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24 Minute Bible - A Simple Journey to Understand the Bible

24 Minute Bible - A Simple Journey to Understand the Bible

By Mark Minor - Whittington Church

The 24 Minute Bible Podcast is a venture of Pastor Mark Minor. The premise is a simple journey to help you understand the Bible and how it fits together. There is a thread that runs through the entire Bible that makes it so true and satisfying to us as human beings. Pastor Mark wants you to understand the beautiful truths of the Bible. Listen to the episodes in order as they do build on one another. We hope this blesses you!
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Talking through SONG of SONGS

24 Minute Bible - A Simple Journey to Understand the BibleMay 16, 2024

Talking Through Isaiah

Talking Through Isaiah

Episode #168

The book of Isaiah is filled with incredible and long reaching prophetic insights— from the Virgin Birth to details of the ‘Suffering Servant’ to the prophetic promise , fulfilled in 1948, that Israel would be ‘reborn’ as a nation. Hope you enjoy this teaching on Isaiah and his part in the Narrative of God.

May 24, 202426:33
Talking through SONG of SONGS

Talking through SONG of SONGS

Episode #167

Song of Songs is probably the most ‘PG-13’ book in the Bible. It explores the beautiful creation of God: Romantic Love. ‘Take a listen’ to this podcast and hopefully understand how God has wires is to know the deepest ‘pleasures’ of our human existence.

May 16, 202428:02
Talking Through Ecclesiastes

Talking Through Ecclesiastes

Episode # 166

Every action begins with a belief or philosophy. What we ‘do’ is what we ‘believe’. Solomon shares his experiences and his ultimate conclusion on the search for the meaning of life. Welcome to Ecclesiastes.

May 11, 202426:42
Talking Through Proverbs

Talking Through Proverbs

(Episode #165)

How to BEHAVE WISELY— that is the thrust of the book of Proverbs. The 31 chapters of ‘rememberable sayings’ speak to the down to earth issues of our lives— marriage, money, work, sexuality, character and so much more.

May 04, 202425:43
Talking Through Psalms

Talking Through Psalms

Episode #164

Psalms is a book written to address the human EMOTIONAL states that impact us all. Sometimes we rejoice, sometimes we question, sometimes we repent and sometimes we reflect on the twists and turns of our human existence. Psalms covers all of our emotions....and brings us peace!

Apr 25, 202424:14
Talking Through Job

Talking Through Job

Episode #163

Probably taking place during the days after the FLOOD of Noah and the CALLING of Abraham, the book of Job describes the life of a man named Job from an ‘earthly’ AND a ‘Heavenly’ viewpoint. So much deep truth and insight… contained in the book of Job.

Apr 18, 202429:31
Talking Through Esther

Talking Through Esther

Episode #162

From a slave girl to Queen of Persia. Only a God who ‘sees’ could do that! And He did that! Even greater, though was her deeper mission— to save the Jewish lineage of the Messiah from total destruction.

Apr 14, 202428:38
Talking Through Nehemiah

Talking Through Nehemiah

Episode # 160

‘Walls’ are hot political topics today. Building them, especially! The book of Nehemiah is almost exclusively about that very subject— rebuilding the WALLS of Jerusalem. Nehemiah was the man chosen for the task… he persevered through the opposition… and rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem!

Apr 05, 202424:49
Talking Through Ezra

Talking Through Ezra

Episode #160

It has been 70 years since the babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar burned Jerusalem - including the Temple - to the ground. is time to rebuild the Temple. And that is the job of Ezra - to get the Temple rebuilt. For one day....a King of Kings will teach in it's court.

Mar 26, 202430:07
Talking Through Chronicles

Talking Through Chronicles

Episode # 159

The definition of a ‘chronicle’ is ‘a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence’. Well… welcome the books of 1 and 2 Chronicles. These two books give an orderly account of, predominantly, the background , plan and building of the greatest structure ever built— the TEMPLE of Solomon. God filled it with His PRESENCE… and for 400 years it served as the focal point of God’s People.

Mar 20, 202427:10
Talking Through 1 & 2 Kings

Talking Through 1 & 2 Kings

Episode #158

The books of 1 and 2 Kings starts with the reign of the last great king (Solomon), then details the ‘civil war’ that breaks the ‘united’ Israel into two separate countries/kingdoms (Northern kingdom of ISRAEL and the Southern kingdom of JUDAH) to the final destruction of these kingdoms (the burning of Solomon’s Temple). Enhance your understanding with a ‘listen’ to this episode — Talking Through KINGS!

Mar 08, 202429:45
Talking Through 1 & 2 Samuel

Talking Through 1 & 2 Samuel

Episode #157

Two Kings… One Nation… and the Last Judge. That is what we ‘talk through’ in the books of 1 and 2 Samuel. As the last Judge of Israel, Samuel is charged with anointing TWO kings for the new ‘United States of Israel. The lives of these two kings (Saul and David) are the focus of the books of Samuel.

Mar 04, 202428:13
Talking Through Ruth

Talking Through Ruth

Episode #156

The Book of of Ruth is a ‘love story’ on many levels. A love story about a man and a women (Boaz and Ruth)— but also a deep love between two women (Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth)… AND about a Moabite lady who abandons her pagan god and commits to love and serve the God of Israel. Enjoy the fascinating story of RUTH!

Feb 23, 202426:48
Talking Through Judges

Talking Through Judges

Episode #155

One of the most ‘intriguing’ books of the Bible is JUDGES! The odd list of characters and their twisted and depraved exploits would put any ‘Hollywood’ movie to shame. JUDGES shows the sad depths of humanity— and how God in grace raise up ‘heroes’ to help in times of despair.

Feb 16, 202427:12
Talking Through Joshu

Talking Through Joshu

Episode #154

Over 500 years earlier, a promise was given by God to Abraham— a promise that ‘one day’ his children will have their own nation and a land to call their own. A PROMISED Land. That day is now here… and the book of Joshua is about the battles to ‘fulfill’ God’s promise and to give the Nation of Israel a place to live.

Feb 08, 202427:44
Talking Through the Book of Deuteronomy

Talking Through the Book of Deuteronomy

(Episode #153)
Moses has lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt, through the Red Sea, across the wilderness and to the border of the Promised Land.  And he is about to DIE. His FAREWELL SPEECH to this new generation of Israelites... is the book of Deuteronomy.

Feb 04, 202428:22
TALKING Through the Book of Numbers (Episode #152)

TALKING Through the Book of Numbers (Episode #152)

What we call the book of 'Numbers' is call 'Bemidbar' in the Jewish tradition, which means 'the WANDERINGS.  Numbers is the record of the 40 years of 'wanderings' in the wilderness.  It is an exciting and event filled book. Enjoy the journey!!

Jan 25, 202428:13
Talking Through the Bible: Leviticus

Talking Through the Bible: Leviticus

Episode #151

The book of Leviticus can seem rather confusing, redundant and boring... and it is-- if you are reading it like a novel or history book.  Understand, however, that LEVITICUS is written as a 'legal reference book' to help this newly freed nation-- known as Israel-- govern themselves and then the book is absolutely FOUNDATIONAL.  In Leviticus we discover three 'mountains':  the OFFERINGS... the LIFESTYLE... and the HOLIDAYS of this 'brand new Nation'.  Without Leviticus, there is NO ISRAEL... and no WESTERN CIVILIZATION.

Jan 18, 202428:25
Talking Through Exodus

Talking Through Exodus

Episode #150

The 7 Mountains of this episode cover over 400 years of time - from the family of Jacob traveling to Egypt - to their enslavement - to the raising up of a Deliverer named Moses. (Please check out the FACEBOOK side of the 24 MINUTE BIBLE PODCAST for additional resources to give a deeper dive of Exodus...  and to help you TALK through the Bible.

Jan 12, 202427:53
Episode #149 - Genesis

Episode #149 - Genesis

Many begin in January with honest and heartfelt intentions to READ through the Bible. It is a GREAT GOAL. My invitation to you, however, is to join me on a journey to TALK through the Bible. I think you will enjoy it! I am confident you will grow from it. Each week— a new book of the Bible— and a simple way to UNDERSTAND the Plan. Give it a try! This week: the book of Genesis!

Jan 08, 202426:00
Understanding the Middle East (Pt 5): How Did We Get Here

Understanding the Middle East (Pt 5): How Did We Get Here

Episode #148

In this final episode about the mess that is the Middle East we will examine— through ‘historical, political and spiritual lens’ HOW to think about what is happening in this most difficult area of the world. The future of our world, as the Bible informs us, will in large part, be impacted by events in the Middle East.

Dec 28, 202335:39
Religion, Ideology and the Pogram Against Jews

Religion, Ideology and the Pogram Against Jews

Understanding the Middle East Part 4 - Episode 147

What is the motivation for such hatred against the Jews? Is it the issue of the 'land' or 'revenge' or lust for their supposed wealth? In this episode we look at the 'belief system' that really drives this unmasked vitriol.

Dec 13, 202335:14
Understanding the Middle East Pt 3

Understanding the Middle East Pt 3

The Palestinian Question - Episode #146

In this episode we look at three very important questions concerning the Middle East:

1. Who are the Philistines?

2. Where did the Philistines come from?

3. Are the Philistines of the bible the Palestinians of today?

To truly understand the complex Middle East, we must ask those questions. The answers will be evasive - but at least we will understand why the Middle East is such a mess.

Nov 24, 202334:45
Understanding the Middle East Part 2

Understanding the Middle East Part 2

UNDERSTANDING the Middle East — BLOOD LINES. (Episode #145)

Did you know that Abraham had 8 SONS. And over 21 boys called Abraham ‘GRAMPS’. And all were in the ‘blood line’ of Abraham. No wonder the Middle East is such a tempest— it is a ‘family feud’! In this episode we examine the many different family connections to the ‘mess’ in the Middle East. Hopefully, it will bring some light to this very complex area.

Nov 12, 202332:51
Understanding the Middle East — Part 1 Episode #144

Understanding the Middle East — Part 1 Episode #144

Understanding the complexity, the politics, the motives and the bloodlines of the Middle East is like trying to untangle a ‘wad of fishing line’ ! It is almost impossible. Yet— the events in the Middle East (Israel, the Arab countries, the Palestinian territories, Iran and Iraq ) are front and center on our world news today as a flashpoint for World War 3. For the next 5 weeks we will examine, from a Biblical perspective, how this whole (un)holy mess came about.

Nov 02, 202330:38


Continuing the discussion from Episode #142, we review the questions ‘Were Jesus and other Biblical Figures Involved in Politics? (Yes)… and ‘Who is the Authority— the King in America? (We the People). From there we dive into ‘party affiliations’, important issues and some Practical Advice on how to navigate this divisive but important decision for all Americans!

Oct 18, 202331:54
Should a Christian Get Involved in Politics (Part #1) Episode # 142

Should a Christian Get Involved in Politics (Part #1) Episode # 142

Should a Christian Get Involved in Politics (Part #1) Episode # 142

Very few subjects generate more fireworks than ‘politics’. Some stay away from the subject… others, like snipers, fire a shot or two from the shadows… and then others are more than happy to give you a piece of their ‘political mind’. So the question for this episode is ‘Should a Christian get involved in this very decisive activity? I will share Biblical concepts and offer a few opinions. Hope you enjoy and learn!

Sep 30, 202329:22
Top 5 of Marital Advice (Part 2)

Top 5 of Marital Advice (Part 2)


Following up on the first 2 ‘secrets’ of a great marriage (‘Get YOURSELF WELL’ and ‘UNDERSTANDING Biblical Marriage’), this episode continues with three more important marital considerations. Those three are ‘Seeking to Understand Your Spouse’, ‘The Phases of Marriage’ and ‘Changing the Oil’— the Need for Maintenance’! Next to ‘salvation’ the most important thing we do on earth is great a family. Having a great marriage is God’s desire for you!!

Sep 20, 202329:45
Top 5 of Marital Advice

Top 5 of Marital Advice

Five Secrets to a GREAT Marriage. (Part 1):

Episode #140

Let’s be honest— every marriage is different AND I am not sure if anyone is truly qualified to ‘teach about’ a Great Marriage. However, there are some good, important and Biblical principles that, when understood, can benefit and even transform marital and family relationships. This episode offers two of five important ‘secrets’ to a great marriage!

Sep 01, 202330:38
The Life Transforming Power of MEMORY

The Life Transforming Power of MEMORY

Episode #139

One of the greatest gifts of Good - and perhaps the only thing we will take with us on our journey from Earth too Heaven - is our memory. Over 200 times in the Bible we read about memories. We are encouraged to remember the Sabbath and to partake of the Lord's Supper in remembrance of Jesus. Good....bad....and in between, memories are the building blocks and shapers of our lives. This episode focuses on the life transforming power of our memories!

Aug 09, 202331:36
Your First Hour in Heaven

Your First Hour in Heaven

Episode #138
The Entertainment world is very skilled in transporting our imaginations to dark and scary places,  Authors like Stephen King have sold millions of books by 'imagining' frightening, bloody, anxious plots.  So today, let's do the same-- only instead of going to the 'dark side',  let's image the Light.  The question for today's episode:  What will you experience during 'Your First Hour in Heaven'?  Using the Bible as an anchor, we deal with some 'possible scenarios' of what we will experience.  We will look at the Journey, the Arrival... and possibly Who might be there to greet you on Your First Hour in Heaven'.

Jul 27, 202330:43
Let's Talk About Euthanasia, Suicide & Decisions of Life Support

Let's Talk About Euthanasia, Suicide & Decisions of Life Support

Episode #137

Death is the one thing on the planet that God did not create. It is, however, a reality for us as we live in this broken world. Today's podcast looks at the important and soul challenging issues of Euthanasia, Suicide and Life Support. My hope is this podcast provides some direction, comfort and Biblical guidance on these very difficult subjects!

Jul 20, 202334:12
Let's Talk About Aliens, UFO's and ET

Let's Talk About Aliens, UFO's and ET

Let’s talk about ‘Aliens’ and UFO’s and ET. Episode #136

Half of Americans (49%) believe that ‘people somewhat like ourselves’ live on other planets— and 75% believe ‘some form of life’ exists out there in the Universe (Gallup poll— 6/21). Should we believe in UFO’s? What if ET does shows up on our planet? Does that mean the Bible is ‘wrong’? Check out this special podcast focusing in on the subject of ‘Aliens, UFO’s and ET.

Jul 05, 202332:27
Let’s Talk About Sex (Part 2) - Episode #135

Let’s Talk About Sex (Part 2) - Episode #135

Let’s Talk About Sex (Part 2) - Episode #135

In part 2 of this podcast we take a look at the Biblical Guardrails concerning our sexual behavior. Focusing specifically on Leviticus 18, we see that God’s purpose in His commandments is to PROTECT people, not punish them. The Creator of our sexuality gives us the Guidelines we need to find joy, fulfillment and identity through behaving as the Bible instructs us.

Jun 16, 202330:04
Let’s talk about SEX! (Part 1)

Let’s talk about SEX! (Part 1)

Let’s talk about SEX!

Episode # 134

You can’t escape it. Society won’t let you. It’s constantly broadcast across TV, smart phone, YouTube and every other screen you view. The discussion is forced on your children from Kindergarten up whether you like it or not. Many stores, professional sport teams, government agencies and corporations proudly and openly emblazon their logo with the ‘Pride rainbow’. Let’s face it— it is everywhere. So let’s talk about sex. WHAT does the Bible say? WHY does it say what it says. In these two episodes we will examine the Biblical view of sex! Here we go!

Jun 08, 202333:08
Let's Talk About Demons

Let's Talk About Demons

Let’s Talk About Demons

Episode #134

Over 10 times in the Gospels we see Jesus directly interacting with demons (and of course the Prince of the Demon realm— Satan himself). So… are demons real? If so, what are their characteristics? Do ‘I’ have encounters with demons? In this podcast we look at 7 understandings— from the Bible— concerning these ‘very real’ beings call ‘demons’!

May 27, 202329:49
The Difference Between God's LOVE and God's BLESSINGS!     Episode #133

The Difference Between God's LOVE and God's BLESSINGS!     Episode #133

God's Love is known as AGAPE LOVE.  Agape is a sacrificial love that voluntarily suffers inconvenience, discomfort, and even death for the benefit of another without expecting anything in return.   BLESSINGS, on the other hand, are a different issue. Whereas God's Love is UNCONDITIONAL, Gods BLESSING are most often very CONDITIONAL. In this podcast we look at the difference between God's Love and His Promise of Blessings toward us

May 17, 202329:23
A Life Style of Prayer - Episode #132

A Life Style of Prayer - Episode #132

A LIFESTYLE of Prayer -- Episode #132
Prayer is the BREATH of a Christian Life. But it is also a mystery. We may know a little something of prayer a memorized prayer or a casual AMEN when comments are made that we agree with but the practice of Prayer is a Journey to the Heart of God. Prayer 'lubricates' our lives by making things work.  Prayer is an ongoing 'discussion' that gives guidance to our every decision and direction.  The goal in this new podcast is to help you enter more into the 'realm' of prayer and to help you become a better PRAY-ER!

May 06, 202330:20
Where is Heaven? - Episode 131

Where is Heaven? - Episode 131

Today we explore some 'possibilities' of WHERE this place called HEAVEN may actually be. Now to be sure - we are talking about the HEAVEN of the Bible-- the place Jesus ascended to... the place that is the abode of God.   But the question remains 'Where exactly is this place called Heaven?'  In this episode, we explore the idea that Heaven may not be a place outside the Universe but rather a different 'dimension of sorts'.  One that Apostle Paul and the Disciple John both visited and returned from. Let the Holy Spirit open our minds to the journey to and the location of the Heaven of the Bible.

Apr 22, 202332:41
The Bible and a Culture of Division

The Bible and a Culture of Division

Episode #130
'Can't we all just get along'. No, not really, it seems. For sure, the thousands of years of human history undeniably and indisputably validate one human experience: people are going to fight and divide. But why? Does the Bible give us any insights?  YES!  In this episode, we look at some very PRACTICAL and UNDERSTANDABLE explanations for this 'Division of Culture'.  There is, of course, hope for this divided world.  His name is Jesus!

Apr 12, 202329:11
God the Father - Episode 129

God the Father - Episode 129

GOD THE FATHER -- Episode #129
In the deepest recesses of the Heart of God, What Does our Lord Want?  Very simply:  Children!  For God to be a FATHER, He must, by definition, have Children.  Not angels-- they are his servant to do his bidding, but children.  Children who have a free will to love God (or reject Him). In this episode we look at the Practical Truth of 'God the Father'.   God's desire, ultimately, is for us.   It is why He sent Jesus to Earth-- to rescue and redeem the lost family of humanity.

Apr 03, 202328:03
Episode #128 - Understanding the Tabernacle

Episode #128 - Understanding the Tabernacle

In a sense for approximately 400 years the children of Israel carried a picture of Jesus with them. Did they know or understand it? NO. Probably not. They understood the HOLINESS of the Tabernacle. They had a sense of the PRESENCE of God from the Tabernacle. They certainly understood that the Tabernacle was a place to worship and sacrifice for Israel. What the Hebrew children could not understand was how clearly and powerfully the Tabernacle presented the Biblical Plan of Salvation in Jesus. Ultimately, that is the Purpose of the Tabernacle. From the Entrance Gate to the Holy of Holies-- the Tabernacle calls us to press on in to the Glory of God.

Mar 25, 202331:06
The Bible and the Problem of Time

The Bible and the Problem of Time

Episode #127

The Bible and the Problem of Time

The dilemma is REAL and it is EVERYWHERE. The whole issue of TIME AND THE BIBLE! Go to any museum such as the Smithsonian… take a college  ‘geology class’… read a children’s book about dinosaurs… and you will encounter the PREVAILING SECULAR VIEW-- often with beautiful, full color charts. The dates are stated with CERTAINTY and ASSURANCE. '13.8 billions years ago, the universe was born'… '165 million years ago the dinosaurs roamed an earth similar to the Jurassic Park movie'… '3.2 million years ago LUCY became the first HUMAN to walk upright and begin the homo sapiens race.  Yes, the Question of Time and the Bible is all around us.  In this episode, we examine how the Bible's Chronology confronts this world view-- and is perhaps the more scientific view.

Mar 18, 202328:39
The Jewish Seed - Episode 126

The Jewish Seed - Episode 126

Episode #126

No other family on earth has experienced the highs and lows that the seed (family) of Abraham has known.  Through Abraham comes-- after 42 generations-- the promised KING of the JEWS. And upon Abraham and his seed has come the most vitriolic attacks that the world has ever seen, culminating in the extermination of over 6 million of Abraham's children in the concentration camps of WW2.  Which begs the question 'WHY'?  In this episode we examine the call of God on Abraham's life and the purpose-- to this very day-- of the Jewish Seed that runs throughout the pages of the Bible.

Mar 13, 202326:52
Miracles - Episode 125

Miracles - Episode 125


'A surprising and welcome event that is not EXPLICABLE by NATURAL or SCIENTIFIC Laws' (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).   We have all used the phrase ‘it’s a Miracle’… sometimes in jest… sometimes to facilitate discussion…. And maybe, just maybe— as real genuine expression of an event or experience. Does God perform MIRACLES? For sure, the Bible abounds with 'miraculous' supernatural events-- including the greatest miracle of all: the Resurrection!  Take a listen to this podcast episode as we examine the Practical Truth of MIRACLES.

Mar 04, 202330:33
Practical Truth #6 -- What the Bible Says About HEAVEN and HELL Episode #124

Practical Truth #6 -- What the Bible Says About HEAVEN and HELL Episode #124

Heaven or Hell.  Most of us believe that we will end up in one of these destinations someday. But what does the Bible say about these two locations.  In this episode we will investigate the PRACTICAL (and eternal) TRUTH of 'Heaven and Hell-- how the Bible progressively gives understanding... what the 'places' might look like... and why it is vitally important that we 'make it' to one-- and avoid the other!

Feb 24, 202331:42
Episode 123 - Family, Marriage & Children - Part 2

Episode 123 - Family, Marriage & Children - Part 2

The Bible is unique among every other historical or religious book ever written-- particularly when it comes giving definition and specific guidelines about Family, Marriage, Sex and Raising Children.  Family is the 'heartbeat' of any society.  The Bible-- from beginning to end-- provides instruction for happy, healthy and holy marriages.  In this episode we look at what the Bible has to say about marriage, sex, and family.

Feb 17, 202330:36
Practical Truth #5: FAMILY and RAISING CHILDREN

Practical Truth #5: FAMILY and RAISING CHILDREN

Practical Truth #5: FAMILY and RAISING CHILDREN
(Episode #122)

In this PRACTICAL TRUTH podcast, we look at a theme... a river... that flows through the Bible: Family and Raising Children. The BIBLE is full of understanding and advise about the family.  It gives us a unique understanding that is found no where else in other books of 'religion' or antiquity.  From the first chapter of Genesis to the closing chapters of Revelation-- this book is about 'family.   How to 'do' family on earth and how to fulfill The Heavenly Father's desire:  for you to be a part of the Family of God.

Feb 12, 202329:60
The Trail of Blood Through the Bible - Episode 121

The Trail of Blood Through the Bible - Episode 121

The Trail of Blood Through the Bible

Episode #121

BLOOD - in every culture and epoch of human history, has been understood as a spiritual substance.  Sometimes blood is seen as a mode of paying for sins or obtaining favor.  Other cultures see blood sacrifice as a means of connection to their "gods".. and all see blood and as a deeply spiritual and religious substance.  But WHY?  Today's episode examines the 'Trail of Blood' that runs throughout he Bible-- from the first 'blood sacrifice' in the Garden of Eden to the final 'blood sacrific' of a hill called Calvary. The Practical Truth and meaning of blood in the Bible is today's focus.

Feb 03, 202327:44
Episode 120 - The Awakening of Self-Conciousness

Episode 120 - The Awakening of Self-Conciousness

The Awakening of Self-Conciousness

Jan 28, 202329:27