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Draw Me Close: Podcast - A Ministry of Whitestone Christian Fellowship, with Pastor Bob Lawrenz

Draw Me Close: Podcast - A Ministry of Whitestone Christian Fellowship, with Pastor Bob Lawrenz

By DRAW ME CLOSE - Whitestone CF

Draw Me Close is the Bible Teaching Ministry of Whitestone Christian Fellowship, taught by Pastor Bob Lawrenz.
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Bobservations Column: "Fervent Charity"

Draw Me Close: Podcast - A Ministry of Whitestone Christian Fellowship, with Pastor Bob LawrenzMay 17, 2024

1 John 5:9-21 - "Blessed Assurance"

1 John 5:9-21 - "Blessed Assurance"

This week we are picking up our study of 1 John 5 from verse 10. 
In this final section of 1 John (5:13-21), John the things every believer can and should know.  Seven times the word know appears. Christianity is not an “I hope so” or “I think so” faith. It is an “I know so” faith because what has been revealed in the Bible was given to us by God, a God who speaks and a God who speaks only truth. As he brings his letter to close, what is it, in particular, that John wants, that God wants, every child of His to know?

  • We can know we have eternal life
  • We can know that God answers prayer
  • We can know victory over sin
  • We can know we belong to God
  • We can know what is true

Jun 02, 202458:18
Bobservations Column - "Blessed Assurance"
May 31, 202403:27
1 John 5:1-9 - "Overcoming the World"

1 John 5:1-9 - "Overcoming the World"

1 John chapter 5 emphasizes the believer's ability to "overcome" the world (1 John 5:1–5) through the power of Christ. Overcomers are those who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior. The term witness is the theme of verses (6-12).  The passage concerns the witness or testimony of God and the Spirit to the world regarding the great truth of the deity of Jesus Christ.  He gives two kinds of testimony: external (6-9) which we will cover today, and internal (vs. 10-12) which we will cover next week.

May 26, 202447:32
Bobservations' Column - "Overcoming the World"
May 25, 202403:40
1 John 4:1-21 - "Fervent Charity"

1 John 4:1-21 - "Fervent Charity"

This week we come to the fourth chapter of John's first epistle.  Pastor Bob shares some insight from the writing of the epistles to first couple of chapters in the book of Revelation.  It was written about 6 years after John's epistles. When looking at John's epistles, we can easily see why there was a need for Revelation 2 and 3. The Holy Spirit had been showing John exactly what needed to take place, what needed to be done, and what needed to be written in order to restore true faith to the Christian churches, the churches of Jesus Christ.

John turns from the importance of love to the importance of belief in god's truth in the previous chapters. 

In this epistle here in chapter 4, John commands believers to test the spirits. This is necessary if you’re going to discern between the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. You have to know whatever information is coming to you by its source.  Error is not benign; it is malignant. It is not human; it is demonic. Spiritual truth comes from the Holy Spirit and it is life-giving, life-sustaining, life-producing, God-glorifying, or it comes from demons. It is either the doctrine of God or the doctrine of demons. It is either that word which is sent and energized by the Holy Spirit, or it is that which comes from seducing spirits. And teachers are either the true teachers of God or hypocritical liars, espousing the doctrine of demons fostered by seducing spirits. We must know the difference because of the malignancy of error, because of the power of truth. The truth gives life; error kills. In the second division of this chapter (4:7-21), John is true to his pattern of developing the same subjects, each time broadening, expanding, and expounding their significance.  John returns once again to the moral test of love.  These verses constitute one long unit describing what perfect love is and that it is available to us.  
Since God's nature is love, whoever is born of God loves. John makes the point that in the new birth, this aspect of the divine nature becomes part of who you are. The new birth is the imparting to you of divine life, and an indispensable part of that life is love. God’s nature is love, and in the new birth that nature becomes part of who you are. Love is, and love starts with God. Any love that we have is because we are connected with God by the new birth.  We are born again into His family, as sons and daughters, and we have been given the Holy Spirit's abiding presence in our lives.

May 19, 202457:28
Bobservations Column: "Fervent Charity"
May 17, 202403:32
1 John 3:10-24 - "Love One another"

1 John 3:10-24 - "Love One another"

This week we'll finish up 1 John 3, from verses 10-24.  
Throughout his letter, John has been giving us tests to see if we’ve been truly changed by Jesus, tests of a true Christian. 
As we finish chapter three, here’s another one: do you love the brethren? If you don’t love others, there’s a problem.
Christians are to be people of love. Love is a gift from God, love is who God is, and love is who we are to be as followers of God.

This message is foundational and fundamental. It’s one of the oldest messages for the followers of God.
John focuses on love for one another (1 John 3:11). This passage consists of three main parts. Verses 11 through 15 focus on the love believers should have for one another. Verses 16 through 18 describe loving one another by our actions. Verses 19 through 24 discuss whether our hearts condemn us or not. First John 3:21 notes, "Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God." When we have confessed our sins and abide (remain) in Christ, we can ask for anything according to His will and receive it (1 John 3:22).
The final two verses also offer an important reminder. John again focuses on love for God through Jesus as well as loving one another, offering teaching closely similar to the Great Commandment in Matthew 22:37–40.
These verses also highlight the triune nature of God. John mentions God twice in verse 24, the Son Jesus Christ in verse 23, and the Spirit in verse 24. All three persons of the triune Godhead are distinct, yet serve in perfect community as the one true God.

May 12, 202459:06
Bobservations Column: "Love One Another"

Bobservations Column: "Love One Another"

True Christians are to Love One Another because in Christ we have been given the capacity to love. It is the characteristic of God, and therefore because we have been born of His Spirit, and have His abiding presence in our lives, we bear the same characteristics as our Savior. Loving others is evidence of a true believer.

May 10, 202403:22
1 John 2:26-3:10 - "Trusting the Holy Spirit"

1 John 2:26-3:10 - "Trusting the Holy Spirit"

As we begin our study today, starting in 1 John 2:26, John continues to contrast the differences between false and true Christians, false and true teachers, the spirit of antichrists, and the Holy Spirit. For the young believer, some who have not yet been taught much, it is many times difficult for them to sort out the differences.  John wants to make those distinctions clear, to know the truth from lies, true believers from heretics.  As he has already given them several doctrinal and moral tests of a true believer. John then builds up their faith, by defining the Spirit that indwells every believer. This section also deals with the "purifying hope" of every Christian--the return of Christ. John uses this hope to elaborate on the love and obedience of the believer. The hope of Christ's return has a sanctifying effect on our behavior.

May 05, 202401:01:16
Bobservations Column - "Trusting His Holy Spirit"

Bobservations Column - "Trusting His Holy Spirit"

Conviction is for the Holy Spirit to bring through the Word, and teachers are to supply encouragement from the scriptures. God’s program of “Doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16) never includes humiliation but is uplifting to the goal of a closer walk with Jesus. 

May 03, 202403:19
1 John 1:9 - 2:14 - " Forgiveness and Refreshing"

1 John 1:9 - 2:14 - " Forgiveness and Refreshing"

1 John chapter 2 acts as a guide for all believers, reminding us that our relationship with God is reflected in our actions and love for others. In a world filled with distractions and false teachings, we are encouraged to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, abiding in His truth, and continually growing in spiritual maturity. As we walk in obedience and love, we can be assured of our place in His eternal kingdom.
John's focus on right fellowship with God, includes a lifestyle of overcoming sin.

Apr 28, 202401:08:44
Bobservations Column - "Relationship and Understanding"

Bobservations Column - "Relationship and Understanding"

This episode is based on 1 John chapter 2, John's focus is on fellowship with God, and that those who abide in Christ must also walk as He walked.

Apr 26, 202403:27
1 John 1:1-9 - "For Fullness of Joy"

1 John 1:1-9 - "For Fullness of Joy"

One of the purposes of this Epistle was to stress the full though sinless humanity of Jesus and to assure believers of the certainty of their gift of salvation.  A further purpose was to refute those in the church who were seeking to accommodate Gnostic philosophies and practices into their Christian faith and life. 
You can almost hear John's pastoral heart shining through as he appeals to believers, warning them not to give in to those who teach things contrary to the gospel. Don't deny Jesus. Jesus and the message of the gospel are the only sources of everlasting joy.

As believers we must walk in the light.

There are two distinct groups in Scripture, those who Walk in the Light, and those who Walk in Darkness They are the Saved and the Unsaved. It is the separation of believers from non-believers.  1 Thessalonians 5 succinctly describes this contrast:  Believers Walk in Light, not Darkness; we are Children of the Day, not Night; Believers are Alert, not Asleep; they are Sober, Not Drunk.  To walk in the light, is to follow Jesus.  We are no more children of darkness.  Ephesians 5:8 says, "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light."  To “walk” is, in short, to live one’s life. One’s lifestyle or way of life can be considered a “walk.” The word also indicates progress. Walking is related to growth; it is taking steps toward maturity. “Light” in the Bible can be a metaphor for life, happiness, righteousness, or understanding. The Bible is clear that light comes from the Lord God, the “Father of the lights” (James 1:17). He is the opposite of evil. Putting it all together, walking in the light means growing in holiness and maturing in the faith as we follow Jesus.

Apr 21, 202451:21
Bobservations Column - "For Fullness of Joy"

Bobservations Column - "For Fullness of Joy"

First John is one of five New Testament books written by the apostle John. The others are the Gospel of John, 2 John, 3 John, and the book of Revelation. This is the first of his three letters in the New Testament. Its recipients were clearly believers, but no specific audience is mentioned. Since John traditionally ministered among churches in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) in his later years, this letter was most likely written to one or more of these congregations.
This letter’s audience was clearly dealing with problems related to false teachers. John warns against them throughout this entire writing. John also develops themes of fellowship, Christ-like love, forgiveness of sins, and assurance of salvation. It has been suggested that John’s audience was already well aware of the basics of the gospel message, since these are not included in this letter. Instead, John focuses on specific needs related to the congregation.

Apr 19, 202403:18
Revelation 22:8-21 - "The Alpha and Omega Speaks"

Revelation 22:8-21 - "The Alpha and Omega Speaks"

Jesus speaks in verse 7, "Behold, I come quickly..." Then you see it in verse 12, “Behold, I come quickly.” And you get over in verse 20, and you read, “Surely I come quickly.” There’s a kind of urgency here it’s pressing the Christian to respond and take care of some very important things. It's also pressed with the urgency of warning to the unbeliever.

Apr 14, 202401:02:04
Bobservations Column - The Alpha and Omega Speaks
Apr 13, 202403:16
Revelation 22:1-7 - "The Tree of Life"

Revelation 22:1-7 - "The Tree of Life"

Chapter 22 takes us beyond those things that must take place (vv. 1–5). God’s redeemed people will find eternal rest and refreshment in and with Him. But the language used by John in this splendid word picture is comprehensive and provides a healing and glorious glimpse of what has been accomplished by the redeeming work of Christ. John speaks of the Tree of Life and its healing effects for the redeemed.
To grasp the significance of this scene we must go back to Genesis 3 and the aftermath of the fall of Adam and Eve.
In Revelation 22:1–5, three elements of Christ’s redeeming work experienced in this life but consummated in His return are on display. First, there is restoration. The earth is restored. Second, there is a reversal of the curses and consequences of sin introduced in Genesis 3. John says the leaves of the Tree of Life are good for the healing of the nations. Third, John’s mention of restored access to the Tree of Life includes complete reconciliation with God and a renewed intimacy with Him. This is set forth in verses 3–5. The throne of God and the Lamb will be in the midst of His people. They shall see His face, His name shall be on their forehead, and God shall be their light.

Apr 07, 202401:01:24
Bobservations Column - "The Messenger and the Message"

Bobservations Column - "The Messenger and the Message"

Revelation then ends its description of the future and returns to more immediate commands from Jesus. The angel commends what John has seen as accurate and worthy of trust. This is followed by a statement reiterating the idea that "I am" is coming soon. This might have confused John, seeing as the words are those of Jesus, but it had been the angel speaking up to that point. Perhaps in confusion, John starts to worship the angel, but is immediately corrected. "And" beginning verse 7 marks a change in speakers.  The speaker is no longer the angel who spoke in verse 6, but Jesus Christ, the One who is coming quickly.  (Revelation 22:6–9).

Apr 05, 202403:03
Matthew 28:1-15 - "Jesus Raised Up" Easter Message

Matthew 28:1-15 - "Jesus Raised Up" Easter Message

“He is risen!” These are 3 words that have changed the very outlook and trajectory of all humankind. These 3 words are the key to the Christian faith.
Today in our study of God’s Word we come to Matthew’s text on the resurrection of Jesus. In this wonderful chapter, Matthew gives His account of the greatest event in the history of the world, the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. This is the great cornerstone of the Christian faith, and what truly sets Jesus apart as completely unique. Everything that we are and have and ever hope to be, all that we believe in is predicated on the reality of the resurrection. There would be no Christianity if there were no resurrection. Conversely because there is a resurrection, all elements of our faith are affirmed as true in every sense. The resurrection then is the cornerstone of our faith.

Apr 01, 202449:24
Bobservations Column: "Jesus Raised Up"

Bobservations Column: "Jesus Raised Up"

After the darkness and agony of the previous chapter, Matthew 28 is filled with life and worship and dismay. It also sets the stage for the birth of the church and the mission to follow. Jesus had died on the cross and was buried before sundown in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. The chief priests and elders received permission from Pilate to post a guard of Roman soldiers at the tomb to keep the body from being stolen. They did not want Jesus' followers to be able to claim He had been resurrected (Matthew 27:57–66).
“He is risen!” These are 3 words that have changed the very outlook and trajectory of all humankind. These 3 words are the key to the Christian faith.
Today in our study of God’s Word we come to Matthew’s text on the resurrection of Jesus. In this wonderful chapter, Matthew gives His account of the greatest event in the history of the world, the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. This is the great cornerstone of the Christian faith, and what truly sets Jesus apart as completely unique. Everything that we are and have and ever hope to be, all that we believe in is predicated on the reality of the resurrection. There would be no Christianity if there were no resurrection. Conversely because there is a resurrection, all elements of our faith are affirmed as true in every sense. The resurrection then is the cornerstone of our faith.

Mar 30, 202403:40
Matthew 21:1-17 - "The Time Is At Hand"

Matthew 21:1-17 - "The Time Is At Hand"

Jesus and the disciples have nearly completed their long journey from the region of Galilee in the north to Jerusalem. They have now travelled the last leg from Jericho to the town of Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, not far from Jerusalem's gates.
Before entering Jerusalem, though, Jesus directs two of His disciples to go into a village where they will find a donkey and its colt tied up. Jesus has arranged to ride the colt into Jerusalem to intentionally fulfill a prophecy about the Messiah. Zechariah predicted the King would come humbly and riding a donkey (Zechariah 9:9). The symbolism of this is easy to miss. Donkeys are common work animals and unsuited for battle. Victorious conquerors of that era would parade on horses, much as a modern general might ride into a city on the back of a tank. Riding a donkey, rather than a warhorse, is more like a modern person sitting in a pickup truck. In the future, Christ will come in power and judgment (Revelation 19:11–16). This time, His arrival is consistent with His role as a sacrificial Savior (Matthew 21:1–7).
As Jesus rides toward the gates, the large crowd following Him is joined by even more people coming out of Jerusalem, who have heard He is arriving. They put their outer garments and branches on the road in front of Him as symbols of submission and Jewish victory. They also shout out lines from Psalm 118 that are meant for the Messiah: "Hosanna to the Son of David!" and "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" Jerusalem is stirred up. People who don't know ask who Jesus is. Some reply that He is a prophet from Nazareth of Galilee (Matthew 21:8–11).
Jesus later enters the massive temple in Jerusalem. He drives out those selling and buying animals. He overthrows the tables and benches of the moneychangers. This seems to be a second, separate incident from the one recorded in the gospel of John (John 2:13–22). Jesus' anger is not about business or money, itself, but the crass way in which these men are profiting from the spiritual needs of the people (Matthew 21:12–13).
While at the temple, Jesus heals some blind and lame people who come to Him for help. Some children see this and begin to repeat the praises of the crowds as Jesus rode into town. Jesus defends the children to some chief priests and scribes who question Him. He does this, once again, by citing Old Testament Scripture (Matthew 21:14–17).

Mar 24, 202451:39
Bobservations Column: "The Time Is At Hand"

Bobservations Column: "The Time Is At Hand"

In Matthew 21, we come to a monumental moment in the history of our Lord. This is the event we call the triumphal entry, or Palm Sunday. Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem to all of the praise and hosannas of the people who are acclaiming Him as the King and the Messiah. In this triumphant day of acclamation, what looked like the most hopeful moment in the life of our Lord, with many thousands of people crying Hosanna to their conquering hero. Palm Sunday is a day for Hallelujahs, a day for Hosannas. As King Jesus enters Jerusalem to the praise of His people, the waving of palm branches, the casting of their garments at His feet. This is the day when the people of Jerusalem and of all Israel gathered to the Passover. People who were even gentile proselytes to Judaism, were all in a massive mob hailing Him as Son of David, King of Israel. A day in which the anticipation of the long awaited Messiah seemed to have met its fruition, its fulfillment. Finally He had come. Finally the one they had prayed for and longed for had arrived. Tragically, by Friday He was dead; really, at the hands of the very people who had hailed Him on Sunday. The death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross was no accident. It was not a bad ending to a noble effort by a good man. In fact, Jesus’ death on the cross was not the ending of His story; it was really the beginning of our salvation. The death of Jesus Christ was not even the end of His life. It was the goal of His life, and the beginning of our eternal lives.

Jesus’ death on the cross was not the triumph of Satan. It was the triumph of God.  When the Romans nailed Jesus to the cross and raised it into the Judean sky, on that Friday afternoon, Christ had won. He had won the victory over sin and Satan and death and hell. God’s lamb was dying triumphantly over all the forces of evil he had conquered, and provided salvation for his people. He came to offer Himself as the only sacrifice for sin that could satisfy the wrath of God. In His death is the only payment for sin by which God can forgive sinners.

Mar 23, 202403:07
Revelation 21:9-27 - "All Things Are New"

Revelation 21:9-27 - "All Things Are New"

John attempts to describe the New Jerusalem in terms others can understand. In doing so, he mentions precious materials such as gold and jasper, but associates them with properties those materials don't normally have. Gold, for instance, is not normally "clear," and neither is jasper. This is John's struggle in explaining what he sees; a modern person might say they saw smoke that looked like "transparent lead," and those hearing it would understand the mixture of two separate ideas. Here, John does something similar in his effort to describe the indescribable (Revelation 21:9–21). Describing the effect of God's glory radiating from the New Jerusalem, the city appeared to the apostle like one gigantic precious stone. It was crystal-clear and unblemished.  Heaven's capital city is thus pictured as a huge, flawless diamond, refracting the brilliant, blazing glory of God throughout the new heaven and the new earth.
John also points out that there is no temple in this new city, since there is no need for a temple. Temples, priests, and rituals are all necessary when man is somehow separated from God. Two people speaking face-to-face don't need telephones or letters; those living in direct communion with God won't need a temple. This description also re-emphasizes the perfect holiness of this New Jerusalem, and the fact that only those who put their faith in Christ will be found there (Revelation 21:22–27). Revelation 22 is the final chapter of the New Testament. There, John will complete his description of the New Jerusalem and give some final words to those who read this text.
The most distinguishing characteristic of the capital city of eternity is that it is the throne of the eternal, Almighty One, and therefore had the glory of God in it.  Radiating from the New Jerusalem will be the brilliance of the full manifestation of God's glory, so much so that "the city has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb.The chapter concludes revealing that this great glory, security, and fellowship are available for all people. The nations walk by its light and the kings of the earth bring their glory into it. They will bring the glory and the honor of the nations (21:26). Isaiah also prophesied of this moment.
Those who do not submit to God will not be allowed to enter through the gates. Only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life can enter into this glorious fellowship with God and receive the eternal blessings and rewards. These images portray the glory and blessings we will enjoy in full fellowship with God in the age to come after Christ returns.

Mar 17, 202446:58
Bobservations Column: "All Things Are New"

Bobservations Column: "All Things Are New"

At the end of Revelation chapter 21, John described the beauty of New Jerusalem. This depiction briefly concludes in chapter 22.

John sees a river of the water of life. This contrasts with the pollution and decay seen during the tribulation. It also echoes the original state of the garden of Eden. Water and life are often intertwined in Scripture, especially in the writings of John (John 4:147:37–38). This city also contains a tree of life, something from which fallen man was specifically barred after the fall (Genesis 3:22–24). The reference to the leaves being used for "healing" leads some to suggest that New Jerusalem will exist somewhere above earth prior to the end of the millennium, others see this as a symbolic reference to permanent, eternal health and life. Light, as well, is a crucial metaphor in the Bible, representing truth and knowledge (John 8:122 Corinthians 4:6Matthew 4:16). John also notes that all evil, darkness, and night are gone from this holy city (Revelation 22:1–5).

Mar 16, 202403:16
Revelation 21:1-8 - "Epilogue - Called to Peace"
Mar 10, 202452:01
Bobservations Column - "Epilogue - Called to Peace"

Bobservations Column - "Epilogue - Called to Peace"

From the time described midway through Genesis chapter 3 until the events of Revelation 20, earth experienced—is experiencing—the presence of sin and death. At the end of chapter 20, John sees God delivering the final and ultimate judgment on Satan, casting all evil into the lake of fire. At that point, creation will finally be free from everything wicked, and what follows is a description of a remade, restored earth.
Following the great white throne judgment of chapter 20, John sees a new heaven and a new earth. Scholars debate whether this means that all of creation will be destroyed and re-made, or that God will re-condition creation. The terminology used seems to suggest a renewal. John sees the new city of Jerusalem descending onto the earth, and voices celebrating the restored relationship between God and man. In particular, John hears the voice from the throne declare an end to suffering, pain, and death for all of eternity. At the same time, John hears a reminder that sin, and those who chose it over God, are condemned to the "second death" of hell (Revelation 21:1–8).

Mar 09, 202403:11
Revelation 20:11-15 - "The Day of the Lord"

Revelation 20:11-15 - "The Day of the Lord"

After the final defeat and punishment of Satan, the rest of mankind is resurrected. These are the non-believers, brought back to life in the second resurrection. This brings them to a great white throne, symbolic of purity and justice. Unlike the rainbow throne described in earlier chapters, this one is austere. Those who died in Christ are judged on the basis of His life, rather than their own—those are the persons whose names were written in the book of life (John 3:16–18). In contrast, here at the great white throne judgment, unbelievers are judged on their own deeds, which means damnation (Romans 6:23). Every person who did not follow Christ is consigned to the lake of fire (Revelation 20:11–15).
At this point in Revelation, victory over death and evil is complete. Every harm, every wrong, and every sin has been punished. Every person who followed God has been restored and rescued. Satan is gone forever. All wrongs have been made right. What follows in the next chapters are John's visions of the eternity believers will share with Christ.

Mar 03, 202401:00:38
Bobservations Column - "The Day of the Lord"
Mar 02, 202403:11
Revelation 20:1-10 - "Jesus Is Not Done"

Revelation 20:1-10 - "Jesus Is Not Done"

As we get into chapter 20 of the book of Revelation, we are now in the Millennial kingdom, the goal toward which all of redemptive history progresses.
When Christ returns, He will establish a literal kingdom on earth, which will last for a thousand years.
In this chapter we will see the binding of Satan for a thousand-year duration. Christ's thousand-year earthly kingdom, Satan's final rebellion, and the Great White Throne Judgment. In the end, Jesus Christ will make all things right. Alleluia!
John sees an angel binding Satan with a great chain and confining him to the bottomless pit for a thousand years. During this time, it seems Satan is not allowed to exert his normal influence on the world. Part of this binding, and eventual releasing, seems to be to prove that mankind is desperately wicked—even after a millennium of peace, some people will still choose to reject God, as seen later in the chapter. During this time, those who were saved during the tribulation are brought back to life: the first resurrection (Revelation 20:1–6).
Satan's release at the end of the thousand years results in a rebellion. This is a sad commentary on man's limitless ability to reject God and follow his own stubborn pride. Even after ten centuries of peace and righteousness, led by Christ Himself, so many people will be willing to follow Satan that "their number is like the sand of the sea." Once again, those who oppose God will be soundly defeated—this time, however, Satan is cast forever into the lake of fire. There will be no escape or temptation from the Devil anymore (Revelation 20:7–11).

Feb 25, 202455:20
Bobservations Column - "Jesus Is Not Done"

Bobservations Column - "Jesus Is Not Done"

John sees an angel binding Satan with a great chain and confining him to the bottomless pit for a thousand years. During this time, it seems Satan is not allowed to exert his normal influence on the world. Part of this binding, and eventual releasing, seems to be to prove that mankind is desperately wicked—even after a millennium of peace, some people will still choose to reject God, as seen later in the chapter. During this time, those who were saved during the tribulation are brought back to life: the first resurrection (Revelation 20:1–6).
Satan's release at the end of the thousand years results in a rebellion. This is a sad commentary on man's limitless ability to reject God and follow his own stubborn pride. Even after ten centuries of peace and righteousness, led by Christ Himself, so many people will be willing to follow Satan that "their number is like the sand of the sea." Once again, those who oppose God will be soundly defeated—this time, however, Satan is cast forever into the lake of fire. There will be no escape or temptation from the Devil any more (Revelation 20:7–11).

Feb 24, 202403:20
Revelation 19:11-21 - "A Second Coming"

Revelation 19:11-21 - "A Second Coming"

In part 2 of Revelation 19, John's amazing vision in this section also includes the long-awaited second coming of Jesus Christ. This is a moment of incredible triumph. Jesus' first arrival on earth was humble (Luke 2:7) and involved His sacrificial death on a cross (Philippians 2:8). His return is neither humble nor meek. Christ is described as a royal conqueror, wearing a robe dipped in the blood of His enemies, at the helm of the armies of heaven. Now displayed as the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus will single-handedly obliterate the earthly armies which have amassed against Him (Isaiah 63:3). This results in the damnation of the Antichrist and False Prophet, who become the first two beings cast into the eternal lake of fire (Revelation 19:11–21).
These events mark the end of the tribulation, and the beginning of the millennial kingdom: a thousand-year reign of Christ on earth. 

Feb 18, 202447:32
Easter Season - "Separating the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, from the Stupidity of Jesus"

Easter Season - "Separating the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, from the Stupidity of Jesus"

Is the world really celebrating the death and resurrection of our Lord?

Don’t be fooled, the world doesn’t pay any homage to Jesus Christ, but we must, because the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the cornerstone of all Christian truth. It is the thing upon which our eternal destiny hinges. Spurgeon said, “Upon a life I did not live, upon a death I did not die, I rest my eternity.” And may I add, the resurrection is the why.

The first sermon ever preached in the true church of Jesus Christ was when it was born on the Day of Pentecost, and it was a resurrection sermon. And as you follow the life of the church through the book of Acts, the resurrection is the theme. In chapter 2, Peter preaches resurrection. In chapter 4, he preaches it again. In chapter 10, he preaches it again. In chapter 7, Stephen preaches the resurrection. In chapter 8, Philip preaches the resurrection. In chapters 9, 13 and so forth on through 28, Paul preaches the resurrection.

And then you enter into the epistles and the theme is always the resurrection. In Romans, Christ is raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father. In 1 Corinthians, He rose again the third day according to the Scripture. In 2 Corinthians, He who raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise us up also. In Galatians, by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead. In Ephesians, He wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead. In Phillipians, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection. In Colossians, it is God who raised Him from the dead. In Thessalonians, His Son whom He raised from the dead. In 1 Peter, Peter says, “He has begotten us to a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

And the last book of the New Testament echoes the theme of the resurrection as Christ Himself initiates the book in the great statement, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I am He that was dead and am alive forevermore and have the keys of hell and death.” And so it is from the resurrection to the close of the New Testament, the theme is always that He rose from the dead. We must not be fooled by Satan’s efforts to hide the resurrection in the foolishness of the world.

Feb 17, 202403:18
Revelation 19:1-10 - "Righteous Judgment" Part 1

Revelation 19:1-10 - "Righteous Judgment" Part 1

As we begin chapter 19 of Revelation, the scene shifts from earth to heaven.  John describes rejoicing and praise.  History, literally, "His story," is finally reaching its culmination and Christ will establish His kingdom on earth.  From the beginning God is.  He is eternal. He is Creator. He is the beginning and the end.  He is sovereign over the events of the world. He is true to His Word, and His Word will come to pass.  When Jesus returns, He will reward His followers, and punish His enemies.  
As we begin Revelation 19, to this point, the earth has been subjected to a series of judgments by God. These were first described as seal judgments (Revelation 5—8), then through the trumpet judgments (Revelation 8—11), and finally the bowl judgments (Revelation 12—16).
The last two chapters gave a poetic description of the fall of "Babylon," both as a corrupt religious system and as the political empire of the Antichrist (Revelation 17—18).
Here, John witnesses prayers from heaven which precede a great celebration, followed by the triumphant return of Jesus Christ to earth.

Feb 11, 202447:07
Bobservations' Column - "Righteous Judgments"
Feb 10, 202403:13
Revelation 18:19-24 - "In One Hour"

Revelation 18:19-24 - "In One Hour"

Last week we looked at the judgment of God on the physical city of Babylon which will be the political and economic capital of the Antichrist’s world empire. We went through the first 18 verses where we looked at several aspects of judgment. As we finish up this chapter, we will look at a few more aspects of judgment...  judgment that is mourned by the unrepentant yet celebrated by the saints.  It is a judgment that is finished and justified.
This is the final and absolute destruction of the beast's vast economic and political system.
The city-nation of Babylon, in the end times, is the hub of commerce and power, and of pervasive wickedness, sinfulness, idolatry and sensual perversions (Revelation 18:1–3).
The sins of Babylon are enormous, and her judgment from God will be in proportion to that sin. The rapid nature of this judgment is revealed.  Babylon is fallen, is fallen!  In one hour, she’s been laid waste. This was the city, the great city. No city like the great city, and it went down in one hour – not literally, but in one great hour of immediate judgment.  Babylon falls completely and forever! 
In verse 20, "Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her" heaven rejoices.  There is rejoicing because righteousness triumphs, because Christ is exalted, because the kingdom comes, and the people damned to hell with all their power and all their will, and all the expression of their heart made their choice against every conceivable warning. This is the rejoicing that heaven waits for, beloved, even today, when sin is crushed, when sinners are destroyed, when the cursed earth is burned and a restored earth is made, and Jesus comes and sets up His kingdom, and peace and righteousness reign. And if you’re a Christian you understand that, because the Lord has endured humiliation long enough, and so have His people. And righteousness and justice and truth and purity have had enough abuse.

Feb 04, 202401:12:47
Bobservations Column - "In One Hour"

Bobservations Column - "In One Hour"

Babylon is fallen, is fallen!

In one hour she’s been laid waste. This was the city, the great city. No city like the great city, and it went down in one hour – whether literally in 60 minutes, or not, in one great hour of immediate judgment, Babylon falls completely and forever! Judgment lamented.

Feb 03, 202403:33
Revelation 18:1-19 - "Last Call for Grace and Mercy"

Revelation 18:1-19 - "Last Call for Grace and Mercy"

In the previous chapter God's judgment was upon the evil "religious" system of Babylon and the false prophet.  This week we learn of the absolute destruction of the beast's vast economic and political system.An angel proclaims the destruction of Babylon, specifically making mention of her pervasive wickedness. The city-nation of Babylon, in the end times, is not only a hub of commerce and power, but of sin, idolatry and sensuality, as well (Revelation 18:1–3).
The sins of Babylon are enormous, and her judgment from God will be in proportion to that sin. The rapid nature of this judgment is first mentioned here, then further noted in later verses (Revelation 18:4–8).
John hears another voice warning "my people" to flee the city. This parallels the Old Testament warning given to Lot to evacuate Sodom in advance of God's judgment (Genesis 19:12–13). Not only does God want "His people" to avoid being caught up in the sins of Babylon, but He also warns them that tangible judgment is coming, and they need to flee.

Jan 28, 202456:32
Bobservations Column - "Last Call for Grace and Mercy"

Bobservations Column - "Last Call for Grace and Mercy"

In the previous chapter God's judgment was upon the evil "religious" system of Babylon and the false prophet.  This week we learn of the absolute destruction of the beast's vast economic and political system.An angel proclaims the destruction of Babylon, specifically making mention of her pervasive wickedness. The city-nation of Babylon, in the end times, is not only a hub of commerce and power, but of sin, idolatry and sensuality, as well (Revelation 18:1–3).
The sins of Babylon are enormous, and her judgment from God will be in proportion to that sin. The rapid nature of this judgment is first mentioned here, then further noted in later verses (Revelation 18:4–8).
John hears another voice warning "my people" to flee the city. This parallels the Old Testament warning given to Lot to evacuate Sodom in advance of God's judgment (Genesis 19:12–13). Not only does God want "His people" to avoid being caught up in the sins of Babylon, but He also warns them that tangible judgment is coming, and they need to flee.

Jan 27, 202402:48
Revelation 17:1-18 - "The Seat of the False Prophet"

Revelation 17:1-18 - "The Seat of the False Prophet"

John is shown a vision which symbolizes two additional judgments which are spread out over the tribulation. Chapter 17 focuses on the ruin of "religious Babylon," an ungodly spiritual system which is at first supported, then ruined by the efforts of the beast. Chapter 18 will describe the fall of Babylon in a political or economic sense. In Revelation, Babylon refers to the entire worldwide political, economic and religious kingdom of the Antichrist. Throughout history, Babylon has been the center of rebellion and false religion. It was the birthplace of idolatry. In Genesis 10:8-10, the devil seduced and deceived Nimrod, who was the leader in building the city of Babel and the Tower of Babel to worship false gods rather than the true and living God. Nimrod established a system of idol worship that detested God and worshiped Satan which launched false religion all over the earth after God confounded their language and thus they were scattered all around the world (Genesis 11:1-9). In the end, it will be the same deception, there is nothing new under the sun. The final world religion is depicted as a harlot in Revelation 17, and pictures Babylon as causing the entire world to become intoxicated with her pleasures, her whoredom, and unbridled indulgence in all manner of fornication, rebellion, hatred and idolatry toward God. "Fornication" means spiritual prostitution to the Antichrist's false system.

Jan 21, 202401:04:27
Bobservations' Column - "The Seat of the False Prophet"

Bobservations' Column - "The Seat of the False Prophet"

At this point in Revelation, the bowl judgments have been described, and all that remains of the tribulation is the second coming of Christ. Before this is explained, John is shown a vision which symbolizes two additional judgments which are spread out over the tribulation. Chapter 17 focuses on the ruin of "religious Babylon," an ungodly spiritual system which is at first supported, then ruined by the efforts of the beast. Chapter 18 will describe the fall of Babylon in a political or economic sense.

Jan 18, 202403:24
Revelation 16:10-21 - "The Seat of the Beast" - Part 2

Revelation 16:10-21 - "The Seat of the Beast" - Part 2

Today we are finishing up the sixteenth chapter of Revelation describing the last three bowl judgments.  They are God's judgments that will be poured out upon the earth because of the willful rejection of God, and His means of salvation through Jesus Christ.  These are called "the last" judgments and will take place just before the second coming of Jesus Christ, and the ushering in of His Millennial Kingdom.  Each of these seven judgments come in rapid succession, each one stronger and more furious as they are emptied out. 
Last week we covered the first four judgments, today we begin with the fifth bowl judgment as it plunges the kingdom of the beast into darkness. The wicked, those who have aligned themselves with the beast, having taken his mark will by no means repent and turn to God, they respond by gnawing their tongues in anguish and by cursing God.  It is incredibly sad those who face God's wrath do so by their own choice.  It is sad that anyone would choose hell over heaven; Satan over God; lies over truth; death over life; judgment over salvation, but they do, and they will. 
The sixth judgment dries up the Euphrates to prepare the way for the kings of the east. Next, demons assemble the kings (leaders) of the whole earth to battle against God at a location referred to as Armageddon, meaning the hill—or mountain—of Megiddo (
Revelation 16:8–16).
The seventh bowl judgment brings about an earthquake that splits Jerusalem into three parts. Also, as a result of this earthquake, cities worldwide fall, Babylon feels God's wrath, islands flee, mountains crumble, and hailstones weighing about 100 pounds bombard people. Still, the wicked refuse to repent. Instead, they curse God (Revelation 16:17–21).

Jan 15, 202454:50
Bobservations Column - "The Seat of the Beast"

Bobservations Column - "The Seat of the Beast"

Revelation 16 resumes the account of God's judgments on the wicked. It describes the bowl judgments, the third seven-part series of God's wrath described in the book of Revelation. Prior to this were seven seal judgments, the last of which were the trumpets. The trumpet judgments totaled seven, the last of which were these bowls of the wrath of God.

The fifth bowl judgment plunges the kingdom of the beast into darkness. The wicked respond by gnawing their tongues in anguish and by cursing God. The sixth judgment dries up the Euphrates to prepare the way for the kings of the east. Next, demons assemble the kings of the whole earth to battle against God at a location referred to as Armageddon, meaning the hill—or mountain—of Megiddo (Revelation 16:8-16)).
The seventh bowl judgment brings about an earthquake that splits Jerusalem into three parts. Also, as a result of this earthquake, cities worldwide fall, Babylon feels God's wrath, islands flee, mountains crumble, and hailstones weighing about 100 pounds bombard people. Still, the wicked refuse to repent. Instead, they curse God (Revelation 16:17-21).

Jan 13, 202403:09
Revelation 16:1-9 - "The Vials of God's Wrath" - Part 1

Revelation 16:1-9 - "The Vials of God's Wrath" - Part 1

 The events in this chapter are God's judgments upon a rejecting world.  They are horrifying, and heartbreaking as you realize that God has been calling and pleading with mankind to repent and return to Him since the beginning, and that man in His sin will willfully and stubbornly reject Him, thus bearing the consequences of their sin.
This chapter covers, "The Vials of God's Wrath."  These judgments, are also known as the "Bowl" judgments, or the "last judgments."  This is the last half of the seven-year tribulation period.  Mankind, that is, those still alive on the earth, are still able to avail themselves of God's saving grace, but as we will see, few if any will do so.  The Jewish remnant has fled to the wilderness where they are protected by God, as the beast's fierce rage is ravishing those refusing to receive his mark.  Multitudes are being hunted down and executed.  Survivors of the previous judgments are still reeling from the effects, and now we have come to the "last judgements." These are God's vials of wrath, and they are about to be poured out upon the earth.  In light of these catastrophic events, which by the way, are not natural, or man-made, they are the judgements of God being poured out upon sinful, rebellious, God rejecting mankind.  
These bowl judgements come in rapid succession leaving no time to recover.  Each judgement, stronger than the previous, is more intense as they are being poured out. 
Understand, that the Church, that is, believers in Christ, those who have by faith received forgiveness of sins, and salvation through Jesus Christ, are not on the earth during this period.  The church is already with the Lord and will not face God's wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9).

Jan 07, 202401:06:43
Bobservations' Column - "The Vials of God's Wrath"

Bobservations' Column - "The Vials of God's Wrath"

The Vial Judgments, otherwise known as the "Bowl" judgments are described in chapter 16.  These judgments are called "the last" judgments. They will come in rapid succession, each one stronger and more intense as they are emptied out.   The Seven Golden Vials symbolize God's judgment.  They are shallow saucers, familiar items associated with various functions of the temple worship.  Their flat shallowness pictures how the divine judgments will be emptied instantly rather than slowly poured, upon all who refused to drink the cup of salvation.
As we study this chapter of God’s Word, to be honest, just reading these verses will rip and tear at your heart, the sheer terror of these judgments should invoke prayer for the lost.  It should awaken believers to fulfilling our mission of bringing them to Christ before judgment comes.  It should awaken those who call themselves "believers" who are sitting on the fence, neither hot, nor cold, one foot in the world and one foot in the church, to get serious about their condition, their faith, and their eternal destiny.   This is it!  This is the end! Chapter sixteen is the culmination, the final wrath of God filled up and poured out on the ungodly earth.

Jan 06, 202403:26
Luke 2:21-40 - "The Token and the Presentation"

Luke 2:21-40 - "The Token and the Presentation"

The writer, Luke, has recorded his divinely inspired account of the birth of the Savior, the Son of the Most High God, the Lord Christ. And with that birth, redemptive action, redemptive purpose, redemptive accomplishment is initiated because the Savior of the world, the Messiah, the Lord, the King has arrived.
From verse 21 down to verse 39, brings into his account the testimony of three witnesses: The parents of Jesus, an old man named Simeon and an old woman named Anna. 
On the eighth day, according to the Mosaic Law, Mary and Joseph presented the infant for “circumcision.” At that time He was named “JESUS” as the “angel” had instructed Mary and Joseph.
The presentation of Jesus in the Temple took place after Mary’s purification according to the Law of Moses.
The passage is a clear example of the devotion of Jesus’ parents. They obeyed God’s instructions regarding circumcision. They obeyed God’s instructions regarding purification and dedication. They obeyed God’s instruction regarding the offerings.
A man named Simeon is introduced in this account. His testimony, along with Anna’s testimony, appear in the narrative to give Spirit-led testimony to Jesus Christ. 

Dec 31, 202301:02:41
Bobservations Column - "The Token and the Presentation"

Bobservations Column - "The Token and the Presentation"

In the gospel of Luke, the writer, Luke, has recorded his divinely inspired account of the birth of the Savior, the Son of the Most High God, the Lord Christ.  And with that birth, redemptive action, redemptive purpose, redemptive accomplishment is initiated because the Savior of the world, the Messiah, the Lord, the King has arrived.

From verse 21 down to verse 39, brings into his account the testimony of three witnesses: The parents of Jesus, an old man named Simeon and an old woman named Anna. The testimonies these would bear great weight on the credibility of Luke's gospel.

Beginning in verse 21, eight days after Jesus was born, Luke presents the scene of circumcision. 

Jesus underwent the covenantal custom of circumcision (v. 21; cf. Genesis 17:12Leviticus 12:1–3). 
**Circumcision of the Flesh - Circumcision of the HeartIn Romans 2:29, Paul discusses the idea of the circumcision of the heart and the role of the Old Testament Law as it relates to Christianity. He argues that Jewish circumcision is only an outward sign of being set apart to God. However, if the heart is sinful, then physical circumcision is of no avail. A circumcised body and a sinful heart are at odds with each other. Rather than focus on external rites, Paul focuses on the condition of the heart. Using circumcision as a metaphor, he says that only the Holy Spirit can purify a heart and set us apart to God. Ultimately, circumcision cannot make a person right with God; the Law is not enough. A person’s heart must change. Paul calls this change “circumcision of the heart.”

Dec 30, 202303:23
Luke 1:26 - Matthew 1:18 - Luke 2 - "It Is Reported"

Luke 1:26 - Matthew 1:18 - Luke 2 - "It Is Reported"

Tomorrow, we celebrate Christmas. Christmas is the Christian remembrance and celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ as foretold in dozens of prophecies concerning Him in scripture. While modern society has removed themselves from the Christ of Christmas, believers today, still celebrate the coming of the promised Savior. He is the reason of our hope, of our joy, and our salvation, and without Him we would surely be lost.

The true meaning of Christmas is God's love. 
John 3:16-17 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." The true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of this incredible act of love.

The real Christmas story is the story of God’s becoming a human being in the Person of Jesus Christ.  While many focus on the babe in the manger, Christmas is not about His infancy, it's about His deity.   It is about the Person and the Work of God for mankind.  Yes, Jesus was born into our world as a tiny infant, so while He was yet fully human, with all the needs and emotions that are common to us all, He was also fully God -- all wise and all powerful.  The biblical evidence is overwhelming that this child in the manger was the incarnation of God (see Colossians 1:15-20). That lovely night 2,000 years ago, one star lit the heaven and marked the spot where the Christ was born, where God was made flesh.

Why did God do such a thing? Because He loves us! we celebrate the fact that God so loved the world, that He gave us His only begotten Son. His life is the life He imparts to us and is the greatest gift of all. Why was Christmas necessary? Because we needed a Savior! Why does God love us so much? Because He is love itself (1 John 4:8). Why do we celebrate Christmas each year? Out of gratitude for what God did for us.

The true meaning of Christmas is love. God loved His own and provided a way—the only Way—for us to spend eternity with Him. He gave His only Son to take our punishment for our sins. He paid the price in full, and we are free from condemnation when we accept that free gift of love. "But God demonstrated His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

While there is a certain chronology of the announcements of the coming Savior, the emphasis is found in Luke 2:11, the angel says, "There has been born for YOU a Savior." That is the heart of Christmas. It is the heart of the Gospel. It is the heart of the entire Bible. It is the heart of everything! It's the pinnacle of redemption. There has been born for YOU a Savior. That's the Christian message. That's the Christ of Christmas!!

Go share the message of the Savior with someone today!

Dec 24, 202357:57
Luke 1:26 - Matthew 1:18 - Luke 2 - "It Is Reported"

Luke 1:26 - Matthew 1:18 - Luke 2 - "It Is Reported"

Christmas Eve Service -

We invite you to join us as we celebrate the reason of our hope, of our joy, and our salvation.  We celebrate Jesus, the Reason for the Season. While the world removes the Christ of Christmas - we celebrate the fact that God so loved the world, that He gave us His only begotten Son.  His life is the life He imparts to us and is the greatest gift of all.
Luke 2:11, the angel says, "There has been born for YOU a Savior."  That is the heart of Christmas.  It is the heart of the Gospel.  It is the heart of the entire Bible.  It is the heart of everything!  It's the pinnacle of redemption.  There has been born for YOU a Savior.  That's the Christian message.  That's the Christ of Christmas!!  Yet many will miss it.
Year after year the message is proclaimed, and still millions miss it.  Whether out of ignorant preoccupation, ritual, idolatry, and over-familiarity, the bottom line is unbelief. Many people simply refuse to believe in Jesus Christ. The apostle John said, "He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name" (John 1:10-12). If you've been missing the reality of Christmas in your life, know that if you receive the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in His name, Christmas will become real to you. It can happen today; and it's between you and God (2 Corinthians 6:1-2Romans 10:8-11).
While the whole world focuses Santa Claus, materialism or even the babe in the manger, Christmas is not about the Savior's infancy; it is about His deity. The reality of humble birth of Jesus Christ is that God was being born into the world to save us.  

Dec 22, 202303:27
Christmas Season 2023 - Matthew 1 and Luke 1 - "The Sacred Lineage, and Gabriel"

Christmas Season 2023 - Matthew 1 and Luke 1 - "The Sacred Lineage, and Gabriel"

The momentous intervention of God into human affairs (especially after such a long period of prophetic silence) should cause awe, amazement, and rejoicing. The events surrounding the coming of the Messiah (who will bring Redemption and Salvation and Everlasting Life) are anything but ordinary and typical. But what we easily forget is that God’s intervention in our own lives to draw us to Himself in saving faith is no less an awe-inspiring wonder of His mercy and grace. His visitation rescues us out of the domain of darkness into His glorious light, and we serve Him in that glorious light of holiness, righteousness and truth. When the Lord “visits” his people, that means he comes down and gets personally involved in their welfare. And when he “redeems” his people, that means he takes action to set them free. That the Lord has visited and redeemed his people is certainly something to praise God for. As we look at Matthew 1 this morning, the genealogy, or what we call a descending record leading through Joseph to Jesus. It comes right on down from Abraham and David, descending down through Joseph to Jesus. Now, as we go through the lineage in Matthew's account, this would be the lineage of Joseph, we find some in the royal bloodline whose wickedness not only disqualified them from the being seated on the throne of David, but God commanded that they should not enter into the congregation of God's people for 10 generations.  This curse included their offspring for 10 generations.  So, from Phares on down to Boaz (10 generations), and Jechonias down to Jacob (10 generations). 
God in His sovereignty devised a plan, which was fulfilled perfectly.  Not only that, but is able to use our sordid history and sinful past as part of his seamless plan.  With all the sinful failures in Joseph's family tree, these 10-generation punishments did not interfere with God's timeline.  In fact, the virgin birth carried the royal right to reign through the bloodline of Mary.  God has every aspect covered.

In Luke 1 beginning at verse 26, Gabriel is sent by God to pronounce the most important birth announcement in the history of mankind -

Dec 18, 202356:57
Bobservations Column - "The Sacred Lineage and Gabriel"

Bobservations Column - "The Sacred Lineage and Gabriel"

The momentous intervention of God into human affairs (especially after such a long period of prophetic silence) should cause awe, amazement, and rejoicing. The events surrounding the coming of the Messiah (who will bring Redemption and Salvation and Everlasting Life) are anything but ordinary and typical. But what we easily forget is that God’s intervention in our own lives to draw us to Himself in saving faith is no less an awe-inspiring wonder of His mercy and grace. His visitation rescues us out of the domain of darkness into His glorious light, and we serve Him in that glorious light of holiness, righteousness and truth. When the Lord “visits” his people, that means he comes down and gets personally involved in their welfare. And when he “redeems” his people, that means he takes action to set them free. That the Lord has visited and redeemed his people is certainly something to praise God for.

Dec 15, 202303:16