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Wolf Pack - Brawl Stars

Wolf Pack - Brawl Stars

By Wolf Bite

This Brawl Stars podcast focuses on news, speculation of upcoming updates, lore, and just about everything else Brawl Stars.
I am your host, Wolf Bite, and welcome to the pack!

This fall I am attempting to upload episodes biweekly and increasing the quality of my content every episode.

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrews as snakes and as innocent as doves." - Matthew 10:16

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Ep. 17 - My Top 15 Favorite Skins

Wolf Pack - Brawl StarsNov 06, 2023

Ep. 17 - My Top 15 Favorite Skins

Ep. 17 - My Top 15 Favorite Skins

Today I go over my top 15 favorite skins in Brawl Stars! My list is quite controversial... I hope you enjoy!

"Everyday begins to feel the same

Like I'm waiting on the wind to go and change

But there's no one but myself around to blame lately

I'm staring and despairing on the screen

Turning everything that's real into a meme

But the feeds that I read don't feed me what I need" - Switchfoot, Beloved

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Nov 06, 202310:46
Ep. 16 - Power League Gameplay And Chatting

Ep. 16 - Power League Gameplay And Chatting

Today I am playing power league in the hopes of getting Legendary 1. It is a much more laid back episode then most so let me know if you want to see more like it or not. Thank you for watching and God bless!

"For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins." - Colossians 1, Verses 13-14

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Oct 23, 202326:19
Ep. 15 - Useful Brawl Stars Glitches That Still Work

Ep. 15 - Useful Brawl Stars Glitches That Still Work

Some of the most powerful glitches and work arounds in Brawl Stars are known by only a handful of people. In this episode, I'll show you those glitches and how to use them!

"Whatever is good and perfect is is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession." - James 1, Verses 17-18

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Oct 09, 202306:11
Ep. 9 - Power League Draft Guide - Part 3 [Reupload]
Sep 27, 202333:35
Ep. 14 - Hypercharge Update Review

Ep. 14 - Hypercharge Update Review

The Hypercharge update has brought controversy, opinions, and questionable additions to the game. Join me as I explore it all and show you what was great about the update along with what needs more work or should be removed.

"Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night" - Isaiah 1, Verses 1-2

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Sep 25, 202314:36
Ep. 13 - Hypercharge Sneak Peek Details And Theory
Aug 31, 202309:45
Ep. 12 - Starr Drop Update Review

Ep. 12 - Starr Drop Update Review

In this episode I go over my opinions on everything in the new Starr Drop update! I give my rating on each aspect of the update then at the end of the episode I rate the update as a whole.

I am experimenting with using two camera angles (even though one is a $13 webcam) so I would love to hear your feedback on that or anything else related to the podcast. You can either email me at or answer the episode's question on Spotify.

"Where can I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." - Psalm 139 Verses 7-9

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Jul 04, 202314:31
Ep. 11 - My Most Cursed Accounts

Ep. 11 - My Most Cursed Accounts

In this episode I go over the most cursed accounts I have made, including a one of a kind account. At the end of the episode I talk about how my upload schedule will be during the summer. Thanks for listening!

Jun 06, 202309:49
Ep. 10 - Bling Update Review
Apr 29, 202327:46
Ep. 8 - Power League Draft Guide - Part 2
Apr 07, 202325:52
Ep. 7 - Power League Draft Guide - Part 1
Apr 04, 202334:04
Ep. 6 - Masteries Update Review

Ep. 6 - Masteries Update Review

In this episode, I go over my opinions on the new masteries update and rate each aspect of it. Then at the end of the episode I rate the episode as a whole.
Thanks for listening, and God bless!
Mar 17, 202312:07
Ep. 5 - February Update Wishlist

Ep. 5 - February Update Wishlist

In this episode I go over what features I would like to see added to the game in the upcoming Feburary 2023 update. I dont go over everything (because that would take forever) but instead stick to what on my list I think is most important and likely to come this update.

Feb 21, 202315:19
Ep. 4 - Top Five Favorite Brawlers And Podcast Info
Feb 16, 202311:38
Ep. 3 - Things You Missed In The December Update
Dec 24, 202204:50
Ep. 2 - December Update Opinions And Rating

Ep. 2 - December Update Opinions And Rating

In this episode I go over my opinions on the most recient Brawl Stars update (December 2022) and rate each new thing that come with it and the update as a whole.
Merry Christmas!
Dec 18, 202213:44
Ep. 1 - December Update Info And Speculation

Ep. 1 - December Update Info And Speculation

In this episode, I go over everything coming in the upcoming December update including the Omega Box and Starr Road. I also go over a liitle bit about myself and my plans for the podcast.
Dec 05, 202210:32