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learning and sharing from life

learning and sharing from life

By Dhaval

inspiring a life at a time
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the power of sankalpa and how it works in meditation and life

learning and sharing from lifeMar 02, 2021

what we give is what we have

what we give is what we have

Normally we do not look inwards, it's only when an #emotion rises and overpowers us in it's expression then we are forced to reflect.   You say, OMG!! how did I scream? Is it really me?. Then our #ego constructs a story to make mind believe that it's not really me but the circumstances and the people around who caused the devil to snare out.   Ego is master in deceptive game of delusion and we fall prey as we always do. This time know that all that volcanic waste that you release is all your internal matter and not an iota of it is from the outside world. It is your material and it is your responsibility to get rid of it. Either spew it on you or people around you and suck the life out of them or you have a choice.   You can choose to release it all in meditation with the grace of a master. Learn sudarshan kriya, practice. Learn sahaj samadhi #meditation, practice. Live a life where you support life within you and around you.

Mar 07, 202106:10
जो है वो देते हैं

जो है वो देते हैं

अक्सर देखा गया है कि जो हमारे पास है हम वही देते हैं। जैसे हमारे पास #सुख है तो वही बाँट सकते हैं, दुःख है तो वही बाँट सकते हैं।   लेकिन जब हम देते हैं तो बिना मतलब का परेशान होते हैं की, अरे!! मैं कैसे ग़ुस्सा हो गया, मैं कैसे चिल्लाया? मेरे अंदर इतना ग़ुस्सा कहाँ से आया?  सब नाटक है। खुद ग़ुस्से की बोरियाँ भर के ढो रहे हो और पता भी नहीं हैं।खुद को दूध का धुला मान कर ऐसे अनजान बनते हैं जैसे कुछ हवा ही नहीं। नकारने से असली चेहरा छुपता नहीं, उसका नुक़सान खुद को और अपने परिवार जनो को ही होता है।  उस नुक़सान से बचने के लिए और खुद के जीवन को आनंद से भरने के लिए न्योता देता हूँ।  #सुदर्शन क्रिया और सहज समाधि #ध्यान सीखो और ख़ुशहाली से हल्के चलते रहो ...

Mar 07, 202105:26
the power of sankalpa and how it works in meditation and life

the power of sankalpa and how it works in meditation and life

It is said that intention is the cause of the universe. We get so many thoughts in a day but only few of them manifest or fructify. The world of our action is very limited compared to the subtle world where the rest of the work happens. And all activity in the subtle is driven by the sankalpa from the mind. The more stable and equanimous the mind, the source, the more powerful will be the support system that rises up to manifest the sankalpa.

#intention #meditation #life #sankalpa

Mar 02, 202106:29
सुख दुःख क्या हैं?

सुख दुःख क्या हैं?

सुख हमारी प्रकृति है, वो पाने की वस्तु नहीं है और न ही कोई गंतव्य है, वो है, बस।दुःख हमें अपनी संकीर्णता मैं घसीटा रहता और अपनी प्रकृति से दूर करते रहता है। दुःख के होने का कारण होता है और उन कारण और उनके असर को काम करने के लिए सुदर्शन क्रिया और सहज समाधि ध्यान का अभ्यास करना होता है।

Feb 28, 202104:16
what is happiness and unhappiness?

what is happiness and unhappiness?

Happiness is our true nature. It is not a goal to be achieved, it is the state of our being. Unhappiness is what keeps us away from happiness. We need to work on eliminating or reducing the cause of unhappiness in our lives by doing sudarshan kriya, sahaj samadhi meditation. Then we become lighter and joyful.

Feb 28, 202102:36
I am not able to do daily sadhana/practice

I am not able to do daily sadhana/practice

Many times, after you learn a tool/technique you are not able to practice it on regular basis. why does that happen and how to overcome it? We will explore the same for sudarshan kriya in this article.

Feb 27, 202107:05
Is it really difficult?

Is it really difficult?

What is difficult? What do we think as difficult? Can we explore difficult to open up newer aspects of life? Can we unstuck from difficult?

Jan 15, 202104:44
when I met my self

when I met my self

An attempt to express when the myself will unite with the self via a ghazal.

Dec 28, 202002:33
Expressions of energy

Expressions of energy

Exploring the expressions of energy and how they may be related to their pictorial representations.

Dec 28, 202003:42
the mind of the moon

the mind of the moon

an attempt to understand the relationships between moon and the mind via a short poem

Dec 22, 202001:51
the path

the path

a short poem on finding and walking the path in the journey of life

Dec 19, 202001:31
Sound subsides in meditation

Sound subsides in meditation

exploring the effects of sound on your body, head and heart via a short poem inspired by Gurudev's satsang last thursday

nature is complete with sound

there is hardly a dull moment

sometimes a thunderstorm

sometimes nightingale’s song

sometimes the honking vehicles

sometimes planes cruising in sky

sounds are produced far away

but reach you this or that way


sometimes you can hear your breath

sometimes your own heart beats

or the words in your mind

ringing loud and clear

making a quiet moment a distant reality

words from yesterday, today and tomorrow

sometimes from others and

sometimes from your own imagination

cooking stories, building speculations

the sounds from far away as much as from nearby

touch your head, heart, body

to dissipate in a while, subside

some sounds are caught by the intellect

held tight in memory

poked and played by your identity

building, repeating, strengthening,

impressions for lifetimes

that is why you meditate

witness the tastes of intellect

juicy stories of neglect, anger, guilt, frustrations

rise and disappear

into the self

never to ring the bell of worry and despair again

again and again, everyday

there are too many stories to wipe

from sound engineering during the day

to silence re-engineering twice a day 20 mins

meditation is the only way

to reduce the noise, both fresh and stale

The above poem is inspired from Thursday Evening Satsang talk given by Gurudev Sri Sri RaviShankar ji on 3rd December 2020.

Even though sound is cause of distraction our ancient Rishis have found little sounds that can take you into deeper meditations too. These sounds are learnt as part of Sahaj.

Sahaj samadhi meditation is now online. Do register and experience how meditation relieve you of sound pollution from both in and out.

Dec 05, 202003:04
How to manage the screen time?

How to manage the screen time?

With the families coming closer it has become harder to control the screen time for various members in the family. Here we discuss and find solutions into some ways this trend can be reversed and we are in more control of our time on this planet rather than donating it to the video content creators of the world.

Nov 29, 202006:08
How to come out of mental heaviness or mental weight?
Nov 04, 202007:32
when the phone rings
Oct 28, 202003:47
How to digest insults?

How to digest insults?

Just like the mistakes insults happen, nobody plans them and lays it down for you. Here we explore insult and How to continue/restore normalcy once it occurs?

Oct 25, 202004:47
what is most valuable in life?

what is most valuable in life?

Ever wondered what could be most dear to you or you are most dear to whom. Today we explore where we can put our attention to know ourselves more/better.

Oct 24, 202002:18