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Short Machshava On The Daf by Rabbi Yechezkel Hartman

Short Machshava On The Daf by Rabbi Yechezkel Hartman

By Yechezkel Hartman

A short Machshava on the Daf Yomi. Each Daf in Shas has Machshava depth to it, in some it's easy to find - the Agadata of the Shas, but in some it takes some research. Short Machshava shiur aims to discover, discuss in short, and attempt to give somewhat of an understanding of parts of the Machshava of each Daf.
Given by Rabbi Yechezkel Hartman, a Talmid of Rabbi Moshe Shapiro zt"l.
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Bava Metzia 79: Woman Riding a Donkey

Short Machshava On The Daf by Rabbi Yechezkel HartmanMay 17, 2024

Bava Metzia 93: The Four Shomrim

Bava Metzia 93: The Four Shomrim

What the Four Shomrim represent.

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May 31, 202405:22
Bava Metzia 92: Megilas Setarim

Bava Metzia 92: Megilas Setarim

The reason for the hidden scroll.

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May 31, 202404:10
Bava Metzia 91: Walking is Part of Work

Bava Metzia 91: Walking is Part of Work

The Mussar of the Chofetz Chaim.

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May 30, 202405:56
Bava Metzia 90: Movements of the Lips is a Ma'ase

Bava Metzia 90: Movements of the Lips is a Ma'ase

In regards to Tefilah, and the Chidush of the Shelah.

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May 30, 202405:18
Bava Metzia 89: The Mitzvah To Allow a Worker to Eat During Work
May 28, 202405:37
Bava Metzia 88: Strictly Written Torah Leads to Destruction
May 28, 202407:19
Bava Metzia 87-3: Illness Starts by Yaakov Avinu

Bava Metzia 87-3: Illness Starts by Yaakov Avinu

Were people sick beforehand?

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May 26, 202404:21
Bava Metzia 87-2: HKBH Changed for Shalom
May 26, 202404:06
Bava Metzia 87-1: A Woman Is Stingy With Guests

Bava Metzia 87-1: A Woman Is Stingy With Guests

The Baal-Shem-Tov's Mashal.

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May 26, 202404:42
Bava Metzia 86-2: The Three Malachaim

Bava Metzia 86-2: The Three Malachaim

Why did all three come to Avraham?

May 24, 202405:08
Bava Metzia 86-1: An Argument in Shamayim

Bava Metzia 86-1: An Argument in Shamayim

The story of Rabah's Petirah.

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May 24, 202407:03
Bava Metzia 85-2: Three Generations of Torah

Bava Metzia 85-2: Three Generations of Torah

Is Torah guaranteed to remain in this family?

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May 23, 202405:30
Bava Metzia 85-1: Rebbi and the Calf

Bava Metzia 85-1: Rebbi and the Calf

Three explanations in the story.

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May 23, 202406:34
Bava Metzia 84-2: Rabbi Yochanan's Conversation with his Sister

Bava Metzia 84-2: Rabbi Yochanan's Conversation with his Sister

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May 22, 202403:18
Bava Metzia 84-1: Reish Lakish Losing Power

Bava Metzia 84-1: Reish Lakish Losing Power

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May 22, 202404:38
Bava Metzia 83-3: Removing Thorns From The Vineyard

Bava Metzia 83-3: Removing Thorns From The Vineyard

The beautiful vort of the Toldos Yaakov Yosef.

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May 21, 202403:13
Bava Metzia 83-2: Olam Hazeh is Compared to Night

Bava Metzia 83-2: Olam Hazeh is Compared to Night

The meaning of the night and darkness of this world.

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May 21, 202405:12
Bava Metzia 83-1: The Ways of the Good and the Paths of the Tzadikim
May 21, 202405:25
Bava Metzia 82: All "Stams" Are Rabbi Akiva, Lag Ba'Omer

Bava Metzia 82: All "Stams" Are Rabbi Akiva, Lag Ba'Omer

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May 21, 202406:54
Bava Metzia 81: Din Emes

Bava Metzia 81: Din Emes

Hashem will make sure the Din is Emes.

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May 19, 202404:01
Bava Metzia 80: Guard For Me and I'll Guard For You

Bava Metzia 80: Guard For Me and I'll Guard For You

The beautiful vort of the Bnei Yissachar.

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May 19, 202403:52
Bava Metzia 79: Woman Riding a Donkey

Bava Metzia 79: Woman Riding a Donkey

The reasons a woman cannot ride one if it was rented for a man.

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May 17, 202403:51
Bava Metzia 78: Funds of Purim Can Be Used for Purim Only

Bava Metzia 78: Funds of Purim Can Be Used for Purim Only

The difference between Purim money and Tzedakah.

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May 16, 202404:33
BM 77-2: "Chamra" Can Be Either Dunky or Wine

BM 77-2: "Chamra" Can Be Either Dunky or Wine


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May 16, 202406:29
Bava Metzia 77-1: Slaves Only to Hashem

Bava Metzia 77-1: Slaves Only to Hashem

The deep meaning of not being a slave to anything else.

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May 16, 202405:39
Bava Metzia 76: Don't Prevent Good, Lag Ba'Omer

Bava Metzia 76: Don't Prevent Good, Lag Ba'Omer

Revealing depths of Torah on the day of one's Petirah.

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May 15, 202404:55
Bava Metzia 75-2: Change of Location to Change the Mazal

Bava Metzia 75-2: Change of Location to Change the Mazal

When does change help.

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May 13, 202406:51
Bava Metzia 75-1: Moshe is Smart

Bava Metzia 75-1: Moshe is Smart

The Severity of the Aveira of Ribis.

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May 13, 202405:09
Bava Metzia 74: Chumra on Yourself, Not on Others

Bava Metzia 74: Chumra on Yourself, Not on Others

The lesson from Rabbi Gamliel.

May 13, 202403:20
Bava Metzia 73: Adam Chashuv is Different, Parshas Kedoshim

Bava Metzia 73: Adam Chashuv is Different, Parshas Kedoshim

Going beyond the letter of the law.

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May 10, 202405:08
Bava Metzia 72: Ger Regarding Past Money Obligations/Rights

Bava Metzia 72: Ger Regarding Past Money Obligations/Rights

When do we not say that a Ger is like a newborn baby?

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May 10, 202405:05
Bava Metzia 71: Ribis The Destructor

Bava Metzia 71: Ribis The Destructor

Assets of Ribis are destroyed for everyone.

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May 09, 202405:17
Bava Metzia 70: One Who Lends with Ribis Doesn't Live in Techiyas Hamesim
May 08, 202407:00
Bava Metzia 69: Ribis Via a Third Party

Bava Metzia 69: Ribis Via a Third Party

The tremendous Kulah of the Rama, and the explanation of Rav Reuven Margaliyos.

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May 08, 202406:44
Bava Metzia 68: The Powerful Words of a Tzadik

Bava Metzia 68: The Powerful Words of a Tzadik

The words of a Tzadik create reality.

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May 06, 202405:33
Bava Metzia 67: Not to Act Like a Talmid Chochom
May 06, 202405:49
Bava Metzia 66: Drinking Wine in a Case of Asmachta

Bava Metzia 66: Drinking Wine in a Case of Asmachta

Two Beautiful Vort's to explain two Pesukim in the Torah.

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May 05, 202404:37
Bava Metzia 65: Sechirus is Paid at the End

Bava Metzia 65: Sechirus is Paid at the End

In reference to the reward of Olam Habah.

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May 05, 202403:59
Bava Metzia 64: Eved Is Not Worth The Food He Eats

Bava Metzia 64: Eved Is Not Worth The Food He Eats

The Ma'or Einaim's explanation of this in Avodas Hashem.

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May 05, 202403:50
Bava Metzia 63: Ribis, Time Value of Money

Bava Metzia 63: Ribis, Time Value of Money

Two beautiful ideas from the Sifrei Chasidus.

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May 02, 202405:56
Bava Metzia 62: Chayecha Kodmim, Your Life Comes First

Bava Metzia 62: Chayecha Kodmim, Your Life Comes First

How does this work with "V'Ahavta L'Re'acha Camocha"?

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May 02, 202405:30
Bava Metzia 61-2: Elevation From Sheratzim

Bava Metzia 61-2: Elevation From Sheratzim

Why specifically this Mitzvah?

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May 02, 202404:33
Bava Metzia 61-1: Yetzias Mitzraim, The Recognition of a Bechor
May 02, 202405:60
Bava Metzia 60: The Tzadik is Saved From a Tzarah

Bava Metzia 60: The Tzadik is Saved From a Tzarah

The explanation of the Ben Yehoyadah in the story of the old slave.

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Apr 28, 202404:26
Bava Metzia 59-2: The Story of The Tanur of Achnai

Bava Metzia 59-2: The Story of The Tanur of Achnai

Analyzing the proofs of Rabbi Eliezer.

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Apr 28, 202406:53
Bava Metzia 59-1: Respect Your Wife and Become Rich

Bava Metzia 59-1: Respect Your Wife and Become Rich

The Bracha depends on the wife.

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Apr 28, 202404:16
Bava Metzia 58: Hamalbin Pnei Chaveiro

Bava Metzia 58: Hamalbin Pnei Chaveiro

The Maharal's explanation of the severity of one embarrassing his friend. 

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Apr 28, 202405:59
Bava Metzia 57: Two He'aros Regarding The Exclusions from Kefel

Bava Metzia 57: Two He'aros Regarding The Exclusions from Kefel

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Apr 28, 202403:25
Bava Metzia 56: Korban and Sefiras Ha'Omer

Bava Metzia 56: Korban and Sefiras Ha'Omer

The reason the Korban is barley, and the meaning of the counting.  

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Apr 26, 202405:12
Bava Metzia 55: Chizuk to Divrei Chachomim (Pesach)
Apr 26, 202405:54