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Your Amazing Life!

Your Amazing Life!

By Ken Gerber

My story and journey, it is probably similar to yours. If you are tired of suffering join me. Your Amazing Life is the beginning of your journey it will enable you to have impact and the life of your dreams. You can overcome major depression, ADHD, anxiety, feelings of being alone, and not being yourself. Blast past your problem and build the life you love. You can struggle less and enjoy more. Have the amazing life you want with the tools you learn from this podcast! You will know who you are and develop love and connections in your life.
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Thursday Exchange with DR. Tracy Jones on Building a Tremendous Life.

Your Amazing Life!Jul 29, 2021



I want to thank all my listeners! Each one of you whether you listened to 1 podcast or 245.  You mean a lot to me. I hope this podcast blessed your life!

All right my friends well, today we are going to discuss the future. We're going to be talking about the future of “Your Amazing Life and you know I am really grateful to all of you who have been here and listen to me and follow me and it's been an amazing process. I really enjoyed it! Things are going to be changing in the future I'm working on a few different things that are going to be in place of the “Your Amazing Life” podcast coming out I have twice a week. I will be sure to keep you updated on those as they become closer. But for right now I'm going to be not doing that “Your Amazing Life” podcast. It's been a great run; I've been doing that for a year and a half now. It has not I've done the things that I was hoping it would do so I'm going to change up and see if I can move my business forward in a different way. But I am so grateful to each of you who have listened to me, each of you that are here today. I hope that you got a lot from the things that I talked about. I mean that that's the whole point of it was to help you change your life and increase the success that you have in your life. Hopefully, it brought you some happiness. I am always open to talk with people and go over exactly what you want so that you can be happy. I'd really love to discuss that with you and see how I can be part of that process for you. Hopefully, I have done that in this program. The goal was to create some happiness in your life, giving you some tools that you could use to make a difference. I am so grateful for all of the support that I get! I did also want to publicly thank my beautiful wife Evelyn for all the support that she's given me. She is amazing support; I mean she is just been there for me. She is gone above and beyond and I love her so much. I'm so grateful for all she’s done I couldn't have done this much without her. I am really thankful for the opportunity the podcast has given me. I'm grateful I’ve had to serve over the last year and a half in this way. I’m going to be looking for other ways to serve and ways that we might reach a few more people. I have learned so much and getting these podcasts ready for you and I really appreciate the opportunity to be part of your life. You know the more that I learn about this world and how it works the happier I am and the more successful I become. I've been reading the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. I've been learning so much for that right now there is a big huge to buy between “The Haves” and “Have Nots” one of the biggest in recent histories at least. The gulf is just getting bigger and there are all sorts of ideas on how to change that out there. Some of the ideas are being tried, others are not.

Check out the podcast for the rest of the story.

Aug 12, 202113:09
4 Hidden Steps to Becoming a Jedi

4 Hidden Steps to Becoming a Jedi

So, what does it take to become a Jedi? You have a specific story that only you can share with and change the world. How do you get your story out there? You are unique. There is something different about each of you. If you are in your power “resistance is futile” But if you are not there, how do you get there? How do you get your story out there? What is it you are here to share with the world?

Number 1: I hope each one of you realizes that you are here on a mission. There is a higher purpose to you and your life. There are so many things that your mission can be about. Maybe it is getting others to enjoy life. If your life is stressful, meaningless, and uninspiring then you have not found your purpose. You were not born to survive this life. Remember the poem Our Greatest Fear by Marianne Williamson 

Number 2: Some will, some won’t, Who's next? Your mission will speak to some but not to others. Don’t let those that don’t see it get you down. Move on! Do not let them stop you because they can’t see your vision. Be persistent. Keep trying! As you continue to try you will find those that want to hear your story.

Number 3: Know that you have value. Realize your true worth. Know what you have to offer others. Look at the things that you have accomplished. See what you are good at. Get to know yourself for who you are. We do not need to compare how we have done as opposed to others just in comparison to ourselves. You are great not because you are better than others. You are great because of who you are and what you do?

Number 4: Realize you are a leader. Speak out, what you are here to share. Make sure that you share your story with others. Realize the success you have created from the experiences that you have had over your lifetime. You are a leader because you are bent on improving yourself and your life. You are a leader to children, neighbors, coworkers, If you look at your light you will find ways that you are a leader. Those of you who think that you are not a leader, do you fear the light you have that people might follow.  As a leader realize you are human. You are not perfect nor do you know all the right answers. As a leader, you should be able to find answers in others.

If you are tired of suffering, beating up on yourself, do you feel powerless, uninspired, and stressed; If you want to struggle less and enjoy more. If you want a truly amazing life that is connected and complete, you need the “You Have Value” program. If you are willing to make some changes, if you think you may be a fit for the “You Have Value" program let’s talk.  Contact me, or 801-449-0750

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Aug 10, 202112:08
Thursday Exchange with Beth Crosby

Thursday Exchange with Beth Crosby

We have Beth Crosby who says “Your story is your strength” she is a writing coach who helps entrepreneurial women comfortably write about what makes them the ideal fit for their clients.  Now, Beth joins me today to discuss the difficulties, blessings, and gratitude that kidney failure presented to her. From the smaller stories that comprise her life story, she learned to be grateful for the blessings of dialysis and 2 kidney transplants. Welcome, Beth, in one of your posts on LinkedIn you said “We become who we are because of experience” So what experience had a large part to play in you becoming who you are?

Beth: Probably the biggest influence or experience, when I was a child, was my fathers’ mom. She lived across the street from us and she retired from her nursing job right after I was born. She kept me and taught me grammar and to love to read. She is the one that got me through third-grade multiplication tables. But the experience of having a grandparent… My grandfather died when I was young. So, the experience of having a grandparent who had the understanding of the importance of education but also the importance of getting outside and playing in the sunshine really was critical in developing who I became.

Ken: Okay Now, you help women to write and share their stories. What is the importance of our stories?

Beth: They show who we are and help us to get to know each other better. So, a quick example of that would be; I have a motorcycle, my dad had a Harley Davidson, my uncles had Harley-Davidsons. I was three I had the smallest helmet and so I rode on Harley-Davidsons with them. I always wanted a Harley cuz I thought I was just one of the guys. That helps me to relate to men. I was in a networking group and I meet a guy and we started talking about motorcycles. I don’t remember if he had on a motorcycle shirt or what. Another gentleman I knew passed by and I said “hey come here” you need to meet so and so. He rides Harleys too. So, I had two or three sentences of conversation with them and then I left them to talk and I left the conversation. So even when we are networking for business those stories are what help us relate.

Listen to the rest of the podcast to find out what blessings came from it. Beth also talks about how only when we accept our past and take hold of our experience do, we claim our power.

What is the best way for folks to connect with you?

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Aug 05, 202118:05
So What do you Fear and What do you Desire?

So What do you Fear and What do you Desire?

There is the story of a man with a very stubborn mule who needed to get the mule to move. The mule was content to be where he was and didn’t want to put n the effort to walk and pull the man’s cart. So, they sat there, neither got what they wanted. But then the man had an idea. He went a got a long stick string and a favorite treat of the mule. He tied the carrot to the stick and dangled it out just in front of the mule. The mule moved to get to the carrot. There are many carrots in my life, and if you look closely, you will find them in your life also. Maybe you get them from work where if you hit a certain number, you get a bonus, party, or meal. The number could be for many things number of days without injuries, the number of sales. In fact, getting a job is a carrot and stick. You met this person they offered you cash if you would come in and do certain things and be present between certain hours and on certain days. This is a viable way of changing behavior. It has been around forever because it works to a certain extent.

But there are a few requirements to get it to work, the carrot has to be something that means enough to the person for them to do it. If your boss said they wanted you to come in and work and you would be paid $1.00 that probably would not motivate you to come in. If you told your child, you wanted them to spend an hour in the sun weeding for that popsicle, they might not do it. Everyone who has a job and gets paid for it likes this type of motivation. Money is used as a carrot so often that it can be overdone right. Money is an easy thing to come up with and it motivates so many people. In fact, it is usually about what number of bills motivates them, not a question of will they be motivated by it.

So, I hope we now agree, you are motivated by money. You show up at a business listen to what others want, produce what they asked, and then you receive nothing more than a few sheets of high-quality paper with some ink on it, for doing so. If you do a good job then they dangle the possibility in front of you that they will give you more sheets of paper. Maybe they will give you more responsibility and work and then you get more sheets of paper.

Why do we allow money to be a motivating factor? The first one we already mentioned is it is easy to do. Most of us have fear of the stick (homeless) and a desire for the carrot (things money will buy). Another reason is that we don’t know what other likes and dislikes we have. According to the numbers, there is no correlation between personal engagement and salary. People making $500,000s per year dislike their jobs as much as those making $24,000. Money does motivate, but the problem is it only moves us so far. It gets you to show up. It gets you through what is required. But it doesn’t get you to enjoy it. It doesn’t get you to learn, or to become. Once you have the needs for you and your family met the psychological benefits of money drop. Arnold Schwarzenegger said it best “Money doesn’t make you happy. I now have $50 million but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.” Money is nothing more than a concept or symbol to facilitate trade. We as people project our own attitudes and tendencies towards it. We project definitions to it.

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Aug 03, 202115:13
Thursday Exchange with DR. Tracy Jones on Building a Tremendous Life.

Thursday Exchange with DR. Tracy Jones on Building a Tremendous Life.

Ken: We have Dr. Tracey Jones who is an author, speaker, veteran, publisher, podcaster, and international leadership expert, who currently serves as President of Tremendous Leadership. She is a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, a decorated veteran who served in the First Gulf War and Bosnian War. Tracey is the author of ten titles, one of them the book SPARK: was an Amazon #1 new release. Now, Tracy, you have been reading personal development books most of your life. What kind of difference do you think that made in your life?

Tracy: It made all the difference in the world can and I have to tell you I joked that my father was up a “book a-holic” and a he was a book pusher. Flunked out of school in the 8th grade. Mother left him, abuse, came out of the depression era born in the South. Everything was against my father, but Charlie Tremendous Jones famously said, this when I was a young girl, “That you're going to be the same person that you are today from 5 years ago except for two things the people you meet and the books you read. He was the living embodiment of that. So, I tell people I read “How to Win Friends and Influence People” before the “Poky Little Puppy” He was very much, you're going to read, you're going to read good content, and you're going to fill your brain with great stuff. Cause trash in, trash out; good in and good out.

Tracy: …. you know what I did? I went back to school. Cuz, I thought I can’t interact with people right now. I've got to get in my headspace, that's why I went back for my Ph.D. It was the best thing I could have done. I had to get out of my own way and I had to relearn my horrible habits and get on the path. I could see other people on the path, why can't I be on the path? I know I get on the path but I've got to do the work. So I read a book called “The Power of the Other” by Doctor Henry Cloud. He's one of my favorite authors; He saves people. Books like “Necessary Endings” and “Boundaries.” I mean “Necessary Endings” I give that to everyone and they're like “thank you so much for giving me that.” Because there is so much that out there; I'm sorry folks this is not Utopia we live in a fallen world. You put up the boundaries and you only allow in the good, that's not selfish that's the way it needs to be!

Check out the rest of the podcast to hear her talk about:

How depression affected her and how she would sleep 15 hours a day.

Anxiety kills more people on the planet.

Get the right mindset.

Finding advocates and what an advocate is.

What is the best way for folks to connect with you?

Facebook: Tremendous Tracey and Tremendous Leadership

Twitter: TraceyCJones


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Jul 29, 202129:18
Are you struggling to get over your divorce?

Are you struggling to get over your divorce?

Many of you have or will go through a divorce. How did that affect your life? How did it affect your confidence? So I was once told; you should only get divorced when the pain of being together is greater than the pain of divorce. There will be pain either way. I know a lot of my listeners have had to deal with this. Many of the people I coach have also. Some of them have deal with abusive spouses. Some have been gaslighted, treated with verbal and physical abuse, others have been in toxic relationships. Each of them got to the point the pain of being together was greater than the pain of getting divorced. Every one of you that has been through, or have at some point been thinking about divorce has some reasons for it right? How does thinking about divorce leave you feeling? Do you feel like you are a failure or broken? Maybe you feel triumphant or released of a burden. What about feeling some guilt? There are many things you can feel and all of them are correct. But it is important to process each of those emotions. If you don’t move past those it is likely to become an issue for you again.

Many of you may be looking to survive the divorce. You just want past the feelings of anger, hurt, confusion, depression, and pain, right? At some point, you had positive feelings for this other person you even said you loved them, right? So, there will be a loss that you will go through. Maybe the divorce was last month maybe it was 10 years ago. It is still possible that you look back fondly on the marriage or maybe feel regret. There were both good and bad times in the marriage, right? It is normal to remember both of those at different times. It is best to take adequate time and be honest, reflect on your feelings, process those emotions. This can be done by talking with someone that can help you walk through what you are experiencing. Walking through this with you can make a huge difference in your life and prepare you for a much better life and relationship going forward. Maybe you have developed new structures. Hopefully, you have looked over the feelings and done the soul searching to find out what is important to you. I talked with a friend and we were looking over the list that they had created on what the ideal relationship would look like. What was important to them. That is making a huge difference in their lives and helping them through the divorce.

So, how do you make it through all these emotions? First, know that there are 6 emotional stages that you will most likely go through.

  1. Denial
  2. Shock
  3. Roller-coaster
  4. Bargaining
  5. Letting go
  6. Acceptance

Some people move from one relationship to the next and find themselves in a similar situation each time. The players change but the rules stay the same. This is because they didn’t do the self-work so that they could move to a healthier relationship.

In case you are not sure there is life after divorce. You can have more than you dreamed of and have the life you wanted. All of this is possible. You can make these changes by asking these questions of yourself, to figure out what you want. Knowing and loving yourself is key to any happy healthy relationship. You must first have a quality relationship with yourself. I can help you with tools and tricks to learn about and develop a greater love for yourself.

Please subscribe to this podcast and leave a rating and review, to help others find this podcast. Also, join the Facebook group. Here is the spot to click and set up a time so we can discuss how you can use these tools and others to get your amazing life!

Jul 27, 202112:16
Thursdays Exchange with Jason Holzer on Suicide

Thursdays Exchange with Jason Holzer on Suicide

Ken: Jason Holzer is a certified teacher and thought coach, accomplished basketball coach, and elite skills trainer. He is also an Amazon Best Selling author, post-Traumatic growth storyteller, and the Co-Founder of 4D Athletes. Welcome, Jason.

Jason: Howdy Ken thanks for having me on the show today. I appreciate it.

Ken: You're welcome. All right so how did you come to write the book? How did it come into being?

Jason: Well, you know I did basketball camps for a long time. So, I traveled across the US. I went to a lot of places some were small enough to drive through. I was driving to eastern Ohio, almost like the border of Pennsylvania. I like to drive without any radio on sometimes just in pure silence. I have two kids I’m a teacher, so there is always a lot of noise. So sometimes it is just nice to be where there is nothing going on. I’m a man of faith and I believe in spirituality. As I was in that quiet place and just being. The word “write” came into my mind. I was unsure of how to process that. I got home and that thought kept nagging at me “write” I was like “huh, Okay.” I told my wife, “I think I’m supposed to write a book.” She was like “you are? about what?” I think God is asking me to write a book about losing my dad to suicide. My wife said really do you know how to do that? I told her I had no clue. I went to college to become a physical education teacher. I work in sports. Nothing in my degree says creative writing or anything like that. A long story short about 18 months later, I ended up; I wrote a book about my story of losing my dad to suicide when I was 17 years old. but I didn't want to just be that, of the loss, I wanted to be a crescendo of, hey how do I get over being left behind. You can still have a great life despite what happened to you.

Ken: Okay so tell us more about the book

Jason: Yeah, sure it’s a first-person narrative of what I went through. So that when you read it you feel like you are in my shoes. Everybody processes grief and loss differently. but I wanted to give people an experience of what I personally went through. Knowing that hopefully, people will feel similar things. Everyone’s experiences will be different but sometimes emotions can be relatable. That was my goal. But then the second part of that I talked about things like self-love, things like building great habits, Things like forgiveness, and how to heal yourself. how would I heal myself from the trauma in order to find my identity? So that I could find my vision in order to let go of these negative emotions of anger, resentment, these were things that I harbored inside. To be able to move on. To learn how to get past some of the most difficult times in your life. To see a positive, optimistic future and believe that things will get better. I will be able to smile again, there is a rainbow at the end of the storm. So, the second part of that is the healing piece of it.

Listen to the podcast to hear the whole interview.

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Jul 22, 202122:39
The Amazing Experiences of the Velvet Revolution and the Ideas Behind it

The Amazing Experiences of the Velvet Revolution and the Ideas Behind it

Václav Havel played a major role in the Velvet Revolution, which was a non-violent transition from the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia to a parliamentary republic. He had a philosophy that included things like anti-consumerism, humanitarianism, and environmentalism. What if we could follow in his footsteps and create changes without violence. What if our philosophy included anti-consumerism, humanitarianism, and environmentalism? How many of us can create change within ourselves without violence? I know I have been caught up in what I want to buy next. How is it that these play in our lives?  What is the importance of each?

What part does consumption play in our lives? I mean for a few people it is out of control that is why there are shows about hoarders, right? But what about the rest of us? Well let’s look at the definition of consuming; Absorbing, devouring, eating up, depleting. Everything that we buy has many costs associated with them. The opportunity cost. The cost of buying it, as well as the cost of getting rid of it and many others. But marketing has been able to use our minds against us. Turning tools that were created to build the human race and instead of using these tools to get us to buy things we don’t need.

Next, humanitarianism; here is an idea whose time has come. It is past time that we started treating each other as Brothers and Sisters. We need to value the life of each and every person despite our differences. Treat others with benevolence and provide assistance. The price that we will be paid for this will be large enough to change this world. We would provide food for those with none, provide aid to those in need. Can you imagine a world where the majority of us acted like; Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, or Oskar Schindler. What could we provide? What would this world looked like if everyone’s needs were meet?

What is the importance of environmentalism? Well, I am defining environmentalism as concern about the earth and taking action aimed at protecting it. Now we can have disagreements about how to protect this earth and that is okay. It doesn’t matter that we agree on how to protect the earth just that we all work towards that end. Today we take loans out on the environment. Loans that we will be paying interest on for the next few generations. That can only go on for so long. At some point, the interest we pay will outweigh the ability to produce.

We as fellow travelers on this earth are here and we are in this together. We are supposed to work together to make this experience move forward together. We only have this one Earth and even when we move to the stars this is still our home and it is part of us and needs care. Working together we can reduce the footprint we make and move out the survivability rate of this planet farther. We can and must work as a team. We must work for the same things and see ourselves as one. We must become one race the Human race. We must work from that viewpoint to make the changes in the world that will provide for generations.

Each of you has the power and ability to make a huge change in this world. Each of you can make a difference. Each of our communities needs someone to reach out and make a difference. As we make a difference in our neighborhoods, our neighborhoods will make a difference in our cities, as our cities change, they will change our states. This will work out until we change the world.

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Jul 20, 202115:53
A Return to Past Interviews.

A Return to Past Interviews.

Christopher Salem: He was given a year and a half to live. He ended up dying 4 months into his diagnosis. I remember the day before he died. I remember him looking over at me and he couldn't talk but his eyes were somewhat open. It was like he wasn't really there. But yet in a way, he was it was just in a different way. It was like him communicating to me saying listen. I apologize I wasn't the dad that you were looking for or expected. I did my best; I could only give what I knew.  

Jacquelyn Phillips: The most painful was having to become clean. I was really good at lying and you can only lie for so long, eventually, you get caught up in it. So, breaking the habit of lying and not embellishing that was really hard to do. As far as the most uncomfortable it was falling in love with myself. Because for the longest time it felt really hokey. I would say “I love myself” but that just sounds really dumb. But you have to! You have to love the person that you are. Because if you, don't you can't love anything else fully because you are holding back. Life is much more freeing if you have love in your heart!

Kim Knavel: It's... I used to not think there was anything I could do about the way I felt. I would get depressed, sometimes it was situational sometimes it wasn't. I do have clinical depression also and when it was situational... I couldn’t make it go away, when it was just because I was depressed, I couldn't make it go away. I always felt like everything else was controlling me. The people around me, my emotions, everything. I like not... I like not being controlled. I like being able to say “I can sit with you for a few days and I can look at these depressive feelings and I can see where they're coming from.” I don't have to judge them and they can make me sad for a minute but I'm not going to be buried in them.

Rich Cardone: I believe work-life balance is a complete myth. I believe it the state of mind because you can't achieve it. It is not a destination, you can achieve, it's just a state of mind. you either feel bad that you're giving work your all; or that when you're with your family you're giving your family our all, or whatever that may be. But it is not something that you can achieve, so you know the key to having an amazing life is balance.

Isabel Chiara: Number one would to really look at your life as it happened for you! Anything that happened in your life happened because we all have those stories that are sitting in our brain just keeps going over them. Maybe it was what we consider a failure, it could have been the worst thing that ever happened to us. But it happened so there is something about that thing that happened. Maybe it happened to move us in another direction. I always think that life happening for me right now. The second part of that is, that we don't know the rest of the story, right?

Justin Springer: We always, as hard times come, we feel like we must be going the wrong way you know. I know we talked about a lot, I'm sure you do with mindset, With like “flow states” and all that stuff. That could be another discussion, but what I think is sometimes the hardship is we need to embrace a little bit more.

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Jul 15, 202120:09
Are you a World Champion of Insecurity?

Are you a World Champion of Insecurity?

“It wasn’t so much that he minded telling Leslie that he was afraid to go; it was that he minded being afraid. It was as though he had been made with a great piece missing… Lord, it would be better to be born without an arm than to go through life with no guts.” Katherine Paterson Author of the book “Bridge to Terabithia” Have you ever thought you were born without guts? Kellie Hall 1st runner up at MISS CALIFORNIA and Navy Lieutenant said “I don’t think we’re born with insecurities; I think the world introduces them to us.”

There are negative influences and stigmas everywhere. They are increasing day by day. In UConn Today they posted “Decades of research confirm the presence of weight stigma in workplaces, schools, health care settings, public accommodations, and the mass media, as well as in close interpersonal relationships with friends and families. It’s everywhere.” Then we also struggle with stigmas around Mental health this stigma is a problem for young people as well as those in certain jobs, like police, firefighters, and those in military service. Why is it that we as people look at going to the DR.? for a checkup or visit is, okay?

Then there is the 3ft giant. Sean Stevenson, Sean was an expert in the field of hypnotherapy. Because of a genetic disorder he only grew to 3 ft tall and was in a wheelchair his entire life. Because of the “brittle bone disease,” he had more than 280 fractured bones and dozens of other medical complications that threatened his life and he was in pain often. But in March 2004 he started work on a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy Degree. Now if you had been born with this genetic disorder would you have felt insecure? Sean developed a powerful self-image and a rock-solid Identity. Sean knew that it is your identity that gets you what you want out of life. If your goals and your identity do not match up; it is your identity that will be the deciding factor, not your dreams. If you are feeling insecure congrats you are part of the human race. There are things you can do to reduce your insecurities.

Identity is exclusively self-determined. This means it is pliable and can change over time. Every action you take is a vote for the person you want to become. Because of this, no single instance will transform your beliefs. But you can change your beliefs by changing those individual votes. You can develop a secure feeling about who you are and what you can do. In order to have what we want we need to prove that we can have it to ourselves. Once we are secure in our beliefs of who we are and what we can do; then will these dreams happen.

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Jul 13, 202114:46
Welcome to Thursday’s Exchange with Dr. Pat Boulogne.

Welcome to Thursday’s Exchange with Dr. Pat Boulogne.

We have Dr. Pat Boulogne: she is a Coach, Physician, Speaker, and Visionary. She is the author of “Why are you sick, fat, and tired: find out now.” And the CEO: “health team network.” I am so excited to have Dr. Pat with me today.

DR. Pat:

Thanks, I love being here, I am fired up and ready to go.


In your book, you quoted a recent statistic that indicated in 2030, we will see approximately 50% of our population stricken with a chronic illness. WOW, so your bestselling book is about what we can do right? Tell me about that and the title?

DR. Pat

First, that statistic came out before the pandemic. The pandemic just signified wow we have a lot of sick people and we don’t even know it.  That stat is real it could even be pushed up a couple of years because of this last year and a half. Think about it a lot of people didn’t know they were sick or how they felt and the such. But you didn't ask me about that exactly you asked me about my book. My book is called “Why are you Sick Fat and Tired.” I had a businesswoman in one of my groups, and she told me I’m not sick I’m not fat, and I’m not tired. I said oh contraire.  I said because… What the book does, is this book is an advocating tool, a guidebook, and a tool to use to find out what's going on in your health snapshot now. So, it asks about 11 different organ systems, and your body, now these 11 organ systems fit together like a Swiss watch. So, if the Swiss Watch piece is broken, something else is going to break someplace else. If it's starting to slow down because it is starting to wear out, something else is going to happen someplace else. They all interrelate with each other. There is not a process that doesn’t require time. Now when you're looking at how things are connected just keep thinking about the spiderweb. Each is just one piece of a much larger puzzle. Think about it shooting out and connecting to everything so that it all pieces together. We can use the book to find the weakest and strongest links. The weakest link will be your highest scores and the strengths will be your lowest because you have to have something working for you. Because eventually what happens in that scenario is that the organ system keeps on getting taxed so that it gets taxed to a point where it starts affecting your immune system. 

Listen to the podcast to hear more about

What's going on with mindset and mental health these days?

What's the link between diet, lifestyle, and environment?

What are 5 lifestyle solutions anyone can do to improve their health immediately?

If there were only three ideas that you leave for this world and your posterity, what 3 ideas would you leave for them that could lead them to have an amazing life?

What is the best way for folks to connect with you, Dr. Pat?

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Jul 08, 202131:59
What Set of Financial Rules Do You Play By?

What Set of Financial Rules Do You Play By?

This last year has seen a big change in the rules because of Covid. Many families have lost jobs or had incomes cut. There has been a worldwide downturn. This is something that has not happened in all of history. This has cut spending in many industries. Because of the shutdown, the travel industry has been greatly impacted, with hotels losing over 40% of their jobs. Then there is a shortage of parts needed to make cars that are crippling the auto-making industry. 

Many people are more aware than ever before that they can lose their job. Some people have become more dependent on the government to have their needs met. I mean how many of you spend the Covid money that the government sent out? We now know that our country can be shut down. This is been the sharpest and quickest slowdown since the depression. This situation with record economic stimulus measures and the reduction in spending does not appear in any textbook nor has it been taught in any school.

What are the emotions that come up when you think of personal finance? Is it fear and overwhelm? You can change your future. We are going to go over these rules today. 

So today we are talking about the set of financial rules you play by. This last year has seen a huge downturn. Many people that thought they had “good jobs” have found themselves unemployed. No, it doesn’t just ask someone like me that got a bachelor’s degree in sociology, psychology or someone that got a degree in theatre arts. Did you get an education in the effective use of money? Or how about how to invest? Not likely.

So, for this new time in history what are the rules you need to live by to be successful?

  1. Determine what your money story is and how it affects you?
  2. Spend less than you earn!
  3. Part of all you earn is yours to keep! From “The Richest Man in Babylon”  
  4. Track your finances!
  5. Be particular on what you will pay interest on. Use a debt snowball or avalanche method.

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Jul 06, 202113:46
Welcome to Thursday’s Exchange with Isabel Chiara author of "Eat Your Words"

Welcome to Thursday’s Exchange with Isabel Chiara author of "Eat Your Words"

We have Isabel Chiara, creator of “The Life Actualization Process,” She is a guide, mentor, and leader, studying and working in transformational energy modalities, Isabel activates unlimited potential and empowerment for her clients, helping them to ignite their full passion and align with their most authentic life path, by eradicating constricting beliefs, definitions, and self-limitations.  She is the author of a new book “Eat Your Words” Welcome to the Show Isabel


Thank you so much Ken for having me here. I’m so excited


You're welcome, yes me too. So, let's go ahead and get right into this and talk about body shame and self-discovery.


Is that where we're starting? My favorite subject. Okay, body shame is something that I don't think I'm the only one that experienced it. I say that it's something that is taught to us when we are younger. Whereas the things we do... I think things have shifted a lot with parenting lately, but I think that when we were younger, our parents if they didn’t like things, or if our parents didn't think it was good for us, or if you're not doing something according to their specifications, parents would call you out on it or bring it up. Then there would be this non-acceptance. It almost feels like it's the behavior that has the non-acceptance, but it actually comes across to the child as non-acceptance of them, because as a child we don't know the difference. We think that it's us that are not accepted, right? So, I think that when you start to put on pounds when you're at a young age or you're eating in a certain way. In my family it was related to the way you ate and if you ate too much. So now all of a sudden that behavior is not acceptable and your family's kind of watching you. Now as you continue on your path of nourishment, which is supposed to be the most nourishing years of your life, we start to develop this story that we carry for the rest of our life. I am just going to go back to the child in the book “Eat Your Words.” Because we start to develop our vocabulary that we internalize based on what our parents are saying to us. So now if I were to consciously eat, I'm really going through my own psyche and saying wait, should I have this, or should I not eat this. I mean it starts at an early age. So, it's really actually about seeing ourselves in a certain way. Through the eyes of our parents or guardians or our loved ones, right?


I have a bunch of experience with this also. I mean my wife deals with body shame and a number of family members who also deal with it. We actually have a foster daughter and I really have to be careful with the words I use. Because I do not want to put body shame onto her or words into her head. But I want to train her to take care of herself. There are just so many people who suffer from this. What do you think we can do?

What is the best way for folks to connect with you?

Web: Isabel Chiara

FB: TheActualizer

Insta: @EatYourWordsBook

Twitter: @IzChiaraAuthor

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Jul 01, 202125:07
What are My Fears, "Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment" – Thomas Carlyle

What are My Fears, "Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment" – Thomas Carlyle

Putting yourself out there is difficult. It doesn’t have to be in a podcast. I’m sure you have put yourself out there in one way or another in the past. Maybe you found it difficult too. There are so many negative thoughts and stories that you and I can talk about your life, right? If you are like me it goes in waves. There are probably times when you feel confident and then there are other times when you don’t. Maybe your thoughts and stories are about your relationships. It could be about your job or business. Maybe you are locked in at a certain amount of money you earn and you struggle to make more. There are so many places that the story we tell ourselves drives what we see in our lives. It doesn’t matter if you make $1000.00 a month, or a million. Maybe you remain in a job position that you are good at but doesn’t fulfill you. If you are stuck it is because of the story you tell yourself and how confident you feel. There are so many people that tell a story that they are not in control of their lives. If something outside of them was better than their life would be better. If a parent would stop doing this, if they had insurance which would cover that. If they didn’t have to be responsible for their actions. So many people are looking for a scapegoat for their lives. Some people have told me that they can’t believe in God because if a God were all powerful then they would not allow for “bad things” to happen.
So, what we are talking about is confidence or “Swagger” as my friend Leslie Elm calls it. There is a big difference between confidence and arrogance. Confidence is a fairly quiet knowing. A trust in one's abilities, qualities and performance. It is knowing what you are competent in. There is no comparison with others abilities in confidence. Just because you are exceptional at something doesn’t mean that there aren’t people out there that are equally skilled. Arrogance comes when we put our skills against others. When we judge how good or bad, they are in comparison to us, that is arrogance. Arrogance is much louder than confidence and it is boastful. Arrogance is what happens when the story we tell ourselves is that we must compete or win. Because of arrogance we think we must be better than others. Arrogance like all things comes at a cost. It is important to figure out what the costs are and whether you are willing to pay them. Telling a story that I am not good enough or that I don’t have the needed power to direct my life is arrogance. Arrogance can be “I am better than you” but it also includes those who look down on themselves. Finding your confidence or your swagger is important. Learning to pick between confidence and arrogance is important. Only in confidence are you 100% secure in your abilities.
Here are some steps to develop confidence:

Attempt to do things you think are impossible... Get out of your comfort zone!
List things that you have accomplished.
Do the right things!
Follow through… Actions create accomplishments, accomplishments create confidence!
Exercise, this changes your physiology, it changes your emotions, it produces endorphins. It creates a different you.
Stand up for yourself
Get to know you

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Jun 29, 202112:41
Welcome to Thursdays Exchange with April Johnson

Welcome to Thursdays Exchange with April Johnson

Ken: We have April Johnson with us today. She is a cachet white woman using she/her pronouns. April has a gift to provide hope and help with life problems and events. She draws upon the wisdom or a deep knowing as well as her own life experiences. Those experiences have included poverty; deaths; divorce; unemployment; housing instability; college attempts; and most recently cancer with a broken back, related paralysis and disability. So many hospital trips due to serious treatment side effects, lingering symptoms, and chronic pain. April lived in a nursing home for a year and a half including during the first nine months of the covid-19. Welcome to the Show April. So, tell me of all those experiences, what experience did you have the toughest time with?
April: The nursing home; housing is frustrating and that certainly plays into my nursing home experience. I don’t think there is anything in life that prepares us for living in a nursing home. Whether it is the traditional unit as someone in their 40 years or it is someone at the end of life, it is a whole different experience.
Ken: Yeah, what was that like for you?
April: Sad, painful, it felt like I was on the island alone, and forgotten. My choices were very few. It is a system and the people who are taking care of me are making lousy wages and worried about how they're going to pay their bills, take care of their family, and put food on the table. So, they're not always in the best headspace to meet me or anyone else in that environment where we are. There are really high expectations as residents and patients to know things that we don’t and to behave and conduct ourselves in a way that is foreign to us. So, it is very isolating.
Ken: Gotcha yeah it would be, okay now you have been through some really tough things what have those experiences taught you?
April: A lot of things, healing is a process, It is ongoing. It feels daunting at first because it is heavy, but it gets better over time; and there is a place where it becomes a joy. To heal and to recognize that we are healing, learning that healing can go deeper is actually very cool. It expanded empathy for me, you know we're all human we are all going through things. Not talking about things makes us feel more isolated. Finding a community and connection is really difficult.
Ken: I get that, how important is that connection to us as humans?
April: I think it is paramount. The lack of connection as individuals is at the root of a lot of our problems and struggles. It is a problem as individuals and as collectives in the world. We are missing the mark of humanity in the other person that we are dealing or communicating with at any given moment in time.
We also talk about
How will your story help listeners change their lives for the better?
Tell me what accomplishments you’re most proud of:
If there were only three ideas that you leave for this world and your posterity, what 3 ideas would you leave for them that could lead them to have an amazing life?
What is the best way for folks to connect with you? I can be found by the username @ AskAprilJ on Twitter and Instagram. April’s email address is
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Jun 24, 202122:49
What Difference Does Hope Make?

What Difference Does Hope Make?

Hope can carry us through the tough times when we have them. –Stephen King, Rita Hayworth in Shawshank Redemption said it this way. "Remember that hope is a good thing, Red, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." There was a study done with rats in the 1950’s by Curt Richter, a professor at John Hopkins. The first group of rats were put in glass bowls of water. They swam for a few mins then gave up and drowned. The second group just before they would have given up and drowned were taken out of the water, held for a little while, let them recover and then put back in the water even though they only got picked up once, it made a big difference in their life expectancy. When he put them back in the water instead of minutes they swam for hours and hours.

So, what is the take away? Here is what I want to talk about. When you feel supported by others, when you feel like you have been rescued from time to time when you needed it, or if you believe the future will be a better place. These things will help you through difficult situations.  They will provide hope.

There is this thing called “Vroom’s Expectancy Theory of Motivation.” You might be asking if I can give you the lay version. What this says is that people are motivated by 3 types of situations.

  1. We are motivated when we value the reward associated with the action.
  2. They trust that they will receive the reward if they do a good job.
  3. They believe that they have the ability to achieve their objectives by working hard.

Hope is alive. It resides in the place where sadness, anguish and devastation bring the sentence of death. Hope looks forward. The future is what brings hope, for what is possible; the past is where we see the negative things that have happened to us. Hope builds and encourages.

This world needs hope! There is a bigger shortage of hope and love than of water or anything else that we need on this earth. According to the United Nations we are in the middle of a human crisis. We have many things happening that are “firsts” in the history of the world. We are so connected and the earth is so small now that we can get info around the world simultaneously. There are things like the global health crisis which have never before been seen at this scale. A global recession of record dimensions. This is stressing out the human family and the social fabric is being stretched so thin it is tearing. We need a new set of tools to overcome situations that have never before been seen. We need love and hope. We need to work together in solidarity to overcome this crisis. We need to see each other with love no matter the different backgrounds or beliefs that we have. We need to find hope in each other and in the future for us to overcome this crisis. We need each other. It is so very important that we find ways to connect with love and create hope.

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Jun 23, 202114:09
Do you Fight Wrong?

Do you Fight Wrong?

Let’s suppose it is Friday and evening is coming on. You have a good idea what you will find when you get home and you are dreading getting there. You know the fight will be outrageous. It will boil over and last the whole evening. The feelings are already welling up as you get into the car. You drive home playing the same tape in your head over and over. You are feeling some frustration, not understood, and deep-seated annoyance. These are emotions and expectations you are familiar with as this argument has been going on and on. By the time you reach home you are nearly sick with the hurt and frustration you are feeling. You walk in the door and things are just as you expected. You feel this heat rise up in a wave that goes up and over your entire body making you hot under the collar as the saying goes. After the wave crashes over you. You get started; the other person is right there to meet you. They are ready to party!

Have you ever had a fight like the one I described above? Maybe you only used some of the weapons here, not all. Pretty sure most of you can relate on some level to this story. When did the fight start? You might say when I entered the house, or maybe not till the yelling and name calling. But let’s look more closely. The fight started long before you walked into the house. In fact, in this case, it started before you got into the car. It started with the expectation that you put together as you contemplated going home. If you doubt me on this, I would love to have you send me a message on the Facebook page on an example of a fight that didn't start as an expectation. They should have known or they should have done it differently. I have had expectations come hours before or right at the moment. But the unmet expectation is when the fight begins. The fight is about getting your expectations met. In this story, on the ride home as you played out the experience over and over again it was part of the fight that you had with yourself. In the argument you have in your head do they ever get solved? Other people are usually more pigheaded in my brain than they are in person.

These are some of the worst things that anyone can do during a fight. We talked about the weapons that can be used in a fight. But weapons mean things will get bloody and someone will get hurt. It should be noted here that abuse in any manner physical, emotional, mental, is never okay for one person to do to another. It is possible to hash things out without weapons. Doing this can create love and acceptance. The #1 thing to leave out of a fight is name calling. That is a hurt that you cannot take away. I would place name calling under abuse. Name calling does include obscenities but obscenities are not the only way to call someone a name. #2 is the silent treatment or cold shoulder. This is where you slammed the door shut. This leaves the conflict unresolved and leaves the other person alone and hurt. This is very damaging to the relationship and the person. Next #3 bringing up past mistakes or unrelated issues to distract and deflect. Bringing up irrelevant past mistakes is counterproductive and puts them on the defensive. #4 Your focus is on being “right” or “winning” instead of focusing on understanding what is going on and what feelings are happening. #5 Many of the things we say in an argument do not even come out of our mouth.

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Jun 22, 202112:49
You Don’t Know What you are Missing!

You Don’t Know What you are Missing!

So yesterday was my 29th wedding anniversary. It looks like the number of those who are married for that long is in the 20% range. Now getting to this place was not easy. There have been multiple times my wife and I have discussed divorce. There were times when we hurt each other and times when we felt this isn’t what we signed up for. Over the years we have had fights, communication problems and arguments. We have at times lacked commitment. There has been distance and lack of physical intimacy in our relationship at times. Guess what in the 29 years both Eve and I have found that there are other people on this earth that we are attracted to. None of these things were abnormal for us and maybe not for you. None of these things stopped us from being married! Each time we hit a speed bump and talked about separating and didn’t as we worked on the relationship it deepened and became richer. It took us both to make changes and strengthen our marriage and keep it together for the last 29 years.

To create a healthy relationship there needs to be boundaries. In episode 223 about how we talked about setting up rules on how we wanted to be treated has been part of our relationship. We started setting them up when we were dating and we have renegotiated them as we have changed. But the most important thing is that we are following the rules that we set up.  Boundaries help you and your partner to feel loved and accepted. They tell others what makes it so that you can feel appreciated. Boundaries are for the protection of all involved. They can be set for physical, emotional, sexual, Intellectual, and financial needs. You are qualified to set up borders for each of these types of needs.  Boundaries have helped our relationship extensively. In setting up these boundaries' communication is key. 

Talking about building an amazing relationship. What else besides boundaries are needed? The first thing that must happen is you must accept your partner as they are. There is nothing I want Evelyn to change because of me. She is perfect for me just the way she is. This is one of the things I choose. I choose to accept her and want her the way she is or the way she chooses to be.  It is not that this is always easy, sometimes I have to check my expectations. My unmet expectations destroy whatever part of my life that I have the expectations about. So, I then choose to let go of expectations and accept Evelyn as she is. Accepting her also means loving and supporting her in her ways and beliefs. I am so grateful that she does this for me. Because of her acceptance there is no need of nagging because of her acceptance of who I am.

One of the things we learned at around 11 years of marriage, this was during a difficult point in our marriage, was to express appreciation often. This saved our marriage at this point in time. What it does is help you to see each other's helpfulness. It helps you to assign value to their contribution. They strengthen romantic connections. It makes people happier. Signs that you need to work on helping your partner feel appreciated may be that they don’t share their opinion. They are quieter than they had been. They make plans without consulting you. They appear more distant. These things all show that your marriage is lacking appreciation in one another. You can control only yourself, so choose to act differently. Start to show appreciation for your partner.

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Jun 21, 202112:37
Welcome to Thursday’s Exchange with Di Snarr

Welcome to Thursday’s Exchange with Di Snarr

Ken: We have Di Snarr on the show today. She Owns a “Touch of Healing” Kinesiology Di and I met on LinkedIn and it was just amazing. I was very moved by her story and I know you will be too. Di was on a podcast called “Just Interesting People” which was an awesome interview. Welcome to the show. What is the toughest thing you have had to overcome in your life?

Di: There were a lot of tough things I had to deal with. I think the top one is abuse, first being abused by others, and then because of that, I would abuse others, just in my interactions with them. Like at school when I was a kid or my siblings, and then I abused myself. The way I was, isolated me, So then I would abuse myself. It was a rough road to learn how to get out of those experiences.

Ken: You said you abused yourself. I mean I think all of us can relate to that.  But how did that look for you?

Di: I was very promiscuous for a few of my teenage years between the age of 14 - 17. Some people would say being promiscuous, that's not a problem. But when you're doing it in a sense that you're trying to continue old abusive habits. That's where the problem is. When you have those experiences when you have any kind of sexual experience. Whether it's by yourself or someone else or you're looking at pornography or anything and anything of a sexual nature. Your body releases hormones and chemicals that connect you to that experience and so it affects you for your life. So for those who experience abuse that way it takes such deep healing. It takes a long time to heal, for some people they may never heal.

Ken: Yeah when you are abused they take your boundaries and they blow him up, right?

Di: Yeah, you're violated, you're damaged, you're never the same. It affects you on every level; spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental and then however many levels each of those contain. So you know if you're a religious person that can help with your spirituality, then for your emotional support you have to see a therapist. Then for physical, you never feel clean. It's so damaging especially when it happens so young, and that's all you know, it's normal.  You eventually learn it hasn't happened to everyone around you and then you see them as clean. Now kids are so intuitive, so when I was in school the kids could sense there was something different. They couldn't put a name to it or understand it unless they had a similar experience. You know they don't know what to call it, but then they could sense the energy coming off of me. They don't know what to do with it, so I was relentlessly teased, I tied up at recess and they would throw rocks at me. It was a vicious cycle from the beginning until I met my husband. When we met I told him everything about my life, cuz I didn't want any secrets. I didn't want anybody to come to him and say “did you know this about her?” or like “this is who she really is.” or whatever. I was upfront with him, and it's not something that he learned growing up, cuz he didn't have an easy time either. But he discovered some things and then taught me that really helped me to come out of that. I was then able to learn what kind of things are acceptable, what’s not acceptable, and how to love myself.

What is the best way for folks to connect with you? or Di Snarr | LinkedIn

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Jun 17, 202126:03
Another Night Without Much Sleep

Another Night Without Much Sleep

I hope you’ll bear with me this week My podcast may not be as long or maybe not as good. It has been a tough week. You know I work to be truthful with you my friends. It hasn’t been that long since I told you I was having a tough time, but I’m going to tell you that again today. It has been a rough couple of days. I didn’t get much sleep last night. I woke up at 4:30 and was stressed out, my mind moving over and over on things that happened the day before that I couldn’t change or do anything about. I’m betting that some of you have been there. When those times hit what do you do? Last night I tried mindfulness. I tried to focus on my breathing. After 30 mins of working on that, I got up out of bed. My bed is for sleeping if that is not going to happen then I get out. There were quite a few different options when I got out of bed. I don’t know about you but when I woke up like that I was not in the mood to start working. So instead I started watching tv, spent time with one of my favorite shows. Now I don’t need to put a judgment on it it was not a good thing to do, nor a bad one. It did stop the noise in my head. It distracted me from the things I couldn’t get out of my head. How long has it been since your stress has affected your sleep?

So why does this happen? Most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep. I’m in the 8-hour club. There are many reasons you can be suffering from sleeping difficulties, include things like habits, lifestyle, medical conditions, medications, and thought processes. Behaviors that can affect your sleep are too much stimulation before bed. Things such as TV, video games, exercising caffeine, noise disturbances, and light also affect sleep. Some of the other things that affect sleep are physical pain, prescription medications, or frequent urination. Then there are also sleep disorders: Apnea, circadian rhythm, narcolepsy, restless leg. Sleep is also affected by stress, depression, work, and the amount of exercise done. So how is your sleep and what affects it? Why are you getting the sleep you are getting?

What problems can a lack of sleep cause? High blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, heart failure, or stroke. Did you know that lack of sleep can lead to premature wrinkling, obesity, and lower sex drive? That’s a good enough reason to get enough sleep right?

Sleep has four stages: that we cycle through. There is REM through Deep sleep. Your body and mind need to process through these uninterrupted or you will probably feel tired or have trouble concentrating. Not getting the right amount or all stages of sleep affects both our physical and mental health in a big way. We need to make sure that we get through all stages of sleep uninterrupted.

What are some things we can do to get better sleep? First off treat getting enough sleep is important. Number 2 and we have talked about this in other episodes but be consistent in what time you get up and go to bed. Then number 3 is put away electronics and at least 30 mins beforehand.

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Jun 16, 202110:57
How do you Learn New Things?

How do you Learn New Things?

So the Dalai Lama XIV said, “When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.” Do you know someone that loves to hear the sound of their own voice? Someone that likes to talk and will tell you everything that they can think of? They want to share with you their viewpoints on every subject. Then there are then others who love to listen. When we listen to understand and not just to reply we can hear others. Maybe you have heard the quote you have two ears and one month. Follow that ratio. Listen more, talk less. Successful people learn by listening.

Richard Branson has said, "Great listeners are often terrific at uncovering and putting in place strategies and plans that have a big impact." why is it that listeners can put into place strategies and plans? Because when they listen they get information that they didn’t have before. That information can help them to learn what it is that they need to make a decision and act on it. The only reason to listen is if you need to learn. If you know everything that needs to be known there is no need to listen.

Listening is an active process where patience, compassion, and determination play critical roles. In order to absorb words and process the meanings, we need to concentrate. Listening promotes better relationships. It assists in building trust, resolving issues, and strengthening ties.  The other day I was interacting with a family member on Facebook and I probably shouldn’t have. But I commented on their post and it was not something that we agree on. They hear my comment but didn’t listen to it. They attacked my statement with something that didn’t have anything to do with my message. So they hear that I talked but didn’t listen to what I said. They were talking so they were repeating things they already know. I have listened enough to know that my ideas disagreed with theirs, so sharing my thoughts in that medium is where I made a mistake.

But true listening develops communication skills. Communication is kind of a lost art, especially with social media. It is so easy to hear without listening and then react and attack those that state something different. This reminds me of another experience. Another family member was at work and someone came into the office and they had loaded for bear. They were upset and knew that this family member would not agree with them. So they came in arguing. They for quite a while did not even recognize that the person they were arguing with actually agreed with them from the get-go. Here again, they hear but didn’t listen. I’m sure you have stories about how this has happened to you also.

Listening is an important skill. Like we talked about in an earlier episode, skills can be learned. To become an excellent communicator you must first start listening with your eyes, ears, and mind open. Communicating is not just about getting your point across but about learning the points others have.

In what ways can you be more active in listening?

  1. Maintain eye contact; It is hard to have your mind wander if you are looking someone in the eye.
  2. Don’t grab one thought or sentence and then react to it.
  3. Ask questions about the thought or idea that expressed. Listening helps to gather facts.

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Jun 15, 202110:59
What is a Body? Advice from a dying man

What is a Body? Advice from a dying man

I want to start with a quote, this was posted on Reddit byu/mylasttie wrote “We care so much about the health and integrity of our body that until death, we don’t notice that the body is nothing more than a box- a parcel for delivering our personality, thoughts, beliefs, and intentions to this world. If there is nothing in the box that can change the world, then it doesn’t matter if it disappears. I believe we all have potential, but it takes a lot of courage to realize it.” I love this thought. I love the Epiphany behind it.

I want to share a poem by Ron Tranmer called The Dash Between. “I knelt there at the headstone of one I love and cried. The Names, with dates of birth and death, were perfectly inscribed. I pondered these two dates and how little they both mean when compared to the tiny dash that lies there in between. The dash serves as an emblem of our time here on the earth, and although small, it stands for all our years of life, and worth. And our worth will be determined by how we live each day. We can fill our dash with goodness, or waste our life away. To ourselves, as well as others, let’s be honest, kind, and true, and every day, live the way we know God wants us to. May we look for opportunities to do a worthy deed, and reach out with compassion to those who are in need. For If our hearts are full of love throughout our journey here, we’ll be loved by all who knew us and our memory they’ll hold dear. And when we die, these memories will bring grateful, loving tears, to all whose lives were touched.” What will be left behind in your dash? Because the dash is what is important. The dates will come and go with or without us.  There are so many people out there in this world filling their dash up with amazing actions. Some who are young and saved others from car fires or kidnapping, another Nicholas Winton who died at age 106 back in 2015, among other things in his dash he saved 669 children from the holocaust. There are many that we look at and we admire what they did with their dash.

Well, some of it depends on why you are here and what is important to you. But we are going to start with some things that are universal. First off is to find joy. You can find joy in following the natural laws of this earth. Natural laws are laws that are outside of morals and mores. They are outside of religion. They are based on this universe and it is impossible to refute them.

The second universal truth is service. It doesn’t matter who you serve. It doesn’t matter where you serve. It only matters that you serve. You will be paid dividends that you never expected from your service. Check out Just to find service opportunities near you that can help you to do good and feel good.

The next universal truth is gratitude. Sociologist Georg Simmel calls this act “the moral memory of mankind” in his book. 

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Jun 14, 202118:00
Welcome to Thursdays Exchange with Carrie Mikell

Welcome to Thursdays Exchange with Carrie Mikell

Ken: We have Carrie Mikell, Carrie is a mother of 3 children ages 6-1 and has been married to the love of her life for over 7 years. She has a bachelor's degree in business with an emphasis in finance from Brigham Young University and has been working in the financial services industry for over ten years now. Previously she focused her attention on high-net-worth retirees but recently decided she finds more joy in helping younger families achieve their dreams. When Carrie isn't working on her business or cleaning up after her three small children, she can often be found in the great outdoors enjoying nature and taking her children on grand adventures. Welcome to the Show Carrie

Carrie: It’s important to say that I’m first and foremost passionate about life’s adventures. I’ve traveled the world, lived and worked in 5 different countries, climbed mountains and repelled down 250ft cliffs to see sights very few people get to see, etc. I wrote my first bucket list when I was 16 and have been checking things off ever since. I’ve only been able to do this because of the personal finance principles I learned early on. As such, I’ve gained an additional passion in helping individuals and young families achieve their dreams, and I do this through sound financial coaching. As someone who is naturally logical and pragmatic, I enjoy the strategizing and quantitative work. I’m also greatly enjoying building my team, specifically focusing on incredibly talented women. I feel that I’m in a unique position to widen the world of financial consulting and make it more inclusive.

Ken: What is the toughest thing you have had to overcome in your life?

Carrie: It's a long mess of a story, but I was essentially homeless during my senior year of high school. Getting myself through school and supporting myself financially -- especially at that age -- was a major struggle, but one that has helped shape me into who I am today.

We also talked about What is the biggest goal you are working on right now?

Many people have fear and secrecy around money. Why is that and how do they get past it?

If there were only three truths that you leave for this world and your posterity, what 3 truths would you leave for them that could lead them to have an amazing life? My knowledge, hopefully a little more peace and understanding, opportunities. We really aren’t a family that focuses on obtaining things but we are big on experiences and we hope that those experiences give our children and others a greater understanding of all the good and beauty there is out there in the world.

What is the best way for folks to connect with you? Carrie Mikell, ChFC | LinkedIn

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Jun 10, 202119:16
You Teach People How to Treat you Through your Actions

You Teach People How to Treat you Through your Actions

Because you are here you have had things happen to you. Maybe you have been deceived or lied to, maybe you had promises given that were not honored. Sometimes those experiences were a single event other times they happened time and again. Maybe they happen over and over again and they are from the same person. If it is a single event, like someone is supposed to call you for a job interview and doesn’t, you move on and go forward with your life. No harm no foul. A single event is less likely to be something you teach others. But if it is happening to you more than just once in a while you may be teaching others that you expect to be treated that way. You train others as to what you will accept and what you will not. The things that you accept will keep happening in the relationship because you gave it the okay.

What does not work in setting up how we want to be treated? Dishing out to others what they have dished up for us, attempting to make them pay, inflicting the pain of our emotion onto them, and trying to one up them. But this will rarely change behavior. How do you respond when being taught a lesson? Treating others this way is counterproductive and unkind. It is something that comes after the action and may or may not be seen as tied to the action. Since these do not work, I do not recommend using these. It will create unhappiness in you and your relationship.

So, what does work? First off teaching by example. We should want others to be treated with dignity and grace just like that is what we should expect. When you model the behavior, you want others are going to want to treat you similarly. If you are late or don’t show up for others, they will most likely treat you the same way. Many might not even do it consciously. But as we show what is important to us others will learn to treat us that way. We also teach through consistency When we speak kindly to others even when they are speaking harshly, we show them our expectations. The whole thing is to teach by example and influence. These are great ways of establishing expectations.

After example and influence the next way to teach others how to treat us is to establish simple and appropriate boundaries. We can institute boundaries in regard with time, consideration, mutual respect and honor. Healthy boundaries smooth the flow of relationships and enable them to deeper connection. They help relationships to flourish. There is only one way to set boundaries and that is by using your voice. You must be clear on your boundaries in order to describe them to others. How long would it take to get to work in the morning if there were no stop lights or road signs. Boundaries do for your relationships what stop lights and road signs to your commute. Be sure to set appropriate boundaries and then clearly explain them.

There are two powerful tools in teaching people how we want to be treated. The first one is to reinforce behaviors that you want. What gets rewarded gets repeated. If the behavior you want is not done no need to make a speech or big deal about it. Just withholding the reward will be enough. So, if someone is late and they apologize then simply accept the apology and forgive them. If they are on time, reward them generously. The next tool is one of my favorites. It is amazing the power of an insightful question. This was made popular by the Greek philosopher Socrates. It is now known as the “Socratic” method. To use this tool, you must ask questions that lead to the discovery of truth.

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Jun 09, 202115:08
Do Results Matter if You Don’t Put in Effort?

Do Results Matter if You Don’t Put in Effort?

I’m betting you are normal and you base your thoughts and beliefs on results. If I got the result, I wanted then my goals were successful right? How many of you look at your day to see what you got done? It is probably not about what you worked at but what you accomplished. Let me know if I’m getting warm here. I get stuck here too. In the past I had expected to get a great job and I wanted to do it without working my way up the ladder. Or maybe you want a successful business from day one without first putting forth a little effort. People on social media, or in interviews like to show how success sneaks up on someone; and they become an “overnight” success. That is not how it usually happens. It comes as a result of having a clear personalized plan of action, and then investing the hard work and resources to allow success to come into view. If you have the results that you deem you consider yourself successful then you have put in the correct efforts for that day, right.

Let’s look at success. It operates the same way.  Athletes don’t become superstars overnight. Actors don’t go directly to Broadway. We have gone into many of the examples in past episodes. Most business people try at least 3 or 4 things before finding one that works, and most entry level jobs are little more than a learning process. Do you try more than two things or do you just figure you are not lucky enough or don’t have the contacts to be successful. Do you get stuck on the results and let that determine your effort?

You need to decide what you’re willing to put into the process of bringing success into your life. Remember there are no shortcuts to success. There is no magic button. Not one thing that can be told to us and get to what we want. When looking at things that way we are concentrating on the results. But average people are the ones that concentrate on results. Successful people concentrate on effort. Truthfully the effort that you put in is the only thing that you have control over anyways. If you look at any superstar, they would not be the superstar they are if they had the results from the beginning. There would have been other things that they had learned like focus and a love of work. The reason for this is that there are things that come with the time, effort, and money that we invest.

Maybe you think you can’t afford to invest in your future. What are you willing to give up to bring new successes into your life? The world abhors a vacuum. If you empty things from your life there will be things that rush into fill that void. Some of the big names have recommended investing 3% of your income into success. Many of you have no idea of what that would look like. If you make just $12 an hour which is $1920 a month your investment at 3% would be $58 per month. What if your yearly income is $65,000 a year at that point it should be 5% which would be $270 a month. What if you want to make $150,000 a year well prepare yourself by investing $625 a month to increase your income. What if you want to make 1 million then $4150 is your bench mark. Reach beyond what you think you can afford.  It will accelerate your success!

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Jun 08, 202114:13
Body Dysmorphia and How that Affects People's Lives

Body Dysmorphia and How that Affects People's Lives

We spoke about this a little in episode 219. Let’s start with real world examples of when and how this starts. I just saw this video but it has been around for quite a while. This video is of a 4-year-old getting her hair done and she tells the hairdresser “I’m So Ugly.” It is not uncommon for body dysmorphia to start this way. The hairdresser tries to tell the girl how beautiful the girl is. The young girl has so much energy tied up in the message that she is not pretty or enough. Body dysmorphia can easily start this early. In fact, this young girl had most likely thought this more times before saying this. The crazy thing about body dysmorphia is that there is no reality to it. Ariyonna, this young girl 4 years old already has preconceived ideas about her beauty. Her ideas and her looks don’t match.

Where does the evidence come from, behind these kinds of thoughts?  The truth is there is no evidence. The focus is on a “perceived” defect or flaw in one's body. But when you have body dysmorphic disorder you intensely focus on parts of your appearance and image. The people suffering from this take it to the extreme. Think about how many times you look at yourself in the mirror each day? Are you seeking out cosmetic fixes or procedures to overcome perceived flaws? Do you look for reassurance from others about how you look?  Do you fixate on your face, nose, wrinkles, hair, skin breast size, muscle tone or genitalia. But all these dysmorphic ideas have no evidence in reality.

As these ideas continue to grow, they can start to appear in experiences such as eating disorders. Eating disorders show up as anorexia, Binge Eating Disorder (BED), and four other feeding and eating disorders. Dysmorphia also can play a part in depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, substance abuse, behavioral health issues, and disfigurement due to repeated surgical interventions. I’m sure you can think of people in the news that have suffered from at least one of these. It is not hard to see how one can go from being preoccupied with the apparent flaws your body has to being on this list. These problems are very common in fact there are more than 3 million cases per year in the US alone.

Body dysmorphia is based on the thought of how others view them. It is about fears that you have. You fear the things you believe others will see in you. It is a good practice to include journaling, breathing, and meditation. Your ideas once written down will be observed and you will more easily be able to move past them. Once written down you might be able to see how the view you have accepted is just perceived and not as real as you originally gave it credit. Rid yourself of things that cause you to have low self-esteem. If clothing doesn’t fit you well donate it. If friends or relatives bring you feelings of not being good enough, put some distance between you and them.

You may be comparing yourself constantly with others. You may set unrealistic goals for yourself. Instead of trying to set up outcome related goals make better choices on what you eat. Eat less processed foods and more fruits and vegetables. Eat with mindfulness.

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Jun 07, 202112:58
Welcome to Thursdays Exchange with new author Jacquelyn Phillips.

Welcome to Thursdays Exchange with new author Jacquelyn Phillips.


All right today we have Jaclyn Phillips. She is a photographer, she owns an event venue, and she is an author. Her first book “Comfortably Uncomfortable” was just released. Welcome to the show Jacquelyn.


Thanks for having me.


You're welcome so let's go ahead and get into this tell me about who you were in the beginning and how you got to this place?


So, prior to where I'm at today I spent a good portion of my years on this planet, keep in mind, I'm not even 40 yet, really just miserable. I took life in a scorched-earth approach. I assume that every interaction was a potential threat. I went about pushing others away and making myself a 1-man band. It's not a way to live. It's painful and it’s a lonely way to live. I had a really rough childhood and so I had developed all of these ways of managing, that weren’t helping or providing me fulfillment. I often felt myself just tired of being the broken toy in the corner. Which I wasn't, it was a really poor mental state to be in. I had invested in myself and I decided that I didn't want to live that life any more. So, I hired a Life coach, a regular therapist, a trauma therapist and I got meds. I started getting exercise. I put all of this effort into finding out who I really was. the happy person that was buried in there, who has been wanting to break out all along but didn't know how. Today I share my story and I do my best to help others.

I have talked with you about the importance of nutrition in many of our episodes. I have found a clinically proven product that I drink one packet a day and it gives my body all the micronutrients I need. This is an all-natural product you will love. The packet is filled with superfoods and all their nutrients. Best of all it comes with a 100% Money back guarantee, so there is no risk. Many doctors are now recommending this. Start your day like I do with a packet of nutrition. You are going to want to try this. Goto Then if you would like to become a business partner contact me. Join me in having Kyani each day to improve your health!

Jacquelyn also answers these questions. Listen to the podcast!

You’ve said in the book that improving communication with your husband was key to your journey, how did you do that?

What are your thoughts on social media and mental health? Any tips to keep it in perspective?

If there were only three truths that you leave for this world and your posterity, what 3 ideas would you leave for them that could lead them to have an amazing life?

What is the best way for folks to connect with you and buy your book?

Web:, Insta: @grownupgrowingpains, FB: /Grownupgrowingpains

Please subscribe to this podcast and leave a rating and review, to help others find this podcast. Also join the Facebook group. Here is the spot to click and set up a time so we can discuss how you can use these tools and others to get your amazing life!

Jun 03, 202120:55
How Obscene Movies and Pictures can Impact Mental Health

How Obscene Movies and Pictures can Impact Mental Health

Porn affects people in many different ways. But some of the big problems are that it can replace real interaction with others, it can setup body dysmorphia and unrealistic ideas about sex. In over 85 studies they have linked poor mental and emotional health to porn use. These effects can range from brain fog to social anxiety, depression to flashbacks. Eating disorders are on the rise with young folks and cause more deaths than any other mental illness. This idea of idealized notions of body image are a huge problem and are fed from most marketing as well as adult pictures and movies. Porn use has been found to cause a noticeable reduction in grey matter in key areas of the brain. These are all found in research studies yet these studies do not get much attention in the media.

After Covid many people are lonelier than ever before. At the same time there has been a steep climb in depression, anxiety, and adult material. Pornhub a giant website has reported a 22% increase after covid hit. Lewd movies and pictures are what many look to as a form of connection and a way of coping with covid. But has it had the effect they were counting on? People who are often feeling greater levels of distress, anxiety, loneliness, or depression report a greater desire to seek out pornography. No one can argue that there is a great abundance of those emotions going around at this time. The release felt from the use of pornography and masturbation is likely to give a temporary relief from those emotions.

So, if the answer is that they can affect mental health, this means we have to look inside ourselves and see if it is affecting us the way we want. If not, one of the things to focus on is how do we gain the connection we want in these times?  The truth is we all have an innate hardwired ability to seek out a community. This ability to connect is what allows us to make it as a species.

I have talked with you about the importance of nutrition in many of our episodes. Goto

Just because a strong connection is vital and natural does not mean that it is not difficult at times to create. Many people concentrate on communication. They feel if they are communicating their ideas then they are connecting. This is not actually the case, communication and connection are not the same. Think about a time when you were in a room filled completely with people you might have talked with a number of them and yet you felt alone. This is because connection is not an exchange of information but is an exchange of humanity and emotion. World-renowned speaker Sean Stephenson said “That’s when connection takes place: the moment we feel that somebody cares about us, we’re open to learning from them.” Is it possible to connect, to exchange humanity and emotion through X-rated content?

How do we exchange our humanity and our emotions? There are a few simple steps to start.

  1.  Use people's names
  2. Eye contact
  3. Ask for others' opinions
  4. Use appropriate touch

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Jun 02, 202114:43
The Newest Info on PTSD and Healing Trauma

The Newest Info on PTSD and Healing Trauma

The effects that Trauma has on you is very real. Sometimes we don’t even know that trauma has occurred. It could be that it has been blocked from memory. It could be that you just don’t understand or have recognized it. So, let’s answer the question: what is trauma? Trauma is an experience that leaves a lasting negative impact on your behaviors, relationships, thoughts, or feelings. They can come from a list that is still incomplete as there are still people around. Trauma can come from experiences, you might be experiencing them if you have had to deal with abuse, death, loss, or betrayal. Just as each of us can have something different cause the trauma but each person can experience it differently. It is not helpful to compare or contrast yourself with anyone around you. It is important for us to recognize what the triggers are. Then how you experience and respond to what has happened to you.

In order to move past a trauma, you must first be out of the situation. You must be safe before any type of healing can happen. Safety means you have a place where you will not be re-traumatized. It also means that you will feel loved and accepted. A “Safe Place” is one free from bias, abuse of any kind, conflict, criticism, or potentially threatening actions, ideas, conversations or violence. You deserve to be safe. You deserve to be in a place that you feel no abuse or violence in. Do you have a safe place to go to leave behind the traumas that you have faced? Do you have a strong and compassionate person that can lead you safely through the experience, and remove the memories from every part of your body?

Another way to overcome PTSD is to get healthy. This means eating and drinking the correct things. It also means movement. I know I sound like a broken record, but movement, sleep, and healthy eating have a huge impact on most every part of your life. Reducing or removing caffeinated and sugary tasting drinks will make a difference that you will mostly likely not expect. Inflammatory foods contribute to feelings of anxiety and restlessness. Reducing sugar can help. Movement creates the right hormones and transmitters in your body to help you feel happier. Getting healthy will put you on the road to happiness.

I have talked with you about the importance of nutrition in many of our episodes. Goto

There are alternatives to medications that can also be used. Medications have down sides and they cause side effects. Medications may cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, weight gain, drowsiness, sedation, constipation, and dry mouth. Now herbal treatments can reduce anxiety and depression and are less likely to have side effects. Feverfew and butterbur can be used to treat migraines associated with PTSD. Drinking the following teas may be able to contribute to reducing anxiety and stress: peppermint, turmeric, ginger, Ashwagandha, Kava Kava, Chamomile, passion flower, lemon balm, and rose tea. These natural options can be helpful with overcoming PTSD.

Working through the trauma is also a big help in overcoming PTSD. While working through the traumatic events you will want to work through them on a cellular level throughout your body. This will get rid of the memories. This will help you to overcome the hard-wired survival strategies based on flight, flight, freeze or please responses are hard to break away from. Without overcoming the trauma on a cellular level, you could still fall back into old mind-body-brain patterns.

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Jun 01, 202114:36
Signs that You are Burnt Out and 5 Things to do About it

Signs that You are Burnt Out and 5 Things to do About it

Burn out, I’m betting you know what it is.  I mean who hasn’t experienced more stress over the last year? Burnout is one of the psychological terms that is familiar to the public. Let’s look back in 2019. You spent 10 to 12 hours a day outside of your house. Your kids were gone each and every day for that same time period. Evenings and weekends you spent with friends and family members. You went to the gym, movie theaters and restaurants. You were busy but mostly happy. Then in March of 2020 everything changed. Maybe you started working or attending school remotely, or having your kids home schooled or just home more, maybe your income dropped or you lost a job. It could have been that you lost people, or just did not have the social network that we had before Covid. It may be that you have not seen one of your best friends for over 1 year. Maybe you are a healthcare worker and you have been working overtime, seeing more death and pain than you had in the past. You could be one of the 61% of adults or the 82% of Generation Z that said they needed more emotional support. WHO (World Health Organization) found in a research study that mental health matters including suicide are likely to become a bigger concern in the near future? They stated they will peak later and last longer than Covid. Burnout is now considered an Medical diagnosis by the WHO. What you may not know is “burnout” is a new thing. The term was coined first in 1974 by Herbert Freudenberger in his book The High cost of Achievement. Yet, it can be felt on every continent and in every climb. It does not discriminate by race or nationality. Despite being a new term there are so many people that understand it and feel its effects. How has burnout affected you?

Let’s get into how burnout feels. You could be feeling frustrated with work, and unhappy about the people you work with and the conditions you work in. Maybe your performance is way down and you find hours going by with very little to show for it. You might have symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches or intestinal issues. Burnout can often cause people to feel drained, unable to cope and tired. How many of those are you feeling? Number one thing is for you to stay here on this earth. I want you here! If you are having suicidal thoughts contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911. The number one thing is to stay safe. I care about each of you and want you here so we can be together tomorrow.

I have talked with you about the importance of nutrition in many of our episodes. Goto

The way to conquer burnout is by building good habits into our lives. Habits that promote wellness and reduce stress.

  1. Structure
  2. Take Breaks
  3. Connection
  4. Movement
  5. Control what you can

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May 31, 202115:25
Welcome to Thursdays Exchange with Johnnie Urban

Welcome to Thursdays Exchange with Johnnie Urban

We have Johnnie Urban with Wonderful Life Learning Company and Sensitive Authentic Speaker. Johnnie helps people power their message, attract clients. She makes a difference by teaching people to convert easily and expand their business.   Welcome to Your amazing Life, Johnnie thanks for being here

Ken: Tell us who you were in the beginning and how you got to where you are now? 

Johnnie: A new highly certified Life Success Coach struggling to grow my business. I was told to network and tell everyone I knew that I could help them. It was exhausting going all over the place for my message to fall on deaf ears. I decided that I needed to learn some public speaking skills and messaging so I would be able to grow my coaching business easier. Going from speaking to one person at a time to many people at once was brilliant. Ten years ago, several coaches asked me to hold a class and teach them what I knew. I never thought I’d still be teaching it today.

Ken: What was the most “uncomfortable” or difficult change you had to make? 

Johnnie: Accepting that my body is different now. It’s never going to go back to the way it was before. I was angry at everyone and anything. It was important that I must forgive my body for what I perceived was letting me down. When in reality it actually gave me a better life.

Ken: Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?

Johnnie: I am an open book. Yet recently I realized that I love treasure hunting, always have. I can see things other people miss. The one thing I don’t share much with people is that I can actually see and feel people and animal energy. I use this skill when I am working with people to be able to help them at a deeper level.

I have talked with you about the importance of nutrition in many of our episodes. Goto

Ken: What does it take to have an amazing life? 

Johnnie: Mindset. Non-Negotiable sense of humor.

Ken: If you could only leave three statements for this world and your kids what three things would you leave?

Johnnie: Stick with the mentors who bring out your greatness not your crazy! There is always a way!

Johnnie: Places we can find you: LinkedIn: Johnnie Urban Mentor, FB/Instagram Johnnie Urban Mentor,

Ken: Johnnie I want to recognize you for being authentic. You then show others how to be authentic and to bring out their best selves. We need that today.

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May 27, 202125:23
The Greatest of Moments are Often Small Ones

The Greatest of Moments are Often Small Ones

I want to start by telling a story. By Kent Nerburn

I was responding to a call from a small brick fourplex in a quiet part of town. I assumed I was being sent to pick up some partiers, or someone who had just had a fight with a lover, or someone going off to an early shift at some factory for the industrial part of town.

When I arrived at the address, the building was dark except for a single light in a ground-floor window. Under these circumstances, many drivers would just honk once or twice, wait a short minute, then drive away. Too many bad possibilities awaited a driver who went up to a darkened building at 2:30 in the morning.

But I had seen too many people trapped in a life of poverty who depended on the cab as their only means of transportation. Unless a situation had a real whiff of danger, I always went to the door to find the passenger. It might, I reasoned, be someone who needs my assistance. Would I not want a driver to do the same if my mother or father had called for a cab?

“How much do I owe you?” she asked, reaching into her purse.

“Nothing,” I said.

“You have to make a living,” she answered.

“There are other passengers,” I responded.

Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug. She held onto me tightly. “You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,” she said. “Thank you.”

There was nothing more to say. I squeezed her hand once, then walked out into the dim morning light. Behind me, I could hear the door shut. It was the sound of the closing of a life.

I did not pick up any more passengers that shift. I drove aimlessly, lost in thought. For the remainder of that day, I could hardly talk. What if that woman had gotten an angry driver, or one who was impatient to end his shift? What if I had refused to take the run, or had honked once, then driven away? What if I had been in a foul mood and had refused to engage the woman in conversation? How many other moments like that had I missed or failed to grasp?

We are so conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments. But great moments often catch us unawares. When that woman hugged me and said that I had brought her a moment of joy, it was possible to believe that I had been placed on earth for the sole purpose of providing her with that last ride.

Now the thing about this story is all the little things he did that were out of the norm. Going up to the door at 2:30 AM, going back to help walk the lady out to the cab, driving around experiencing and celebrating the lady's life. So, the question I have is how do we make this experience one that we can expect to have? In my life I have had some similar experiences and each time they have started out with small things. Stopping and helping a homeless person, or smiling and asking someone how they are holding up. Sometimes the experience takes a few minutes, sometimes it takes a couple hours. But each time the wonderful life changing experience was based on small steps that lead to another small step. We are often so busy looking for the large experiences that we miss the small ones that would make the difference.

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May 26, 202111:32
#1 Habit of the Most Successful

#1 Habit of the Most Successful

Our brain is set up with what is known as a Reticular Activating System. What the heck is that you are probably asking. Well, it is a network of neurons in your brain. Check out this info by Mel Robbins. The job of this system is to filter out experiences, sights and sounds. You see there is too much stimulus for us to take in with our conscious mind. So, this system runs in the subconscious.  Without this system we would not be here and we would not have survived as a species. We cannot make sense of this world with all of the stimuli out there if we don’t filter it down. We need the Reticular Activating System sort through the info and bring it down to a feasible chunk size that we can interpret. But that system keeps info from getting to your consciousness. So, if you have ever had the experience where you were looking for the salt and you are unable to see it. You ask “where is the salt?” You hear the answer “it is in the cupboard” and you say “no I’m looking in the cupboard and it is not there.” They come up beside you, reach into the cupboard you are looking at and grab the salt and hand it to you. That is the Reticular Activating System doing its job.

How does this work with emotions or feelings? Let’s look at those of you who feel unlovable. Well guess what you are filtering out all the experiences or things that are in front of your eyes that would help you to feel loved by this reticular activating system (RAS). See this system will put at the forefront of your conscious mind all evidence that can be construed as fulfilling the belief or filter you have set up. If you believe you are not liked at work the reticular activating system will be looking for evidence to back up that belief and it is the only thing that it will let the conscious mind, see. You see what you see because of what you believe. The belief has to come first. “Believing is seeing” according to the evidence and scientific work done on the RAS.

I get that this RAS is important but how does this apply to the habits of the most successful people. The answer is successful people purposefully program the RAS. They do this through visualization. When doing visualization, they close their eyes. Then in those visualizations they see a specific picture of what it looks like in your life when yourself worth has improved. You visualize how you speak up more because of your feelings of self-worth. You will see yourself being connected, defining boundaries, and feeling complete. You are going to see the value that you have. You will see yourself doing the things that will get you to the life you want. In that vision state.

The next thing that you will do after visualizing the specific purpose is to consciously think of the positive emotions you will experience. You will see yourself happy, healthy, and strong. You will know that you will stand taller. That you will be able to share your unique gifts with this world because of knowing who you are. Doing this is actually training your brain to have a totally different filter. If you can make it a complete experience with senses and emotions your brain will process them the same way. There is no difference to your brain between real and imagined experiences. When you visualize this way, it encodes it as a real memory. As you visualize in this way you will gain more confidence, security, and the actual skill needed to do it.

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May 25, 202112:56
What is the Solution to Your Every Problem?

What is the Solution to Your Every Problem?

Did I get your attention with that title? This seemed like a great follow-up to last week's podcasts. Maybe you think that there is no way to find a solution to every problem. Maybe you think not every problem has a solution. But the question was worded carefully. The qualifier “your” makes all the difference in this statement. The simple truth is there is a solution to your every problem. The solution when I put it out there is not one that will excite you. Maybe you won’t even want to admit that is the solution. If once I put this out and you have some resistance to the answer, I hope you will look into that resistance. Find out where the resistance comes from and why you are feeling it? It doesn’t matter if you believe the solution. It is real no matter how much you question it. There is a solution to all of your problems.

How can I be the solution? You are probably asking. I’m doubting that you are comfortable in hearing that you are the solution to all your problems. If you are the solution, why is it that you still have problems? “There is no problem outside of you that is superior to the power within you.” said Bob Proctor, another mentor of mine. I know quite a few people that do not want to believe that they are the solution; they would rather see others outside of them and things that happen to them as a villain and themselves as a victim. Think about all those you know look to others to be the solution. Bosses, government, family members, church leaders they are a victim to all. Do you know anyone like that? How many of them get what they want and how many are happy? Do they have the life you want to have? You are the solution because you are the one with the power. The power is yours you can choose to be the solution you can choose to give up your power to others. It is all your choice.

So how to become the solution. 1st devise a whole list of solutions that might work for the problem that you want solved. Come up with at least 10 possible solutions. You do not want to come up with one or two try them over and over and say see I told you nothing works. This is an important part. Do not judge the ideas you come up with. Write down all of them without judgement. Make each solution different from the others. Be specific with behaviors. You might even ask others whom you can trust for advice on solutions.

You have such power within you. You do not need any more than you have to implement what you want. If you move forward. If you put in the effort, you can create happiness in your life. If you can look around and see anyone else that has come from a place like yours and has become happy then you too have that ability.

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May 24, 202113:36
Welcome to Thursdays Exchange with Rich Cardona

Welcome to Thursdays Exchange with Rich Cardona

We have Rich Cardona. Rich is an amazing Personal Brand and Video Strategist. He is also a podcast host of the “Leadership Locker” and a retired Captain in the Marine Corps; Welcome to the Your Amazing Life show.

It's a long-long road full of switchbacks and uphill climbs as a personal branding and video strategist. It kind of started when I made a very very conscious choice to leave the job, I was in. I was working for Amazon at the time I had spent two years there after the Marine Corps. It’s a pun but I worked at a fulfillment center and it was very unfulfilling. I didn't like it at all, I was able to work hard which appealed to me. But I didn't realize how it was affecting the rest of my life. You know things were getting out of control, I wasn't myself, my family suffered, I suffered. It is just one of those situations in life, where you're just kind of stopped in your tracks and everything around you is telling you that this is just not going to work anymore. It was not where you need to be, this is not how you are going to make a living. So, I quit, my wife gave me permission to quit, I like to say. She supported that decision fully and we all moved in with her parents. We moved from a nice big Texas home into her parents' home in rural Virginia. Then I started exploring things I wanted to do. It sounds ridiculous. I was 38 and I just started exploring what I wanted to do as if I was a teenager. But at the same time, I feel any weight, any pressure because of the support, not to say that I was free-loading or anything like that, but I had every intention of determining what it was and what I wanted to do. Time went on and I had planned on being there like 2 months, it ended up being 6 months. But by doing that I was able to find out exactly what I needed to be doing and that was shining a light on executives, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Many of whom had no video content and I started by simply recording and posting some interviews that I had done with some of my mentors so I could build a following. Then I just realized why aren't these leaders posting on LinkedIn, why aren't they posting here. How many people could benefit from hearing what they have to say and their experience. They are not pitching, they’re not talking about work, not selling anything. They are just talking.

In this episode Rich Cardona talks about who he was in the beginning and how he got to where he is now?

Tell me about the importance of vision and how do people get there?

What was the most “uncomfortable” or difficult change you had to make?

Rich also answers the questions

Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?

What does it take to have an amazing life?

If there were only three ideas that you leave for this world and your posterity, what 3 ideas would you leave for them that could lead them to have an amazing life?

What is the best way for folks to connect with you?

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May 20, 202121:36
How to Step Up When Times are Tough

How to Step Up When Times are Tough

Times might seem like they are tough right now. There is much going on in the world. Many things have never been so divided and things have never been such a global problem as they are today. Covid death rate in the US has gone down since anytime since covid started. But India has over 350 thousand confirmed new cases a day and almost 4,000 deaths a day. There is no place where there are people on this earth that has not been affected. But it has not affected every place equally, places like India are getting hit harder than others like Greenland. Then if we look at the individual lives and how they have been affected. You might be suffering from unemployment. You might not have the money you need for essentials. You might be lonely and have been by yourself for the last year and a half. Maybe you have lost loved ones or family to sickness or unrest. There are multiple reasons that can cause suffering right now.

“Peaks and valleys are connected. The errors you make in today’s good time create tomorrow’s bad time. The wise thing you do in today’s bad times creates tomorrow's good times.” Spencer Johnson MD. I was the man who lived in the valley for years and years. The valleys are the moments when you long for something that is not in your life. When we think this is a tough time then we are in the valley. There was a group on LinkedIn that I am a part of and they were talking about a post. “Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.” One of the people asked about the difference between genuine and toxic positivity. What they were talking about was the peaks and valleys.

So, if that is the case how do we change the labels and get to the peaks in life? Well for changing the memories throughout the body tools like the one that Tyler Watson shared with us works great. In dealing with your “story” be creative with your labels. This even works with the death of someone close to you. I get that they will be missed. Some of you might even think that they left before they should have. But those are labels. It can be hard with that kind of loss and that experience can create huge and long-lasting grief. It is not that we can be happy about the loss but we can be grateful for the time we had together. We can look at what we got from the relationship instead of what we lost. This goes back to a statement I have been telling people for quite a while. I have used it to explain why I want to keep my religious beliefs but it can go deeper than that. “If I am wrong about the way I choose to think and feel I would rather be wrong and feel happy and complete then be right in what I think and feel and be miserable.” 

For many of us when tough times come, we want to blame others and the experiences. We then tend to withdraw from others. We look to find people that will bemoan our situation with us. We think about the problem over and over and we do not move our bodies. All of those things are the exact opposite of what would get us over those.

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May 19, 202112:24
When is it Time to Give Up on Your Dreams?

When is it Time to Give Up on Your Dreams?

I’m betting a few of you also deal with this. For me it gets this way sometimes. I think oh it isn’t working or I can’t do it. Those and a host of other negative thoughts start in on me. They crash through my consciousness through all my waking moments, they overpower my rationale. Right now, this has been affecting me. I have not felt like writing and producing the podcast. Has the podcast changed? Has my ability to write changed? No of course not. There has been nothing that has changed my ability. No, the problem has come from my expectations. I have been dreaming of different experiences. I want more or different outcomes from those that I am receiving. Well, will quitting get me the outcomes I want? No of course not. But how many of you think rationally about things when your expectations aren’t being met? Come on there has to be one or two of you out there that have experienced this.

So why is it that we feel this way? Let’s look into why failure is scary. Well, what are the emotional consequences we have tied to failure? Maybe they are a reflection of our abilities and our self-worth? I mean ME tie my Income into my Self Worth, No way right.? We don’t do that. Remember when we talked about Sarah Blakley in episode 165. I don’t know about you but I have not been celebrating my failure this last week. But how many times can I fail before it is time to quit is the question. If a dream is not materializing at, what point do you decide to give up rather than to keep fighting? Which is harder to keep going or to quit? My life it has always been easier to quit. It doesn’t matter how many hours I have invested. It is difficult to keep going when the investment you make doesn’t equal the outcome you expect.

How do we celebrate the experience whether the expectation is met or not? If we celebrate the experience instead of the win, we can change the influence of our performance. For us stuck in this program we are feeling the performance = worth. Maybe you were told that like I was my expectations are about the performance that I make. I also have expectations about my worth. I hit myself with a double whammy. I have these expectations on both sides of worth and performance. These expectations are what limit my belief and confidence. 

Here again we can change our view. We can change our view of our failures. We can put new meaning to them. Our failures can just be experiences that give us feedback on things that need tweaking. We, like Edison, can say “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Is your current view of failure working for you? Does it get you what you want? If not, maybe you also need to change your view and to adopt Sarah Blakley or Thomas Edison's view of failure. Look at “failure” or life’s “disasters” as another way that doesn’t work so find an alternative path. Those who are successful are able to reframe their “failures.” They move forward and find a different way to get to the goal. If you are driving from New York to California There are many ways that can get you to your destination. If there is a storm and the road you are on is closed and flooded or under construction. You could stop and bemoan the fact that you are stuck or you can turn and drive one way or the other till you get to the next open road. This will get you to your destination. The trip might take more time. It might include quite a bit of changing directions. Maybe you even have to backtrack. But you don’t have to be stopped.

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May 18, 202114:10
How to Ask for Help Without Being Devastated

How to Ask for Help Without Being Devastated

I'm sure you have been there, you know you need help, you want help, but the fear of asking for it is too great. It is easier to just sit there and suffer than to open yourself up and ask for help. It could be a project at work or something in your life. But asking for help is the hardest thing for many of us to do. Maybe you see yourself as someone who helps others. It could be that want others to see you as strong. It could be that you see asking for help as weakness. There are a lot of misconceptions. Maybe you don’t see yourself as worthy of the help that you need or you think you will brother or be a drain on others. I’m sure there are more reasons and whatever yours is, you just set their suffering without asking.

The truth is that humans are a pack or social being. We are designed to work together. We could not survive on our own as we developed as a race. We need help because it may be something too big and heavy for one person; like trying to lift or move a grand piano by yourself. How many of you would even attempt that? Maybe it is just something outside your wheelhouse, something you do not have the skill or talent to do. But trying to accomplish these tough things on your own will lead to feelings of being alone. Even though asking for help may seem difficult it is what will serve and support you. It is what you are hardwired to do. This is how we survived on this planet. You could not kill a lion or bison on your own. It took a team. Nothing great in history has been done without a team. You are not meant to be alone. You are not the only one who suffers. By asking for help others can get the idea that it is okay for them to also ask. It is because of our need to be together, that asking creates a bond.

The most important question I think we can answer today is; How do we ask for help? To start with “We Must Ask” using words. Mind reading is not something that we can rely on. Asking out loud for what we need is very important. The correct way to ask, is just to be honest and tell them that you need help, and what you need help with. It is important to say it with confidence and be straightforward also. Using honesty, confidence and being straightforward gives people a feeling that you can be trusted. It lets them know that you want their help and you think highly of them and their abilities to help you overcome the problem. You might find the person you asked for help has a deeper understanding of the problem than you expected. Maybe they too have dealt with it or something close to it in their life. Asking will help you understand that you are not alone! It will bring you closeness with those that you ask.

Some tools to use before asking someone for help. First know your audience before making the request. Is this a person that will know how to help? Will they have the knowledge and be able to explain to me how to get past the problem? Will they see the need I have? Do they care enough to put in the effort to help me find the answer? Next tool is to formulate the words and questions you want answered before you go and ask. This goes back to the straightforward part. If you stumble around and do not know how to ask the question It will be very difficult for someone to understand the problem and help you find a solution. 

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May 17, 202113:07
Welcome to Thursdays Exchange with Christopher Salem

Welcome to Thursdays Exchange with Christopher Salem


We have Christopher Salem, today and I am so excited about this. Christopher is an Executive Coach, Corporate Trainer, Amazing Keynote speaker, Radio show host, and an international best seller award winning writer. Welcome to the Show Christopher! What was it that happened that started this journey for you?


This goes back 22 years ago roughly almost 22 years ago today. I had a life-changing moment that happened between myself and my father. You know prior to that my life was really out of control, my business was up and down. I lived in the effect of the issues I was dealing with. I was constantly in fight or flight mode. I had struggled 12 years from addiction, at the time. I just thought I was just dealt the wrong deck of cards and that's how I felt. I was a victim of life and I didn't really understand how to go about and navigate. I did know I grew up codependently in a dysfunctional home. I just knew my life wasn’t working out. what I knew now all of this is in hindsight I didn't know what was going on other than my life wasn't working out. I was struggling with 12 years of addiction to alcohol, sex, and drugs. As a result of that this life changing event was my father had been diagnosed with cancer and he was given a year-and-a-half to live. He ended up dying 4 months into his diagnosis. I remember the day before he died, I remember him looking over at me but he couldn't talk. His eyes were somewhat open but it was like he was really there. Yet in a way he was, it was just in a different way. It was like him communicating to me. Saying listen I apologize; I wasn't the dad that you were looking for or expected. I did the best I could, I only could give what I knew, and that for some reason hit me in a way that I never imagined.


All right we are back with Christopher Salem and we talked about how his journey started and we talked about how meditation and journaling became a big part of his life. Now tell me about your Master Your Inner Critic book and the seven steps to eradicate the root of the problem?


So, Master Your Inner Critic is a book I wrote about five years ago now. Master Your Inner Critic outlines the process of knowing that our inner critic is that internal voice that speaks to us from limiting beliefs. It can convince us that we're not worthy, or not enough, and that we are everything that our limiting beliefs define us to be. Which is completely in an illusion and false. So, resolving the root cause is like with anything else. If you have cancer, you take out the tumor. You have to make sure you get the tumor at the root. You want to get all of the cells from that tumor that may still be there. Because otherwise the cancer can come back. It is the same thing with limited beliefs, you got to get to the root cause to eradicate it. Then use a process to sustain it, this is where the 8 pillars of wellness come in. They allow us to find that work life harmony some people sometimes call it balance. But when you think about it as balance, is there really such a thing as balance in life? No. It is more of harmony. It is a seesaw, teetering.  


What is the best way for folks to connect with you?


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May 13, 202123:04
Four Traits Required to Have an Amazing Life

Four Traits Required to Have an Amazing Life

The whole point of this podcast is to help you build a life that you dream of. I am giving out tips and tricks every day. Today I want to get to some basics. There are four things that are required for you to have in order for you to build the life that you want! So, let's look at them.

The first is Competence. Competence means you have the ability to do something well. In life it is important to be able to perform a task or project effectively. Now some people have competence due to God given talents. Others develop competence through practice and study to develop those skills. It doesn’t matter how you gain the competence. Competence is straightforward and transparent. If you want to become competent at something that is not a talent, you can by study and practice. Now if you choose competencies that build on talents it takes less time and can move you farther ahead.

The second one is Confidence. Confidence in yourself will help you to level up. It is the knowledge that provides a feeling of security. Being confident requires a realistic sense of your capabilities. You need to have confidence that you can handle any emotional outcomes that you may face. The problem is people will first look to our confidence to see if we are capable. Then after a time of watching us they will form their own opinion but it will still be tainted by the belief they saw in us. So having confidence in our abilities is very important to help us feel safe and secure. Confidence is important, when we have it for ourselves others look at us differently.

The third thing is Choice. You need the freedom to act in the thing that you have competence and confidence in. If you are unable to choose to do something you are good at you will not have a great life. There are some things that people are somewhat competent in and they develop confidence around them because of the competence. But at times they are things that have been chosen for them. Maybe they were chosen for them by a spouse or parent, maybe they were chosen for them by circumstances. It doesn’t matter if you are doing something that you are competent and confident in but you didn’t have the freedom to choose. It is likely that you will not be as happy as you would be if you had the ability to choose what you did.

Number four is Connectedness. Many of us have been missing this as of late. Maybe you have seen a dip in your happiness that has corresponded with your lack of connectedness. According to Stanford Medicine a strong social connection leads to a 50% increased chance of longevity. They also have lower levels of anxiety and depression. It is not about the number of friends that you have you could have 1,000 and yet feel disconnected from them. Or you could have 3 friends and feel very connected. This last year it has been very difficult for people to connect.

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May 12, 202110:54
10 Ways to Make it Big in Tough Times!

10 Ways to Make it Big in Tough Times!

Right now, things have been tough pretty much all over the world. We have had Covid 19, Fires, floods, famine, freezing temps, and now the biggest drought in recorded history for the mountain west. Plus, we have had riots and civil unrest. Some of these have been only in the US but most of them have been world problems. It has been a challenging time for many people the world over. Many people have been mistreated and abused. During this time there are opportunities. “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” ― Albert Einstein. During this time, you have the chance to make changes and find solutions. That is what comes in these times of conflict and challenge that we all are going through.

There are important things to keep in mind during this time. When times get tuff many people forget what they have overcome. They become sad and or gloomy. They start to believe things will never change. That they will be unable to overcome these problems. Those who take on these feelings often get stuck and are unable to move past the challenge. But keep in mind that challenges and conflict are at the beginning of change.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Stay positive: “Life is not the way it’s supposed to be, it’s the way it is. The way you cope is what makes the difference.” – Virginia Satir
  2. Bad times end: Throughout history, the tough times have ended.
  3. Learn from the inopportune times: “Facing difficulties is inevitable, learning from them is optional” – John Maxwell.
  4. Picture past difficult situations and realize that even though you didn’t feel like you would ever get past that you did.
  5. It is okay to ask for help: There are people in your life who would be anxious to help if only they knew how and when too.
  6. Focus on what you can control: You are setting yourself up to be miserable when you focus on things outside of your control.
  7. Build up your support group: Like we talked about in episode 202. Positive people will give you a support system that is authentic and helpful.
  8. Forgive: Forgiveness is not for the one that caused the pain, it is the way you release the pain from inside of you. 
  9. Be kind and take care of yourself. Do things that make you happy. This is a time when a hike or walk in the park can help.
  10. Be Grateful: Make a list with everything you can think of that you can be thankful for including the lessons that life has helped you to learn.

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May 11, 202110:38
Do you Need to Borrow a Great Spouse?

Do you Need to Borrow a Great Spouse?

So, this post was on my feed. "I have a husband who helps, but that doesn't mean I was 'so lucky to find a man like that.' Yes, I'm lucky to have him. But him being what a father and husband should be is not the main reason. ⁣⁣When I tell others; I'm going away for a weekend to meet up with friends, he's cooking dinner tonight, or he took them grocery shopping without me, or he cleaned up and did the laundry, the people I’m talking to look like I've told them a ghost story. Then comes the, 'Oh my god, you're so lucky! I need to borrow him. I need a man like that.'

The thing is we're a team. I pick up after him, he picks up after me, and we take turns looking after the kids so we both get a break. ⁣⁣Being in a relationship, especially with kids, takes a ton of work, from both sides.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣When he comes home from work, he plays with the kids so I can make dinner. Then I'll play with the kids while he cleans up the kitchen. I make dinners on the weeknights, and he makes breakfast every weekend morning. ⁣⁣We both have each other's backs. We both do our share of 'work' at home and with the kids. That's the way it should be. ⁣I'm not lucky to have him because he does what a father should be doing. I'm lucky to have him because of the person he is. And who I am when I'm with him." Now this is a marvelous post.  And I wanted to break it down and go over it.

Let’s look at the first paragraph. It talks about being lucky but not because of the actions that he makes as a father or husband. Being a father and husband mean different things to different people, in different places and at different times. But let us look at the big picture and see what we can find. Most will agree that a father is responsible for the welfare of his wife and children. This can be for things like a roof over their heads, clothing, shoes, food and education. That is only a small part of what total welfare is.

So now let’s move to the second part of the post. Only in shared responsibilities can you have the opportunity to take a moment to catch your breath on the bench. Life, especially with kids, takes a ton of work. Parenting is meant to be a tag team. When one of you is down on the mat, you slap their hand and jump in to save them. This is what builds a strong relationship. This builds trust in one another. If you care about your spouse or child; You have to jump into the game. Families need to be a team. They need to work together. Fathers cannot be the coach setting on the sideline, no they need to be on the field side by side with the rest of the team. They can be a leader on the team. But if they are not on the team the team will not win. Here are some stats. Without a strong father, children are at 2X’s greater risk of obesity, a 4Xs greater risk of poverty, and 7X’s more likely to become pregnant as a teen. If you think one person can’t make a difference then look at the proof of what a father can do. Check out the National Fatherhood Initiative. A fathers' nurturing presence helps children mentally, socially and emotionally. Take responsibility for changing this world! Take the responsibility of being a father to your children.

I want to go over this last sentence one more time. “I'm lucky to have him because of the person he is. And who I am when I'm with him.” This is the type of relationship that I hope you have! This is the kind of relationship I want to help you create.

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May 10, 202109:14
Welcome to Thursdays Exchange with Tad Stephens

Welcome to Thursdays Exchange with Tad Stephens

Tad Stevens impresses me as a marketing strategy guru, He is fantastic at online advertising! He is a SCORE Mentor. He puts his money, where his mouth is with an incredible money back guarantee. He does exceptional high-ticket funnels in 15 days. Help me welcome Tad, it is great to have you with us today.

Ken: So, Tad, everyone wants an amazing life but not everyone gets there, what do you think it takes to get to an amazing life?

Tad: That is an interesting question because just a while back I was trying to answer that in a way that honestly, I could deliver to my audience that made sense and had a catchy acronym. I never got it to the catchy acronym but I came up with “FEAD” That stands for focus, empathy, articulation, and decisiveness. What I've seen in my coaching, my mentoring over the last several years and with me. Is if those four things aren't in alignment, then you generally don't get there. Most of the people that are doing those four aren't thinking about it. They are not consciously thinking, I got to be focused today, they just know. I got to be focused and I got a care about the people that I am selling to so I really understand what their needs are so I can provide that solution. Then I got to be able to articulate it. If I can’t articulate my offer no one will take me up on it because they don’t know what I offer. Then I have to be decisive. I have to make moves right or wrong. I got to move.

Ken: It is so easy to get caught up in what's new and glamorous right I mean there is all over the place.

Tad: Shiny Object syndrome is alive and well.

Ken: So, Tad what skills or talents do you have that most people don't know about?

Tad: I made a lot of mistakes, one of my favorite quotes is and I’ll probably butcher it but it goes something to the effect of: I have no special talents or innate talents, I'm just passionately curious. What I have found in my interviews on my podcast on my show.  Cuz, I ask people a similar question. I found that people that are successful by their definition have passion for what they are doing. It is what gets them out of bed in the morning. It’s not the money, the money is important, but it’s what they are doing. They really like it. In fact, I was talking to a guy yesterday who has a $100,000 coaching program. It takes a year, you sign up, he offers progress payments but it's 100 Grand. That is a niche audience and he was talking to one of his clients and they were asking how much coaching he did online” He said I’m coaching through zoom most of the day, they said “oh man, how can you do that?” The client asked a question which identified that he didn't understand. What the coach was doing and what we were doing would have been work to the client. He didn't know that it was passion and what the coach loves.

Ken: Thanks for all that information, where can our listeners go to find you?

Tad: They can find my podcast Micro Success Secrets or search any of the major networks and we pop right up. They can also go to our website.

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May 06, 202122:07
How to Inoculate the World from a Threat Bigger than Covid

How to Inoculate the World from a Threat Bigger than Covid

So mental health issues are a bigger threat than covid. We touched on this in episode 197 depression affects more than 18 million adults in the US and is the primary cause of disability for ages 15-44.  So, in the last year according to the CDC the US has had 569,771 deaths related to covid as of the time I wrote this. That is less than 2% die from having covid. According to American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Suicide is 10th leading cause of death in the US. Individuals with serious mental illness (some studies estimate as many as two-thirds) are responsible for a disproportionate number of mass public killings.

So, the problem is the disconnection and depression that people feel in our world. How do we inoculate against those? We need to change our culture. We need to foster feelings of “you are not alone.” If we can get others to smile and help them feel happier or better than they did before we came into contact with them that is a change to this world. If we could get the message out there that they are important to us and them being alive is important to us we can change their world. We can change things by being there for others, and by helping them to know that they are cared for. We can be different, if we could ask” what can I do now to help you?” You have the chance to save more people than you know.

Now, I do not want to downplay the seriousness of the problem. Even if we all did this it would take more work to solve the issues but this would move us a lot farther ahead than we are and solve many of the problems. If we became compassionate listeners without trying to fix others, we could make a difference in the world. This is not just a one-time act. No, we need to become that type of person. Since those that are struggling tend to isolate, we need to reach out. What do you think showing you care would do to those around you? How would it change their lives? This is a serious problem. But if people felt loved and accepted many would not get into depression and some might be cured. It is something that you can do to help. It is a way you can make a difference in this world. This is a serious problem but you are part of the key to fixing it.

Other parts of society that we also need to change to affect these outcomes are the food and nutrition that we provide. We know what a devastating effect high fructose syrup has on people yet we still use it and we make it cheap. We use colorings that the body is not adept to deal with. We make readily available stimulants like caffeine, coffee and soda then we also make depressants like alcohol. These are consumed in great quantities maybe even daily and they play a big part in the mental health problem that we are struggling with.

There are so many tools that are available to help yet many of them do not produce income so they are overlooked or ignored. But each of us as an individual can make a difference.

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May 05, 202110:33
5 Reasons to Leave Negative, Backstabbing Relationships

5 Reasons to Leave Negative, Backstabbing Relationships

So, Evelyn and I were talking about a friend of ours that has a toxic attitude. My wife (Eve) is a very kind soul and many people come to her with their problems. She likes to be an example, and a leader, and to listen to them and provide feedback when appropriate. Well, this particular person they can’t find anything good out of life, they have nothing to be grateful for, and they are miserable. She has known this friend since high school and they have been in a tough place for years. The whole universe is against them. Eve has stuck by them and tried to be an example. The problem is they are content being miserable. They will not listen to any of the ideas Eve has. They know better and nothing will work for them. I’m sure there are only one or two people like that in the world so you might not know anyone like that (ha-ha.) If people have a toxic attitude what is the next step?

Is there a problem and why would you not want to be around someone like this? If you shut them out you can't be an example, right? Why not just listen to them drone on? It doesn’t hurt you, correct? I used to go crabbing when I lived in Oregon. Crabs are so yummy. But they are also interesting to study. If you put one in a bucket by itself it will climb out most of the time, they are resourceful on their own. But you can fill that same bucket up to almost full and none of the crabs will get out. The reason is that as one crab starts to get out one of the others will grab them and pull them back in. There are so many people that act this same way. They are so concerned with getting out of the bucket overcoming the negatives in their lives they will keep others there with them. Now this is not because they want you to be miserable.

The 5 reasons to be around positive people are:

  1. Creates a support system: Positive people not only want to succeed they want you to succeed also. They will want to uplift you. They will lend you and ear, give you a shoulder to cry on. Then instead of commiserating with you they will help you move forward.
  2. Positive people are also authentic: They will be there to offer you help and ideas to get you to where you want to be. They will be concerned with your wellbeing and what is important to you will be important to them. These relationships are based off of real love like we talked about last week.
  3. Motivation: Being positive provides the desire to move forward. It inspires you to steer clear of drama and downward spirals. It persuades you to make better and healthier decisions. Positive people are imperative to help us navigate towards success.
  4. Happiness: Positive people will bring happiness into your life. When surrounded by positive people the good times are easier to see and celebrate. Their happiness is contagious.
  5. Influential: Humans tend to absorb the tendencies of those that we spend a lot of time with. When we surround ourselves with positive people, we see things differently. It impacts our souls and creates more opportunity.

If you are tired of suffering from negative people, harassment and being beat up. If you need help discovering tools to move on. Maybe you would love to have a supportive system. So that you can be a positive, happy, person again. If you want to struggle less and to experience motivation to enjoy more. If you want a truly amazing life that is connected and complete, you need the “you have value program” I would love to create who you are capable of.

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May 04, 202111:56
How Extraordinary People Start a Captivating Day

How Extraordinary People Start a Captivating Day

What is a powerful morning routine and how do you start one? Most of you start your day off alarmed as your phone buzzes next to the bed. You grab the phone, turn off the alarm, get up and throw on some clothes or a robe. You walk into the kitchen, grab some breakfast or coffee and start looking at your feed, email, and maybe the news to see what is going on in the world. Maybe you exercise, or get the kids off to school. Then you jump in the car, turn on some music or walk into the home office. There are a million different ways to start your day. Finding out what serves you best is important. I can’t give you an ideal routine that fits everyone as we are all a little different. But let’s look at some tools to build your amazing day.

Do you start your day with your focus hijacked? Looking at emails and checking voicemail? Looking at what fires need to be put out during the day. This helps you find out what requirements people have for you? Ron Friedman said in the Harvard Business Review, “What’s the first thing you do when you arrive at your desk? For many of us, checking email or listening to voicemail is practically automatic. In many ways, these are among the worst ways to start a day. Both activities hijack our focus and put us in a reactive mode, where other people’s priorities take center stage. They are the equivalent of entering a kitchen and looking for a spill to clean or a pot to scrub.” Do you start your day looking for a pot to scrub or do you plan your day?

If any of these things happen in the morning then your priorities are on the back burner from that point on. Mark Twain came up with a famous saying that has been backed by research time and again. Mark said “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” I interpret this to mean start with the biggest most important task, the ones that will make the most difference in your life first. In the planning meeting plan what frog to eat.

Steve Jobs said in a commencement address he gave in 2005 He stated “For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” What if today were your last day? Would you call in sick? Do you know what you would want to do? Do you dread Mondays and live for the weekends? If so, is security worth giving up 3/4ths of your life? Is there a way to live your life so that you love nearly every day? If you are tired of suffering through this and need help to get to where you want to go. Let’s talk.

There are three things that are important in a great morning routine.

  1. Listen to your body talk: for creativity, sleep, food, exercise.
  2. Disengage: Zero notifications from your phone at night
  3. Make mornings about you: Use your amazing life, journals, meditating, stretching
  4. Track your success.

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May 03, 202111:38
Today is Thursdays Exchange with Debbie Langley

Today is Thursdays Exchange with Debbie Langley

Debbie Langley with Experience More Inc, is an Internet Entrepreneur, brilliant social media strategist, Wellness Mentor, Teacher, and Philanthropist.  Thanks for being here today Debbie, welcome.

What makes your life amazing?

I think there are a number of things that make my life amazing. These include a positive outlook; willingness to try new things and to work hard; acceptance that failure is one step closer to my goals; and probably the most important is my faith that God is in the details of my life, He wants me to succeed.

Tell me what accomplishments your most proud of:

Raising my 6 children to be contributing, loving, service-oriented adults. I am extremely proud of my children and their families.

What is the toughest thing you have had to overcome in your life?

Probably my divorce after 32 years of marriage. All I had ever really wanted to be was a good wife and mother. It affected me in so many ways. I thought getting the divorce papers signed would allow me to move forward in my life. Unfortunately, it took almost 6 more years to have everything else finished.

Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?

When I was a teenager, I started managing one of my dad's garages. Besides being a manager, I was also an auto mechanic.

I am self-taught in many things. I believe in constantly learning.

In 2019, I graduated from college with 3 associate degrees. Two in IT, Business Intelligence and Database Administration and the other in integrated studies.

What does it take to have an amazing life?

It takes courage, bravery, and a can-do attitude. Life is always changing and we never really know what's ahead of us. If we have courage to face our obstacles, bravery to step into the unknown, and the attitude that we can do it, then nothing can stop us.

If there were only three ideas that you leave for this world and your posterity, what 3 ideas would you leave for them that could lead them to have an amazing life?

1. You are a precious child of God. He will always love you and be there with His arms outstretched towards you.

2. Be reconciled with God and His laws and everything else will work out.

3. With God all things are possible. Be strong in your faith. Doubt your doubts, not your faith.

Places to find you:(LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook)

If you are tired of suffering, beating up on yourself, overreacting, using avoidance tactics, breaking your word, and doing it over and over again; If you want to struggle less and enjoy more. If you want a truly amazing life that is connected and complete, you need the “you have value program” If you are willing to make some changes, be kind to yourself, fail forward and continue to try, or stop chasing comfort. I would love to help you to create who you are actually capable of becoming.  Contact me.

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Apr 29, 202122:46
How Self Love Feels

How Self Love Feels

When we were born our natural state was “love” we love ourselves. Then we started to see outside of ourselves and if we were in a secure supportive environment, we felt love for our parents. Then the circle continued with other family members and friends. Now for all of us there was a point that that all changed. The point that caused the pain is different for all of us. Maybe as a young child you were not wanted. Maybe instead of being loved you were the point of someone's power or lust like we talked about in the last episode. So maybe the story you took was that you were unwanted, or unworthy. Maybe it happened later in your teen years. Most of us have picked up a time where we stop loving ourselves. We then start to judge and compare ourselves. We put the needs of others ahead of ours, maybe we created an addiction, started to abuse our bodies, or accept less than we deserve. These are the opposite of self-love. How did we move so far from our natural state of feeling “loved.”? Well, It all starts with our story. At some time, you took an experience you had and assigned a certain meaning to it, that you are unlovable.

How do we reverse that? To start loving yourself the thing to do is to become aware and accept that you are the only one with the power to change that feeling. So often people say “I can’t control what others do. I'm just reacting to them. But the truth is the triggers are yours. You have the ability to move and maybe even remove the buttons that they push. Not everyone reacts the same way to the same stimuli. If others can react differently, you can choose too also. We free ourselves as we learn to control our thoughts and change them to adjust our emotions. How has being a slave to your emotions served you so far? Does it make you feel loved? Of course not. When you truly love yourself, you find the love and strength inside of you to not react to the situation.

One of the things that will lead you towards loving yourself is to contemplate on your own value and worth. As you learn of your true value and worth you will see yourself differently. As someone of value you will not allow that voice in your head to dribble on and on beating yourself up. As being someone of worth you will not put others needs before your own. You would not treat any other person of worth like that but for some reason it has been okay to treat yourself that way in the past.

Now that you have contemplated on your value and worth it is time to show yourself compassion and patience. Just because you have started to see your value doesn’t mean that you will not react in situations nor that you will not slip back and into an addiction. Those triggers will still be found from time to time. That is okay. Now is the time to practice compassion. It is okay to fail. That is a part of the life experience we are having. You do not have to be perfect. Here is a time to be patient.

If you are tired of suffering, beating up on yourself, overreacting, using avoidance tactics, breaking your word, and doing it over and over again; If you want to struggle less and enjoy more. If you want a truly amazing life that is connected and complete, you need the “you have value program” If you are willing to make some changes, be kind to yourself, fail forward and continue to try, or stop chasing comfort. I would love to help you to create who you are actually capable of becoming.  Contact me. 

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Apr 28, 202111:16
All You Need is Love? Fact or Fiction?

All You Need is Love? Fact or Fiction?

Just from the title I bet the Beatles song rang through your head. “All You Need is Love, da, da,da,da,daaa” According to Maslow and others there are a few other needs. But love is on the list and pretty high up there! While love may not be the only thing you need without it, life would be bitter and worthless. But John Lennon was on to something when he said “We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others.”

So, the answer to the question Who loves you anyways? The answer needs to start with ME; I love myself! Love of someone else is only possible when we love ourselves. Love is found in a few other mammal groups but nowhere else in the animal kingdom. It is primarily a distinctive human trait. It is what allows us to create a special connection outside of those we are related to and our mate. Love is part of the blueprint that has made survival of the species possible.

Love comes about as we engage in a mutually intensified relationship. Self-love doesn’t come from meeting only our needs. No that makes us either narcissistic or a sociopath. Self-love is developed as we meet the needs of ourselves as well as others we are in relationships with. Love makes us whole. Not from the outside but from the inside. I am complete not because of my wife or the amazing relationship I have with her. No, but as I built the amazing relationship with her, I gained more love for myself. It is synergistic. Love is deeply caring for others. Loving hands can soothe pains, it can ease hurts. Love is what makes life beautiful. Without it we will lose our taste for life. If you are thinking about taking yourself out of this world, then you are not feeling loved!

The first step to loving anyone, yourself included you must recognize the value of that person you want to love. You and everyone on this earth has overcome amazing odds to get here. Everyone here has talents and abilities that are unique to them. Everyone on this earth is lovable. Each one of us is capable. Your relationships are a defining factor in shaping your life. If you love someone; you will listen, respect and understand that person. So how much do you listen, respect and understand yourself? Those are required of you in order to feel deeply for yourself or others. It is difficult to snow others for long periods of time. It is just not very likely. The effort that would take would be incredible. So, if there are people who love you, those that care, then there are reasons that you are worthy of being loved. Even if you can’t see them. Love is recognizing the value of a person and being true to oneself.

If you are tired of suffering, beating up on yourself, overreacting, using avoidance tactics, breaking your word, and doing it over and over again; If you want to struggle less and enjoy more. If you want a truly amazing life that is connected and complete you need the “you have value program.” If you are willing to make some changes, be kind to yourself, fail and continue to try, or stop chasing comfort. I would love to help you create who you are actually capable of becoming.  Contact me,

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Apr 27, 202113:04
How Does a Study on Rabbits Reveal the Secret to Living a Longer Life?

How Does a Study on Rabbits Reveal the Secret to Living a Longer Life?

So, there was a study done in 1978 that became known as the “Rabbit Effect” There has since been additional studies and a book written about it. It has opened up new and groundbreaking research. What is this study you might ask and how did it reveal the secret to living longer? Let’s start with the study. Dr Robert Nerem and his research staff performed a study to establish the relationship between a high fat diet and heart health. To do this they put together several groups of New Zealand White rabbits and feed them a diet high in fat. They expected to find high cholesterol levels in the rabbits and fatty deposits in the small blood vessels like the long proven and recited results of today. But they came upon a problem: there was a significantly large number of rabbits that did not have the results they were expecting.

So how does this play into our lives? In a day when heart health is part of most conversations about health. In a society that speaks constantly about “Low Fat” At least 48% of the US adults have some form of cardiovascular disease. Half of the adults in the US have some form of heart disease. That is so huge! But the important question is why? Well, the difference that was found in the rabbit effect had nothing to do with the high fat diet. In fact, it had nothing to do with what the rabbits ate.  It all boiled down to how they were treated. It had more to do with the love they felt from the researcher. Well in a day when we are more apt to get someone hating on us for what we said rather than love for who we are. In an age when depression affects more than 18 million adults in the US and is the primary cause of disability for ages 15-44. This is a huge problem, to more than just our mental health!

How is it that something that accounts for $23 billion in lost workdays each year doesn’t have every headline? Some Politicians are concerned with gun violence. If we compare homicide at 16,000 lives per year in comparison to suicide which is over 41,000. Homicide is less than half. Where is the outrage that people are killing themselves? If we look at Veterans it affects even more of this small population. Up to 20 out of every 100 Vets deal with PTSD. This is something that needs more people talking about it.

But what can we do to have a longer life? Well, the answer is pretty simple: surround yourself with love and show love to everyone else. It doesn’t matter if you agree with people or not. It is possible to love people and disagree with them. I have many family members that I don’t agree with on so many levels but I still love them. It doesn’t matter what they believe or think. But so many times in society we judge not only the beliefs but the person for having them. We have to hate on others because they see things differently. Hate is the opposite of love. We close ourselves off from love and cripple our ability to feel it when we have hate, inside of us.

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Apr 26, 202113:54