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Kink Your Way

Kink Your Way

By Leann Herron

Welcome to the Kink Your Way podcast. Through honest communication and compelling personal stories, everyday people share their experiences, knowledge, education, and opinions on all things Kink and BDSM.

Your Host, Leann Herron, is a Kink Aware Professional Certified Health, Life, and Relationship Coach. BDSM and Kink Practitioner and Educator and married collared submissive.

Whether you're a seasoned kink enthusiast or just beginning to explore alternative lifestyles, Kink Your Way is here to guide and support you on your journey to embrace your desires.
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Free and Paid Digital Products Showcase

Kink Your Way May 10, 2024

Balancing Act: Thriving in Business and Life with Hybrid Coaching

Balancing Act: Thriving in Business and Life with Hybrid Coaching

Are you ready to take control of your time, reduce stress, and achieve work-life harmony? Join us as we explore the transformative benefits of hybrid coaching and how it can empower you to succeed in both your business and personal life.

Today, we're diving into the crucial topics of work-life balance and time management for entrepreneurs and business owners. These are common pain points that many of us face, but the good news is that there are effective solutions available.

At Kink Your Way/Finding Resilience with Leann, I offer Hybrid Life and Business Coaching. You can't always separate yourself from your business, or career. I can work with you to help you achieve personal development while also focusing on professional growth, self-care, reducing stress, and honoring your calendar.

Imagine a life where you can excel in your business endeavors while also nurturing your personal growth and well-being. This is not just a dream – it's a reality that can be achieved through the power of hybrid coaching.

Finding work-life balance and managing your time effectively are essential for sustainable success in both your professional and personal life. A business coach specializing in hybrid coaching can provide you with the tools, strategies, and support needed to thrive in all areas of your life.

Hybrid coaching combines elements of life coaching and business coaching to create a holistic approach that addresses your professional goals, personal development, self-care, stress management, and time management.

In this video, we discussed how hybrid coaching can help you:

1. Achieve Professional Growth

2. Prioritize Self-Care

3. Optimize Time Management

And I’m going to provide you with 5 strategies for each and insights on how hybrid coaching can help you succeed.

  • Achieve Professional Growth
  • Goal Setting and Clarity
  • Strategic Planning and Execution
  • Personal Development and Self-Care
  • Time Management and Productivity
  • Adaptability and Resilience
  • Prioritize Self Care
  • Establish Healthy Boundaries
  • Practice Mindfulness and Stress Management
  • Prioritize Physical Health and Well-Being
  • Invest in Personal Development
  • Celebrate Achievements and Practice Gratitude
  • Optimize Time Management
  • Set Clear Goals and Priorities
  • Create a Structured Schedule
  • Implement Time-blocking and Focus Sessions
  • Delegate and Outsource Tasks
  • Practice Time Management Strategies

Remember, your success is within reach – all you need is the right guidance and support. Stay tuned for more valuable insights and tips on achieving your business and personal goals. See you in the next video!

With a 20-year background in accounting, experience in both for-profit and non-profit sectors, and 13 years as a Legal Assistant and Paralegal, I offer a unique blend of expertise and experience to help entrepreneurs and small businesses develop a vision or establish company growth goals.

My experience as an entrepreneur provides unique skills, education, and knowledge needed for business formation (start-up roadmap and checklist), developing a comprehensive business plan that outlines business goals and strategies for achieving these goals, and the resources required, marketing and advertising, developing a social media presence, networking, branding, and website optimization.

I am committed to leveraging my diverse skills and experiences to help you achieve your business goals. Let's work together to create a thriving, successful business.

Schedule a 30-minute consultation with me to discuss your goals, and if my services will match your needs. ⁠⁠


Kink Your Way podcast - Entrepreneur Series: ⁠

Check out more from my YouTube Channel Business Series here ⁠

May 23, 202423:56
Free and Paid Digital Products Showcase

Free and Paid Digital Products Showcase

Today, I’m excited to showcase our range of digital products designed to support your journey toward self-discovery and personal growth.

In a few of my previous “business series” videos, I talked about passive income as an avenue for entrepreneurs and everyday people to create streams of revenue that generate money for you with minimal effort on your part. Passive income requires upfront effort to create the products or systems, but once set up, they can generate income with minimal ongoing work. Passive income opportunities can be a great way to supplement your income and create more financial stability.

In this video, I will share one of my passive income revenue streams. Creating and Selling Digital Products. Make sure you go back and check out my 5 Passive Income Strategies for Entrepreneurs video.

This presentation will not include all my digital products but will include my best sellers and my favorites. I have invested a lot of time into creating these products, with a focus on providing education and information to help people live a happy, healthy, fulfilling life. Today, I finally created a business Pinterest account to pin my digital products, one more place to bring people to my website.

Free Products:

1. 10 Daily Habits for a Life You Love Checklist

2. 10 Ways to Build Resilience Checklist

Paid Planners:

1. Self Love Planner

2. Self Care Planner

3. Medical Planner

Paid Journals:

1. Find Your Passion Journal

2. My Flow Daily Manifestation Journal

Thank you for joining us on this journey of self-discovery and resilience. Explore our range of digital products to support your growth and transformation. Visit our website today to access these resources and start building a life you love. Remember, resilience begins with you. Embrace it, nurture it, and thrive. Until next time, stay resilient!

All of these planners and journals, plus others are available on my ⁠website⁠ and ⁠linktree

May 10, 202434:57
Leveraging Your Mid-Career Skills for Entrepreneurship

Leveraging Your Mid-Career Skills for Entrepreneurship

Are you ready to transform your mid-career skills into a thriving entrepreneurial venture? Imagine the endless possibilities that await as you leverage your expertise to create a successful business that aligns with your passions and goals. Let's embark on this exciting journey together and unlock the full potential of your skills in the world of entrepreneurship.

Today, I'm going to talk about how you can leverage your mid-career skills to transition into entrepreneurship and create a successful business.

In this video, I want to talk about 3 things.

1. Common Career Skills that can give you a competitive edge in the entrepreneurial world

2. How to Monetize those skills

3. Some steps to help you effectively turn your skills into a profitable business venture

1. Common Career Skills:

Many professionals in mid-career have developed a wide range of valuable skills such as leadership, communication, problem-solving, and project management. These skills are essential for running a successful business and can give you a competitive edge in the entrepreneurial world.

2. How to Monetize:

So, how can you monetize your mid-career skills? One way is to identify a niche market that aligns with your expertise and experience. You can offer consulting services, online courses, coaching programs, or digital products based on your unique skill set.

Another option is to start a service-based business where you can offer your skills to clients on a freelance or contract basis. This allows you to leverage your expertise while maintaining flexibility and autonomy.

3. Here are some steps to help you effectively turn your skills into a profitable business venture:

  • Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  • Validate Your Business Idea
  • Create a Business Plan
  • Build Your Online Presence
  • Offer Value-Based Services
  • Diversify Your Revenue Streams
  • Network and Collaborate
  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation

By following these steps and leveraging your mid-career skills effectively, you can successfully monetize your expertise and build a thriving business that aligns with your passions and goals. Remember to stay focused, persistent, and customer-centric in your entrepreneurial endeavors.

Transitioning from a mid-career professional to an entrepreneur is an exciting journey that requires courage, determination, and a willingness to learn and adapt. By leveraging your skills and experience, you can create a fulfilling and successful business that aligns with your passions and goals.

Thank you for watching! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more tips on entrepreneurship and personal development. See you in the next video!

Check out my Linktree's below for tons of FREE downloadable products and checklists, resources, and videos for your health and wellness.

Happiness On Tap podcast and Kink Your Way podcast are also available on YouTube, iHeartRadio, Audible, and Amazon Music.

Listen to my podcasts and business series here:

Happiness On Tap podcast:

Kink Your Way podcast


YouTube Channels:

Apr 25, 202416:37
Leveling Up Your Business

Leveling Up Your Business

Ready to Elevate Your Business to New Heights? Discover the Game-Changing Strategies in Our Exclusive YouTube Video!

Leveling Up Your Business

1. Strategies and benefits for leveling up your business

2. The benefits of working with a Life Coach and/or Business Coach to accelerate your path to success

In this video, I discuss:

  • Strategies and benefits for leveling up your business
  • Continual education
  • Set Clear Goals
  • Develop a Strong Brand
  • Embrace Technology
  • Focus on Customer Experience
  • Diversify Revenue Streams
  • Build a Strong Team
  • Monitor Performance
  • Stay Agile
  • The benefits of working with a Life Coach and/or Business Coach to accelerate your path to success:
  • Clarity and Focus
  • Accountability
  • Personalized Strategies
  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
  • Enhanced Self-Awareness
  • Improved Communication Skills
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Accelerated Growth

1. Strategies and benefits for leveling up your business

Continual education is a powerful tool for leveling up your business in many ways.

Here are some key benefits:

  • Stay Relevant
  • Enhance Skills
  • Expand Network
  • Boost Confidence
  • Adapt to Change
  • Increase Innovation
  • Build Credibility

Overall, continual education is a strategic investment in yourself and your business that can lead to long-term success and fulfillment. Keep learning, growing, and evolving to unlock your full potential!

In addition to continual education, there are several other strategies you can implement to level up your business and achieve greater success.

Other strategies for leveling up your business and achieving greater success:

  • Set Clear Goals
  • Develop a Strong Brand
  • Embrace Technology
  • Focus on Customer Experience
  • Diversify Revenue Streams
  • Build a Strong Team
  • Monitor Performance
  • Stay Agile

By combining these strategies with continual education, you can create a solid foundation for leveling up your business, achieving your goals, and realizing your full potential. Keep evolving, iterating, and pushing boundaries to drive sustainable growth and success!

2. Working with a Life Coach and/or Business Coach to accelerate your path to success.

Working with a Life Coach can be a transformative experience that accelerates your path to success in business.

I offer a Hybrid – of Life Coaching and Business Coaching.

Here are some key benefits of partnering with a Life Coach to achieve greater success faster:

  • Clarity and Focus
  • Accountability
  • Personalized Strategies
  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
  • Enhanced Self-Awareness
  • Improved Communication Skills
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Accelerated Growth

Working with a Life Coach can be a valuable investment in yourself and your business, enabling you to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and realize your aspirations with clarity, confidence, and purpose.

Subscribe ⁠⁠

Subscribe ⁠⁠

Check out the following Business Series videos:

  • What Is Affiliate Marketing?
  • What Happens When You Pivot
  • Major Business Decisions By A Small Business Entrepreneur

Coaching is offered through Finding Resilience with Leann, schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation with me ⁠⁠

Check out my printable digital products


Apr 15, 202448:51
5 Passive Income Strategies for Entrepreneurs

5 Passive Income Strategies for Entrepreneurs

Are you a new entrepreneur looking to unlock the secrets to financial freedom? Imagine earning money while you sleep, simply by leveraging your expertise. In this YouTube video, I reveal five powerful passive income strategies to help people just like you. Get ready to transform your knowledge or side hustle into additional income for your small business and pave the way to a more prosperous future. Stay tuned to discover how to turn your passion into profit with these game-changing strategies!

In this video, I will talk about 4 things.

1. What exactly is passive income

2. The benefits of passive income

3. Passive income opportunities

4. How I benefit from having multiple passive income streams

In this video, I discussed:

• What exactly is passive income

• The benefits of passive income

• Break free from the traditional 9-5 work model

• Sense of financial security by diversifying your income streams

• Potential for scalability

• Freedom to design your ideal lifestyle

• A powerful tool for personal growth and self-improvement

• Passive income opportunities

• Creating and selling digital products

• Affiliate Marketing

• Creating a YouTube Channel or Podcast

• Dropshipping or E-commerce

• Automated Online Business

• How I benefit from having multiple passive income streams

Today, we're diving into the exciting world of passive income and exploring how it can unlock the door to financial freedom.

Join me as we explore different passive income strategies, uncover insider tips for success, and embark on a journey toward a brighter, more prosperous tomorrow. Together, we'll unlock the secrets to financial freedom and pave the way for a life of limitless possibilities.

If you want to learn more about:

  • Major Decision by a Small Business Entrepreneur
  • What Happens When You Pivot
  • What is Affiliate Marketing
  • Leveling Up Your Business

make sure you check out my ⁠business series

Say goodbye to the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle and hello to a future filled with abundance and opportunity.

I'm Leann Herron, a full-time Certified Personal Development Coach and the proud owner of ⁠Finding Resilience with Leann⁠ and ⁠Kink Your Way⁠. I'm also the creator and host of the ⁠Happiness On Tap podcast⁠ and ⁠Kink Your Way podcast⁠. My passion lies in advocating for personal growth, empowerment, and living life to its fullest potential. I'm dedicated to helping individuals unlock their true potential and create a life they love.

Check out:

My printable digital products ⁠


Affiliate Partners


Apr 15, 202440:51
What is Affiliate Marketing?

What is Affiliate Marketing?

What Is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services. The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company. Affiliate marketing predates the Internet, but in the world of digital marketing, analytics, and cookies made it a billion-dollar industry. A company running an affiliate marketing program can track the links that bring in leads and, through internal analytics, see how many convert to sales. Visitors who click the ads or links are redirected to the e-commerce site. If they purchase the product or service, the e-commerce merchant credits the affiliate’s account with the agreed-upon commission, which could be 5% to 10% of the sales price. Types of Affiliate Marketing There are three main types of affiliate marketing: unattached affiliate marketing, related affiliate marketing, and involved affiliate marketing. 1. Unattached Affiliate Marketing 2. Related Affiliate Marketing 3. Involved Affiliate Marketing Finding Resilience with Leann and Kink Your Way will only do Related and Involved Affiliate Marketing. Currently, all of my Affiliate Marketing Partners are related to my Kink Your Way business. Here is a partial list and links to our Affiliate Partners: OUR AFFILIATE PARTNER - Dom Sub Living BDSM Education No matter where you are in your journey, Dom Sub Living was created to help people explore real BDSM Dom Sub Living wants to help you get the knowledge and support you need to get the most out of BDSM and to practice it safely. As an Affiliate Partner of Dom Sub Living, if you purchase anything from my links I will receive a commission at no cost to you. • If you want to dip your toes into Alesandra’s resources for Doms and subs, you can sign up for her free library here. • If you want to find the perfect partner for your BDSM lifestyle, watch Alesandra’s workshop here. Watch Alesandra’s workshop 4 Steps to Finally Find Your Perfect Partner here • If you want help working with your current partner, watch this workshop! 5 Ways to Help Your Partner Be More Dominant, Submissive, or Kinky. • If you want a more cohesive deep dive into the world of BDSM, learn more about this training! Dom Sub Training Our Past Affiliate Partner - Spend less. Smile more. Sign Up, Recommend, and Earn. OUR AFFILIATE PARTNER - Hot Octopuss Sex Toys They are in the business of making people feel good. They design and build sex toys with scientific innovation and cutting-edge technology. They create unique toys that celebrate every body. So whether you’re cis, trans, non-binary, have limited mobility or are older, you’ll find a Hot Octopuss sex toy that’s perfect for you. Sex toys for females, males, couples, sex toy bundles, sex toys for all. Also, amazing articles. Our Affiliate Partner - The Stockroom You want to explore your kinky side and not go broke. The Stockroom is for you. That's what they have been doing since 1988: creating, producing, and sourcing quality toys, tools, and apparel to everyone with an itch to scratch and not a lot of scratch. Our Affiliate Partner - Adam & Eve Adam and Eve is the nation's largest marketer of adult products with millions of satisfied customers worldwide. You can check out all of my affiliate partners on my Kink Your Way website “Our Partners” Subscribe  @KinkYourWay.  Subscribe  @findingresiliencewithleann 

Mar 25, 202421:01
What Happens When You Pivot

What Happens When You Pivot

Discover the transformative journey that unfolds when you embrace the pivot in your business.

Join me at!

I made a major business decision for my small business, and I'm here to share what happened with you.

1. The Aftermath of My Decision

2. Now What?

3. Then what…

About Me

I'm Leann Herron, a full-time Certified Personal Development Coach and the proud owner of Finding Resilience with Leann and Kink Your Way. I'm also the creator and host of the Happiness On Tap podcast and Kink Your Way podcast. My passion lies in advocating for personal growth, empowerment, and living life to its fullest potential. I believe in the transformative power of mindset and self-discovery, and I'm dedicated to helping individuals unlock their true potential and create a life they love. My areas of expertise include mindset mastery, self-love, goal setting, and creating a life of purpose and fulfillment. Through my coaching programs, workshops, and podcasts, I guide individuals on a transformative journey of self-discovery, helping them tap into their strengths, passions, and unique gifts.

Chapters in the video:

0:00 - Intro

1:36 - The Aftermath of My Decision

6:44 - Now What?

23:48 - Then what?

1. The Aftermath of My Decision? (see Major Business Decisions by a Small Business Entrepreneur video)

What was my decision?


Reduce my Social Media distractions (scrolling)

Focus on only posting value that brings people to my websites and YouTube Channels

2. Now What?

a. I went to work on my website. I looked at each page, I considered my keywords, I deleted sections, I removed my social media links and any pages that were specific to Facebook pages (Private Groups)

b. Newsletters

My weekly newsletter is Health Harmony: Your Weekly Wellness Guide. Make sure you subscribe to my website Finding Resilience with Leann so you can receive a weekly dose of resilience straight to your inbox.

What’s included?

Health & Wellness Tips:

Success Stories:

Ask the Coach:

Mindful Moment:

Book or Podcast Recommendations

c. SEO

Google Business Profile

3. Then What?

Here is the gold.

Just like that, I Pivoted and picked up 2 new clients. Where did they find me…Google.

Mar 19, 202428:30
Major Business Decision By A Small Business Entrepreneur

Major Business Decision By A Small Business Entrepreneur

Unveiling the Significant Business Choice Made by a Budding Entrepreneur. Explore the major decisions made by successful entrepreneurs. Get started on now!

In this episode, I will talk about:

1. About Me and My Business

2. Why This Business Decision

3. The Major Business Decision

1. About Me and My Business

I started my Finding Resilience with Leann Coaching Business in June 2022.

I'm Leann Herron a full-time Certified Personal Development Coach and the proud owner of Finding Resilience with Leann and Kink Your Way. I'm also the creator and host of the Happiness On Tap podcast and Kink Your Way podcast.

1:49 20 Months of Self Education

Self-education is everything. I focused on acquiring quality FREE or Low-Cost education from quality sources.



Email List

Social Media


Content Creation




Canva – media design

Zoom – meetings and interviews


5:41 I created and developed:

2 websites

6 Social Media pages (Facebook and Instagram) 2 personal, 4 business

Host a thriving women’s circle

Created a YouTube Channel with over 100 videos and shorts

Created and Host 2 podcasts (Happiness On Tap and Kink Your Way) - over 140 subscribers, launched on YouTube, Spotify, Audible, Amazon Music, and iHeartRadio

Positive Impact Community of entrepreneurs and small business owners

2 Blogs

Business After Hours events and Gallery shows for local artists

11 Digital Printable Products and Lead Magnets and tons of FREE products and resources

2 Email Lists, both with over 600 subscribers

2 Linktrees

8 Affiliate Partnerships for passive income

Created multiple resource links to other educators and referral partners

7:44 Coaching & Summits

Coached amazing clients (men & women) in person and virtually.

Presenter at multiple Summits

8:34 Podcasts

Guest on other podcasts

Show Up Everyday – Consistency is key

Do the Work – It’s hard but so fulfilling

Lead with my Heart

9:47 2. Why This Business Decision

9:55 The best advice I received – “Tend to the land you own”

What do you own?

Websites (including blogs)

Email Lists

Podcasts – yes they are hosted on platforms I don’t own, but they are mine.

11:35 Email List:

I recently launched a weekly health newsletter to provide valuable resources for better health and a more balanced life.

“Health Harmony: Your Weekly Wellness Guide” which includes:

Health & Wellness Tips

Success Stories

Ask The Coach

Mindful Moments

Book & Podcast Recommendations

12:27 Focusing on a Content Calendar including:

Blogs – including improving my open rate

Newsletters – including improving my open rate

Podcasts episodes – quality guests who bring tons of value to my listeners and grow my YouTube channel subscribers

Events – more educational

Networking – meet more amazing people and potential podcast guests, increase clients

Updating my LinkedIn and Google Business Pages and other pages that feature my content.

13:45 Too much time on Social Media – I don’t own Facebook, Instagram, or Threads

On March 5th Facebook, Instagram and Threads were down for up to 2 hours – people were losing their minds. What would you do if these platforms were gone tomorrow? Do you have a way to continue connecting with people? EMAIL LIST is your #1 way to continue connecting.

Terrible analytics – 5-7% of your followers actually see your content.

Content not being shared even though I have no violations of community standards

Focus on bringing people to my website by providing quality value, building my Know, Like, and Trust, and converting subscribers and followers into clients.

15:42 3. The Major Business Decision


Reduce my Social Media distractions (scrolling)

Focus on only posting value that brings people to my websites and YouTube Channels

Episode Resources:



Happiness On Tap

Kink Your Way

Mar 11, 202419:24
Unveiling the Secrets of Love and Sensuality

Unveiling the Secrets of Love and Sensuality

Unveiling the Secrets of Love and Sensuality: A Conversation with Red Phoenix.

Step into a world of passion, desire, and unbreakable bonds as we sit down with Red Phoenix, the award-winning romance author who has captivated readers with her tantalizing tales of love and BDSM. Join us as we explore the secrets behind her irresistible characters, the art of crafting sizzling scenes, and the enduring power of love that permeates every page of her bestselling novels.

Red Phoenix is an award-winning romance author who became known for her series about Brie's introduction to the sensual world of BDSM. As Brie's story illustrates, Red is a big believer in the idea that love can truly conquer all, and her over 30 years of a happy marriage proves that she speaks from experience. It's that very experience she uses to write relatable characters we can't help but cheer on, pit them against trials and challenges that leave our hearts in our throats, and reward her characters and readers alike with wonderfully stimulating scenes of sensual pleasure. Red is also a submissive in real life and wrote the series because she wanted readers to know how much fun it can be! When Red is not writing, she can be found online interacting with her readers.

We discussed: 3:12 About Red Phoenix and how writing the Brie’s Submission series has impacted her marriage.

7:46 How I found Red Phoenix - The very first book I read by Red Phoenix was Blissfully Undone. On page 4 of Chapter 1: Blissfully Snowbound, Dan and Jenny were killing time waiting for their partners to arrive at Dan’s cabin for a nice vacation, enjoying a nice fire, munching, and listening to music. “Both of them were Blue October fans, so she decided to indulge in the emotionally potent lyrics as they munched”…OMG that was it, that was the moment I fell in love with Red Phoenix. Those of you who know me, know Blue October is my favorite band. After that moment, reading this story…I was hooked and now own 40 books by Red Phoenix, and have a small shrine to Brie’s Submission. Huge fan, huge!

12:51 Red’s inspiration behind her series about Brie's introduction to the sensual world of BDSM. School\eduction, 40 ish after kids, experimenting, personal development, self-exploration. 19:33 Love conquering all is a recurring theme in her books. How she infused this belief into her characters and their journeys. Personal experience (All of Us and Experience True Love), the joy of BDSM, life lessons. Her muses provided each character. Sir Thane Davis, The Russian, Lea, Mary, Tono.31:13 Communication is the cornerstone of BDSM and it will change your entire life. 34:14 Her books often feature trials and challenges that keep readers on the edge of their seats, how she approached creating these obstacles for her characters, and what she hoped readers would take away from them. Muse inspired and created, and the intersection of personal experiences in her life. We are all going to have difficult situations but how we get through it and you can help others. 40:23 Sensual pleasure plays a significant role in her stories. BDSM takes simple things and makes them sensually erotic. 51:57 Tips or advice for aspiring romance authors who want to explore themes of love, sensuality, and BDSM in their writing. Go to the source, do your research, be educated, self-experience, respect, safety protocols, the tools, the dynamic. 59:52 How she handles misconceptions about the genre she writes in. Episode Resources:

Author Red Phoenix:




Kink Your Way:

Subscribe for more like this:

Website and to subscribe to my newsletter:

Kink Your Way podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, Audible, and iHeartRadio.

Feb 19, 202401:12:20
The Art and Craft of Rope Bondage

The Art and Craft of Rope Bondage

Discover the fascinating journey of The Twisted Monk, a business that started as a personal passion and grew into a renowned provider of handcrafted rope for rope bondage enthusiasts worldwide. This episode is part of our Entrepreneur Series. 1:09:04 The Twisted Monk was originally founded in 2004 when Monk began experimenting with rope bondage and made a batch of rope for his own use. The response was so positive that he started making more for others, eventually forming a business and processing hemp in his backyard. In the spring of 2005, after outgrowing the capacity of his garage-based workshop, Monk moved the operation into its current home. "The Abbey" is the workshop where Monk and his growing team of dedicated artisans cut and finish every order by hand. During my healing and growth journey, I wanted to learn how to tie rope bondage on myself and my mannequins Nikko and Marsha. Sir and I attended Rope Bondage for Beginners Sensual Restraint Play and Rope Bondage Intensive at Self-Serve, a local sex-positive alternative to the old-school adult store. I had been following The Twisted Monk, watching their amazing tutorial videos and wanted to purchase quality rope. We purchased my favorite Raspberry Hemp and love it. We discussed: 5:21 1:09:04 The story behind how The Twisted Monk came to be (right place at the right time 1:10:00)

7:10 54:58 Mentors (Midori, James Mogal, Lee Herrington)

9:27 Education/Mechanics of rope tying (Midori 40:00 1:30:35)

6:37 54:45 1:03:57 Evolution of the rope bondage community over the last 20 years (communication and education)

17:09 Rope - There is no wrong way to do it

22:46 Reality vs. perception in photos

24:03 Demystifying kink - Make it yours

4:21 Seattle kink community and small business opportunities

6:03 12:17 1:02:53 1:14:55 1:29:34 Conventions and Conferences

25:42 Dungeons

27:34 47:18 52:50 1:30:35 Language and communication

31:09 Soft skills (negotiations, green flags, mental health, physical health, limitations, disabilities

31:57 Safety - Cut the rope

33:44 Best Advice for someone starting out in rope bondage

35:21 Casting and Receiving

26:26 40:53 45:30 Intent and Desire (Why)

47:18 Negotiations and planning for a scene

53:38 1:48:55 Who buys rope

1:21:56 Sexual shame

1:37:42 Be your true and authentic self

1:40:14 Gatekeeping vs sharing education and knowledge (YouTube)

1:42:06 Inclusion and Representation

1:52:14 1:54:10 Advice for Entrepreneurs

1:49:42 Measure of a business success

2:05:53 Business struggles and successes Episode Resources:

The Twisted Monk: Website: YouTube: Facebook: Curious about getting started? Want to buy the best rope? Books and DVD instruction? Learn more about Twisted Monk Kink Your Way: YouTube Channel: Linktree: Website: Mentions:

19:54 Smut Lovers: The Conference (Nikki Rome)

1:37:53 Sunny Megatron

1:0023 Books and education resources and recommendations

Kink Your Way podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, Audible, iHeart, and Google Podcasts. Be sure to subscribe to our email tribe to receive exclusive promotions, new product or service announcements, blog notifications, and upcoming events. You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Jan 17, 202402:21:07
From Taboo to Transformation: Nikki's Journey to Spiritual Awakening

From Taboo to Transformation: Nikki's Journey to Spiritual Awakening

Discover the extraordinary journey of Nikki, from a retired Mistress to a Spiritual Advisor, as she empowers others to live authentically and align with their soul's purpose.

I’m talking with Nicole “Nikki” Brunton-Phillips. Nikki, is a Spiritual Advisor/Psychic Medium, Mother, Author, Business Owner, and Retired Mistress. It took her years to come out of the spaces society once deemed taboo, dark, and built on the foundations of ill or traumatized minds. After retiring her leathers over a decade ago and a whole lot of rebirthing to fall madly in love with herself she now uses all of her life's experiences and wisdom in conjunction with her many divine gifts to help her clients align with their soul's purpose to live authentically. She has discovered a strong connection between the work she once did with what she does now as she fulfills her own soul's purpose.

Whether it was being a Dominant in the bedroom or owning who she is as a Spiritual Advisor, Nikki is here to be a guardian for the sacred spaces that allow the seeker to connect with their truth.

We discussed:

2:54 Nikki’s journey of being a retired Mistress, Spiritual Advisor and Psychic Medium.

How she helps your clients align with their soul's purpose and live authentically,

How she discovered and rediscovered her voice

Having a supportive community

Spiritual peaking

1:03:27 The role self-love and self-acceptance plays in the process of aligning with one's soul's purpose.

Boundaries - They are for you, about you.


Safe Space


1:06:48 How she combines her life experiences, wisdom, and divine gifts to support her clients in their spiritual growth.

1:19:19 Need/Want

Who are you? Who do you want to be? (Women in their 40's)

Dream, Purpose, and Adventure

Getting Real (Women at/around 45)

1:52:07 Advice for individuals who are seeking to discover their own soul's purpose and live a more authentic life.

Know when you are not living in your purpose

2:03:47 Practices or techniques that she recommends for listeners who want to deepen their spiritual connection and alignment with their soul's purpose:

1. Write down 3-5 things that bring you joy (know your value and worth),

2. Write down 1-5 things that bring you peace,

3. Write down 3-5 things that you are grateful for.

Episode Resources:



Company Phone: Office: (505)226-8353

Book: Nikki is a Co-Author of the book Voices Book I: Women Braving It All To Live Their Purpose (available on Amazon)

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and sexual liberation?

Join Kink Your Way today and unlock a world of possibilities. website:

If you enjoyed this interview, subscribe and share my YouTube Channel – Kink Your Way here:

Kink Your Way podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, Audible, and Google Podcasts.

Dec 23, 202302:38:59
Love, Danger, and Kink: A Conversation with Best-Selling Author Nikki Rome

Love, Danger, and Kink: A Conversation with Best-Selling Author Nikki Rome

Join us as we dive into the captivating world of romance writing with USA Today Best-Selling Author Nikki Rome. Discover her passion for storytelling, her love for all things smut, and the community she has built around it.

USA Today Best-Selling Romance Author Nikki Rome has been a romance junky since a young age. As a girl she reached for book after book, looking for that happily ever after she always believed in. She loves all forms of romance, and you can find her latest read not far from her reach.

Nikki writes contemporary romance with a touch of danger and kink. Her love of realistic characters who face real problems provides a story that touches the hearts of many. As a writer, reader, and lover of words, it only made sense that she publish her stories.

Now years later she owns and manages Smut Lovers: The Community. A group of like-minded individuals that come together to talk about their love of all things smut. You can find her hosting Smut Lovers: The Podcast or running Smut Lovers: The Conference. Either way, you know she’ll always be talking about her love of books.

We discussed:

2:43 - A little about Nikki and what she does.

4:45 - Nikki's journey of becoming a romance author? What inspired her to write in the genre.

6:55 - Your books are known for their contemporary romance with a touch of danger and kink. What draws her to the elements of danger and kink, and how she incorporates them into your storytelling

10:20 - Smut Lovers: The Community. How did it come to be, and what role does it play in connecting romance enthusiasts.

19:13 - Smut Lovers: The Conference. Some highlights or memorable moments from these endeavors. 21:05 – Impact Scene, 22:40 – Shibari Scene

30:18 - How she approaches the writing process.

34:22 - Advice to aspiring romance authors who are looking to make their mark in the industry.

38:37 - How she balances incorporating steamy and intimate scenes in her books while still maintaining a strong emotional connection between the characters.

45:03 - The importance of representation of inclusivity and diversity in romance novels, and how she strives to incorporate these elements.

1:02:33 - Exciting projects, upcoming releases, and other exciting things happening for Smut Lovers. Mastermind retreats, more releases in series.

Episode Resources:



If you enjoyed this interview, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel – Kink Your Way here:

For more information from me, please check out my website:


Subscribe to Kink Your Way and embark on a journey of self-discovery and sexual liberation. Join us to unlock a world of possibilities.

Nov 20, 202301:07:51
Embracing Kink: Alesandra Madison's Path to Advocacy and Education

Embracing Kink: Alesandra Madison's Path to Advocacy and Education

Step into the world of kink with us as we embark on a thought-provoking journey alongside Alesandra Madison, a passionate advocate and educator in the realm of alternative lifestyles. Join us as we explore Alesandra's personal path of self-discovery, acceptance, and empowerment within the world of kink. In this episode, we'll delve into the importance of education, consent, and destigmatization, and how Alesandra is breaking barriers to create a more inclusive and understanding society.

Alesandra Madison is a renowned BDSM educator and kink advocate, empowering individuals and couples to embrace their sensual selves. As the creator of, Alesandra helps new and experienced kinksters overcome vanilla frustrations by creating a thrilling Dom/sub dynamic that makes BDSM a way of life. She is a 24/7 submissive and has over a decade of experience in the lifestyle. She is OBSESSED with teaching new and experienced Doms and subs how to make their lives more fulfilling through BDSM, and over 7,000 students have taken her online courses and trainings.

We discussed:

3:23 About Alesandra and why she created Dom Sub Living.

7:27 How she got started in the BDSM lifestyle and what drew her to become an educator and advocate for it.

12:29 Community (munches, dungeons, events)

16:11 How she identified the need for BDSM education and what motivated her to fill that gap.

22:29 Some of the most rewarding experiences she’s had as an educator, and how she’s seen BDSM positively impact people's lives.

29:23 Strategies she has found most effective in reaching and connecting with "her people". - Meet people where they are, self-acceptance, authentic.

38:09 What role technology plays in her business, and how she leverages it to reach a wider audience.

44:26 Circle (Community platform, virtual events, and courses)

51:49 Challenges she faced when starting her business in the BDSM education industry, and how she overcame them.

58:14 Advice for aspiring entrepreneurs who are interested in starting a business in adult education. - Long game, be authentic, show up, keep going, celebrate your wins.

1:04:36 Dom Sub Living News – Podcast launch of the Dom Sub Living BDSM and Kink Podcast.

In February 2023, I was invited to participate as a student of Dom Sub Living, as a Kink & BDSM Educator, and as a Kink Aware Professional Certified Life, Relationship, and Health Coach in Dom Sub Living's Dom Sub Dynamics Summit.

Episode Resources:


Instagram: domsubliving


Having a Morning Routine to Wake Up in a Submissive Mindset Workbook

Overcoming Mindset Hurdles in Your D/s Journey

Affiliate Resources (if you purchase from my links below I will earn a commission at no cost to you):

If you want to find the perfect partner for your BDSM lifestyle, watch Alesandra’s workshop here. 4 Steps to Finally Find Your Perfect Partner here

5 Ways to Help Your Partner Be More Dominant, Submissive, or Kinky. 

If you want a more cohesive deep dive into the world of BDSM, learn more about this training! Dom Sub Training

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and sexual liberation? Join Kink Your Way today and unlock a world of possibilities. website:

If you enjoyed this interview, subscribe and share my YouTube Channel – Kink Your Way here:

Nov 08, 202301:07:30
Diving Deep: The Making of a Showtime Original Series on Sex Education with Sunny Megatron.

Diving Deep: The Making of a Showtime Original Series on Sex Education with Sunny Megatron.

Join us on a captivating journey behind the scenes as we dive deep into the making of a groundbreaking Showtime Original Series on Sex Education. In this exclusive podcast episode, we sit down with the incredible Sunny Megatron, the visionary force behind the series, as she shares her insights, challenges, and triumphs in bringing this bold and empowering story to life. Get ready to explore the uncharted waters of sex education like never before!

Sunny Megatron is an award-winning Clinical Sexologist, BDSM & Certified Sexuality Educator, and media personality. She’s the host & executive producer of the Showtime original series, Sex with Sunny Megatron, co-hosts AASECT Award-winning American Sex Podcast and Open Deeply Podcast, and was 2021's XBIZ Sexpert of the Year. Currently, she’s the Editor-in-Chief of kink-focused Zipper Magazine.

Sunny coined the BDSM community catch-phrase, Kink is Customizable™.

In her sell-out workshops, her unique brand of “edutainment” seamlessly combines her humorous teaching style, interactive exercises, and the latest sexuality research. Sunny’s passion is helping others overcome shame and find their power through play and pleasure. She’s also working on her first book, “Customizable Kink: A Strategic Guide to Adult Play.”

My Sir and I first found Sunny Megatron on the Showtime original series, Sex with Sunny Megatron, probably back in 2018 or 2019. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a must-watch. I found the BDSM and the Kink Lifestyle in 2016, in my 40's.

This series and years of following Sunny has helped me grow as a submissive, helped me when I struggled with self-doubt or perfectionism about how a “good submissive” should be, when I struggled with impostor syndrome when I decided I could have a Health and Life Coaching Practice AND be a Kink Aware Professional Coach.

We discussed:

4:00 How she does it, all of it.

11:10 Her journey into becoming an executive producer of a TV series focused on sex education.

19:03 The vision behind "Sex with Sunny Megatron.

22:57 The numerous challenges she faced as an executive producer, in bringing a sex education series to a mainstream platform like Showtime.

25:58 Her approach to the selection of topics and guests for each episode.

35:12 What role does a show like "Sex with Sunny Megatron" plays in destigmatizing and normalizing conversations around sex and sexuality.

39:52 Not my kink (NMK) but I will not shame you.

40:56 Shame and its impact on everything, the collective experience we all have.

45:20 Future plans or aspirations for more TV series/episodes.

50:38 Advice for aspiring executive producers who are interested in creating content related to sex education or other sensitive topics.

49:45 Know the business you will be working with, and have as much creative control as possible.

51:55 Not everyone will see your vision.

57:58 Holding space for people to speak their truth.

1:02:10 Sunny's FREE Kink Negotiation Workbook Episode Resources: All-Links Page

Sunny Megatron's Website

American Sex Podcast

Open Deeply Podcast

If you enjoyed this interview, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel – Kink Your Way here:

For more information from me, please check out my website:


Be sure to subscribe to our email tribe.

Oct 13, 202301:03:33
Heartstrings and F-Bombs: Unveiling the Artistry of Raven Lass

Heartstrings and F-Bombs: Unveiling the Artistry of Raven Lass

Thank you for joining us for Heartstrings and F-Bombs: Unveiling the Artistry of Raven Lass. Raven is a member of Unicorn Productions. This social media seductress began burlesque in 2016 and loves, loves, loves to.... play with your heartstrings. With a flair for performance arts, she established a name for herself as a local and published model in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Raven Lass has a knack for making friends, grotesquely overusing the F-word, and giving the best "F-ing hugs." We discussed:

1:44 A little about Raven and what she does. 3:30 How she first discovered her passion for burlesque and performance arts. Background in theater and choir.

5:28 What it means to be a part of a creative collective – Unicorn Productions.

8:49 How modeling influenced her approach to burlesque and performing.

11:09 Memorable experiences or performances that have had a significant impact on her personally or professionally. Captivating the audience.

11:43 Phantom of the Opera act.

15:06 Challenges and stereotypes that come with being a performer in the burlesque industry. Working in the legal field, being a parent.

17:12 Not your people

20:16 Advice for aspiring performers who are looking to explore burlesque or performance arts. Community

22:43 Unicorn University

24:34 – Abq. Mystic Masquerade – Saturday, October 21, 2023

25:55 Her future goals and aspirations as a performer.

26:57 How burlesque has empowered and transformed her as an artist and as an individual.

27:00 Creativity without limits.

Episode Resources: Website: Instagram: @unicornburlesque Facebook: Email: Kink Your Way is a shame-free educational podcast made for information and education purposes only. If you enjoyed this interview, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel – Kink Your Way here: Kink Your Way podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, Audible, and Google Podcasts. For more information from me, please check out my website: website: Be sure to subscribe to our email tribe to receive exclusive promotions, new product or service announcements, blog notifications, and upcoming events. You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.


Oct 03, 202331:01
Creating Burlesque Magic: Insights from Venus MorningStar

Creating Burlesque Magic: Insights from Venus MorningStar

Thank you for joining us for Creating Burlesque Magic: Insights from Venus MorningStar.

Burlesque performer, producer and professional flow artist Venus MorningStar is the Land of Enchantment’s premiere hooptress, having traveled to various states showcasing her skills. Though she primarily focuses on her passion of planning dazzling shows for audiences these days, if you’re lucky, you might just catch one of her acclaimed and hypnotic hoop acts. A co-producer with Unicorn Productions, Venus works with the team throughout the year to bring burlesque magic to Albuquerque.

My Sir and I started attending Unicorn Productions burlesque events early in our relationship. We both enjoy the shows, the skills and passions of the entertainers, and the pure joy that is felt throughout each venue. Unicorn Productions events are truly unique events.

We discussed:

3:10 How Venus first discovered her passion for burlesque and flow arts?

9:40 Resources

10:09 Her creative process when planning and choreographing hoop acts?

12:54 Some of her most memorable shows or performances.

18:12 Challenges – advertising and social media

20:03 What Venus loves most about performing and producing burlesque shows.

22:07 Advice for aspiring burlesque performers or flow artists.

25:43 Venus’s future goals and aspirations as a performer and producer.

30:03 Burlesque history in Albuquerque.

32:32 What burlesque means to Venus, and how it empowered and transformed her as an artist and as an individual.

30:56 Blue laws.

FYI - NEW MEXICO STAT. ANN. § 30-9-14 et seq.

What is Prohibited?

Indecent exposure:

Knowingly and intentionally exposing one's genitals to the public.

Indecent dancing:

Knowingly and intentionally exposing one's intimate parts to the public while dancing or performing in a licensed liquor establishment or allowing such to happen to the owner or agent of the licensed liquor establishment.

Episode Resources:


Instagram: @unicornburlesque



If you enjoyed this interview, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel – Kink Your Way here:

For more information from me, please check out my website:


Be sure to subscribe to our email tribe to receive exclusive promotions, new product or service announcements, blog notifications,

You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.


#burlesqueperformer #flowarts #hoops #hoopflow #performer #newmexico #albuquerque #albuquerquenm #personaljourney #confidence

Sep 30, 202340:30
Building a Successful Kink Education Business with Mister

Building a Successful Kink Education Business with Mister

Welcome to the Kink Your Way podcast where guests share stories, experiences, education, and information regarding all things Kink and BDSM. I’m Leann Herron, Kink Aware Professional Certified Health and Life Coach, Kink and BDSM Practitioner, Educator, honored as a collared submissive to my husband and Sir, and creator, and host of this podcast.

This episode is part of our Lifestyle & Entrepreneur Series.

Thank you for joining us for Building a Successful Kink Education Business with Mister, a/k/a Mike Hartman.

Mike Hartman, known as "Mister," is the visionary behind Kinkslayer and Hailing from Charlotte, NC, he's dedicated to destigmatizing BDSM, ethical non-monogamy, and alternative relationships through these empowering platforms. Mister invites open, non-judgmental conversations and education, allowing individuals to embrace their true selves. Beyond his digital brands, he's a writer, gaming enthusiast, and festival-goer.

Through his weekly Monday Munch podcast and growing library of websites, Mister has made it his personal mission to bring once-taboo discussions of non-traditional relationships and sexuality out of the shadows and into the light. Spending quality time with his partners and chosen family is also integral to Mike's self-care and living a balanced life. He values investing in intimate connections as much as his professional mission to educate and empower.


2:44 A little about Mike/Mister and Kinkslayer (2021).


Kink Your Way is a shame-free educational podcast made for information and education purposes only. 


I met Mister around the beginning of 2023 when I started attending Monday Munch, a virtual sex-positive podcast. I was looking to get back to the lifestyle community and was welcomed and supported with open arms. 

Description: In this episode, we sit down with a kink educator entrepreneur who has successfully turned their passion for kink education into a thriving business. Our guest shares his journey, insights, and practical tips for aspiring kink educators looking to build their own successful ventures. Join us as we explore the unique challenges and opportunities in the world of kink education entrepreneurship and uncover strategies for creating a sustainable and impactful business.


In this episode, we discussed:

9:37 Mister’s journey as a kink educator and how he became involved in this field.

 11:40 How he identified the need for his services in the market.

 12:35 Referral partner community concept within the community.

 20:00 Strategies he found effective in reaching and engaging your target audience.

 22:58 What happens when your content is taken down.

31:38 How individuals who are new to kink or BDSM can find reliable resources and communities to support their exploration.

38:20 The importance of inclusivity and diversity within the kink community, and how it contributes to a more enriching experience for everyone involved.

40:45 Insights and tips on building a strong online presence and community, leverage social media and other platforms to connect with your audience. Don’t give up & play by the rules!

 42:55 Advice for aspiring kink educator entrepreneurs who are looking to start their own businesses in this field.


You can find Mister/Kinkslayer:



If you enjoyed this interview, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel – Kink Your Way here:

 Kink Your Way podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, Audible, and Google Podcasts.

 For more information from me, please check out my website:


Be sure to subscribe to our email tribe.

You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.


Sep 19, 202350:50
Behind the Scenes: Insights from a Male Entrepreneur in the Sex Industry with Nate “Diggz”.

Behind the Scenes: Insights from a Male Entrepreneur in the Sex Industry with Nate “Diggz”.

Welcome to the Kink Your Way podcast where guests share stories, experiences, education, and information regarding all things Kink and BDSM. I’m Leann Herron, Kink Aware Professional Certified Health and Life Coach, Kink and BDSM Practitioner, Educator, honored as a collared submissive to my husband and Sir, and creator, and host of this podcast.

This episode is part of our Lifestyle & Entrepreneur Series.

Thank you for joining us for Behind the Scenes: Insights from a Male Entrepreneur in the Sex Industry with Nate “Diggz”.

Nate “Lil Daddy Diggz” is a 50-year-old, engaged hardworking man. He works as a full-time collision repair technician, entrepreneur, hobbyist model, actor, and retired fitness competitor. Originally from Boston Massachusetts, Nate has been in the Lifestyle for 15 years, having dabbled in kink most of his adult life, and in the Sex Worker industry for 9 years.


So let’s get behind the scenes with Nate:

1:51 8:37 His journey of how he got started in the sex industry and how it has evolved over time.

3:30 Acting/films and misconceptions

12:36 What inspired him to become an entrepreneur in the sex industry.

12:55 How he navigates the unique challenges and opportunities that come with it.

15:19 41:43 Mentoring and educating (no faking it)

18:54 Mindset

20:52 22:13 45:02 Read the room

21:33 Competition vs. referral partners

23:09 Money is money

24:09 It’s a business, make sure the client is having fun and getting what they paid for.

24:30 38:46 1:08:30 Don’t limit yourself or your business

27:23 33:05 How he balances his personal life with his professional life in the sex industry and what strategies he uses to maintain boundaries and protect his well-being.

28:15 32:15 Advice for someone considering entering the sex industry as an entrepreneur, entertainer, model, or actor. – Keep it professional

40:17 Consent in everything

43:18 Common misconceptions about the sex industry.

52:12 Communication in Kink

52.50 55:10 You customize your Kink

59:40 Misconceptions people may have about kink and BDSM?

51:07 52:12 How he balances the kinky lifestyle with other aspects of your life, such as work, family, and social circles.

58:08 Lessons learned

1:14:32 Tips and suggestions (Boundaries and limits, Communication, Consent, Promote yourself aggressively)


Resources: Talent Testing/STD testing status (48:08)

New Mexico Strippers (1:32:45) John Maez

You can find Nate here:


Phone: 808-315-2866


Kink Your Way podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, Audible, and Google Podcasts.

Kink Your Way is a shame-free educational podcast made for information and education purposes only.

Our mission is to provide value to our listeners by providing education, and information from Kink and BDSM Educators for people who are curious, new to the lifestyle, or living it.


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel – Kink Your Way here:

For easy links to everything Kink Your Way -

Subscribe to our website ( email tribe to receive exclusive promotions, new product or service announcements, blog notifications, and upcoming events.

#lifestyle #education #entrepreneur #mentor #dancing #entertainment #acting #trust #communication #honesty #supportlocal #misconceptions #boundaries #balance

Sep 07, 202301:51:09
Even Wonder about DISC Theory? with The Rabbi

Even Wonder about DISC Theory? with The Rabbi

Welcome to the Kink Your Way podcast where guests share stories, experiences, education, and information regarding all things Kink and BDSM. I’m Leann Herron, Kink Aware Professional Certified Health and Life Coach, Kink and BDSM Practitioner, Educator, honored as a collared submissive to my husband and Sir, and creator, and host of this podcast.

This episode is part of our Education Series.

Thank you for joining us for Ever Wonder about DISC Theory with The Rabbi. Dominance, Inducement, Submission, and Compliance. The Rabbi is a Kink Educator. He holds a Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling (including coursework in Human Sexuality) and is working on certification as a Sex Therapist.

Kink Your Way is a shame-free educational podcast made for information and education purposes only.

Kink Your Way’s mission is to provide value to our listeners by providing education, and information from Kink and BDSM Educators for people who are curious, new to the lifestyle, or living it.

I was first introduced to The Rabbi in April 2022 through the Thrive BDSM and Mental Health Conference.

You will learn about:

4:30 - What is DISC Theory, and a brief history 4:52 - Wonder Woman Comics (rope bondage, polyamory, chain bondage, pony play) 6:20, 6:48 - How does DISC Theory fit into BDSM 9:20 - Interpretation for Power Exchange (P/E) Relationships 10:18 - What a "Healthy' P/E looks like - nNWw 11:56 - Transactional Theory 12:32 - The 5 Love Languages (Acts of Service, Gift Giving, Touch, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time) 21:25 - Getting educated in kink and BDSM as a couple 23:10 - Communicating limits and boundaries 24:03 - Finding the kink community, finding a play partner, finding events, educating self (different philosophies in different geographic locations) 30:36 - Being a presenter at a kink conference 33:14, 38:11 - Therapy and sharing your story/truth with a therapist 35:45 - Teaching in the community 42:29 - Kink and BDSM removed from the DSM-5 as a mental illness 50:01 - How sex therapy differs from other forms of therapy 48:16 - What inspired him to become a sex therapist? 49:35 - Advice for individuals or couples who may be hesitant or nervous about seeking sex therapy.52:10 - Permission Giving, It's OK to talk about ... 56:45 - How DISC Theory fits into business

You can find The Rabbi here:

Website:  (events)

Instagram: @sinagoguekink

Facebook: SINagogueBDSM

If you want to learn more about me check out my About Me video

 If you want to learn more about some of the mindset hurdles I had to overcome in my D/s journey check out my interview with Dom Sub Living for the Dom Sub Dynamics Summit from February 2023

You can grab your copy of Waking Up in a Submissive Mindset workbook

If you enjoyed this interview, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel – Kink Your Way here:


Kink Your Way podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, Audible, and Google Podcasts.

For more information from me, please check out my website:


Be sure to subscribe to our email tribe to receive exclusive promotions, new product or service announcements, blog notifications, and upcoming events.

You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.


Sep 03, 202301:02:43
About Me

About Me

This will be a short About Me video and I hope you will learn something about me and maybe about yourself.

I have been in the lifestyle for 6 years, constantly learning and growing in my journey. I am a collared submissive married to my Sir, we are a monogamous couple.

For the most part I had a very limited knowledge of Kink or BDSM other than reading 50 Shades when it first came out. A friend had given me an electronic copy of me to read on my commute to and from work. It wasn’t until 5 years later that I was single for the first time in over 20 years. I have been a wife and mother since I was 17, I’m going to be 52 this year.

I spent a couple of years getting to really know myself. Who am I? I took the time to figure out my wants, needs, desires, what I will and will not allow in my life. I took time to fall in love with myself in the process.

I have learned more about my body in the last 6 years than I knew about myself over the last 45 years.

Things I have learned about myself: I can have multiple orgasms I have less anxiety because I communicate open and honestly with my Sir Self-care is critical for me to be my best self for my Sir I love most forms of sensation play (Wartenberg Pinwheel, Claws, Paddle, Feather, Tickler Whip, Neon Wand (electro play)) I want pleasure in all its forms (kissing, petting, touch, taste, intercourse, connection, and communication) I can embrace my sexuality and pleasure without fear of shame or judgment I need and want aftercare I have a voice I have soft and hard limits and I know my Sirs limits I am always learning I love bondage I am a submissive I enjoy experiencing edging I love when Sir plays with my hair I love being at Sir’s feet I love being in service to my Sir I am not a masochist I love rope (tying and being tied) I love restraints and my permanent collar I practice SSC (Safe, Sane and Consensual) kink I have experienced subspace and subdrop

Finding the BDSM lifestyle was the most eye opening and rewarding thing that has ever happened to me. I had to do the research and do the work before risking what lack of knowledge and education can buy you. I was old enough to know to be safe, practice safe sex, and always tell a friend where I was going and who I was going with. I have spent the last 6 years learning and growing in my submission and in my kink.

Sir and I have been a D/s couple for over 5 years. We Kink our way. Our pleasure starts from curiosity, curiosity about a new toy, new piece of furniture, a show we watched on Nexflix, a scene described in one of my erotica books, a topic on a sex podcast, etc. We discuss openly our interests, concerns, beliefs, desires all without shame. We research, we attend classes, toy shop together, we practice and grow our skills. We are present with each other.

While I was obtaining my certification as a Health and Life Coach, I attended the 2022 Thrive BDSM and Mental Health Summit. I immediately knew that I was being called to be a lighthouse for other curious, new or experienced kinksters and to share my experiences, knowledge, and education to help people live their best kinky life in and out of the bedroom.

I am a Kink Aware Professional Certified Health, Relationships, and Life Coach and BDSM and Kink Educator. My purpose is to provide education and coaching services to people who are curious, currently practicing, or need health and life coaching in all areas of life from a knowledgeable kink professional, and provide resources to other kink professionals.

If you would like more information about me, our kinky life, or my coaching practice, please check out my Linktree at Kink Your Way.

Make sure to subscribe as I will be creating new kinky content.

Jul 12, 202315:48
June 28, 2023

June 28, 2023

Jun 28, 202300:59
Overcoming Mindset Hurdles in Your D/s Journey
Jun 28, 202325:46