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Heretics Like Us

Heretics Like Us

By William (Bill) Bruce

What's a heretic?
Somebody who doesn't believe the right things?
That's me! since 2008, echoed in podcasts from 2022
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Sabbath for the Land - Leviticus 25

Heretics Like UsMay 16, 2022

Pep Talk - Deuteronomy 01-03

Pep Talk - Deuteronomy 01-03

At the beginning of a long weekend, prepare for a reading of Deuteronomy.  It took us 6 months to read the first 4 books of Torah this year, and  this last book 'second book of the law' may seem like a remake of a familiar movie. What's the editorial ax being ground this time?

Notes at

Jun 30, 202219:29
Women's Choices - Numbers 36

Women's Choices - Numbers 36

Did the daughters of Zelophehad lost their hard-won property rights here - or were they preserved?  Is that a footnote, or another contrast that throws the rest of the covenant in relief?

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Jun 29, 202207:19
Exceptions Prove Rules - Numbers 35

Exceptions Prove Rules - Numbers 35

Is it just a digression, a footnote, to lay out 4 dozen towns for Levites, 6 of them to be cities of refuge?  Or does the exception prove the rule, both in the priestly role, and in the sanctuary offered accused in the face of vengeance?

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Jun 28, 202212:42
Tribal Turf - Numbers 34

Tribal Turf - Numbers 34

Get out your maps, and track the claims of ancestral homelands for the 12 tribes in Palestine.  Is this simply an early land claim for the 21st century state of Israel?  God forbid!

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Jun 27, 202209:52
Balanced Equities - Numbers 34-36

Balanced Equities - Numbers 34-36

As we wrap up the wandering, we start negotiating the patrimonies of the tribes entering the promised land - with the exception of the Levites and their cities and those of refuge - and a footnote about those daughters of Zelophehad.  Footnotes?

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Jun 26, 202214:33
Recap by Stages - Numbers 33

Recap by Stages - Numbers 33

How did it take us so long to wander in the wilderness?  Let's sum up the trip once more, retrace our steps, and wonder....

Notes at 

Jun 25, 202213:09
Straddling a Line - Numbers 32

Straddling a Line - Numbers 32

What do you make of the 2.5 tribes across the Jordan in the Transjordan?  Have they got the same 'skin in the game' as the others?  Do we have such in-laws and cousins, in ecumenical and ethnographic terms?

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Jun 24, 202213:03
Vengeance - Numbers 31

Vengeance - Numbers 31

The wandering refugees get permission to hit back against the dominant  Midianites - read too often since as justification for genocidal wars by dominant nations against weaker ones...

Notes at

Jun 23, 202217:54
Woman's Word - Numbers 30

Woman's Word - Numbers 30

A woman's word can bind the household, the clan, in buying and selling.  In a change of relationship, a new patriarch must get notice, and disown or accept the obligations she has undertaken on our behalf.  Easy?

Notes at

Jun 22, 202208:56
Festival Reminders - Numbers 29

Festival Reminders - Numbers 29

Now the big 'high holidays', the pilgrimage festivals, in the annual cycle - and what are yours in comparison?

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Jun 21, 202211:55
Time Well Wasted - Numbers 28

Time Well Wasted - Numbers 28

So, compare this worship life of sacrifice to our own - lavish, communal, complex?

notes at

Jun 20, 202210:44
Prepare to Party - Numbers 28-33

Prepare to Party - Numbers 28-33

The daily, weekly, monthly sacrifices are only the underlying rhythm - the foundation for the great festivals.  Rather than deride their complexity, we might reflect on our anemic observances?

Notes at 

Jun 19, 202253:45
When Daughters Count

When Daughters Count

Daughters of Zelpophehad - without brothers - get to keep the clan's allotment of land.

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Jun 18, 202209:23
Re-Mustered Counts - Numbers 26

Re-Mustered Counts - Numbers 26

Counting the ranks again, including the clans within the tribes - collective shared benefits and burdens

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Jun 17, 202215:54
Phineas the Cop - Numbers 25

Phineas the Cop - Numbers 25

More than an individual romance, assimilating to the dominant host culture is an existential threat to the people.  Phineas enforces separation.

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Jun 16, 202208:27
Balaam's Vindication - Numbers 24

Balaam's Vindication - Numbers 24

Balaam sticks to his brief, and knows who's his boss - bless Israel, don't curse

Notes from 

Jun 15, 202209:03
Balaam's Showdown - Numbers 23

Balaam's Showdown - Numbers 23

Balak wants him to curse, God says bless - Balaam is caught between - 

Notes from

Jun 14, 202210:24
Balaam's Ass - Numbers 22

Balaam's Ass - Numbers 22

The donkey outthinks the prophet - for now

Notes at 

Jun 13, 202214:02
Barak on the Brink - Numbers 22-27

Barak on the Brink - Numbers 22-27

Barak and Balaam, and mustering on the banks of the Jordan, Israel's migrants are coming to the end of wilderness wandering - are we the xenophobic locals, or the fee-for-service pundits, or allies and advocates for the raggedy band?

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Jun 12, 202249:01
Snake on a Stick - Numbers 21

Snake on a Stick - Numbers 21

Sure, this magic is 'snake on a stick'. -the story is the detour around Edom, to come at the promised land from the east rather than from the south.

Notes at

Jun 11, 202213:59
Water From a Rock - Numbers 20

Water From a Rock - Numbers 20

A replay of the waters of Meribah, complaining still after nearly 40 years - and given water from a rock still

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Jun 10, 202211:10
Red Heifer Law - Numbers 19

Red Heifer Law - Numbers 19

When it's this weird, just do it!  The response to contact with a dead body includes water with ashes of the red heifer...

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Jun 09, 202211:38
Korah Took - Numbers 18

Korah Took - Numbers 18

Aaron won, but owes a tithe back on his tithes, reminder of the risks of self-serving over-reaching priesthood in the shadow of Korah's rebellion - do you really owe the commonwealth before your personal gratification?  Yes.

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Jun 08, 202213:21
Sprouting Stick - Numbers 17

Sprouting Stick - Numbers 17

Reinforcing Aaronic claims, left with 11 other tribal leaders' sticks in the hoy place, his staff sprouts fresh buds, blossoms, and almonds.  Someday,  the Messiah will hold that stick, eh?

Notes at

Jun 07, 202209:58
Incense Stops Plague

Incense Stops Plague

The Korahite rebellion gets some swallowed up, a plague stopped by incense after 17,400 deaths, extablishing the legitimate authority of Aaronic priesthood - or does it?

Notes at

Jun 06, 202214:09
Magic Moments - Numbers 16-21

Magic Moments - Numbers 16-21

Crossing the midpoint of Numbers, the end of wilderness wandering, including bits of magic: ground opening to swallow rebels, red heifer law, water from a rock, snake on a stick - what will you make of it all?

Notes at

Jun 05, 202254:23
Golus, Galut - Numbers 15

Golus, Galut - Numbers 15

Applying the 'if-then' rules 'as if', even though in a state of 'not yet' or 'no longer', might still provide moral guidance for choice - and the apparently draconian punishments can be 'read down' by Talmudic reasoning, eh?

Notes at 

Jun 04, 202216:57
Minority Dissent - Numbers 14

Minority Dissent - Numbers 14

Caleb and Joshua alone resist the majority report of the other 10 consultants - and counsel courage

Notes at

Jun 03, 202214:38
Consultants' Reports - Numbers 13

Consultants' Reports - Numbers 13

10 out of 12 spies, scouts, or consultants get cold feet and warn the people away from the Promised Land, with tales of superhuman giants.

Notes at

Jun 02, 202210:22
Sibling Rivalry - Numbers 12

Sibling Rivalry - Numbers 12

Aaron and Miriam claim equality with Moses - God demurs, and dooms all 3 to die in the desert - after giving Miriam a case of tzara'at and quarantine outside the camp.

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Jun 01, 202208:15
Whiners - Numbers 11

Whiners - Numbers 11

Some of us are whining and whinging, and craving, but not construing our needs and appetites - angering God

Notes at

May 31, 202214:36
Pacing in Order

Pacing in Order

Imagine 12 tribes arrayed around the tent: 3 on each of 4 sides.  Which leads out when they break camp and relocate, which escort the holy things, and which act as rearguard?  Imagine then the re-enactments for millennia since, if only between ears and behind foreheads!

Notes at 

May 30, 202210:59
Spies and Rebels - Numbers 10-15

Spies and Rebels - Numbers 10-15

From the south, 12 spies are sent to scout the Promised Land - 10 report back scared, to advise against entering.

Notes at 

May 29, 202250:06
Passover Plans

Passover Plans

Who can participate, if their unclean status is not within their control?  Who should be invited beyond 'us'?

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May 28, 202209:36
Lamps and Levites

Lamps and Levites

Whose job is it to keep the home fires burning?  

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May 27, 202209:12
Ante Up - Numbers 07

Ante Up - Numbers 07

Here's a long (24 minutes) repetitive tale of a procession of 12 tribes in turn delivering the same set of gifts, regardless of their size or resources - to stay in the game as an equal tribal partner.

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May 26, 202224:09
Nazirites - Numbers 06

Nazirites - Numbers 06

It's not just by birth - but also by voluntary vows - that you can belong to the elites.  Remember Samson, or Samuel?

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May 25, 202208:46
Quarantine Jealousy - Numbers 05

Quarantine Jealousy - Numbers 05

Separating out the people with unclean skin or contact with dead bodies is one thing - but dealing with a jealous husband without proof of his wife's infidelity demands a harder ritual!

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May 24, 202215:16
Elite Jobs - Numbers 04

Elite Jobs - Numbers 04

Here are the job descriptions for the elites of the Aaronic priesthood, who would handle the holiest things, to pack them up to move.

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May 23, 202213:54
Counting - Numbers 04-09

Counting - Numbers 04-09

From mustering to other ways of counting: us and them, clean and unclean, if this then that - from Passover to jealous husbands, enjoy the week!

May 22, 202255:40
Levites Like Us - Numbers 03

Levites Like Us - Numbers 03

Drilling down into the specific duties of the priests, particularly in breaking camp to move the people into the wilderness.  

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May 21, 202215:27
Four-Square - Numbers 02

Four-Square - Numbers 02

So line up those mustered men of military age, by tribes, on each of four sides of the tent in Sinai.  Imagine, 603,500 arrayed in order - or the variety of re-enactments since, at in-gathering festivals.  

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May 20, 202213:39
Census - Numbers 01

Census - Numbers 01

Do you imagine 600 thousand military-aged men (let alone the complementary kids and women) arrayed in order In 12 tribal groups?  Oh, yeah?  

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May 19, 202216:49
Mustering - Numbers 01-03

Mustering - Numbers 01-03

Is it a census or a military muster, or just a normative imaginary pageant desert?  We start 3 days, 3 chapters of recitals of the tribes, assembled on the 4 sides of the tent - and implicitly, a model for the people organized around a first temple, exile, second temple, and diaspora since.  Try it!

Notes at

May 19, 202233:36
Tax Planning, Real and Personal Property - Leviticus 27

Tax Planning, Real and Personal Property - Leviticus 27

Almost like an appendix, hekdesh - what does it mean to 'redeem' a person by paying what's owed, according to Leviticus?

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May 18, 202213:40
Promises and Threats - Leviticus 26

Promises and Threats - Leviticus 26

These are the consequences of infidelity, in the divine ecology of Leviticus.  If you seek right relations, or if you maltreat creation, there will be outcomes.

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May 17, 202214:36
Sabbath for the Land - Leviticus 25

Sabbath for the Land - Leviticus 25

Not just the people, but the land gets a break, standing in for God - leave it to volunteer enough for the humans...

Notes at 

May 16, 202216:52
Jubilee Vision - Leviticus 25-27

Jubilee Vision - Leviticus 25-27

Here's the subversive climax of the Leviticus approach to 'us' and 'ours'.  Beyond sabbath and sabbatical, how about every 50 years we just redistribute all the land back - and let the land have sabbath, lest it vomit us up and out?

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May 15, 202242:31
Light and Bread, Eye-for-an-Eye - Leviticus 24

Light and Bread, Eye-for-an-Eye - Leviticus 24

Keep your lamps lit, in routines and rituals - then the arguments of proportionate responses to offences, rather than escalating vigilante feuds - and a strange story of an offender being stoned - or was he, if witnesses had to stand before the stones with him?

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May 14, 202208:26
Re-Creational Holy-Days - Leviticus 23

Re-Creational Holy-Days - Leviticus 23

From our culture of 24/7/365, can we imagine this rhythm of festivals, mandatory in-gathering?  Passover, Shavuot, in our spring, plus Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur through High Holidays in our fall, set a higher standard, eh?

Notes at

May 13, 202218:56