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words in season

words in season

By kara marie morris

After graduating from Bible school and teaching young adults in her local church, Kara Morris has created a podcast for Christians of all ages to be equipped and encouraged with Bible-based teaching.
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7. Proper Digestion Promotes Hunger #1

words in seasonMay 09, 2024

10. The Father's Table: Position & Privilege

10. The Father's Table: Position & Privilege

Revelation 7:16-17 - They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

There is a seat 🪑for everyone at the Father's table that quenches the thirst and satisfies the hunger.

May 30, 202407:45
9. The Father's Table: Power & Promotion

9. The Father's Table: Power & Promotion

Come and have a seat at the Father's table. He is our continual feast.

📖 Proverbs 15:15

"All the days of the desponding and afflicted are made evil [by anxious thoughts and forebodings], but he who has a glad heart has a continual feast [regardless of circumstances]."

May 23, 202408:58
8. Proper Digestion Promotes Hunger #2

8. Proper Digestion Promotes Hunger #2

How can I digest these things well?

The Holy Spirit is the fire of God in our life, the activator…like the enzymes or heat is to the natural digestion.

  1. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand & remember.
  2. Circle/ highlight 3 things that stood out for you and keep them in front of you. (Screen record important things…)
  3. Revisit the Words He spoke to you. (The Word you honor is the Word you will receive from.)
  4. Silence & quiet assists in remembering.
  5. Exercise what you’ve received. 
May 16, 202408:17
7. Proper Digestion Promotes Hunger #1

7. Proper Digestion Promotes Hunger #1

The Word you honor is the Word you will receive from. 


  • a person's capacity to break down food into substances that can be used by the body.
  • CHEMISTRY ⚛️ the process of treating a substance by means of heat, enzymes, or a solvent to promote decomposition or extract essential components.
  • It is a process that is necessary for me to receive, understand and utilize what God spoke to my heart. Precedes obedience….

I need digest these words to be ready:

  • for His next Words
  • I don’t confuse other peoples “words” for His Words.
  • I don’t try to fit myself into a word that is not for me.
  • Proper digestion promotes HUNGER!!!!
May 09, 202410:10
6. The Eternal 🪔 Pour

6. The Eternal 🪔 Pour

Fresh oil. That is what we have in Him. To anoint our heads, to heal our lives, to see Him as the One & only Good Shepherd.

May 02, 202413:22
5. Let there be Light 🌕

5. Let there be Light 🌕

The Light of the Word, Jesus Christ, shines so bright that I can see clearly to walk on the path He has for me. He shows me what is real and what is the counterfeit.

Apr 25, 202409:03
4. The Satisfying Secret

4. The Satisfying Secret

What else could it be, but Him!?!

The secret [of the sweet, satisfying companionship] of the Lord have they who fear (revere and worship) Him, and He will show them His covenant and reveal to them its [deep, inner] meaning. Psalm 25:14

Apr 18, 202405:31
3. Are you sure, God?

3. Are you sure, God?

It is always possible to do God's will, not by might or power but empowered by His Spirit and grace.

Apr 11, 202414:08
2. How do I get "harvest eyes?"

2. How do I get "harvest eyes?"

"Hunger & Thirst" can only be satisfied by the meat of the Word of God and the drinking in of His presence.

This changes my perspective to have eyes to see His harvest.

John 4:34-35 -

"Jesus said to them, My food (nourishment) is to do the will (pleasure) of Him Who sent Me and to accomplish and completely finish His work.

Do you not say, It is still four months until harvest time comes? Look! I tell you, raise your eyes and observe the fields and see how they are already white for harvesting."

Apr 04, 202415:29
1. The 3 Sacrifices of Hebrews 13: Working from ❌ Not for

1. The 3 Sacrifices of Hebrews 13: Working from ❌ Not for

➡️ Works, temporary in nature, but of eternal value when done for Him 📖 Hebrews 13:16 📖 James 2:12-18, 26 Not working to receive salvation, but from salvation.

Mar 28, 202419:32
52. The 3 Sacrifices of Hebrews 13: The Fruit 🌱 of the Lips

52. The 3 Sacrifices of Hebrews 13: The Fruit 🌱 of the Lips

The sin sacrifice of Jesus Christ only gets stale in my mind when I don't offer up the sacrifice of praise. Giving of this sacrifice realigns my priorities and heart to His.

Mar 21, 202418:45
51. The 3 Sacrifices of Hebrews 13: Jesus Crucified in the Flesh

51. The 3 Sacrifices of Hebrews 13: Jesus Crucified in the Flesh

❤️ Hebrews 13:8-12 📖

Jesus, our Sacrifice for sin, so that we might be pure within. He chose the cross outside the gate to represent what it means to consecrate. To give of all life and all soul, He chose to die to make us whole.

Mar 14, 202409:30


Waiting on a faithful God is the hope that is the anchor to the soul. It keeps us in the position for patience to inherit the promises.

Mar 07, 202410:20
49. PATHS READY: Who you are going with matters

49. PATHS READY: Who you are going with matters

Unsaved 📖 James 5:7-12 (Jesus is knocking at the door 🚪 or our hearts today.) 

Go quickly, go alone; go far, walk together.

Saved 📖 1 Thessalonians 4:16–18

Feb 29, 202414:36
48. PATHS READY: How you go matters

48. PATHS READY: How you go matters

A rest in every step. 🥾🏔️

Feb 22, 202414:56
47. PATHS READY: Who you are following matters

47. PATHS READY: Who you are following matters

📖 Hebrews 12:1-2

The more dangerous the path, the noise, the terrain the more important it is to know whose footsteps you’re filling. 🥾 (hiking)

No eyes on the path or the external, but looking at their feet. 

Feb 15, 202416:55
46. PATHS READY: How you pack matters

46. PATHS READY: How you pack matters

Travel light. 

📖 Hebrews 12:1

📖 1 Peter 4:8, 1 Corinthians 13:7

 Offense will weigh downs, not meant to be carried.

Believing the best of every person is a “ weight lifter.🏋️”

Feb 08, 202414:25
45. PATHS READY: What you wear on the journey matters

45. PATHS READY: What you wear on the journey matters

No bad weather, just wrong clothes. 

When the path seems like its is full of bad news and negative circumstances, we can remember what God has given us to go through the storm. 🧥👚👟🧣🎒🌂 He has equipped us with all the right clothing.

Feb 01, 202414:26
44. PATHS READY: Following His Footsteps

44. PATHS READY: Following His Footsteps

Christian = a relational learning journey in which we are His prize and He is ours 🏆 

The Journey - our time on earth isn’t about trying  to simply fit it, disappear, self-isolate with others that believe like us or trying to get to heaven…we are the invasion army and the gate of hell will not prevail against the Ecclesia, the Body of Christ, His Bride, the Church. ⛪️ 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 📖Matthew 16:18

Jan 25, 202414:07
43. Loved by Choice

43. Loved by Choice

The Father adopts those who declare and believe that Jesus Christ is Lord & Savior. His love is everlasting and of the highest quality so the Christian can live as His intentionally chosen child.

Jan 18, 202412:26
42. Never too late to start again.

42. Never too late to start again.

“So I give you now a new commandment: Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you're my true followers.” Jesus in 📖 John 13:35

Jan 11, 202411:33
41. Material for Sacrifice: 🔥Meant to make us, not break us.

41. Material for Sacrifice: 🔥Meant to make us, not break us.

🔥Moses found his assignment in the fire.

🔥Moses found his promise from God in the fire.

🔥Moses found that the fire was to protect and to grow him into his God-given destiny and potential.

Jan 04, 202415:25
 40. Material for Sacrifice: All the time in the world.

40. Material for Sacrifice: All the time in the world.

  • Use time wisely
  • Dedicated time for scripture reading & prayer
  • Give time to others
Dec 28, 202313:35
39. Material for Sacrifice: What rights?

39. Material for Sacrifice: What rights?

I am only truly free when I fall down before my King and give all the rights He gave to me as a sweet smelling sacrifice of worship.

Dec 21, 202312:31
38. Material for Sacrifice: Souls prosper when given back to Him.

38. Material for Sacrifice: Souls prosper when given back to Him.

Jesus was the Sacrifice that should have been me so that I can be free! My emotions can be satisfied, healed and whole, because Jesus died for my soul.

Dec 18, 202312:02
37. Material for Sacrifice: Life flows from the heart.

37. Material for Sacrifice: Life flows from the heart.

Examples from the life of Abraham show us what it is like to give the most important thing we can give, our lives back to Him.

Dec 07, 202320:31
36. Material for Sacrifice: Life is a gift we give back.

36. Material for Sacrifice: Life is a gift we give back.

Lives given and lives received. The Christian now has a sweet and beautiful sacrifice to offer the One Who gave it all. The Father gifts and empowers the Believer to lay down what Jesus Himself laid down.

Nov 30, 202310:54
35. Daily doses of Vitamin P

35. Daily doses of Vitamin P


Nov 23, 202311:39
34. The God Who Answers

34. The God Who Answers

Isaiah 58:8,9 (TPT) "Then my favor will bathe you in sunlight until you are like the dawn bursting through a dark night. And then suddenly your healing will manifest. You will see your righteousness march out before you, and the glory of Yahweh will protect you from all harm! Then Yahweh will answer you when you pray."

Nov 16, 202313:26
33. Joy in the (...) Part 4

33. Joy in the (...) Part 4

Jesus is the Joy in the reward.

Nov 09, 202314:09
32. Joy in the (...) Part 3

32. Joy in the (...) Part 3

Fulfilling the heart of God is how Christians find joy in everyday life.

Nov 02, 202312:06
31. Joy in the (...) Part 2

31. Joy in the (...) Part 2

Joy in the growth is more about quality than quantity.

Oct 26, 202314:06
30. Joy in the (...) Part 1

30. Joy in the (...) Part 1

One big "YES" to Him brings me a joy eternal! ❤️🙌🏻

Oct 19, 202313:60
29. The Great Transition

29. The Great Transition

From here to there, earth to heaven. The legacy in this great transition is priceless souls for His Kingdom.

Oct 12, 202311:36
28. His Harvest

28. His Harvest

The way to eternal life with Jesus Christ is revealed through His church in partnership with the Holy Spirit. Reconciling the lost to Himself has been the heartbeat of our Creator since the beginning, our part is to be His "farmhands" sent into HIS harvest.

Oct 05, 202320:12
27. What if I miss God?

27. What if I miss God?

God isn't One to be missed or go unheard. Deep as the ocean and wide as the horizon, He is endless, limitless and always reminding us that He is there to lead, guide, protect and care for our every step.

Sep 28, 202307:59
26. Connection

26. Connection

Humans are not "hearty plants" that can live alone or on their own. The only way to survive and to thrive is to abide in the 🍇 Connection.

Sep 21, 202314:04
25. Life in the Tension: A Place of Purity & Intimacy

25. Life in the Tension: A Place of Purity & Intimacy

The place between the "here" and "not yet" is God giving me space to grow and mature in Him. It is a place to purify heart motives and learn to hear and follow His voice.

Sep 14, 202313:33
24. Life in the Tension: A Place of Testing

24. Life in the Tension: A Place of Testing

God isn't withholding any good thing from us, but He loves us too much to leave us where He finds us. Growth and maturity, by His grace, are the results of the place in between the "here and not yet."

Sep 07, 202312:47
23. 🐚 Priceless

23. 🐚 Priceless

Jesus was motivated by the love of the Father to give EVERYTHING for you. You are the pearl of great price.

Aug 31, 202312:09
22. The Grace to Carry

22. The Grace to Carry

Whatever God has placed in your hands today, you don't have to carry it alone. 🙌🏻

Aug 24, 202307:54
21. No Reputation: Unpack that Bag

21. No Reputation: Unpack that Bag

Humility that is fear of the Lord lifts the burdens of life. The unknown, the anxiety, the fear of the "what ifs" are all left behind when I give my life to Him, when I empty myself of myself, when I make myself of "no reputation."

Aug 17, 202313:04
20. No Reputation: How did Jesus do it?

20. No Reputation: How did Jesus do it?

"But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men..." Philippians 2:7

Aug 10, 202308:12
19. The Safest Place to Be

19. The Safest Place to Be

No matter the physical location, the safest place a Christian can be is in the fear of the Lord.

Aug 03, 202310:33
18. Seeds to Plant: Finishers & Victors

18. Seeds to Plant: Finishers & Victors

3 seeds to plant to receive a harvest of God's recreating power in my life.

Jul 27, 202308:30
17. Seeds to Plant: Winners

17. Seeds to Plant: Winners

3 seeds to plant to receive a harvest of God's recreating power in my life.

Jul 20, 202307:33
16. God is faithFULL: Part 2

16. God is faithFULL: Part 2

<li>God never changes.</li>
<li>God has full faith in YOU!</li>
<li>God has given us His nature to pass onto others.</li>
Jul 13, 202309:06
15. God is faithFULL: Part 1

15. God is faithFULL: Part 1

God has faith in YOU!

For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.

Romans 12:3

Jul 06, 202307:17
14. Timelines: Part 2

14. Timelines: Part 2


Jun 29, 202308:46
13. Timelines: Part 1

13. Timelines: Part 1

Man’s thinking  - finite

God’s thinking - infinite, limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate.

💕Just as important to know God’s Word is to know His timing.

I have to be careful with the timeline He gave me. Not to allow current culture, family, or personal expectations to define my timeline. (Or can become skewed, twisted & biased) 

📖 Psalm 16:5-6  

His timing is the best timing. 

What has the Father gifted me to keep me in His timeline for me? 

📖 Galatians 5:22

Patience, candle 🕯️ with a long wick 


⏱️Golden virtue of the ancient world 

⏱️remaining under, endurance; steadfastness, especially as God enables the believer to "remain (endure) under" the challenges He allots in life.

  • To abide 
  • Waiting without complaining 
  • Not the length of time but how you wait. Joyce Meyer

📖 Hebrews 6:12

Jun 22, 202307:45