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Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid

By Amy Perras

I'm on a mission to free people to be true to who they really are and to unleash their buried voices within. "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid" is inspired by birthday verse, Proverbs 7:4, "Say to wisdom, “I love you,” and to understanding, “You’re my sweetheart.” We discuss stupid "situationships", "tolerationships" leading to "revelationships". What may appear wise in the world's eyes is really just foolishness. Our discussions may expose our own foolishness but in doing so, it may bridge that great divide and UNITE.
*Check out Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid on YouTube for visual version.
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Episode 301: "Ain't Gonna Be No, ' I Wasn't Ready'" with Errol Thompson

Ain't Gonna Be No StupidJul 02, 2021

Ain't Gonna Be in No Legalistic Religious Relationship with God

Ain't Gonna Be in No Legalistic Religious Relationship with God

9:11 What is Born a Again?

10:37 The Serpeant and the Dust - Genesis 3:14, of the curse given to the serpent that he would crawl on his belly and eat dust all his life.

11:22 Even though we walk with Christ, we still will have issues. Trust and walk with Him. Learn Him. 

12:03 Christianity isn’t religion. Fire and brimstone is often fear-based. 

12:56 God was fully man and fully God in Jesus. He died for our sins and fulfilled the original covenant in the garden. 

13:38 Jesus brought restoration. 

14:11 Willy Wonka 

14:49 Unlocked on Netflix

15:33 Do we reap what we’ve sown? Thank God for what Jesus did for us.

16:07 For by grace we are saved not by works.

16:50 Fear is what keeps you from being honest.

17:07 Jesus paid the penalty. Don’t let fear stop you from coming forth with anything you’re hiding.

17:37 He welcomes us with open arms.

19:00 Luke 23:39-43 (NIV)

  • The thief feared God displaying it by not hurling insults at Jesus or blaspheming or reviling Him but rather turning to Christ – seeing Him as His intercessor.
  • The thief was aware of his repeated, habitual sin and his inability to save himself.
  • The thief realized that his sin had to be punished.

19:10 Take off the do not disturb sign

19:25 2 Corinthians 12:9: But he said to me, j“My grace is sufficient for you, for kmy power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that lthe power of Christ may rest upon me.

19:40 For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

20:00 prayer

22:59 come as you are. Doesn’t need to be formal prayer. Just talk to him.

23:00 Keep coming back to Jesus

23:45 Please God show me you’re real.

24:21 The Bible will reveal God’s character

24:58 Isaiah 53: 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

27:07 The Power of God is still for now.

28:27 His supernatural power is still at work today.

29:04 Kingdom vs. Worldview

30:30 Jesus is still healing today

30:39 John 5:19-20 Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. 20 For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed.

31:40 Matthew 17:21 [AMP] But this kind of demon does not go out except by prayer and fasting. ”

32:00 How to fast

33:12 Counteracting negative interactions

33:55 “Date night”

34:26 We are the bride of Christ | Ephesians 5:22–33

35:55 How God is with us like parent/child

36:58 How God wows us with our children, the gift they had.

37:55 Tampatha has the mother anointing

38: 15 Matthew 14:14-21

And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.

39:00 Warfare is Alive today

40:00 John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

40:57 Ephesians 6:12 (KJV) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

41:51 Imposter/copy cat

42:00 God has equipped us with everything we need in our relationship with Him.

42:48 Speak the word to dispel the lies.

43:50 Pray Psalm 91

44:00 Baby Christians - don’t give up

47:15 Ephesians 2:8-9: For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Final Thoughts

3 Restaurants 

2 Favorite Foods

1 Favorite Song

May 09, 202452:15
Ain't Gonna Ignore the Spiritual Significance of the Eclipse

Ain't Gonna Ignore the Spiritual Significance of the Eclipse

1:06 Introduction

2:53-ADHD Situationship-Neurodiversity | ADHD-misconceptions-Not a DISORDER, but a Superpower

  • Womanhood | ADHD

Source: The Disruptors, a documentary about ADHD, spins it as “distraction can really be curiosity, hyperactivity can really be creativity, and impulsivity can really be energy.”

16:30 Eddie cameo

16:38 - The Eclipse Talk

20:40 - The Statue of Liberty hit my lightning

21:21 Francis Scott Key Bridge

21:34 Tav and Aluf-Last letter of the Hebrew alphabet

23:09 Rainbow is a sign of God’s covenant to never flood the earth again.

  • Genesis 9: 13-17 I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. 14 It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; 15 and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. 16 The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living…”

32:46 Unfilled Prophecies -

36:01 Tetelastai “It is Finished”

  • Business context 
    • Used on receipts:  “paid in full” - a literal debt had been paid
  • Judicial Context
    • Fully served sentence
  • Military Context-A Battle as been won.

In other words:

Your debt of sin has been fully paid. 

The judgment for your sin has been fully served.

And the spiritual war against death, sin and Satan has been fully won.

Listen to: Todo va a estar bien & No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper

Psalm 91: Pray it back to Him.

More Resources:

FACT CHECK: Two cities named Ninevah not Seven

Where Can I Find Amy?

IG: @aintgonnabenostupid

Where Can I Find Jill?

Apr 06, 202456:49
Episode 408: "Ain't Going Back to the Way I Used to Be" with Dr. Shari Scott

Episode 408: "Ain't Going Back to the Way I Used to Be" with Dr. Shari Scott

1.27 What Dr. Shari knows for sure

2.21 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.

Rom 7:18 KJV & Psalm 57:2 says, “I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” This is key in understanding God's purpose for your life. God has numbered your days and will fulfill every purpose He has for you

2:42 he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ (Eph 1:9)

3:31 Dr. Shari’s Stupid Situationship

5:23 Daddy poem

6:28 Little girl crying

8:49 They defeated him through the blood of the Lamb

and the bold word of their witness. Rev 12:11

9:57 How the past can affect us

11:11 Shari’s criteria for God to send her a counselor

11:35 Peeling back the layers

11:59 Don’t be afraid to dive into the pain.

12:55 Shari recites her Holy Spirit-inspired poem, “The Confessions of a Very Proud Woman”

15:45 Trying to counsel the counselor but a pivotal moment turned her around

16:50 Forgiveness story

17:51 The tears are healing

18:55 How do you hear God’s voice like Dr. Shari? Matt 18:3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

20:00 Spend time with God. Listen. Don’t just ask, ask, ask

23:00 The Big Cover Up Poem - sexual abuse

24:37 “If you say something, I’m gonna let the dogs get you”

25:55 “How do you get the Holy Ghost?”

26:40 “Meet me in my office”

29:00 Genesis 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

30:42 Skin Hunger

31:29 How Shari isolated, cut, and was suicidal “God does not want me either”

32:00 Amy’s healing journey

33:15 Performance-based will make us crash

34:40 Honk for Jesus-type ministers, what do you say to people who see ministers like this and don’t go towards God? With every authentic, there is an opportunity for fabrication

35:35 “They just want your money”

36:00 Bad things happen to good people

36:19 Don’t let one bad experience turn you off from the whole church.

37:10 Final Thought from Dr. Shari

Dr. Shari’s Book

Where Can I Find Dr. Shari?

Where Can I Find Amy?

Sep 09, 202239:10
Episode 407: "Ain't No Stupid Students, Only Stupid Teachers" [Part 2] with Christine Barboza

Episode 407: "Ain't No Stupid Students, Only Stupid Teachers" [Part 2] with Christine Barboza

30: Dante Stewart - Shouting it the Fire book “Let’s be clear. There’s a vast difference between diversity and inclusion and liberation and justice. One enjoys the feeling of my presence. The other embraces the fullness of my humanity”

2:26 Colonization Approach - Ask vs. lecture

4:34 Teacher evaluation blunders

4:48 Alternative Methods-Grading for Equity

5:11 Embrace the Change-But Give It Time

5:43 California Initiatives-Some change types: Policy Changes | New Admin’s Philosophy

6:44 Block Scheduling

8:08 The Classroom in the heart of the school-why are you breaking it?

9:09 So quick to get out of touch with the classroom when you aren’t in it.

10:06 Sage on the Stage vs. Student Centered Approach

10:47 Education isn’t about just making money-it’s about being a contributing member of society.

11:29Addressing Implicit Biases/Social Cognition

12:29 Challenge Stereotypes-Don’t subscribe to common thought.

13:00 Develop Empathy - SUPPORT THEM. ASK QUESTIONS. Imagine yourself in their shoes

14:44 Landline story from classroom to classroom-VCRS

15:05 Embrace Differences - We spend so much time with our own “kind”. Experience diversity instead. Nicole Mirra Teaching for Empathy - Activity for Embracing our Differences

16:07 Grapple with the work you are assigning your students.

16:30 Intersectionality

California Black School Educator Association 

Dr Marks Acknowledging and Managing Implicit Bias

17:41 Learn about Your Students:

17:47 Language, Gender and Culture Unit - Code Switching

20:30 Speaking with an Accent is a superpower because you speak more than one language.

20:41 Advocacy

21:30 Be Anti-Racist Podcast

21:31 Book Recommendations: Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain, Legend of Bass Reeves, Black Enough, Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad, The Watsons God to Birmingham, Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome, How to Raise an Anti-Racist, Solo, When I Was a Slave, Piecing Me Together, Great Speeches by African Americans, The Silence of Our Friends.

Aug 19, 202223:03
Episode 406: "Ain't No Stupid Students, Only Stupid Teachers" [Part 1] with Christine Barboza

Episode 406: "Ain't No Stupid Students, Only Stupid Teachers" [Part 1] with Christine Barboza


3:53 What Chris knows for sure: “All kids can learn”.

4:24 Here is the bar, I’m going to help you meet it.

5:50 Emerging Multilingual vs. English Language Learners

6:15 Student names-pronounce their names or give them an endearing nickname

6:56 Don’t be afraid to apologize

7:15 Pronouns-Embracing Identities

8:05 Ooops, Amy’s dog makes an appearance.

8:28 Educating for Empathy

8:59 Embracing our differences inspired by Leading Equity, Sheldon Eakins

9:15 Empathy vs. Pity

9:35 What’s the problem with San Francisco school system? LA Times article

10:11 Comments and what we believe about students is key.

11:05 That doesn’t serve the kids.

11:35 BIPOC literature-letting students tell their story

12:29 Get your ACE up-UCLA

12:40 Shervaughnna Anderson-Byrd, Director

13:22 The problem with Color Blind

13:45 Sociologists: Age, Race, Gender

14:00 Ibram Kendi, Anti Racist

14:36 Disruptor not just an Ally

15:00 Know-It-Alls

16:11 Learning Maps-Do we do everything for them?

17:05 Don Murray Lessons from America’s Greatest Writing Teacher

18:28 Monitor your students conversation-Socratic Seminars

19:04 The power of conversation as pre-writing-CONFIDENCE is KEY

20:07 More noise = more learning

20:48 Killing Student Spirits

21:08 See Who Students Are

21:44 Sarcasm

22:28 Connect with Kids

22:53 Confirmation Bias—Don’t ever let another teacher give you a rundown of your roster.

23:19 Pushover/Too Friendly-There is a line and they cross it but tow that line.

23:47 Be firm, fair and flexible

24:00 Integrity

24:47 Isolate vs. Collaborate - Learn the value of collaborating

25:30 Don’t dominate your PLCs - a meeting after the meeting.

27:27 Stressball Teachers

28:40 Covid teaching stories

30:40 Know Your Audience

31:18 “Stupid” teachers are lazy teachers

32:38 FINAL THOUGHTS: If you don’t really care about kids, please find another job.

Aug 12, 202234:10
Episode 405: "Ain't Gonna Live My Life Without a Spiritual Birthday" with Dr. Jamie Harms

Episode 405: "Ain't Gonna Live My Life Without a Spiritual Birthday" with Dr. Jamie Harms

4:00 January - Intrigued by Amy’s lifestyle

4:15 Born Again-what does that mean?

4:50 Say it aloud

5:12 Whirlwind of Transformation

5:55 Feb 3, Jamie’s spiritual birthday

6:31 Desire for a public declaration through baptism

6:55 Explained Christian principles

7:24 Deliverance

8:00 Authority Explained. “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10: 19 KJV).

8:46 “This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come” (Eph 1:19-21).

9:50 Morning Prayer-A & B Counseling - Forgiveness

10:36 - Walk in Holiness [right standing with God]

11:18 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned” (John 15: 5-6 NIV)

11:32 Blood of Jesus

12:18 Generation Curse (Deuteronomy 30:19) (Exodus 34:7) (Exodus 20:5)

12:48 Living Sacrifice

13:02 Renewing of our Mind (Helmet of Salvation)

14:16 New Creation in Christ- mind of Christ-wisdom of God within us

15:04 “He fills my life with good things, so that I stay young and strong like an eagle” (Psalm 103: 5 GNT).

15:21 No Evil Words

15:31 By the power of the Holy Spirit-obedient to Christ

15:45 No weapon formed against us will prosper

16:30 Lift up in prayer today

17:28 Working for Eternity

18:03 Break every curse - written or texted, objects

19:26 Cleansing Prayer for Your Home

20:38 Soul Ties

21:41 Blinders off

22:00 Strongholds

22:30 Take authority over disease

23:00 Spirit of theft

23:47 Fear is the enemy’s perversion of our faith

24:00 Fruit of the Spirit

24:53 “His master replied, ‘Well donegood and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ (Matt 25:21 NIV)

25:30 “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near” (Rev 1:3).

3-Books (1. The Passion Translation of the Bible, 2. True North by Gary and Lisa Hime 3. What’s Here Now by Jeanne Stevens)

2-Reminders About Our Body (Posture - Ear over Shoulders over Hips - Engage Your Core)

1-Prov 4:20-22 My son, pay attention to what I say;

turn your ear to my words.

Do not let them out of your sight,

keep them within your heart;

for they are life to those who find them

and health to one’s whole body.

29:27 Jamie’s second doctorate - Christian Counseling Clinical Psychology - Temperament Therapy 93% success rate. Secular techniques are 8% effective.

30:45 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13 NLT)

Where Can We Find Dr. Jamie Harms?

Where can we find Amy?

Aug 05, 202232:16
Episode 404: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Christian" Part 2 with Pastor Omar A. Muhammad

Episode 404: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Christian" Part 2 with Pastor Omar A. Muhammad

28: Pre-Christianity “The Seven Things the Lord Hates” Prov 6: 16-19

43: Matt 7:1-6 Judge not

1:06 “The LORD” Exodus 3:14

2:00 Ten Commandments (Exodus 20)

2:57 1. “Haughty Eyes” Prov 6: 16-19

3:50 Leviticus 23:22 “Do not cut the edges…leave it for the poor and foreigners among you”

4:12 2. A lying tongue-keeps you from your blessing and divides people Prov 6: 16-19

6:22 3. Hands that shed innocent blood Prov 6: 16-19

7:29  4. “A Heart the devises wicked schemes” Prov 6: 16-19

8:32 Prov 25:21-22 “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you.”

8:50 Law of reaping and sowing: Luke 8:5-15: “A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell by the wayside; and it was trampled down, and the birds of the air devoured it. Some fell on rock; and as soon as it sprang up, it withered away because it lacked moisture.

9:08 “Feet that are quick to rush into evil”  Prov 6: 16-19

9:58 low vibration country

10:00 “False witness that pours out lies” Prov 6: 16-19 (causes division)

11:14 “A person who stirs up conflict in the community”

11:44 Community is where God dwells-UNITY (all of the aforementioned causes division)

12:12 The power of agreement

12:54 Full armor of God - Eph 6:10-20

13:46 The hierarchy of spiritual forces

15:35 Gird up your loins 2 Kings 4:29

16:40 “breastplate of righteousness” Eph 6:10-20

17:40 Keep your hands clean and your heart pure

18:04 repentance “turn around and agree with God about your actions”

18:35 “readiness with the gospel of peace”

20:06 “shield of faith in which you can distinguish the flaming errors of the enemy” Eph 6:10-20

20:37 “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1)

20:48 Faith is simply trusting in God-this gives us power

21:15 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and have it in abundance” (John 10:10)

22:35 Helmet of Salvation (renewing our mind) Eph 6:10-20

24:36 Brain Detox-Dr. Caroline Leaf - Switch on Your Brain

24:55 Not Science or God

25:23 Helmet of Salvation which is the sword of the spirit which is the word of God Eph 6:10-20

28:11 Exercising the word like a master swordsman

28:55 Pray in the spirit at all times [Eph 6:10-20] to keep this activated

30:00 “No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper” Isaiah 54:17

30:05 Bonus: Fred Hammond - No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper

30:48 Final Thoughts: Matt 22:34-40 Love God and Love Thy Neighbor

Where Can We Find Pastor Omar?

Beloved Community - Join Pastor Omar’s Bible Studies on Youtube

Instagram: the_love-ambassador

Facebook: Omar Muhammad - Love in Action

Where Can We Find Amy?

Jul 29, 202233:07
Episode 403: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Christian" Part 1 with Pastor Omar Muhammad

Episode 403: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Christian" Part 1 with Pastor Omar Muhammad

47: Pastor Omar’s history with the Nation of Islam

1:25 Flipping the script

1:55 Experiencing homelessness

2:20 Reading the Quran - Who is this Jesus?

2:42 We send him as a sign unto you, listen to him.

3:21 Ask God for wisdom and understanding while reading these holy books.

4:30 How Pastor Omar became a Christian

5:48 Pastor Omar’s near death experience in Africa

11:21 Hateful Christians

15:00 Recommended reading:

White Lies and White Awake by Daniel Hill

God of the Oppressed by James H. Cone

Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman

18:03 Basic beliefs of Christianity

23:53 Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit

24:45 “Dead Man Walking”

25:32 Will you receive God’s love?

26:02 “Whose the devil now, Omar”

26:45 The same power that raised Jesus from the dead…

28:21 embibe the Word and you receive God

28:35 Jesus is an example of what we can do -John 9 (blind man healed)

30:11 What is your faith in?

30:30 Faith, the currency of heaven

32:00 How the Word changed Omar from a racist to an ambassador of love

33:00 Our authority

34:00 “The devil” (not a human in white skin) or the devil of the pitch fork

34:45 How the enemy rebelled - “father of lies” John 8:44

36:40 There is no he/she, he is a spirit.

37:11 God allows these forces to make us stronger.

38:20 Unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment is an open door to close.

38:40  “The battle is not against flesh and blood…” Ephesians 6:12

Where Can We Find Pastor Omar?

Beloved Community - Join Pastor Omar’s Bible Studies on Youtube (Namely for Seniors)

Instagram: the_love-ambassador

Facebook: Omar Muhammad - Love in Action

Where Can We Find Amy?

FB: Amy Perras

IG: Ain'tGonnaBeNoStupid

Jul 22, 202242:05
Episode 402: "Ain't Gonna Worry About Money Anymore" with Eric Himmel

Episode 402: "Ain't Gonna Worry About Money Anymore" with Eric Himmel

Preshow: Eric saved money by not shaving or getting a haircut. ;)

1:00 Amy’s values

1:41 What Eric knows for sure - if people can automate their money, you’ll be okay. Always think of money as a tool not a goal.

3:06 Money Mirror-Eye opening to see where your money is going

4:00 Make sure you live within your means

4:55 College debt - student loan story - thanks grandpa

5:50 Envelope system now different accounts

6:36 Big money mistakes

6:57 Give 10% to savings

7:00 #automatetobegreat

8:32 You can enjoy life without worrying about money by automating

9:18 A little bit goes a long way - it’s time IN the stock market not TIMING.

9:36 One regret Eric has—waiting too long to invest (Same for Amy)

10:10 Roth IRA

11:28 How it works when stock market is low. Automated systems buys more so you don’t have to worry about it

12:22 Dollar Cost Averaging

12:40 Live within Net Income not the Gross income

14:30 Sweeping cash from checking into savings not vice versa

15:30 Amy’s vacation budget going to dog budget

16:15 Consider our Future Self vs our Current Self when dealing with money

16:44 See past the end of your nose

17:27 How to plan for that vacation—not all or nothing

17:43 “The power of the and, not the tyranny of the or”

18:23 Needs - Wants - Wishes

18:25 How “yes, and” got Amy in trouble in life

18:46 Marriage and Money - ASK: “What was money like for you growing up?”

19:20 Saying NO can be very empowering

20:00 We fight about money because we fear we don’t have enough

20:59 Financial planning is more than finding the right products, it’s about knowing your WHY-Have a purpose.

21:42 Make your money work so you don’t have to worry

22:38 “What you’re supposed to do”

24:00 Many ways to skin a cat

24:30 Thrivent - Integrity Award

26:32 Don’t be afraid to look in that financial mirror.

27:00 Bloopers

Where can we find Eric?

(219) 627-3371

Jul 15, 202228:16
Episode 401: "Ain't a Book I Won't Try" with Carol Jago

Episode 401: "Ain't a Book I Won't Try" with Carol Jago

21: Carol’s Books: Cohesive Writing: Why Concept is Not Enough | Classics in the Classroom | Papers, Papers, Papers | Literature and Composition | With Rigor for All | Beyond Standards |The Book in Question: Why Reading is in Crisis

1:25 Ain’t Gonna Be No Stupid Title Explained

2:40 What Carol knows for sure

2:47 National Writing Project - “Claiming Our Agency in the New Normal” - July 16 Carol’s breakout sessions - “The Role of Literature in Troubling Times” NWP Midwest Conference registration link

4:29 Chicago Area Writing Project - August 8-10 (9am-12pm) Http://

5:08 Carol processed her questions while teaching by writing - Weekly Education Column for Los Angeles Times

6:01 “Animal in and of itself” No animals were harmed while filming (Amy just adopted two dogs from Paws and they were crying for attention)

6:44 Why Carol is such a voracious reader

7:48 Not just about making a living, it’s about making a life

9:41 Carol’s childhood reading experience

11:13 Three Step Approach to Reading: Experience, Analysis, Extension | 12:47 Shawn Peters - The Unforgettable Logan Foster

13:53 Antwan Wilson Mouth to Mouth | 14:00 Rebecca Donner - All The Frequent Troubles of Our Days 

18:00 The Graphic Novel of George Takei - They Called Us Enemy | 18:54 Carol's epiphany about non-fiction | 19:00 Beth Macy - Dopesick

19:10 Andrea Elliott - Invisible Child | 19:15 Matthew Desmond - Evicted | 19:20 Patrick Radden Keefe - Empire of Pain

Jul 08, 202223:15
Episode 311: "Ain’t Gonna Jump on Another Diet Bandwagon" with Maria McCarthy

Episode 311: "Ain’t Gonna Jump on Another Diet Bandwagon" with Maria McCarthy

1:07 Stupid Innocent Stories (Amy and ephedrine)

2:15 Maria’s Innocent Story (The Military Diet)

3:29 Stupid situationships (Amy, #lymphedema #Lipedema)

4:59 Maria’s weight gain #excuses

7:40 Accountability

7:48 Ketogenics explained

8:38 Net carbs and fiber breakdown

10 carbs + 3 grams of fiber = 7 grams of carbs

8:55 Carb manager

9:15 Keto doesn’t work when you give up in a couple of days.

10:45 Cravings for carbs stop

11:30 ADHD nightmare for Amy to meal plan

12:57 Trying to squeeze into old sizes

13:23 #Lipodema, #lyphedema

14:22 Do people really judge us that harshly because of our weight?

14:39 Consistency

15:37 Cortisol

16:20 “Sleep your way to sexy”

16:39 “Not Amazon prime”

17:28 Keto flu

18:10 Keto used for diabetes

18:20 Silly fad diets (60s-70s)

20:01 Thoughts change our brain

20:46 How ads lie to us #erogenic

22:06 Not enough calories = weight gain = storing carbs

24:00 Fat-free created an obesity epidemic

25:08 Discernment with advertising hype

25:22 The lie of “Being Nice” and “Pretty” [Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent & Feeling Guilty…And Start Speaking Up, Saying No, Asking Boldly, And Unapologetically Being Yourself by Dr. Aziz Gazipura

26:35 We are so much more than that.

27:00 Maria’s side hustle, believing she’s not artistic, realized she CAN Craft

27:30 Cricket machine (perfect cutting machine)

27:48 Maria can make custom designs too.

29:00 Final Points

1. Accountability

2. Sleep

3. Don’t eat after 7 pm

31:12: Make your plate colorful

31:34 Healthy Habits - Stay away from refined sugar, preservatives or high fructose syrup

Watch: Super Size Me

32:00 Final piece of advice: Be good to yourself

Where Can I Find Maria?

Sep 10, 202133:37
Episode 310: "Ain't Gonna Avoid Tough Things" with Coate

Episode 310: "Ain't Gonna Avoid Tough Things" with Coate

Introduction Innocent story: Shoe 

6:00 Stupid Situationship -  Billy Corgan 

8:03 Living in squalor - University of Colorado 

10:01 Covid extreme symptoms 

12:30 James 1: 2-4 

14:10 Proverbs 1: Wisdom Personified 

17:15 You just have to face it. 

17:26 Not perfection, just acknowledge it’s rough 

18:08 The second wind of Covid “could finally breathe” (Amy) 

18:50 How do you slow down? Focus on your energy 

19:26 Limit your inputs 

19:40 On social media first thing in the morning? Reflect with yourself first 

21:00 Clarify your thinking by being intentional 

21:50 Do not disturb or turn off notifications 

22:30 Center your soul through slowing down - what am I about and what do I care about? 

23:43 Who do I spend my time and energy? 

23:50 Mental health is key - Sims Foundation 

24:30 Mental health is not linear 

25:11 Feelings fluctuate 

26:14 No backsliding with feelings-no judgment 

26:30 Coate is a Genius 

27:46 Misdiagnosis 

28:14 Mischief and anxiety in the classroom (often a sign of genius) 

29:24 Cry Macho “You used to be strong macho” “This macho thing is over rated, people trying to be macho to show they got grit. That’s all they end up with.” 

30:10 Tough guy lies 

30:20 What am I supposed to learn from this? 

31:42 Mental toughness - asking for help and saying you don’t know the answer is key. 

32:07 Grinning and bearing isn’t the plan-you’re still bearing it. 

32:20 Think back on your timeline 

32:87 Runners don’t like the first mile 

33:35 Yes, And: How Improvisation Reverses "No, But" Thinking and Improves Creativity and Collaboration--Lessons from The Second City 

33:45 "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill 

34:11 Reframe it: “I get to do this” 

35:21 We don’t avoid tough things because we become a more authentic stronger sense of who we truly are 

36:20 Creativity comes from constraints 

37:02 Challenges are opportunities to grow - you don’t have to like them 

Three Things: Book-Stillness it the Key

Podcast: Rebuilding the Past 

Where can I find Coate? 

Twitter: @andrewjcoate 

IG: @andrewjcoate 


42:19 Paradise Makes No Demands 

The Geography of Genius

Where Can I Find Amy?   

Linkedin: Amy Perras   

Twitter: @perras_scope   

IG @aintgonnabenostupid   

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid   

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)   

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast   

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel   

Coaching Session

Sep 03, 202144:03
Episode 309: "Ain't Gonna Stifle Student Voices" with Matt Capriola

Episode 309: "Ain't Gonna Stifle Student Voices" with Matt Capriola


1:48 Innocent Stories

2:13 Book reference: A Vein of Gold: A Journey to Your Creative Heart

2:28 Compliant vs reaching our potential

2:49 Matt’s Innocent Tiger Story - age 8

4:00 Comedy in the “tragic” moments of life

5:33 Remote learning stifled voices without realizing it

6:14 Masks and projecting our voices

6:30 Masks and the smile

7:26 Speak Up

7:46 Theatre vocal exercises

8:30 Empowering student voices by reading their writing in front of the class.

9:00 Main Dish: Misdiagnosis: Dual Diagnosis of Gifted Children

9:41  The Genius Child by Langston Hughes

10:10 Soul rape at school

10:27 Glorifying genius can also backfire

10:43 the burden of genius/giftedness

11:07 take care of yourself-don’t try to be perfect

11:29 1. Gifted and undiagnosed learning disability, 2. Severe learning disabilities but highly gifted elsewhere. 3. Majority: Learning disability masked their giftedness, average but performing below their gifted level.

13:44 Elevating Student Voices in Education tudent-voice-education/

14:00 Elevating Student Voices (Allyship)

15:34 Vulnerability is key when working with people, teenager, to break down these walls.

16:00 We are there to serve.

16:29 Share your own struggles, show our failures

17:00 What do you need right now?

17:21 Self-efficacy

19:00 Deepening Student Voice - Open Mic representing ALL students

19:44 Voices that are stifled and we don’t fit in that box.

20:31 Tiger metaphor

21:21 What’s really happening with our students? ASK!!

22:22 Empowering solutions by disrupting the inequities of the school.

23:02 What identity do you want to learn more about

23:21 Social-emotional learning should be a part of every class.

23:49 Empower vs. stifle - less conflict

24:17 “Empowering student voices transform the learning from being an observer to being an initiator”

25:38 When we disagree, doesn’t make our point invalid

25:50 Look past ourselves, there is still more work to be done.

26:20 Create a safe environment or students won’t share

Additional Sources:

National Speech and Debate

Additional Sources:  

National Speech and Debate

Where Can I Find Matt? 

Twitter: @MrCapriolaOLCHS 

Charities: and

Where Can I Find Amy?   

Linkedin: Amy Perras   

Twitter: @perras_scope   

IG @aintgonnabenostupid   

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid   

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)   

YouTube: Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid   

Coaching Session

Aug 27, 202127:49
Episode 308: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Toxic Male" with Tony Farinella

Episode 308: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Toxic Male" with Tony Farinella


:42 Tony comes out of social media hiding 

1:33 lost independence but gained it back 

3:00 benefits of reconnecting with social media 

3:16 love/hate relationship with social media 

3:40 never just in one cliche 

4:38 Stay true to yourself 

4:55 Innocent story-Quiet chair in kindergarten 

6:15 Amy’s talks too much and disturbs others comments causing her to shut down 

7:09 Ain’t Gonna Be No Stupid Teacher story 

7:43 Stupid Situationship - Tony’s in-laws 

8:43 Life with no car 

10:10 Trying to get others to like you futility 

11:11 Working from home 

12:00 Tony’s profession 

13:03 Lambeau, Tony’s cat 

13:30 1. Acting like a bully 

16:20 Party peer pressure 

16:40 Reared by an alcoholic 

17:24 Old soul wise beyond his years 

17:50 2. Avoiding Losing at all Costs 

18:11 Wrestling manager 

19:41 3. Restraining One’s Emotions except for pride and anger 

20:20 Nice guy vs. bad boy 

20:47 President, CEO, chairman of the friend’s zone 

21:22 Let out your emotions 

21:54 Story behind Tony’s marriage 

23:13 Relationships dying slowly are brutal 

24:48 Like me for who I am 

25:15 Men and the pursuit 

25:55 Taking the plunge into marriage 

26:09 Get your mental health right 

28:46 Mental Health Stability 

30:10 We are all a work in progress 

31:40 4. Aggression in Conflict 

33:49 How technology has contributed to anxiety 

34:34 Benefits of therapy 

35:27 Therapeutic Alliance 

35:50 5. Dominance Over Other 

36:12 The Uncommon Male 

36:49 Ain’t Gonna Be No Stupid Boomer 

38:08 False Perception of Black and White TV  

39:19 When I was your age 

40:10 6. Treating Women as Sex Objects 

40:20 7. Resorting to Violence to Resolve Conflict 

40:43 Katherine Hepburn “You can’t have it all” 

41:30 Amy’s Fighting in classroom 

43:43 You can’t fake gravity 

44:04 Amy’s chipped tooth wrestling with her brother 

45:03 Tony’s first and last fight 

46:00 8. “Boys will be Boys" 

47:00 Respect for women 

48:00 Good men out there 

48:40 9. Feeling it’s not okay to talk about your feelings 

49:00 Self Awareness and Reflection 

49:15 Always right? You’re toxic 

50:12 Insincere apologies are worse than no apology 

51:00 Famous people with a gap in their teeth like Tony 

51:59 Sit with your triggers 

52:21 10. Homophobia 

53:21 Wrecked by Star is Born 

54:00 NFL Pink Attire 

56:00 Be You- Sensitivity is because we are provoked 

57:23 Narcissistic abuse 

57:32 "Be Curious, Not Judgmental" Ted Lasso Where Can I FInd Tony? 

Amanda Crochets YouTube Channel 

Where Can I Find Amy?   Linkedin: Amy Perras   Twitter: @perras_scope   IG @aintgonnabenostupid   Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid   Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)   Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast   Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel   Coaching Session

Aug 20, 202101:00:53
Episode 307: "Ain't Gonna Be No Fearful Dude" with Rosemary Jepsen

Episode 307: "Ain't Gonna Be No Fearful Dude" with Rosemary Jepsen

1:00 Introductions 

1:33 Dude story 

4:30 Trauma and the brain 

6:50 Tooth Extraction story 

11:29 Use your imagination 

12:22 Physical reaction to fear 

12:53 Misdiagnosed with anxiety 

13:20 Six tips for how to overcome fear 

13:36 Sit in your fear for 2-3 minutes 

15:08 Rose and her baking expertise 

16:10 Gratitude list 

17:00 Anxiety is a storehouse of wisdom 

17:44 Exercise 

18:34 Humor-Worst Case Scenario thinking 

19:10 Appreciate your Courage 

19:30 Taming of the Shrew story 

20:40  "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever.” Psalm 111:10 

21:02 "The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer” Psalm 18:2 

22:22 Blessing from her uncle 

22:52 "The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer" 1 John 4:18 

23:02 Gospel music 

23:15 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 

23:20 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." ... The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 

23:40 baking_rosemary list of desserts

24:19 Watermelon Jello How-To 

26:21 Final Thoughts - Do not be discouraged when you go through a struggle because it’s preparing you for the next step.  

Where Can I find Rosemary? baking_rosemary  

Where Can I Find Amy?

Amy Perras

Perras Scope, LLC

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Podcast Pre-interview Questionnaire

Aug 13, 202127:48
Episode 306: "Ain’t Gonna Retire During Covid Without Saying a Proper Good-Bye" with John Teeples

Episode 306: "Ain’t Gonna Retire During Covid Without Saying a Proper Good-Bye" with John Teeples

4:43 AARP Discount at El Pollo Loco

5:44 John’s retirement during the pandemic

6:29 Construction paper chain good-bye

10:00 Connecting with our students

11:51 We are not their friend but a mentor

12:01 What students need

12:17 Advice for first year teachers (and veterans)

13:22 Improve your lessons annually and take notes that day about how the lessons went

13:44 Don’t be afraid to ask for help

14:07 John as a perfectionist in recovery and how he overcame

15:00 Poor first period

15:36 Start your first period after your prep period! That will free up your evening.

16:07 Copy machine mania

16:31 DeeO’HGee (John’s dog) cameo!

17:34 Join a club as a co-advisor

18:15 C.A.T. cameos

19:15 Tips on fundraising

19:26 New Rules in California “Healthy Snacks”

20:46 One last message to his students

21:25 Virtual Graduation - Fun Fact: John was Valedictorian from his graduating class and Amy was Salutatorian

23:00 Amy’s fear of retirement

23:59 How John processed his retirement date and why he retired at 55.

26:14 Attitude is so crucial

27:06 Staff meetings and changes for next year are so sweet in your last year.

28:03 Top plans in retirement-travel, docent program at L.A. Zoo, improv classes, photography, Disneyland.

3 Places to Travel

-Buenos Aires

-South Africa

-All Disney park around the world

2 Two Animals at the Zoo

-Snow Leopard


1 Improv Game

-Four Corners

Where Can I Find John? Contact Amy.

Where Can I Find Amy?

Amy Perras

Perras Scope, LLC

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Podcast Pre-interview Questionnaire

Aug 06, 202133:38
Episode 305: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Zoomer" with Eric DelGatto

Episode 305: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Zoomer" with Eric DelGatto

*Introductions Innocent Stories 

2:00 Eric, a former bully 

2:02 "Hurt People, Hurt People 

2:41 Killing people with kindness is so much better 

4:00 Ms. Perras' memory of Eric in class 

4:45 Responding vs. reacting 

5:36 Stupid Situationship - Moving from Catholic school to public school 

6:45  Don't judge a book by its cover, cliche but true 

7:52 Improv actor, Eric, was one of the best actors 

8:41 EMT journey 

9:35 Thoughts as the enemy 

9:45 How do you get in control of your mind? 

10:28 Living in the moment 

11:22 Responsibilities of an EMT/Firefighter *Teamwork *Use the equipment properly  *Treat every patient as if they were your own family member 12:47 Greatest success story 

14:06 Emergency situation tips 

14:34 Most challenging call 

16:30 Money for mental health is needed in all of our systems 

17:12 What you thought the job was and what it is 

19:33 How Can Bystanders Help or Hurt an Emergency Situation? 


20:22 Respect the dead 

21:45 Final Thoughts - One question to think more deeply about: Do you love yourself? 

23:10 Know your worth 

25:10 Doesn't have three books "I Used to be a Miserable F*uck Go to any local book store and find a book that pops at you. Unf*ck Yourself Two TV Shows - Go on Youtube and find any motivational videos 

26:45 Find Matthew McConaughey and Ray Lewis 

27:30 1 Habit - Get off social media! Stop comparing yourself. 

28:15 Doesn't like his own generation, Gen Z - PLAY OUTSIDE!  

Where Can I Find Eric DelGatto? Contact Amy for Eric deets 

Where Can I Find Amy?   

Linkedin: Amy Perras   

Twitter: @perras_scope   

IG @aintgonnabenostupid   

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid   

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)   

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast   

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel   

Coaching Session

Jul 30, 202130:07
Episode 304: "Ain't Gonna Hold Me Down" with Amber Marquez

Episode 304: "Ain't Gonna Hold Me Down" with Amber Marquez

Ain’t Gonna Hold Me Down


1:44 Stupid Innocent Story

2:13 Misophobia

4:39 Stupid Situtationship

10:00 Don’t get depressed over some circumstances for another opportunity is right around the corner

10:15 Don’t let the first thought fly out of your mouth

10:45 Amber’s journey as a Christian

11:28 Mom the driving force as a prayer warrior

12:10 Why Be Normal?

12:20 Beast Mode

14:00 Runners don’t like the first mile either

14:18 Get your momentum is a metaphor for life

15:00 Bubble Wrap

16:04 Goals & Commitment

17:12 Run for a Goal

17:29 Mom’s loss and gain in the best mentor

19:40 Running across country idea for charity

21:20 The Forgotten Woman, the cause

22:30 The satisfaction of the beauty industry

23:55 Old makeup

24:04 The Forgotten Woman explained

24:29 Girl’s residence in their home

26:01 Donations for Halfway house story

26:38 GIve whatever you can

28:14 Going in whatever directions I want or doing what’s right

28:20 Get out of jail free card

28:31 How to get out of grief

29:00 Worship leader

29:25 Tips for Staying Motivated During Workouts

30:27 Some people like a buddy but neither of us do

31:17 Push throught the pain (another metaphor for life)


Three Beauty Hacks

  1. Wear sunscreen as early as possible and reapply it
  2. Always wash your makeup off every night - because it ages you.
  3. Don’t pull your hair back when wet due to bacteria.

35:45 Don’t stress out about losing your hair or you’ll lose more hair

Two Books to Read

  1. Kingdom Series by Tony Evans (Kingdom Woman)
  2. Armor of God Bible Study

One Habit to Adopt

  1. Make your bed and take a shower in the morning so you can accomplish   more things throughout the day.

Where Can I Find Amber Marquez?

IG: Beauty @touchofgracebeauty

IG: Beast Mode: @runforimpact

Where Can I Find Amy Perras?  

Linkedin: Amy Perras   

Twitter: @perras_scope   

IG @aintgonnabenostupid   

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid   

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)   

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel   

Coaching Session

Jul 23, 202142:03
Episode 303: "Ain’t Gonna Be No News Without My Name" with Ibrahim Samra

Episode 303: "Ain’t Gonna Be No News Without My Name" with Ibrahim Samra

2:46 Innocent “Stupid” Story - The Snack Closet

4:13 Weird is a good thing, we’re not “normal”

6:35 Situationship - The internship

11:47 Ibrahim’s Journey as a Reporter

13:00 The camera is on you, beware of the competition

13:26 Blue eyes, dark hair “genetic freak”

14:22 Sister cameo

14:40 Discrimination in Springfield, Illinois

17:12 South Bend, IN

18:57 Palestinian conflict explained

20:42 Occupied by Zionists

21:12 Generosity of Palestinians

21:28 1968 Israeli Occupation - 1948

21:50 Killed and kicked people out of their homes

22:22 Rock throwing is all they have

22:48 National News bias - connotation of words

23:40 Not about religion-the religious folks stick together

24:00 It’s a political and financial fight

24:59 How 911 caused more Muslim discrimination

25:23 Labels are so destructive

26:00 Protests

26:57 The Present - 20 min documentary

27:40 Caucasian fear

27:57 Award Winning Report on Ramadan during Covid

28:41 Ramadan - a time to submit yourself to God with fasting, prayer, repentance, giving, etc.

29:40 Hidden stories-purpose of this podcast

31:00 Hard reset grew our faith

32:32 Depression

32:38 Social Anxiety

33:42 Faith Alive Ministries-Pastor YPJ

34:34 Teacher training - learning how to pronounce names

35:54 Final Deep Thought: How far are you wiliing to go to do what you love and would you change your name?

38:44 The conversation after the interview with his sister, Layali.

42:00 Fun insider news stories

44:44 Social Media Drain

45:00 Living like a genius, engaging all senses

Where Can I Find Ibrahim Samra?

Facebook (Ibrahim Samra WNDU)

Twitter @IbrahimSamra

IG: Ibrahimsamratv

Tik Tok: isamratv

Where Can I Find Amy?

Amy Perras

Perras Scope, LLC

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Podcast Pre-interview Questionnaire

Jul 16, 202146:58
Episode 302: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Divorce" with Errol Thompson

Episode 302: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Divorce" with Errol Thompson

4:13   1 – Maturity for Marriage

7:14  2 – Balance of Responsibility in Marriage

7:45 Eliminate the gender-specific responsibilities

9:50  3 – Making a Connection (Intimacy)

11:00 Be spiritually, mentally, emotionally naked in front of your spouse.

14:06 4 – Expectations

14:15 Hollywood endings vs. "Marriage is hard".

16:57 5 – Self-esteem and Self-Image in Marriage

17:17 Physical appearance and body image are influenced by outside sources. Put things into perspective.

21:30 6 – Learning How to Argue and Reason Together

21:45 Not a prizefight, it’s sparring

25:08 7 – Communication in Marriage

26:17 Communicating honestly eliminates 70% of what problems we often have in marriage.

30:16 8 – Marriage and Money

32:32 Carpenter metaphor

33:33 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” Matthew 6:24

34:52 “ For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” (1 Tim 6:10).

38:02 9 – Touch and Affection

40:17 Fire metaphor

41:41 A message to the fellas

47:25   10 – Loyalty and Support

47:34 Infidelity is the Great White Shark in marriage

48:04 Faithfulness is one of the fruits of the spirit. Galatians 5: 22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law.

50:45 “He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake” Psalm 23:3

52:48 Luke 14:15–24  The Great Banquet

Where Can I Find Errol Thompson?


Twitter: @bekingdomstrong

Instagram: @wearekingdomstrong

Facebook (New!): The Kingdom Strong Blog

Where Can I Find Amy?

Amy Perras

Perras Scope, LLC

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Podcast Pre-interview Questionnaire

Jul 09, 202156:29
Episode 301: "Ain't Gonna Be No, ' I Wasn't Ready'" with Errol Thompson

Episode 301: "Ain't Gonna Be No, ' I Wasn't Ready'" with Errol Thompson


2:54 Life of the Party

3:23 Errol’s Stupid Innocent Story

5:47 Errol’s Situationship

9:47 Interpersonal Development

10:57 1. Punctuality and Time

11:56 Book of Genesis - Time has given us time so value it as a gift.

12:31 When we value our time, we make better decisions about what we value.

13:20 You show others you value them too.

14:18 Our core values are influenced by God’s wisdom

14:37 God is good all the TIME, and all the TIME, God is good.

15:25 Time as a love language

15:45 Quality time

16:52 2. Work Ethic

17:55 Effort, practice, work

19:05 Practice your faith - Phil 2:12 continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling

20:02     3. Effort

20:20 Grace - unearned favor

22:15     4. Body Language

25:12 Developing Emotional Intelligence

26:45     5. Energy

29:23 High and Low Energy versus Negative and Positive Energy

34:15 Obnoxious Energy Examples

35:45      6. Attitude

35:50 Options not Force

36:50 Give feedback to partner with change

38:20 “What do you need from me?”

38:30      7. Passion

39:45 Dream Manager

40:16     8. Be Coachable

41:21 Have a good relationship with your coach

42:16 Proverbs 27:6 Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.

43:58     9. Doing Extra

44:23 Under promise and over deliver

45:35 Put thought into your gifts

47:08    10. Be Prepared

49:33 Circle of friends who hold each other accountable

Where Can I Find Errol?


Twitter: @bekingdomstrong

Instagram: @wearekingdomstrong

Facebook (New!): The Kingdom Strong Blog (search: @thekingdomstrongblog)

Where Can I Find Amy?

Amy Perras

Perras Scope, LLC

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Podcast Pre-interview Questionnaire

Jul 02, 202152:57
Episode 212: "Ain't Gonna Live Dirt Cheap Forever" with Laura Sample

Episode 212: "Ain't Gonna Live Dirt Cheap Forever" with Laura Sample


4:39 Stupid Innocent Stories

6:00 The Meaning of the Name Laura Sample

7:58 Rear axle ratios

9:36 Steelsmith Brothers “Richest farmers in Latah County”

10:40 Millionaire Next Door

11:00 Amy’s coffee in the car without coffee

13:22 Barry, the serial killer

15:30 As a mom accustomed to taking care of everyone else

16:00 Bought a Motorhome instead

19:26 How the motorhome was discovered

23:56 Parked near the beach and a dog beach!

24:34 What types of different locations traveled and parked

25:00 Walmart is safe because it has 24-hour security

26:36 Cost of gas to drive a motorhome

27:50 Are those footsteps on my roof?

30:33 Sheriff arrives lighting the place up like a stadium

31:30 The bike survived!

32:15 Benefits of Motorhome Living

32:40 You have everything you need

33:25 Creativity abounds - making it work with what you have like Apollo 13

46:43 You have to entertain yourself - painting and podcast downloads before off the grid

34:33 Own repairs on the RV

35:18 Cooking in an RV

37:12 Unencumbered yet Cumbersome

37:45 Driving a motorhome is like a 6 point earthquake every time you drive it.

38:06 Sewer hose emptying

38:27 Scar, owner of RV Park

41:11 Questions that Come from the First Documentary below:

1. When did I give so much meaning to stuff?

2. Who is the person I want to become and how will I define that when I’m there?

3. Who is truly important in my life?

4. Why have I been so disconnected


*****THREE Shows/Films to Watch on Netflix

1. Marie Kondo, Tidying Up

2. Minimalism

3. The Minimalist Less is Now

*****TWO Habits to Adopt

1. Start throwing away stuff one thing at a time.

2. Put your money in growth funds

*****ONE: Question to Think About

What would I do if money was no object and if you were not afraid?

Where Can I Find Laura?


Where Can I Find Amy?

Linkedin: Amy Perras

Twitter: @perras_scope

IG @aintgonnabenostupid

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Feb 12, 202147:21
Episode 211: "Ain't Gonna Let Society Tell Me I Don't Have a Right to be Here" with Kerrie Ann Murphy

Episode 211: "Ain't Gonna Let Society Tell Me I Don't Have a Right to be Here" with Kerrie Ann Murphy

Stupid Innocent Stories

Stupid Situationships

11:42 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] There is no commandment greater than these.” (Matt 12:30-31 NIV)

11:58 Pedophilia and Gang Rape

13:13 Levitical Law source

17:30 “Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” Luke 6:28

18:00 Everybody has a purpose

19:49 Going down the path with God.

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? (Matt 7: 1-3 NIV)

21:34 “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” (Rev 3:20 NIV)

26:00 Bullying story

27:00 High school love

30:07 Loyalty vs. Love

30:55 Their happiness is not your responsibility

31: 46 Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty (Zec 4:6 NIV)

32:04 Adoption

35:00 Challenge to the heterosexuals who stand in judgment

41:00 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” (Matt 22: 37-40).

43:00 3-2-1

Three Books

Two Shows/Videos: The Egg, Gray’s Anatomy

One Habit: Stop trying to look for things that could go wrong.


Where Can I Find Kerrie Ann?

IG: k3rrieannmurphy

Where Can I Find Amy?  

Linkedin: Amy Perras  

Twitter: @perras_scope  

IG @aintgonnabenostupid  

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid  

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)  

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast  

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel  

Coaching Session

Feb 05, 202145:06
Episode 210: "Ain't Gonna Lose My 20/20 Vision" with Dave Kobelin

Episode 210: "Ain't Gonna Lose My 20/20 Vision" with Dave Kobelin


4:00 Younique

4:38 Pastor since 1984

5:00 Dave’s initial mission statement

5:17: Younique Mental, Spiritual Discovery Experience

5:39 We can do a lot of things but what is our true passion?

6:12 What MUST I do?

6:18 Driving Force

6:31 Dave’s mission [restoring identity]

7:03 Unshackle Identity

7:19 Greatest Joy

8:17 Identity Restoration Specialist

8:25 CPR

8:35 Our identities were stolen from us

8:50 Born again experience is needed and we all have this desire.

9:20 Successful Client-Salesman

9:45 Need to know my WHY…

10:09 Fulfillment comes from doing what I MUST do.

10:45 If our goals don’t match our WHY, then they don’t stick

11:15 “Not what we’ve done but who we’ve become”

11:30 Nail, screw, hammer, screwdriver metaphor

13:32 How do you find your why?

14:18 Car metaphor

16:00 Favorite part of coaching

17:29 Literal Eye Exam

  1. 1. One Eye at a Time
  2. 2. Shines the Light - Look off in the distance
  3. 3. Perception of Light
  4. 4. Peripheral Vision Test
  5. 5. Puff in your Eye

19:30 Clearer Here or Clearer There?

20:20 [Ironically this falls on the 20:20 Minute Mark] Worst Case Scenerio Clients

21:21 The Struggle to Look Forward

21:54 Never given permission to dream

22:15 If you could, what would that look like?

22:36 You’re doing it. What does that look like?

22:55 A couple of metaphors and a cliche

23:54 Our Nation Has Lost Our Vision

24:08 Where there is chaos, often in there is restoration and redemption.

24:35 John Adams-this nations can only exist of a religious and moral people.

25:15 What you focus on is what you get more of

25:36 What is it, moving forward can we do together that is going to honor and reflect our values that will include all of us.

26:03 Scab metaphor

26:25 Not about covering up but about healing—what are our values?

27:07 How to disagree without hating each other

27:27 Individual redemption-receive the love you were created in.

27:43 You cannot legislate a change of heart

28:26 MLK’s clarity and walking in purpose

29:18 White Supremacy must be dismantled in order

29:50 Faith in humans?

29:59 How do you roll within your circle?

30:23 Deactivated FB and Twitter due to censorship

31:00 Interpretation of a message

34:04 Weight of the world on your shoulders

34:44 Fasting from Social Media

35:31 Every strength we have can become a weakness.

35:54 Balance is needed-be careful

36:50 Peace in living from who I am and feeding what I need

37:43 Imagine If

38:44 Dave is a telescope helping people to look into the distance.

Where Can I Find Dave?

Linkedin: Dave Kobelin

Books referenced: Daniel Hill’s White Awake and White Lies

Where Can I Find Amy?

Amy Perras

Perras Scope, LLC

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Podcast Pre-interview Questionnaire

Jan 29, 202140:44
Episode 209: "Ain’t Gonna Subscribe to What You Think I Should Be" with Marisa Bonney

Episode 209: "Ain’t Gonna Subscribe to What You Think I Should Be" with Marisa Bonney

3:00 Stupid Story: Freckles and Lemons and Small Town Living - Suntan with aluminum foil and baby oil

4:14 Ignorance is Bliss

5:52 The Aging Stereotype

7:15 Situationships that Propel you into purpose

7:30 Divorce/Single motherhood

8:27 Our conditioning

8:58 When we know better, we do better

9:32 Trailblazer of how to recover from divorce

10:12 Hindsight is 20/20 - the valley

10:30 “Who We Are” is who we are.

10:52 Like an Onion - Fall off or build up walls

11:17 The beautiful sacrifice of motherhood

11:55 Cross Fit

12:25 Unbecoming

13:45 Makeover Contest/Modeling

16:14 Doors will open - but you need to have the courage to walk through them

17:15 Mission to Mars

18:18 Fitness Contest/Photoshoot

19:10 Fear Enters In

19:18 Why Not?

20:00 How Do You Get Over Fear?

22:54 What is your why?

24:30 How did Isagenix come about?

25:00 What is it you’re looking for? Less stress? Better sleep? Vitamins? Weight loss?

25:45 Filling in the gap in our diet

26:26 Amy’s inflammation story

27:59 Forks Over Knives

28:25 Starving Nutrionally

28:45 Collagen Special

29:38 Biodegradable Packaging

29:53 Gut Health, probiotics, collagen bone broth

30:22 Marine Collagen Elixir-Type 1 -zero preservatives-glass packaging

32:52 Six box after glow bundle

$184 (2 month supply)

$160 (4 box + shipping)

33:35 Why do we need collagen?

(Lines/wrinkles/hydration + hair, skin, nails and tendons)

35:30 Evaluate your goals


4-3-2-1 Marisa recommends:

Four Books

The Carpenter-Jon Gordon

Untamed - Glennon Doyle

Business of the 21st Century Robert Kiyosaki

Happily Ever After - Kristin Armstrong

Three Bits of Advice

38:00 Never take advice from someone whose life you wouldn’t want

38:30 What you think of me is none of my business

39:04 “Bless those who curse you…” (Luke 6:28)

39:20 What is coming is better than what is gone

Two Things to Start Your Day

Write down what you are grateful for

Full yourself with a healthy breakfast

One Thing You Cannot Live Without

42:05 Have a Plan B


Marreaux Drake “You can be, do, have and give anything you dream because God and greatness is inside of you.

Where Can I Find Marisa?

FB: Marisa Thomas Bonney

IG: @marisathomasbonney



Where Can I Find Amy?

Amy Perras

Perras Scope, LLC

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Podcast Pre-interview Questionnaire

Jan 22, 202148:50
Episode 208: "Ain’t Gonna Fit into One Niche; Have You Met Me?" with Eric Kallenborn

Episode 208: "Ain’t Gonna Fit into One Niche; Have You Met Me?" with Eric Kallenborn


Comic/Graphic Novel Discussion

4:39 Pushback incorporating graphic novels in the classroom?

6:48 Not just a gateway to literacy

7:00 Rare words per novel

8:00 S.E.L. in the English classroom

9:03 Tone/Mood

9:47 Student Growth

10:20 Jane Erye

11:08 Experiment: Moby Dick text vs graphic novels and Spark Notes Quiz

11:58 Difference between Comics {Sequential Art} and Graphic Novels

13:00 Multiple Intelligences

13:30 AP Lit Beowolf Graphic Novel vs. Traditional Adaptation (Text) Experiment

14:50 Spiderman Graphic Novel

14:59 More Books, More Books!

16:00 How do we adapt in remote learning in getting books to students?

16:33 Planning in a Pandemic

17:26 Comixology-

18:36 How to Think Like DaVinci [A Genius] - Literary Expressions

19:17 Oreo Writing Assignment

20:14 Other Types of Writing Besides the FIve Paragraph Essay

20:45 Activating The Senses - Part of Thinking Like a Genius

21:07 Ronell Whitaker - Shout Out

21:50 Research and boys—if they see dad reading, that’s the ticket

Vegan Discussion

23:00 The Game Changers-Netflix

23:54 Forks over Knives-Netflix

24:00 Why Eric Chose to Become a Vegetarian

29:54 Eating Animals - Jonathan Safran-Foer

Eric goes Vegan (No Dairy)

30:37 How Advertising Lies to Us

31:26 Follow @thekoreanvegan

32:16 Health Benefits of Veganism

32:47 Financially No More Expensive [if you follow certain sales]

33: 47 Gives Your Body a Spring Cleaning (Inflammation down)

35:12 Eating Meat and Dairy Epiphany - Open Your Mind to a World of Possibilities

35:00 Vegan Research


Health: Watch The Game Changers and Forks over Knives

36:50 Finer Things Club & Suggestions

39:16 Sharpen Your Analysis Skills

40:45 Rapid Fire Questions

44:30 3-2-1 Close:

Three Vegan Dishes

*Fall in Love with Chickpeas

*Lean into Mexican Dishes

*Make Neopolitan Pizza Crust

Two Graphic Novels to Read

*Here by Richard McGuire

*Scott Pilgrim Series-Bryan Lee O'Malley

One T.V. Show to Watch -

*Cobra Kai - Netflix

Where Can I Find Eric?

Twitter: @comics_teacher

Instagram: comics_teacher


YouTube Channel: Comics Teacher

Where Can I Find Amy?

Linkedin: Amy Perras

Twitter: @perras_scope

IG @aintgonnabenostupid

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Podcast Pre-interview Questionnaire

Jan 15, 202150:09
Episode 207: "Ain’t Gonna Let Covid Steal my Peace of Mind or Sanity" with Mayra Flores

Episode 207: "Ain’t Gonna Let Covid Steal my Peace of Mind or Sanity" with Mayra Flores

3:29 Anti-bodies Test doesn’t mean you cannot get Covid again

The coronavirus mainly spreads face to face via infected droplets expelled in a cough or sneeze.

4:20 Donate Plasma for Plasma Transfusions—it saves lives!

4:47 Amy's anti-bodies test results…

5:12 Amy’s “Stupid Story” “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up"

6:30 Mayra’s “Stupid Story”

7:57 The best age is the age you’re at.

8:12 Mayra’s Story

8:27 Mayra’s sister had it in April.

9:01 Staying away from family was hard but she and her husband were super careful.

10:49 How Mayra got the virus

11:11 Trying to get tested rigamarole

11:46 Sore throat and cough

12:13 This cannot be happening, we have always been careful

13:19 Test results “negative” for Mayra and her husband

13:49 Horrible body aches, breathing issues, coughing, etc.

ER visit #1

13:47 Mayra had no pre-existing conditions

14:18 Posts suggesting that Covid wasn’t that serious

15:06 Coughing uncontrollably

15:25 At the ER

17:44 sent home from the ER with anti-biotics and heavy duty cough medicine

18:04 PTSD from watching mom have a heart attack

18:55 Return to the ER-grasping for air

19:40 Sending her back home AGAIN

20:05 Pneumonia diagnosis and cough attack while leaving the hospital-panic attack

21:21 Nurse “angel” doesn’t let her leave

23:29 Virus feeds on fear

24:00 Anxiety discussion

25:20 In the hallways lying on stretchers

26:00 People still insisting on meeting with their families for Thanksgiving

28:00 Story of a Nurse with Covid doing LIVE Facebook videos and died.

33:33 Normal oxygen levels

35:00 Inoculum effect

36:00 Grateful for our husbands

36:48 Fanfare of Hallejuliah -Discharge

39:58 Read Psalm 91 and Plead the Blood of Jesus

40:00 Rapid Fire Questions:

Last Show You Binged Watched - 90 Day Fiance and Latin America’s Rock History on Netflix

Night Owl or Early Bird? Neither

Proverbs 18:21 puts it this way: “The tongue has the power of life and death.” The stakes are high. Your words can either speak life, or your words can speak death. Our tongues can build others up, or they can tear them down. An unchecked fire doubles in size every minute.

Where Can I Find Mayra? Ask Amy.

Where Can I Find Amy?

Linkedin: Amy Perras

Twitter: @perras_scope

IG @aintgonnabenostupid

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Coaching Session

Podcast Pre-interview Questionnaire

Jan 11, 202143:49
Episode 206: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Stick in the Mud" with Nick Soto

Episode 206: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Stick in the Mud" with Nick Soto

3:33 Nick growing up "white-passing" (half German/half Mexican). What it means to be me…

4:34 “When I discover who I am, I’ll be free” (Ellison).

7:00 What it means to be a person of color…

8:50 “Perras-phrasing”

11:00 What and how much I had lost by trying to do what was expected of me rather than what I, myself, had wished to do” (Ellison).

11:16 What made Nick decide to do music.

13:06 Domino Effect - Interpersonal Relationships

14:00 Play the Game but don’t believe in it, but don’t believe in it (Ellison).

14:30 Personal Growth and Creativity go hand in hand.

14:30 Acting vs. Music

15:00 share my experience through music

15:30 Music with no lyrics also tells a story

15:50 New Project…Coming Soon…

16:23 Your words only go so far

16:35 Language within music - improv within jazz

17:00 Music explained

17:45 Finding your voice in a community

18:00 Shout out to Miguel, Freddie, Brandon, Sergio, and how to embrace criticism to help you grow.

18:54 Learning to walk and run-growing your knowledge base

19:27 Our task… (Ellison)

20:00 The masses won’t create, the masses will consume. The individuals create.

20:40 Culture is community.

21:30 People’s Party - Talid Kweli and JPEGMAFIA

22:00 The absurdity of life— just throw it out there and let it happen.

22:36 Self-fulfillment with your art

23.:20 Nick’s failure moment but flew above the ashes like a phoenix

25:25 You need to hit a low in order to have clarity.

27:00 Practice things you’re doing - Art of Islam

28:15 Find the art in anything

29:47 If you don’t make life this big ole art piece, it’s super hard to get through it.

30:30 Focus on your goals and it can be self-fulfilling

31:00 There is so much to learn or consume—get out of your funk and focus on it.

31:16 Be curious and a life long learner

31:48 3-2-1 Closure 3 ---Listen to an album fully—Go to a museum—reflect on yourself/meditate 2—Read The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho) and The Invisible Man (Ralph Ellison). 1——Keep your creative space separate from your resting space.

34: 23  Fire Questions: *Binge-Watch - Ramy

*Tries to be a morning person *Snapshot of an ordinary moment that gives you true joy—Traveling the EL train *Grateful for—family & networking (growing up with three women!!)

*One thing in 2021 you’re gonna do differently that you didn’t even do in 2019. Tell them I love and appreciate people.

Where Can I Find Nick? @nickmsoto Spotify and Apple Music - Nick Soto

Where Can I Find Amy?

Amy Perras

Perras Scope, LLC

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Podcast Pre-interview Questionnaire

Jan 01, 202141:15
Episode 205: "Ain’t Gonna Live Under the Curse of Religion" with Stephanie Cerda

Episode 205: "Ain’t Gonna Live Under the Curse of Religion" with Stephanie Cerda

Disclaimer: We are not putting down anyone's religion. We are sharing the beauty of what Jesus wants for us in a relationship with Him beyond religiosity. 

Episode 205: Ain’t Gonna Live Under the Curse of Religion with Stephanie of Steph it Up to Freedom

2:33 Shout out to Carney-Nadeau, Michigan

“Stupid” Catholic Story - Skipping CCD by “Missing the Bus"

3:53 Fruit of the Spirit Award

6:00 Skipping Chapel

7:36 Stupid Situationship Story-Unemployment in 2020

10:36 Why did you become a Christian YouTuber if you hate church?

16:15 Galatians 3: 1-5 Discussions

What has happened to you Galatians to be acting so foolishly? You must have been under some evil spell! Didn’t God open your eyes to see the meaning of Jesus’ crucifixion? Wasn’t he revealed to you as the crucified one?

2 So answer me this: Did the Holy Spirit come to you as a reward for keeping all the Jewish laws? No, you received him as a gift because you believed in the Messiah. 3 Your new life in the Anointed One began with the Holy Spirit giving you a new birth. Why then would you so foolishly turn from living in the Spirit by trying to finish by your own works?

4 Have you endured all these trials and persecutions for nothing?

5 Let me ask you again: What does the lavish supply of the Holy Spirit in your life, and the miracles of God’s tremendous power, have to do with you keeping religious laws? The Holy Spirit is poured out upon us through the revelation and power of faith, not by keeping the law!

18:18 We don’t believe we are blameless in his sight.

19:13 I am your advocate to God.

21:45 We cannot give love without tapping into the source.

22:00 Our sinful desires can be anxiety, bitterness, resentment, etc.

22:55 Galatians The Word became flesh

28:15 Galatians 3:26

30:39 Love others like we love ourselves (but do we love ourselves?)

31:45 Self Rejection Freedom

32:22 Forgive others in order to be forgiven

38:11 “Over this religious stuff”

45:00 “No Parties” Covid Rules

46:59 Rules exist to guide us to love people better not to obey the laws.

49:00 Ohio State Fans-Packer Fans-Whose We Are

Where Can I Find Stephanie? YouTube: Steph-it-up-to-FREEDOM

IG: @stephituptofreedom

Podcast: Freed and Unafraid

Where Can I Find Amy?

Linkedin: Amy Perras

Twitter: @perras_scope

IG @aintgonnabenostupid

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Dec 25, 202058:27
Episode 204: "Ain't Gonna Let Life Win" with Harry Cordero

Episode 204: "Ain't Gonna Let Life Win" with Harry Cordero

We discuss regrets but also Harry reads some of his writing and he lets me facilitate a life coaching session to get more clear on our values so our to-do list makes more sense. Harry is also extremely organized and creative. Those two gifts don't often go hand in hand. #opentowork

10:32 “That is why you’re a screenwriter today”

Save the Cat - Blake Snyder

12:02 How Schools are Failing: Fish to Climb a Tree metaphor

16:09 Values Intro

16:34 Back story about screenwriting

16:55 T.V. Film Degree

19:19 Faced with Temptation

20:05 Sample Life Coaching Session

20:43 Which animal would you be and why?

21:10 Cold Weather Love

21:44 Value #1 Nurturing Others

22:03 Value #2 Comfort

22:44 Which Super Hero would you be? Hulk and Batman

25: 14 Value #3 Communication

25:46 Value #4 Authenticity

26: 41 Value #5 Security

#playboy #romance

27:30 Value #6 Romance

27:44 100 Year Birthday Party - What are they saying about you?

#OCD #detailoriented #vocal #meticulous #giving

29:13 Value #7 Organization

30:00 Value #8 Responsibility

31:00 We ranked each value on a scale of 1 to 10 as to where he is currently living I but cut the ranking out and jumped to the "If you could move one value forward just one point that would have the greatest effect on all other values, which one would you pick? He picked "security" which lead to this action plan.

31:00 Action Plan

1. Find a Job-Actively Look at least one hour a day

2. Screenwriting-Write at least one hour a day (9-10 a.m.)

3. Avoid Temptations

34:55 Pomodoro Technique

36:05 I am unfinished - on a journey

36:23 Life kicks you when you’re down and never helps you up. 

37:46 Session Ends

37:56 Rapid Fire

 1. One thing on your bucket list?

 2. One thing you hate about 2020.

 Brilliant 2020 metaphor here******************WATCH!

 3. One thing you love about 2020.

 4. Favorite summer activity

 5. One thing you bought under $100 - stumped him but we decided his two French bulldogs were his favorite.

Yankie and Dukie Cameo

CELTX - Screenwriting software

44:29 My play idea—live one-woman Improv Show (probably for a fringe festival) with audience participation--a different show every night.

Where can we find Harry and Yankee?

IG: @asapcordero and @yankeethebulldog

Where Can I Find Amy?

Amy Perras

Perras Scope, LLC

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Podcast Pre-interview Questionnaire

Dec 18, 202046:17
Episode 203: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Self" with Naihal

Episode 203: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Self" with Naihal

Naihal Wajid is a creative working in the nonprofit sector. Born and raised near Chicago, she’s on a mission to give back to her local community through art, marketing, and opening the door for tough conversations.   #tastetherapy #metoo #cptsd #bodyandsoul #disassociation #shakespeare #grounding #cptsd #metoo #rape #asyoulikeit   

Sources:  The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life - Erving Goffman   

"All the World's the Stage" William Shakespeare from As You Like It   

Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind by Jocelyn K. Glei  

Unfuck Yourself - John Gary Bishop   

How to Be a Badass at Making Money - Jen Sincero    

Where Can I Find Naihal?  

IG: @naihal #ninieats #ninishoots   

Linkedin: Naihal Wajid   

Where Can I Find Amy?

Linkedin: Amy Perras

Twitter: @perras_scope

IG @aintgonnabenostupid

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Proverbs 7:4 (TPT) Say to wisdom, “I love you,” and to understanding, “You’re my sweetheart.”

Dec 11, 202043:01
Episode 202: "Ain't Gonna Be Just a Survivor; I'm Gonna Thrive" with Jamie Lewis MD

Episode 202: "Ain't Gonna Be Just a Survivor; I'm Gonna Thrive" with Jamie Lewis MD

Jamie Lewis is a Palliative medicine MD, C-IAYT candidate, certified yoga instructor, promoting healthcare professionals wellness & holistic cancer care for patients. 

We discuss all things mindful, peaceful, restorative, and how to reconnect with your mind, body, and spirit. Jaime also has free virtual yoga classes on Sunday night (donation only).  

Where Can I Find Jamie?


Where Can I Find Amy? 

Linkedin: Amy Perras 

Twitter: @perras_scope 

IG @aintgonnabenostupid 

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid  

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Dec 04, 202040:51
Episode 201: "Ain't Gonna Let Fear Rob Me From My Purpose" with Lorena Galaviz

Episode 201: "Ain't Gonna Let Fear Rob Me From My Purpose" with Lorena Galaviz

Where Can I Find Lorena? 

Tik Tok: @lorenasvision 

IG: Wreaths

Changing Your Mindset Motivation IG:

Etsy Shop: 

#anxiety #mindset #mindfulness #breathing #Jesus #voiceofGod #art #wreaths #tiktokWhere 

Can I Find Amy? 

Linkedin: Amy Perras 

Twitter: @perras_scope 

IG @aintgonnabenostupid 

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid  

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Nov 27, 202026:56
Episode 113: "Ain’t Gonna Suffer Through Menopause" with Dr. Michelle Gordon

Episode 113: "Ain’t Gonna Suffer Through Menopause" with Dr. Michelle Gordon

1:00 Hollywood’s View of Women

1:28 The Meno System

2:07 Beta Course Link

2:50 Menopause is Not a Medical Condition

3:40 Let’s Break the Silence Around Menopause

3:55 “An Alien Has Come Down and Taken Control of My Body”

5:35 Intermittent Fasting for Today’s Aging Woman

7:12 There is No One Size Fits All

8:50 Make Peace With Our Bodies

9:02 Where Our Attention Goes, Our Energy Flows

9:16 Disrupt Thought Processes

9:28 Pick One Thing

10:28 Stop the Self Loathing

11:22 Don’t Loathe the Food You Eat

13:41 Advice for Child Bearing Women-Take a Parenting Class

14:32 Whole Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel

15:10 Hot Flashes - Menopause is treated by symptoms. 15:23 It’s not a medical condition but a phase of our lives.

16:16 Shame

16:46 Losing Our Libido

18:10 Hot Flashes-SSRI Recommended

19:05 Mental Health Stigma

21:43 The First Covid Wave in New York and Treatments...Please, Where a Mask!

24:24 Brain Fog and Insomnia

24:35 Diet and Meals

26:50 Sleep Tips:

27:27 4-7-8 Breath

27:57 The Pause-10 Slow Deep Breaths Then Speak 

Proverbs 15:1 Respond gently when you are confronted and you'll defuse the rage of another. Responding with sharp, cutting words will only make it worse.

31:30 Weighted Blankets

32:07 Lacking Human Connection? Do Havening to Release Oxytocin

33:06 Hormones 

33:48 Mood Swings is more of an Existential Crisis ( Who Am I? Why Am I Here? What Do I Do?)

35:05 Put a Finger Down (Never Have I Ever)

37:34 Three Habits to Adopt

38:20 1. A Spiritual Practice with Visualization-Three Year Increments

41:06 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. (Revelation 3:20)

41:18  2. Reading one hour a day

41:55 3. Move Your Body (Cognitive decline is directly related to lack of movement)

Bonus: Get off vegetable oil!!!!—poison (fast food) Use Coconut or Olive-pure oil.

43:37 Two Books to Read

43:40 1. Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda

44:30 2. Success Principles by Jack Canfield

45:00 One T.V. Show to Watch 1. Gaia - Becoming Supernatural

One Final Thought: To Always Examine, Who Am I Being in this Moment? Is it the person that I idealize myself to be? If it is the person I idealize, would she make that choice?

Where Can We Find Dr. Michelle Gordon?

The Menopause Movement Podcast

FB: Dr. Michelle Gordon*****Twitter: Michelle E Gordon*****IG: Dr. Michelle Gordon

Where Can I Find Amy Perras?

Linkedin: Amy Perras

Twitter: @perras_scope

IG @aintgonnabenostupid

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Podcast Pre-interview Questionnaire-Want to Be My Next Guest for Season Two?

*Disclaimer: Views in this episode may or may not represent views of the host.

Aug 28, 202047:30
Episode 112: “Ain’t Gonna Forget the Benefits of Therapy" with Therapist Julie

Episode 112: “Ain’t Gonna Forget the Benefits of Therapy" with Therapist Julie

Julie Villarejo and I talk about how we need to get to therapy before we hit rock bottom and it's truly a form of self-care. Don't let lack of insurance or money stop you for the resources below are free.  

7:06 Man’s Rejection is God’s Protection 

10:06 Stigmas Around Therapy 

10:11 “Where there is no counsel, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety” (Prov 11: 14 KJV) 

10:20 "The senseless fool treats life like a joke, but the one with living-understanding makes good choices. Your plans will fall apart right in front of you if you fail to get good advice. But if you first seek out multiple counselors, you’ll watch your plans succeed." (Prov 15: 21-22 TPT) 

10:57 Stigmas of Therapy 

14:07 Honor Ourselves While in Therapy 

15:39 How It Helps You Grow 

22:08 Benefits of Coming to Counseling 

25:25 Learn How to Create Boundaries 

28:00 Don’t Should on Yourself 

28:45 -Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend Hotlines: 

National Suicide Prevention Hotline - 1-800-273-8255 

Crisis Center for South Suburbia (Chicago area) 708-429-7233 

National Domestic Violence Hotline - 1-800-799-7233 or Live Chat Love is Respect -1-866-331-9474 or Text 22522 

Where Can I Find Julie? Contact Amy

Where Can I Find Amy?

Linkedin: Amy Perras

Twitter: @perras_scope

IG @aintgonnabenostupid

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Proverbs 7:4 (TPT) Say to wisdom, “I love you,” and to understanding, “You’re my sweetheart.”

Aug 21, 202036:28
Episode 111: "Ain’t Gonna Be No Stupid Content Creator" with Tim Krull

Episode 111: "Ain’t Gonna Be No Stupid Content Creator" with Tim Krull

11:30 Raw Emotion of Poetry 

12:05 Depression and Anxiety 

12:42 Creativity as an Outlet 

13:05 You are Not Alone 

15:25 Batnips Productions - Sheperds Pie 

16:05 Video Games 

19:00 That’s High School 

20:00 Cooking Show-WATCH!!! Concise and Creative 

20:57 Vlogging 

22:49 Video Game Commentating 

24:00 Improv 

25:13 Finding Your Voice 

26:20 Perfection is the Enemy to Progress 

26:40 As Soon as You Get Comfortable, Change Your Material 

28:30 Poetry Interpretation - Tim’s Latest Creation (It’s okay to feel and know you’re not alone) · One poet · One musician · One actor 

Tim’s Three Takeaways Three Books We Should Read: 

1. Feed - Matthew Tobin Anderson 

2. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams 

3. Ain’t Gonna Be No Stupid Woman - Amy Perras 

Two T.V. Shows to Watch on Netflix 

1.  Maniac 

2.  BoJack Horseman 

One Habit to Adopt 

1. Do it (Stop Procrastinating) 

Where Can We Find Tim? 

Subscribe to Batnips Productions (Excellent Cooking Shows and check out That’s High School below) 

Film made by Nick Grijalva and Amy Perras for Red Ribbon Week 2010. 

That’s High School Part 1 (Amy at :58 seconds) 

That’s High School Part 2 (Dukie at :1) 

That’s High School Part 3 (Tim at 3:26) 

Where Can I Find Amy?  

Linkedin: Amy Perras  

Twitter: @perras_scope  

IG @aintgonnabenostupid  

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid   

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)  

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast  

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel 

Coaching Session  

Podcast Pre-interview Questionnaire

Aug 14, 202037:17
Episode 110: "Ain't Gonna Be A Christian Who Won't Access All Its Benefits" with Tammy Massey

Episode 110: "Ain't Gonna Be A Christian Who Won't Access All Its Benefits" with Tammy Massey

Intro: Proverbs 31 Woman 

16:59 Benefit #1 Healing, Restoring, Renewing 

17:10 Psalm 103: 2-3 20:12 

The Black Woman Pain Threshold

22:11  Benefit #2 Jesus Counters the Lies Because He is the Truth (John 14:6) 

22:31 Proverbs 18:21 

23:47 Isaiah 53:3 

26:07 Isaiah 55:11 

26:48 Mark 11: 22-25 

30:18 Benefit #3 The Word of God is Alive - It cannot return to Him void) 

31:16 James 5:16 33:07 Benefit #4 Our Health 

33:26 Matthew 17:20 Faith of a Mustard Seed 

35:05 Benefit #5 Our Testimony and the Blood of Jesus 

35:21 Who is Jesus? Read The Book of John (The last gospel) 

36:04 Matthew 9: 20-22 

40:57 Sierra makes a Cameo! 

Where Can I Find Tammy?

Instagram: @truluv4jc  


LinkedIn: Tamesha Massey  

Personal Blog: 

Where Can I Find Amy?

Linkedin: Amy Perras

Twitter: @perras_scope

IG @aintgonnabenostupid

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Proverbs 7:4 (TPT) Say to wisdom, “I love you,” and to understanding, “You’re my sweetheart.”

Aug 07, 202042:20
Episode 109: "Ain't Gonna Let My Ugly Heart Ruin This World" with Shatha

Episode 109: "Ain't Gonna Let My Ugly Heart Ruin This World" with Shatha

Alternatives to Going Back to the Building in August 2020: 

Instead of risking our lives by going back to school during Covid, first quarter could be a discovery project tied to S.E.L, racial equity and emotional intelligence. 

Discovery Projects/Inquiry Based Learning Learners draw on own past experience and existing knowledge to discover facts and relationships and new truths to be learned. 

Share Your Story: “There isn’t anyone you couldn’t love once you’ve heard their story. ” Mary Lou Kownacki  

Work by Helping Each Other Through This Time: S.E.L. for staff, self and students. 

16:00 You have a robust emotional vocabulary. 

16:19  You’re curious about people. 

18:32  You Embrace Change 

21:15   Don’t Have Shame Over Your Weaknesses 

22:53: Good Judge of Character 

23:59 You’re Difficult to Offend 

24:30 You Easily Can Say No 

26:29 You Let Go of Mistakes 

28:00 You Give and Expect Nothing in Return 

35:00 You Don’t Hold Grudges 

35:40 You Neutralize Toxic People 

36:32 You Don’t Seek Perfection 

37:42 You Appreciate What You Have 

37:57 You Disconnect 

38:42 You Limit Your Caffeine Intake 

40:06 You Get Enough Sleep 

41:06 You Stop Negative Self-Talk In Its Tracks 

42:15 You Won’t Let Anyone Limit Your Joy 

43: 10 Final Takeaway 

Quran and Bible Mentioned: “Serve God...and do good – to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbors who are near, neighbors who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (that you meet)...” [The Holy Qur’an] 

30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[a] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] There is no commandment greater than these.” 

Mark 12:30-31 Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! Heb 13:2 NLT Community Service Project: Build Free Mini Libraries Around Town Racial Inequality and Heart Changes:  

Excellent Resources Eradicating Covid Research  

South Korea Lead the World in Covid-19 Eradication

New Zealand says Coronavirus ‘Eliminated', to Lift Most Curbs

 Social Emotional Learning-Five Pillars 

Eighteen Signs You High Emotional Intelligence 

Where Can I Find Shatha? IG and Twitter: OLCHSMsOdeh 

Where Can I Find Amy?

Linkedin: Amy Perras

Twitter: @perras_scope

IG @aintgonnabenostupid

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Proverbs 7:4 (TPT) Say to wisdom, “I love you,” and to understanding, “You’re my sweetheart.”

Jul 31, 202047:50
Episode 108: "Ain't Gonna Forget the Lessons From Our Grandmothers" with Jodi Perras

Episode 108: "Ain't Gonna Forget the Lessons From Our Grandmothers" with Jodi Perras

We explore our paternal French Canadian history of tragedy, scandal and triumph through stories about our grandmothers dating all the way back to the 1600s. 

7:14 Helene Desportes 

11:31 Look at History From All Perspectives, Not Just the White Lens 

12:19 Marie Denise Lemaître 

14:21 Woman are Caregivers and Savvy Business Owners. 

15:43 Marie Amelié "Minnie" Gamache 

19:28 Don't Let Societal Expectations Pressure You Into Marriage 

20:17 Tragedy Strikes 

21:00 Lillian Perras Kuenne 

23:09 The Orphanage 

25:48 Clara Reinhard Walls “Grandma Perras” 

31:25 When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade-Grandma Lilli 

29:30 Jim Perras (Dad) 

32:28 Ordinary People Can Do Extra Ordinary Things-Clara Reinhard Walls (Grandma Perras) 

33:43 Della Buckley 

36:18 Be a Part of Something Bigger Than Yourself 

Amy's Recommended Readings:  

The Awakening by Kate Chopin  

“The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman 

Audience Comments Answering, “What was some of the best advise you learned from your grandmothers?” 

“We were best friends, very close, and I can't remember one piece of advice. That generation didn't helicopter, but let kids figure it out on their own and I think that helped us mature at a much younger age. If there was a lot of advice, it was so subtle, I didn't notice. Parents back then taught by example. There were also many things that you just "knew", like making money as soon as you could to help pay your expenses and save for college. Sally Nauta Minnix “Same pants you get mad in, you’ll get glad in.” “Don’t worry about something until there’s something to worry about.” “If it’s meant to be, it will be.”  Patty Shafer “Put one foot in front of the other and give the rest up to God” Jamie Lynn Where Can I Find Jodi? Twitter @jodiperras 

Linkedin: Jodi Perras 

Facebook: Mono M. Monkey, World Traveler Jodi's Professional Accomplishments: 

Where Can I Find Amy?

Linkedin: Amy Perras

Twitter: @perras_scope

IG @aintgonnabenostupid

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Proverbs 7:4 (TPT) Say to wisdom, “I love you,” and to understanding, “You’re my sweetheart.”

Jul 23, 202042:52
Episode 107: "Ain’t Gonna Lose My Saltiness" with Carolyn Deck

Episode 107: "Ain’t Gonna Lose My Saltiness" with Carolyn Deck

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” Matt 5:13 

9:36 Salt Property #1 Gives Flavor  

16:00 Check your R.P.M.s - Relationships-Physical-Mental  

16:48 You are the air traffic controller of your own life.  

17:20 Psalm 91: 4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 

17:50 Salt Property #2 Preservative  

18:25 Andy Stanley - Belief – Action = Outcome “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44  

21:21 Salt Property #3 Makes Us Thirsty  

25: 21 Refiners Fire - “The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the LORD tests hearts” Prov 17:3  

23:53 Writing is Like Milking a Cow  

27:00 Salt Property #4 & 5  Gives Life & Purifies  

28:36 Enneagram  Books by Suzanna Stabile • The Path Between Us Suzanna Stabile • The Road Back to You 

30:00  “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” Rev 12: 11 

32: 31  “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17:9 

32:47 “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” Matt 12:34 KJV  

33:47 Salt Property #6 Unites  

38:18 “Then the word of the LORD came to Jonah a second time: 2 “Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you.” Jonah 3: 1-2  

39:00 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me… Deuteronomy 5:9  

41:14 Find Out What Your Name Means  

43:09 "Far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come." Ephesians 1:21 NIV  

44:41 "Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God. ... The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.” John 8:47   “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me. Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’ Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.” Matt 4:9-11  “We have become the unmistakable aroma of the victory of the Anointed One to God—a perfume of life to those being saved and the odor of death to those who are perishing.” 2 Corin 2: 15  Salt Property #7 Strong 

Where Can I Find Carolyn Deck? IG: carolyn.deck 

Where Can I Find Amy?

Linkedin: Amy Perras

Twitter: @perras_scope

IG @aintgonnabenostupid

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Proverbs 7:4 (TPT) Say to wisdom, “I love you,” and to understanding, “You’re my sweetheart.”

Jul 17, 202052:23
Episode 106: "Ain’t Gonna Let My Boston Steal My Heart: Love, Dogs & The Pursuit of a Green Card" with Esther Aguilar

Episode 106: "Ain’t Gonna Let My Boston Steal My Heart: Love, Dogs & The Pursuit of a Green Card" with Esther Aguilar

Esther Aguilar (a.k.a. Tina from Bob's Burgers) and I talk about surviving Covid (her), dog attacks (Dukie), border patrol (me) and the process of becoming a U.S. citizen. Our dogs and her cat even make a cameo!   

Resources: "Talking to Strangers," Maxwell Gladwell   

Dream Relief Day  

Immigration Myths   

Ten Myths About Immigration   

Immigrant Justice is Racial Justice   

Netflix - Living Undocumented   

Bob's Burgers Idiom of the Day: No Te Hagas Pato You can find "Tina" through Amy. 

Where Can I Find Amy?

Linkedin: Amy Perras

Twitter: @perras_scope

IG @aintgonnabenostupid

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Proverbs 7:4 (TPT) Say to wisdom, “I love you,” and to understanding, “You’re my sweetheart.”

Jul 09, 202058:50
Episode 105: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Teenager" with Theo Barnes

Episode 105: "Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Teenager" with Theo Barnes

Where Can I Find Theodore Barnes? 

Currently: ABC: The Goldbergs 

Reruns:  Legendary Dudas Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn 

The Prince of Peoria 

Where Can I Find Theo?

IG: @theodorejbarnes 

Tik Tok: theodorejbarnes 


Where Can I Find Amy?

Linkedin: Amy Perras

Twitter: @perras_scope

IG @aintgonnabenostupid

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Proverbs 7:4 (TPT) Say to wisdom, “I love you,” and to understanding, “You’re my sweetheart.”

Jul 03, 202048:48
Episode 104: "Ain’t Gonna Live With A Savior Complex" with Coach Toni Pelayo

Episode 104: "Ain’t Gonna Live With A Savior Complex" with Coach Toni Pelayo

Resources from Today’s Show: 

White Savior: Racism in the American Church trailer 

Five Ways to Tell If You Have White Savior Complex 

Books recommended by Toni Pelayo 

Discover Your God-Given Gifts by Don & Katie Fortune 

Keep Your Love On: Connection Communication And Boundaries by Danny Silk 

Where Can I Find Toni? 

Instagram: @tonipelayo_coach 

Facebook Toni Jones-Pelayo 

Psalm 23:3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. 

Where Can I Find Amy?

Linkedin: Amy Perras

Twitter: @perras_scope

IG @aintgonnabenostupid

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book)

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel

Coaching Session

Proverbs 7:4 (TPT) Say to wisdom, “I love you,” and to understanding, “You’re my sweetheart.”

Jun 26, 202034:11
Episode 103: "Ain’t Gonna Be A Performative Anti-Racist Educator" with Patti Minegishi-Delacruz

Episode 103: "Ain’t Gonna Be A Performative Anti-Racist Educator" with Patti Minegishi-Delacruz

Patti Minegishi-Delacruz and I discuss enduring understandings from our remote learning/teaching experiences and practical choices we aim to make in order to practice (not just preach) culturally sustaining pedagogy during the next school year.   

Resources:  Dr. Bettina Love's Bio:   

Teachers, We Cannot Go Back to the Way Things Were by Dr. Love:     

Patricia Hill Collins:   

My Utmost for His Highest - Oswald Chambers   

Do Schools Kill Creativity?   

Servant Humility John 13: 12-17 12 After washing their feet, he put his robe on and returned to his place at the table.[e] “Do you understand what I just did?” Jesus said. 13 “You’ve called me your teacher and lord, and you’re right, for that’s who I am. 14–15 So if I’m your teacher and lord and have just washed your dirty feet, then you should follow the example that I’ve set for you and wash one another’s dirty feet. Now do for each other what I have just done for you. 16 I speak to you timeless truth: a servant is not superior to his master, and an apostle is never greater than the one who sent him. 17 So now put into practice what I have done for you, and you will experience a life of happiness enriched with untold blessings!” 

Where Can I Find Patti? 

Evanston High School (or through Amy). 

Where Can I Find Amy? 

Linkedin: Amy Perras 

Twitter: @perras_scope 

IG @aintgonnabenostupid 

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid 

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book) 

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast 

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel 

Coaching Session 

Proverbs 7:4 (TPT) Say to wisdom, “I love you,” and to understanding, “You’re my sweetheart.”

Jun 20, 202036:31
Episode 102: "Ain't Gonna Stand By Anymore" with Bishop Ed Smith

Episode 102: "Ain't Gonna Stand By Anymore" with Bishop Ed Smith

Bishop Ed and I have a conversation about two forms of justice: for a penalty (slap on the hand) but also justice for helping others: orphans, widows, sojourners, refugees, etc. and how can we be more helpful in practical areas right where we are, breaking generational curses, renewing our minds and living in our authority in Jesus Christ.  By reflecting not deflecting, we can truly make a difference by listening to each other. Book of John 4 -Woman at the Well/Living Water  “I must go through Samaria”. 

Who I am in Christ (Authority in Christ) Nehemiah Project Mentoring Training Where Can I Find Bishop Ed Smith? 

Where Can I Find Amy? 

Linkedin: Amy Perras 

Twitter: @perras_scope 

IG @aintgonnabenostupid 

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid 

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book) 

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast 

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel 

Coaching Session

Jun 15, 202032:30
Episode 101: "Ain't Gonna Hold My Tongue Anymore" with Amanda Moncada-Perkins

Episode 101: "Ain't Gonna Hold My Tongue Anymore" with Amanda Moncada-Perkins

Amanda R. Moncada-Perkins discusses how it is not enough to be “not racist,” but that we are all duty-bound to be proactively “anti-racist,” which requires us to actively fight against racism in every form.   

Where Can I Find Amanda? 

LinkedIn: Amanda R. Moncada-Perkins   

Facebook: A.R. Moncada-Perkins   

Instagram: @ar_moncada   


Resources for more information regarding this episode:   


The Book of Jude   

The Book of Zephaniah 

Where Can I Find Amy Perras? 

Linkedin: Amy Perras 

Twitter: @perras_scope 

IG @aintgonnabenostupid 

Tik Tok @aintgonnabenostupid 

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman (Book) 

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid podcast 

Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid YouTube Channel 

Coaching Session

Jun 04, 202043:59
June 3, 2020

June 3, 2020

Jun 03, 202000:37