoy and believe in. That being said, I want you to use whichever company best suits you. Transcript   I want to talk to you about something that a lot of you were going to say right now or whatever but if you are a business owner or if you have your own brand or if you desire to do that in the future what do I talk to you today about is building your email list most of us are so focused on building social media, and building or clients in general in person that we sometimes forget about our mailing list.t I don’t know if you’re aware but like I do affiliate marketing there are certain brands that you’ll contact they don’t even care about your social media, They planning on having you run your ads on there they would want to explicitly on your email list. and I definitely would you know want to be in a position to show them that I have a strong email list, you are someone that sells anything you may be surprised to find out that you are 40% more likely to sell from to somebody on your email list than you are to sell to somebody one of your followers or friends or whatever on social media that alone is a reason enough for me to realize that it's very important to have a good email list so the first thing I would suggest you do is to find an email provider. like a platform type to create your emails. I'm sure you could do it some old school way through your email yourself but it would take a lot of work and for the difference for the price I can't even imagine that it would be worth it currently use flow desk really like it in fact in the show notes, I do have an affiliate link disclosure that I will get something from them if you sign up but so don't feel obligated to use that one. There's a reason I chose that one, I used to use MailChimp I like that too, so I'm not saying that there's any problem you know with them and there are quite a few that are really good and everybody has their preference and the reason I use flodesk  it was one of the cheapest to begin with but the part the reason the seller for me was that it did not go up as my group my list group I don't know about you  I don't build businesses to make him small businesses I build him to grow and grow and continue to grow so I wanted a provider that we grow with me without adding tremendous expense so that's why I chose flodesk and I have been very happy with them if you are able or capable to use Canva then you are able and capable to use flow desk there is a little bit of a learning curve but it's not that bad the only thing I had problems with was realizing what kind of form I needed to use when I made my my sign up templates or whatever does that the people sign up so really read over that section if you end up using them and actually it's exactly the same kind of thing on MailChimp 'cause I had the same problem 10 years ago when I use MailChimp ,so  check that out.  There are a few things that you should do to try to get your emails open because on average only 25% of the emails that are sent out through an email list are opened. There are certain things you should do.

Apr 12, 202107:10
Look how far you have come, and know where you are going.

Look how far you have come, and know where you are going.

Look how far you have come, and know where you are going.  Hi guys this is Wendy Shields when she’s a goal-setter today we’re going to talk about making a periodic review looking at the goals that you sent in the past and re-evaluating what went right or wrong and the reason I call it a periodic review is simply because it can be done it any. It can be done it can be done because it’s Tuesday and you feel like changing it going to be done anytime that you think is the reason I think of review is important it’s important to celebrate our wind and re-evaluate the things that didn’t go to plan for me, for example, would be like I had gold set every two books I had got 62 books and actually I don’t have read is really the correct word because a lot of them were done with audiobooks through driving during my drive time but because I have another gold that’s ongoing consistent Bowl 4 years of an hour of Education a day is like killing two birds with one stone anyways it’s been you know that. Worked okay so I can celebrate that be happy about that but I had things like put 25% of my income into saving didn’t happen well that’s partly because I still want my business but it’s important to go back and look at our goals to why we hit them why we didn’t hit them I know another one of my goals this year was to be a better health major fail. I know another one of my goals this year was to be in better help me not even is as good a shape as I was a year ago I think we had all of us spent a lot more time inside this year and I know that that played a big part I used to not eat any processed food and then when we were under the fear that we might get likes lockdown when have to stay in the house or something I bought a lot of processed food and it’s like an addiction I want to write back to itself on my to-do list but so everybody has wyn’s and Mrs were going to say so but I think it’s important is why we have them and a lot of times it’s simply because that goal isn’t necessary anymore I pivoted I change my business or I pivoted then she’s my life for you know who knows what’s going on set. And I think it’s very important to mention that I don’t only do I only do it maybe once a year but I do basically a weekly review where I go through and I check all my emails for the week that I have Labs that maybe need or require some attention I go through all my texts that have been starved need some attention I go through my upcoming calendar for the next week and I review my goals and see what I have reverse engineered how many pay periods with somebody have or whatever when you can break it on down and know exactly what you’re supposed to be doing every week in whatever that thing is I need to do that would be recorded then on my weekly review to so I would know what my next steps are there I need to take towards each one of my goals that that need action that week I would know everything I need to do for work that week everything will be reported on for me I put it on I can add a to-do list tight situation and then I fill it in because I time black and I fill it in on my calendar they might I’m blocked what what I mean I’m better being creative early in the morning first thing I have beds my best time to be creative so I made you my show then I may write my blogs in I’m a man I’m a work on my website improvements on my do a newsletter then but I make those to do tap fit into the category on my calendar when I get to have time black for Creative I’m and then afternoons I do think they’re more analytical because that’s how my mind works I know that I’m blocked from 1 to 3 to be analytical so I may pay bills I’m a look at the numbers for my social media I’m a look at you know it’s hard to say what I’m doing but I’ve tried tried to take this as is things and work them into my calendar in a way that makes it happen and then every week when I go to make the next they also look back.

Apr 10, 202106:18
How I Hit 10K Followers on Instagram.

How I Hit 10K Followers on Instagram.

 Rough transcript"  Hi this is Wendy shield where she's a goal setter and yeah if you're watching this that means I hit 10,000 followers I have had so many people asking me how did you do that Wendy how do you 10,000 there's a lot of work I'm not gonna lie I mean it was a lot of work and it will continue to be a lot of work 'cause I will continue to grow but thought I might share with you some of the things and let you know everybody has their special challenges while they're trying to do this some things some things are a little harder for them than they are for others first thing that I did was pick six hashtags to follow that were in my niche so many of you know my you know user name is she is a goal setter and so I would do like goal setting 2021 would be one hashtag that I might follow or she she's a goal setter follow that one and I follow just mean different ones that are in my nytch pick six and I you know I'm pretty dedicated to this it doesn't mean I don't look at the other ones sometimes it just means those ones I consistently take care of so I consistently go in and comment on peoples posts in there and I follow people and I'll be honest my personal way I do it I usually I'm not saying I don't follow people that are way ahead of me because I do because I they inspire me and teach me things but but as far as finding people to friend me and follow me are usually people that are like just a little bit behind me in their growth.

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Mar 14, 202110:27
She Is A Goal Setter interview with Jared Schroeder owner of TryEffect, apparel line.
Mar 14, 202122:44
Elaine Boes Thompson, owner of Stepping Stone Realty and Cheers 2U Restaurant, Upper Sandusky Ohio

Elaine Boes Thompson, owner of Stepping Stone Realty and Cheers 2U Restaurant, Upper Sandusky Ohio

Elaine Boes Thompson - call- 419-310-0177 #goals, #dreams, #plan,#Achievement, #action, #systems,  Rough Transcript:  What is your definition of success?  Somebody who can recognize they can be able to identify it and move to another angle, to be able to adjust and keep ongoing. To be successful you have quickly changed if the market changes you got to be able to adapt if somebody in your company changes you got to be able to adapt to that situation. Being able to identify what is going. What are your three favorite apps?   Number one would be gives you the place of all the houses what locations are looking for where you want to be, What price range you want to be at? It also identifies what the different functions of the house are all the different things that you’re looking for. Second,  My app. which allows me to go online grab up my listing on that had to do it the Board of Realtors. I can jump on their give right to my work and move on that quickly and put in new listing lookup my listings to be able to switch them out that’s what that app does  Third app schedules property you can come right on immediately and so you get a response to tell you t’s accepted and I’ll give you back what day what time is it okay it’ll give you directions and is it go directly to your client now. I have to be so flexible and I am from moment to moment so if somebody calls me right now they want to get in to see a house so like right this moment.  I’ll put it into Showtime. I want to go now and if the house is available that has no people in it, I can head right over and I can take them right on the spot.  If somebody a group of 30 people coming to my restaurant right now I have that flexibility.  If I don’t know if somebody can call ahead and a free plan with me which I welcome it, so then I will go ahead and I will keep in.  What was your biggest challenge with starting your restaurant business?  The number one many of the banks throughout we went to several I mean like we went to the bank have the opinion that you cannot have a restaurant of this stature in a town this small I think that it was going and so the ratio of the number of people for what they felt like it would take for us to run and they knocked this downtime after time. The number of people in our community but they base it on our previous work ethic and our accomplishments, income did come into the picture so that was part of it but that was not the only part. It was based upon our previous work record our personalities is whether they felt like we could draw the business in my house oh my God I love this bag and if anybody needs to know what they call me they were wonderful and they but they arrived here at the property and they said tell us about your dream and I walked him to step by step told them what I pictured. They thought that you know that was an option so anyways when they called me to inform me they were going to give us the loan they said Elaine I want you to know we are going to give you the loan however you think it’s important that you know it’s because of your personality that’s that is a true story. I  promised that is a true story.  What would you say is your biggest challenge to currently running two businesses?  You have such a love for both of them they're your base there it’s like being able to take care of 2 children each one has its differences but you love them so much as one of them and make sure they’re both of them when I start feeling that way. There have been times where I did feel that way I just step out and I say okay today is you can only do x amount of things at one time.

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Mar 14, 202114:16
Dylan Knotts college athlete at Ohio Northern, the commitment level needed to be successful.

Dylan Knotts college athlete at Ohio Northern, the commitment level needed to be successful.

#goals, #dreams, #plan,#Achievement, #action, #systems,  Dylan Knotts college athlete at Ohio Northern describes the commitment level needed to perform and be successful at that level. Graduate of Indian Lake High school, a priorly college wrestler at Urban University, now a college athlete at Ohio Northern describes the commitment level needed to perform and be successful at that level. Incomplete brief transcript:   Hi I’, here with Dylan Knotts, College athletes, do you want to tell us about where you go to school?  After graduating from Indian Lake, I attended Urbana University, I have transferred to Ohio Northern University. What will you do after graduation?  You will train people like yourself when you get out of school?  Quick question what is your definition of success?  I guess, how you can help yourself and others get to the places I and they want to be.  Do you keep those in writing? or those all in your head?  Personal goals I guess I just keep those bottled up. I can still think about them daily. Do you write down your workout? Do you break those down? I write my workouts mostly so I’ll do the percentage basis to where I can eventually get to my goal and surpassed that and then keep growing from there.   Do you just write them in a notebook, or he has an agenda?   How old were you when you started sports?  I was young. I start a baseball in first grade that was non-contact so mom was okay with it and then third grade came around and I  tried wrestling,  then in sixth grade, we went all the way up to football just continue throughout.  What kind of things did you sacrifice to meet the goals?  Waking up early in the morning or staying late after practice and wrestling with sacrifice a lot of food, there has been a lot of starvation, sacrificed relaxation.  Did you make sure to walk the straight and narrow more than probably a lot of kids? What do you do if you’re losing consistency with your goal? Ease back into it and I can’t go from everything to anything.  If you have a child that wants to do the same thing, you are doing what would you do differently?  I mean like strength training wise I didn’t start until High School I think I kind of shorting myself a little bit but I wouldn’t force them to do heavyweight and Correct form, stuff like that, and not pushing towards one thing like my parents never pushed me. I always picked what I wanted to do.  Do you see wrestling always being part of your life? meaning train Collegiate and high school athlete? I would like to coach eventually.  #successquotes,#success, #sheisagoalsetter, #goals, #motivational, #motivated, #motivation, #inspire, #successful, #goalsetting, #lifequotes, #followme, #indianlake, #leader, #Indianlakeohio, #lovinglife, #goalsettion,#gogetem, #collegeathlete,#wrestling, #hardwork, #diet, #exercise

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Mar 14, 202108:31
Multiple Use Evergreem Content

Multiple Use Evergreem Content

Creating Evergreen Multiple-Use Content I post weekly to 7 social media sites, a total of approximately 215 times, 46 of those pieces are Unique (ish)😊. I do this all while running a second business. How?, Through the use of creating evergreen multiple-use content. I currently have very little of this work outsourced; as my business grows and evolves, I know that will change, the handoff will be made with much less effort by having this process in line. Let’s run through how I make this happen.  Each Week 1. I brainstorm topics 2. I write an outline. 3. I record a video approximately 10 min +or- 4. I edit the video. 1. I create thumbnails for (1)Youtube, (5) Pinterest, and (5) Instagram size.   This is how I develop my content for the week. +5  piece  Video -YouTube, IGTV, Facebook, 4Chan, Pinterest, and  Blogger (direct load to these sites) +11 pieces are created by sharing using backlinks to Youtube from other social media sites. +1 – split audio from my video to create a podcast. +I6  I cut the video into approximately 4, 1-3min videos which I use to create the following. +4 Instagram Reels – also shared to stories and feed. + 4 Pinterest stories-   + 4. Facebook post and stories    + 4 tic tok, +10  pieces – Created from my outline   +1  Blog post (  +3   3 unique thumbnails and titles with links to the blog post.   +1   Behance post, which is an Instagram meme linked to           blog  + 5  The content on the 5 Instagram Memes  (thumbnails with blog highlights,    posted separately    +1.  Placing the Five memes together to form a multi-page meme.  +  3 run my multi-page Instagram meme in a cycle with the cut-off audio to make a new video of sorts.    +1 Instagram Reel shared to feed and stories. + Pinterest stories        +1 tic tok  This remainder of my post is professional photos of me, family snapshots, and my photography; these items are often used numerous times with various quotes related to my niche.   HTTP://  Rough Transcript Hi guys, it's Wendy with; she is a goal setter. Today I want to talk to you about Evergreen multi-use content. I load about 215 pieces of content a week; not all of those are original. It amounts to about 50 pieces of new content a week. If you're a business owner, you should be interested in social media. If you are a doctor, if you are a pest inspector or an insurance agent, you need to be the person your community thinks of when they need that service.  The best way to do that is to show up, just small tidbits of information continuously on social media it might be at one to upper 2 tips a week but just something little that the next time that they have any kind of problem in your area you're the person they think of today's market is really important to do that we may not have to pay for social media advertising as the same as we did for you know when it was the newspapers and things like that but we still need to stay on top of our advertising through social media you know to be organic or paid one however you wanna do it but I want to share with you today how I come up with 50 pieces a week without letting it take over my business what I do is I sit down and I to decide what I want to do what do I want to do for a topic this week and I usually come up a brainstorm.  You can watch the show at

Mar 14, 202110:20