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Write on Track: A Songwriting Podcast

Write on Track: A Songwriting Podcast

By Demi Michelle Schwartz

Welcome to Write on Track: A Songwriting Podcast. Host and songwriter Demi Michelle Schwartz invites you on a journey like no other. Demi explores all aspects of being a songwriter, from the craft of songwriting to the music business and beyond. Catch new episodes every other Sunday and tune into all of the unforgettable conversations Demi has with songwriters, artists, radio presenters, music industry professionals, and more. So, what are you waiting for? Kick back and relax, don’t fall flat, and remember, stay “write on track!”
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Episode 124 - The Reality of Networking in the Music Industry with Daniel Nesci

Write on Track: A Songwriting PodcastJul 09, 2023

Episode 167 - The Life of a Songwriter and Music Therapist with Rebecca Lappa
May 26, 202417:42
Episode 166 - The Vulnerable Journey of a Pop-Country Songwriter with Mira Goto
May 12, 202423:34
Episode 165 - The Story of a Country Music Songwriter with Allie Colleen
Apr 28, 202426:58
Episode 164 - Creating a Debut Album as a Multicultural Artist with Helena Hallberg
Apr 14, 202423:24
Episode 163 - Healing Through Music with Heather Hill
Mar 31, 202435:33
Episode 162 - The Journey to Becoming a Recording Artist with Jenna Kellogg
Mar 17, 202432:29
Episode 161 - Releasing a Sophomore Album in Today’s Music Landscape with Jack Francis
Mar 17, 202431:01
Episode 160 - Touring Internationally as an Independent Artist with Kirstie Kraus
Mar 03, 202431:53
Episode 159 - From Songwriting to the Spotlight with Queeva
Mar 03, 202420:37
Episode 158 - Songwriting and Perfectionism with Connor Frost

Episode 158 - Songwriting and Perfectionism with Connor Frost

This one is for the perfectionists out there. It’s crucial to overcome the perfectionist mindset in order to find any level of success as a songwriter. I’m over the moon to share an outstanding chat with Connor Frost centering songwriting and perfectionism.
The quote for this episode is by Adam Osbourne: “The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake. You can’t learn anything from being perfect.” During our fantastic conversation, Connor and I talk about mistakes being learning experiences, how perfection doesn’t exist in art, perfectionism halting creativity, perfectionism as fear in disguise, reasons why songwriters feel like they need to shoot for perfection, perfectionism and procrastination going hand in hand, fears of criticism and being perceived as someone who has tried and failed, social media creating the false perception that people’s lives are perfect when they’re not, comparing ourselves to ourselves and no one else, the importance of reflection and celebrating both small and big wins, advice for breaking out of a perfectionist mindset to finish and share songs, thinking in drafts and remembering revisions can be made, and much more. I truly loved having Connor on the show, so I hope our conversation gives you an insightful glimpse into songwriting and perfectionism.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Feb 18, 202433:01
Episode 157 - Having a Support System as an Artist with Kate Harding

Episode 157 - Having a Support System as an Artist with Kate Harding

Having a support system as an artist is crucial, from celebrating successes with others to knowing you’re never alone and beyond. I’m delighted to share my chat with Kate Harding all about this topic, especially since Kate is only beginning her songwriting adventure.
The quote for this episode is by Roger Waters: “There is no us and them. It’s an illusion. We are all human beings, and we all have a responsibility to support one another.” During our conversation, Kate and I talk about getting support from family and friends, meeting people along the way, helping others as artists, building a network in the music industry, having genuine conversations, remembering those who supported you first and staying in contact to sustain relationships, having a support system to celebrate with you and motivate you to keep going, making connections from unexpected places, and more. Also, Kate shares all the details about her debut single, “Wallflower.” It was a joy having Kate on the show, so I hope you love our conversation.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Feb 18, 202434:15
Episode 156 - The Metamorphosis of a Songwriter with Andrew Dean

Episode 156 - The Metamorphosis of a Songwriter with Andrew Dean

Did someone say butterflies? That’s right, songwriters are just like butterflies in many ways, and I’m over the moon to welcome Andrew Dean onto the show for an outstanding conversation about the metamorphosis of a songwriter.
The quote for this episode is by Drew Barrymore: “I’ve always loved butterflies, because they remind us that it’s never too late to transform ourselves.” During our chat, Andrew and I talk about evolving as songwriters, our excitement from seeing others succeed, embracing the unknown as we chase our dreams, having a supportive network and making friends in the music industry, collaborating with others, our music transforming over time, writing in various styles, staying true to ourselves, the freedom in authenticity, the International Singer Songwriters Association and ISSA Awards, getting involved in the music industry, trusting the journey, the benefits of being an independent artist, and much more. I truly loved having Andrew on the show for such a wonderful conversation, so I hope it gives you a glimpse into how songwriters are just like butterflies.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Feb 04, 202430:19
Episode 155 - All About Duo Life with the Just Imagines
Feb 04, 202431:11
Episode 154 - The Rising Country Music Scene in Australia with Allie Jean

Episode 154 - The Rising Country Music Scene in Australia with Allie Jean

Jan 21, 202428:51
Episode 153 - Music and Photography with Annie Dressner
Jan 21, 202424:54
Episode 152 - The Differences Between Collaborating and Writing Solo with Rebecca Richards

Episode 152 - The Differences Between Collaborating and Writing Solo with Rebecca Richards

As songwriters, collaboration is a key part of what we do, including co-writing with others. Whether we’re co-writing or crafting songs on our own, we’re always drawing on our skills and approaching the songwriting process from various perspectives. I’m delighted to share an outstanding conversation with Rebecca Richards about the differences between collaborating and writing solo.
The quote for this episode is by Virgil Abloh: “The whole point of collaboration is that you give and take from each other, and that’s how you create things that are totally new.” Rebecca and I chat about the benefits of having a classical music background, the different forms collaboration can take, receiving feedback, co-writing approaches, knowing the songwriting craft well enough to write solo before doing collaborations, dynamics of the co-writing relationship, writing a song from someone else’s idea, our love for piano, being immersed in different styles of music, some of our favorite piano composers, the solo writing process, the benefits of knowing how to play more than one instrument, and much more. I’m beyond glad Rebecca joined me on the show for such a fabulous conversation, so I hope you love listening.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Jan 07, 202438:50
Episode 151 - The Life of a Music Journalist with Katherine Taylor
Jan 07, 202431:18
Episode 150 - Giving Back with Robbie Harte

Episode 150 - Giving Back with Robbie Harte

Wow, I can’t believe another year is coming to an end. It’s been a magical one, and I’m over the moon to share a fantastic conversation to tie the bow on this year of Write on Track. Robbie Harte is back for round two for a chat about giving back, which is a wonderful topic to discuss as we get ready to ring in 2024.
The quote for this episode is by Dolly Parton: “If you see someone without a smile today, give ‘em yours.” During our conversation, Robbie and I talk about giving someone a smile, recognizing when someone is in need, spreading kindness during the holidays, giving back in the music industry, surrounding ourselves with supportive people, not dwelling on numbers and stats, giving to listeners through writing and releasing relatable music, doing our best to give back despite limitations, being an inspiration to others, making positive spaces on social media, perspectives on situations where giving and kindness aren’t reciprocated, focusing on what we can control, giving others compliments, and much more. I truly loved having Robbie back on the show for a meaningful conversation to end this year of Write on Track, so I hope you love listening. Thank you so much for another memorable year of the show. I can’t wait to share more conversations in 2024.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Dec 24, 202333:48
Episode 149 - The Life of a Female Percussionist with Sophia Elliott

Episode 149 - The Life of a Female Percussionist with Sophia Elliott

I couldn’t be more excited to welcome an extra special guest onto the show. Sophia Elliott has played live percussion on several of my songs, and now, I’m delighted to share an outstanding conversation with her about what it’s like being a female percussionist.
The quote for this episode is by Evelyn Glennie: “Percussion is the most adaptable family of instruments. The biggest challenge is to project percussion in a lyrical way.” During our conversation, Sophia talks about how she expresses emotion through percussion, breaking out of her shell through playing in church, facing performance anxiety, recording in the studio, how she prepares to record on a song, her experiences as a female percussionist, why she loves being a percussionist, switching between instruments, advice for anyone interested in playing percussion, how she reacts to hearing herself on studio recordings, and much more. I truly enjoyed having Sophia on the show for such an inspiring and fascinating chat, so I hope you love listening.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Dec 24, 202329:18
Episode 148 - Being a Songwriter and Composer for Animation with Kevin Smithers
Dec 10, 202325:09
Episode 147 - Facing Rejection with Tyra Madison

Episode 147 - Facing Rejection with Tyra Madison

Chasing a dream in any creative industry means rejection will be part of the journey. As songwriters, we’re always having to overcome hearing “no” and getting ghosted, but still, finding ways to push through and keep doing what we love makes our highlights even more rewarding. I’m beyond excited to bring you a genuine chat with Tyra Madison surrounding rejection.
The quote for this episode is by Rick Riordan: “It’s not easy. I got lots of rejections when I first started out. If you want to write, you have to believe in yourself and not give up. You have to do your best to practice and get better.” During our conversation, Tyra and I talk about not giving up on our creative dreams, believing in ourselves, the difference between getting a no and being ghosted, overcoming rejection, accepting rejection is a part of life, searching for the silver linings, the idea that everything happens for a reason, having patience, celebrating successes along the way, the rewarding aspect of achieving something we worked hard for, being inspired by others’ journeys, not comparing ourselves to others because everyone has their own story, not getting discouraged when others share highlights on social media because rejection happens to everyone behind the scenes, focusing on our love for songwriting and the things we can control, recognizing a creative dream as a rollercoaster ride, and more. Also, Tyra shares details about her single, “Devil’s in the Details.” I loved having Tyra on the show for such an honest and relatable chat, so I hope it inspires you and reminds you that you’re not alone while dealing with rejection.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Dec 10, 202326:39
Episode 146 - Songwriting and Being Daring with Re Mattei
Nov 26, 202331:29
Episode 145 - Perseverance with Mary McGuinness
Nov 26, 202329:10
Episode 144 - Embracing Bravery, Honesty, and Change with Dylan James
Nov 12, 202329:06
Episode 143 - Staying Motivated in the Music Industry with Cash & Carter

Episode 143 - Staying Motivated in the Music Industry with Cash & Carter

Chasing a songwriting dream requires a ton of motivation, since it’s a roller coaster ride. I’m delighted to be joined by Shaun Smith and Ross O’Reilly of the country duo, Cash & Carter, for a conversation about staying motivated in the music industry. The quote for this episode is by Steve Jobs: “If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” During our conversation, we talk about feeling motivated to create from a place of passion, having a clear vision, remaining consistent, tips for restoring motivation, celebrating small wins along the way, changing the songwriting process and trying new things, taking off the pressure and returning to the love for the craft, simply showing up, and more. Shaun and Ross also share how they joined forces for Cash & Carter and give a glimpse into their new music. It was a joy having Shaun and Ross on the show, so I hope our conversation inspires you to stay motivated while chasing your dreams. Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Nov 12, 202334:57
Episode 142 - Mental Health and Chasing Dreams with Onoleigh

Episode 142 - Mental Health and Chasing Dreams with Onoleigh

Chasing a dream, especially one in a creative industry, comes with its challenges. Despite having a love for an art form and feeling the drive to create and hope for success, the journey is a roller coaster ride that affects mental health from time to time. I’m so honored to share a conversation with Onoleigh surrounding mental health and chasing dreams.
The quote for this episode is by Emery Lord: “My dark days made me strong. Or maybe I already was strong, and they made me prove it.” During our conversation, Onoleigh and I chat about realizing that overcoming hard times proves we’re strong, songwriting making us feel like we’re not alone, getting inspired by difficult emotions and experiences, the risks involved with chasing a dream, loving what we’re doing because that’s what keeps us going, holding on to hope, facing criticism for chasing a dream in the arts, dealing with negative thoughts surrounding the challenges that come along with chasing an artistic dream, celebrating wins along the way, being hard on ourselves when we feel like we’re falling behind and should do more, the importance of taking breaks, understanding our personal triggers in order to try our best to avoid those situations, maintaining good mental health for our creativity, self-care and hobbies, and much more. I truly loved having Onoleigh on the show for such an authentic conversation, so I hope it inspires you to put your mental health first while chasing your dreams.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Oct 29, 202331:12
Episode 141 - The Role a Producer Plays in an Artist’s Journey with Tyler Spicer

Episode 141 - The Role a Producer Plays in an Artist’s Journey with Tyler Spicer

Artists work with many different individuals while chasing their dreams, and a producer is one of the most valuable members of the team. I’m delighted to welcome Tyler Spicer onto the show to chat all about the role a producer plays in an artist’s journey.
The quote for this episode is by Hannes Bieger: “Every track starts with a single, strong idea.” Tyler and I talk about the creativity and imagination required for music production, having a strong idea and clear vision for a song, a producer blending their approach with the artist’s vision and preferences, the importance of a producer having an eclectic taste in music, leaning into genre expectations and commercial appeal while also bringing a fresh perspective, the remote production process, having strong communication, making sure the song is going in the right direction, creating a comfortable environment for the artist, the importance of a producer being flexible, taking a unique approach to each artist’s music, overcoming challenges, and so much more. It was a joy having Tyler on the show, so I hope our conversation gives you a glimpse into a producer’s role.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Oct 29, 202333:51
Episode 140 - A Grammy-Winning Songwriter’s Perspective on Collaboration with Alex Geringas
Oct 15, 202335:15
Episode 139 - Independent Artists Making a Difference in the Music Industry with Gino Joubert

Episode 139 - Independent Artists Making a Difference in the Music Industry with Gino Joubert

Though the independent music scene has its challenges, so many wonderful things come with being an indie artist, from freedom and flexibility to creative control. I’m super excited to welcome Gino Joubert onto the show to chat all about independent artists making a difference in the music industry.
The quote for this episode is by Samuel Dash: “When you believe in what you’re doing and use your imagination and initiative, you can make a difference.” During our conversation, Gino and I talk about putting action behind a songwriting dream to make it a vision, using our imaginations and creativity to stand out, focusing on quality, the importance of self-belief, the saturation of the music industry, tips for getting heard, the inequality of the independent artist community, misconceptions surrounding numbers, establishing a good reputation, building relationships with other indie artists, the ways independent artists are contributing to the music industry, releasing authentic music with genuine emotions, the freedom and flexibility of being an indie artist, reflecting on the benefits and sacrifices that come with each artist path and deciding which is personally the best, and more. I enjoyed having Gino on the show for such an open and insightful chat, so I hope you love listening.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Oct 15, 202332:22
Episode 138 - Attending Music Awards with Chelsea Rae

Episode 138 - Attending Music Awards with Chelsea Rae

Attending music awards is a magical experience, especially for independent artists. I’m beyond excited to welcome Chelsea Rae onto the show for a very special conversation about our journeys to winning our awards at the International Singer Songwriters Association (ISSA) Awards in Atlanta.
The quote for this episode is by Phylicia Rashad: “As artists, we do the work that we do. Receiving an award or not receiving an award in no way diminishes one’s talent or value.” During our conversation, Chelsea and I talk about the reality of award recognition, the beauty of award shows for independent artists, our experiences during the ISSA Awards voting period to become finalists, how we felt when we found out we were finalists, overcoming experiences where we got torn down for our dreams, surrounding ourselves with a supportive community, picking our dresses for the awards show, the red carpet event, the moments we won our awards, our biggest takeaways from the whole experience, and so much more. Also, I share our official clips from the event, from the award presentations to our acceptance speeches. I had the best time chatting with Chelsea all about the ISSA Awards, so I hope you love listening.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Oct 01, 202331:56
Episode 137 - The Life of a Nashville Star with Buddy Jewell
Oct 01, 202329:30
Episode 136 - Songwriting and Interpretation with Andy Pritchard

Episode 136 - Songwriting and Interpretation with Andy Pritchard

One of the most beautiful things about music is how it’s interpreted in many different ways. From an artist’s inspiration for a song to the meaning listeners find through the lyrics and musical elements, music has the power to evoke emotion, create deep understanding, and widen perspectives. I’m honored to share a fantastic conversation with Andy Pritchard about songwriting and interpretation.
The quote for this episode is by Riff Raff: “There’s no right or wrong answer in an interpretation. It’s all in the person who’s interpreting, and how you feel about something.” During our conversation, Andy and I chat about giving listeners the chance to interpret our music, interpretations being unique based on someone’s personal life experiences, writing from a place of authenticity and genuine emotion, exploring the artist’s intent and inspiration for their songs, respecting the songwriter’s and listeners’ interpretations, writing poetic lyrics, choosing whether to make lyrics more direct or poetic and metaphorical, making sure every lyric matters because each has the potential to pull in a listener, the idea that what isn’t said says much more than what is said, the musical elements of a song opening the door for interpretation, creating a meaningful combination of lyrics and music with emotional resonance, evoking emotion through the song’s instrumentation, and much more. We also chat about Andy’s song, “Silence of Your Love,” and my song, “Halfway Outta This Town,” through the lens of interpretation. I truly loved having Andy on the show for such a wonderful conversation, so I hope it opens your ears and heart to songwriting and interpretation.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Sep 17, 202330:57
Episode 135 - Writing an Album with a Theme with Laura Mustard and Her Pup Stella

Episode 135 - Writing an Album with a Theme with Laura Mustard and Her Pup Stella

As songwriters, a primary goal is to tell our stories authentically and creatively. One way we do this is by sharing albums centering themes rooted in our emotions and experiences. I’m delighted to welcome Laura Mustard back to the show to chat about writing an album with a theme and overarching story. Also, Laura’s adorable pup, Stella, makes an appearance.
The quote for this episode is by Pablo Picasso: “If there were only one truth, you couldn’t paint a hundred canvases on the same theme.” During our conversation, Laura and I talk about universal themes being approached from different angles, personal experiences shaping perspectives, themes we gravitate toward as listeners, themes resonating over time, focusing on themes in our music, taking a thematic approach during the songwriting process, writing an album with a theme, being intentional with the writing process, including several lyrical themes that tie into the album’s main theme, organizing the tracklist in a way that tells an overarching story, the themes and overarching stories of our upcoming albums, comparing themes in our earlier projects and new albums, life experiences shaping what we write about, writing songs fueled by deep emotions, and much more. Laura also shares details about her single, “Promise Me.” I loved having Laura back on the show for such a unique chat. I hope it gives you a fascinating glimpse into writing albums with themes.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Sep 17, 202336:27
Episode 134 - Beyond Writing Songs with Jesse Landers
Sep 17, 202339:43
Episode 133 - The Josie Music Association and Awards with Josie Passantino-Boone and Tina Passantino
Sep 03, 202328:49
Episode 132 - All About Pedal Steel Guitar with Jason Dunkle

Episode 132 - All About Pedal Steel Guitar with Jason Dunkle

The pedal steel guitar is a unique instrument that isn’t widely known. I’m hoping to increase its familiarity by sharing a fabulous conversation with my pedal steel player, Jason Dunkle. Sit back and relax, because you’re in for a wonderful episode, full of amazing information about the steel guitar, entertaining stories, and special pedal steel demonstrations.
The quote for this episode is by Curly Chalker: “Steel guitar is the illegitimate child of music.” During our conversation, Jason shares how he got started with pedal steel, his journey making the shift from playing guitar to pedal steel and the challenges he faced during this time, the steel guitar not being very well-known, getting mentored by some of the biggest names in the pedal steel community, playing live, his recording process, recording at the studio versus from home, getting recording work, the importance of practicing slowly, various pedal steel techniques, lots of advice, and much more. I loved having Jason on the show for such a fun and informative conversation, and I hope you learned a ton about pedal steel along the way.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Sep 03, 202334:06
Episode 131 - A Songwriter’s Journey Through Life’s Emotional Storms with Christina Martin
Sep 03, 202328:03
Episode 130 - From Touring Musician to TV and Film Composer with Mark Evitts
Aug 20, 202334:39
Episode 129 - Songwriting and Consistency with Marcus Reeves

Episode 129 - Songwriting and Consistency with Marcus Reeves

Consistency is essential to becoming successful at anything in life, especially for songwriters. I’m so excited to share an outstanding conversation with Marcus Reeves about songwriting and consistency.
The quote for this episode is by Dwayne Johnson: “Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” During our unforgettable conversation, Marcus and I talk about celebrating career highlights and achievements, practicing music skills, showing up and working on the songwriting craft, longevity and long-term goals, committing to a songwriting challenge, developing confidence with creativity, writing multiple genres, recognizing how not every song will be amazing, having the freedom to revisit and revise old songs, the balance between writing under pressure with a deadline and taking off pressure by not expecting the song to be perfect right away, freewriting in the morning, getting into a creative flow, making time for songwriting, building a dependable reputation, trying a challenge and seeing if it’s a fit, and so much more. Also, Marcus shares details about his project, Ten Day Tunes. I truly loved my chat with Marcus, so I hope it inspires you to embrace consistency as a songwriter.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Aug 20, 202338:28
Episode 128 - From Children’s Music Composers to Emmy Winners with JP Rende and Kat Raio-Rende
Aug 06, 202327:44
Episode 127 - Girl Group Adventures with Girls Next Door
Aug 06, 202331:15
Episode 126 - The Life of a Multi-Genre Artist with Caruso

Episode 126 - The Life of a Multi-Genre Artist with Caruso

As a multi-genre artist myself, I know how creatively fulfilling this path is. Writing and recording different styles of music leads to growth, evolution, and rewarding moments. I couldn’t be more honored to share my incredible conversation with Caruso about being a multi-genre artist.
The quote for this episode is by Taylor Swift: “I leave the genre labeling to other people. I really do. If I were to think too hard about it, that would stifle you creatively. If you think too hard about who other people want you to be as an artist, it stops you from being who you want to be as an artist.” During our conversation, Caruso and I chat about writing multiple genres of music, staying true to ourselves as artists, doing what’s best for each song, evolving as a musician through exploring various genres both while writing and recording, listening to more than one genre, capturing emotions and experiences through various sonic landscapes, crafting songs based on feelings and moods, writing songs in a dream state, pitching music as a multi-genre artist, building a wider network, reaching listeners who enjoy certain genres, expanding a fanbase, following our creativity and embracing evolution, finding people in the industry who are accepting and supportive, being genuine, and so much more. I loved having Caruso on the show for such an outstanding conversation. I hope it gives you a glimpse into the life of a multi-genre artist.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Jul 23, 202334:52
Episode 125 - Being Versatile and Working Hard with Brady Seals
Jul 23, 202332:56
Episode 124 - The Reality of Networking in the Music Industry with Daniel Nesci

Episode 124 - The Reality of Networking in the Music Industry with Daniel Nesci

Networking is essential for success in the music industry. So much goes into developing best networking practices, and I’m excited to welcome Daniel Nesci back onto the show to explore this topic.
The quote for this episode is by Adam Grant: “If we create networks with the sole intention of getting something, we won’t succeed. We can’t pursue the benefits of networks; the benefits ensue from investments in meaningful activities and relationships.” During our conversation, Daniel and I talk about building relationships with people rather than focusing on what they supply, looking at the mutual benefits of networking, knowing the intent for reaching out to someone, why networking is a core part of the music industry, refraining from treating someone based on what they have or haven’t done because there’s no way of knowing what the future holds, being aware of red flags and avoiding people with bad intentions, having contracts looked over by a lawyer who understands the music industry, recognizing strengths and not being afraid to ask for help in other areas, having at least a little knowledge about other aspects of the music business to enhance professionalism and the quality of communications, tips for successful networking, and so much more. We also chat about Daniel’s music. I loved inviting Daniel back for another informative conversation, so I hope it gives you a realistic glimpse into networking in the music industry.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Jul 09, 202335:37
Episode 123 - Balancing a Music Career and Personal Life with Matteson Gregory

Episode 123 - Balancing a Music Career and Personal Life with Matteson Gregory

As artists, we’re constantly finding ways to create a healthy balance between our music careers and personal lives, though this isn’t always easy. I’m delighted to welcome Matteson Gregory back to the show for an outstanding conversation about this complex topic.
The quote for this episode is by Jana Kingsford: “Balance is not something you find; it’s something you create.” During our conversation, Matteson and I talk about creating a healthy balance and how this is different for everyone, making changes when things are out of balance, taking breaks for self care and mental health, setting ourselves up for maximum creativity and productivity, the unique reality artists have when it comes to separating our personal and professional lives, having a balanced schedule, setting boundaries, not crossing personal lives in professional situations, building a social media presence based on a comfort level with what to share, being mindful with business relationships and industry friends, and much more. We also chat about Matteson’s single, “Have You Seen My Friends?” I loved having Matteson back on the show, so I hope it inspires you to create a stronger balance in your life.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Jul 09, 202330:48
Episode 122 - Songwriting and Standing Out with Bryan Ruby

Episode 122 - Songwriting and Standing Out with Bryan Ruby

Songwriting is a gift that’s a special part of our lives. Still, standing out from the crowd in both the music industry and our personal lives may be challenging. No matter how you define standing out in your life, we should all feel empowered to be who we are. I couldn’t feel more excited to share a truly inspiring conversation with Bryan Ruby about songwriting and standing out.
The quote for this episode is by Matshona Dhliwayo: “A star does not compete with other stars around it; it just shines.” During our incredible conversation, Bryan and I chat about loving songwriting, searching for inspiration and recognizing there will always be more songs to write, evolving as songwriters, parallels between being a songwriter and baseball player, learning how to live with failure, dealing with emotional attachment to songs, the reality that nothing is guaranteed in the music industry, being personally invested in songs, balancing the personal and universal while writing to allow others to relate, growing up as musicians and not quite fitting in, standing out from the crowd, being who you are, taking a songwriting approach to cover songs, enjoying the songwriting journey, and much more. We also talk about Bryan’s single, “The Standouts,” featuring Ty Herndon. It was a true honor having Bryan on the show, so I hope you love our conversation and feel inspired to embrace who you are and be a standout.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Jun 25, 202336:46
Episode 121 - All About Band Life with Tragicomics
Jun 25, 202332:54
Episode 120 - The Songwriter-Producer Relationship with Bob McCutcheon

Episode 120 - The Songwriter-Producer Relationship with Bob McCutcheon

The songwriter-producer relationship is a special one. It’s also complex, from finding someone who’s a good fit to building trust and open communication. I couldn’t be more delighted to welcome my producer, Bob McCutcheon, back onto the show to draw back the curtain on our experiences working together and to give an entertaining and informative glimpse into what the songwriter-producer relationship is all about.
The quote for this episode is by Quincy Jones: “For every hour of recording, have two hours of laughter in the studio.” During our fantastic conversation, Bob and I talk about the magic that happens in the studio, finding a balance between having fun and getting work done, the producer’s role of making an artist feel comfortable, determining if a songwriter or producer is a good fit from both perspectives, the artist’s desire to have a hands-on approach to the production of their music, production being a learning process for artists, rates for music production and how they vary depending on the producer and project, expectations from both perspectives, preparing for sessions, sharing ideas while producing a song, being open to experimentation, having healthy and comfortable communication, course correcting when a song isn’t going in the right direction, building trust, music distribution and release strategies, and much more. I’m so glad Bob joined me for another amazing conversation, and I hope it gives you a glimpse into the songwriter-producer relationship.
Are you enjoying Write on Track? Do you have a topic suggestion for an episode? Would you like to be a guest? Email me at Also, I’d love to connect with you. My official website is, and you can find me on Twitter at, Instagram at, and Facebook at
Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, stay “write on track!”
Jun 11, 202336:37
Episode 119 - International Singer Songwriters Association and ISSA Awards with Tamanie Dove
Jun 11, 202329:51
Announcement - Josie Music Awards Nomination for Write on Track

Announcement - Josie Music Awards Nomination for Write on Track

May 30, 202304:52