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You Can’t Take It With You

You Can’t Take It With You

By Annie Arbenz

Funny and frank conversations about end-of-life planning
Currently playing episode

Why You Need a Power of Attorney

You Can’t Take It With YouAug 18, 2022

Why You Have to Talk About Your Business Interests With Your Lawyer

Why You Have to Talk About Your Business Interests With Your Lawyer

Learn a little about our entrepreneurial family and how we know the importance of succession/estate planning for your business. The biggest problem we see with closely-held businesses is that they don't have an agreement in place, which outlines what happens when one of the owners dies (among many other things). It's so important and deserves consideration during your planning meeting with your attorney.

May 20, 202416:49
Why You Have to Safely Store Your EP Documents

Why You Have to Safely Store Your EP Documents

First of all, what is "EP"? Bonus points if you know what we're talking about. Second of all, we actually made a conversation about storing documents kinda funny, thanks to mom. Listen to this episode if you're wondering how/where to store important legal documents, like EP. Also listen if you want to know how little mom has retained from past podcasts. ;)

May 06, 202417:41
Why You Need a Love Letter

Why You Need a Love Letter

The three of us might not agree on what it should be called, but we know ya need one!

A love letter is a non-legally enforceable document that you leave to say "things that need to be said", like how to take care of your pets, your kids' favorite book to read at night, where the safe combination is, etc.

These are not legal things we want to say, but things that are important to us to pass along. A small gift to your loved ones, when you're doing some estate planning. :)

Also you learn that our family really loves Melatonin.

Apr 22, 202416:47
Why You Need (or Don't Need) a Community Property Agreement

Why You Need (or Don't Need) a Community Property Agreement

Everyone seems to know that Washington is a "community property state", but do you really know what that means? And why a community property agreement is nice to have (or really bad to have)? Often referred to as the "golden document", the community property agreement can also backfire if used in the wrong circumstances. Listen to learn more about these awesome/awful documents!

Apr 08, 202421:11
Why You Need to Talk About Your Timeshare

Why You Need to Talk About Your Timeshare

Y'all. Timeshares are so annoying in the estate planning context. We know they can be awesome in real life (assuming you use them!), but make sure you know what happens to your timeshare after you die. Will it require probate in another state? Will it transfer automatically to your kids? Do they even want it? Let's talk about it!

Mar 25, 202410:51
Why You Need to Think About Personal Property

Why You Need to Think About Personal Property

Stuff. We all have it. Some of us have a lot of it. If you've ever had to go through someone else's stuff after they die, you know how helpful it can be if there was some planning (and maybe some divesting?) before death. We're here to talk about the legal side of stuff. You won't believe what people fight about!

Mar 11, 202428:19
Why You Need to Plan For Your Pets

Why You Need to Plan For Your Pets

Y'all. Pets are our kids. And we need to plan for them just like we do for kids. Who is going to take your pet if you're gone? Will people fight over the pet? Does the ultimate owner need some money to care for the pets? Do you want to create a trust for the pet? Does the pet have specific medical issues that need to be addressed?

These are all important issues that can and should be addressed in your estate plan!

Sep 02, 202313:14
Why You Need to Plan For Your Minor Kids

Why You Need to Plan For Your Minor Kids

The three of us took some time out of our recent Italian adventure to talk about how to plan to give money to your minor kids. You'll hear that mom wants to talk about other stuff, but we keep her on track to confirm the best way to get money to your kids if you die before they turn 18.

Trusts? Custodial accounts? Outright? Oh my! Please listen if you have kids under 18 - you need to hear this!

Aug 19, 202316:20
Why You Need to (Estate) Plan Before You Travel
May 16, 202317:33
Why You Need To Think About Personal Property
Mar 11, 202328:19
Why You Need to Understand Beneficiary Designations

Why You Need to Understand Beneficiary Designations

Mom is back and she is NOT excited about beneficiary designations BUT we really blew her mind when we dove into the exciting world of beneficiary designations and  why they are so important.

For example, did you know that a beneficiary designation on a life insurance policy or retirement account SUPERSEDES anything you put in a Will? 

Or, did you know that there is a tax benefit to putting beneficiaries on retirement accounts? 

Or, did you know that life insurance that goes to a specific beneficiary and is, therefore, protected from creditors?

These things are some of the reasons why you need to understand what beneficiary designations are and how they can really mess up your estate plan. Or, make your estate plan awesome. Choose your own adventure!

Dec 01, 202213:42
Why You Need a Death Doula!
Nov 12, 202253:32
Why You Need a Disposition Authorization

Why You Need a Disposition Authorization

A Disposition Authorization is a weird name for a document where you can direct how your body is handled after you die. This is FUN STUFF, y'all! 

It actually is pretty fun. We learn a lot of unique things about our clients when they tell us about what they want to happen to their bodies. You have three options in Washington: burial, cremation, composting. 

In this episode, we cover lots of ancillary topics, like how religion plays into the disposition of your remains, Day of the Dead (thanks, Coco!), and how Disneyland handles the excessive bodily remains that are scattered there!

Oct 13, 202221:02
Why You Need A Health Care Directive

Why You Need A Health Care Directive

Health care directives are not a ton of fun but they are so important! Learn about the end-of-life choices you can make to alleviate the burden on your family. Bonus: hear Lonna (mom) really get confused about how this works with the health care power of attorney 😂
Sep 15, 202220:52
Bios - Lonna (mom), Annie, & Hannah!
Aug 18, 202202:13
Why You Need a Power of Attorney

Why You Need a Power of Attorney

Powers of Attorney! No one really gets them! But they're so important! Learn all about them and why you need one in this episode :)

Links to shows mentioned in episode:

I Care A Lot (the Netflix thriller that we mistakenly called "Because I Care" through this whole episode . . . pretttty close)

Framing Britney Spears (NY Times documentary about the Britney Spears conservatorship saga)

We'd love to get your questions! Please email us at (yes, it's the worst email. We're taking suggestions...)

Aug 18, 202232:11
Why You Need A Will

Why You Need A Will

A lot of people think they don't need Wills. In fact, 65% of Americans do not have a Will even though we believe everyone needs one. Though not required under any state laws, a Will makes things so much easier for your family and is the only way to outline how you want things to be done and who should be involved in your estate. A Will is also the only way to nominate a guardian for your minor kiddos! In this episode, Annie, Hannah and Lonna discuss why a Will is so important for everyone.

Aug 02, 202227:22