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By Ade Joseph

Original political commentary delivered with an entertaining and humorous perspective.
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WhatInTheWorldWeeklyMay 17, 2024

Chapter #15: Did Lucy Letby Actually Do It?

Chapter #15: Did Lucy Letby Actually Do It?

“We haven’t got evidence, but we’ve got concerns”. That was how the consultant paediatrician (Ravi Jayaram) described the initial evidence that began this manhunt. An astounding report in the New Yorker magazine has revealed many details of this trial which UK audiences (due to baffling secrecy orders) have been prevented from hearing about. I summarise the problems with the evidence and overall trial here. There is serious doubt about the validity of the conviction. Simply put, this case was NOT proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
Jun 01, 202435:22
Book Review #12: Scattered Minds by Gabor Maté
May 25, 202422:09


Rating: 8.5/10. This book features a number of short stories (presumably) written to highlight the madness of Lagosian men. Each episode is about 30mins long. Interestingly however, in some of the stories, it is the women, and not the men that are exhibiting mad behaviour. The book reads like a African romantic black mirror. The structure type is refreshing and that helps to keep you engaged with each story. It also means it can be enjoyed as infrequently as you like. You don’t even have to start from the beginning.
May 17, 202416:02
Book Review #10: Atomic Habits
May 11, 202411:28
Chapter #14: Netanyahu’s America

Chapter #14: Netanyahu’s America

For those of you who are new here, I recently took a break from making new episodes and focused more on writing. Well, now I AM BACK. These episodes are an audio transcription of my blog articles(hence why it oddly starts at Chapter #14). A link to my blog can be found on Twitter/X: @WITWWeekly, Instagram: whatintheworldweekly. In this chapter/episode, I discuss the ways in which America is beginning to resemble Israel and Netanyahu’s influence.
May 05, 202409:09
WhatInTheWorld #29: Excerpts from The Great War

WhatInTheWorld #29: Excerpts from The Great War

The scale of death and destruction of warfare can simply not be comprehended by any non-combatants. In this episode, I attempt to paint a picture of this. Starting with the reactions of joy and jubilation to the mood swing when the bodies started to pile up. I contrast the reactions of soldiers who kill a few people and our leader who kill tens of thousands. It is quite revealing. After listening to this, you will become a pacifist! Wars are not won, they are only concluded. No people of good conscience can ever support such mass slaughter under any circumstances. We honour the war dead by protesting for peace everyday, some of they might be alive if they had people to protest for them.
Nov 13, 202333:28
WhatInTheWorld #28: Palestinians - The Unworthy Victims

WhatInTheWorld #28: Palestinians - The Unworthy Victims

The concerted effort by the media to present the events of October 7th as the beginning of this issue but actually a reaction to continuous apartheid is key to understanding their immoral justifications for Israel’s behaviour. Hamas has been funded and incubated by Israel to ensure there is never a two-state solution.
Oct 28, 202329:30
WhatInTheWorld #27: Israel seeks revenge

WhatInTheWorld #27: Israel seeks revenge

Since October 7, Israel and it’s defenders have asserted its right to “defend itself” from the attacks. This has meant a merciless bombardment of the Gaza Strip in an attempt to equal the score. More importantly, the mask slipped this week and they have now admitted they are looking to create a buffer zone between their territory and what’s left of the Gaza Strip. This is why they have focused their bombing on the North.
Oct 21, 202325:41
WhatInTheWorld #26: War, what is it good for?

WhatInTheWorld #26: War, what is it good for?

“There’s only thing worse than soldiers dying in vain, and that’s more soldiers dying in vain”. While the invasion is Israel by Hamas and other militants was celebrated as an act of resistance, no people of good conscience can support the wanton destruction and lack of regard for civilian life shown by Hamas. As is typical of such violence, many of their victims have been foreigners who are no party to the conflict. The immediate response by Israel has been similarly callous air strikes, levelling buildings and killing hundreds. There are no winners in war, only dead humans and scarred survivors.
Oct 10, 202341:04
WhatInTheWorld #25: Reactionary responses to social trauma

WhatInTheWorld #25: Reactionary responses to social trauma

The shocking events which unfolded in Croydon on Tuesday morning left the UK in mass trauma. The response to this seemed to be a need to explain the sociological factors that led to the murder, despite a complete lack of information about the incident. Arguments ranged from the age gap between the alleged perpetrator and their victim to the lack of father figures in households. Most notably, the ‘emergence’ of incel culture seemed to be the coalescing factor identified by the Twittersphere. In this episode, I examine those claims and discuss my general reaction to the reactions.
Oct 02, 202323:59
Travel Update: The Bicycle City, Amsterdam

Travel Update: The Bicycle City, Amsterdam

Flew straight to Amsterdam from Barcelona to experience the Bicycle city (named personally). I discussed getting round the city, accomodation & of course the weed. Tune in to find out the best “coffee shop” to purchase your own
Aug 15, 202329:26
Travel update: Barcelona

Travel update: Barcelona

I discuss my recent trip to Barcelona. What I liked and didn’t like, what I did and didn’t do, and some helpful tips on how to reduce costs and places to go.
Aug 03, 202343:09
History Archive #6: Understanding God, Philosophically.

History Archive #6: Understanding God, Philosophically.

When people ask me if I believe in a God, my answer is: I am confident a God doesn’t not exist, but I believe in Him anyway. How to square that circle? How does God exist if it’s outside of space and time? How can a perfect being design a world so imperfect? What does it mean for a being to be “perfect”? These are some of the metaphysical questions I discuss in my latest episode. I discuss some of my objections to a Creationist God and invite critique and possible answers.
Jul 09, 202301:17:45
WhatInTheWorld #24: Afronation 2023 Review. Information session, tips and recommendations.

WhatInTheWorld #24: Afronation 2023 Review. Information session, tips and recommendations.

In this episode, I breakdown my latest holiday to Portugal for Afronation. This was held in Praia de Rocha, Portimao. I start with some background about the festival to provide information for those who haven’t visited before. Then, I delve into what I liked and didn’t like, my experience of it as a solo traveller and how to make the most of it. I also give my opinion on what tickets to get and whether I would go again or not. Enjoy! You can ask me any questions via private message or reply to the episode directly.
Jul 03, 202341:49
WhatInTheWorld #23: UK court convicts Nigerian Senator of attempted organ trafficking

WhatInTheWorld #23: UK court convicts Nigerian Senator of attempted organ trafficking

In todays episode, I speak to a very knowledgeable source about the recent trial and conviction of Ike Ekweremadu, the former Deputy President of the Nigerian senate. He was convicted of conspiracy to harvest organs and sentenced alongside his wife and the doctor who attempted to facilitate the transplant. I delve into his political background and the finer details of his trial.
May 29, 202335:41
WhatInTheWorld #22: Diane Abbott and meaningless Racial Categorisation

WhatInTheWorld #22: Diane Abbott and meaningless Racial Categorisation

Diane Abbott, MP for Hackney North has found herself in some hot water for suggesting that white people cannot experience racism, but rather can be victims of prejudice. She makes the distinction that while different types of white people have gone through maltreatment due to their differences, this does not compare to the collective struggle of black people in for example apartheid South Africa or during the transatlantic slave trade. In this episode, I dissect her comments and the outrage that ensued. I delve a little into why she is a victim of semantics. The categories of race are meaningless and have long been exposed to be junk science. Trying to make statements about what forms a race and who therefore can experience racism is essentially why we get incoherent arguments like the ones she made and the ones made in the article she was responding to.
Apr 26, 202333:34
WhatInTheWorld #21: Media colluding with govt to prosecute leaker

WhatInTheWorld #21: Media colluding with govt to prosecute leaker

Last week, Jack Teixeira was arrested by the FBI for leaking top secret documents which exposed US Govt lies about the Ukraine war, spying on allies and many other things. The media astonishingly not went along with the govt request to not publish or view this material, but also worked with the govt to find the leaker. This should be totally opposite to what their role in any democracy should be.
Apr 19, 202316:22
WhatInTheWorld #20: In Defence of Zeze Mills

WhatInTheWorld #20: In Defence of Zeze Mills

In this week’s episode, I discuss the fallout from Zeze Mills latest podcast episode she interviewed Noel Clarke. Clarke has been accused by 20 women of accusations ranging from sexual harassment to bullying. The general theme of the fallout was that it was wrong of Mills to conduct the interview. We are now at the stage in life where it is we have to remind people that the presumption of innocence and the right to put forward your own defence is something worth defending.
Apr 03, 202334:19
WhatInTheWorld #19: ICC issues Putin arrest warrant

WhatInTheWorld #19: ICC issues Putin arrest warrant

No not the International Cricket Council, rather the International Criminal Court. This court has a very chequered history of almost exclusively convicting African warlords (essentially the only people they can kidnap and subdue). Ultimately, this was done to make peace even less likely. The thought of peace frightens the US very greatly
Mar 22, 202323:00
WhatInTheWorld #18: Gary Lineker & Nazi comparisons

WhatInTheWorld #18: Gary Lineker & Nazi comparisons

Gary Lineker was briefly suspended by the BBC for comparing the govts rhetoric on refugee migrant crossings to that used by the Nazis about the Jews in the 1930s. While the comparison was somewhat tenuous, missing from the discussion is the fact that the UK govt played a key role in causing the migrant crisis by sponsoring jihadi death squads who destabilised Syria and caused the inevitable refugee crisis.
Mar 13, 202317:13
WhatInTheWorld #17: Nigerian Presidential Elections

WhatInTheWorld #17: Nigerian Presidential Elections

I summarise the main protagonists (and antagonists) in the Nigerian elections held on the 25th February 2023. The plots and subplots and how the voting and reaction has been. Unlike recent election, it appears this one was less credible than the smaller governship elections which have been held in recent years. Ultimately, I think the winner was inevitable regardless of the irregularities.
Mar 13, 202342:20
WhatInTheWorld #16: Ukraine war anniversary

WhatInTheWorld #16: Ukraine war anniversary

A recap on the state of the war today. Sadly, this war has been inevitable since 2014 due to the aggression of the US in goading Russia through the Maidan uprising of 2014. Even after the war began, the US continuously blocked peace efforts. They seem prepared to fight the war to the last Ukrainian.
Feb 26, 202343:36
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files

A few weeks ago, journalist Matt Taibbi reported via a long thread on twitter about documents he’s received which show conclusively that Twitter was working in close collaboration with the FBI and elected officials to censor, suspend and delete accounts. Some even show the FBI requesting real world information about users. As the information continues to come out, I will publish more episodes on the more explosive parts of the reporting.
Jan 09, 202321:46
Acute Insecurity in Nothern Nigeria

Acute Insecurity in Nothern Nigeria

I dive into the BBC Africa documentary about the violence ravaging Northern Nigeria. The WhatsApp broadcasts say it’s a cynical Fulani plot to take over Nigeria, but it seems more like a mix of terrible governance, ethnic division and climate change.
Dec 14, 202219:11
Ukraine war and Cens*rship

Ukraine war and Cens*rship

The current war in Ukraine seems to be a trial run for what we can expect regarding censorship. People must be protected from information the government doesn’t want them to know, less they start having opinions that deviate from the official narrative.
Apr 22, 202226:31
History Archive #5: Florence

History Archive #5: Florence

A brief few words about my trip to Florence.
Sep 05, 202120:35
WhatInTheWorld #15: Talking Zionism & Israel with my Jewish friend

WhatInTheWorld #15: Talking Zionism & Israel with my Jewish friend

I asked my friend (who is Jewish) for his perspective on Israel-Palestine. His personal experiences, political leanings etc. It’s a wide ranging conversation going from how he founded a Jewish youth society at his university, his encounter with Palestinian society and experiences when visiting Israel. First 20mins is my summary not the conflict, rest his the actual interview
May 17, 202101:58:40
History Archive 4: MARRIED AT 21!!! (with Andreela)

History Archive 4: MARRIED AT 21!!! (with Andreela)

“Andreela” is female version is “Andre”. She was engaged at 20 and married at 21! She met her husband at university and they got married amidst the pandemic! Find out how they did it...
Jan 30, 202101:05:10
History Archive 3: Living in Rwanda with Garnet Achieng.

History Archive 3: Living in Rwanda with Garnet Achieng.

In my first episode with an African living in Africa, I speak to Garnet (a Kenyan) about her journey relocating from Kenya to Rwanda via Turkey of all places! We talk about the Rwandan socio-political landscape, dating and work life. I learnt that electricity is 100x better in Rwanda than it is in Nigeria. Rwanda is actually fast becoming a melting pot for many Africans due to its stability and efficient government.
Jan 05, 202101:08:29
History Archive 2: How Land Shapes History.

History Archive 2: How Land Shapes History.

In this episode, I sit down with Helena to talk about Environmental history and politics. We talk about how land shaped the history of the US and the history of culture. From the native Americans to the Palestinians, how displacement actively changes our politics and future.
Dec 05, 202057:15
History Archive 1: Aris Williams (Go Tigers!)

History Archive 1: Aris Williams (Go Tigers!)

In the first episode of its kind, I speak to Tarot Enthusiast & LSU Tiger, Aris Williams. We talk the history of Tarot, Louisiana & the world in general!
Nov 23, 202057:28
WhatInTheWorld #14: CIA bogus “Human Rights Activism” on Uighur Muslims

WhatInTheWorld #14: CIA bogus “Human Rights Activism” on Uighur Muslims

For my second season of BlackPolitik, I decided to do a news brief on the CIA sponsored fake news coming out about Xinjiang and the Uighur Muslims. Sadly, a lot of well meaning people are falling for this hoax rafted by the US govt to damage China’s reputation. This is right out of the colour revolution playbook. Exploit a genuine area of some tension in a country and exaggerate and focus on it microscopically to topple the government. Special thanks to @AdrienZenz, the con artists behind most of the fake numbers behind this story. As everyone should know by now, if there was a genocide of Muslims happening anywhere, the US would probably be at the front of carrying it out, not condemning it.
Sep 05, 202033:03
WhatInTheWorld #13: “I Don’t See Colour”

WhatInTheWorld #13: “I Don’t See Colour”

Saying one doesn’t see colour has become a “problematic” thing to say in liberal circles. While it is of course a semantic exercise, I do believe in principle it can lead to a more harmonious society than trying to create a society hyperfocused on a superficial and incoherent eugenics idea like “race”.
Jul 27, 202015:29
WhatInTheWorld #12: Black Lives Matter and Identity, Part 2.

WhatInTheWorld #12: Black Lives Matter and Identity, Part 2.

In the second part of my two part series, I explore the economic and systemic aspect of what is being highlighted by BLM. I shed light on how we can connect our struggles and the tangible ways with which we can start to make changes. Also, I stress the need to connect this movement on a global level. Those of us living in the empire have a moral obligation to our fellow human currently under the boot of imperialism. It’s not simply enough to gain those boots for ourselves.
Jun 18, 202030:52
WhatInTheWorld #11: Black Lives Matter and Identity.

WhatInTheWorld #11: Black Lives Matter and Identity.

In the first of a two part series, I review the incident involving Amy Cooper and the protests that resulted from the death of George Floyd. I comment on the worrying fact that so many people wanted her punitively punished and what it says about the culture of our society. When we talk about wanting to build a just society for everyone, we have to affirm those principles all the time. The principle of a just society is the dignity of EVERYONE, whether or not they’re “good” or “bad”. Also, corporations tweeted a black screen in “solidarity” with the protests. Sheep-herding people into thinking having more black faces on corporate boards is the answer is how the movement will the co-opted.
Jun 04, 202054:18
WhatInTheWorld #10: Unlearning Propaganda about the Vietnam War

WhatInTheWorld #10: Unlearning Propaganda about the Vietnam War

Many of my U.K. listeners were taught about the Vietnam war in secondary school. We were taught that it was this epic communism vs freedom struggle of North vs South. And that the Americans were on the side of freedom loving people of the South. As I explain in this podcast, this type of propaganda would make Goebbels blush. The Vietnam war was Vietnam vs neo-colonialism of France and USA. From the day they drafted their independence, they were besieged by both countries who did all they could to prevent an independent Vietnamese nations.
May 22, 202024:58
Episode 7: The Shock Doctrine: How the Rich are Cashing In On The Pandemic.

Episode 7: The Shock Doctrine: How the Rich are Cashing In On The Pandemic.

The Shock Doctrine explains how the wealthy use the mask of the pandemic to enrich themselves. While they believe no one is looking, the biggest looting is occurring. The euphemistically named “bailouts” are nothing more than profit protection. It ensures that even in times of a depressing the corporations keep making profit. This is how wealth inequality is entrenched and exacerbated. Additionally, it destroys democracy and creates economic and political apartheid.
May 17, 202044:06
WhatInTheWorld #9: On the Revolution That Never Was.

WhatInTheWorld #9: On the Revolution That Never Was.

With the lose of Jeremy Corbyn and now the recent dropping out of Bernie Sanders. The optimism they inspired is slowly being replaced with anger and despair. In the episode, I try to analyse with the warning signs were there that this so-called “revolution” was never to be. I myself wanted desperately to believe in it, and I don’t begrudge anyone who didn’t see these hints. However, with Sanders dropping out without exacting ANY concessions on his agenda, it seems almost a betrayal. Furthermore, new details have come to light that questions his devotion to his movement. From the way he ran his campaign to wavering on taking billionaire money.
May 04, 202042:46
Episode 6: Covid-19 Observations with Keziah: The Emperor Has No Clothes.

Episode 6: Covid-19 Observations with Keziah: The Emperor Has No Clothes.

The recent outbreak of the coronavirus has been a total vindication of the left, yes we can afford to house our people, yes we can afford free university, yes we can afford even free ponies. The diseased capitalist mind of the oligarchs have been well and truly exposed. Talk of saving the “economy” over people has revealed that while the wealthy may be stewards of this system, they by no means run it. Socially, our society has been infected by this same disease, we’ve seen hoarding, fights over supplies, gluttony, all the children of a system to worships a coloured piece of paper over human lives. Hopefully, people don’t fall for the same deficit handwringing again although somehow I remain pessimistic.
Apr 24, 202001:00:02
WhatInTheWorld #8: The Life of Frederick Douglass (Book Review).

WhatInTheWorld #8: The Life of Frederick Douglass (Book Review).

I recently bought an audiobook about the lives of Douglass, Booker T Washington & Dubois. I have always been fascinated by in person tales of what life was like back in those days. I have completed the first part, by Douglass. I am intrigued by how it seems to prove my theory on how we currently live. We still very much remain slaves. Humans needs some basic necessities to survive. Food, water, oxygen, shelter, medical care. The only one of those available to all is oxygen. It seems a sorry state of affairs that 200,000 years after our species first evolved, only one of these necessities is available to ALL. The only thing on that list we don’t pay for is oxygen. It shouldn’t be controversial to guarantee everything on that list to all living things.
Mar 27, 202044:06
Episode 5: Why I am a Free Speech Absolutist.

Episode 5: Why I am a Free Speech Absolutist.

In this episode, I delve into the emergence of “hate speech” laws and how they are not only ineffective but idiotic. They essentially amount to the crime of hurting someone’s feelings. That should not be a justifiable reason to prosecute someone. Also, with regards to the emergence of the far right and fascism, the West (US, UK) have their hands all over it. The violence they have inflicted on the world makes the Nazis look like choir boys. Hitler literally learned apartheid from the United States.
Mar 04, 202036:05
WhatInTheWorld #7: Do animals have civilisations?

WhatInTheWorld #7: Do animals have civilisations?

Some of the things we find odd about animals we actually used to do ourselves. For example, did you know that it was common place for humans to kill the offspring of conquered people’s, just like lions do. The Mongols and Romana often did this. Consequently, a lioness sometimes sleep with as many males as possible to try and fool them all into thinking the cubs are theirs. This ingenuity was no doubt learnt and passed on from generations. This caused me to wonder if like us, animals undergo major shifts in their culture and behaviour just like we do. This would mean they too have civilisations. The potential of this for a history nerd like myself was very exciting, so I talk a bit about it here.
Feb 20, 202013:59
WhatInTheWorld #6: Casual anti-Arab racism, America’s genocidal plans etc.
Feb 05, 202035:08
WhatInTheWorld #5: Megxit; Is the U.K. a racist country?

WhatInTheWorld #5: Megxit; Is the U.K. a racist country?

There has been great debate lately on Megan & Harry leaving the Royal Family. “Is the U.K. a racist country?” has been a dominant feature question in the news. Accusing a country, like the U.K., with its long history of genocide and terrorism against millions of brown people of racism for not accepting a woman of colour to their ultra-elitist circle is like calling Ted Bundy sexist.
Jan 22, 202014:12
Episode 4: College vs University; Differences between America and UK.

Episode 4: College vs University; Differences between America and UK.

In this episode, I speak to my American friend about the differences between their college system and ours in the UK. I learn about how their student loan system works, and the wide variety of scholarships available to students. Also, most of the universities you know in the US are actually private, including the historically black ones like Brown, Morehouse & Howard. To conclude, we also dabble into the upcoming US elections. I try to convert into a “BernieBro”!
Jan 16, 202001:25:23
WhatInTheWorld #4, Iraqi parliament votes 170-0 to expel US, US says NO!
Jan 10, 202012:12
Episode 3: Understanding America with Junie B; Race, class and everything in between.
Jan 04, 202001:26:38
WhatInTheWorld #3, Decolonising Currency; the Eco.
Dec 28, 201914:21
WhatInTheWorld #2, Impeachment, What Happens Next? — NOTHING!

WhatInTheWorld #2, Impeachment, What Happens Next? — NOTHING!

Trump has been impeached by the House of Representatives! I tell you the details in the articles of impeachment and how it is a faux resistance to Trump that just might get him re-elected.
Dec 19, 201923:18
Episode 2: Understanding Capitalism

Episode 2: Understanding Capitalism

We are often told we live in a capitalist society, the best economic system ever invented. In this episode, I deconstruct this claim, is capitalism really the success story people say it is? Do it’s biggest cheerleaders even believe in it?
Dec 13, 201901:00:29