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Worth More Podcast

Worth More Podcast

By Kami Blease

Welcome to the Worth More Podcast!

The podcast geared towards inspiring and encouraging you to believe you are worth more! More than your weight, workout, wardrobe, weight loss, weight gain, things people have said about you and mistakes you've made!

You are an incredible, strong and beautiful person from the inside out and my hope is that this inspires you to step into that power and embrace being worth more!
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Episode 2: The F Word we Should be Saying

Worth More PodcastSep 12, 2018

65. Interview with Katrin Steinert- separating health & body image, PCOS, healthy habits for a healthier mind & body
Aug 18, 202149:14
64. Interview with Taylor Stern-talking social media, Dallas Cowboys, comparison culture and thriving in your life
Aug 04, 202151:12
63. Lauren Sims- blogging, body image, infertility and maintaining hope & your faith through it all
Jul 21, 202155:50
62. Kathryn Benko- founder of Sole Fitness, discussing owning a studio, body image struggle before and during pregnancy and shameless living
Jul 14, 202159:30
61. Kourtney Simmang- functional nutritional practitioner talking about women's hormones, gut health & healthy lifestyle practices
Jun 30, 202101:02:11
60. Interview with Caitlyn Mount- talking about her history with eating disorders, how it plays into blogging and finding freedom in your body
Jun 16, 202144:22
59. Interview with Paige Martindell- life as a studio owner & instructor and how to prioritize your own mental & physical health
Jun 02, 202149:34
58. Lauren Twigge- talking diet trends & myths, and how to create a healthier lifestyle in an approachable way
May 19, 202153:30
57. Mary Tobon- gastric bypass surgery, addiction, finding self-love & practicing self-care
May 05, 202151:22
56. Emily Collins- life as a fitness instructor, diversity in the wellness industry & motivation to showing up
Apr 21, 202138:15
55. Courtney Newell- jewelry design, mental health, self-care and balancing doing it all
Apr 07, 202140:14
Episode 54: Solo Kickoff Episode & 5 Things I Wish You Knew As A Personal Trainer

Episode 54: Solo Kickoff Episode & 5 Things I Wish You Knew As A Personal Trainer

It's been a year since I've recorded and shared a podcast and I am so excited to be back. In this short and sweet episode I am going to share with you what to expect in the coming episodes as well as 5 things I wish you knew as a personal trainer! To sum it up, get ready for so many more interviews! Ekkkk cannot wait to share these amazing people with yall to support you on your journey to the healthiest, happiest version of yourself. I'll have therapists, dietitians, fitness instructors, influencers and overall just amazing people on here so get ready yall! 

Mar 24, 202130:26
Episode 53: Embracing Change

Episode 53: Embracing Change

Change is hard but why is it SO hard? The resistance in us doesn’t want to be uncomfortable but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t move forward anyways. You are capable of change, you just need to learn how to embrace it! In today’s episode I’m discussing how to do that and how to live the life that’s waiting for you!
Mar 05, 202024:48
Episode 52: How to break the cycle of self-sabotage

Episode 52: How to break the cycle of self-sabotage

We all know what we should be doing so why aren’t we doing those things? Often times it comes back to our innate ability to self-sabotage even the things we truly want to change. This episode dives in to why we self sabotage and how to start making changes today!
Feb 27, 202024:38
Episode 51: The Art of Truly Loving Yourself

Episode 51: The Art of Truly Loving Yourself

It’s Valentine’s week so of course i wanted to talk about not only learning to love yourself but also ways you can share love with those around you. You are worthy of love right now and it’s time you started to do the work to fully believe that! This episode will help your get there!
Feb 13, 202026:50
Episode 50: Your Excuses Are Holding You Back

Episode 50: Your Excuses Are Holding You Back

We all have them. And most of them stink! The truth is, no matter what excuses you’re using...they aren’t helping you become the person you know you are capable of being! This kick in the bum episode breaks down 4 popular excuses and 4 simple ways you can start to overcome these excuses and create a life you truly love!
Feb 06, 202032:34
Episode 49: Everything Within Moderation

Episode 49: Everything Within Moderation

We’ve all heard the 80/20 rule and been told that everything within moderation is the goal. But what does that really mean and how can you find out how that uniquely applies to you?
Jan 30, 202024:04
Episode 48: Fasting & Food Intolerances

Episode 48: Fasting & Food Intolerances

This week I am finishing a 21 day fast and had some interesting revelations about my body and some underlying food intolerances! Diving in on how to eliminate foods in a healthy way so that you don’t feel stuck on another diet!
Jan 23, 202025:00
Episode 47: Emotional eaters this ones for you!

Episode 47: Emotional eaters this ones for you!

Many people consider themselves to be emotional eaters. But what if your eating habits aren’t stemming from your emotions but rather your history of dieting? Breaking down emotional hunger, dieting tiggers and ways to cope with emotional eating!
Jan 16, 202031:39
Episode 46: New Year, New You?

Episode 46: New Year, New You?

Happy new year babes! It's easy to get caught up in the new year hustle with focusing on becoming a new you, a better you, a completely different you...but what if instead you realized that the "you" that you already are is enough. You are fully equipped and capable of becoming the best version of yourself but that doesn't mean you have to become a "new" self to do it! Let's focus on how we can embrace who we were created to be and how we can make this year one of the best ones yet! All by being ourselves!
Jan 02, 202025:51
Episode 45: Gut health, microbiomes and how you can be healthier from the inside out!

Episode 45: Gut health, microbiomes and how you can be healthier from the inside out!

Healthier from the inside out doesn’t just mean with your mind… Your gut health is a huge piece of the puzzle as well and often overlooked! When it comes to our gut health there is so much we can be doing to support it and it’s actually easier than you might think! This episode digs into signs that you might have an unhappy got and different ways you can improve it!
Dec 19, 201931:36
Episode 44: How to incorporate healthy food swaps in a sustainable way

Episode 44: How to incorporate healthy food swaps in a sustainable way

Food swaps aren’t a new idea...lettuce for the bun or cauliflower for the crust...but why are we seeking these swaps? And when should we just eat the real version? All that and more in today’s episode!
Dec 12, 201926:45
Episode 43: The Truth About Clean Eating

Episode 43: The Truth About Clean Eating

If you’ve been around the dieting block then I know you’ve heard of many people who practice clean eating… But what is it really and is it actually helping us? Digging into that and more this episode!
Dec 05, 201922:29
Episode 42: Thankfulness Can Change Everything

Episode 42: Thankfulness Can Change Everything

It's easy to be reminded to be thankful during the holiday season but the truth is, a thankful and grateful perspective can change your life all year round. This episode will touch on the science of why gratitude changes your brain and how you can start becoming more thankful in every season! 

Nov 27, 201927:57
Episode 41: The Art of Slowing Down

Episode 41: The Art of Slowing Down

Tis the season for hustlin' and bustlin' and all the while we'd benefit the most from a few more "no's" and choosing to slow down instead of speed up. Why should we value slowing down when everyone else is going 100 miles per hour? Today I will break down why we'd benefit from slowing down more and how to be more present this season and in our day to day lives. 

Nov 21, 201925:23
Episode 40: How to get out of your own way

Episode 40: How to get out of your own way

Often the biggest hindrance to our success, is ourselves! I’m giving you some easy tips to get out of your own way and start living the life you truly want for yourself!
Nov 14, 201921:49
Episode 39: Shifting the focus from weight to habits and why this is the key for a healthier life!

Episode 39: Shifting the focus from weight to habits and why this is the key for a healthier life!

Whether you lose weight or gain weight, people have an opinion about it. But in reality the fluctuation of weight isn’t what we should be celebrating or criticizing. What it comes down to is the why and the habits and it’s time to shift our focus.
Nov 07, 201922:25
Episode 38: How using my intuition saved someone’s life (and how to tap into yours)

Episode 38: How using my intuition saved someone’s life (and how to tap into yours)

We all have that little voice guiding us but how often do we tune it out or doubt it’s truth? Our intuition is there guiding us and doing its best to lead us even when we can’t see all the pieces of the puzzle. Tuning into this will not only make you feel more connected to yourself but it will make you healthier and happier and I’m gonna tell you how to get there!
Oct 24, 201921:43
Episode 37: If All Actions Are Belief Driven, Are Yours Holding You Back?

Episode 37: If All Actions Are Belief Driven, Are Yours Holding You Back?

Each of us has beliefs that we have held on too that have both served us and held us back. There often comes a time where certain beliefs are no longer serve us and it’s time to let them go. Understanding the unproductive beliefs and learning how to release them and move forward is what we’re talking about in today’s episode!
Oct 17, 201925:37
Episode 36: It’s time to do something

Episode 36: It’s time to do something

If you’re in need of a pep talk, struggling for motivation and unsure of how to move forward with your goals then this is the episode for you! It’s time for you to do something!
Oct 03, 201916:50
Episode 35: The Pursuit of Happiness

Episode 35: The Pursuit of Happiness

As you constantly pursue things that make you happy, you are at the same time fixating on all the things that don’t, therefor actually focusing on more negative than positive. Pursuing a happy life isn’t about the next latest and greatest *blank* trying to be shoved down your throat, it’s actually in aligning with our ideal self that we ultimately find happiness! What to find out what that looks like? This is the episode for you!
Sep 26, 201919:32
Episode 34: From Mindless to Mindful- How to Change Your Habits

Episode 34: From Mindless to Mindful- How to Change Your Habits

We all want better more beneficial habits but what about the habits we aren’t even aware we’re doing that are really holding us back? Shifting from mindless to mindful is key and I’m gonna help you do that!
Sep 19, 201918:22
Episode 33: Your Feelings Aren’t Facts

Episode 33: Your Feelings Aren’t Facts

Often we choose if we’re going to do things based on how we “feel” about doing them. But our feelings aren’t always the best indicator of something being the right or wrong thing to do. You might not feel like working out or eating fruits and veggies but does that mean you just never have too then? Listen to this episode for my 3 strategies for overcoming your feelings and becoming the person you truly want to be!
Sep 12, 201927:01
Episode 32: stop blaming willpower

Episode 32: stop blaming willpower

We’ve all heard it or thought it...that if only we had the willpower then we would succeed. But it’s time to stop blaming your willpower and start shifting your tactics. Today I will be sharing with you 3 things you can do to shift away from worrying about will power and to actually achieve your goals!
Sep 05, 201924:50
Episode 31: Creating a healthy lifestyle that lasts, starts with this one question!

Episode 31: Creating a healthy lifestyle that lasts, starts with this one question!

I'm sure you've been told from 100 different sources what living a healthy lifestyle looks like but what if it wasn't about asking everyone else what they think? This episode focuses on the one question you need to be asking yourself to get started and to find clarity on what a healthy lifestyle looks like for you! 

Aug 29, 201921:03
Episode 30: Confidence is Key...or is it?

Episode 30: Confidence is Key...or is it?

We all know what it's like to want to feel more confident. But what if it's not our confidence that's holding us back. What if its something deeper? In this episode I am breaking down the difference between self-esteem, confidence and body image as well as giving you 4 keys to feeling more worthy today! 

Aug 22, 201929:22
Episode 29: Why exercise isn’t the only piece of the movement puzzle

Episode 29: Why exercise isn’t the only piece of the movement puzzle

We all know we’re supposed to move our bodies...but for most of us that looks like some sort of fitness routine for a high energy burst of time a few times a week and we get on with our day. Or maybe exercise feels so daunting you don’t even do it at all. But what about the other 20-something hours of the day where you aren’t really moving? How does that factor in? This episode I’m discussing why our sedentary lifestyles are keeping us stuck and why you might need to rethink your exercise strategy!
Aug 15, 201927:22
Episode 28: Letting Go Of Food Guilt

Episode 28: Letting Go Of Food Guilt

We've all been there. Had the cake and immediately started beating ourselves up for it. But what if our relationship with food didn't have to look like that? What if we could let go of the food guilt once and for all. In this episode I will share with you 7 strategies to get you started on this journey! 

Aug 08, 201926:21
Episode 27: How to be Healthier on a Budget

Episode 27: How to be Healthier on a Budget

Making healthier decisions is already overwhelming enough, but then when you add in what you think its going to cost you financially to make the shift it can seem near impossible. But don't worry girl, I've got you! I will be sharing with you tangible ways you can live healthier on a budget without breaking the bank! From the inside out, there are things you can be doing now! So check out this episode and let me know which tip is your favorite. 

Aug 01, 201928:11
Episode 26: Let's Talk Sugar

Episode 26: Let's Talk Sugar

If you haven't heard it yet, you will. Sugar is the latest food to be demonized in the wellness and diet industry but is it really as bad as everyone says it is? In this episode I'm just scratching the surface with what sugar is, what its in, how its affecting you and how its NOT affecting you. It's time to set the fear aside yet again when it comes to food and move forward empowered and educated when it comes to what you eat. 

Jul 25, 201930:00
Episode 25: How to Create a Balanced Life

Episode 25: How to Create a Balanced Life

We are all trying to juggle a million things. Trying to be healthy, productive, happy, a good friend, parent, spouse, boss, employee and so on. So how do we manage to balance everything while still truly enjoying life? This episode will breakdown what it means to be balanced and why that might not be the most important aim, as well as simple steps you can take to create the life you actually want for yourself!

Jul 18, 201923:50
Episode 24: Body Neutrality And Why It's For You

Episode 24: Body Neutrality And Why It's For You

Do you feel like loving your body is just too hard? That it seems too far off and not realistic for you? How can you love something you've hated for so long? We are so quick to make things black and white --> love and hate...but what about the in-between? What about neutral. When you realize that your body can be seen for all the things it does rather than how it looks you release the power its held over you. You are worth more than how your body looks. And the truth is, you don't have to ever love how it looks. But seek to find a place where you no longer hate it. Where it no longer controls you or how you show up. That is why I choose body neutrality. 

Jul 11, 201922:26
Episode 23: More Than Beautiful

Episode 23: More Than Beautiful

As women we are fed this idea that it's almost our job to be pretty. That everything we do must have some aspect of beauty to it to be accepted. But we are more than beautiful. We are more than objects to be looked at. And guess what, you don't have to be beautiful if you don't want too. There is power in letting go of this pressure and this episode is all about getting that process started and choosing for yourself what beauty means to you.
Jun 27, 201921:40
Episode 22: How Stress Effects Your Life & Your Health

Episode 22: How Stress Effects Your Life & Your Health

I get it, we're all stressed out these days. But did you realize how much stress actually effects your health and your body? It's time to prioritize de-stressing your life and I am going to show you how! Stress is unavoidable but how you manage it is within your control. I am sharing a few tips and actionable steps you can start taking to removing stress from your life and living more freely.  

Jun 20, 201924:04
Episode 21: Why Calories Don't Matter

Episode 21: Why Calories Don't Matter

If you've been trying to lose weight at all in the last 30 years or more, then you know that pretty much the answer to all our problems is sold through counting and restricting calories. But what if I told you this didn't really matter? What if I told you instead of focusing on calorie maximums you needed to focus on calorie minimums. Today we are busting the oversold lies on calories and helping you break free from this diet culture trap.

Jun 13, 201922:17
Episode 21: Intuitive Eating, what it is & what it isn't

Episode 21: Intuitive Eating, what it is & what it isn't

Ever wondered how I broke out of my dieting cycle and what I used to free myself from restriction and obsession? Well intuitive eating is the answer and I am breaking it down for you in this episode how you can get started what what the key aspects of it are! 

Jun 06, 201929:51
Episode 20: Morning Routine Magic In Under 10 Minutes

Episode 20: Morning Routine Magic In Under 10 Minutes

We all know that morning routines are important but what do you do if you just can’t seem to find the time? Well I’m sharing with you a 6 minute morning routine to kickstart your day and optimize your morning. You don’t need 20 minutes, but you do need to believe you are worthy of making time for yourself.
May 30, 201920:55
Episode 19: When is enough, enough?

Episode 19: When is enough, enough?

Do you find yourself trying to be thin enough? Successful enough? Happy enough? Only to get there and realize ur still isn’t enough? The road to contentment is paved with detours of enough and today it’s time to ask yourself, when will enough?

May 23, 201922:32
Episode 18: Why your goals are too big!

Episode 18: Why your goals are too big!

You goals are too big babe. No they aren’t impossible but the reason you keep trying and failing is because of your method. Today I’m talking goals and it’s time to help you create a plan that will actually work.
May 16, 201923:52
Episode 17: Diet in Disguise

Episode 17: Diet in Disguise

We’ve all made choices thinking they were the healthy but what if they’re keeping us trapped in a diet we don’t want to be in? Today’s episode I will share 6 signs that your on a diet in disguise and how to get out of it!
May 09, 201929:43