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Dear Former InLaws

Dear Former InLaws

By The Phoenix

This podcast is about one woman’s search for answers, clarity, survival and inspiration during and after an ugly divorce that blindsided her. She is Eno!
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The plus side of your post divorce journey

Dear Former InLawsJun 26, 2022

Get a life ! Don’t let your job define you!

Get a life ! Don’t let your job define you!

Hi Explores! Welcome to today’s episode. In this episode we’re going to talk about how often we let unsatisfactory jobs define us. Is your job unfulfilling? Do you feel unseen? How does it affect your life? Let’s talk about it!
Dec 12, 202317:47
When You’re Blindsided by a breakup

When You’re Blindsided by a breakup

In this episode Eno talks about the immediate affects of hearing about a pending divorce or break up. What do you do? How did you react? Let’s talk about it!
Sep 24, 202313:18
Your coworkers are NOT your friends ⚠️

Your coworkers are NOT your friends ⚠️

Let’s talk about it! Let’s do a deep dive into this conversation. Too many times there is suffering from people talking about hard times they have at the office. Do you find yourself being alienated? Are you the one alienating other people? What does it feel like trying to build relationships with people who seem to have fleeting spirits? Let’s talk about it!
Aug 25, 202318:25
Ewww I married a con man

Ewww I married a con man

My vulnerability is no secret. I had an emotionally, financially, and mentally devastating divorce. In this podcast I talk about some of the things I experienced on my journey, some of the things that broke me and how I am today. Let’s talk about it! Don’t forget to buy my book on Amazon.
Jul 28, 202330:09
Girl! Leave that old “friendship”door closed. You left for a reason 🛑

Girl! Leave that old “friendship”door closed. You left for a reason 🛑

Hey Explorer’s! Have there been friendships that you left in the past and thought about revisiting? Is there any reason to leave an old friendship in the past? Is there a reason to open up that door today? Let’s talk about it!
May 18, 202317:13
Losing friends during a divorce

Losing friends during a divorce

You never think he will lose “friends“ during his separation or break up. Why does this happen? Let’s talk about it! Don’t forget to share this podcast with anyone you know going through a break up. Join me on Facebook – Africa’s ambassador of possibility
Apr 17, 202323:42
What not to tell someone going through a divorce or separation.

What not to tell someone going through a divorce or separation.

I think I’ve heard it all personally! Anything from “it’s your fault” to “ you didn’t pray enough” let’s talk about it!
Apr 17, 202312:10
Ways to treat yourself for free

Ways to treat yourself for free

When you’re going through a rough patch it’s important you treat yourself to something nice. Sometimes you don’t have the money. I can relate! What are some of the ways that you can treat yourself for free? Let’s talk about it!
Apr 17, 202308:58
What are early signs of abuse?

What are early signs of abuse?

There are different types of abuse that we sometimes miss on the front end. Is it possible to detect any signs of emotional abuse at the beginning of a relationship? Let’s talk about !
Apr 17, 202316:26
Be patient with yourself after trauma

Be patient with yourself after trauma

How kind are you to yourself? This quick podcast is my reminder to you to be kind to yourself during any trauma. Let’s talk about it!
Apr 17, 202306:41
If you think divorce can’t happen to you...

If you think divorce can’t happen to you...

Are you sure that you can’t be blindsided by divorce? Let’s talk about it!
Apr 17, 202310:53
Strangers can affect our lives positively

Strangers can affect our lives positively

In the short podcast, I share with you several instances where total strangers have positively affected my life. Do you think it’s possible to benefit from the words of a stranger? Let’s talk about it!
Apr 17, 202308:34
Give yourself permission to let people go

Give yourself permission to let people go

This is an area of suffering for many people. We have all been there. Are you holding on to people who know longer serve you. Had a relationship once with people who today or not on the same page with you? What do you do when you don’t feel empowered by that relationship? What do you do when you are no longer on the same page and it is not healthy? Do what our large intestines do intuitively- Let that shit go.
Apr 17, 202308:54
How do you accept your pending divorce?

How do you accept your pending divorce?

When it comes to break up, separation or divorce, many people asked me my opinion on how to accept it. It’s not a simple answer to get. Let’s talk about it!
Apr 17, 202313:52
743 (just kidding) signs your future in laws will be toxic

743 (just kidding) signs your future in laws will be toxic

In this episode will talk about future in-laws and some of the things people have shared with me on their journey. I’ll even share some personal stories. Let’s talk about it!
Apr 17, 202320:27
When they don’t believe in your dreams

When they don’t believe in your dreams

This topic will never get old for me. What do you do when someone has contempt for your goals? When people are quick to tell you that what you’re working on is not worth anything., how do you wrap your mind around that? Let’s talk about it!
Apr 17, 202309:35
Starting over in your 40s with no money and no hope

Starting over in your 40s with no money and no hope

The fact is there is hope. If you’re starting over in life, there is hope if you were alive. Whether you are moving to a new city or from a new state, emotional or otherwise, let’s talk about a few ways to get your mind right. In this podcast I’ll share my personal story with you. Let’s talk about it!
Apr 11, 202320:51
Karma and contempt: If you think divorce can’t happen to you.

Karma and contempt: If you think divorce can’t happen to you.

In this topic, I share my opinions on my favorite subject. Let’s talk about people who look down on people who’ve been through a divorce and think divorce can’t happen to them. Does staying in a marriage where you are disempowered mean you are “together“ ? Let’s talk about it !
Apr 06, 202314:27
These Christians are holier than Christ 🤦🏽‍♀️

These Christians are holier than Christ 🤦🏽‍♀️

These no-grace having Christians are doing the most. Let’s talk about it!
Feb 22, 202314:56
Rekindling a broken friendship? Think first😎

Rekindling a broken friendship? Think first😎

I recently had an opportunity to rekindle a friendship and I want to talk about it. What would you do? Let’s talk about it!
Feb 10, 202311:06
Being the strong friend and experiencing your divorce

Being the strong friend and experiencing your divorce

Let’s talk about what the “strong friend”goes through at the beginning of her divorce. How does she navigate this space? Let’s talk about it!
Jan 16, 202312:34
To men who treat their women with spite

To men who treat their women with spite

There are certain people who stay with women they don’t love and treat them in spite. Why do they do that? Let’s talk about it!
Dec 23, 202216:01
You can’t keep justifying yourself to people.

You can’t keep justifying yourself to people.

How do you feel when someone Keeps asking you to justify yourself to them? What do you do when someone keeps questioning your growth? Or your decisions? Let’s talk about it!
Dec 21, 202209:09
When to walk away from disrespect?

When to walk away from disrespect?

So many times we over analyze how we feel about this respect. Not every conversation needs to be analyzed. When someone treats you probably there are times when you just have to walk. Let’s talk about it!
Dec 13, 202210:38
Damn! There’s an elephant in the room and bitches are being weird!

Damn! There’s an elephant in the room and bitches are being weird!

Hi Explores! In today’s episode we’re going to talk about moments when something is weird in the space and nobody wants to talk about it! Let’s talk about it!
Dec 02, 202210:26
Dating Red Flags- Let’s do a quick rundown on this.

Dating Red Flags- Let’s do a quick rundown on this.

Hello fellow Explores! In today’s podcast we’re going to talk about red flags and dating. We’re gonna do a quick rundown of the list and hopefully some of this information sticks! Let’s talk about it!
Oct 31, 202211:24
What are you doing to get to YOUR next level

What are you doing to get to YOUR next level

In this episode we are talking about Simple ways that we can make steps to get to the next level. Most people will be stuck where they are. What does it look like to truly get over a hump or move into the space where you think you belong. Let’s talk about it!
Sep 09, 202210:29
A few random things I’ve learned on friendships

A few random things I’ve learned on friendships

In this podcast will talk about a few random things I’ve learned about friendships. Let’s talk about it!
Sep 09, 202210:02
On being there for a hurting soul- sans judgement (Re-uploaded from 2019)

On being there for a hurting soul- sans judgement (Re-uploaded from 2019)

Hi People! Thank you for listening. Share this podcast on your page or platform. Someone needs to hear it. In today’s podcast we are talking about the importance of being there for someone who is in pain in a way that makes them feel comfortable. It’s not always about you. How can that be done? Let’s talk about it!
Jul 07, 202213:26
When your friend dumps you for a boy ... What to do🤷🏽‍♀️
Jun 26, 202215:37
The plus side of your post divorce journey

The plus side of your post divorce journey

There are so many reasons to look forward to your new post divorce journey. Let’s talk about it!
Jun 26, 202210:55
Let’s talk about friendships…again

Let’s talk about friendships…again

In this episode we’re gonna talk about friendships. There’s so much suffering so many people when it comes to this subject. Let’s talk about what it means to us and what it means to support the friends we have in our lives and the ones we need to get rid of for that matter… Let’s talk about it!
Jun 02, 202213:26
What does a cowardly leader look like ?

What does a cowardly leader look like ?

On my journey postdivorce, I saw so many mediocre leaders and decided to talk about that here. When you are on a journey where your self-esteem is being tried, you have to make sure that you’re being held up by good leadership, friends, and people
Apr 26, 202215:52
They had contempt during my divorce😲

They had contempt during my divorce😲

In this episode I briefly share about some of the people who had contempt for me during my divorce. There are some people who did not know how to behave through no fault of their own, they were others who thought I was cursed. They were a bunch of people who thought that my situation was contagious and did not want to be “bothered“. Ultimately I have learned that People are people. How many just do the best they can. Let’s talk about it!
Apr 20, 202214:06
What some men could learn from my father’s brand of parenting.

What some men could learn from my father’s brand of parenting.

Hi Explorers ! In this podcast I am talking about my father and some of the things I feel made him an excellent dad. I am unimpressed with men who torment their daughters with mediocre and unkind parenting. Do better, please. Please share the podcast. Enjoy!
Apr 17, 202217:15
What I wish I knew re my divorce journey ( My most transparent confession )

What I wish I knew re my divorce journey ( My most transparent confession )

For years I’ve been afraid to speak my truth. It started with a not-so subtle message from an “in-law”not wanting me to speak MY truth. I let that shackle go in this podcast. Let’s talk about it!
Apr 07, 202221:48
Types of men to watch out for during a separation or divorce😱

Types of men to watch out for during a separation or divorce😱

After speaking with several women on their journey, I decided to talk about this post divorce/post separation journey. What type of man do you watch out for after a separation? What do you do so that you’re not taken advantage of after divorce? Let’s talk about it!
Apr 04, 202220:18
Going through a breakup during Covid 19

Going through a breakup during Covid 19

I got a message from someone asking me to post more on breakups and divorce. This is for the one that wants me to talk about breakups during COVID-19. What do you need to keep in mind? Is it different from a break up outside of a pandemic?
Let's talk about it!
If you would like me to talk about court procedures during the pandemic, reach out on Facebook and let me know. " Africa's Ambassador of Possibility"
#covid #breakup #breakupduringcovid #dealingwithabreakupduringcovid #covid19breakup #divorceduringcovid
Apr 04, 202213:05
Dealing with mean people 🤦🏽‍♀️

Dealing with mean people 🤦🏽‍♀️

How do you deal with a mean person. Why are people mean? Does it matter? What do you do in those instances? Let’s talk about it!
Apr 04, 202216:01
When you’re criticized In a hurtful way

When you’re criticized In a hurtful way

Let’s talk about criticism that we get from people. How is that criticism delivered? How do we experience it? What do we do when we don’t feel good about ourselves after said critique? Let’s talk about it!
Apr 04, 202215:58
When you’re afraid to love again

When you’re afraid to love again

In this podcast we talk about being afraid to love especially after divorce or separation. It happens a lot… You’ve been hurt and you don’t want to be hurt again. Let’s talk about it!
Apr 04, 202220:30
What does a sincere apology sound like?

What does a sincere apology sound like?

A lot of us are walking around in titled when we give apologies. We think “I already said I’m sorry“ or “They need to get over it“. Unwilling to make ourselves vulnerable, we act entitled to forgiveness. Let’s talk about it!
Apr 04, 202214:51
When someone is giving you the silent treatment

When someone is giving you the silent treatment

I had a recent experience with someone who gave me the silent treatment. I had no idea that this was a “thing“. Has that happened to you before? Let’s talk about it!
Apr 02, 202216:13
Dealing with Selfish People

Dealing with Selfish People

Hi Fellow Explorers! In this episode we are talking about selfish people. Why are people selfish? Why should we deal with them? What do we need to know for our own self-esteem and protection. Let’s talk about it!
Apr 02, 202213:18
Dating a broke or broken man

Dating a broke or broken man

One of my friends said many women date or marry down! I made some observations about this. Let’s talk about it!. Don’t forget to find me on Instagram IG@ dearformerinlaws
Nov 25, 202115:34
Should you reach out to someone you’ve not spoken to?

Should you reach out to someone you’ve not spoken to?

Hi! Explorers! In this podcast we will talk about when or if it is a good idea to reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to a while. I’ll share my personal stories of three recent scenarios. Let’s talk about it!
Jun 07, 202122:08
Shout out to people who move from one state/country to a new place

Shout out to people who move from one state/country to a new place

Inspired by an amazing conversation at the market today, I decided to talk about this often times quiet subject. It is a big deal to move from one place to the other. I did it and it was not the easiest thing in the world. What are your thoughts on people who move like that? I’m personally impressed Let’s talk about it!
Jun 02, 202113:56
Loneliness from the break up

Loneliness from the break up

Right after you’ve been blindsided by a break up, and for some time after, you might feel an unforgiving sense of loneliness. That was my story!. Let’s talk about it! #divorce
Apr 17, 202119:03
What does vulnerability mean to you?

What does vulnerability mean to you?

In this episode I’m sharing my thoughts on vulnerability and why it is important to me. Don’t forget to join me on Instagram “dear former in-laws“
Apr 05, 202111:59
🤔 Should I go back to school in my 40s?

🤔 Should I go back to school in my 40s?

Nothing will challenge your sense of self like a divorce. You will often ask yourself if you have enough education to navigate the rest of your life. Should you go back to school? Let’s talk about it!
Jan 15, 202110:03