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By LaLa

Hello there if you found my page you’re probably wondering what is this person talking about and why does she have a page and who let her have this? Well, the answer to your question is I just do what I want.
I say what I want and I just live my life the way I feel is best for me.

On another note, on a serious note, I am just a simple person living a simple life I’m not doing anything interesting in particular I like to write and I have a blog and I like to talk I find myself talking to myself pretty often so I decided why not turn it into a little podcast thing.

Enjoy your stay 🧁
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WhereIsTheMustardApr 28, 2023

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Apr 28, 202300:30
Dream Car... Dream House.. Dream Life

Dream Car... Dream House.. Dream Life

Hey there! Welcome back to another episode of whereisthemustard with a brand new upload day of Wednesdays at 2 AM EST!

But this one is a little different to end 2022 Saturday @ 3:00AM EST!

Side Note: I recorded this last one back in October and I held onto it for a some time to be able to get back into my regular schedule but decided to end the year with something since its been over a year since I uploaded... 

Look at us.. Look at us here again for another episode! We made it to lucky episode 19! 

I swear I do things that do not make a lick of sense but hey.. don't we all do that sometimes? In this episode, I decide I want to look for a new car.. for no real reason of course. It is one of those situations where I wake up and just do stuff. Driving for no real reason, using up gas, and adding miles that no one asked me to do.. and for what.... lol my pure entertainment because sometimes I need a reality check. But I also do things just to pass the time... or maybe just to get an idea of something that is completely unrealistic at this time.

What can I say!?

But anywho...

As always... enjoy && thank you.

Dec 31, 202213:11
I'm Still Here... Thank You

I'm Still Here... Thank You

Ello There,

Welcome back to another episode of whereisthemustard with a brand new upload day of Wednesdays at 2 AM EST!

But this one is a little different to end 2022 Saturday @ 3:00AM EST!

As one might be able to tell. There has been quite a gap in my uploads. I am on the road to finishing this season with the goal I had in mid ending this season with 25 episodes! I am so excited to continue with this podcast and new content along with new and old listeners! Anyways on with the show.

To sum up this episode.. episode 18, we can call this a check-in episode. Although I have been M.I.A. I have literally just been dealing with life and focusing my attention on my personal life. It is seriously about time I get back on track with things and I am so glad you are along for the ride! 

As always... enjoy && thank you.

Dec 24, 202206:32
Why I Don't Date

Why I Don't Date

Hey there! Welcome back to another episode of whereisthemustard with a brand new upload day of Wednesdays at 2 AM EST! So here I am once again, we are on episode 17! Like all of my episodes, I hope that someone can relate to each one of them in some kind of way and just be able to laugh a little. But anyways, Why I Don't Date, it seems like the thing of the year or years. Dating has become harder over the years, meaning that the lack of finding "good" genuine people do not seem to exist. I for one in this very moment could careless. But that is just me. It really is important to be able to be happy in your life without needing a partner. That is just added happiness! 🙃 I feel like I have wasted enough time in more recent times and now it has given me a better outlook on what is actually worth my time! As always... enjoy && thank you.
Dec 08, 202117:41
When Did TV Go Downhill?

When Did TV Go Downhill?

Ello, Ello, Ello Hey there! Welcome back to another episode of whereisthemustard with a brand new upload day of Wednesdays at 2 AM EST! So, no surprise here, but as I was listening to this back I noticed that I was missing some very good shows that I forgot to point out. I think we all know what they are so we can think them to ourselves! lol Anywho, I do find it so interesting how we change as people and what we once liked or how things used to be. I feel like growing up TV was so "important" to everyday life. It was something to get excited about and to be lazy with. Nowadays, I feel like that is all gone, but maybe that is because I grew up... I guess the world will never know... lol silly rabbit. And like most of my episodes... As always... enjoy && thank you.
Dec 01, 202109:41
Appreciating The Seasons

Appreciating The Seasons

Ello, Ello, Ello Hey there! Welcome back to another episode of whereisthemustard with a brand new upload day of Wednesdays at 2 AM EST! So as we all may know, winter is quickly approaching, and so is December which means Christmas is right around the corner. It seems like every year around the same time, whether it is the beginning, middle, or near the end, we always point out how fast the year is going. Or how we can not believe that it's already halfway through the year or it's already March. Either way, every year we experience the changes in the seasons. Unfortunately, not everyone gets to experience the 4 seasons, but here in PA, I get to experience them, and the more that I get the more I appreciate the little things in life. Fall is my favorite season and rainy weather puts me in a happy mood. What can I say, I'm weird!  Anywho, As always... enjoy && thank you.
Nov 24, 202110:27
People's Assumptions About Me

People's Assumptions About Me

Welcome back to another episode of whereisthemustard with a brand new upload day of Wednesdays at 2 AM EST!
So I am just gonna come right out with it && say, that I am indeed a hot mess in this episode. lol, I'm sorry I can't help it.
But how many of you have experienced someone telling you something about yourself like it was wrong.
Like your name shouldn't be spelled the way it is... Yes, you guessed it lol that is talked about in this episode. I know you
can barely keep your excitement together! But in all honesty, I really enjoyed recording this episode. It made me laugh && that is the same
kind of experience that I want everyone else to have when they are listening to my podcast. Just enjoy yourself, have a good laugh && be able to smile. 

As always,

Nov 17, 202110:34
The Worst Job Experience Ever

The Worst Job Experience Ever

Ello, Ello, Ello Hey there! Welcome back to another episode of whereisthemustard with a brand new upload day of Wednesdays at 2 AM EST! Unfortunately, episode 13 did not fall on a Friday... but if it did, you bet your sweet cheeks this would have been a special upload. Anyways but here we are at episode 13 with all of its glory!!! I can say that I am starting to feel like I am on the right track on the podcast train. So, as you can tell by the title this episode is taking me back a few years to the worst job interview experience I have ever had. Let's keep this one a surprise, but let me just say.. it was ridiculous.. like beyond ridiculous. Lucky for you though you get to experience a little bit of it.. from what I can remember. I wish I had that really good memory where I can tell you super details and everything that was said, but a summary still isn't bad.  

As always... enjoy && thank you.

Nov 10, 202112:01
M.I.A. Just an Update

M.I.A. Just an Update

Hey there! Welcome back to another episode of whereisthemustard with a brand new upload day of Wednesdays at 2 AM EST! So we have made it to episode 12 and I can tell you that this episode is by no means thought out or outlined lol I was straight-winging it, baby! I also wanted to take this time out to just give you guys a little update on what I have been up to and fill you in for my unexpected absence from the podcast. (lol using the word absent instantly made me feel like I was missing school or something.) But anyways, new things are always happening and I just missed being able to talk my heart out for no real reason and I appreciate all of you who have still been listening in or wondering what was up. I will be forever grateful for that and that makes my heart happy. Okay, I think I made my point no more soppy words.
As always
Nov 03, 202109:45
A New Opportunity

A New Opportunity

Hey there! 

Welcome back to another episode of whereisthemustard with a brand new upload day of Wednesdays at 2 AM EST@

First things first, 

Yes, of course, I would love to address how I have been MIA for a few months. I posted back in July that I would be taking a break until August and August came and went by really fast and now here we are in October wtf right. 

But I want to thank everyone who has still been checking out my other episodes and those who stumbled upon it by accident and even the few that wondered and wrote me on social media asking if I was okay and if there will be new episodes! That truly means a lot to me, more than any of you will know. I appreciate it all! 

This episode is continuing from the last one that I finally got around to actually edit. But this has been a great point in life, just the little wins and the little progress that makes life easier to get through. We all have those accomplishments that can make a whole world of a difference in our lives and sometimes, they are worth sharing. 

I am going to keep it at that and keep this part short, lol I am sure you don't want to keep reading this nonsense but it is good to be back to what I enjoy doing! 

Thanks again, for everything! 

And as always...


Oct 27, 202109:48
Here’s A Story

Here’s A Story

Hey there! Welcome back to another episode of whereisthemustard with a brand new upload day of Wednesdays at 2 AM EST! I hope you guys are as excited as I am. So first things first, I want to just address some obvious mistakes within this episode like saying piercing when I was actually referring to tattoo.. I messed up here && there lol it's normal so no real biggie. But anywho, so this episode is about tattoos && piercings that I have personally had && experienced, along with the ever so loving annoying questions! (nothing to be excited about lol). But if you have any of either or both, I am sure you have come into contact with that one person who thinks it is personally affecting what you have. I think nowadays they call those people Karens && more so recently heard that the male version of Karen is Kyle.. Soooo if that is your name, lol no offense.  I think it is important to note that no matter what you do, whether you are thinking about getting something done, do it for yourself. Do what makes you happy! Anyways, as always... Enjoy!
Jul 07, 202114:46
Driving 101: Road Rage

Driving 101: Road Rage

Hello! && welcome back to another episode! We have made it to EPISODE 9!  Holy crapola, so exciting. We are ending the month with a new day and time for all you cool cats out there! Now you can listen to Whereisthemustard bright && earlier, right in the middle of the week! So, fair warning this episode has a lot of swear bombs throughout, which is fitting for the title. But as you can see by the title, I am discussing some things that give me road rage or are just kind of an annoyance, but I suppose it is all the same thing. Like with all of my episodes so far, I hope you can gain a little laughter out of this && hey even find some things that are relatable to your experiences.  As always Enjoy
Jun 30, 202115:17
Ramblings of a Single Parent

Ramblings of a Single Parent

First things first!
I have taken note that I said the words "hot mess" numerous times in this episode && I will admit, it is a little embarrassing.
Two!  I hope everyone is doing well && would like to share that this will be the last upload for Fridays.
Three! Welcome back, you beautiful souls! I am so glad you are back for a  brand new episode.
#8, yes I skipped all those numbers because I can't count, mainly because I am just so happy that we made it to episode 8!
So this is a small rambling of what I have experienced more so recently, (with a little bit of an overview) of being a single parent.
I know a lot of people can relate to this && just being a parent in general. It is never the easiest of tasks but doesn't worry, it is not
sad stuff or emotional stuff it's the stuff you can laugh about because I sure did! lol
As always

Jun 25, 202113:52
Can We Normalize These Things?

Can We Normalize These Things?

Heyyyyyy There!
Welcome back to the podcast! We are at episode 7 && it just keeps on getting better!
Anywho, for this one, I felt a change in my tone from the beginning to the end which is hilarious, like I can't deal with myself lol but that is all just the passion behind it all.
Now I know there will be so many people who would be able to relate to normalizing the "stupid" or laziness in the
workplace. Look all I am saying is, own up to the fact that you, (not particularly you) just suck at your job && need to stop
blaming it on everything else. Look in the mirror lol anyways.
As always

Jun 18, 202112:07
Job Expectations & Going to College

Job Expectations & Going to College

(First I will just want to give a fair warning that this audio is a little weird throughout, it starts really low for a little && then gets normal && then gets weird again && back to normal. Sorry about this. I definitely will have to keep working on this.)

But anywho,
We have reached Episode 6! I feel like every time when a new episode is out, I am throwing a little personal celebration. So with that being said, thank you all who tune it weekly or just sometimes or even those who just found this. Thank you so much!!!

So to sum this episode out, I am talking about different jobs && expectations, along with attending college && seeing if it worth receiving a degree in all fields. I also throughout, have my opinion of course && share personal experience && really saying a way where we can benefit the people living in the U.S.A. regarding jobs && whatnot.

As always,

Jun 11, 202120:15
Cooking for a Living (Kitchen Injuries)

Cooking for a Living (Kitchen Injuries)

Hey, welcome back to Whereisthemustard.
We are already on episode 5 && as always I am so excited!
Every time a new podcast is ready to upload I am literally over the moon because I don't know.. I like making this podcast
&& being able to talk about different topics that interest me && others.
So I will say that for some reason this episode seems sped up in a way.
But it is always a good listen for those who like to listen to random things.
A little bit of a back story to accompany this episode, I was a cook for a total of about 7 years or so.
I only had one goal when a few years in, & it was to become a Sous Chef && my journey would end there.
I did make it to that && kind of just, well .. you know.. life && also just was kind of over it.
I still do think about going back sometimes, it is crazy to just think that it was never my thought
to get into a cooking profession, but the job I started cooking at, the FSD pretty much just told me that
I would be good at it. But who is to say that it wasn't just because they needed a cook! lol
As always

Jun 04, 202109:58
Personal Achievements (Be Inspired)

Personal Achievements (Be Inspired)

Welcome back to EPISODE 4.
I don't know about you but I am pretty excited with this journal of podcasting so far.
So let us get into it.
The point of this episode is to be inspired && to not give up on a lifelong dream or hobby that you may be started
&& stopped. Get back on it!
For me, I have this same issue so I will share with you some of the things that always stuck with me throughout the years.
It is never too late, learning && living out your dreams is a lifetime thing.
I know that my little french words are a little off, ha spare me further embarrassment but you get my drift.
As always.

May 28, 202113:04
Functioning With Long Nails, How?

Functioning With Long Nails, How?

Hey, welcome back to episode 3, so exciting isn't it!? Anyways, so you can already tell by the title of this podcast && it is about nails. The tappers, the acrylics, the talons, the talkers. (I don't think the last one is a thing, so just ignore that) But I have some fascinations and general thoughts && questions about people who wear these long nails. Just me generally being super curious, so let's talk about it. Short, sweet, to the point, brilliant, I didn't have to make this podcast episode. But I did && you are here for it, I am glad. Enjoy!
May 21, 202110:40
What is With Last Names?

What is With Last Names?

Seriously, I already know what you are thinking, (so weird right) && I must say it is a small fascination. Like I see so many odd ones && cool ones && I am just like, I need to be a part of that crowd. But it is also the history that gets in interested. I think ever since I started at my current job, I have just been more aware of the variety of last names && to put it simply, you can't make this shit up. To top that off I might have also once ventured out && did some researching, like finding what are the rarest last names, (not included). Just call me weird
May 14, 202108:53
As We Get Older

As We Get Older

These are my thoughts. My real life. I always felt that it was no big deal to be around my parents. I always generally thought nothing of it, until I got older. Mainly about a year or so ago, this is when I started to realize the importance of my parents. It really is just the little things in life that are overlooked && sometimes never looked back at. But not everyone. At what age were you, when you realized that you missed being around your parents or just wanted to know more about their daily life? Crazy isn't it at times. *Unedited, just me* Enjoy
May 07, 202115:11
"Saving Money"

"Saving Money"

Today, Today was a day that I felt like I needed to share with everyone my ways of "saving money" for myself. Sorry, this is not a tutorial, just my little lame thoughts. I laugh at myself Almost all the time. Like some of the things that just pop up in my little diddy pop head Really does be cracking me all the way up. #nerd4olife
Side,Side Note: I picked this audio for a reason. Isn't it just great.
May 06, 202103:17