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Your Brain On Weird

Your Brain On Weird

By Sage & Sam

This is Your Brain On Weird, a podcast about the paranormal - for all things strange, wacky, and WEIRD!

Join Sage and Sam as they explore the unexplained, swap stories, and smoke weed from the comfort of their homes!

This show is recommended for mature audiences only.
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YBOW53: Manifesting T-Shirts

Your Brain On WeirdMay 30, 2021

YBOW70: 1700's George Lucas

YBOW70: 1700's George Lucas

Howdy, boys! Okay, this isn't about the director of Star Wars. However, it is about a man with a very similar name screaming, crying, and (not actually) throwing up in the 1700's. George Lukins, also known as the Yatton Demoniac, caused a stir in Somerset County, UK when he had "strange fits" for about 18 years. Sage tells us about the theories behind this possible demonic possession and we discuss how it could have just been a prank.
Then Sam tries out some newer, higher potency edibles and we talk about weird inventions stoners have come up with in order to smoke their weed. From apples to gravity bongs, we've basically figured it all out... Although we don't recommend using aluminum foil or hookahs.
Thanks for listening!
Feb 20, 202201:06:25
YBOW69: Rip, Rip, Hooray!

YBOW69: Rip, Rip, Hooray!

Happy episode 69! (Nice)

Sam returns with another story about a local cult. We discuss the church of Santo Diame, their practices, and the effect that the drug that they take has on their members. This ended up being a very interesting discussion on how cults can manipulate their members, and the importance of keeping an open mind when it comes to your beliefs.

Then we held a DOUBLE Meducation session today where Sage refreshed and updated the information on cannabis and COVID. We addressed the rumors around how weed could protect you from the virus, and the work that's being done on an effective use. This also served as a reminder to actually read articles before you share them!

For Meducation part two, Sam showed us their new electric "herb" grinder that we affectionately call "The Weed Whacker". It's great for people who are disabled or just have trouble using a traditional grinder!

Thanks for joining us once again!

Click here to join our Patreon and see the unedited video from this recording!

Feb 06, 202201:17:32
YBOW68: Things That Go "Cluck" In The Night

YBOW68: Things That Go "Cluck" In The Night

We're baaaaack! Thanks for your patience while we took an unexpected hiatus! We started this episode with some personal life updates and some PSA's about the ongoing pandemic. 

Sage then told us the hilarious and pun-filled story of the ghostly chicken and Sir Francis Bacon. It's probably not exactly what you would expect. But some great scientific discoveries were made and incredible poems were written as a result. Once again, we highly speculate why this strange haunting occurred and why the sightings eventually stopped.

No Meducation this time around, although we did discuss Sam's meds for ADHD and how they've helped in their everyday life. 

Lastly, we talked about changes we're making for the new year as well as new benefits for our Patrons! If you'd like to become a Patron, you can sign up at

Hydrate yourselves! Get vaccinated! Wear a mask (properly)! And smoke responsibly!

Jan 23, 202246:55
YBOW67: Jack Horror

YBOW67: Jack Horror

We started out this week with a fun discussion about Just New England Things! Fall in our area is a wonderful time full of candles, cornhole, and weird beach games.

Then Sam led us on a discussion on horror movies! We talked about the psychological effects of horror "films", some of our favorites, and other movies from all over the time! It's a creepy good time.

Instead of Meducation this week, we had a nice talk about terrible people who don't deserve our support. This basically ended up being a talk about "separating the art from the artist" and our views on it.

Thanks for listening!

Sep 12, 202151:10
YBOW66: Mr. Satan's Brownies

YBOW66: Mr. Satan's Brownies

Happy Episode 66! Sage couldn't resist making this episode Satanism Part Two: Satan in religious history and demons that are related to Satan! For once, we put on our theology hats. We end up figuring out through this episode that Christianity is the root of a lot of our problems, and talk about other "entities" that are associated with Satan.

And then, conveniently, we decided to talk about snacks! Sam shared with us some of the edibles they've found at the dispensary recently.  We talked about edibles that actually taste good, and how we need access to more vegan gummies! We also bitched about kids these days and how some will never know the Magic of the Mids.

Thanks for listening!

Sep 05, 202158:60
YBOW65: Knife on a Stick

YBOW65: Knife on a Stick

Happy Halloween! We know it isn't October yet... But it feels like it! Get ready for some fun skeleton facts to make you feel a little uncomfy!

We were a little tired from our festivities this weekend, but we have some plant updates for you and then Sam told us a very weird story. We highly speculated about the Beast of Gévaudan and whether or not it's a werewolf. This episode had a bunch of french names, including some professional wolf hunters! It's good old 1700's fun for the whole family!

Then we got super occult-y with this week's edition of Meducation! Sage told us how we can contact the plant spirit through ritual, and walked us through all 7 steps. This ritual came from High Magick by Philip H. Farber, which we highly recommend for all your Weed Witchery!

Thanks for listening!

Aug 29, 202145:39
YBOW64: Tough "Tony" Bastone

YBOW64: Tough "Tony" Bastone

CW: murder, homelessness, discussion of alcoholism

Sage is on a true crime kick for some reason, but we promise it's still very weird! We went on a wild ride with the story of Iron Mike, or Mike the Durable. Michael Molloy was an Irish immigrant who stayed strong, even when a bunch of guys were literally out to get him. Sage told us this crazy, but inspiring story, and we dedicated our 4:20 hits to him!

Then Sam talked about how we could make cannabis more sustainable, starting with reducing packaging and talking more about the environment. We really need to start making some BIG changes, and by that we mean corporations, if we want cannabis to remain sustainable.

Thanks for listening!

Aug 22, 202154:50
YBOW63: Lobotomy Season

YBOW63: Lobotomy Season

We recorded in the morning after caffeinating ourselves, so we were on another level this time. Sage started with some crazy numerology realizations about our friendship, leading us once again to talk about how we may or may not be losing our minds. It's our own personal Hellier!

Sam shared the truly awful but fascinating story of Norwich State Hospital for the Insane. We swear we haven't talked about this one before! It's just another place where they ruined a lot of people's lives, experimenting with bodies and what not. It's also super haunted, what remains of it anyway.

Then It's time to catch these hands... Of knowledge! We revisited the concept of The Entourage Effect and Sage explained how THC, CBD, terpenes, and all of that good stuff can help you feel your best.

Thanks for listening!

Aug 16, 202144:10
YBOW62: Just an Axe-ident

YBOW62: Just an Axe-ident

CW: violent murder, discussions of abuse

We've returned from our east coast road trip with some wild stories and synchronicities! The days leading up to this episode were certainly a wild ride. Sometimes you just need a sign from the universe that you're on the right track!

As a result of all of this, Sage decided to talk about the Lizzie Borden house - and things just got even more wild. Sage gave us a timeline of the murders of Abby and Andrew Borden, then we discussed what we think really happened back in the 1890's. Was Lizzie acting out of defense for her safety and sanity, or did a stranger murder her parents? Perhaps we'll get the chance to ask the ghosts at the Borden House what really happened.

For Meducation this week, we checked in on the progress of cancer research. Sam told us about how a company in the UK is using CBD and THC in order to help those with fatal diagnoses.

Thanks for listening!

Aug 08, 202150:30
YBOW61: Botany Cannabis Lately?

YBOW61: Botany Cannabis Lately?

We're back, this time with another Satanic icon that we certainly don't want to mess with. Sam told us the legend of the Jersey Devil just in time for our road trip, so we will be stocking up on torches and pitchforks (and locking the doors at night). They also told us about a crazy conspiracy theory involving Ben Franklin that Sage could definitely subscribe to.

In between Sam's story and our Meducation section, we discussed some weird things that have happened to us personally recently, including possible missing time and gifts from our bird friends. Then Sage told us 5 plants that are related to cannabis in a short section on cannabis botany!

Thanks for listening!

Aug 01, 202153:40
YBOW60: Munchies For Your Brain

YBOW60: Munchies For Your Brain

This week we dove back into the world of hauntings with the story of the Wyrick family. If you've heard this story before, it's because there's a 2013 movie based on it! Sage gave us a rundown of what we know to be the facts of the story, without any of the extra movie fluff. We talked about what it was like for Heidi to experience all of these things, and how the family was able to deal with it.

This week's Meducation was about another weird weed holiday, 7/10! Which apparently, is "oil" if you flip it upside-down. Sam gave us a quick rundown on concentrates - call it Dabs 101! Finally, another excuse to get high!

Thanks for listening!

Jul 18, 202143:23
YBOW59: Mermaid Magick

YBOW59: Mermaid Magick

Drink a sip of water every time we say "water" this episode.

Please excuse us in advance, our pets kept interrupting as usual. However, we did get a special guest appearance from both of Sage's cats! Then Sam gave us the history and magick behind mermaids! Some of them are nice, some of them are not-so-nice. We talked about the power of water, kelp, sea salt, and more water!

The Sage gave us some tips on how to get high and beat the heat at the same time! Did you know that cannabis can help with heat tolerance? We certainly didn't. We also apparently sometimes forget how to make brownies, judging by Sam's recent brownie making fiasco.

Stay hydrated, but don't drink the bong water!

Jul 11, 202150:55
YBOW58: Eels, Elephants, and Entities, Oh My!

YBOW58: Eels, Elephants, and Entities, Oh My!

CW: brief mention of suicide, animal death

Welcome to Part Two of the Loch Ness Monster! We asked a few questions this episode, including: Is Nessie a shark? Short answer, no. But how sure of that are we? Maybe it's just a supernatural entity summoned by Aleister Crowley at the Boleskine House. It could be an exploding log, an elephant that got left behind, or even a ghost of a dinosaur!

Then we ask the very important and relevant question: Is Weed Gay? Sam has the answers. (Short answer, yes) We discussed substance abuse in marginalized communities and why there's not many older gay people.

For the end of Pride Month, we urge everyone to do some research on what the AIDS epidemic did to the queer community.

Happy Pride once again from us, and a reminder to be your most authentic self year-round.

Jul 04, 202157:03
YBOW57: 1920's Zines

YBOW57: 1920's Zines

We're winding down from a busy week last week with some mead & weed, as well as an update on our future ghost investigating plans! We started out this episode with some exciting news, then Sam told about the Coral Castle in Florida. We learned all about how to build our own weird sculptures out of limestone, as well as how to successfully distribute zines! This week for Meducation we talked about purple weed from the dispensary, Sam and Nick's personal plant, and how legalization is going for New England. Then Sage gave us some tips on how to calm down when you get a little too high. Remember, Spicy = Focus! Thanks for listening!
Jun 27, 202141:01
YBOW56: The Otter Man Empire

YBOW56: The Otter Man Empire

Sorry y'all, this episode isn't about the elusive Otter Man. Or is it?

This week we actually talked about Nessie! Sage gave us part one of a multi-parter on the Loch Ness Monster. We discussed most of the sightings dating back to the 6th century (yikes) and talked about what people think Nessie is.

Then for Meducation this week we welcomed a special guest! Nick, Sam's husband, hopped on the mic and told us about curing and drying weed. He's here to cure us of our lack of weed knowledge!

Thanks for listening!

Jun 22, 202101:01:55
YBOW55: An Entourage of Ghosts

YBOW55: An Entourage of Ghosts

Welcome to episode 55! This week Sam told us all about the terrible things that happened at Castillo San Felipe Del Morro, including war, murder, and dysentery! There's missing soldiers, ghost ships, and our favorite, ghostly wailing and crying! We also decided that we'll have to level up our Guts before we venture into this place ourselves.

For Meducation this week we did the Cannabis Crossword in the back of our copy of High Times! We actually learned a lot from doing this, including what it's called when your cannabis comes snapping down the alleyway at you.

Thanks for listening!

Jun 13, 202149:39
YBOW54: Sustainable Clothing for Aliens

YBOW54: Sustainable Clothing for Aliens

Hold on to your underwear and grab your doodlebugs! This episode was wild. We started out with some fun divination magick, PSAs about COVID and fireworks; then Sage got really angry about UFOs! *WARNING: lots of swearing!* It's okay though because she channeled her rage into talking about Roswell. Through this conversation we learn that Sam's garden is a UFO, possibly made of floral duct tape and dreams.

For Pride Month, Sam gave us some tips on how we can show up for Black and Trans people in the cannabis community. Don't forget to check out these links below for how you can help out:

The Last Prisoner Project:

Trans Woman of Color Collective:

The Okra Project:

Khadijah Adams:

Other resources will be posted to our Twitter @Weird_Pod and on our website!

Thanks for listening!

Jun 06, 202101:05:12
YBOW53: Manifesting T-Shirts

YBOW53: Manifesting T-Shirts

This week was full of wild speculation, dreams, and synchronicities! Sam led us on a discussion about manifestation and what the hell it means. We talked about what we think it means to "manifest" something, how it applies to us as Satanists, and things people post about it on Twitter. We're manifesting a better world for each other, people. We're also manifesting t-shirts with a *NEW* front and back design (found on our website at-).

Meducation this week was about influential or famous people in cannabis history, both good and bad. As always, you can basically get away with anything if you're white!

Thanks for listening to our casual conversation, we had so much fun recording this episode!

May 30, 202152:15
YBOW52: Hail Snake-an!

YBOW52: Hail Snake-an!

We started off this episode with our new theme, which one of our favorite artists was kind enough to let us use! We hope you love it as much as we do. Thanks again, Hayley Jane!
Sage filled our heads with Snake knowledge this week with a quick section on snakes in Greek and Pueblo mythology. We discussed myths, legends, history, and artifacts that have been found over time. We also discovered why we love snakes so much - not just because they're the perfect Satanic icon.
Then Sam shared with us some news this week related to legalization, and our concerns about Delta-8 THC are validated! Seriously, just wait until it's been regulated and tested, y'all.
Our new theme is Cosmic Katrina by Hayley Jane and the Primates off of their album We're Here Now (Copyright 2017 To The Moon LLC)
May 23, 202140:57
YBOW51: Dogman Improv
May 16, 202148:12
YBOW50: Noodlin' in the Weed(s)

YBOW50: Noodlin' in the Weed(s)

We're back and we're halfway to 100!
Sorry in advance, y'all - this episode got a little heavy. But it's the history of our country and we need to talk about it. So, this week Jess shared the story of Staunton, Virginia, the location of Western State Hospital and DeJarnette Sanitarium. A stop by this abandoned building on a hill lead to a discussion about discrimination and eugenics, basically towards anyone who was not cisgender, rich, or white. (Heads up, this is still happening.) We also touched on some of the legends that are told about this place, as well as the spirits that are said to have stuck around.
Sam added to the discussion with this edition of Meducation, where we discussed the short reign of "Canna-Bumps", the 600mg THC powder that was meant to literally be snorted. We can't even begin to talk about all of the things that were wrong with this idea...
Thanks for listening!
May 09, 202101:06:59
YBOW49: A Reservation For 4:20

YBOW49: A Reservation For 4:20

Happy 4/20! We recorded this episode on Weed Day, so join us as we celebrate a second time! Sam chose some short, funny stories about hauntings to brighten our day, and we discover what kind of places each of us will haunt in the future! Of course there's tons of bread, hotels, and partying to be had along the way. You don't need a reservation, we'll be expecting you *winky face*.

For Meducation this week Jess talked about the history of "420" and why it's one of the most popular unofficial holidays for stoners!

Ad-free this week because this episode ended up being so short.

Thanks for listening as always.

Apr 25, 202136:07
YBOW48: A Cursed Rock

YBOW48: A Cursed Rock

It's finally Spring and we're absolutely LIVING. We asked our Patrons what they wanted to hear about and they chose weird artifacts, so Jess told us the story of The Cursed Amethyst (or The Purple Sapphire, if you want to really confuse people). Is this fancy rock actually cursed, or was it just some dude's unnecessarily expensive marketing scheme?

For Meducation Sam dove back into the weird world of Delta-8, where nobody has any idea of what's going on, including us. All we know is that this stuff isn't tested and we're scared of it!

Reminder to water your plants, and yourself!

Thanks for listening!

Apr 18, 202137:16
YBOW47: Weed at the Weatherford

YBOW47: Weed at the Weatherford

It's time to go micro dose some THC at a haunted hotel! Trust us, it's a nice hotel. They have clawfoot tubs! Also tons of ghosts, as Sam decided to tell us about this week. We decided that a trip to Flagstaff is in our future and spent way too much time obsessing over a hotel, once again. We also talked about some more fun discoveries about our friendship related to the moon (of course).

For Meducation this week we talked about edibles again, but this time Jess told us about dosage and what is a comfortable dosage of THC for most people.

Thanks for listening!

Apr 11, 202141:27
A Little Weird: Vol. 10 (The Moth)

A Little Weird: Vol. 10 (The Moth)

March's little weird is out a little late because it ended up being, well, not so little. This month, we got a taste of some 1850's Cautionary Tales - and some fun poems about cats.

Sam then introduced us to The Moth, a concept that not only fits our show perfectly but reminded us of why we're #TeamMoth. We opened up about our personal transformations after watching Hellier and really embracing our most authentic selves, inspired by The Moth. We talked about our personal journeys with depression and how embracing magick has helped us find the beauty in life.

This episode really helped us grasp a new perspective and we hope you get the warm and fuzzy feelings that we got while we were recording.

Thank you so much for listening!

Apr 09, 202139:26
YBOW46.5: Get Weird and Get Weed

YBOW46.5: Get Weird and Get Weed

April Fools! Here's the episode, for real this time:

This week, Jess returned to one of her favorite stories and shared her love of the Winchester Mystery House (specifically Sarah Winchester). This house has all kinds of crazy quirks and features, including non-functional doors and stairs that lead to nowhere. It is absolutely gorgeous, though. We also talked about how not all mediums can be trusted, some can even be wildly manipulative.

For Meducation this week Sam consulted High Times once more for some news on legalization in Greece, of all places. We personally can't wait to smoke some weed on a tropical island.

Thanks for listening and Happy April!

Apr 02, 202131:39
YBOW46: Get Weird and Get Weed

YBOW46: Get Weird and Get Weed

This week, Jess returned to one of her favorite stories and shared her love of the Winchester Mystery House (specifically Sarah Winchester). This house has all kinds of crazy quirks and features, including non-functional doors and stairs that lead to nowhere. It is, absolutely gorgeous, though. We also talked about how not all mediums can be trusted, some can even be wildly manipulative.

For Meducation this week Sam consulted High Times once more for some news on legalization in Greece, of all places. We personally can't wait to smoke some weed on a tropical island.

Thanks for listening and Happy April!

Apr 01, 202112:41
YBOW45: Hungover in Hell

YBOW45: Hungover in Hell

We went thrifting and found a book on Chinese mythology, where Sam learned about the story of The Monkey King. This satirical legend is full of twists and turns and Sam gave us the best summary they possibly could. Bring your bespoke wands because it's a hell of a ride!

Jess Meducated us this week by giving us an update on cannabis legalization as well as reparations for black families effected by past cannabis convictions. We talked about how a Chicago suburb is starting to set a precedent for the rest of the country.

Special thanks to Robin Rue Simmons and Evanston, IL for working to make change happen.

Thanks for listening!

Mar 28, 202140:46
YBOW44: Tarot, Pronounced Like Carrot
Mar 21, 202101:14:60
YBOW43: Making a Racket

YBOW43: Making a Racket

Trigger Warning: blackmail, torture, sexual assault, sex trafficking

Sam took us back into the "wonderful" world of cults this week with the story of NXIVM. Not to be confused with the heartburn medication, this is a MLM-turned-sex cult that messed with a lot of people's lives. Honestly... There's not that much that's funny about it. But we can join together in collectively hating all of the people involved!

This week's Meducation was about Delta-8 THC, or "Weed Lite". We talked about the difference between it and Delta-9, where it stands now, and why you should NEVER buy your drugs from gas stations and truck stops.  Seriously, don't do it.

Thanks for listening!

Mar 14, 202158:46
YBOW42: Hasta Sativa!

YBOW42: Hasta Sativa!

Trigger Warning: sexual abuse and assault, discussions of death, animal mutilation, torture, and murder.

This episode is just full of awful stuff! Don't blame us, blame The Bridgewater Triangle. For Part Two of this series Jess tells us about more crazy stuff that may be related to the paranormal... Or it could just be bad people doing bad things. We also get to complain about the Satanic Panic again which is always fun!

Then we give Maryland a well-deserved congratulations for setting an example for cannabis legalization.

Thanks for listening!

Mar 07, 202101:04:39
A Little Weird: Vol. 9

A Little Weird: Vol. 9

This month's bonus episode is a LOT of weird packed into a little time!

For our February Little Weird we dove into the depths of the internet for some interesting finds and discussion topics! We talked about Halloween costumes and Frisbee-Earth, and had an existential crisis about UFO evidence.

Thanks for listening!

Mar 06, 202124:36
YBOW41: An Ancient Slip N' Slide

YBOW41: An Ancient Slip N' Slide

This week Sam covered a little bit of Greek Mythology with the story of Hades and Persephone (not pronounced like "xylophone"). We talked about olive oil, pomegranates, the seasons, and some inappropriate family relationships. We blame Zeus.
Then Jess read a really fascinating article on how marijuana legalization effects workers compensations claims in the US, and we get an update on legalization. Somewhere out there, New Jersey's smoking weed!
This episode was full of laughs and inspired us to finally switch over to the comedy genre! Also, check out our new blog on our website! Because we're bloggers now!
This episode is dedicated to Persephone and Dionysus.
Feb 28, 202153:32
YBOW40: Water That Has Not Yet Melted

YBOW40: Water That Has Not Yet Melted

For our 40th(!) episode, Jess jumped into Part One of The Bridgewater Triangle. This is another one of those places in Weird New England with a dark history where anything can happen. We've got UFO's, Bigfeet, hairy chipmunk men, and more! Be prepared to get a little ~uncomfortable~ this episode...

In a new and exciting Meducation segment, Sam covered Stoner Horoscopes written by Adora Zen. These were pretty accurate and made us realize that our smoking habits may have something to do with our star charts! Sorry in advance to our Scorpio and Sagittarius listeners.

Thanks so much for listening!

Feb 21, 202101:11:25
YBOW39: Your Binnall On Weird (with Tim Binnall)
Feb 14, 202158:06
YBOW38: Cold and Confused

YBOW38: Cold and Confused

This week Sam started a discussion about the recent news surrounding the Dyatlov Pass incident. If you don't know the entire story, we recommend listening to the series by Astonishing Legends first - then come back here for our lively debate! Sam told us about the recent developments and we talk about whether or not it checks out for us. Once again we are completely thrown off by shoes, of all things.

Then we are reminded for the Billionth time why hydration is so important, especially if you are a regular cannabis user.

This episode is dedicated to the 9 young people who lost their lives in the Ural mountains.

Thanks for listening!

Feb 07, 202101:03:26
YBOW37: Flavinoid Flav

YBOW37: Flavinoid Flav

Spoiler Alert! If you haven't listened to Sam's episodes on the Estes Method, or are unfamiliar with it, go listen to episodes 34 and 36 first!  This week Jess gave us a quick run-down on what automatic writing is as well as some fun things that have happened related to it throughout history. We then discuss how to do automatic writing and how we plan to incorporate it in future investigating!

Then, for Meducation this week, we talked about Purple Weed and why it's not as special as everyone typically thinks.

Thanks for listening!

Jan 31, 202147:37
A Little Weird: Vol. 8

A Little Weird: Vol. 8

This month's Little Weird is full of stories based in Weird New England, personal psychic experiences, and MCCRBGC. Sam shares their experiences while visiting a new member of their family and we talk about some other really weird stuff, including the new Cutest Cryptid!

Thanks for listening!

Jan 27, 202127:49
YBOW36: Ghost Foraging Expeditions

YBOW36: Ghost Foraging Expeditions

Sam leads us on an adventure in Part Two of their Stanley Hotel / Spirits of the Stanley series! We meet all of the ghosts that the team has the chance to meet during their investigations and discuss some Hellier-adjacent themes. This episode also re-affirmed our desires to go out and forage for ghosts ourselves!

For Meducation this week we discuss our recent smoking habits, what we're smoking, and how we've been feeling. Join us on our Weedscapades!

Thank you for listening, as always.

Jan 24, 202155:33
YBOW35: Just 1500's Things!

YBOW35: Just 1500's Things!

Did you miss hearing about awful things? We thought so!

Jess gave us a brief biography of Elizabeth Bathory this week. We discussed conspiracy, misogyny, and all of those quirky things people used to do in the 1500's. No literal blood bathing in this episode unfortunately, just a lot of badassery (and possibly murder).

Sam hit us with some knowledge about other drugs and drug classification for this week's edition of Meducation. We learned this week that our sentencing system is completely fucked up and are not shocked at all!

Thanks for listening!

Jan 17, 202101:01:43
YBOW34: A Possessed Fire Hose

YBOW34: A Possessed Fire Hose

Welcome back to Your Brain On Weird and our first episode following the New Year!

This week Sam introduced us to The Stanley Hotel and it's history. We discuss hotel architecture, Steven King, and get an introduction to some of the Stanley's ghosts. This is part one of a multi-part inter-connected series, so you won't want to miss it!

Then Jess gave us some resolutions for New Years for our fellow cannabis users and things you can do to help your comrades in 2021.

Don't forget to check out Spirits of the Stanley with Karl Pfeiffer and Connor Randall for more!

Thanks for listening.

Jan 10, 202149:04
YBOW33: Satan is Me!

YBOW33: Satan is Me!

Happy New Year!!

Take a hit for every time we say "Satan" in this episode (do so responsibly).

For the start of 2021 Jess brought us the topic that we've been asked about the most! We found out that, as Satanists, we apparently have supernatural powers and can transform into cats and also fleas! We also discuss the history of Satanism and its effect on people in modern times.

Join us for some Light and Casual Satanism!

Hail Satan!

Jan 03, 202101:05:52
Best of YBOW 2020

Best of YBOW 2020

BYE 2020! The only good thing to come out of this year for us was starting this show, so we put together some of our favorite moments from our episodes for your listening pleasure. 

Thank you so much for an amazing first year and we look forward to what's in store for the future!

Jan 01, 202113:22
A Little Weird: Vol. 7

A Little Weird: Vol. 7

Welcome to back to *fanfare* a bonus episode of YBOW! We took last month off but came back with some crazy stories to make your brain just a little weird. This time around we talked weird gravestones, trans rights in the early 1900's, and creepy cryptids.

Join us and leave with some stuff to think about!

Dec 23, 202030:58
YBOW32: Snake in a Lake

YBOW32: Snake in a Lake

Connie, Nessie, and Champ, oh my! This week Sam added another water cryptid to our arsenal with the story of Kooshii, the lake monster from Japan. They are a very shiny boi with a need for speed! Spoiler alert: we LOVE Kooshii.

Jess took out the Science edition of High Times again for some light reading about mutant weed! HIGHLY recommend you have an image search available for this one.

Thanks for listening!

Dec 20, 202036:05
YBOW31: Too Many Acronyms

YBOW31: Too Many Acronyms

We recorded on a different day this week and things got CRAZY!
SPOILER ALERT: If you haven't listened to Episode 30, turn your ass around and go listen to that first! This week, Jess covered Part Two of Skinwalker Ranch. Word is out about this "Paranormal Disneyland" and everyone wants to be involved, including the vocalist of one of our favorite pop-punk bands. If you're an eccentric property magnate with an interest in aliens, take a number!
Sam then gave us an update on cannabis legalization in the US, we discussed Yule and how cannabis can be a part of your celebrations, and also decided on a new slogan!
Thanks for listening!
Dec 13, 202001:19:45
YBOW30: Low-Flying Cows

YBOW30: Low-Flying Cows

It's time for the story that inspired us to make a podcast! Welcome to Jess's first two-parter, the story of Skinwalker Ranch. For the first half, we discussed the history of the area, local legends, and what happened for the two years that the Sherman's owned the ranch.  They've got poltergeists, cryptids, UFO's, portals, footballs - Skinwalker Ranch has it all! 

Sam then gave us an update on where marijuana legalization stands for the United States.

Thanks for listening!

TW: Cattle mutilation, animal death

Dec 06, 202053:39
YBOW29: Foraging For Ghosts

YBOW29: Foraging For Ghosts

Our brains are a little extra weird this time! Sam took us back to Ireland and told the story of Leap castle, where a bunch of really brutal stuff happened. It's definitely haunted in a bunch of weird ways. Remember, if you're going to make a living as an assassin, accept payment up front!

Then Jess reads us an article about edibles from the Science issue of High Times. How's THAT for science!

Thanks for listening!
Nov 29, 202051:03
YBOW28: Next Level Sandwiches (with Jeff)

YBOW28: Next Level Sandwiches (with Jeff)

TW: Suicide
This week we welcome back Jeff, except this time we're getting base broth Jeff. A more grounded Jeff, if you will. We sat down and he told us the story of the Heaven's Gate cult. They just couldn't stick to the deli or software development... However, they did get a GREAT deal on the shoes! It may be the most dangerous Crew you could ever decide to join.
Jeff also gave us some quick facts and warnings about our brains, on drugs!
Thank you so much for listening.
Nov 22, 202001:20:50
YBOW27: The Demon-Summoning Bridge

YBOW27: The Demon-Summoning Bridge

It's lucky number 27 (or "the exorcist" on!

Sam took us to Texas this week to check out Goat Man's Bridge. We are once again reminded that racism and white supremacy are the root of some of our favorite stories. We also found out that Jess is actually Goat Man and we decided to plan a trip to summon Baphomet once we are released from quarantine.

Jess got a little personal this week and shared her recent successes with taking CBD for a multitude of issues, then told us all the ways you can try CBD for yourself! (PSA: DO NOT BUY CBD ON AMAZON)

This also somehow ended up being our "Sister's Episode" thanks to some weird synchronicities.

Thanks for listening!

Nov 15, 202050:35