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By 森田義夫

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Psalms 81:10

小羊の里キリスト教会Apr 12, 2024

Psalms 93:1

Psalms 93:1

「The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty;

 The Lord is clothed,He has girded Himself with strength.

 Surely the world is established, so that it cannot be moved.」 Amen.


 This is called a royal psalm. Israel was at first a theocratic nation, and then it became a monarchy. The king, is God's anointed one, and the Lord is indeed the king. So the king served God and the people worshipped the king. During these periods, the nation was blessed, but when the king turned away from God, the nation would not be able to stand. Historically, Israel had to experience such a thing many times. But once again they were able to turn back to the Lord. And that is why they sang Psalm 93.


 May we learn to humble ourselves to the Lord today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 05, 202401:30
【詩篇 93:1】

【詩篇 93:1】



 まことに 世界は堅く据えられ揺るぎません。』





May 05, 202401:30
2024年5月5日(日)「ヤコブ、イスラエル、エシュルン」 【イザヤ44:1-2】

2024年5月5日(日)「ヤコブ、イスラエル、エシュルン」 【イザヤ44:1-2】

『44:1 「今、聞け。わたしのしもべヤコブ、わたしの選んだイスラエルよ。44:2 あなたを造り、あなたを母の胎内にいるときから形造り、あなたを助ける【主】はこう言う。恐れるな。わたしのしもべヤコブ、わたしの選んだエシュルンよ。』


愛する天のお父様、み名を崇め、感謝します。どうか私たちが今自分の力で生きようとしている時、力を抜き、風に身をまかせ、水に浮遊するかのように、私たちがあなたに委ねきって生きることができますように完全なる平安がその人の心を支配するだけではなくて出会うすべての人に優しさとそして慈しみを注ぎ、癒しと励ましを与えることができますように、お導き願います。この祈りを主イエス・キリストのお名前によってお祈り致します。 アーメン。

May 04, 202401:00:60
Psalms 90:10

Psalms 90:10

「The days of our lives are seventy years;

And if by reason of strength they are eighty years,

Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow;

For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.」 Amen.


That's exactly right. There were times in my life when I lived hedonistically, when I fell into materialism, when I was self-centered. But somewhere along the way, I experienced a feeling of emptiness, and a sense of uneasiness came over me, wondering whether this was the right thing to do. That is God's speaking to us, His small voice. It is left to us to decide whether or not to follow it. Fortunately, I followed God. Although it was the beginning of hardship and suffering, it was also the acquisition of an "eternal dwelling.


May we spend time with the Lord today as well.

God bless you.   See you next week.

May 03, 202401:32
【詩篇 90:10】

【詩篇 90:10】



そのほとんどは 労苦とわざわいです。

瞬く間に時は過ぎ 私たちは飛び去ります。』





May 03, 202401:39
Psalms 89:34.

Psalms 89:34.

「My covenant I will not break,

 Nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.」 Amen.


 God has unilaterally chosen me and led me to salvation. However, I have not been able to repay Him in any way. But God says, "Nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips."I will bear it on my back and pour out grace until your hair turns gray." " Belief in God does not mean that suffering will cease. No, suffering will always be present. But more than that, grace will be poured out.


 May we count His blessings today as well.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 02, 202401:13
【詩篇 89:34】

【詩篇 89:34】

『わたしは わたしの契約を汚さない。

 唇から出たことを わたしは変えない。』





May 02, 202401:30
Psalms 89:11

Psalms 89:11

「The heavens are Yours,

 the earth also is Yours;

 The world and all its fullness,

 You have founded them.」 Amen.


 Gen. 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The Bible begins with the words, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Creation from nothing. Then, the necessities of man are provided for him. On the first day, day and night appeared. On the second day, the waters above and below the firmament were divided. On the third day, land and sea were divided, and plants and fruit trees arose. On the fourth day, the sun, moon, and stars appeared. On the fifth day, sea animals and birds appeared. On the sixth day, land animals and man were created. And on the seventh day, He rested from His work.


 May we ponder the work of God the Creator today as well.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 01, 202401:38
【詩篇 89:11】

【詩篇 89:11】






 「創1:1 はじめに神が天と地を創造された。」の言葉から聖書は始まります。無からの創造であります。そして、人間にとって必要なものが備えられていくのです。第一日目は昼と夜が現れました。第二日目は大空の上の水と下の水が分けられました。第三日目は陸と海が分けられ植物と果樹が生じました。第四日目は太陽・月・星が現れました。第五日目は海の動物と鳥類が現れました。第六日目は陸の動物と人間が創造されました。そして、第七日目は、その業を休まれたのです。



May 01, 202401:53
Psalms 92:14

Psalms 92:14

「They shall still bear fruit in old age;

 They shall be fresh and flourishing,」 Amen.


 Those who put their trust in God, "Psalm 92:12 sprout up like the budding of the jujube palm tree, and grow up like the cedars of Lebanon. The cedars of Lebanon were famous for their fast growth and good quality. And even when they grow old, they bear fruit and grow lush and fresh. Even when the soul leaves the body, it is planted in the house of the Lord and blossoms in the great garden of God.


 May we walk with the Lord today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

Apr 30, 202401:08
【詩篇 92:14】

【詩篇 92:14】

『彼らは年老いてもなお 実を実らせ



 神様に信頼を寄せる人は、「詩92:12 なつめ椰子の木のように萌え出で、レバノンの杉のように育つ」とあります。レバノンの杉は成長の早い良質なものとして有名でした。そして、年老いても、実を実らせ、みずみずしく生い茂るのです。魂が肉体から離れても、主の家に植えられ、神の大庭で花を咲かせるのです。



Apr 30, 202401:18
Psalms 92:2

Psalms 92:2

「To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning,

 And Your faithfulness every night,」 Amen.


 We must have Jesus at the center of our hearts "to proclaim your mercy in the morning and your faithfulness every night." This is because there are many things that we cannot be thankful for every day. This is because when we allow ourselves to sit in the center of our hearts, we will be filled with strife, envy, and lust. But when we put on the Lord Jesus Christ, they are transformed into gratitude.


 May we welcome Jesus into the center of our hearts today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

Apr 29, 202401:08
【詩篇 92:2】

【詩篇 92:2】

『朝に あなたの恵みを

 夜ごとに あなたの真実を告げることは。』





Apr 29, 202401:14
Psalms 91:10

Psalms 91:10

「No evil shall befall you,

 Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;」 Amen.


He says that we will not be frightened by plagues, that we will not be afflicted by disease, and that our lives will not be threatened. The reason for that is told in verse 11. 'For He shall give His angels charge over you,To keep you in all your ways.' One of the roles of the angel is to protect the believer. He protects us like a mendori hides a chick under its wings.


May we thank the Lord for His protection today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

Apr 28, 202401:07
【詩篇 91:10】

【詩篇 91:10】

『わざわいは あなたに降りかからず

 疫病も あなたの天幕に近づかない。』





Apr 28, 202401:21
2024年4月28日(日)「光り輝く花嫁」 【黙19:6-9】

2024年4月28日(日)「光り輝く花嫁」 【黙19:6-9】

『19:6 また私は、大群衆の声のような、大水のとどろきのような、激しい雷鳴のようなものがこう言うのを聞いた。「ハレルヤ。私たちの神である主、全能者が王となられた。19:7 私たちは喜び楽しみ、神をほめたたえよう。子羊の婚礼の時が来て、花嫁は用意ができたのだから。19:8 花嫁は、輝くきよい亜麻布をまとうことが許された。その亜麻布とは、聖徒たちの正しい行いである。」19:9 御使いは私に、「子羊の婚宴に招かれている者たちは幸いだ、と書き記しなさい」と言い、また「これらは神の真実なことばである」と言った。』




愛する天のお父様、み名を崇め感謝します。いつも信仰の創始者であり、完成者であるイエス様を見上げつつ過ごすことができますようにお導き願います。愛。喜び・平安・寛容・親切・善意・誠実・柔和・自制の実が豊かに実りますようにお助け願います。いつも光り輝くようにお願いします。この祈りを主イエス・キリストのお名前によってお祈り致します。 アーメン。

Apr 27, 202446:38
Psalms 89:1

Psalms 89:1

「I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever;

 With my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations.」 Amen.


 God chose the Israelites unilaterally and continued to pour out His grace on them. Since God made a covenant with them, there were, of course, rules of observance; if they kept the covenant, they would receive blessings; if they did not, they would be punished. However, no matter how much the people resorted to idolatry, the covenant was not broken. This is similar to the love of a parent who punishes his or her child because of love, but does not give up on the child.


  May we be inclined to the love of the Lord today as well.

God bless you.   See you next week.

Apr 26, 202401:20
【詩篇 89:1】

【詩篇 89:1】

『私は 【主】の恵みを とこしえに歌います。






Apr 26, 202401:18
【詩篇 88:13】

【詩篇 88:13】

『しかし私は 【主】よ あなたに叫び求めます。

 朝明けに 私の祈りは御前にあります。』






Apr 25, 202401:20
Psalms 87:6

Psalms 87:6

「The Lord will record,

 When He registers the peoples:"This one was born there." Selah」 Amen.


 Generally speaking, if you are born in the United States, your nationality is American; if you are born in Japan, your nationality is Japanese, even though the stipulations may differ from country to country. [Philippians 3:20] "Our nationality is in heaven." Those who is born of the Spirit will have their names written in the book of life, which says, " This one was born in this city." Those who have been born again spiritually through repentance of sins and faith in God are recognized as citizens of heaven.


 May we rejoice today that our names are written in the book of life.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.


Apr 24, 202401:20
【詩篇 87:6】

【詩篇 87:6】

『【主】が「この者は この都で生まれた」と記して



 一般的にアメリカで生まれたら、国籍はアメリカ、日本で生まれたら国籍は日本、国によってその定めは違うようですが。「ピリ3:20 私たちの国籍は天にあります。」、霊的に生まれた人は、命の書に、その名前が刻まれ、「この者は この都で生まれた」と記されるのです。罪を悔い改め、神を信じることによって、霊的に新しく生まれ変わった人が、天国の市民と認められるのです。



Apr 24, 202401:32
Psalms 86:4

Psalms 86:4

「Rejoice the soul of Your servant,For to You,

 O Lord, I lift up my soul.」 Amen.


 When does your soul rejoice? Isn't it when we are assured that our sins are forgiven, that we are given eternal life, and that the path to heaven is prepared for us? It is a time of peace, contentment, and hope for the future. If someone were to show me a video of the path I have been on, I would run away in shame. But to know that there is One who loves me and will spend time with me in heaven is nothing but joy.


 May the joy of the Lord be my joy today as well.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

Apr 23, 202401:15
【詩篇 86:4】

【詩篇 86:4】


 主よ 私のたましいはあなたを仰ぎ求めています。』





Apr 23, 202401:28
Psalms 86:1

Psalms 86:1

「Bow down Your ear, O Lord, hear me;

 For I am poor and needy.」 Amen.


It would be lonely if no one listened to you. But even if someone does listen to you about yourself, they may not really understand you. My late wife understood everything when I said a few words to her. God is like that. From the time you are in the womb to the time you are in heaven, God knows everything, He is always by your side, and He is watching over you.


 Today, may we communicate our thoughts to the Lord who hears us.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

Apr 22, 202401:11
【詩篇 86:1】

【詩篇 86:1】

『【主】よ 耳を傾けて 私に答えてください。

 私は苦しみ 貧しいのです。』





Apr 22, 202401:22
【詩篇 85:12】

【詩篇 85:12】

『【主】が 良いものを下さるので



苦難の中で神に叫び求めると、神が介入してくださり、平安が戻ってきます。神への従順度が高ければ高いほど、神の祝福の現れは明らかになるのです。それが、ここでは歌われています。「マタ6:33 まず神の国と神の義を求めなさい。そうすれば、これらのものはすべて、それに加えて与えられます。」イエス様が語られたように、すべてのことは神が面倒を見てくれるのです。



Apr 21, 202401:22
2024年4月21日(日)「マラの水」 【出15:22-26】

2024年4月21日(日)「マラの水」 【出15:22-26】

『15:22 モーセはイスラエルを葦の海から旅立たせた。彼らはシュルの荒野へ出て行き、三日間、荒野を歩いた。しかし、彼らには水が見つからなかった。15:23 彼らはマラに来たが、マラの水は苦くて飲めなかった。それで、そこはマラという名で呼ばれた。15:24 民はモーセに向かって「われわれは何を飲んだらよいのか」と不平を言った。15:25 モーセが【主】に叫ぶと、【主】は彼に一本の木を示された。彼がそれを水の中に投げ込むと、水は甘くなった。主はそこで彼に掟と定めを授け、そこで彼を試み、15:26 そして言われた。「もし、あなたの神、【主】の御声にあなたが確かに聞き従い、主の目にかなうことを行い、また、その命令に耳を傾け、その掟をことごとく守るなら、わたしがエジプトで下したような病気は何一つあなたの上に下さない。わたしは【主】、あなたを癒やす者だからである。」』




愛する天のお父様、み名を崇め感謝します。私たちの人生にマラはつきものです。でも、うろたえることなく、神様の導きであることを覚え、感謝し、十字架を入れることができますようにお導き願います。この祈りを主イエス・キリストのお名前によってお祈り致します。 アーメン。

Apr 20, 202458:08
Psalms 81:10

Psalms 81:10

「You have forgiven the iniquity of Your people;

 You have covered all their sin. Selah」 Amen.


 Jesus came down to earth to forgive the sins of us human beings. Without Jesus, we would still be in sin, unable to escape its grip. The New Translation says in verse 4, “Restore us” Only Jesus can bring us back to life, even though we are physically alive but spiritually dead.


 May we ponder the love of the cross of Jesus today.

God bless you.   See you next week.

Apr 19, 202400:59
Psalms 81:10

Psalms 81:10

「You have forgiven the iniquity of Your people;

 You have covered all their sin. Selah」 Amen.


 Jesus came down to earth to forgive the sins of us human beings. Without Jesus, we would still be in sin, unable to escape its grip. The New Translation says in verse 4, “Restore us” Only Jesus can bring us back to life, even though we are physically alive but spiritually dead.


 May we ponder the love of the cross of Jesus today.

God bless you.   See you next week.


Apr 19, 202400:51
【詩篇 85:2】

【詩篇 85:2】

『あなたは 御民の咎を担い

 すべての罪を おおってくださいます。セラ』





Apr 19, 202401:17
【詩篇 84:10】

【詩篇 84:10】

『まことに あなたの大庭にいる一日は





 作者は、今、どこで歌っているのでしょうか。異教の地で故郷の神殿を思い浮かべながら歌っているのでしょうか。今いる場所が、たとえ異教の地であっても、たとえ苦難の真っ只中であったとしても、創造主なる神様に祈ることができる人は幸いです。神様と自分との関係が明確な人は幸いです。「ヘブル12:2 信仰の創始者であり完成者であるイエスから、目を離さないでいなさい。」



Apr 18, 202401:23
Psalms 80:3

Psalms 80:3

「That they may know that You,

 whose name alone is the Lord,

 Are the Most High over all the earth.」 Amen.


 "They" are the surrounding nations that were trying to destroy the nation of Judah." "They" were inflicting various hardships on Judah. The more intense the tribulation, the more we pray to God, but if our trust in God is great in times of peace, the tribulation will not come. Perhaps because of human nature, history repeats itself: peace, corruption, tribulation, prayer, intervention, and peace.


 May today be another day of trusting in the Lord as well.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

Apr 17, 202401:13
【詩篇 83:18】

【詩篇 83:18】



 全地の上におられる いと高き方であることを。』





Apr 17, 202401:22
Psalms 83:1

Psalms 83:1

「Do not keep silent, O God!

 Do not hold Your peace,

 And do not be still, O God!」 Amen.


 This song must have been sung in a situation like "under siege" with enemies all around. In our life on earth, we must live in the midst of hostile people, coronas, and viruses. When we are in real pain, we are tempted to cry out against God's silence. However, God protects v.3; His sheltered ones, like His eyes and allows them to rest in the shade of His wings.


 May we feel His peace today as well.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.


Apr 16, 202401:12
【詩篇 83:1】

【詩篇 83:1】



 神よ 黙り続けないでください。』






Apr 16, 202401:27
Psalms 79:6

Psalms 79:6

「God stands in the congregation of the mighty;

 He judges among the gods.」 Amen.


 This scene raises many questions. In the Book of Job, angels and even Satan came before God for a meeting. God granted Satan's wish. It is an unreasonable judgement from the perspective of this world, but Job will ultimately be blessed twice as much. Even if you has no blessings on earth, you will have a blessed house in heaven if he believes in God the Creator.


 May we look up to our heavenly home today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.


Apr 15, 202401:08
【詩篇 82:1】

【詩篇 82:1】

『神は 神の会議の中に立ち






Apr 15, 202401:22
Psalms 81:16

Psalms 81:16

「He would have fed them also with the finest of wheat;

 And with honey from the rock I would have satisfied you.」 Amen.


 The finest wheat is a delight. The "honey on the rocks" is rare, and you will want to offer it to those closest to you, those you trust the most, and those you love the most. The person who receives it will be full in body and soul. But God says that no matter what state we are in, He will provide us with the best things at the best time and in the best way. Then we will be filled spiritually, physically, and soulishly.


 Today, may we be prepared in the Lord, spirit, body, and soul.... 

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

Apr 14, 202401:19
【詩篇 81:16】

【詩篇 81:16】

『しかし主は 最良の小麦を御民に食べさせる。

 わたしは岩から滴る蜜で あなたを満ち足らせる。』





Apr 14, 202401:45
2024年4月14日(日)「土地の買い戻しの権利」 【黙5:4-5】

2024年4月14日(日)「土地の買い戻しの権利」 【黙5:4-5】

『5:4 私は激しく泣いた。その巻物を開くにも、見るにも、ふさわしい者がだれも見つからなかったからである。5:5 すると、長老の一人が私に言った。「泣いてはいけません。ご覧なさい。ユダ族から出た獅子、ダビデの根が勝利したので、彼がその巻物を開き、七つの封印を解くことができます。」』


  愛する天のお父様、み名を崇め感謝します。神様が良き神様であり、私たちの人生を良きもので満たしてくださいますから感謝します。あなたの限りなき愛ゆえに御ひとり子であるイエス様をこの世に送ってくださって感謝します。私たち、罪人を救う為にイエス様は十字架に架かり、死んで墓に葬られ、三日目に蘇ってくださって感謝します。死から勝利し、その向こうに復活という希望を与えて下さってありがとうございます。そして、今も生きて働いていますから感謝します。この世の中で生きていくには厳しいものがありますが、あなたのみ言葉によって、この道に進め、この道に歩めと語っていますから感謝します。あなたは、私たちに禍ではなく、平安を与える計画であり、将来と希望を与える計画を備えて下さってますから感謝します。このめまぐるしく移り変わる世の中にあって、あなたのみ言葉は変わることなき約束ですから信じ切ることができますようにお導き願います。絶えず祈り、いつも喜び、すべての事に感謝できますようにお願いします。今日の礼拝を感謝し、すべてを感謝し、主イエス・キリストのお名前によってお祈り致します。 アーメン。

Apr 13, 202448:51
Psalms 81:10

Psalms 81:10

「I am the Lord your God,

 Who brought you out of the land of Egypt;

 Open your mouth wide,

 and I will fill it.」 Amen.


 God and the Israelites made a covenant. If the people observed the terms of the covenant, blessings were given; if they did not, hardship came.

The covenant was to be fulfilled no matter how much the people complied with the covenant. No matter how much the people did not comply with the covenant, the covenant was not broken. That is because of the love of God, who is patient. The God who brought them out of Egypt says, "Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.  All we have to do is open our mouths wide. God is the one who fills us.


 May we trust Him fully today as well. 

God bless you.   See you next week.

Apr 12, 202401:26
【詩篇 81:10】

【詩篇 81:10】

『わたしは あなたの神 【主】である。

 わたしが あなたをエジプトの地から連れ上った。


 わたしが それを満たそう。』





Apr 12, 202401:26
Psalms 80:18

Psalms 80:18

「Then we will not turn back from You;

 Revive us,

 and we will call upon Your name.」 Amen.


 It must have been a natural prayer for them to seek the God they believed in, in a strange land, unfamiliar customs, and a different religion. Without experience, we can only make analogies, but it must have been difficult for them to express their hardship, pain, and suffering in words. All they could do is pray.


 May we continue to pray to the Lord again today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

Apr 11, 202401:04
【詩篇 80:18】

【詩篇 80:18】








Apr 11, 202401:28
Psalms 80:3

Psalms 80:3

「Restore us, O God;

 Cause Your face to shine,

 And we shall be saved!」 Amen.


 "Cause Your face to shine" is sung three times in Psalm 80. The nations have perished, the people have been taken away. We are in a desperate situation." Restore us," they sang urgently. They longed for national restoration and spiritual awakening. But there are things that God must accomplish, and there are things that man must accomplish. God's hand will not move unless people turn to the Lord.


 May the hand of the Lord guide us today!

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

Apr 10, 202401:13
【詩篇 80:3】

【詩篇 80:3】

『神よ 私たちを元に戻し


 そうすれば 私たちは救われます。』





Apr 10, 202401:21
Psalms 79:13.

Psalms 79:13.

「So we, Your people and sheep of Your pasture,

Will give You thanks forever;

We will show forth Your praise to all generations.」 Amen.


 In 586 BC, Jerusalem was destroyed by Babylon. The temple was destroyed and the remaining people were taken to a foreign country, Babylon. In the midst of such despair, they were convinced of God's salvation and pledged praise and thanksgiving in this song. God's salvation became a reality, and 70 years later, they were allowed to return, the temple was rebuilt, and hope arose that a Savior, Jesus, would be born from the lineage of David of the tribe of Judah!


 May we be mindful of the Lord's plan today as well.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

Apr 09, 202401:24
【詩篇 79:13】

【詩篇 79:13】

『私たちは あなたの民 あなたの牧場の羊です。

 私たちは とこしえまでもあなたに感謝し

 代々限りなく あなたの誉れを語り告げます。』





Apr 09, 202401:34
Psalms 79:6

Psalms 79:6

「Pour out Your wrath on the nations that do not know You,

 And on the kingdoms that do not call on Your name.」 Amen.


 Asaph sought God's judgment. It was against another nation. But Judah, his own nation, was actually judged. For the chief priests and all the people of Judah were idolaters, insulting God's messengers, despising God's word, and making fun of the prophets. God's temple was burned, Jerusalem was destroyed, and the survivors were taken to Babylon.


 May we be in the Lord's hands today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

Apr 08, 202401:11
【詩篇 79:6】

【詩篇 79:6】

『どうか あなたの激しい憤りを注いでください。







Apr 08, 202401:24