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Ready, Get Centered, Go! with Jess G

Ready, Get Centered, Go! with Jess G

By Jess Goulding

Hello! I am a yoga teacher and yoga therapist in Austin, Texas.
I help make yoga teachings relevant to your life today.

In each episode, I bring to you an idea from the practices of yoga that I hope you can use on...and OFF the mat... in your everyday life.

You can listen to this while you're driving, or doing the dishes, or maybe you can take a break...just STOP. Get CENTERED...before moving on with your day.
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Raga: Attachment

Ready, Get Centered, Go! with Jess GMar 26, 2019

Welcome to Jess on the Mountain

Welcome to Jess on the Mountain

After a 2 year hiatus, I'm back at the mic! This time on a new podcast called Jess on the Mountain: A podcast about yoga, chakras, and becoming your own guru. Today's episode is an introduction into this exciting new project that I know you're going to love! 

You can listen and subscribe on


Apple Podcasts

Amazon Music

Be sure and stop by and sign up to join the Online Launch Party happening Friday, February 24 at noon on Zoom! 

If you enjoy Ready, Get Centered, Go! you will love this one too. Share it with a friend! I look forward to seeing you on the mountain. 

Much love,


Feb 20, 202304:33
106: Letting Go as the Snow Melts
Feb 23, 202113:09
105 Yoga Therapy Found Her Voice
Feb 09, 202114:55
104: Releasing Tension with Long Exhales
Jan 26, 202110:51
103: Embodiment
Jan 11, 202109:10
102: Open to Possibility
Jan 05, 202114:01
101: A 2020 Retrospective Through the Lens of the Chakras
Dec 29, 202016:26
100: Your Heart Center: Anahata
Dec 15, 202011:06
99: Vedic Astrology: How it impacts YOU

99: Vedic Astrology: How it impacts YOU

Do you ever get the sense that something is pushing and pulling, blocking and advancing you?  Do you notice that some times you are rocking and rolling and others you can’t think straight enough to do simple tasks easily and efficiently?  There could be many reasons on any given day, like your food intake, the amount of sleep you got the night before, hormone fluctuations, etc.  But sometimes it’s bigger than that. Sometimes you are a little more at the whim of energy that’s WAY bigger than your food and sleep.  It’s the weather beyond the sky--it’s the weather of the planets.

I have a real treat for us today, which is a great conversation I had recently with my friend, colleague, and go-to Vedic Astrologer, Tej Arvind.  She’s here to share with us a little bit about Vedic astrology in general, as well as the 

3 Ways Vedic Astrology can impact your life.  

1. It's validating.

2. It tells you your tendencies.

3. It can help you time important events.

I’ve been going to Tej for all things planets for several years now, and I think you’ll enjoy this conversation as she dispels myths and makes distant planets feel close to home. We hope you want to join us for our exciting journey through the chakras and planets happening live on zoom for the winter solstice, December 20.  The workshop is titled: 

Renew to Balance; The synergy of chakras and planets.  Early birds get $10 off by December 13 with coupon code SOLSTICE.  Go to for registration, or find the link on the events page of my website,  You will get access to the recording within 24 hours of the event.

Also, my Hatha chakra series continues through this month and it’s not too late to join!  This week we ignite our will in chakra three and open our hearts with chakra four practices.  You’ll have access to all the chakra classes in your library of class recordings long enough to get you through the holidays! Sign up at the donation level that works for you at

Learn more about Tej at and connect through Facebook at

Find me on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube

Dec 08, 202054:35
98: My 7 Favorite Moves to Balance Your Chakras

98: My 7 Favorite Moves to Balance Your Chakras

Dec 01, 202030:09
97: Who are all those voices in your head?
Nov 17, 202013:14
96: The 3 R's of Surviving and Thriving in Transition
Nov 10, 202021:51
Election Week Meditation
Nov 03, 202014:05
92: Tame Your Election Tension

92: Tame Your Election Tension

You voted. Your work is done. The rest you cannot control. So breathe and have a little faith because this too shall pass.

To get you there, here's a gift of Chakra One grounding yoga:

Or create a therapeutic yoga practice on your own with this template:

Enter to win a raffle for a full Yoga Therapy session with Jess ($105 value) by rating and writing a review of this podcast! And THANK YOU!

Nov 03, 202017:17
91: Rituals for Release on this Halloween Full Moon
Oct 27, 202012:39
90: The 3 Most Important Cues for Yoga Asana
Oct 20, 202011:01
89: Object Meditation to Create Change
Oct 13, 202011:38
88: Contemplative Prayer and Spaciousness for Peace, with Nancy Herlin
Oct 06, 202042:40
87: Label Your Thoughts "Thinking," a Meditation from Pema Chödrön, Part 2
Sep 28, 202012:43
86: Be with your breath as it goes out...a meditation from Pema Chödrön
Sep 22, 202010:01
85: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Deciding on Your Online Yoga Classes
Sep 08, 202019:50
84: From Interruption to Devotion
Sep 01, 202008:02
83: Now There's This
Mar 24, 202011:04
Yoga to Boost Your Immune System

Yoga to Boost Your Immune System

Right now I am ESPECIALLY glad to have the practice of yoga in my life.  There is now a large body of scientific evidence stacked in favor of yoga's claims of boosting the immune system, which is very empowering at a time like this.  

In this week's podcast, I take the class through some pranayama (breath work) that is helpful in fortifying the lungs and supporting good digestion, both of which help keep us healthy and strong.  You can do the practice anywhere, anytime!

Go to to claim your FREE downloadable PDF of 5 Practices to Boost Your Immune System now!

Learn more about my yoga therapy teacher, Chase Bossart, at

Join the Jess G Yoga Facebook group and be the first to hear about new episodes,  learning opportunities, and expanded content:

Mar 10, 202014:28
81: Yoga and Micro-Activism with Sera Bonds of Waking Giants

81: Yoga and Micro-Activism with Sera Bonds of Waking Giants

Sera Bonds, co-founder of Waking Giants, joins me for this week’s podcast to talk about how we can bring our yoga practice “off the mat” and into the world to be engaged citizens and demand a better reality for the planet and the people on it.

Sera and her co-founder, Martha Pincoffs, founded Waking Giants with the mission to connect people more deeply to the issues of today and provide resources to move them to action. They provide quarterly issue-specific toolkits that include an easy-to-use call to action guide, a booklet providing historical context, beautiful art, and Waking Giants gifts just for you.

In this episode, Sera talks about three clear paths of action off the mat that make it possible for each of us to make a difference.

1) Get clear about what matters to you. What are you for? What are the issues that matter to you and go towards that. [5:00]

2) Operate with honesty and integrity – all the time. Making sure our words and behaviors match our intentions. [10:00]

3) Live a life of connectivity. Small acts of activism for humanity that cause a ripple effect. [12:55]

If you are looking to plug in to an issue that matters to you, but aren't sure where to start, Waking Giants is for you. Check them out online at

Sera is a social justice activist committed to working towards balancing the scales of access, equity, and availability in sexual reproductive healthcare. She has training in midwifery, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Women’s Studies, and a Masters Degree in Public Health. Her community organizing background ranges from reproductive rights to violence against women to welfare and poverty issues to pro-immigration campaigns. She has worked on sexual reproductive health actions in over twenty countries spanning North America, Africa, Asia, Central America, the Middle East, and the Caribbean, having raised over 20 million dollars for political actions and public health programs impacting over three million women globally. She is the founder of a leading feminist global aid organization, Circle of Health International and an online feminist sex-positive retail marketplace, The Control Room.

Follow Waking Giants on Instagram and Facebook @forthegoodfight
Mar 03, 202039:16
80: Meditate on Detachment

80: Meditate on Detachment

In this episode, I get real about my newly discovered attachment to the way my body was when I was dancing--and why I can't have it that way again. I talk about how Dr.Deb Kern got real with me after a particularly moving PranaShakti™ dance class and dropped a wisdom bomb on me that I'm still using today.

I also read from The Way to Love by Anthony de Mello, where he declares that any feelings of

and depression

all stem from an attachment. They all come from something we have convinced ourselves is true:
Without this thing, I cannot be happy.
My friends, this is not true. This is a klesha--a veil over the truth that happiness lies within.
Feb 25, 202010:51
79: Just...wait
Feb 18, 202012:22
78: Chaos
Feb 11, 202008:46
BONUS EPISODE: "Delight is a butterfly..."

BONUS EPISODE: "Delight is a butterfly..."

What is your relationship to "delight?" Is it something that was available only in childhood? Has "adulting" robbed you of seeing the sweetness in life more often than the fear? Delight is an absolutely necessary component for a balanced and happy life.  It's so close to our foundation, it's in the energy center just above it! Really noticing the fear in the world around us prompted me to create this bonus podcast episode all about delight. In it I talk a bit about > the symptoms of fear. > how to have less of that! > the way the mind works for positive and negative events in your life. I hope you find my words and centering breath helpful to you in your journey today. May you find several ways each day to see the butterflies of delight in your life. Sign up for my weekly newsletter full of thoughtful guidance and expanded content at Learn more about and register for Chakra Savvy: Embodiment at
Feb 06, 202011:21
77: Do Less

77: Do Less

In this week's podcast episode, I talk about how LESS can be more.   Less intake, less output, less effort, or less distraction might actually create space for MORE of what is life-giving and nourishing to you, body, mind, and spirit.  Things like scarcity-mindset, anxiety, worry and need to control, shame, and our family of origin can fool us into thinking that all is not well, when in fact quite often it is.

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter at

Sign up for Chakra Savvy at

CHAKRA Savvy: Embodiment is my Chakra One three-week online course where you learn to calm the anxiety and worries of the mind so you can stop doing MORE than is right for a balanced life.  You will learn practices of abundance and ground out your fears around scarcity.

Here's what Lorenna, who participated in my trial run said,

"I was surprised by the shift in energy. I felt so much more focused, and connected with the abundance in my life; more in tune with the wisdom of my body, and deeply connected to the earth."

I so wholeheartedly believe that once you experience feeling balanced in Chakra One, you will want to experience balance in the rest of your system.  Therefore, I am offering all students of this Embodiment launch 10% off all future CHAKRA Savvy courses!

From Embodiment in Chakra One, to Release in Chakra Two, and Confidence in Chakra Three, all the way to Clarity and Wisdom at the top.  The journey starts now!  **Registration ends February 9, so I encourage you all to enroll today!

Feb 04, 202012:33
76: "Yes" is the new "No"

76: "Yes" is the new "No"

This episode is all about saying “YES.” “YES!” to the things you DO want, the direction you DO want to go, the people you DO want to surround yourself with.  Focusing positively on the choices you do want  allows a greater sense of freedom and abundance.  All those “yeses” come together to pour the foundation for the life you’re building.  With a structurally sound foundation, the sky is the limit!

As I talk about in this week’s podcast, and in my blog at, saying “yes” to daily yoga practice is not “no” to other things! But it’s hard to structure it into our lives, I know that for sure.  That’s why I am constantly trying to come up with new ways to get you your yoga in a way that is practical, relatable, beautiful, convenient, and most of all, enjoyable.

My greatest initiative in providing this framework is available right now through February 9 when the cart closes.

Chakra Savvy: Embodiment is your opportunity for daily yoga practice that fits with your time and place. It's a deep dive into the experience of Chakra One, which is grounding, stable, self-loving, and deeply connected.

go to and join others like you who are ready to say “yes” to the best version of their life today.  “Yes” to the abundance life has to offer!

See you Friday at 7:30 am for Ready, Get Centered, Go! LIVE on Facebook!

P.S.  There is ONE SPACE available in ARUBA! You can experience daily yoga in Paradise!  This can be your reset button to the yoga-infused life you're craving.  I'll teach you how.  We can talk about it, plan, and strategize your continual yoga path for once you're back on the mainland. It's a great investment in YOUR LIFE!

Jan 28, 202025:11
75: Embodiment
Jan 21, 202010:06
74: 5 Steps to "Checking In"
Jan 14, 202013:01
73: Incarnate Energy: Tune in, Listen, Follow

73: Incarnate Energy: Tune in, Listen, Follow

“There is an Energy in the world that is life-giving and all-pervasive.  This energy is within you. You ARE this energy."

Welcome to the first podcast of the new year--the new decade! This season I want to try something new--I’m going to start my podcast by talking to you directly. So now, in addition to the centering and guided breathing you usually hear, I want to give you some valuable nuggets that you might not get in just the class opening chat. I want to empower you to go deeper, ask yourself challenging questions, and open to the insights you have within you, but maybe don’t have a road-map of how to get there.

My road-map starts with INTENTION, which is my word for 2020.  It is my theme for the year.  I want everything I do, every relationship I maintain, and every event I create or attend to have the intention of living my life purpose, which is teaching you how to live well and in harmony with YOUR life purpose!

Here are the links to four of my INTENTIONAL events happening this month:

First, Facebook Live Friday starts this week! I’ll see you on jessgyoga facebook page at 7am every Friday for a wonderful 30 minute practice to end your week on a high note, and start your weekend calm and happy.

Second:if you’re in the Austin area this weekend, January 11, I am teaming up again with Erin Mursch of Organized for Good, and we are doing another Making Space workshop, combining yoga and the Kon Mari Method of organization to help you create a home that is grounding and supportive and a body that has space for ease and joy.

Third: On January 18, I am leading the yoga portion of a wonderful day-long retreat at John Knox Ranch, about an hour outside Austin. It’s called Time Out to Regroup with God, where you will join others in worship and learning contemplative practices that will bring you daily experiences of the holy.

And fourth: you should come with me to Aruba on February 28. I know my students have very busy lives, full of career, family, and friend obligations that can feel overwhelming at times.  The BEST WAY to balance this is a vacation that has yoga, meditation, adventure, and the ocean.  I personally can’t WAIT to come home from vacation feeling restored and ready to return to life, rather than feeling the need to recover. The LAST DAY to sign up is January 14, so please don’t delay!

Now join me in my class as we get centered on how to tune in, listen, and follow this beautiful incarnate energy.

**If you're curious about the chakra system and want to get started, I encourage you to go listen to my podcast episodes dedicated to each chakra.  They start at episode 19, published on November 19, 2018.

Jan 07, 202012:56
72: Just This

72: Just This

This is my last podcast episode of the year. It's an unpublished class chat from back in May, and I think it's a good theme to close with: Just This. In it, I read to you a portion of Richard Rohr's book on leading a life of contemplation and contentment. Wouldn't that be a great intention for 2020?

Personally, my intention for 2020 is exactly that: Intentional. I plan to be very intentional about my time, the company I keep, the work I do, and the plans I make. I don't know exactly what this looks like yet, but the word just sticks in my mind so I'm going with it!

Thank you for being on this journey with me, and may you have a bright and happy holiday season.
Dec 17, 201911:43
71: Perfect Vision with Sat Nam

71: Perfect Vision with Sat Nam

As we head into the year 2020 I want to prepare the way by identifying with what is true and clear. What helps us have perfect vision: the light that is within us. Without this light our vision is clouded by wrong identification. This means we begin to identify more with the external than the internal, more with our ego than with our spirit. We start to suffer because we attach our happiness to material things, and because we allow things that we don’t like to agitate us.

There’s a beautiful mantra that we use in yoga which is Sat Nam. Sat Nam basically means I am, or I am that. I am that which is eternal. When you use this mantra you could just say "I am" and remember who you are.  Or you could say "Sat Nam," and remember that you are identifying yourself with the beauty beyond your ego.

In this week's podcast, we breathe and center on the mantra Sat Nam, and I identify four ways to remember to identify yourself with what is beautiful and eternal this holiday season.

Dec 10, 201908:00
70: Unwind
Dec 03, 201909:43
The "Thank You" Breath

The "Thank You" Breath

The "Thank You" Breath is three things for us:

  1. Shortcut to the present moment.
  2. Short circuit to negative thinking.
  3. Step towards faith.

Gratitude routs out anxiety that comes from thinking you have control over things you have no control over.


Nov 26, 201911:48
68: Center on Thank You

68: Center on Thank You

This week's podcast is seasonally appropriate, as the intention is THANK YOU.  Once again, I suggest you stop to do this one. Breathe with the instructions, and get recentered as you feel gratitude fill your body.  You might just avoid the "holiday  gluttony-guilt-repent-detox cycle" this year.

May you take the time to stop and recenter on what's important, again and again and again.

Blog post with 3 steps to recenter at

Nov 19, 201909:29


This week’s podcast episode is a tad different, as it is a short centering practice. So I encourage you to find a quiet space with some room to move and prepare for Awakening.(reading from Pema Chodron’s book Comfortable with Uncertainty)
Nov 12, 201913:05
66. Reset button

66. Reset button

We get to reset everywhere we want.  Friendships, career paths, attitudes, wellness goals, breaking habits, testing new waters...

Now (inhale), yoga begins (exhale).

This week's podcast sets the intention of RESET on the mind and the breath.  (And there's some happy baby pose thrown in, so if you can, find some floor space and join in!)

May you remember that every moment is a chance to reset, whatever it is that needs it.

Nov 05, 201909:03
65: Sticking with Uncertainty
Oct 29, 201910:33
64: Comfortable With Uncertainty, Part 2
Oct 22, 201908:40
63: Comfortable with Uncertainty, Part 1
Oct 15, 201907:48
62: Happiness Episode Two: Forget Self-Improvement
Oct 08, 201911:31
61: Happiness Episode One: Savor the Sweetness
Oct 01, 201910:17
Yoga Adventure with Laura Forsyth
Sep 24, 201924:28
59. Brahmacharya: Balance and Boundaries
Sep 17, 201911:48
58. Asteya: Generosity
Sep 10, 201908:53
57. Aparigraha: Abundance
Sep 03, 201909:18