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Random Thoughts With Zibuse L Kunene

Random Thoughts With Zibuse L Kunene

By Zibuze L Kunene

In this podcast I share my thoughts and perspectives on life and healing. I am passionate about healing and self love. We stand to make a greater impact on life when we continually work on healing and loving ourselves.
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Honor The Lord

Random Thoughts With Zibuse L KuneneJan 08, 2023

Breaking The Cycle for Tit-For-Tat

Breaking The Cycle for Tit-For-Tat

Tit For Tat Nothing feels greater than the satisfaction you get when you give someone a taste of their medicine and watch how they react. That feeling you get knowing you have dealt with them the way they have dealt with you. It is fair when you give someone what they gave you, treat them the way they have treated you. Deny them much-needed help at their most desperate time. But what good has tit-for-tat achieved? What does it benefit anyone when you do that? How many lives have been destroyed by vengeance? And how many people have you won over through grace and mercy? Your body loves it when you do good and it rewards you for it. Try it and see.

Apr 05, 202403:15
Empowered Thinking Series: Legacy

Empowered Thinking Series: Legacy

Legacy Word by word. Sentence by sentence. Action upon action. Precept upon precept. Day by day you are building a legacy. Whether you are wasting away your talent, or misusing your skills, you are building a legacy. Whether you dwell in bitterness, regret, or hatred, that will be your legacy. Whether you are "living your life for yourself", you are building a legacy. Some will leave a footprint in this world and others will leave as though they have never existed, with no memory, no trace of them fulfilling their life mandate. Choose today what legacy you will leave behind. 

Apr 04, 202403:14
Empowered Thinking Series - Fatherly Advice

Empowered Thinking Series - Fatherly Advice

Learn to be kind to people because everyone is going through something, and your kindness may be what someone else needs. If you think you know it all, your ego has become too big, be intentionally humble. No one owes you an explanation or favours, even if it is promised to you, learn to live and forgive without either. You have knives on your back and you will walk around with wounds throughout your life, but that does not mean your knife should be on someone's back. Don't live life expecting it to be easy, no one is promised a pain-free and easy life, some people are good at hiding their challenges. Learn from everyone, big and small.

Apr 03, 202403:16
Embracing Silence: The Path to Healing

Embracing Silence: The Path to Healing

Are you using silence as an escape from what calls you to face and resolve? Listen to this!

Artwork by Muzi Phiri

Mar 27, 202405:51


How often have we followed what we thought was the est idea, the best decision despite sound counsel against it?

Mar 15, 202400:56
A Father's Love: A Reflection

A Father's Love: A Reflection

If your experience of an earthly father has been dismal, here is a reflection on the model Father upon whom all fathers can model their fatherhood.

Mar 08, 202403:39
Morning Thought 💭 Deceived

Morning Thought 💭 Deceived

Are we ever blindly led astray or willing participants in our deception? Do we not see the red flags littered along the path to destruction or do we choose to associate with our corruptors? Do we lose agency during the period of deception and regain it once the deception of others and self is concluded? It is easy to absolve ourselves of accountability by claiming victimhood in deception rather than taking the difficult path of responsibility. Are we led astray blindly or chosen to be willing participants?

My name is Zibuse L Kunene, come with me on the journey to empowered thinking.

🎨Thamsanga Mfuphi

#Deceived #DoBetter #EmpoweredThinking #MorningThought

Feb 02, 202407:17
Morning Thought 💭 Allured

Morning Thought 💭 Allured

There are too many things around us that are attractive. Oftentimes we see those things around us and without any contemplation, we envy them. In our envious state, we do not consider the circumstances under which those things were obtained and we simply pursue one's glory while ignoring their story and it is in their story where we would discover the truth of how those were acquired. Oftentimes, all that glitters is not gold.

My name is Zibuse L Kunene, come with me on the journey to empowered thinking.

🎨Lindo Zwane

#Allured #DoBetter #EmpoweredThinking #MorningThought

Feb 02, 202407:28
Morning Thought 💭 Coronation (Pt 2)

Morning Thought 💭 Coronation (Pt 2)

Morning Thought 💭 Coronation

For as long as we refuse to go through the process of refinement we will remain subjects in our lives. For as long as we refuse to heed to good counsel, we will always make unwise decisions. For as long as our pride remains what we wear as a defense mechanism from everything, we will never adorn the crown. Crowns are for heads that have been tested. Crowns are for ears that are open and the Coronation will never take place on a head that wears pride for a crown.

My name is Zibuse L Kunene, come with me on the journey to empowered thinking.

🎨James Tambula

#Coronation #DoBetter #EmpoweredThinking #MorningThought

Feb 01, 202406:12
Morning Thought 💭 Coronation

Morning Thought 💭 Coronation

For as long as we refuse to go through the process of refinement we will remain subjects in our lives. For as long as we refuse to heed to good counsel, we will always make unwise decisions. For as long as our pride remains what we wear as a defense mechanism from everything, we will never adorn the crown. Crowns are for heads that have been tested. Crowns are for ears that are open and the Coronation will never take place on a head that wears pride for a crown.

My name is Zibuse L Kunene, come with me on the journey to empowered thinking.

🎨James Tambula

#Coronation #DoBetter #EmpoweredThinking #MorningThought

Feb 01, 202406:07
Morning Thought 💭 Counsellors

Morning Thought 💭 Counsellors

We can go at it alone or we can surround ourselves with counsellors. In choosing our counsellors, we must be mindful of their intentions otherwise we will take counsel that will lead us astray. The first good counsellors in our lives should be our parents, however, do we all have the blessing of parents who pour into us? For those who do not receive good counsel from birth parents, there remains a plethora of wise parental counselling out there. It is up to the individual to choose wisely.

My name is Zibuse L Kunene, come with me on the journey to empowered thinking.

🎨Nelson Makamo

#Counsellors #DoBetter #EmpoweredThinking #MorningThought

Feb 01, 202408:27
Morning Thought 💭 Reverence
Jan 31, 202408:03
Book Review: Morning Thoughts by Zibuse L Kunene
Jan 31, 202424:32
Children's Behavioural Issues
Jan 31, 202445:30
No Limits

No Limits

Anything is possible in life, we always look at challenges and feel we can’t overcome them but when we do it doesn't seem all that bad. We speak to Zibuse L. Kunene, (Daddy Zibuse) Author and Chairperson of Dads in The Picture about how life has no limits and anything is possible, as long as you give yourself a chance to try.

Jan 31, 202421:50
Five Children Died In A Shack Fire
Jan 31, 202420:60
Parents Focusing On Their Phones Leaves Children Ignored
Jan 31, 202425:24
Morning Thought 💭 Believe

Morning Thought 💭 Believe

Artwork by: Ennock Mlangeni (and not Nelson Makamo as mentioned in the audio) You don't have a choice, you must believe. You don't have an option, choose to believe. Believe that the suffering you're going through now is not meant to kill you but to strengthen you. You must believe that pain is not part of life but life itself just as is pleasure. You must believe that nothing lasts forever, and that life has seasons that you must go through. You don't have a choice but to believe. However, whether you believe or not, what has to happen will happen, with or without your belief.

My name is Zibuse L Kunene, come with me on the journey to empowered thinking.

#Believe #DoBetter #EmpoweredThinking #MorningThought

Jan 31, 202408:26
Morning Thought - Educate
Jan 28, 202407:32
Morning Thought - Acquisition
Jan 27, 202405:56
Morning Thought - The Source

Morning Thought - The Source

Morning Thought 💭

The Source

Nothing is ever started by nothing and nothing ever happens on its own, there is always a source or an initiator. Everything created contains materials from different sources. Our existence is not a form of chance happening, there was a source. The thoughts we think have a source. What is the source of your choices? You think you chose the path you're on but something or someone chose for you, who was it?

My name is Zibuse L Kunene, come with me on the journey to empowered thinking.

🎨Nelson Makamo

#TheSource #DoBetter #EmpoweredThinking #MorningThought

Jan 25, 202408:02
Morning Thought - Come With Me

Morning Thought - Come With Me

Morning Thought 💭

Come With Me

The past matters because it happened and shaped who you are today. However, that does not mean we should let it define us and restrict us to the limitations of our past. The past is to be used as a rung on a ladder. Take my hand and let us start a new journey together into discovering who we could be. We need to tap into our destiny and see the light of who we could be if we start the journey now. Come with me and let us embark on the journey of being better, of doing better.

My name is Zibuse L Kunene, come with me on the journey to empowered thinking.

🎨Andrew Ntshabele

#ComeWithMe #DoBetter #EmpoweredThinking #MorningThought

Jan 24, 202406:60
The Return (not Season 2, just "The Return")

The Return (not Season 2, just "The Return")

I had taken some time away from podcasting, albeit unintentionally, and now I am returning to give you more inspiration and provoke your thoughts so that there is a change.

Jan 24, 202406:37
International Day of the Boy Child on 16 May

International Day of the Boy Child on 16 May

Katlego Legodi and I had a conversation on #PowerZone on PowerFM about commemorating this day and the impact it has on the boy child.
May 26, 202327:08
Maneuvering Co-parenting (18 Jan 2023)

Maneuvering Co-parenting (18 Jan 2023)

Power987 wrote: Zibuse Kunene, Chairman of Dads in the Picture is on #PowerZone with Katlego Legodi to speak about manoeuvring #coparenting, he speaks about how #parents can communicate more productively for the benefit of their children.

May 11, 202323:49
Dads In The Picture (DITP) Can Help Facilitate Fruitful Relationships 6 March 2023

Dads In The Picture (DITP) Can Help Facilitate Fruitful Relationships 6 March 2023

Power987 wrote: On PowerZone with Nompumelelo Ngubeni standing in for Katlego Legodi, we speak in conversation with Zibuse Kunene, Chairman of Dads in the Picture about the challenges fathers face after they find out the paternity of a child they have been raising as their own and how Dads In The Picture (DITP) can help facilitate fruitful relationships after the betrayal.

This facilitation occurs in the context of enabling a father to be a positive role model for the child(ren).

May 10, 202323:10
Step-parenting From the Fathers' Perspective

Step-parenting From the Fathers' Perspective

Katlego Legodi invited me to speak about step-parenting from the fathers' perspective and how they overcome challenges with parenting their partners' children.   The conversation took place on Power987 on 22 March 2023 at 2 AM (SAST).

May 09, 202322:40
Teaching Children About Financial Responsibility on PowerFM987 (South Africa)

Teaching Children About Financial Responsibility on PowerFM987 (South Africa)

On 26 April 2023, I was invited by a South African radio station Power987 ( to talk about children learning financial responsibility. Here is their write and the subsequent audio. Enjoy.

"We speak to Zibuse Kunene, Chairman of Dads in the picture about how we can teach our children about financial responsibility, how they shouldn't follow every trend they see on social media like that of the as the Prime Hydration and Prime Energy drink has made onto or shelves for R500 a bottle, some families have limitations in what they can provide for their for the children."

May 08, 202329:24
Teaching From Love

Teaching From Love

On 3 May 2023, I was invited to the Willow Ridge High School in the City of Tshwane to present a talk to the teachers. This is the recording of that conversation which I believe may be of value to other teachers and perhaps others who need to find their path in their careers. Take a listen and share your thoughts. #teachers #teaching #love #school #leadership

May 05, 202334:07
Reflecting On Walking Away

Reflecting On Walking Away

Welcome to this podcast episode, where we discuss the transformational journey of walking away from something that no longer serves us, to walking towards something positive.

At some point in our lives, we will come to a season or seasons where we will have to walk away from something. It could be a toxic relationship, an unfulfilling job, a negative mindset, or a harmful habit. Whatever it may be, the act of walking away can be a scary and difficult decision to make. What we must understand is that it is also seasonal and a necessity.

However, what if we could shift our perspective from focusing on what we are walking away from, to what we are walking towards? By shifting our focus towards the positive opportunities and possibilities that await us, we can transform the act of walking away into an empowering and liberating experience.

In this episode, I invite you to share your own experience of walking away towards something that turned out to be a transformative experience.






Apr 05, 202306:13
Random Thought: The Choice I Made

Random Thought: The Choice I Made

This could easily be the start of my journey, the beginning of my story.
Hello, my name is Zibuse L Kunene, and I have just gotten started
Mar 23, 202310:14
Death: Growth

Death: Growth

We should not be afraid of death as a process and part of life. In fact, we need to try as best as we can to talk about death as often as possible so that we explore the diversities in death and how it is part of our everyday lives.

Mar 20, 202306:07
My Dear Wife: It's Our Legacy

My Dear Wife: It's Our Legacy

What is the purpose of your marriage and the vision for your family? Is it generational or individualistic? Will your generations benefit from the choices you make today?
Jan 22, 202305:53
My Dear Wife: Without You It's Futile

My Dear Wife: Without You It's Futile

For whom are you slaying the giants in your life if you're not sharing the victory with the one you love?
Jan 22, 202305:19
My Dear Wife: It Won't Always Be Smooth Sailing

My Dear Wife: It Won't Always Be Smooth Sailing

We should not go into marriage with unrealistic expectations of smooth seas and bright, clear, sunny skies.
Jan 20, 202303:25
My Dear Wife: I Represent You

My Dear Wife: I Represent You

Are you still an individual within your marriage? Is it still "I", "me", "my" and "mine" and not "we" and "us"?
Jan 20, 202303:39
My Dear Wife: I Am Invested In Your Growth

My Dear Wife: I Am Invested In Your Growth

How many of us are invested in the growth of our spouses for their sake?
Jan 20, 202304:34
My Dear Wife: When I Said I Do

My Dear Wife: When I Said I Do

What did you mean when you made your vows to your spouse? Were you regurgitating what you were told or was it something from the heart?
Jan 17, 202305:07
My Dear Wife: We Chose Each Other

My Dear Wife: We Chose Each Other

Would you still choose the one you're with today given all that you know today about them?
Jan 16, 202306:06
Letters To A Friend: Let's Get Naked

Letters To A Friend: Let's Get Naked

A friendship needs and must evolve to the level where we can be completely bare with each other. Do you have friendships where you can be naked with each other?
Jan 14, 202305:07
Letters To A Friend: Be There

Letters To A Friend: Be There

Friendships are about the synergy between people and we must not make the mistake of comparing one friendship to another. Let's learn to be there for our friends as best as we can.
Jan 14, 202305:08
Letters To A Friend: Truth

Letters To A Friend: Truth

Truth does not always have to be brutal or hurtful. It may not always be possible to prevent a friend from being hurt by the truth but it must be done in love.
Jan 14, 202304:31
Letters To A Friend: We Are Not Competitors

Letters To A Friend: We Are Not Competitors

How many of your friends will genuinely celebrate your success? How often have you celebrated your friends' achievements?
Jan 12, 202306:07
Letters To A Friend: Let's Go Deep

Letters To A Friend: Let's Go Deep

Who are the friends in your life with whom you can go into deep conversations, conversations that challenge your thinking?
Jan 12, 202305:07
Letters To A Friend: Are We Friends?

Letters To A Friend: Are We Friends?

Have you taken stock of the relationships around you and determined if someone sees you as THEIR friend? Is there someone whom you believe to be YOUR friend? Is there someone with whom you are friends?
Jan 10, 202306:08
Letters To A Friend: Openness

Letters To A Friend: Openness

How open are our friendships and do we understand or know the boundaries of each friendship we have?
Jan 09, 202306:07
Honor The Lord

Honor The Lord

Take a listen and share your feedback on where you are at, under whose authority you are submitted.
Jan 08, 202305:47
The Men In Your Life

The Men In Your Life

To whom are you accountable as a man? Whose opinion matters and can they rebuke you in love knowing that their rebuke is for your best interests? As a man, to whom are you accountable?
Jan 07, 202308:08
Honor Women

Honor Women

In this episode, I reflect on the role women have played in my life and their overall importance in every sphere of life. Take a listen and share your thoughts.
Jan 06, 202306:60
The World Awaits You

The World Awaits You

Our lack of confidence and low self-esteem tend to keep us from opportunities and although we do find others in future, those that we have missed would have had compounding growth. It is therefore important to work on our self-esteem and confidence levels to take up opportunities.
Jan 05, 202306:08