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The Martial Arts Woman Podcast

The Martial Arts Woman Podcast

By Andrea Harkins

This podcast is devoted to martial art women who make a difference! Host, Andrea F. Harkins, interviews fascinating martial art woman all over the world to explore their journeys as they navigate through life, difficulties, distractions and obstacles but emerge renewed, capable, and strong thanks to martial arts. Andrea is an author, columnist, blogger, podcaster and martial artist.
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Collegiate Karate Views - Andy, Marissa, Gabby & Cameron

The Martial Arts Woman Podcast Aug 08, 2020

Haley Walden - Step In to Your Power
May 13, 202441:24
Cristine Pyle - No Limits, No Excuses

Cristine Pyle - No Limits, No Excuses

When Cristine was 14 years old, she suffered an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) hemorrhage in her brain. To save her life, the neurosurgeon removed 6 cm of her motor cortex. She was not supposed to survive. The doctors told her family she would be bedridden and probably never walk or talk again.

Fast forward to today. How did Cristine go from that devastating diagnosis to becoming a martial art champion? It’s a story you need to hear. It will inspire you to see your own life in a new light. Listen in to Cristine's story and be inspired to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way, whatever they may be.

Mar 23, 202441:06
Denise Plowman - Lead by Example
Feb 11, 202459:14
Barbara White - We Battle and Persevere

Barbara White - We Battle and Persevere

Barbara White, a long time martial art woman, shares about her martial art journey and her loving relationship with her husband, Bob White, who recently passed away. He was her husband and best friend as well as a well-known martial artist in the martial art community. I also learned that Barbara has been a nurse for 40 years which allowed her to care for her husband! What a giver! Barbara is the creator of a beautiful martial art symposium for martial art woman and gives back back in many ways including a yearly martial art camp for abused children. She is warm, loving, and caring. Most of all, she is truly a blessing beyond imagination.

Barbara's links and Info:

Andrea's links and Info:

Jan 12, 202440:15
Audrey Hussey - Tenacious Martial Art Entrepreneur

Audrey Hussey - Tenacious Martial Art Entrepreneur

Audrey Hussey is a super fit conscientious high achiever type martial artist! That's a mouthful, but I think when you hear her talk about her martial art journey you will agree that she has a spunk and spirit that outshines many. From learning a martial art alongside some of her kids (and she has 6 kids, btw), to coming to a near screeching halt when she saw the perfect and affordable location for her martial art school, you get the sense that Audrey does not easily give up. Personally, she exudes commitment and dedication to excellence in martial arts. Her previous experiences in body building and powerlifting contribute to her strong physicality and mindset. Plan to be be inspired as Audrey walks you through her martial art journeys and milestones and shares how she turned an empty space connected to a gas station into a successful martial art school. Today, at 57 years old, Audrey strives to be the absolute best that she can be. Trust me, she is fierce in her commitment to martial arts but what truly propels her forward is her tenacity and ability to push through difficult moments knowing that she will find a solution somewhere, somehow.

Audrey's links and info:

Andrea's links and info:

Oct 15, 202350:00
Stephanie Dunham - Making a Positive Difference For Others

Stephanie Dunham - Making a Positive Difference For Others

This exceptional woman, Stephanie Dunham, faced childhood trauma and torment for years, but today finds healing in martial arts. She is a black belt who teaches her own program a couple of times a week, and on the side, helps other women heal from their tragedies and is involved in a ministry to combat sex trafficking. Amazing, right? She is a reminder that we can all make a positive difference in the world through our words, thoughts and actions. She decided to not be a victim, but instead, a leader of positive change. We should all aspire to do the same!

Stephanie's Links & Info:

Andrea's Links & Info:

(or on amazon)

Jul 29, 202333:30
Jane Larkin-Meiser - Positive Martial Artist and Friend

Jane Larkin-Meiser - Positive Martial Artist and Friend

Jane and I became friends a few years ago after she invited me to be a co-host on her podcast, The Java Buzz Morning Talk Show. Since then, I learned that Jane is a true friend to many. She is selfless in many ways and reaches out to those who need encouragement, a smile or just a quick hello. Aside from this, she is an accomplished martial artist, a business owner, and a positivity enthusiast. Her down to earth personality is a shining light in a difficult world and I truly admire her for always striving to make a positive difference. Today, Jane shares the ups and downs of her childhood, her martial art training and accomplishments, her unique work history (some cool jobs!) and her side businesses. Most of all, she will inspire you with her personality and wisdom on this episode of The Martial Arts Woman Podcast.

Jane's Links and Info:

Andrea's Links and Info:

Jul 16, 202343:46
Dr. Jean Kanakogi - Get Up and Fight

Dr. Jean Kanakogi - Get Up and Fight

Dr. Jean Kanakogi is an amazing positive force not only in martial arts but in all that she does. She holds a B.S. and M.S in Criminal Justice/Protection Management and a PhD in Psychology. She is a recently retired Senior Special Agent for the US Government with extensive experience in conducting criminal and administrative investigations. With a career spanning for over 25 years in law enforcement, Jean has been the lead investigator on several high-profile cases, some including the attacks on 9/11 and many that focus on protecting public health.  

Besides her experience in executing search and arrest warrants, she connects with people through her expertise in resilience, emotional intelligence, deception detection, interrogation skills, firearms/martial arts tactics, and humor – she keeps it real. Dr. Jean holds a 6th degree in Judo and is a sought-after speaker and presenter in corporate, law enforcement, and mental health arenas because she is...well... a relatable badass! 

Listen in as Dr. Jean shares how she was nearly born on the Judo mat, her experiences as a federal agent and public speaker, and how she celebrates her mother, Rusty Kanakogi, “the mother of women’s judo,” in her book, Get Up and Fight.

See links and info below! Dr. Jean Kanakogi's Links and Info:

Website: You can purchase her book, Get Up & Fight, the memoir of Rusty Kanokogi, and learn more about Dr. Jean here.

Instagram: @therealrustykanokogi


Andrea's Links and Info:

*New* The Martial Arts Woman Branded Merch:

Andrea's books:

Andrea's blog:

Apr 29, 202301:10:33
Lisa Palacio - Still Going, Still Growing
Mar 30, 202337:15
Rachelle Cassetta - Everything Is Martial Arts

Rachelle Cassetta - Everything Is Martial Arts

Rachelle's lifelong ambition of becoming a school teacher came to an abrupt stop early on in her career when she was attacked in the hallway of a public school by a male teenage student who "lifted her off the floor by her throat." When she complained to the Principal, he called her melodramatic and he told her to just calm down. She wasn't a martial artist then...not yet, and this was not even the catalyst for her seeking training. The true catalyst was being bullied and threatened by a family member who was a police officer. That is when she knew for sure that self-defense was the answer. As an adult, she also struggled with anger, hurt and fear from childhood traumas because her mother was often in abusive relationships. This is no sob story, though. Rachelle found a new and different career, learned martial arts and today owns her own school and also works private security jobs. She claims that martial arts did more for her than eight therapists combined! Her succinct storytelling will capture your interest as she shares how she overcame all, became successful, and why she fervently believes that “everything is martial arts.”

Rachelle's Links and Info: 

Andrea's Links and Info: 

Jan 31, 202356:01
Joelle White - Strive to Reach Your Limits

Joelle White - Strive to Reach Your Limits

Joelle White has been an online friend of mine for years. The one thing I always enjoy about her is her sense of perseverance from her journey from white belt to black belt in martial arts to her unwavering desire to overcome the hardships she faces in her life. I'm happy that she began her blog so many years ago after reading her eloquent responses to my blog. I knew immediately that she needed to share her story more than she needed to respond to mine. Joelle is a beautiful soul, a hard worker, and the kind of martial artist who is truly excited about her martial art practice. She has, in so many ways, inspired me to be a thankful and thoughtful person. One of her most difficult struggles has been financial. She openly shares her story of facing devastating financial obstacles head on and how she eventually pulled out from beneath the weight of them. Her overarching theme is that, no matter what, you must strive to reach your limits. If you love stories that are genuine, real, and enthusiastic, the kind of stories that remind you that your vulnerabilities can one day be your strengths, then you will love listening to Joelle's story on this segment of The Martial Arts Woman Podcast.

Joelle's links: 

Blog:  A Beginner's Journey:

Andrea's Links and Info: 

The Martial Arts Woman book:

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone book:

How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program book:

The Martial Arts Woman blog:

Dec 18, 202246:40
Emily Darlage - Battling a Devastating Diagnosis

Emily Darlage - Battling a Devastating Diagnosis

Martial art woman, Emily Darlage, has been an online friend of mine for a long time. She is a beautiful person with a warrior spirit who teaches martial arts at her school. Emily's positivity and kindness always warms my heart and in this interview these very traits shine through as she shares her martial art background and love for teaching. As we know, even the most kind people face struggles, obstacles and devastation. Emily starting noticing some unusual conditions in her walking and after seeking treatment, she was eventually diagnosed with ALS. As a martial artist, she now prepares herself for battle. She seeks other types of treatment other than traditional. She uses a walker for short distances and a wheelchair for longer distances. She stays hopeful. How would you cope? Would you use a martial art spirit and positivity like Emily? This is a must listen podcast for everyone because while warriorship is valid in good times, it is more necessary when you must face and overcome the unexpected. Emily knows her life has purpose and she shares in this interview her thoughts on why surrounding yourself with the right people for support, the people who love you, makes all the difference in the world. 

Emily's links and info: 

Andrea's links and info: 

Nov 08, 202240:07
Zosia Gorbaty - Fascinating Life Story

Zosia Gorbaty - Fascinating Life Story

A child to Holocaust survivors, Zosia Gorbaty candidly shares the story of how her parents survived the most bleak and hopeless times of their lives. They were literally walking to their deaths at a death camp and somehow miraculously found each other thanks to her father's whistling of a few notes of a familiar song. They were able to escape. The story is amazing. 

Zosia's father was a concert pianist and her mother was a linguist who spoke many languages. Not surprisingly, Zosia trained in piano as a young girl and also learned to play the Obo in school. After she graduated from college, she traveled Europe by herself where she realized how many freedoms and privileges women in the United States had compared to these other countries. On her journeys, she experienced a devastating incident  in Greece which she explains further in the podcast.

Zosia shares her commitment to martial arts, her instructors and styles practiced, and how she met and fell in love with her husband of more than 40 years, GM Zulu. Today, she is a 9th degree in Zujitsu Ryu. Along with her expertise in martial arts, she holds a master's degree in Physical Education from NYU as well as numerous fitness certifications and a yoga practice. She worked as a Rape Crisis Advocate at Mt. Sinai Hospital. She conducts many self-defense and creative martial art seminars. 

At 73 years old, Zosia is a vibrant martial artist who practices martial arts daily with her husband, including her favorite weapons - a wooden short staff, a walking cane, and a stone bead necklace that she created herself. She enjoys gardening and Chinese brush painting and she and her husband cherish their dog, aptly named Sifu Silverfoot ("Sifu"), who brings them so much joy.

Don't miss this fascinating podcast from a truly passionate and personable martial art woman, Zosia Gorbaty.

Oct 02, 202259:11
Ariel (Arley) Farley - Martial Arts are an Uplifting Experience

Ariel (Arley) Farley - Martial Arts are an Uplifting Experience

Ariel Farley ("Arley") is a vibrant martial art woman. She lives in the smoky mountains of Tennessee and practices Krav Maga as well as Tai Chi and self-defense. In some ways, she is a beginner as she began practicing Krav Maga in 2019. However, she has come a long way in her training and is an assistant instructor at her school now, also. She understands the important benefits martial arts offers her and other women. For instance, her confidence improved and she now effectively manages most of her anxiety and stress. Arley hopes to remind other women that they do not need to "make themselves small" or try to fit into a box. She also teaches martial arts to teen girls and mentors them on life lessons and some of the issues they face in their daily lives. She remembers all too well being bullied intensely in elementary and middle school and now she strives to help these young women overcome their difficult moments. One day, Arley aspires to  open her own school, but in the meantime she will focus on learning, exploring the history of martial arts, and networking. She considers the practice of martial arts an uplifting experience, and that is the only time I've ever heard martial arts described that way! On a side note, this martial art woman’s charm and endearing personality will capture your heart. Enjoy. 

Arley's Links:

Smoky Mountain Self Defense:

No More Victims Foundation (non-profit side of the school): 

Andrea's Links: 

Aug 26, 202242:55
Sabrina Bliem - The Karate Shrimp
Jul 09, 202234:16
Abbey Rickman - The Power to Overcome

Abbey Rickman - The Power to Overcome

May 28, 202245:07
Dalia Vitkus - Overcoming a Traumatic Past to Martial Art Success

Dalia Vitkus - Overcoming a Traumatic Past to Martial Art Success

Mar 27, 202256:21
Jackie Bradbury - Engaging Modern Arnis Practitioner and School Owner

Jackie Bradbury - Engaging Modern Arnis Practitioner and School Owner

Jackie Bradbury began martial arts just shy of her 40th birthday. She was a two pack a day cigarette smoker at the time and realized she had to change her ways. She also needed to find a way to deal with a stressful job. She decided to begin martial art training with her family and the rest is history. She and her long-time husband, to whom she refers as her best friend, train together and recently opened their own school after operating a martial art program for many years. Jackie's background includes black belts and ranks in other styles, but the best fit for her is Modern Arnis. 

I met Jackie on social media about 8 years ago when we both began our blogs….mine, The Martial Arts Woman, and hers….The Stick Chick. The topics are different but it's fair to say both are written by enthusiastic martial art women with a message!

In this podcast, Jackie shares her martial art background, training, and instructors. She fills us in on her recent surgeries and why she is able to rebound faster than most thanks to her marital art mindset and training. We also discuss what it is like to train and teach with your significant other. While we didn’t have a chance to chat about it in the interview, I would be remiss to not mention that Jackie is a huge Kansas City Chiefs Fan and her other interests are “sci fi and fantasy geekery of all kinds," punk music, art and even video games. 

Make sure you like her links and pages to (as Jackie aptly states)  "break up your Facebook stream full of memes, politics and selfies!"

I think you will mostly enjoy Jackie’s enthusiasm and obvious true love for martial arts in today's podcast. 

Jackie’s Links and Info:

See Jackie's Full Bio Here:

Please check out her Pinterest, Tumblr, MeWe, Twitter Instagram and on Twitter and The Stick Chick Blog.

Andrea's Links and Info: 

The Martial Arts Woman book: 

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone: 

How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program: 

Thanks for listening and have an amazing day! Stay inspired! 


Feb 13, 202251:41
Lynda Hatch - Remarkable Role Model

Lynda Hatch - Remarkable Role Model

Lynda Hatch was born with a hearing impairment that was discovered around 6 months of age. So, don't be shocked when you hear a male voice on this podcast! Her husband, David Hatch, graciously translates throughout the interview. Lynda wanted to make sure that listeners knew she was the one answering the questions and her husband is translating so you will on occasion hear her respond verbally before David translates. Lynda and David met early in her training years and they have practiced and taught together ever since. They have resided in Michigan for many years.

Why did Lynda begin martial arts as a young woman at a time when women students were few and far between, anyway? She wanted to learn how to protect herself and she also experienced some bullying as a young girl (not for being deaf but for her red hair and religion!) which prompted her to seek out martial arts. Lynda began martial arts in the late 1960's.  She earned her 1st degree black belt in Karate in April, 1977. She was the only female in a male-dominated karate club. She shares insights on how she learned martial arts during these years without any verbal cues like counting or not being able to hear an opponent's breath or movement during sparring.

In 1985, Lynda and David met Guru Dan Inosanto (Guru Dan Inosanto has over 40 years’ experience in the martial arts and is a world authority in Jeet Kune Do and Filipino Martial Arts) at a seminar and their training with him continued though seminars and private trainings. Lynda says that she learned to be a good instructor from those who trained her. She has a huge list of accomplishments and gives credit to Guru Dan Inosanto and Sifu Francis Fong, as well as others, for her accomplishments. We all know, though, that dedicated and determined martial artists put in the hard work and effort, which is exactly what Lynda did with the extra challenge of not hearing. 

Lynda wrote a chapter for my book, The Martial Arts Woman, where she shares how she overcame adversity in her life. Today we learn what ignites her passion and commitment to martial arts and more importantly, why being hearing impaired is not a setback, but simply an alternate path for her. Lynda shares a favorite quote which encapsulates who she is as a martial art woman. She says, "If it's going to be, it's up to me."


Lynda's Links and Info: 

Andrea's Links and Info: 

Jan 11, 202249:32
Joan Cather - Ambitious Mastership Journey
Nov 26, 202156:24
Michelle Schramm - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Saved Me

Michelle Schramm - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Saved Me

Michelle Schramm's life story has some shocking twists and turns. But, today, she copes with her traumatic past with a new perspective, thanks to martial arts. By profession, Michelle is a school  teacher who recently opened her own private schoolhouse, a pretty impressive gesture that fulfilled one of her personal goals. This ambitious teacher's past, however, is filled with debilitating abuse began when she was 14 years old when she was molested and raped by the youth pastor at her church. She endured his abuse for 8 long years until, as a young woman, she found the strength to go to the authorities and bare all the intimate details. The residual of this event from 20 years ago remains. She is the mother of 2 sons ages 19 (a product of the abuse) and 11 (who she adopted at birth). Because of the abuse, Michelle spent years believing everyone was going to hurt her, until her oldest son began martial arts and she saw the impact of his instructor on her son's life. She decided to give martial arts a try and eventually settled on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which she claims, "saved her life." She weighed more than 300 pounds when she began. Through her practice she has lost significant weight and also became a competitor who has won numerous competitions as a beginner and later, a blue belt. This real-life overcomer story proves the power of martial art practice,  Michelle inspires you and me to finally take the steps toward self-healing and self-betterment, even when hope wanes.  Michelle's Links & Info: #WomenofArnoldBjj Andrea's Links & Info:  The Martial Arts Woman book: Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone: How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program: The Martial Arts Woman Podcast: Thank you for listening to The Martial Arts Woman Podcast!   
Nov 02, 202146:54
Lena Smith - Be Fearless

Lena Smith - Be Fearless

Oct 10, 202148:29
Vicky Green - The Power Within

Vicky Green - The Power Within

Vicky Green has been involved in martial arts for nearly 40 years! She shares why she began martial arts, what it was like competing against men, and why her goal is to simply change one life through her teaching. Of course, she has changed many lives over the span of her career. Listen in to how she uses a martial art mindset in life, especially fairly recently with the loss of her husband of 48 years. She discusses the ups and downs of owning a club, why she chose to be a non-profit organization, and what conflict resolution "without force" means. Her most poignant comment bellows true for many women in martial arts who are students or instructors, "We are givers." 

Vicky is an 8th Dan in Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan, Chief Instructor at Shell Rock Karate Club, and owner of Greens Self Defense. She was trained by Master Dan Heidt, a 9th Degree Black Belt (Grand Master) in self defense for women and conflict resolution without force. Her story will inspire you to make a difference and to continue to push through in life with perseverance and purpose. 

Vicky's Links & Info:

Vicky is the co-founder and Chief Instructor of the Shell Rock Karate Club and a member of the National Women's Martial Arts Federation. She currently conducts training sessions throughout Iowa and neighboring states to help others learn self confidence and personal power.She is CEO of She is also a security officer at a college. 

Andrea's Links & Info: 

The Martial Arts Woman book:

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone book:

How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program book:

The Martial Arts Woman Blog:

Andrea Harkins website:

Sep 10, 202140:53
Christy Anne Padigimus - "Karate Chose Me"

Christy Anne Padigimus - "Karate Chose Me"

Christy Anne Padigimus has had her share of life's difficulties. Her first marriage ended partly because her husband forbade her to learn martial arts. Even more heart-wrenching, her son took his own life nearly three years ago. Martial arts helped her overcome all and move forward in a positive direction. Christy recently earned her black belt at age 50. Christy says that she did not choose karate; rather, karate chose her. She began learning martial arts with a couple of her children in the kids' class and finally after 2 years, she began adult lessons. Her martial art journey and experiences, both learning and teaching, help her cope with her devastating obstacles and move forward in a positive and passionate direction. She remarried (her karate instructor) and lives life with a vibrant positive attitude. She loves being the mother of a large family and a grandmother. In this podcast, Christy highlights the importance of self-healing and self-care and reminds you that life is a gift never to be taken for granted. Listen in as Christy inspires us all to overcome and to use the tools available to us to live a long, powerful and productive life. 

Links & Info:

  • Christy's School: Ultimate Impact American Kenpo Karate



  • Andrea's Info: 

The Martial Arts Woman book:

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone book:

How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program book:

The Martial Arts Woman Blog:

Andrea Harkins website:

Aug 08, 202156:06
Martial Arts Helped Me Overcome Fears - Andrea Harkins
Jun 25, 202124:53
Melanie Gibson - Coping With Mental Illness Through Taekwondo

Melanie Gibson - Coping With Mental Illness Through Taekwondo

Author, Melanie Gibson, explains how she found a way to renew herself and cope with her mental illness through her Taekwondo practice. She recently published her memoir, Kicking and Screaming, a memoir of madness and martial arts, in which she shares a brutally honest, yet inspirational and witty account of her intimate struggles with multiple mental illnesses, substance abuse, and poor relationship skills. We talk about her return to Taekwondo after her initial practice when she was ten years old and how it allows her to cope with her mental illnesses in a way she had never experienced before. This story is real, inspirational, and another testimony to the power of martial arts. 

Melanie was raised in Snyder, Texas. She has a bachelor's degree in English from Texas Woman's University, a master's in library science from the University of North Texas, and an MBA from the University of Texas at Arlington. Melanie has worked in the healthcare industry since 2004, with roles as a hospital librarian, corporate trainer, and learning designer.

She continues to pursue advanced taekwondo black belt degrees and writes about martial arts and life in general on her blog Little Black
Belt ( She lives in Fort Worth, Texas.

Melanie's Links & Info:

Complete bio:   

Melanie's Social Media links:

Melanie's book locations: 

Barnes & Noble:

Andrea's Links & Info:

My new book, How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program, is now available!

The Martial Arts Woman book:…/dp/1544916213 Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone book:…/dp/150297830X
May 08, 202145:22
Christine Bannon-Rodrigues - Inspiring World Champion
Apr 16, 202155:04
Patricia "Pat" Williams - Positive Martial Art Warrior

Patricia "Pat" Williams - Positive Martial Art Warrior

Pat Williams is a positive martial art warrior. She is a 10th degree black belt who began training in the 1960's. Many know and love her for her  positive daily Facebook posts. Although she has been in a wheelchair for 4 to 5 years because of her knees, she continues to train and teach. She practices martial art techniques from a wheelchair perspective. She says, "This wheelchair does not stop me." Pat shares about life as a martial art woman in the 1960's, her sparring competitions, and her love for teaching children. For her, awards and accolades signify her effort, love and respect in martial arts. Prior to retirement, Pat was a city bus driver and experienced a few situations when martial art training helped. For instance, she has once hit in the head with a bottle, but fortunately, she turned her head in such a way that the blow to the head did not kill her. Pat believes more women train today because of assaults or attempted kidnappings. Her advice to women who want to learn a martial art is: visualize yourself learning different styles; ask questions; go to seminars where you can sample a wide variety of martial art styles; and find a good school in your area. 

Pat Williams Facebook Page:

Today's sponsor: Snake Fist Karate Federation

Links: Enter code VIPER at the SFKF video program page for 20% when you buy all. First 100 only. SFKF  SFKF video program

Andrea's motivational books: 

Mar 26, 202135:09
Bethany June Dillon - Inspired by Native American Warriorship

Bethany June Dillon - Inspired by Native American Warriorship

Overcoming incapacitating medical issues and a survivor of sexual abuse at the hands of her doctor, Bethany June Dillon perseveres through the strength of her Native American heritage and culture. She creates Native American jewelry and weaponry and researches and writes about Native American warfare (she has authored two books on this topic). She is beginning a new magazine that delves into others' achievements, and explores scientific discoveries and Native American issues. In this podcast, she shares about the various interesting martial arts she has practiced and how they impact her life. She is recuperating from several physical issues, but plans to return to martial arts once healed. For Bethany, martial arts are important for women because they provide both mental responsibility and strength. She explains that, in many ways, martial arts are like a "tribe" where martial artists work together to lift each other up.

Listen to this fascinating woman who shares her talents and her struggles, yet somehow, leaves us all with a sense that everything will work out if we take one day at a time.


Bethany's Links & Info: 

Bethany's Facebook Page:

Bethany's books: 

War-Torn: A Look at Warfare in North America Before European Influence:

War-Torn: The Arrival:

Andrea's books: 

The Martial Arts Woman book:…/dp/1544916213 Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone:…/dp/150297830X

Mar 06, 202129:03
What Women Need to Know About Effective Self-Defense with Tiffany Richards

What Women Need to Know About Effective Self-Defense with Tiffany Richards

*Some disturbing stories are shared in this episode* Today's show is a little different in that it does not focus on a martial art woman, but rather effective self-defense for women. Tiffany Richards of Peaceful Warrior Women's Self-Defense guides us through the reasons why most women students prefer a woman self-defense instructor; how she overcame her own physically abusive situation in her twenties (even during a time when she practiced martial arts); truthful stories of other women who faced devastating assault situations; reporting incidents to the police; relevant statistics; why men never feel the way a woman does when deciding where to walk or park alone; and why her self-defense instruction is emotional and relatable to women. All of her techniques are "pressure tested" to ensure they work in real situations. Tiffany has been on television, news and other media sharing her self-defense information and strategies. Don't miss this important topic. 

You can also check out Tiffany's prior interview about her life as a martial art woman on an earlier episode in this podcast. 

Tiffany's Links & Info 

Websites:  upcoming seminar Saturday, February 6 from 2-4PM in Scottsdale; register here

Social Media:

Peaceful Warrior Martial Arts & Healing Center
7830 E. Redfield Rd., Ste. 1
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Ph: 480-200-1187

Andrea's inspirational books and links: 

The Martial Arts Woman:…/dp/1544916213

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone:…/dp/150297830X

Jan 30, 202137:29
Rebecca Durr Moffett - Far From Ordinary
Jan 26, 202151:50
Lynn Varghese - A Brain Tumor Survivor Dedicated to Martial Arts
Jan 06, 202101:03:21
Fran Charlton - A Woman's Tumultuous Upbringing Morphs into a Budo Mindset
Dec 20, 202001:10:23
Kristy Hitchens - Empowering Women Through The Pink Belt Scholarship Program
Dec 05, 202042:17
Lady Lallaine Reed - A Candid and Lighthearted Martial Art Master
Nov 22, 202039:56
Penny Pitassi - Multi Martial Art School Owner and and Active Shooter Trainer
Nov 16, 202055:55
Alena Turley - Insights and Inspiration from a Hapkido Perspective
Nov 07, 202045:13
Megan Westerman - Motivated by Martial Arts

Megan Westerman - Motivated by Martial Arts

Listen to Kung Fu practitioner Megan Westerman's  insights on why sometimes losing is winning and why she thinks more women should learn a martial art. Megan overcame anxiety, depression and an eating disorder in her teens by going to martial art classes where she did not have to worry about anything but training. Martial arts push her to reach her goals. As result, she says, "I want every woman to do some form of martial arts." Today, she is a Kung Fu instructor and competitor. She lived, worked, and practiced Kung Fu in China for a period of time in the past. 

See her bio below or at 


Studied traditional martial arts since 1995 at the age of 9. Earned Shodan in Okinawan Shorin-ryu karate in 2004. Assistant instructor from 2000-2005 at the Okinawan karate-do school in Orlando before moving to Tampa in 2006.

Trained in Shaolin Kung fu, Tai ji, and Sanda under Shifu Mario Salazar at Mt Song Martial Arts since 2007, currently is Mt Song Academy's youth program leader and adult kung fu/sanda instructor.

Lived/worked in China from 2010 to 2011. Studied kung fu and mandarin while living in China. Given honorary title of "Coach" at Grandmaster ShiDe Yang school in Deng Feng while training there.

Multiple-time Gold-medallist in the ICMAC kung fu circuit, and ICMAC Grand Champion in traditional Northern forms and weapons in 2011 and 2012, 2013, 2019.

Qualified for the US traditional kung fu team in 2019 through IWKF. (Previously scheduled to have World Competition in 2021, pre-COVID)

Demo team member and leader since 2011 of Mt Song Academy's traditional Lion dance and Kung fu demo team.

Group leader and coordinator of Mt Song Academy's Cultural Trips to China, during which students travel to China, tour famous sites, and also experience immersive study at a kung fu or tai ji training school.

Links & Info:

Megan's school:

Andrea's Motivational books:

The Martial Arts Woman book:

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone:

Oct 31, 202039:57
Terri Green - A Groovy Black Belt from the 1970's
Oct 24, 202033:41
Maca Navas - The Sword Woman
Oct 17, 202040:21
Gwendolyn Wilkins - Eclectic Martial Artist and COVID Nurse
Oct 10, 202052:24
Rebecca Knight - Anything is Possible

Rebecca Knight - Anything is Possible

Overcoming a religious cult for the first ten years of her life, Rebecca Knight found a promising future in martial arts. Read Rebecca's full bio here: 

Rebecca's Story: My childhood was difficult at best. I grew up in a religious cult (in Mexico) and endured physical, mental/emotional and sexual abuse for the first 10 years of my life. After moving back to the states when I was 10 years old, I found that it was nearly impossible for me to trust anyone, including myself. I struggled with self esteem, and confidence in every situation and doubted that I could ever recover from the trauma that I had gone through. I attended my first Kenpo lesson in 1996, and immediately felt something that I had never felt before - a small and delicate sense of worth, which grew over they years to an overwhelming feeling of confidence and strength. That feeling that was cultivated in me is why I train, and why I teach…to see that bloom in the hearts of the student that I teach, to show each and every one of them what they are truly capable of - and that is ANYTHING they put their mind and heart into!!!

Rebecca Knight, the martial art instructor:  I teach because……I have the ability to encourage positive change; I have room for creativity; I am challenged; I can see improvement in myself and others; I can encourage respect and discipline; I can share my passion for the martial arts with others.

I am proud to have been included on the Kenpo Compendium (by Amy Long) on 2008, I was featured on the Kenpo Women Website ( in 2012, and am most humbled by my inclusion as an honoree in Tom Bleecker’s The Journey - Book 3 2019.

My husband and I own and Operate the American Institute of Kenpo in Tucson Arizona, and will be celebrating our school’s 20th Anniversary next September!!! We are grateful for our Master Council Members that guide us in the martial arts, business and in our daily lives; Sigung Stephen LaBounty, Bob White, John Sepulveda, Lee Wedlake and Mike Winkeljohn along with our business partner and fellow AIK School owner Mr. Andrew Pilch. 

Links & Info:

Andrea's motivational books: 

The Martial Arts Women Book: (or contact me for signed copies)

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone Book

Oct 03, 202037:49
Michelle Manu - Powerfully Embrace Who You Are
Sep 26, 202054:01
Karen Eden Herdman - Inspirational 7th Degree Martial Artist & Author

Karen Eden Herdman - Inspirational 7th Degree Martial Artist & Author

From her days in journalism, radio and broadcasting, to her martial art movie experiences, heritage, faith, martial arts practice, community service and inspirational writing, this Podcast interview covers the gamut of this "real deal" martial artist! Find out WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW about this empowered and inspirational martial art woman. 

Bio (see full bio at 

Karen Eden Herdman is a 7th degree martial arts master of Tang Soo Do. She is most well known in the industry for her inspirational writing. She has appeared in every major martial arts magazine in the country and world, including six magazine covers of her own. A journalist by trade, Karen has worked for NBC and FOX affiliates, with live broadcasts airing on CNN, and reporting for FOX national and Animal Planet. Her ability to turn everyday occurrences into life lessons started in the martial arts industry over 20 years ago, where she became known as the "Master of Inspiration." In 2000, she joined The Salvation Army and started the largest inner-city martial arts program in the world.

Links & Info:

Karen's links:

"The Eden Assignment Inspirational Series" on Facebook:

For links to some of Karen's books, see the blog version of her podcast at

Andrea's Motivational Books:

The Martial Arts Women Book: (or contact me for signed copies)

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone Book

Sep 19, 202037:25
Odette Russell - Grandmaster and Empowered Self-Defense Expert

Odette Russell - Grandmaster and Empowered Self-Defense Expert

Sep 12, 202054:05
Violet Li - Prolific Tai Chi Author, Instructor, and Practitioner

Violet Li - Prolific Tai Chi Author, Instructor, and Practitioner

Sep 06, 202043:44
Mary Stevens - UK Instructor & Project Manager of FairFight (India)
Aug 29, 202054:21
Adette Rice - A Passion for Martial Arts

Adette Rice - A Passion for Martial Arts

With a passion for teaching and a natural talent for martial arts, Adette Rice felt a strong desire to break down the gender barriers and change the public impression of martial arts training. She set out to create a learning environment in which all members are welcomed, supported and accepted. Since opening the doors in 1999, Adette has positioned Driftwood Martial Arts as the premier training centre in Kitchener/Waterloo and a top school in the province of Ontario, Canada.

Before opening her studio Adette was an avid and highly successful competitor winning several national and world championships. After retiring from competition Adette put her focus on developing champions amongst her own students with great success. Her students continue to perform at the highest level both nationally and internationally. A key area of focus for Adette is community involvement. 

Her training began training in Hamilton, Ontario under the direction of Sensei Layton Morrison in 1990. Adette currently holds the rank of 7th dan in Goju Ryu and continues to train under Carlos Montalvo Hanshi. 

Adette continues to work tirelessly to dispel many of the stereotypes associated with the martial arts. When she’s not punching and kicking Adette enjoys spending time with her husband and children and is an avid traveler always on the lookout for the next adventure. When she finally manages to spend time at home she loves to cook, read, run and cuddle with the dogs.

Links & Info: 

Adette's School:

Andrea’s Motivational Books:

The Martial Arts Women Book: (or contact me for signed copies)

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone Book:

The Martial Arts Woman Podcast Sponsor: The Adventures of Harry & Friends

Aug 22, 202052:10
Lucie Marsh - From Trauma to Triumph
Aug 15, 202038:37
Collegiate Karate Views - Andy, Marissa, Gabby & Cameron
Aug 08, 202053:47