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The Vibrant Introvert

The Vibrant Introvert

By Gabbie Lanier


Welcome to The Vibrant Introvert: the show about real people experiencing introversion and social anxiety, their stories of transformation and change, and how they thrive in their daily lives—all told through the lens of Acceptance and Commitment therapy. I’m your host, Gabbie Lanier.

This podcast was formerly called, “ACT-Inspired Behavior” but starting May 19th, the 2nd season was released under the new name, “The Vibrant Introvert.” A big value around this new title is to uplift and empower voices that are not often heard--the voice of an introvert. Join in the conversation!
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6. Self-identity as a woman of color with danyelle beal

The Vibrant IntrovertJan 06, 2021

26. Immigrating to the United States with Matthieu Villate

26. Immigrating to the United States with Matthieu Villate

What does it mean to “be yourself” when you’re learning a new language and living in a new culture? Some of us find it hard to do even in our own language!

In the latest episode of The Vibrant Introvert, Matthieu Villate shares his story of immigrating to the United States from France and the struggle to be himself as he struggled to communicate, be heard, and connect to others

Listen to how he

-  Learned to connect to the most important values of humor, playfulness, spontaneity

-  Seeing the difference between connecting to values as a process rather than an outcome

-  The paradox of acceptance and the subtle process of letting go without an overattachment to an outcome

In the episode I also talk about my own struggles with being open and curious without an overattachment to a specific expectation or outcome. I give an example of making art with my son. If you want to see a picture of our Christmas wreath, click here to see a picture of it! This is a great example of how letting go of expectations can yield something completely unexpected and beautiful in its own right.

Join in on the conversation!


Check out my service Coaching for Vibrant Introverts if you are an introvert struggling with self-doubt and social anxiety and who desires to make your own transformations. My clients come to me so they can do the work of showing up, speaking up, being authentically present, and desire to make changes in their lives from a place of vibrancy.

Learn more and schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

Find me on Instagram @actinspiredbehavior


About our Storyteller:

Matthieu Villate is an Assistant Professor at the University of Bastyr in Seattle. His work is focused on the role of language in different areas of human psychology, such as psychotherapy and spirituality. You can see more of his work at:

Dec 20, 202148:42
25. Public speaking & finding your voice with Debbie Jacob

25. Public speaking & finding your voice with Debbie Jacob

In the latest episode of The Vibrant Introvert, Debbie Jacob shares a pivotal public speaking experience after many years of avoiding any forms of public speaking. As hard-core introvert, Debbie says she’d spent most of her life very comfortable with quiet and solitude. She rejoiced in activities like writing because she that’s what made HER feel the most in her element.

Over time, as Debbie began to write more, author books, and become an influential advocate for police reform in her Trinidadian community…public speaking opportunities began to flow in despite her best efforts to avoid them at all cost. Though she didn’t ask for those opportunities they came anyway along with her rising passion for working with incarcerated youth in Trinidad’s prison systems.

Listen to how she finally pivoted toward and embraced public speaking opportunities after a pivotal moment giving a commencement speech to a group of Muslim girls. Throughout her story we learn how she utilized some of the processes of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to turn toward these opportunities to speak rather than turn away.

In the episode you can choose to practice your own type of shift by engaging in an exercise with me involving this idea of willingness and connection. In this exercise we practice this idea of “being willingly out of breath” while also connected to a valued speaking opportunity.

Join in on the conversation!

Learn how to show up and speak up

During the episode I talk about my service, Coaching for Vibrant Introverts. Check out my service if you are a professional woman introvert struggling with self-doubt and social anxiety and who desires to make your own transformations. My clients come to me so they can do the work of showing up, speaking up, being authentically present, and desire to make changes in their lives from a place of vibrancy.

Learn more and schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

Find me on Instagram @actinspiredbehavior


Debbie Jacob is an author, former teacher and librarian, a columnist, an advocate for prison reform, and a resident of Trinidad. She is the author of books such as Wishing for Wings (stories of incarcerated youth in Trinidad & Tabago) and Making Waves (How the West Indies shaped the United States) as well as other children’s books. She is a self-described introvert and when she’s not writing or helping others, she is enjoying the company of her local Trinidadian police dogs!

If you wish to read Debbie’s article mentioned in the podcast episode, click here to read Finding My Voice in Newsday.

Check out her website or email her at

Oct 27, 202151:07
24. A writer's journey with Marcus Harrison Green

24. A writer's journey with Marcus Harrison Green

Think back to a moment when you first made a decision to do something.

Maybe it was to have kids. Maybe it was to go back to school. Maybe it was to start a business.  Whatever that decision was, think about where you are now versus where you were then. And between now and then, there is time, and distance. There is this journey, so to speak.

And on this journey, there have been experiences, memories made, emotions felt, mistakes, successes, surprises…maybe even odd coincidence here and there that kept you on that path. Whatever ended up happening between that decision and where you are now, I bet you could not have predicted the journey…and how it would play out. We never know how any one decision will go…right?

And, yet, you do it anyways. Even with that bit of uncertainty. You do it anyway. Maybe it’s a burning passion, or a clear mission, or maybe just a spark of an idea that you can’t imagine NOT pursuing.

You have a calling. This decision, this goal, it calls to you.

In the latest episode of The Vibrant Introvert Podcast, our storyteller is Marcus Harrison Green, a man from South Seattle. He is also a writer, publisher, and founder of a local new source, The South Seattle Emerald.

Several years ago, after trying out an unfulfilling career in finance, Marcus trekked back to his hometown of Seattle. From there, he pursued his passion for writing. In his story he tells us about how this passion led him on a  journey to start a publication—a publication that would become the South Seattle Emerald. All he had was a decision—the decision to start on his journey…and from there, the adventure began.


In the latest episode of The Vibrant Introvert Podcast, our storyteller is Marcus Harrison Green, a man from South Seattle. He is also a writer, publisher, and founder of a local new source, The South Seattle Emerald.

Several years ago, after trying out an unfulfilling career in finance, Marcus trekked back to his hometown of Seattle. From there, he pursued his passion for writing. In his story he tells us about how this passion led him on a  journey to start a publication—a publication that would become the South Seattle Emerald. All he had was a decision—the decision to start on his journey…and from there, the adventure began.

Like many moments leading up to this, I want to call out how this is the moment where the skills of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can be so helpful.

This is the moment where one can pause, recognize current discomforts, choose to be willing to experience them because moving through discomfort is aligned with a set of deeply held values, and make a commitment to act despite the difficulties of changing course. If done with a mix of values and good timing, changing course can be incredibly liberating.

Listen to the episode and find out what is next for Marcus…and how he is choosing to take a path uncertain for a life well-lived


Marcus Harrison Green, founder and publisher of the South Seattle Emerald, author, publisher, and columnist.

Be sure to go to Marcus’s website and follow him on Instagram, Facebook, or twitter.

And please, buy his book Readying to Rise, support important journalism and storytelling from a side of the media that should be empowered and uplifted and celebrated.

Oct 11, 202147:33
23. Finding faith in Black maternal and infant health: A woman’s epic journey of infertility, miscarriage, & motherhood

23. Finding faith in Black maternal and infant health: A woman’s epic journey of infertility, miscarriage, & motherhood

What happens when everything that can go wrong, goes wrong?

You do what other people would do. You try harder, you freak out, you grieve the loss of what you expected to have, and you may even get to the point of giving up.

But, what happens in this space of giving up…even for the briefest of moments?

Something magical can happen.

I invite you to join me on this journey, full of lots of twists and turns, of deep emotion, of experiencing cultural bias, of loss, of grief, of determination, of experiencing deep spiritual healing.

Our storyteller, Narissa Harris, is a licensed marriage and family therapist. In her work she runs a small private practice and spends most of her professional career providing trainings, workshops, consultations, and writings to help others increase their cultural awareness particularly when working within the African-American community. Narissa prides herself on using a real, direct, and unapologetic approach, while also creating safety and trust.

So, today I am sharing the epic journey of this amazing woman’s struggle with infertility, with miscarriage, and how losing hope was exactly what she needed in order to be open to a spiritual journey that would lead her right back to what she was looking for in the first place…her Faith.


Find me on: 

Instagram @actinspiredbehavior




Narissa is an introvert powerhouse and has a monthly newsletter, “Walk A Day In My Culture,” is the co-founder of Culture First Family Therapy and Training Services, Inc. where she provides training, supervision, and consultation on helping others become culturally sound in the work they are doing.

You can connect with Narissa and follow her work through her website ( You can also access her e-store through her website where she has cultural products for sale that will help you bloom into your best self. Or, follow her at @bloomintoyourbestself

Sep 22, 202101:03:50
22. That time I wanted to quit: from self-doubt to self trust

22. That time I wanted to quit: from self-doubt to self trust

What if you dreamed so big it scared you? 

I ask this question in this unscripted episode of The Vibrant Introvert. I veer from the typical format to bring you my own story as an introverted entrepreneur. 

This episode describes my roller coaster experience of going from self-doubt to self-trust. 

This episode is different too...there is no editing. It is raw. It's vulnerable. In this way I am practicing the work of showing up unapologetically authentic and leaning into self-trust. In this way, I am also stating my commitment to show up and do this work because it deeply matters to me.

My big message in this episode is that it's ok to doubt yourself. It is part of the process but it is an important experience to have toward your biggest baddest desires. 

As I share my most recent "low" on this roller coaster journey, I learn an important lesson and it's this: I am willing to recognize that I need help and am no longer willing to do this journey alone. I have deep desires and I'm no longer willing to wait for it.

Perhaps you can relate?

If that is the case, reach out. I am a coach that empowers fellow professional introverts who experience self-doubt and social anxiety to show up, be authentically present, and to take vital action in their lives. Why vital action? Because it makes you feel ALIVE. It brings vitality to your life and you want that vitality right NOW. 

Contact me at my website to book a free 30-min discovery call at

DM me on Instagram @actinspired behavior


In this episode I also share some upcoming stories and podcast episodes. I hope you join me as we hear from a variety of Vibrant Introverts: from authors, to social justice advocates, to teachers to mental health therapists...we have stories to share of transformation and change. Stay tuned!

Sep 09, 202127:22
 21. A mother's story of colic and stillborn birth with Dr. Diana Hill

21. A mother's story of colic and stillborn birth with Dr. Diana Hill

Our storyteller, Diana Hill, dealt with discomfort as a mother…in a few different ways. Diana is an ACT-based psychologist, a mom, a fellow podcaster, and author. Diana shares how she experienced a colicky baby and the many discomforts that it came with…and learned how to form a new relationship with the crying, with the discomfort, with her son, and with her past grief. See how she made space for discomfort and how that little bit of space changed everything.


If you are interested in reaching out and telling your story, would like to join our monthly group called ACT Collective, or receive 1:1 individualized support & guidance on your own personal journey check out my service, Coaching for Vibrant Introverts which specializes in serving those with anxiety and social anxiety. You find me on Instagram @actinspiredbehavior.

If this episode resonated with you, subscribe to this podcast and stayed tuned for each new episode bright and early, every other Wednesday (ish)!


Our guest today, Dr. You just listened to Dianna Hill….a woman, mom of 3, psychologist, podcaster of “Psychologists off the clock” and co-author of ACT Daily Journal. Find her @drdianahill or click on my show notes for ways to connect with Diana.


As promised, Diana is giving away one free copy of ACT Daily Journal. To get a chance to get a free copy, write a review of this podcast or share this podcast episode with a friend, and then send me an email at or direct message me on Instagram by August 30th, 2021. I will randomly pick a name from those who have participated and send you a message. This is my commitment to spread the word, disseminate the work of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and to connect us all through story.

Aug 25, 202140:27
20. A dancer’s struggle with orthorexia with Lauryn Elder

20. A dancer’s struggle with orthorexia with Lauryn Elder

Our storyteller, Lauryn Elder, shares her experience as a former professional dancer…and a person who basically grew up in a dance studio. At some point she eventually realized the tremendously positive and impactful ways in which the dancing world shaped her behaviors from the inside out…including her experience with orthorexia.

As you listen, I invite you to consider how the environment sets the stage for behavior change, how behavior operates in context, and how it is shaped over time. A little later on, we will dig a little deeper into behavior function—or in other words, how our behavior patterns serve a purpose but may not necessarily always serve us or our values.


If you are interested in reaching out and telling your story, would like to join our monthly group called ACT Collective, or receive 1:1 individualized support & guidance on your own personal journey check out my service, Coaching for Vibrant Introverts which specializes in serving those with anxiety and social anxiety. You find me on

Instagram @actinspiredbehavior

If this episode resonated with you, subscribe to this podcast and stayed tuned for each new episode bright and early, every other Wednesday (ish)!


Our guest today was a trauma-informed behavior analyst living in Delaware and now, an entrepreneur as of recently. She is the founder of Holistic Behaviorist where she provides 1:1 coaching utilizing a trauma informed ABA, and ACT approach to increa sing self-care behavior to reach personal mental and physical health goals. She also provides services in clinic, at home, school consultation, and family training. She also teaches competitive dancers, where she intentionally works to train dancers to have a strong and healthy mind and body relationship. She now has many outlets for movement and joy beyond her work as a behavior analyst and dance trainer; you can find her creating, being outdoors, thrifting, painting, watching the sunset, dancing, or jamming out to music with her community at crossfit. You can find her on Instagram @theholisticbehaviorist

Aug 11, 202153:31
19. Finding compassion in my younger self with Katelyn Kendrick

19. Finding compassion in my younger self with Katelyn Kendrick

Here’s my big question for you: why is it so much easier to show compassion for someone else than it is to show it to yourself?

Today our storyteller, Katelyn Kendrick, who I talked to way back in February when I was still pregnant…is going to share their very personal journey, one that involves her growing up as a super feeler in an addicted home, how they experienced trauma both in the home and outside of it, and how that impacted their ability to see herself and treat herself with compassion. In their story they will talk about how Acceptance and Commitment Therapy taught her how to take perspective on her story and how that has slowly shaped not only an understanding of their life and trauma, but an even stronger sense of who she is and what she wants to be about.


If you are interested in reaching out and telling your story, would like to join our monthly group called ACT Collective, or receive 1:1 individualized support & guidance on your own personal journey check out my service, Coaching for Vibrant Introverts which specializes in serving those with anxiety and social anxiety. You find me on

Instagram @actinspiredbehavior

If this episode resonated with you, subscribe to this podcast and stayed tuned for each new episode bright and early, starting this Wednesday and then every other Wednesday!


Our guest today was Katelyn Kendrick, a mother, neurodiversity-affirming behavior analyst, a fierce advocate for children, and a lover of animals, cooking, musical theater…Katelyn lives their life at the intersection of multiple identities including being neurodivergent, disabled, bisexual, and a non-binary femme. You can find her on Instagram @antiracistbehavioranalyst. Read her blog post titled, “My story is mine, but I know it is not unique.”

Jul 21, 202146:10
18. A tender-hearted autistic with Brian Middleton
Jul 07, 202147:29
17. Tuning into anxiety as a sleep deprived parent with Hilary McClinton

17. Tuning into anxiety as a sleep deprived parent with Hilary McClinton

What could it look like if you were sleeping better?

A lot of us out there, will sacrifice sleep in order to get something done. In order to have some alone time, down time, Netflix time, or maybe we’re taking care of a hungry, crying baby.

Whatever your barrier for achieving a good nights’ sleep, you’re not wrong. You’re just responding to a need you might have in your life, and your behavior around sleep is therefore rationale and logical because you’re simply responding to your surroundings. And in the short-term, this might work for you…but what about the long term? Does sacrificing sleep work for you in the long term? And, what impacts does that lack of sleep have on your mental health? 
Today we are going to explore sleep, behavior, and a mental health condition that is not often talked about: postpartum anxiety. Our guest, Hilary McClinton, is a behavior analyst and sleep specialist who has her own story about anxiety…and how all of this is a product of her context as mom to child with sleeping difficulties, and a product of her own sleep deprivation.


In this episode I talk about a free mini course and it’s called “An Introvert’s Guide to Getting Unstuck.” It is a  free 45-minute mini course.

In the workshop I guide you through a series of journaling prompts, ACT-based exercises, and ways to navigate through your individual stuck points as an introvert. Go to my website to get access to it and check it out!


If you are interested in reaching out and telling your story, would like to join our monthly group called ACT Collective, or receive 1:1 individualized support & guidance on your own personal journey check out my service, Coaching for Vibrant Introverts which specializes in serving those with anxiety and social anxiety. You find me on

Instagram @actinspiredbehavior

If this episode resonated with you, subscribe to this podcast and stayed tuned for each new episode bright and early, starting this Wednesday and then every other Wednesday!


Our guest today was Hilary McClinton. Find her at: 

@coastalridge_aba or

Or find her work here at her website at Sound Sleep Solutions.

Jun 16, 202148:34
16. "Being more me": Growing into authenticity with Summer Mingo

16. "Being more me": Growing into authenticity with Summer Mingo

In this episode I talk to fellow introvert Summer Mingo. We talk about how we’ve learned to not only come “out” of our shells but to grow into them.

I relate our experience to that of a hermit crab. It’s shell might be mistaken as any other shell, but it is uniquely the environment, the context in which the hermit crab resides.

We all have our own space and, own context by which we are living our life right now. You too have an experience that is  different from anyone else's, and different from what it looks like 5 or 10 years ago. Your shell is your life, right now.

And, like the hermit crab, one day you will outgrow that shell in search for a new shell, some new career opportunity or some new relationship or new passion you want to pursue...whatever that new space looks like for you it will be different somehow and it might represent a new challenge, a space that you will have to grow into.

Together, Summer and I explore what it means to grow into that space, how that journey will also be one of discovering what it means to live authentically, and what that actually means for deep-thinking, highly sensitive introverts.

Summer shares some amazing insights into how she has grown in her ability to connect & make friendships, how she shows up on social media, and how she prepares to show up to new situations as a leader. Join us as we explore  what it means to lean into that discomfort and grow toward authenticity.


In this episode I talk about a free mini course and it’s called “An Introvert’s Guide to Getting Unstuck.” It is a  free 45 minute mini course.

In the workshop I guide you through a series of journaling prompts, ACT-based exercises, and ways to navigate through your individual stuck points as an introvert. Go to my website to get access to it and check it out!


If you are interested in reaching out and telling your story, would like to join our monthly group called ACT Collective, or receive 1:1 individualized support & guidance on your own personal journey check out my service, Coaching for Vibrant Introverts which specializes in serving those with anxiety and social anxiety. You find me on

Instagram @actinspiredbehavior

If this episode resonated with you, subscribe to this podcast and stayed tuned for each new episode bright and early, starting this Wednesday and then every other Wednesday!


Our guest today was Summer Mingo, a mom of two kids, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, and vibrant introvert. She is also Co-Founder/Owner of South Georgia Behavior Associates.

See her work here:

If you are interested in connecting to Summer find her on Instagram @committed_to_presence 

Jun 02, 202144:16
15. Breaking the Introvert Bubble with Rebekah Perez

15. Breaking the Introvert Bubble with Rebekah Perez

This is the first episode of the new season of the podcast formerly called ACT-Inspired Behavior. The show is now titled The Vibrant Introvert!

To start off our season, I want to ask you a question. What IS an introvert? How would you define the term?

Of course there are many definitions out there, books written, blog posts…but what is YOUR definition? The reason I ask this is because you probably have an answer and I bet your brain has already started the work on pinging around your vast network of words, phrases, memories, gut feelings that all tie back to this word.

If I had asked myself this question 10 years ago, I might not have come up with many nice ways of describing introversion, if I were to be honest with you.

In this show I hope to shake up your many associations and assumptions about introversion. In the process, this many even impact the way you see yourself—toward a perspective that is a little more flexible, a little more accepting, and perhaps bolder, in the way you see yourself.

Today, I am highlighting the journey of a fellow introvert, a podcast listener, and someone who I’ve connected with so very much. Her name is Rebekah Perez and today we are going to hear her story of transformation. Her story involves breaking out of her bubble by moving to a big new city…and challenging herself to take on new experiences in pursuit of connecting with values. AND, in the process, you will hear what NEW values come up for her and how she now also describes herself as an introvert, but also so much more than that.


In this episode I talk about a free mini course and it’s called “An Introvert’s Guide to Getting Unstuck.” It is a  free 45 minute mini course.

In the workshop I guide you through a series of journaling prompts, ACT-based exercises, and ways to navigate through your individual stuck points as an introvert. Go to my website to get access to it and check it out!


If you are interested in reaching out and telling your story, would like to join our monthly group called ACT Collective, or receive 1:1 individualized support & guidance on your own personal journey check out my service, Coaching for Vibrant Introverts which specializes in serving those with anxiety and social anxiety. You find me on

Instagram @actinspiredbehavior

or at my website

If this episode resonated with you, subscribe to this podcast and stayed tuned for each new episode bright and early, starting this Wednesday and then every other Wednesday!


Our guest today was Rebekah Perez, a single mommy, a creative, a counselor, an upcoming behavior analyst and vibrant introvert. If you are interested in reaching out or connecting to Rebekah find her on Instagram @behavior_beautiful 

May 19, 202140:13
14. Journey toward a natural birth (Season 1 Bonus)

14. Journey toward a natural birth (Season 1 Bonus)

This bonus episode is all about my journey toward a VBAC (vaginal birth after Caesarean) and natural birth. There is real audio from the beginning to end of my labor experience so hopefully you can feel like you are there, experiencing it alongside me. This is also the last episode of the podcast formerly titled “ACT-Inspired Behavior.” After this episode, I will publish episodes for season 2 under a new name, title “The Vibrant Introvert.” Listen to hear more about it!


About the episode:

Have you ever done something…scary?  What was it and what made it so scary? Was it physically difficult, or emotionally difficult, or both? Did it fill you with fear as you prepared to do it?

But here’s the most important question. Why was it worth it?

For me, I experienced 3 very scary things in the last few months, all of which I’m going to tell you about right now. In the first part of this episode I’m going to tell you all about that first scary thing—the recent birth of my 2nd child. You’ll get to hear about my many fears, the ways I navigated the fear, and why it was worth doing. In the last part of the episode, you’ll hear about two other gigantically scary things I’m doing in my life and how they relate back to this same experience of giving birth.

In my journey toward wanting a VBAC—or a vaginal birth after cesarean, I definitely experienced this series of committed actions. And, believe me, my commitment to this goal was tested and almost broken.


If you are interested in reaching out and telling your story, would like to join our monthly group called ACT Collective, or receive 1:1 individualized support & guidance on your own personal journey check out my service, Coaching for Vibrant Introverts which specializes in serving those with anxiety and social anxiety. You find me on

Instagram @actinspiredbehavior

or at my website

If this episode resonated with you, subscribe to this podcast and stayed tuned for each new episode bright and early, starting this Wednesday and then every other Wednesday!


Finally, if you are interested in learning more about Kayla-Jane’s work, please check out her work as an intuitive writing guide at Word Alchemy. She works with writers and non-writers to turn their words into gold. She hosts workshops that allow people to write poems, stories, or letters from guided prompts that let each and every writer speak freely from their heart. She hosts monthly writing events that are donation-based. Her next writing workshop is The Essence of Nature and will be on Sunday, May 30 at 8:00pm EST.

You can find her at @alchemy.of.writing or email

May 12, 202101:05:01
13. Speak life into yourself with Chauntae Gold

13. Speak life into yourself with Chauntae Gold

Have you ever been put in a situation where you were forced to do something that didn’t ring true to you? Perhaps it was something your parent asked you to do. Perhaps it was a new rule at work…or something you felt pressured to do because of your friends?

When someone tells you to do something that is extremely outside of your deepest desires, how do you respond to that? Do you go along with it happily? Probably not. And everyone has their own ways of reacting to it. Sometimes you might find yourself reacting in an equally opposite way, resisting the pull of someone else’s desires for you.

This is a struggle that our guest, Chauntae Gold, a BCBA and nutrition coach has shared about her early upbringings, and how that impacted her into adulthood. Chauntae describes how she was raised in a very strict evangelical home and how her resistance to follow the many rules and expectations of the household resulted in her feeling isolated and different, so incredibly far from her own desires, how this eventually led her to another extreme…all with the desire to just be normal, to connect with friends outside of her church.

The metaphor that we talk about today is about “being in a trap” and how we resist being in the trap because it is our instinct to escape it. Listen to her story and see if you can relate and how the trap itself, might lead us straight into another kind of trap…


In this episode I talk about an upcoming change for my business and my podcast. This change will match the changing of seasons for me in my personal life. First, this will be the final episode of the podcast season. In th next season I will plan to shift my focus to telling the real stories of folks who self-identify as introverts and who may experience anxiety or social anxiety through the lens of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy. In this work, I hope to empower and uplift the voices of people who are not normally in the spotlight and who aren't normally volunteering to speak up. However, hearing their stories is incredibly important. Because, there are simply a lot out there who can relate.

I also let folks know about my coaching practice, Vibrant Introverts, and how I will be talking more about that in the next season of my business.

Finally, I share that I will have an in-between season bonus episode where I plan to share a very personal story…and you will have to wait to find out what kind of story that will be!

Find me on Instagram @actinspiredbehavior

Find me on my website:

Or email me at


More about our guest: Chauntae Gold is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, nutrition coach, and entrepenuer. If you are interested in working with Chauntae find her on:

Instagram @thepathtogold

Her website:

Apr 23, 202141:53
12. The imposter's struggle through career change with Greg Bodin

12. The imposter's struggle through career change with Greg Bodin

I was once told that in one lifetime, you can have many different experiences, many different careers. You can live many lives in one life. I LOVE this message so much…this statement has really given me the freedom to choose, to change, to go where my heart and my compass leads me.

And I would say that this mindset describes my own career path—I’ve switched career paths several times now and each of these experiences have only made my ability to adapt greater, my perspective that much richer…but the transition and the change itself never really gets easier, per se.

Greg Bodin, an ACT-based psychotherapist in San Francisco and our guest today, went through a major career change in his early 30’s…though he was encouraged by everyone around him, who were certain of his ability to become a therapist…he admits that he was hijacked by thoughts about his ability to be excellent in his work with clients…thoughts like, “I’m going to mess this up.” “I’m so not good at this.” “It’s so hard.” Thoughts characterized by this label or this greater story of being an imposter.

Today Greg is going to share that story and the many ways in which he has responded to this imposter narrative, as well as some really helpful tools that he uses to navigate these thoughts…that, admittedly, still pop up from time to time. Listen to his story and see how you might relate to it in your own way…perhaps as you consider a role change, job change, or even a career change. See if you can recognize your own internal experiences and ways in which you respond to them.

During the episode we talk about the metaphor of a Chinese finger trap and how this can parallel the struggle between you and your thoughts. For Greg the finger trap represented his struggle with the imposter line of thinking. As you listen, ask yourself, have you ever struggled with imposter syndrome? What is your finger trap struggle right now professionally or personally?


At the end of the episode I talk about my coaching service called “Vibrant Introverts” which seeks to serve folks who self-identify as introverts and who may experience social anxiety. In my work I empower you to define your values, your authentic self, develop people skills, build energy-giving habits, navigate social anxiety with self-compassion, and boldly pursue your greatest personal and professional goals.

Learn more on my website here:


My guest today was Greg Bodin, MS, LMFT, and a licensed psychotherapist with a private practice in San Francisco. He specializes in treating anxiety, trauma and men’s sexuality issues. Find him at:


IG: @gregbodinpsychotherapy

Apr 02, 202149:08
11. My relationship with stress with Martha Smith

11. My relationship with stress with Martha Smith

Ok, let’s play a little game.

What is the first thing you think of when you think of the word…”stress?” For me it’s…the word… “tightness”… or the phrase, “too much on my plate.” Or the image of my son Matthew screaming at me at 6AM in the morning because he doesn’t “always want to put on new underwear!” It’s that time I didn’t finish a report until the night before, staying up late to get it done. It’s this memory I have sitting in church, waiting to read a story to the congregation and dropping my mic on the floor…It’s that time Matthew almost ran out into traffic just before then I grabbed his arm and reprimanded him too harshly in public. My shaking body as I hugged him tightly. It’s all the experiences connected back to the words, “conflict” and “busy” and “mistakes” and “being late.”

For our guest, Martha Smith, it’s the word “childhood.” As you will hear she has a relationship with stress, and a unique one at that. I really love all the ways in which Martha relates back to the word stress in her story—a story that starts early on in life and continues today.

As you listen, think about how stress might not have even been a word she’d use to describe her experience when she was young—an experience of constant vigilance and being on guard for the next stressful situation to come to pass…but it is now. Think to yourself, how did stress and the experience that comes with it impact Martha, how did it shape the internalized messages that led her down this path of perfectionism, and how her responses, behaviors, and actions changed over time, in a way that is truer to who she wants to be?


At the beginning of this episode I talk about an upcoming webinar called "Values-Driven Self-Care." In this webinar Jessica Zielske, another behavior analyst, and I talk to you about stress, the role it plays in our lives, and how we can reframe stress so that self-care is more than a's an intentional way to live our values.

Join us on Monday, March 22nd at 4PM ET, or 7PM PT.

Register for this webinar or go to my website here.


My guest, Martha Smith: a fellow Board Certified Behavior Analyst in Southern Maine. Check out her experiences in weight training on her Instagram handle @marth724

Check out pictures of Martha and her brother, as well as pictures of her owning it at a weight training competition on my website,


Apr 02, 202148:02
10. When you try to change a person with Tayler Gowan

10. When you try to change a person with Tayler Gowan

Do you ever look at other people’s family and wonder, how the hell do they get along so well? They look so happy. They seem to get along…I bet they go on skiing holidays and wear matching sweaters.

And then, do you compare them to your family?

I’ve caught myself thinking: “If only they would change…then we’d finally get along.”

I’d hazard to say that this line of thinking is common because… I’ve thought it a time or two.

And this type of thinking that your mind loves to indulge in, can become this lovely chain in which one thought can trigger another thought that is then the antecedent for another thought or memory or feeling, that then leads down a (sometimes rather dark and twisty) rabbit hole. But, if I am to trace it all back I can usually pinpoint some conflict I’m anticipating, or some memory of a disastrous family gathering, or to a larger, more engrained family conflict…one that seems never-ending.

Tayler Gowan, a social worker and anxiety coach, shares her story today about her longstanding conflict with her father …and how that relationship changed and morphed over the years.

In her story Tayler talks about the stress that came up for her in responding to conflict between her and her dad, and the various solutions she came up with to address it. Listen to how her emotional responses changed, as well as the ways she responded in order to reduce the conflict.


At the beginning of this episode I talk about an upcoming webinar called "Values-Driven Self-Care." In this webinar Jessica Zielske, another behavior analyst, and I talk to you about stress, the role it plays in our lives, and how we can reframe stress so that self-care is more than a's an intentional way to live our values.

Join us on Monday, March 22nd at 4PM ET, or 7PM PT.

Register for this webinar on my website


My guest, Tayler Gowan, has a B.S in Psychology and uses Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Health Services Research Specialist and Vitality Coach. In both careers, she works closely with people who are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stressed, or stuck and help them to more effectively move forward in life with a sense of meaning, satisfaction, and fulfillment. 


Instagram: @taygow2.0.

Mar 25, 202145:00
9. Finding value when everyday is the same with Courtney Bilton

9. Finding value when everyday is the same with Courtney Bilton

See if you can guess what movie I’m referring to…Bill Murray is asleep in bed, covers pulled up to his chin and then the camera pans to the alarm clock. The clock’s number flips from 5:59 to 6:00 AM. And then the radio starts to play.

“So put your little hand in mine, there ain’t no hill or mountain we can’t climb…Babe…I got you Babe…I got you Babe…."

This scene plays out again and again and again throughout the entire movie. Because, it’s Groundhog Day. And, unfortunately, for Bill Murray, the day repeats itself over and over and over again. There’s no changing it. There’s no response he can make that will move him forward in time. He’s. Just. Stuck.

This is the movie that Courtney Bilton so very much relates to…She’s a mom of 2 young children, who last year around this time was preparing to return from her second year-long maternity leave. And, as you know, this was the same time last year when the pandemic hit causing everything in her life and everything in YOURS to pause. 

This repeating of the same exact day as described in this movie, there is basically no better way for this movie to have come to life…to have oddly become true in a way.

Perhaps you are a parent and can relate to this sense of monotony, of repeating the same day or the same scenarios over and over again—regardless of a pandemic and quantarine. But regardless of your personal situation I ask you: in this continual sameness, where do you find value? How do you make meaning of it all?

That’s what we’ll explore today. As parents or as people stuck in quarantine or as a person stuck in a rut that feels like Groundhog Day…I’m sure there is some part of this that you can relate to you. Hopefully it will spark a new response to it all, causing you to stop and take stock of your values.


At the beginning of this episode I talk about an upcoming webinar called "Values-Driven Self-Care." In this webinar Jessica Zielske, another behavior analyst, and I talk to you about stress, the role it plays in our lives, and how we can reframe stress so that self-care is more than a's an intentional way to live our values. 

Join us on Monday, March 22nd at 4PM ET, or 7PM PT. 

Register for this webinar on my website


My guest, Courtney Bilton, is a board certified behavior analyst from Ontario Canada. Follow her on:

@biltonbehaviour on IG 

Bilton Behaviour on FB

Feb 26, 202144:39
8. The ebb and flow of grief with Mari Cerda

8. The ebb and flow of grief with Mari Cerda

Do you know that feeling of standing in the ocean, waves at your feet, & the constant coming and going of waves? Imagine yourself, even for a second…standing in the water, your eyes closed, feeling the sensations of those waves.

Sometimes the waves come with regularity…and, every once in a while, notice how they are more forceful at times, and then unexpectedly gentle. Our guest today, Mari Cerda, shares a difficult story…the loss of a loved one. She shares how her experience was much like the experience of standing in the ocean, feeling wave after wave of grief.

This metaphor translates to our universal experience of emotions. That, much like the ebb and flow of the tide, emotions come and go. Sometimes they are predictable and sometimes they crash upon you with sudden force…knocking you off your feet. Mari described her grief this way…and the grief that has continued through the years.

I want to say, before you listen, that Mari will share her story about losing her first husband to suicide. I want to recognize the sensitivity and difficulty of this conversation with those who have recently experienced loss or who are otherwise not ready to listen to this. If that is you, please give yourself grace and listen when you are ready.

We also touch on the topic of acceptance—acceptance of this constant ebb and flow of emotions—and how we can experience acceptance in a way that validates the emotion without being swept up and completely carried away by them.


In this episode I also share about an opportunity to participate in a monthly group meeting called ACT Collective. In this community we meet to discuss topics related to ACT, review a research article and practice Acceptance and Commitment Therapy strategies live in session, with each other. It’s also an excuse for us to get together, laugh, share our goals, and get accountability for following through on our goals. If you are interested in joining, reach out or check out ACT Collective on my website

If you are interested in sharing one of your stories, please reach out to me via email at, send me a message on Instagram @actinspiredbehavior, or go to my website at

I'd love to hear from you!


Our guest, Mari Cerda, is a behavior analyst, mom, wife, and leader. She recently started a podcast with her colleague Christina called The Supervisor’s Soapbox which aims to actively address the disparity of BIPOC, NON-BIPOC, Indigenous, LGBTQ, and Neurodiverse practitioners in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis. Reach out to her on Instagram @the.bilingual.bcba

Feb 11, 202144:18
7. Social Anxiety & the Observer Self with Joanna Burbury

7. Social Anxiety & the Observer Self with Joanna Burbury

Here is a question for you. If you don’t like your personality, can you change it? Today is all about how we see ourselves…and fighting against parts of ourselves that seem… unchangeable.

Maybe there are parts of your personality or ways in which you move around in the world that you’ve changed. But maybe there are also remnants of that way of being that have largely stayed the same.

This part of you, the part that never changes, is what we will talk about today. Later in the episode my guest Joanna Burbury, a clinical psychologist in London, and I will chat about this concept—it’s called the observer self. We also discuss ways in which our struggles with social anxiety have shaped our young lives and how we no longer feel defined by these thoughts and labels but…that it is still a part of our current experience.

As you listen, think about the ways in which you describe your own personality—whether it be introverted, extroverted or a combination of both. See how these labels have shaped your perception of yourself and your ways of moving around in the world. And then, perhaps you will discover that that part of you…it really is a context of your environment and a fluid ever-changing experience.


In this episode, I share about an upcoming focus group in which I work with individuals who have experienced the label of introvert. During this focus group I want to ask questions, learn more about the types of struggles you face in work and life, all to help us frame these experiences together and discuss ways in which you might receive support. This group is free and I plan to hold more than 1 in the future. The next focus group will take place on Saturday, February 6th from 7-8:30AM PST. If you are interested, please reach check out the group on my at or register on Eventbrite. Hope to see you there!


Our guest, Joanna Burbury, is a clinical psychologist in London where she uses ACT to help people create meaningful and fulfilling lives! Reach out to her at or follow here @the.act.psychologist on Instagram!

Jan 24, 202149:53
6. Self-identity as a woman of color with danyelle beal

6. Self-identity as a woman of color with danyelle beal

Today is all about perspective taking and identifying the ways in which we develop a rigid self-identify.

Our guest today is danyelle beal, a behavior analyst for more than 20 years. She will share her struggles and her successes, her identity as a black woman, and how journey has led her to become a leader and a mentor for other women of color in her field.

This story is one that doesn’t not have a definite starting or ending point because we are really talking about danyelle’s experience as a woman of color...and that experience continues to today.

We are really going to dig into race issues here primarily through her internal struggle and then explore the outer context of racism and prejudice which is infused in her everylife from the inside out.


In this episode I share about my coaching practice which has been deeply impacted by Danyelle's story and these podcast interviews. I share so many commonalities with folks like danyelle, who feel marginalized and who engage in behavior that leads to burnout because of the habits we've formed to deal with some hard internal struggles. I wanted to share that I’m in the development stage of my ideas, and that I’m very much open to where this exploring may lead me. One thing I know is that I am really passionate about working with individuals who experience anxiety, who may feel disempowered, and who struggle with self-identify, and who experience these same outcomes of escape from these narratives—overcompensation, burnout, a lack of mentorship from someone who understands them. The reason here is that these labels describe me in the past, and though I am much more flexible and able to navigate my life through these perspectives on myself...they still exist in my internal world. And I’ve learned that that’s ok, but I’ve also learned skills to respond to them in ways that lead me toward my goals and values, not away. And so, in this way, doing this work of self-as-context has taught me so much self-compassion, while also illuminating my own values around my work and who I’m passionate to serve.

I wanted to share this because danyelle’s story really ignited this passion in me. So, thank you Danyelle. If you are interested in learning more about my journey, my coaching, and services, please contact me on my website


Our guest, danyelle beal, is a BCBA of over 20 years, a business owner of Loving Hands and is part of an initiative called Reveal--a community for woman.  She provides supervision, mentorship to up-and-coming BCBAs, especially black and brown clinicians, and is working toward her pysD. Reach out to her at

Jan 06, 202101:00:48
5. Hope for 2021
Dec 23, 202025:18
4. Breaking the rules with Jessica Zielske

4. Breaking the rules with Jessica Zielske

In this episode we are going to talk about rules. Rules are this ubiquitous word that we use to describe something we must or must NOT do, and usually we try to follow them. Sometimes the rules are not so obvious and the very thoughts we have in our head can become very rule-like. 

Our guest today--her name is Jessica Zielske , she is going to share about how she learned what her rules were in the first place and how she broke some of those rules by searching deeply within herself to realize that the marriage she was in wasn't what she wanted after all. 


In this episode I also share about an opportunity to participate in a monthly group meeting called ACT Collective. In this community we meet to discuss topics related to ACT, review a research article and practice Acceptance and Commitment Therapy strategies live in session, with each other. It’s also an excuse for us to get together, laugh, share our goals, and get accountability for following through on our goals. If you are interested in joining, reach out or check out ACT Collective on my website

If you are interested in sharing one of your stories, please reach out to me via email at, send me a message on Instagram @actinspiredbehavior, or go to my website at

I'd love to hear from you!


Our guest, Jessica Zielske is a BCBA and a business owner where she provides supervision, mentorship to new BCBAs, and focus groups on ACT & OBM. Check her work out at the and on Instagram @theblondebehavioranalyst !

Dec 09, 202035:30
3. Forgiveness through curiosity and compassion with Hannah Van Petten

3. Forgiveness through curiosity and compassion with Hannah Van Petten

Today’s episode is about forgiveness, forgiveness between someone and their close loved one. I don’t know about you, but forgiveness is one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in my life...maybe because it’s so easy to not forgive. Time can go on and it’s easy not to confront those feelings of ill will, resentment, judgement, bitterness...but there is a cost to this avoidance, right?

Our guest today is Hannah Van Petten who shares an experience about her father and their journey toward forgiveness. Let’s listen to her story, her very real struggle, and how she was able to develop compassion for her dad that ultimately led her to placing more importance on her love than on dwelling on her feelings of hurt and resentment.

***A special note••• This story contains some personal information regarding our guest and her family member. Please be assured that both Hannah and her father have given their explicit permission to share this story in its entirety.

In this episode I also share about an opportunity to participate in a monthly group meeting called ACT Collective. In this community we meet to discuss topics related to ACT, review a research article and practice Acceptance and Commitment Therapy strategies live in session, with each other. It’s also an excuse for us to get together, laugh, share our goals, and get accountability for following through on our goals. If you are interested in joining, reach out or check out ACT Collective on my website

If you are interested in sharing one of your stories, please reach out to me via email at, send me a message on Instagram @actinspiredbehavior, or go to my website at

I'd love to hear from you!


Our guest, Hannah Van Petten is the owner of an organization called Hannie’s House which strives to serve youth and families through mentorship using the framework of mindfulness based stress reduction, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, and Applied Behavior Analysis. She has many wonderful services, products, and workshops that she offers. If you would like to learn more about Hannah Van Petten, check out her work at, and on instagram @Hannieshouse.

Nov 29, 202039:58
2. Eating disorder & the cost of avoidance with Kim Loneck

2. Eating disorder & the cost of avoidance with Kim Loneck

In this episode we explore the story of an eating disorder as told by Kim Loneck. Since the topic of this conversation touches on a sensitive subject, I want listeners to be aware before they decide to listen. If this is a potentially triggering subject for you, please be kind to yourself in whatever way possible. Thank you.

Today’s episode is about recognizing patterns of behavior. As you listen think about a time that you have been compelled to do things that you know weren’t good for you...maybe it was a bad habit, or a really ill-timed decision or a choice you made which was more to please others than to honor your true desires. Perhaps these behaviors were seeking to avoidance something painful in your life--and if that's the case these behavior likely served a purpose; they helped to avoid that pain in the short-term. But the more we do these things, the more it costs us in the long term. 

Where does that come from? Perhaps you know yourself well enough to recognize those patterns of behavior and some of the thoughts that are entangled within this larger pattern. In this episode let's explore that pattern through Kim's story. 

If you are interested in sharing one of your stories, please reach out to me via email at, send me a message on Instagram @actinspiredbehavior, or go to my website at

I'd love to hear from you!


I want to thank my husband Andrew (known as "Chef" on Seattle KIRO 97.3) for helping me produce this podcast. Honey I love you and thank you for teaching me the skills to do this myself!

Nov 11, 202036:45
1. My story

1. My story

Hello! Welcome to ACT-Inspired Behavior, the show about real people telling their real stories about transformation and change--all through the lens of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

I'm your host, Gabbie Lanier. And, since this is the first episode, I thought, "Why not start with one of my stories?"

In this episode you hear about an internal struggle that I had way back at the age of 23 and how that laid the path for my life (basically) leading up to today. This is a story about the love I had for someone I almost let go of in my life, being willing to have hard conversations, and what it takes to really understand and live in line with values. 

I hope you enjoy this first episode. If you are interested in sharing one of your stories, please reach out to me via email at, send me a message on Instagram @actinspiredbehavior, or go to my website at 

I'd love to hear from you!


I want to thank my husband Andrew (known as "Chef" on Seattle KIRO 97.3) for helping me produce this podcast. Honey you are crazy talented! And thank you to everyone who encouraged me to get this project started. 

Oct 25, 202026:35