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Join team, as they discuss about different issues faced by woman on a daily basis. If you're an aspiring young woman who wants to gather new insights, or always want to become a better version of yourself, this is the podcast for you!
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S02E03 - Nyala Wanita Untuk Generasi Penerus Bangsa

INSIGHT by wewomen.idApr 30, 2021

S02E08 - Turn Your Business Idea into Action

S02E08 - Turn Your Business Idea into Action

Hampir setiap orang setidaknya pernah memiliki satu ide bisnis yang terlintas di pikirannya, namun tidak semua orang merealisasikannya. Banyak faktor yang menghambat realisasi ide-ide bisnis yang dimiliki, salah satu penghalang terbesar dari realisasi ide bisnis adalah rasa takut dan ragu dari dalam diri sendiri. Di episode kali ini, mengajak Ibu Tama dari PT. Hesitada Inti Design dan Moire Rugs untuk berdiskusi mengenai bagaimana cara merealisasikan ide-ide bisnis yang dimiliki, mengatasi ketakutan dan ragu-ragu dari dalam diri sendiri, serta cara, tahapan, dan tips untuk memulai bisnis.
May 31, 202222:31


2 minute wiki kali ini mengupas fenomena work life (im) balance yang identik dengan hustle culture. Udah pernah denger atau belum nih? Yuk disimak yaa 

Nov 14, 202104:35
[Underrated] EP. 06 - Generalist? Specialist?

[Underrated] EP. 06 - Generalist? Specialist?

Are you a generalist who tend to explore many things? Or are you a specialist who tend to focus on one thing? Or can we be both? Find out through this Underrated episode!
Oct 03, 202105:35
S02E07 - Confronting Sexual Harassment with KOMNAS Perempuan

S02E07 - Confronting Sexual Harassment with KOMNAS Perempuan

Berkaca dari kasus pelecehan seksual baru-baru ini yang dialami oleh salah satu pegawai lembaga penyiaran nasional, kejadian itu telah bertahun-tahun lamanya, dan merupakan satu dari ribuan kasus sexual harassment yang ada di negeri ini. Dari fenomena tersebut terlihat pelecehan seksual pun dapat terjadi di ruang publik yang masih di bawah instansi pemerintahan, dan korban bisa siapa saja bahkan seorang kepala rumah tangga. Tidak hanya itu saja, korban yang menjadi sasaran pelecehan seksual tidak mengetahui langkah apa yang dilakukannya, sehingga korban biarkan bertahun-tahun lamanya. Maka melalui episode “Confronting Sexual Harassment” bersama KOMNAS Perempuan, para pendengar akan menambah pengetahuan penting yang dimulai dari apa esensi dari sexual harassment, hingga apa langkah-langkah yang harus dilalui jika mendengar, melihat, maupun mengalami pelecehan secara seksual dari predator-predator yang merajalela di negeri ini.

Oct 02, 202128:18
S02E06 - Perempuan Setara, Perempuan Merdeka

S02E06 - Perempuan Setara, Perempuan Merdeka

Bagaimana memaknai kemerdekaan bagi perempuan. Bagaimana perempuan dapat tetap menjalankan perannya sebagai wanita namun tetap setara juga dihargai untuk terus meraih mimpinya. Perempuan harus sejajar dengan laki-laki dan bisa mengaktualisasikan rasa kebangsaannya.
Sep 04, 202148:19
2-Minute Wiki Ep. 03. Paralympic: Knowing Your Limit And Go Beyond!

2-Minute Wiki Ep. 03. Paralympic: Knowing Your Limit And Go Beyond!

Let's be closer with Paralympic event to celebrate our imperfection which is the path to our perfection as a human being!! Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet, however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at -Stephen Hawking-

Aug 15, 202104:55
S02E05 - A Story from The Front(Last)line

S02E05 - A Story from The Front(Last)line

In this episode we will unravel the healthcare workers' story, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Adinda Fauziah, works as a critical care nurse for COVID-19 cases, shared her story, her feelings, and her worries behind all the sweet and not-so-sweet words that people mentioned about healthcare workers and COVID-19 pandemic in social media. She also shared the struggles in accepting the hardship that she needed to face in order to fulfill her duty as a healthcare workers amidst the unpredictable situation during the global pandemic. At the end of the episode, Dinda left the message for all of us, including all the fellow healthcare workers that are actively working during this pandemic.
Jul 31, 202138:52
S02E04 - Women and Art: Freedom to Self-expression

S02E04 - Women and Art: Freedom to Self-expression

Mari membicarakan tentang Seni dan Perempuan! Ternyata seni dekat sekali hubungannya dengan self-expression sehari-hari kita sebagai perempuan, dan siapapun bisa berkarya menjadi versi terbaik dirinya! Buat kamu yang ingin berkarya tapi meragu, maupun buat kamu seorang seniman perempuan yang sedang lelah menghadapi keadaan di dalam lingkungan seni, pas sekali pada episode insight kali ini, bersama Mba Ika Vantiani memberikan pencerahan bagaimana bisa bertahan untuk terus berkarya di tengah masyarakat yang masih kurang dalam pengetahuan seni maupun dalam mengapresiasi seni itu sendiri. Ayo mulai berani mengekspresikan segala perasaanmu maupun pikiranmu ke dalam media seni, jangan dipendam ya!

May 27, 202151:12
2-Minute Wiki Ep.02. Potret Pendidikan Perempuan di Indonesia (Urban vs Rural)

2-Minute Wiki Ep.02. Potret Pendidikan Perempuan di Indonesia (Urban vs Rural)

Kamu tinggal di wilayah perkotaan di Indonesia? Bisa dibilang, kamu termasuk perempuan urban yang kenyataannya mendapat akses dan fasilitas yang oke dalam hal pendidikan. Banyak sekali pilihan sekolah baik negri maupun swasta yang berlomba-lomba mendapatkan siswa terbaik setiap tahunnya. Perempuan di perkotaan atau perempuan Urban mungkin juga sudah bisa dikatakan merdeka dalam hal ini. Kita, sebagai perempuan urban bahkan sudah bisa memilih untuk terus melanjutkan pendidikan hingga perguruan tinggi dan memilih kualitas kampus yang dituju.

Lalu, bagaimana dengan perempuan di daerah pedesaan?

May 25, 202104:55
S02E03 - Nyala Wanita Untuk Generasi Penerus Bangsa

S02E03 - Nyala Wanita Untuk Generasi Penerus Bangsa

Special Edition- Hari Kartini with Kak Rona Mentari @mentarirona

Emansipasi wanita sudah mulai mengemuka atas sepak terjang salah satu pahlawan perempuan Indonesia, Raden Ajeng (R.A.). Berkaca dari pengalaman hidupnya sebagai perempuan Jawa di masa itu, R.A. Kartini begitu mengidamkan persamaan derajat antara laki-laki dan perempuan. R.A. Kartini ingin menunjukkan jika perempuan tidak hanya 'konco wingking', atau teman di belakang artinya perempuan bisa berperan lebih dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara, terutama dibidang pendidikan. Perempuan juga bisa menentukan pilihan hidup tak harus atas paksaan siapapun dan perempuan juga bisa sekolah setinggi-tingginya.

Dengan semangat yang dibawa RA Kartini tentu saat ini banyak perempuan yang berperan dalam hal pendidikan. Berada di garda depan dalam mendidik generasi penerus bangsa. Salah satunya dengan cara mendongeng yang begitu berpengaruh dalam mendidik generasi penerus khususnya anak-anak untuk dikenalkan nilai-nilai luhur sejak dini untuk ia bawa nanti hingga dewasa.

Apr 30, 202134:48
[Underrated] EP. 05 - A Little Step at A Time

[Underrated] EP. 05 - A Little Step at A Time

Life is a long journey and sometimes we feel like we never do enough to achieve the life that we want to be. Often when we don't get what we want, we blame ourselves for not trying hard enough. In this episode, we want you to slow your pace, appreciate yourself and everything that you have done, even the smallest step at a time.
Apr 20, 202106:57
S02E02 - Women in Public Space

S02E02 - Women in Public Space

Do you want to be more confident on your career in public space? 

Let's talk about women in public space, that we can make a lot of impacts in public space!

In this episode you will know the history of how women struggle against the inequality situation and how it will inspire you!

Also there are a tons of tips for you who want to splash around in public space!

In this episode, we are joined by Mba Ikhaputri Widiantini who will share her insights!

Mar 28, 202134:19
2-Minute Wiki EP.01 Statistics: The Gender Gap in Indonesia

2-Minute Wiki EP.01 Statistics: The Gender Gap in Indonesia

Dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan kesetaraan gender di Indoneisa. Menurut Laporan The Global Gender Gap Index 2020 yang dirilis oleh World Economic Forum, mengungkapkan bahwa Indonesia berada di peringkat 85 dari 153 negara dengan skor 0.70. Angka tersebut tidak mengalami perubahan sejak 2018. Isu ini perlu diketehui oleh wanita Indonesia supaya wanita Indonesia lebih aware sehingga turut serta dalam mendukung kegiatan tentang kesetaraan gender. Mengingat isu gender menjadi salah satu poin dalam tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan/ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Kesetaraan gender tercantum dalam tujuan ke-5 SDGs yakni “Mencapai Kesetaraan Gender dan Memberdayakan Kaum Perempuan”. Gender merupakan isu yang bersifat multidimensi. Isu ini meliputi sisi kesehatan, pendidikan dan ekonomi yang juga menjadi fokus SDGs. Selain secara khusus dicantumkan dalam tujuan kelima, isu gender juga tercakup pada hampir seluruh tujuan dalam tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan.
Mar 15, 202106:58
S02E01 - Women Who Tell The World

S02E01 - Women Who Tell The World

Let's talk about women voicing out their voices about themselves and issues that happen around them. It includes all the process and why the results worth the struggles. Idealita Ismanto, a documentary photographer and a visual storyteller, will unravel her stories and bring us to her journey of voicing out her voices and tell the world!
Feb 27, 202135:20
[Underrated] EP. 04 - Bouncing Back from a Heartbreak

[Underrated] EP. 04 - Bouncing Back from a Heartbreak

Some heartbreaks may come from less romantic places; a job rejection, a friend going away to someplace far, or a loss of a relative. Heartbreaks are a normal part of our lives, just like work is. In this episode, we explore how you can handle your heartbreaks so that they don’t negatively impact the other areas of your life too much. Journaling, or mood tracking specifically, may help you get back on track.

Feb 14, 202105:03
Understanding Privilege with Ana Azzahra

Understanding Privilege with Ana Azzahra

Having privilege does not mean that an individual is immune to life’s hardships, but it does mean having an unearned benefit or advantage one receives by the nature of their identity. The process of becoming comfortable and open to acknowledging, critiquing, and accepting one's privilege is not easy. Thinking about privilege and challenging it is an ongoing exercise - we need to constantly learn and try to understand the power imbalances that one's a part of. 

In this episode, we will discuss the topic of understanding your privilege with Ana Azzahra, an assistant lecturer at UPI and Founder of @saungriset. She is passionate about children with disabilities and has worked in multiple projects that let her understand the definition of privilege first hand. 

Sep 04, 202034:00
[Underrated] EP. 03 - Happiness

[Underrated] EP. 03 - Happiness

In today’s society, happiness can seem like some elusive state of mind that only certain people can attain. However, anyone can cultivate a happy attitude, and keep it for the rest of their life.

In this episode, we will talk how happiness can come from the simplest thing, how you can use gratitude journal to help you pay attention to the good things in life, and finally make happiness your habit!

Aug 09, 202006:43
[Underrated] EP. 02 - Do the Right Thing

[Underrated] EP. 02 - Do the Right Thing

What is the first thing you do when you slip up? What did you do when you're faced with multiple options? Do you think you've done the right thing?  

In this episode, we will talk about all these questions and why we need to think through and do the right thing, all in less than 10 mins. So, if you have limited time on your hands, this is for you!

Jul 26, 202005:09
[Underrated] EP. 01 - Comfort Zone

[Underrated] EP. 01 - Comfort Zone

Welcome to the new mini series from Underrated. Each episode will discuss about underrated work advice that are often sugarcoated or ignored altogether, all in less than 10 mins. So, if you have limited time on your hands, this series is for you!

Jul 12, 202009:10
Special Episode - Social Distancing

Special Episode - Social Distancing

Amid the COVID-19 situation, people around the world are required to practice social distancing. Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” is a practice where you keep spaces between yourself and other people outside of your home. In this episode, Tiara will discuss about what it means to do social distancing, why it is important and some tips on how to deal with this "new normal".

Mar 27, 202032:15
S01E03 - Personal Branding

S01E03 - Personal Branding

Your personal brand is the unique combination of little things that make you, you. An effective personal branding will differentiate you from other people because others remember "Who you are". 

Creating a personal brand can be a daunting task and one of the easiest ways to get lost in the process is to not know where to start. In this podcast, we will discuss everything about personal branding - from its benefit, how it differs in men and women and of course how to build a good personal branding while staying true to who you are.

Mar 13, 202026:21
S01E02 - Self-Love

S01E02 - Self-Love

Self-love is a popular concept these days, and it looks a little different for everyone. Practicing self-love can also be challenging for many of us, especially in times when we face serious challenges and problems. If you're unsure about how to start showing yourself some love, hear this episode for some thought-starters for how to do it today and every day!

Feb 28, 202030:06
S01E01 - Habit

S01E01 - Habit

Have you ever set out with a goal to form a new habit, only to find yourself not doing it at all one week later? Why is it so difficult to form a good habit and why is it so easy to stick with the bad ones? Making consistent changes is not an easy work. 

In this podcast, we will talk about Habit - why it is so difficult for millennials to adopt one, the importance of it and also practical tips you can do to actually form a good habit!

Feb 14, 202023:26