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By Nick Dang

Have you ever hit rock bottom? Did you meet the right people giving you the right advice to bounce back and move forward with your life? For me, it was a chaotic time in high school that left me traumatized and shattered my self-confidence.
You are here at the right place to share your experiences of feeling low and slowly climbing back to your mountain of success!
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#17 You Don't Know What You Don't Know

FeedBack-On-TrackSep 04, 2020

#43 Draw the line

#43 Draw the line

How much are you willing to accept from people around you, especially at work?

You need to clarify your values and lead your life according to these values.

Only then you will know what to accept and what to reject to make your progress quicker and faster.

Jun 04, 202309:21
#42 We get used to anything

#42 We get used to anything

Good or bad comes your way, you first resist it.

Then you try to comprehend it, and accept it as your new reality.

No matter what life throws at you, you'll eventually get used to it.

May 28, 202305:57
#41 Deep work & zooming out

#41 Deep work & zooming out

You can't go anywhere if you only stay and thrive on the surface, you need to go deep to get focused and generate results.

Yet, at the same time it's easy to get caught up in a darker world of seemingly huge problems.

The solution is: focus on meaningful stuff and put anything else into perspective.

May 14, 202309:02
#40 Beware of your environment

#40 Beware of your environment

Not all places are created equal.

Make sure you understand the importance of the place you live in.

Of the people that you see and hear every day.

Because this will strongly impact the way you think, feel and act.

Therefore it will define your productivity and mental sanity.

May 07, 202313:35
#39 We're all problem solvers

#39 We're all problem solvers

Do you truly believe that once 'you make it' you're just going to be cruising through life without any problems?

Think again my friend!

Life is only and all about solving problems, find out why...

Apr 30, 202308:46
#38 You can't live without strong skills

#38 You can't live without strong skills

Passion is great.

Ambition is great.

Having a mission and vision is great.

But without skills, they are all pointless.

Apr 23, 202312:18


Do you think you're doing enough or you just scratching the surface?

Training yourself, pushing yourself to do better, breaking through resistance.

I thought I was doing all these things, but now I know that was not enough.

That's why a reboot is important to go back to basics and propel yourself again!

Apr 16, 202312:51
#36 Relax About Life, It’s Just a Game

#36 Relax About Life, It’s Just a Game

How often do you feel aggravated and worked up as you go through life?

Are you able to take a step back and look at situations from a different perspective?

Let's talk today about approaching life as a game and minimizing the impact of negativity in your life.

#personaldevelopment #selfimprovement #backontrack #selfhelp #personalgrowth #motivation #bigpicture #perspective #lifeisagame #relax

Nov 13, 202017:50
#35 Your Big Picture Does Not Include Things You Can't Control

#35 Your Big Picture Does Not Include Things You Can't Control

How much time have you wasted arguing and fighting about who should be the next US President?

Do you believe you could have used your time more effectively in these last few months?

Let's talk today about how you should realize that only YOU can have an impact on your life, nobody else!

#personaldevelopment #selfimprovement #backontrack #selfhelp #personalgrowth #motivation #bigpicture #elections

Nov 10, 202019:13
#34 Do Others Take Advantage of You?

#34 Do Others Take Advantage of You?

Do you have someone in your life who only comes to you when they need something?

As ready as you are to help, do you feel that they recognize that as a sign of strength or weakness?

Let's talk today about how to affirm yourself and say NO when necessary.

#personaldevelopment #selfimprovement #backontrack #selfhelp #personalgrowth #motivation #help #sayingno 

Nov 03, 202016:55
#33 Here's the Way to Manage Your Time Better

#33 Here's the Way to Manage Your Time Better

Do you often procrastinate? Is it hard for you to track and budget your time?

You're not the only one but it doesn't mean you shouldn't try to experiment to get better at it.

Let's dig today into what you can do to manage your time better.

#personaldevelopment #self-improvement #backontrack #self-help #personalgrowth #motivation #timemanagement #tracking #budgeting 

Oct 29, 202020:12
#32 Are You Getting Enough Sleep During This Pandemic?
Oct 26, 202018:30
#31 How Do You Define Yourself?

#31 How Do You Define Yourself?

"Can you please tell me about yourself?"

Do you hate answering this question because you just don't know what to say?!

Who are you and how do define yourself? This is what we will try to find out in today's episode!

#personaldevelopment #self-improvement #backontrack #self-help #personalgrowth #motivation #identity 

Oct 23, 202015:18
#30 The Only Way to Be Happy Is to Take Action

#30 The Only Way to Be Happy Is to Take Action

How do you feel when you sit on your lazy behind and wait for things to happen??

Can you say you feel happy and witness a lot of positive changes in your life? Probably not.

The only way you can feel fulfilled and happy is by taking action, nothing else!

#personaldevelopment #self-improvement #backontrack #self-help #personalgrowth #motivation #takingaction #momentum #achievement #vision

Oct 20, 202021:18
#29 There's Nothing New Under the Sun

#29 There's Nothing New Under the Sun

*** Check out the NEW website ***

How important is the weather in your life? Do you think your mood and determination should be impacted by the rain or the sun?

Let's talk today about how not to let the weather or any other external factors decide how you should be feeling at any particular moment.

#personaldevelopment #self-improvement #backontrack #self-help #personalgrowth #motivation #weather #externalfactors #negativity

Oct 15, 202016:13
#28 It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It
Oct 12, 202018:55
#27 Is There Really Such a Thing as Beginner's Luck?

#27 Is There Really Such a Thing as Beginner's Luck?

*** Check out the NEW website ***

How surprised and happy do you feel when you successfully accomplish something that you try for the first time? 

Would you like to repeat this kind of pleasant experience more than once?

Let's talk today about the concept of Beginner's Luck and how it impacts the way you approach new situations.

#personal development #beginner #expertise #backontrack #self-help #personal growth #motivation

Oct 08, 202020:05
#26 Do You Hate Personal Development?

#26 Do You Hate Personal Development?

*** Check out the NEW website at ***

Do you usually set goals for your life? Do you like to work on yourself and become better every day?

Or do you just hate that and people who do it?

Let's talk today about how to approach personal development and if it's really for you!

#personaldevelopment #motivation #personalgrowth #backontrack

Oct 06, 202019:25
#25 Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People

#25 Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People

How does it feel to share something that you are passionate about and see that people around you don't really care?

Would you rather share your thoughts, ideas and opinions with people who can help you truly elevate yourself?

Let's talk today about the benefits of being surrounded with like-minded people!

Oct 01, 202017:06
#24 Stay True to Yourself

#24 Stay True to Yourself

How much can you make your own decisions without having to rely on others?

Do you know yourself well enough to be perceived as assertive and confident?

Let's find out today how you can stay true to yourself and fully embrace who you are!

Sep 28, 202017:33
#23 Aren’t Routines Supposed to Be Boring?

#23 Aren’t Routines Supposed to Be Boring?

How do you lead your life on a daily basis? Do you improvise and go with the flow or do you have some kind of structure in place?

If structure and discipline are not your things, you're definitely missing out on not following a set routine.

Let's find out today the powerful results you can expect when you adopt routines in your life!

Sep 25, 202020:59
#22 Can You Make Your Own Luck?

#22 Can You Make Your Own Luck?

Are you familiar with the concept of serendipity?

Do you believe that things happen for a reason, yet still think you are the one who creates your own destiny?

Let's talk today about how we should stay fully aware of the small occurrences of life that bring about big changes for your future! 

Sep 23, 202021:25
#21 The Power of Letting Go

#21 The Power of Letting Go

Do you sometimes feel like you want to give up? But you don't want to appear weak and impatient?

Letting go is not about giving up, it's about understanding that you can't control everything.

Let's talk today about how letting go may offer you a completely different outlook on life when things don't go your way!

Sep 17, 202015:22
#20 Does Your Lack of Inspiration Trigger Your Lack of Motivation?

#20 Does Your Lack of Inspiration Trigger Your Lack of Motivation?

How often do you expect inspiration to knock at your door?

For work or personal projects, you lack the proper ideas at the moment you need them the most, and that's never a pleasant feeling, is it?

Let's find out today what causes a lack of inspiration and how to find solutions for it!

Sep 15, 202022:09
#19 Why You Should NOT Focus on Reaching Your Goals

#19 Why You Should NOT Focus on Reaching Your Goals

"What is that supposed to mean? Not trying to reach my goals?! So what's the point of this podcast anyway??"

There is actually more to goal setting than just focusing on the goal itself.

If you want to find out what it is, take a listen and enjoy today's episode!

Sep 11, 202019:20
#18 Do You Enjoy the Carrot or Fear the Stick?

#18 Do You Enjoy the Carrot or Fear the Stick?

There are two ways to motivate yourself: looking for rewards or avoiding pain.

What aspects of your life are you trying to work on right now and how are you planning to motivate yourself to reach your objectives?

Let's discover the 2 sides of the motivation coin and how they impact us in today's episode!

Sep 09, 202019:01
#17 You Don't Know What You Don't Know

#17 You Don't Know What You Don't Know

Wanting something is very different from actually needing it. And the opposite is actually also true.

How do you strike a balance between what you want and what you truly need out of life?

Let's talk today about how to achieve that by knowing what truly matters, how to come to this kind of realization and what steps you need to take to get there.

Sep 04, 202020:39
#16 How Can You Become More Confident?

#16 How Can You Become More Confident?

How confident do you feel about your personality, your abilities and your life in general?

Do you know how to pick yourself up when you feel down and your self-confidence is at its worst?

Let's find out the 3 things you can do to feel more confident in today's episode!

Sep 01, 202022:47
#15 Embrace the Ups and Downs of Life

#15 Embrace the Ups and Downs of Life

Do you sometimes feel like your life is unfair? That other people seem to be happier than you?

"Why is this happening to me?", you think.

Well, you are not alone riding the roller coaster of life, so let's talk today about how to enjoy that ride!

Aug 27, 202019:16
#14 Stop Clinging to Your Expectations

#14 Stop Clinging to Your Expectations

How often do you get disappointed in you or your life because outcomes don't match what you had in mind? Do you feel like reality doesn't feel as good as what you had envisioned? 

In today's episode, we try to understand how to let go of our expectations and focus more on the situation at hand.

Aug 24, 202017:14
#13 Do You Want to Become an Expert or a Fraud?

#13 Do You Want to Become an Expert or a Fraud?

What comes to your mind when you hear the terms 'expert' and 'fraud'?

Do they sound appealing to you at all? Do you currently fall into either category? 

Let's talk today about where we need to draw the line between being seen as an expert and avoiding to become a fraud at all costs!

Aug 20, 202019:40
#12 Need a Change of Scenery

#12 Need a Change of Scenery

How difficult is it to break your routine and try something new?

"Why should I do that? Life is comfortable and working fine."

That's exactly the problem.

You will find out why and how to change that in today's episode!

Aug 18, 202017:17
#11 Are You Having Enough Fun?

#11 Are You Having Enough Fun?

How important is it for you to have fun? Does it conflict with the times you need to take things more seriously?

Life is all about balance and finding the right equilibrium will take you to a whole new level.

Let's find out today what makes your life fun and how you mix that up with your serious moments!

Aug 12, 202016:47
#10 Lay That First Brick

#10 Lay That First Brick

What is holding you from starting anything right away? Do you feel like taking the first step is always the most challenging part?

There are a few reasons why you can't seem to be able to start a new endeavor and keep putting it off.

Let's find out how we can get you to lay the first brick each and every time in today's episode!

Aug 10, 202018:03
#9 Do Not Forget to Breathe

#9 Do Not Forget to Breathe

What do you find most difficult: working or resting? How do you strike a balance between the two?

It's time to understand how to embrace what you do fully and make sure you don't give in to distractions.

Let's drill this down in today's episode!

Aug 06, 202017:11
#8 Learning Comes at a Price, But You Can’t Be Cheap

#8 Learning Comes at a Price, But You Can’t Be Cheap

Have you learned anything new lately? Why is learning so important? We sometimes have a tendency to minimize the importance of continuous training and learning.

It's crucial to keep progressing and not being left behind though. The process is full of obstacles, but so rewarding in the end.

Let's find out how to navigate the learning process in today's episode!

Aug 04, 202015:35
#7 WHY You Do What You Do

#7 WHY You Do What You Do

How often do you question what your life is all about? Job, relationships, money...

Do you easily feel overwhelmed and want to give up on one of your endeavors?

Let's find out today what all these phases are all about and how to overcome them.

Jul 30, 202015:51
#6 Stop Making Excuses

#6 Stop Making Excuses

Would you say you usually take responsibility for your words and actions?

Even if you do, you've probably made excuses before (and still do at times).

Thus, what can we do when excuses take over our lives and prevent us from accomplishing what we need?

Let's find out in today's episode!

Jul 28, 202015:31
#5 Controlling The Uncontrollable?

#5 Controlling The Uncontrollable?

Do you have a clear vision of what you are trying to accomplish but get frustrated if things don't always go your way? Do you think you can predict everything?

Today I'm sharing my experience taking the driver's license exam and simply going with the flow...instead of trying to control the uncontrollable...

Jul 25, 202020:38
#4 Can We Get Used To Anything?

#4 Can We Get Used To Anything?

How comfortable are you with change? How long does it take you to adapt to new situations?

The current pandemic has us all rethinking the future and figuring out what our lives will look like from now on.

So, can we really get used to anything? 

Jul 23, 202019:20
#3 Go Alone or Go Along?

#3 Go Alone or Go Along?

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Do you agree with this statement?

How and when do you feel more comfortable? More productive? When by yourself, or surrounded by other people?

Let's share our thoughts on today's episode!

Jul 16, 202017:09
#2 Trust Your Gut Feeling!

#2 Trust Your Gut Feeling!

How do you go about making decisions? Do you go into hardcore analytical mode or do you just go with the flow?

Think about the last time you had to make a decision? How did you manage?

Let me share with you why I, an extremely analytical person, have learnt how to trust my intuitions and go with my gut feeling, especially in today's episode where I share with you a group project that didn't go quite as planned...

Jul 14, 202018:54
#1 Never Too Late To Get The Right Feedback

#1 Never Too Late To Get The Right Feedback

Let's embark on this journey together. A journey through which we look at what made us fall and hurt us. 

At some point in your life, you hit a wall and couldn't find anyone to guide you. You somehow got traumatized by a very unpleasant experience and this has had a profound impact on how you perceive yourself today.

High school was for me the turning point of my life: I got crushed by negative comments from my teachers. This impacted the way I learn and perceive myself.

Let's get to share our negative experiences and get the proper get BACK ON TRACK!

Dec 13, 201907:19