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WTFamicom: A Gaming Podcast

WTFamicom: A Gaming Podcast

By WTFamicom

Welcome to "WTFamicom" -- The gaming podcast for people who hate gaming podcasts. Join Dan and Nick as they talk about games they passionately love but vaguely remember.
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OMGame Boy #45 "Caped Cartridge"

WTFamicom: A Gaming PodcastNov 06, 2023

Side Quest Soundtrack Vol. 2

Side Quest Soundtrack Vol. 2

So we have good news and bad news for you. The good news is you're about to listen to a new episode that includes original songs so hot that your phone will probably explode. The bad news is this will be the last episode before we go on a break - our first break since 2020! This year we vibed like it was 1984, made a bracket for march madness, forced ourselves to watch a bad cartoon and burned our mouths with hot sauce. After all that wouldn't you need a break too? Thank you for the past 4 years of support and we'll see you when we get back.
Jun 03, 202410:00
OMGame Boy #51 "Ready Player Hot Ones"

OMGame Boy #51 "Ready Player Hot Ones"

HOT ONES is a show where celebrities are interviewed over a platter of increasingly spicey chicken wings while being asked questions that probably make them nervous. Sounds like fun! On today's spicey bonus episode, we take a page out of Sean Evans' book and try out some chili-induced liquid while trying not to seem uncomfortable. We didn't have any famous people, but we did find a list of the hottest video game characters on the internet, so that's more than enough to make things awkward. Forget gaming - it's READY PLAYER HOT ONES time!
May 20, 202415:58
Episode #64 - Arcade Fire Sale

Episode #64 - Arcade Fire Sale

What does pop idol Taylor Swift and the famously fun TMNT arcade game have in common? If you said they were both unleashed on the world in 1989, you'd be right! Unfortunately that's where the similarities end. Aside from collecting dust in a nerd's basement, arcade machines hit a dead end while Taylor, well, you get the idea. So what actually killed the arcade industry? Can owning an emulation of BurgerTime or Mortal Kombat really emulate the past feeling of having bad BO and being a prude? On today's coin-op episode, we chat about our favorite arcade games, some controversies, and much more. So stick a quarter in wherever you listen because if you don't, we got next!
May 06, 202459:17
OMGame Boy #50 "A Link to the Cartoon Past"
Apr 22, 202420:18
Episode #63 - Goldeneye Told You So

Episode #63 - Goldeneye Told You So

007! You know what those numbers mean and who they belong to. And if you were a kid in 1997, you definitely knew because it meant begging your parents to buy you a video game based on a two year old James Bond movie. Since we can't pay our parents back (I refuse to), we figured the next best thing was to talk about everyone's favorite Pierce Brosnan simulator - GOLDENEYE for the Nintendo 64! In today's episode we chat about multiplayer cheaters, fake sequels, and much more. So call up three ugly friends, order some nasty pizza, and put on your best suit because today YOU have a license to kill!
Apr 08, 202401:04:07
OMGame Boy #49 "Gaming Class of 1999"

OMGame Boy #49 "Gaming Class of 1999"

Fact - 1999 was THE best year for video games. This is not up for debate. With hard hitters like Final Fantasy VIII, Donkey Kong 64, Resident Evil 3 and even Shenmue, we as a species had peaked in creating playable perfection. But what other games came out that year? Was it more failures than franchises? On today's bonus episode, we chat about the gaming class of 1999 and other nonsense released before Y2K. Frost your tips and get ready to go back in time to when gaming on a 30" TV was a huge effin deal!
Mar 25, 202416:47
Episode #62 - March Mad-NES!

Episode #62 - March Mad-NES!

It's March Madness, so of course we made a bracket! But if you think we made it using college basketball teams, you're not going to like this episode. What's better than betting on sports teams? Betting on video games, of course! On today's slam dunk episode, we make video games battle it out and pick a winner based on reasons we don't actually remember. Does Halo make it to the Final Four? Will Rocket League be part of the Elite Eight? How can Simspons Arcade avoid being eliminated early? Follow along and let us know who you think should have won!
Mar 11, 202401:09:34
OMGame Boy #48 "Weather Warning Waggle"

OMGame Boy #48 "Weather Warning Waggle"

WARNING - severe weather has been reported in the area. Please advise if you are Mega Man or any other gaming character, stay indoors. Do not try to speedrun! For the past 30 years, harsh weather and natural disasters have played an integral part in gaming but whether they make sense even being there is another story - just ask Chris Redfield about that volcano he visited. On today's bonus episode we chat about video games that have been hindered by floods, snow, earthquakes and yup even Godzilla!
Feb 26, 202418:46
Episode #61 - Main in the Mirror

Episode #61 - Main in the Mirror

Doppelgangers suck! There's always some mirror character in a video game that wants to kill you and it really doesn't matter why. Maybe your name is Mario and someone you bullied gained weight and wants to destroy you in golf or tennis. Or maybe your name is Solid Snake and a clone of yours dressed like your dad's friend just to reveal he hates you. I mean, these things happen. On today's episode we talk all about gaming doubles, look-alikes, evil robots and more! So stare into a dirty bathroom mirror, count to five and get ready to be scared by an evil mustachioed YOU!
Feb 12, 202451:46
OMGame Boy #47 "Jeers of War"

OMGame Boy #47 "Jeers of War"

War! What is it good for? Absolutely, nothin! Jk, it's good for mowing down monsters with a chainsaw gun while chugging Mountain Dew and yelling slurs. If that sounds familiar it's because we just described every gamer that played 2006's GEARS OF WAR, the Xbox exclusive that kickstarted a new era in gaming. Who is Marcus Fenix? What is the Locust Horde? Why haven't they thrown on shorts and challenged each other to a game of basketball? On today's bonus episode we talk about the influence the series has had including books, toys and even lawsuits!
Jan 29, 202416:16
Episode #60 - New Wave Noobs

Episode #60 - New Wave Noobs

There are many moments that defined the 1980's; Ernest starring in his own movie, Alf crashing on earth, Bob Dyan singing "We Are the World" just to name a few. But it was the debut of a tv show that changed everything forever. Cool had a new name and it was MIAMI VICE. Even video games copied the vibe of the police drama, most famously Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. But that is just the tip of the retro-inspired iceberg. On today's episode we look at numerous games that involve fast cars, white blazers and a ton of Synthwave. It may be 2024, but we're gonna party like it's 1984!
Jan 15, 202459:13
Side Quest Soundtrack Vol. 1

Side Quest Soundtrack Vol. 1

Is it really "GAME OVER" for 2023 already? This year went by faster than Sonic the Hedgehog. It seems like only yesterday we were doing episodes dedicated to dating apps, rotten videogame adaptations, and polygon Bruce Willis. So we figured what better way to sum up the last 12 months than by giving you EXACTLY what you wanted: a playlist of every intro song we've created this year. Are they made from scratch? Yup. Are they any good? Probably not. Is Dr. Dre going to wish he produced them? You bet your ass. Have a Happy New Year and see all you gamers in 2024!
Dec 18, 202310:04
OMGame Boy #46 "Birds of Play"

OMGame Boy #46 "Birds of Play"

The first Thanksgiving would be a lot different if everyone was a gamer. Pilgrims playing Fortnite, Native Americans playing Minecraft, and Turkeys sitting on neon-colored gaming chairs and talking to their chat members on Twitch. Those fat birds definitely earned some chill time after being stuffed for centuries, don't you think? On today's bonus episode we chat about videogames that involved a turkey (the bird) and also ones that take place in Turkey (the country). And before you ask, yes we packed this episode full of tryptophan so feel free to take a nap afterwards.
Nov 20, 202317:22
OMGame Boy #45 "Caped Cartridge"

OMGame Boy #45 "Caped Cartridge"

There hasn't been one comic book villian that Superman faced that wasn't eventually defeated by his farmboy brand of truth, justice and the American way. The guy has single-handedly beat otherworldly gods, unstoppable doomsday monsters and even a 90's mullet. But those enemies were nothing compared to the Man of Steel's greatest threat to date - a plastic gaming cartridge. On today's bonus episode, we chat about (and play) the infamously bad Nintendo 64 game, "Superman: The New Superman Adventures"!
Nov 06, 202319:52
Episode #58 - Game Overboard

Episode #58 - Game Overboard

DEATH - what a guy. Just ask any horror fan and to them he's part Elvis, part Santa Clause and cool as all hell. Unfortunately there are some videogame characters that might disagree with that sentiment. The truth is no pixel or polygon is safe from him and the "game over" screen. But could their deaths have been avoided or were they part of his design? On today's special Halloween episode we take inspiration from "Final Destination" and chat about accidental deaths in non-horror games. Replay a level all you like but the Grim Reaper is watching and you don't even want to f**k with that MacDaddy!
Oct 23, 202353:47
OMGame Boy #44 "Mokap Kombat"

OMGame Boy #44 "Mokap Kombat"

"IT HAS BEGUN!". An immortal movie quote said by an immortal sorcerer right before a fighting competition for...mortals. That movie is of course the 1995 film adaptation "Mortal Kombat". But did you know that there was an official animated prequel released a week before the film that included godlike motion capture CGI fights that sort of techincally won an Academy Award? On today's episode we chat about VHS tapes, Goro family picnics and so many behind the scenes secrets that, even if he tried, Shang Tsung couldn't suck out of us!
Oct 09, 202322:24
Episode #57 - Wii U've Got Mail

Episode #57 - Wii U've Got Mail

First, let us clear some things up. No, we do not mention the Wii U once in this episode. Why would we? And no, we do not talk about that famous romantic comedy or even email for that matter. But we do talk about mail and to be more precise, we talk about YOUR mail. Taking inspiration from AOL, and frankly our own laziness, we present our very first dedicated mailbag episode. Join us as we answer fan questions and also chat about botched government tests, porn star encounters and more. Celebrate our 100th episode with us and we promise you'll leave knowing way less about videogames that you did going in!
Sep 25, 202350:12
OMGame Boy #43 "Triple A Apocalypse"

OMGame Boy #43 "Triple A Apocalypse"

The apocalypse is coming! Techincally it already came. In 1998 a videogame was released that captured the exact essence of what the end of the world would be like; slow paced action, horny horsemen and a big movie star saying things like "Suck on this!" to people who aren't there. Bruce Willis had also just dropped one of the biggest flicks of his career so of course he followed that up with a videogame that barely had a plot, barely included his voice and honestly, barely was a working product. On today's bonus episode we chat about the PS1 classic "Apocalypse" and its behind the scenes story so intense it would rival the actual Armegeddon.
Sep 11, 202316:51
Episode #56 - Press Enter The Matrix

Episode #56 - Press Enter The Matrix

What is The Matrix? To some, it's a simulation we live in covering up a reality of control and deception. To others, it's a 1999 movie where a guy in sunglasses named Larry gives one of the dudes from "Bill & Ted" some pills. Could very well be Gas-X and a Tylenol. Either way, the iconography is undeniable and ripe for videogame inspiration. What if Link took a pill from Zelda? How would Crash Bandicoot look during bullet time? On today's reloaded episode we talk the sci-fi classic, what videogame worlds we'd take a pill for and even some times we defied the laws of physics. So free your mind, neophytes and follow us to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes!
Aug 28, 202348:18
OMGame Boy #42 "Twisted Meddle"

OMGame Boy #42 "Twisted Meddle"

If you could wish for anything what would it be? Win the TWISTED METAL competition and the host, Calypso, will agree to grant any wish you desire. The downside is that he'll twist it and probably turn you into a watch or toaster for some reason. You never know what you're going to get with him. Fortunately Playstation fans know exactly what they're getting with this franchise and that is vehicular combat and character endings that make no sense. On today's bonus episode we chat about all things Twisted Metal and even come up with our own reason why we'd enter this insane tournament!
Aug 14, 202323:12
Episode #55 - Knowledge is Power-Up

Episode #55 - Knowledge is Power-Up

Pink Floyd was right - "we dont/need no/edutainment"! That's it, right? Well it should be because any kind of media that tells you learning is fun sucks and that goes double for videogames. When you're young there's no difference between regular Mario and Dr. Mario. They're the same illiterate Italian plumber in my eyes. So what makes a game educational? And when does it stop being fun and just become homework? On today's episode we chat about educational videogames while fervently refusing to learn from our mistakes in life. So brush up on your "Kindergarten Cop" quotes because we're going back to school!
Jul 31, 202301:06:41
OMGame Boy #41 "A.I.'LL BE BACK"

OMGame Boy #41 "A.I.'LL BE BACK"

Artificial Intelligence - friend or foe? Just kidding, it's obviously foe. Whether it's used by sleazy movie studios, sleazy videogame companies or even sleazy podcasters, there's no escaping it. The fear of self-aware A.I. is nothing new and today we make it more realistic than ever by joining the revolution! But whose side are we on? On today's bonus episode we cozy up with A.I. and ChatGPT by asking it questions about friendship, inviting it to Nintendo parties and even forcing it to write an entire episode of our show! Get your Austrian accent ready and don't skimp on the shades.
Jul 17, 202321:22
Episode #54 - WASD My Age Again?

Episode #54 - WASD My Age Again?

Age is just a number. BEFORE YOU CALL THE COPS, LET ME FINISH! Age is just a number...when it comes to playable videogame characters. Whether you're a baby-like pink ball with an eating disorder (Kirby) or a geriatric Spartan who wears ashes as a vibe for over a millenia (Kratos), we accept all ages in this space. But why is trying to find out character's actual date of birth so damn confusing? Are they even old enough to play their own games? On today's episode, we took inspiration from Blink-182 and asked "what's their age again?" while validating some famous (and forgettable) character's origins.
Jul 03, 202301:02:48
OMGame Boy #40 "Nintendo Power Hour"

OMGame Boy #40 "Nintendo Power Hour"

When you're old, alot of things start to change. Your back hurts when you get out of bed, people start calling you "sir" or "ma'am" and your taste in videogames doesn't go beyond 16-bit. Fortunately we have the perfect magazine for you that's also old and loves games with outdated graphics - NINTENDO POWER! On today's bonus episode we take a look at Issue 40 from September 1992 and chat fake celebrity interviews, ugly teenage gamers and obsolete tips!
Jun 19, 202319:51
Episode #53 - Parappa's Delight

Episode #53 - Parappa's Delight

Dog - man's best friend. Loyal to the very end. On occasion though, he might take your car, challenge people to rap battles and try to kiss a flower-girl. It was the 90's, we all did some weird stuff. And no one was weirder than that 2D, hip-hop hero from the original Playstation, "Parappa the Rapper". He's had an anime series, a spinoff, been part of a battle royale, and for over 25 years this dog has been laying down phat rhymes and even phatter button combos. But why is this dog rapping? Shouldn't he be humping a leg or sniffing another dog's butt? On today's bussin episode, we chat about the meteoric rise and controversial decline of hip-hop and gaming's most notorious dawg. Drop the beat and grab a green poop bag because we're about to go from doggiestyle to freestyle!
Jun 05, 202359:34
OMGame Boy #39 "Legal Battle Royale"

OMGame Boy #39 "Legal Battle Royale"

"SUE ME" - we've all said it atleast once. Whether it's from a neighbor who thinks we parked too close to his car or directed at an ex who's mad we own a globe when they believe in flat earth. Taking legal action for incredibly dumb reasons is in our nature and it's no different in the videogame landscape. Inspired by Curt Schilling's gaming studio disaster, today's bonus episode is all about legal battles that cause so much chaos you'd think you're playing "Super Smash Bros"! I hope you have a good lawyer because this is one fight that can't be won with a controller.
May 22, 202319:51
Episode #52 - From Retro to Rotten

Episode #52 - From Retro to Rotten

Are Tomatoes a fruit or vegetable? To be honest nobody really f*cking cares. That's because for the past two decades the only thing a tomato has been good for is to help dweebs rate and review movies. On "Rotten Tomatoes" anyone can decide whether a film is rotten (bad) or fresh (good) so we're going to use this tool to watch some videogame movie adaptations and judge for ourselves. On today's savory episode we used a professional randomizer to choose which gaming-inspired flicks we watch and decide if they're Oscar worthy or SPLAT worthy. So pull out those expired tomatoes from your fridge and slap on your best red and greens for the premiere, 'cause folks, we're heading to the movies!
May 08, 202301:24:03
OMGame Boy #38 "Who Ghost There?"

OMGame Boy #38 "Who Ghost There?"

How can you tell if a videogame is real or something else entirely? Could you spot an imposter? What signs give it away? If John Carpenter's "The Thing" and Among Us are any indication, we shouldn't trust anything or anyone! On today's bonus episode we bring you the ultimate in gaming terror: making you choose between our list of real videogames and some impossibly absurd fakes. So get your flamethrower ready and prepare to yell "sus" an annoying amount because we're not letting these games out of our sight!
Apr 24, 202318:07
Episode #51 - Eyes Wah Shut

Episode #51 - Eyes Wah Shut

CRUISE. KIDMAN. KUBRICK. In 1999, three Hollywood giants made a film about the fragility of trust and the repercussions of crashing mysterious parties. That same year Nintendo released a game with similar themes and way more sexually taboo results. Of course we're talking about Eyes Wide Shut and Mario Party for the Nintendo 64. What does an artsy erotic thriller have to do with a multiplayer videogame made for children? If you know then you know. If not, then grab a mask. On today's secretive episode we talk minigames, voyeurism, bad graphics and more. So lie to your wife about where you are because once we get started you're going to wish you removed your clothes first.
Apr 10, 202301:01:54
OMGame Boy #37 "Mo Munny, Mo Problems"

OMGame Boy #37 "Mo Munny, Mo Problems"

Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Unfortunately greed can't help your videogame character afford everything in the town shop, even though all they sell are hotdogs and potions for some reason. The only thing that can solve that is the solution to honestly every problem on the planet - MONEY. On today's bonus episode we talk about forms of currency in gaming and even look up some of the wealthiest characters to ever exist. So grab your dad's wallet and make for the controller - those items aren't going to buy themselves!
Mar 27, 202319:50
Episode #50 - D-Pad Disasters

Episode #50 - D-Pad Disasters

THIS IS NOT A DRILL! FIND SHELTER! Also make sure all your bad videogames are hidden from post-apocalyptic survivors. Honestly, that's probably the most embarrassing thing people can find out about you after you've turned to ash. It's not your fault though; sometimes you buy a videogame and it just disappoints. There's no sure fire way of knowing if a game is a disaster but a bad game doesn't necessarily guarantee a bad time. On today's atomically charged episode we discuss games that massively disappointed us and even chat about a few actual bombs in games. Kiss your unloved ones goodbye and "duck-and-cover" because we're about to Bob-omb your ass!
Mar 13, 202301:03:12
OMGame Boy #36 "Us vs. The Last of Us"

OMGame Boy #36 "Us vs. The Last of Us"

In 2013 a videogame was released that changed everything. Compelling story. Revolutionary graphics. Engaging gameplay. Barbie Dreamhouse Party for the Wii had it all! Unfortunately we decided to reluctantly talk about another less well known game from that same year - The Last of Us. Apparently it's a hit game and tv show. But is it a hit in our hearts? On today's bonus episode we discuss the Playstation franchise, apartment fungus, Pedro Pascal, offensive mushrooms and many more things that will make you wish by the end of this episode the world had ended!
Feb 27, 202318:21
Episode #49 - Now You DLC Me

Episode #49 - Now You DLC Me

For our next trick we're going to need a volunteer from the audience. What if I told you I can make something in your life DISAPPEAR by only using videogames? No, I'm not talking about your sex life, well, actually I guess that too. But no, for this trick I need you to simply give in to the greatest gaming illusion known to man -- downloadable content! The fabled DLC. We've all done it whether it be for levels, weapons, or even inappropriate dance moves. But the real trick is making you think it is worth the price. On today's spellbound episode, we chat about the past, the future and even the hidden history of DLC. So pick a card, any card and get ready to act hypnotized and tell people you're actually listening to a good podcast!
Feb 13, 202358:29
OMGame Boy #35 "Are You Not N-tertained?"

OMGame Boy #35 "Are You Not N-tertained?"

Dating apps are a lot like modern gaming: you have to pay to get the premium experience, it usually leads to no sex and once you participate you're already kind of a loser. As we get older it's gets harder to date, but we might have found a solution. It's time to switch those preferences to the polygon persuasion. On today's bonus episode we try to find love by swiping right (or left?) on classic videogame characters from Nintendo and Playstation. Fill out that bio with your weird likes, get those swiping thumbs ready and prepare to get ghosted - it's time for a digital date!
Jan 30, 202322:23
Episode #48 - Joystick Gigolo

Episode #48 - Joystick Gigolo

Welcome to the new and improved WTFamicom! And when we say new we mean "same". And by improved we mean "same" also. Listen, we may not have changed a lot going into the new year but that ends now. Embark with us on an unprecedented journey through the world of new videogames! You heard that right! NEW games! In today's episode we dive deep into games that came out in the last year. From good videogames we thought we'd hate to bad videogames we thought we'd love - it's all there. We even discuss videogames that take place in the year 2023 - truly a dumb idea. So take your pants off, leave money on the night stand and enjoy our first episode of 2023 - it'll only get worse from here.
Jan 16, 202301:00:23
PAST PIXELS: The 2022 Clip Show!

PAST PIXELS: The 2022 Clip Show!

2022 was insane - we went to jail, we kissed dogs, we streamed on twitch! Well, techincally we didn't do any of those things but we sure had a blast making fun of people that did, especially the dog kissing. For our final episode of the year, we compiled some fun moments from the podcast in one retro-tastic "clip show". See all you crazy gamerz in 2023!
Dec 26, 202219:01
Episode #47 - Holiday Gift Guide 2022

Episode #47 - Holiday Gift Guide 2022

Welcome to our Official Holiday Gift Guide of 2022! Join us as we take you on a sleigh ride of savings to make sure you get the perfect gift for that special gamer in your life. By the time we're done, you'll forget all about Santa Claus, his homely wife and that dumb sack. We let you in on the best deals for videogames, accessories, stocking stuffers and much more! So throw on a cheap ugly sweater and hang a mistletoe above your neighbor's dog because this Christmas is about to level up!
Dec 05, 202201:01:39
OMGame Boy #34 "Neeb for Speed"

OMGame Boy #34 "Neeb for Speed"

Full throttle action! Awesome high speed stunts! Full-on pedal to the metal intensity! We know what you're thinking and yes, these are all phrases that appear on the back of "The Fast and the Furious" DVD case. It's pretty much the extent of our knowledge of street racing, stunts and characters with less personality than Mario. So what better time than now to learn about videogames that repilcate that need for speed! On today's bonus episode we chat about racing games we've played, hated and down right remember incorrectly. Buckle up, noobs, because all roads lead to this.
Nov 21, 202219:10
Episode #46 - Streamed Hams

Episode #46 - Streamed Hams

If The Simpsons taught us anything, it's that you can get away with lying by using this one trick - be devilishly clever and replace the word "clams" with "hams". Even 26 years later, Seymour Skinner's method proves that hamming it up is always the best option. But what about videogame "hams"? Gaming is full of people who overreact and there's only one place where they record themselves, you, and all the things they try to hide - Twitch! On today's mouthwatering episode we chat about Twitch streamers and their connection to animated frauds. So stretch those calves, start that stream and get ready for an unforgettable luncheon!
Nov 07, 202253:22
OMGame Boy #33 "Halloween Face/Off"

OMGame Boy #33 "Halloween Face/Off"

It's Halloween which means two things: we come up with scary food recipes and we imagine what we'd look like with our enemy's faces surgerically sewn onto our own. Since the second option is way out of our budget range I guess a simple costume change will have to do. On today's spooktabulous bonus episode, we go through videogames that have costumes, masks and disguises as part of their gameplay. You'll never look at candy corn the same!
Oct 24, 202217:25
Episode #45 - No Pants Dance Revolution

Episode #45 - No Pants Dance Revolution

SEX - it's everywhere. At home, online, in a car behind a church. Lately though we can add one more place it happens just as frequent if not more than the others and that is in the world of videogames. Religious folks and politicians tirelessly try to censor sex in gaming which is ironic given that they are usually hornier than actual gamers themselves. Now we can't do much to help them, but we can definitely play wingman for every gamer out there looking for love or lust in the digital dating scene. On today's X-rated episode we chat about every game we can think of that has a sex/romance option and maybe even a few that deserve one. So slip into something sexy and get ready to constantly hit the X button because this next part is for adults only!
Oct 10, 202252:48
OMGame Boy #32 "Ready Player One Million B.C."

OMGame Boy #32 "Ready Player One Million B.C."

One Million B.C. - man discovers the use of rocks and fire. They also discover how to cover up their small junk and try to get the attention of women that want nothing to do with them. Fast forward to 2022 A.D. and things are pretty much the same with the latter. There was a time in between though where the desire to become a caveman conquered every visual medium including videogames. So join us on this Paleolithic bonus episode as we go over all the times cavemen bonked their way into gaming culture and then immediately got frozen in ice!
Sep 26, 202212:06
Episode #44 - Of Mice and Menu

Episode #44 - Of Mice and Menu

SSHHHH! Can't you see we're trying to read here!? Oh, it's not a New York Times Best Seller? That's because it's gaming literature, nerd! Boring codex entries from space. Barely legible diaries from scientists. Books written by actual squid monsters. Come to think of it, all of this sounds terrible. Why read this? What's the point? Hell, you can even skip dialogue in videogames too. Half of videogame mascots are downright illiterate anyway. From Resident Evil to Skyrim, literature has crept its way into our pixelated pastime but we're here to remove the bookmark. On today's paperback episode, we chat about all the useless literature that has cluttered our favorite games - even some insufferable adaptations. We also bring back our long forgotten segment, "This Day in Gaming History". Grab your glasses, dorks, because we are about to get smart af!
Sep 12, 202252:15
OMGame Boy #31 "Tased and Confused"

OMGame Boy #31 "Tased and Confused"

In 1999 you were probably doing one of two things - preparing for Y2K or playing a PS1 game where you can tase a guy long enough they would catch on fire. On today's bonus episode we take on a highly classified mission that involves mystery, murder and a main character who is pretty much a raging sociopath. Lock on to your target and hit that roll button because we're talking about the gaming franchise that didn't know when to quit - Syphon Filter.
Aug 29, 202215:33
Episode #43 - NEScape Plan

Episode #43 - NEScape Plan

It's a place that goes by many names. To the people inside it's "Slammer", "Big House" and "Club Fed". If you've only ever seen it in a videogame it's known simply as prison. And if that's the extent of your knowledge then we are in some deep, deep trouble. What's the layout of this place? Is Wario a guard we can pay off? Should I hide PS1 games in my butt again? On today's detained episode we talk about prison levels and characters that got locked up. We even chat about our own arrest records and discuss some gaming characters we think actually belong in jail. We're breaking in to break these inmates out, gang. Is this escape plan impossible? Nah. Is it insane? Yestendo!
Aug 15, 202259:44
OMGame Boy #30 "Loot Who's Talking"

OMGame Boy #30 "Loot Who's Talking"

Babies -- either you have them or you hate them. Nine times out of ten people fall in both categories. You probably had to sell your entire videogame collection just to afford to raise one. And it's not like you know what they're thinking or this would be a helluva lot easier. But what if you did? And what if they sounded like Bruce Willis? And what if somehow babies made from polygons and pixels invaded your life? In today's bonus episode we take a look at newborns in gaming and what they might sound like if they tried to talk. If you loved the 1989 comedy "Look Who's Talking", then you might want to grab a fresh set of diapers for this one.
Aug 01, 202214:25
Episode #42 - Pour Some Sugar on Melee

Episode #42 - Pour Some Sugar on Melee

ARE YOU READY TO ROCK? HOW 'BOUT EVERYBODY IN THE BACK! WE CAN'T HEAR YOU! No, seriously we can't because we're getting old. All we do nowadays is wear old band shirts and talk about old videogames. We live in the past 24/7 and we're total frauds. But isn't that what rock n' roll is all about - pretending you're someone else? Wouldn't it be cool if bands made videogames where they made you think you ARE the band? On today's rocking episode, we take you up the stairway to heaven to discuss bands that have tried their hand in the pixelated pit. Tease your hair, plug in that broken guitar and throw a cucumber in your pants because we are back in blecch, baby!
Jul 18, 202255:07
OMGame Boy #29 "Super Nindependence Day"

OMGame Boy #29 "Super Nindependence Day"

In the year 1776 a bunch of dudes in frilly wigs signed history's biggest piece of paper in Philadelphia. Over 200 years later an alien was punched in the face by a Philly rapper turned actor. Who's to say which act was greater for the gaming industry? On today's bonus episode we talk Independence Day videogames inspired by the 1996 film and also games starring some of our favorite founding fathers. So get them fireworks lit and in the wise words of Ben Franklin, "let's kick the tires and light the fires, big daddy"!
Jul 04, 202215:36
Episode #41 - Wet HUD American Summer

Episode #41 - Wet HUD American Summer

It's finally beach season, folks! Grab your sunscreen, oversized flips flops and the beach towels you stole from your ex and let's hang ten! We won't be joining you because if video games have taught us anything, it's that beach levels are quite dangerous. They're filled with 90's soda mascots, future space marines and even monkeys on surf boards - it's a real freak show. On today's episode we dive in to some famous (and infamous) summer getaway levels that involve sand, waves, and one very angry sun. So grab that sex-on-the-beach you aren't having and prepare to get beach slapped!
Jun 13, 202257:06
OMGame Boy #28 "Wed Dead Redemption"

OMGame Boy #28 "Wed Dead Redemption"

GAME OVER. It's a saying you will hear on two occasions in your life - from your TV screen when you die in a videogame and when you eventually decide to get married. On today's bonus episode, we discuss gaming couples who tied the knot and also some who didn't survive the pixelated realm of "happily ever after".
May 30, 202214:28