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What if Adventure

What if Adventure

By Lisa

There is the way we have been socialised to know and believe that relationships are supposed to work as African, Kenyans and even in our communities. In this podcast, we learn, unlearn and relearn how God destined for our relationships to be with the goal of fulfilling Jesus' command to love.
Join me in this love adventure.
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S2 E4// Saying Goodbye

What if AdventureNov 12, 2021

Books I read that definitely helped my relationship (Part 2)

Books I read that definitely helped my relationship (Part 2)

In this part we talk about books that deal with the spiritual side of relationships.

It is true after all that whatever we bind here on earth is bound in heaven, and whatever we unbind he on earth is unbound in heaven. Therefore, to make a kingdom relationship takes more than doing the right things, it is also being right before God.

*Correction: Love and Respect is from 2004 not 2021. (It was just added to the library I used in 2021 forgive my mistake)

Apr 09, 202418:40
Books I read that definitely helped my relationship

Books I read that definitely helped my relationship

Many people grew up in functional homes, sometimes even happy ones. To these the basics of running a relationship may be as natural as breathing.

The rest of us have to find out how to do this. Worry not there are many who have gone before us who wrote everything down for us. Here's a list of just 5 or 6.

Apr 02, 202414:29
Pre dating Advice That Actually Works

Pre dating Advice That Actually Works

Much is said on this internet, in books and in person. But what actually works?

Mar 26, 202412:34
My dear Christian before you decide to date

My dear Christian before you decide to date

It is no secret that our dating ways are not the same as the world. It follows then that even the things we do to get ready will not be the same.

Worry not, every Christian you see in a relationship has been there. So here is a basic guide of things you might want to consider about yourself and your journey before you say yes to that date.

Mar 14, 202421:56
Dating later: The good the Bad and the Beautiful

Dating later: The good the Bad and the Beautiful

How old were you when you got into a relationship for the first time? Like a dating relationship?

If you waited as long as I did then you know...

Mar 11, 202414:47
3 Clues to navigate the Christian Dating Minefield

3 Clues to navigate the Christian Dating Minefield

We said this season we are standing in truth. In this episode we look at how each one of us can deduce scripturally what is expected of them in their specific context.

Truth doesn't change but environment does and we still need to remain rooted in truth through it all. If we have these three tools we can discern by the help of the Holy Spirit how and what we should do.

Have fun!

The exact verses as promised:

  • God is a God of order - 1 Corinthians 14:33
  • In Christ there is not Jew no Gentile, no man no woman...but Christ is over all, through all and in all - Galatians 3:28
  • Do all these in love - Colossians 3:14
  • All these things were written for your edification - 1 Corinthians 10:11
Feb 02, 202444:41
Back like we never left ... a quick chat

Back like we never left ... a quick chat

Back like we never left // a few updates

Forgive the atrocious accent hopping and enjoy a way forward and some personal news for the time that I've been away.

I know Wednesday is far from our traditional posting day but I couldn't wait any longer haha. We're so glad to be back on air.

Nov 22, 202309:12
Daily discernment in relationships

Daily discernment in relationships

In every relationship there are decisions to be made; whether to break up or to make up, whether to move or to stay, to confront or to back down.

In every of this we need God's guiding hand to show us the way. Else if we are left to ourselves we will burn down the very barn in which we reside.

Today we talk about

  • What discernment is
  • Steps to discernment
  • Ways to ascertain what we have discerned is indeed of God

Hope you'll be blessed. Have a listen😊

Dec 09, 202211:54
What a godly relationship looks like // Part 2

What a godly relationship looks like // Part 2

In this part we continue the journey into learning what picture the Bible paints of a Godly relationship. As promised we also delve into a peculiar case that the apostle Paul mentions in the first letter to the Corinthians.

If you missed the first episode, WHERE WERE YOU!! Here's the link😁

Part 1 -

Nov 28, 202208:14
Why I don't compare in relationships // what to practice instead

Why I don't compare in relationships // what to practice instead

She wears short skirts, I wear ...

We learn comparison from a young age. Or maybe we are born with it in our flawed nature. In this episode we dismantle the lies that lead to resentment in relationships

Also we  unpack two truths that we can hold as sold and shield to keep our identity and to stand in our relationships.

Let's have fun, shall we?

Oct 14, 202211:22
Watch what you watch // Media and relationship expectations

Watch what you watch // Media and relationship expectations

Everyday we wake up and are stuffed full by messages that are spewed through every media channel. Between radio programmes, social media or television our expectations are cemented and affirmed everyday.

In this episode we consider how to sift what we see and hear through the word of God.

Verses included:

1. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. - Proverbs 4:23 NIV

2. You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. -Isaiah 26:3 NKJV

3. Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds that you may not what is his good and perfect will - Romans 12:2

4. For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. For the word of God is alive and powerful. - Hebrews 4:12

Jul 26, 202211:27
Deep in the feelings // Fear of Relationships
Jul 04, 202208:27
Back AGAIN // Just couldn't stay away
Jun 24, 202204:14
A candid chat on where I've been

A candid chat on where I've been

I know I promised. I failed. Really sorry/

Yet it wasn't for nothing, or boredom. There's purpose to it for God's glory.

Feb 18, 202205:47
Happy new year!! In this season...

Happy new year!! In this season...

Another year that the Lord has made. Another season here at the What If Adventure.

In this season we get to explore the more besmirched subjects in our culture...WEDDINGS!!!

So many people think them an unnecessary evil, others an absolute must. We ask if they really are what they are all they are hyped to be. If they are what in them is actually necessary. 

Join us as we explore according to the Bible. Learn along with us.

Jan 14, 202209:06
Christmas Special // What If Adventure

Christmas Special // What If Adventure

Recapping the year in relationships and a happy new year. 

See you then

Dec 24, 202105:56
S2 E8// Things to keep in mind in the new season

S2 E8// Things to keep in mind in the new season

In the past week or two, we talked about waiting. We continue in this growth series remembering the truths from the waiting season and how they pour forth into the next new season.

p.s I know I said "been in a leader" instead of "been in a leadership position". It was just hilarious in editing I didn't take it out.

Dec 17, 202107:52
S2 E7// Waiting well Part 2

S2 E7// Waiting well Part 2

I'm talking about practice.

We talk about practical things to do when waiting on God. On top of that we touch on things to watch out for in our waiting prayers. Ultimately waiting is only part of the journey. It prepares us for subsequent seasons and where God is taking us according to His plan and glory. It is our part in this adventure with Him to trust Him well and to act in willing submission to the process. After all

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Jeremiah 29:11

Dec 03, 202117:56
S2 E6// The Wait

S2 E6// The Wait

Many are the times we find ourselves between where we want to be and where God places us. Our desires and God's decision can cause tension in our loves.

We talk about stewarding the waiting as well as the desires that cause us to feel like the wait is never ending.

What we do while waiting on God to fulfil the desires of our hearts really determine out growth and maturity. In our commitment to grow we must handle this time productively and in submission to God.

Nov 26, 202107:51
S2 E5 // Reconciling in Relationships

S2 E5 // Reconciling in Relationships

We learnt to tear down now it is time to build.

Heartbreaks do not end at the altar in poofy gowns and tailored suits. How we patch up after the argument becomes extremely essential in keeping a healthy relationship.

There are steps of reconciliation that we glean from our reconciliation to God through Christ. Listen in.

Nov 19, 202111:49
S2 E4// Saying Goodbye

S2 E4// Saying Goodbye

Time to build up and time to tear down - Ecclesiastes 3

We talk about how to tear down the Christian way. 

Breaking up does not have to be messy. In fact, Jesus' separation from His Church (though for a time) was anything but. In following His footsteps we learn how to exit without burning the bridges that once bound so strongly.

The hope is that this episode will give you the courage to let of the relationship that you need to☺

Verses mentioned

Acts 1 – Jesus’ last instructions to the disciples

John 14:3 - Jesus is going to prepare a place for the disciples

Nov 12, 202108:09
S2 E3 // Relationship rythmns

S2 E3 // Relationship rythmns

With relationships there is no doorstep delivery service. People do not come with prime shipping. 

It takes ebbs and flows which require (uncomfortable) adjustments to grow in the relationship.

Bible Verse mentioned

John 9

Book mentioned

The Business of Being Woman

Nov 05, 202111:49
S2 Ep 2 // Building relationship foundations
Oct 29, 202109:40
Defining Kingdom Relationships // Relationship endgame

Defining Kingdom Relationships // Relationship endgame

We relate as social creatures. In the Kingdom of God we elevate the relationships to a whole new holy level.

Christ teaches in relating to His church how to build and grow relationships. Following His blueprint, we explore what a Kingdom relationship is/means. After all the call of this podcast and community is to build Kingdom relationships.

We also delve into the endgame for any Christian and by extension the relationships that we get involved in.

It's a different format but that's how it came out.



Oct 21, 202113:59
Season 2 trailer

Season 2 trailer

It's a new season. A new week and a new topic here at What if Adventure.

This season we delve into the building of life together; a relationship and the adventure that it takes.

Oct 15, 202102:46
Ep 6 // Change is coming

Ep 6 // Change is coming

Having got lost in the draft hole. May I present: Directions


Sep 28, 202112:46
Ep 7 // Taking compliments and giving them

Ep 7 // Taking compliments and giving them

This week compliments are flying all around and an explanation for why I went MIA for a moment there.

"You have beautiful eyes," they say. Do you take it? Maybe ask what is beautiful about the eyes😜

What should we do? Listen in

From the podcast:

"The beholder is God...but we are made one with Him"

"Therefore we must know no man after the flesh" (2 Corinthians 7:16)

Wooh... it's nice to be back on here😁


Sep 24, 202110:41
Ep 5 // Knowing your season

Ep 5 // Knowing your season

Knowing our seasons can help us partner with God. This helps us orient our relationships according to what season we and the kingdom of God are in.

We delve into some examples of seasons and tackle the problem of complaining.

Transcript at


Jul 13, 202111:55
Ep 4// Why God allows suffering

Ep 4// Why God allows suffering

We are reminded

  •  to love right where we are. 
  • To love the bodies we inhabit and 
  • The circumstances that so press out of us the needed wine for other's refreshment.
  • To rejoice in the suffering

We also tackle (in)security in our God given bodies and circumstances.

Hope you enjoy. It was too much fun.

Resources mentioned: 

Book by Francis Chan: You and me Together

Transcript at


Jul 02, 202114:17
Ep 3// Place of Friends in Relationships

Ep 3// Place of Friends in Relationships

We continue with the journey of the lovers in Songs of Solomon and see the place of their friends in the expectations the girl has.

Transcript mentioned:


Jun 25, 202106:44
Ep 2// Expectations in Dating //Songs of Solomon

Ep 2// Expectations in Dating //Songs of Solomon

We all have them. Whether consciously or subconsciously. In this episode we talk about the four types of expectations and see which ones the Shulamite woman had.



Jun 17, 202107:07
Ep 1 // A proposal to you

Ep 1 // A proposal to you


Today I give you a proposal of a journey with me. We acknowledge that it talking about marriage obliges us to talk about getting there. Building a Godly marriage calls for dating God's way.

Come along


Jun 04, 202102:14
Introduction// The What If Adventure

Introduction// The What If Adventure

Welcome to the What If Adventure where we talk matters marriage with and for those who are not yet there.

Whether you are dating, curious or discerning, grab a seat or a chore and let's learn marriage how God intended it to be.

Music from Music:

May 27, 202101:50