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By 森田義夫

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Psalms 94:19

小羊の里キリスト教会May 08, 2024

2024/6/2(日) 「行け、あなたのその力で」 【士6:11-16】

2024/6/2(日) 「行け、あなたのその力で」 【士6:11-16】

『6:11 さて【主】の使いが来て、アビエゼル人ヨアシュに属するオフラにある樫の木の下に座った。このとき、ヨアシュの子ギデオンは、ぶどうの踏み場で小麦を打っていた。ミディアン人から隠れるためであった。6:12 【主】の使いが彼に現れて言った。「力ある勇士よ、【主】があなたとともにおられる。」6:13 ギデオンは御使いに言った。「ああ、主よ。もし【主】が私たちとともにおられるなら、なぜこれらすべてのことが、私たちに起こったのですか。『【主】は私たちをエジプトから上らせたではないか』と言って、先祖が伝えたあの驚くべきみわざはみな、どこにあるのですか。今、【主】は私たちを捨てて、ミディアン人の手に渡されたのです。」6:14 すると、【主】は彼の方を向いて言われた。「行け、あなたのその力で。あなたはイスラエルをミディアン人の手から救うのだ。わたしがあなたを遣わすのではないか。」6:15 ギデオンは言った。「ああ、主よ。どうすれば私はイスラエルを救えるでしょうか。ご存じのように、私の氏族はマナセの中で最も弱く、そして私は父の家で一番若いのです。」6:16 【主】はギデオンに言われた。「わたしはあなたとともにいる。あなたは一人を討つようにミディアン人を討つ。」』





Jun 01, 202455:11
Psalms 104:29

Psalms 104:29

「You hide Your face, they are troubled;

 You take away their breath, they die

 and return to their dust.」 Amen.


"Then the Lord God took dust from the ground and formed man from it. The Lord breathed the breath of life into the man’s nose. And the man became a living person." Man is man because God breathed into him the breath of life. Some people say, "I don't need God," but if they do, their existence becomes very ambiguous. Life and death are in the hands of God the Creator.


May we ponder the Creation today as well.

God bless you.   See you next week.

May 31, 202401:13
【詩篇 104:29】

【詩篇 104:29】

『あなたが御顔を隠されると 彼らはおじ惑い

 彼らの息を取り去られると 彼らは息絶えて






May 31, 202401:23
Psalms 104:23

Psalms 104:23

「Man goes out to his work

 And to his labor until the evening.」 Amen.


 In creation, God created the sun, the moon, everything, and the world from chaos to order. Animals follow their habits, foraging for prey or lying down in their roosts. Humans, too, need to work as a natural order. Come to think of it, there is also this verse. II Thess. 3:10 “If anyone will not work, he will not eat.”


  May we keep the Word of the Lord in our hearts today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.


May 30, 202401:09
【詩篇 104:23】

【詩篇 104:23】

『人は 自分の仕事に出て行き



 神様は、天地創造の中で、太陽を造られ、月を造られ、すべてを造られ、世界を混沌から秩序へと造られました。動物は、その習性に從い、獲物を探したり、自分のねぐらで横になったりします。人もまた、自然な秩序として労働が必要なのです。そういえば、こんなみ言葉もありました。「Ⅱテサ 3:10 あなたがたのところにいたとき、働きたくない者は食べるな、と私たちは命じました。」




May 30, 202401:22
Psalms 104:12

Psalms 104:12

「By them the birds of the heavens have their home;

 They sing among the branches.」 Amen.


 The Lord sends the water from the springs to the valleys and lets it flow over the mountains, quenching our thirst. There the animals rest and the birds of the air stay on the branches and sing in beautiful voices. Such a scene comes to mind. It is said that Psalm 104 is the most beautiful of all the Psalms. Just as the melting snow on Mount Hermon eventually flows into the Jordan River and moistens the surrounding area, God's grace will also moisten the whole world.


 May you rest in the courtyards of the Lord’s Temple today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 29, 202401:15
【詩篇 104:12】

【詩篇 104:12】







May 29, 202401:20
Psalms 103:15

Psalms 103:15

「As for man, his days are like grass;

 As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.」 Amen.


 Isa 40:8 The grass wilts, and the flower scatters. But the word of our God stands forever." Psa. 90:6 Though a flower blooms in the morning, it withers and withers in the evening." James 1:10 The rich man passes away like a flower of grass. ... they are gone on their journey." Our life is a fleeting journey, and we are sojourners. We have only God, our Creator, to rely on.


 May we walk the journey of life with the Lord today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 28, 202401:17
【詩篇 103:15】

【詩篇 103:15】

『人 その一生は草のよう。



 『イザ40:8 草はしおれ、花は散る。しかし、私たちの神のことばは永遠に立つ。」』詩90:6 朝花を咲かせても移ろい夕べにはしおれて枯れています。』 『ヤコブ1:10 富んでいる人は草の花のように過ぎ去って行くのです。・・・旅路の途中で消えて行くのです。』私たちの人生はつかのまの旅、そして、私達は寄留者なのです。頼るべきは、創造主なる神様だけなのです。



May 28, 202401:33
Psalms 103:8

Psalms 103:8

「The Lord is merciful and gracious,

 Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.」 Amen.


God's law was given to Moses and the Israelites in the beginning. The promise was that if they kept it, they would be blessed. But time and time again, the Israelites failed to keep it. Yet, God did not abandon His people, but watched over them. He is merciful, compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.  Even now, He is watching over us.


May we be able to rely on Him today. 

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 27, 202401:11
【詩篇 103:8】

【詩篇 103:8】

『【主】は あわれみ深く 情け深い。

 怒るのに遅く 恵み豊かである。』





May 27, 202401:22
Psalms 103:5

Psalms 103:5

「Who satisfies your mouth with good things,

 So that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.」 Amen.


 God forgives our sins, heals our diseases, delivers us from death, crowns us with grace and mercy, and fills us with good things for the rest of our lives. As I list each grace that God has done, He has showered His grace on me, who was not worthy to receive them.  I can only be thankful. When we read the list in the midst of difficulties, our hearts are rejuvenated again.


 May we keep our hearts and minds on His grace today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 26, 202401:11
【詩篇 103:5】

【詩篇 103:5】

『あなたの一生を 良いもので満ち足らせる。

 あなたの若さは 鷲のように新しくなる。』





May 26, 202401:14
2024年5月26日(日)「恵みと汗」 【創3:17-19】

2024年5月26日(日)「恵みと汗」 【創3:17-19】

『3:17 また、人に言われた。「あなたが妻の声に聞き従い、食べてはならないとわたしが命じておいた木から食べたので、大地は、あなたのゆえにのろわれる。あなたは一生の間、苦しんでそこから食を得ることになる。3:18 大地は、あなたに対して茨とあざみを生えさせ、あなたは野の草を食べる。3:19 あなたは、顔に汗を流して糧を得、ついにはその大地に帰る。あなたはそこから取られたのだから。あなたは土のちりだから、土のちりに帰るのだ。」』




愛する天のお父様、み名を崇め感謝します。あなたの大いなる愛に拠って、イエス様を送ってくださって感謝します。私たちの身代わりとなって、十字架に架かってくださり、死んで墓に葬られ、三日目に蘇ってくださって感謝します。いつも信仰の創始者であり、完成者なるイエス様を見上げつつ過ごすことができますようにお導き願います。愛、喜び、平安、寛容、親切、善意、誠実、柔和、自制という御霊の実が豊かに実りますようにお願いします。今日の礼拝を感謝し、主イエス・キリストのお名前によってお祈り致します。 アーメン。

May 25, 202442:25
Psalms 103:2

Psalms 103:2

「Bless the Lord, O my soul,

 and forget not all His benefits.」 Amen.


  As long as we live, we lose much and gain much. When we count what we have lost, we find regret and hatred in our hearts. But when we count what we have left, God's grace and peace descend upon us. When we count what we have lost, only negative factors arise, but when we count what the Lord has done for us, we are transformed from negative to positive.


 May we count the Lord's blessings today as well.

God bless you.   See you next week.

May 24, 202401:09
【詩篇 103:2】

【詩篇 103:2】

『わがたましいよ 【主】をほめたたえよ。






May 24, 202401:17
Psalms 102:28

Psalms 102:28

「The children of Your servants will continue,

 And their descendants will be established before You.」 Amen.


 We believe in God, yet great difficulties come our way. The greater the difficulty, the more he despairs of himself, and the more he feels rejected and abandoned by God. He says, "102:10 Because of Your indignation and Your wrath; For You have lifted me up and cast me away." But the Creator God is eternally with us and will never forsake or abandon us.


 May we walk with Him today as well. 

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 23, 202401:09
【詩篇 102:28】

【詩篇 102:28】

『あなたのしもべたちの子らは 住まいを定め

 彼らの裔は 御前に堅く立てられます。』


 神様を信じているのに、自分に大きな困難がやってきます。その困難が大きければ大きいほど、自分に絶望し、神様には拒絶されたように感じ、捨てられたように感じる、その心情を吐露しています。「102:10 それはあなたが憤りと激しい怒りのゆえに私を持ち上げ私を投げ捨てられたからです。」しかし、創造主なる神様は、私達と共に永遠におられ、決して見放すことも見捨てることもないのです。



May 23, 202401:28
Psalms 102:13

Psalms 102:13

「You will arise and have mercy on Zion;

 For the time to favor her,Yes, the set time, has come.」 Amen.


“The he time to favor” and “the set time” is now. In the past, Jesus saved us from our sinfulness through His love of the cross. That was” the time to favor" and "the set time". And in the future, it is” the time to favor" and "the set time" that gives the crown of victory to those who believe in Jesus. We should always spend our time looking up to Jesus, the Founder and Finisher of our faith.


May we look up to Him today as well.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 22, 202401:12
【詩篇 102:13】

【詩篇 102:13】









May 22, 202401:28
Psalms 102:12

Psalms 102:12

「But You, O Lord,

shall endure forever,

And the remembrance of Your name to all generations.」 Amen.


The title says "The Prayer of the Sufferer," and up to verse 11, the discouragement and the lamentation are described in detail. Instead of ending there, he says, "But, Lord. He is given the assurance that no matter what his current situation is, if it is the Lord's will, he will be able to stand up through the Lord. After he said, "But, Lord," the darkness was transformed into light.


May we be convinced to rely on the Lord today as well.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 21, 202401:15
【詩篇 102:12】

【詩篇 102:12】

『しかし 【主】よ







May 21, 202401:25
Psalms 101:2

Psalms 101:2

「I will behave wisely in a perfect way.

 Oh, when will You come to me?

 I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.」 Amen.


 This is David's hymn. He declared, "I will walk within my house with a perfect heart." The face of the house tends to be self-centered, while the face of the outside is not. Yet, even in his home, he is mindful of God's all-encompassing ways. That requires fixed determination and resolve. We want to start by admitting our weakness, knowing our sinfulness, and being able to honestly say, "I'm sorry."


 May we feel honest before the Lord today as well...

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 20, 202401:18
【詩篇 101:2】

【詩篇 101:2】

『私は 全き道に心を留めます。

 いつあなたは 私のところに来てくださいますか。

 私は家の中を 全き心で行き来します。』





May 20, 202401:38
Psalms 100:2

Psalms 100:2

【Psa 100:2】

「Serve the Lord with gladness;

 Come before His presence with singing.」 


 In order to realize the words "gladness," "serve," "sing," and "come," our hearts must be in peace. When there are no obstacles between God and ourselves, when we honestly accept the love, joy, and peace that flow from God, when we treat our neighbors with generosity, kindness, and goodwill, and when we abundantly bear within ourselves the fruit of the Spirit of sincerity, meekness, and self-control, we can lead a balanced life of faith.


 May we bear much fruit of the Spirit today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.


May 19, 202401:11
【詩篇 100:2】

【詩篇 100:2】







May 19, 202401:15
2024年5月19日(日)「主の臨在体験」 【箴4:20-24】

2024年5月19日(日)「主の臨在体験」 【箴4:20-24】

『4:20 わが子よ、注意して私のことばを聞け。私の言うことに耳を傾けよ。4:21 それらを見失うな。自分の心のただ中に保て。4:22 それらは、見出す者にとっていのちとなり、全身の癒やしとなるからだ。4:23 何を見張るよりも、あなたの心を見守れ。いのちの泉はこれから湧く。4:24 曲がったことを言う口をあなたから取り除き、ゆがんだことを言う唇をあなたから遠ざけよ』




愛する天のお父様、み名を崇め感謝します。あなたは、私たちの為に聖霊様を送ってくださって感謝します。聖霊様を感謝し、受け入れ、從う事ができますようにお導き願います。この揺らいでいる時代の中にあっても、揺るぐことなきみ言葉を握りしめて歩む事ができますように、聖霊様、どうぞ助けて下さいますようにおねがいします。この祈りを主イエス・キリストのお名前によってお祈り致します。 アーメン。



May 18, 202458:17
Psalms 100:1

Psalms 100:1

「Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands!」 Amen.


 He calls out, " All land" It is a call to those who believe in God, to those who resist God, and to those who are indifferent to God. Some of them may believe in God but be in a hopeless environment. Some of them may live peacefully without believing in God. But only those who respond to God's slender voice will ultimately be saved, given eternal life, and promised to live in peace forever in heaven.


 May we respond to God's call today.

God bless you.   See you next week.

May 17, 202401:07
【詩篇 100:1】

【詩篇 100:1】

『全地よ 【主】に向かって喜びの声をあげよ。』






May 17, 202401:18
Psalms 99:9.

Psalms 99:9.

「Exalt the Lord our God,

 And worship at His holy hill;

 For the Lord our God is holy.」 Amen.


 The one and only Creator God is loving, righteous, and holy. He is unapproachable to an unloving, sinful, and unclean person like me. But God approached me. He sent Jesus to be a bridge between God and human beings. By believing in Jesus, we were accepted as righteous and allowed to stand before God covered with a white robe. We are allowed to spend time together in heaven.


 May we praise the Lord today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 16, 202401:15
【詩篇 99:9】

【詩篇 99:9】

『われらの神 【主】をあがめよ。

 その聖なる山に向かって ひれ伏せ。

 まことに われらの神 【主】は聖なる方。』





May 16, 202401:30
Psalms 98:2

Psalms 98:2

「The Lord has made known His salvation;

 His righteousness He has revealed in the sight of the nations.」 Amen.


 Jesus came down to earth to save all people. He died on the cross as our substitute, was buried in the tomb, and rose again on the third day. By this fact, our sins are forgiven and eternal life is given to us. Herein lies love, joy, peace, and hope. And He promised to come again. Here is His eternal love for us.


 May we feel the joy of our salvation today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 15, 202401:08
【詩篇 98:2】

【詩篇 98:2】







May 15, 202401:17
Psalms 98:1

Psalms 98:1

「Oh, sing to the Lord a new song!

 For He has done marvelous things;

 His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory.」 Amen.


 Religious life is not about doing something to God, but about remembering the amazing works that He has done. It is for us to always remember that the Israelites were able to escape from Egypt and return to Jerusalem from the Babylonian captivity. I, who had been immersed in the world of sin, was saved, forgiven of my sins, and given eternal life. Never forget that. Then we will naturally attract a victorious life.


 May we give praise to the Lord today as well.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 14, 202401:18
【詩篇 98:1】

【詩篇 98:1】



 主の右の御手 聖なる御腕が






May 14, 202401:22
Psalms 97:10

Psalms 97:10

「You who love the Lord, hate evil!

 He preserves the souls of His saints;

 He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked.」 Amen.


 Those who love God will rejoice in what pleases Him and grieve in what saddens Him. What pleases God is to believe, to be with, and to follow. To grieve God is to leave, to doubt, and to resist. In that relationship, those who believe are easier for Him to protect and have a greater chance of being saved. Which one we choose is left to our own decision.


 May we rest in the Lord's hands today. 

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 13, 202401:11
【詩篇 97:10】

【詩篇 97:10】


 主は 主にある敬虔な者たちのたましいを守り

 悪者どもの手から 彼らを救い出される。』





May 13, 202401:30
Psalms 97:3

Psalms 97:3

「A fire goes before Him,

 And burns up His enemies round about.」 Amen.


 God's fire burns up all. It burns up our sins. It is the fire that lights up the world. It gives us hope and shows us the way. God's fire is a fire that melts like wax. It melts our stubborn hearts and softens them like flesh. When our hearts are softened, the love of Jesus pours out to us in an honest way. Romans 5:5 And this hope will never disappoint us, because God has poured out his love to fill our hearts. God gave us his love through the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to us."


 May we honestly accept God's love today as well.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 12, 202401:22
【詩篇 97:3】

【詩篇 97:3】




 神の火は、焼き尽くす火。それは、私たちの罪を焼き尽くす。神の火は、世界を照らす火。それは、私たちに希望を与え、道を示す。神の火は、ろうのように溶かす火。固い心が溶けて肉のように柔らかくなる。心が柔らかくなると、イエス様の愛が素直に注がれてくるのです。「ロマ5:5 この希望は失望に終わることがありません。なぜなら、私たちに与えられた聖霊によって、神の愛が私たちの心に注がれているからです。」



May 12, 202401:33
2024年5月12日(日)「幸福感と心の姿勢」 【ルカ17:7ー10】

2024年5月12日(日)「幸福感と心の姿勢」 【ルカ17:7ー10】

『ルカ17:7 あなたがたのだれかのところに、畑を耕すか羊を飼うしもべがいて、そのしもべが野から帰って来たら、『さあ、こちらに来て、食事をしなさい』と言うでしょうか。17:8 むしろ、『私の夕食の用意をし、私が食べたり飲んだりする間、帯を締めて給仕しなさい。おまえはその後で食べたり飲んだりしなさい』と言うのではないでしょうか。17:9 しもべが命じられたことをしたからといって、主人はそのしもべに感謝するでしょうか。17:10 同じようにあなたがたも、自分に命じられたことをすべて行ったら、『私たちは取るに足りないしもべです。なすべきことをしただけです』と言いなさい。」』


愛する天のお父様、み名を崇め感謝します。アグリが祈ったように、主の名を否むことがないようにお守り願います。いつでもどこででも、イエス様を見上げつつ祈ることができますようにお導き願います。この祈りを主イエス・キリストのお名前によってお祈り致します。 アーメン。


May 11, 202439:15
Psalms 96:9

Psalms 96:9

「Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!

 Tremble before Him, all the earth.」 Amen.


 God in the Bible is the one and only God who made the heavens, created the earth, and rules over all. No human being can be Him. Even if someone has exceptional deeds, even if someone has an exceptional personality, they can never become God. To come into the presence of God, we must put on holiness. We must bow down before God with a repentant, broken, humble, and devoted heart. God sees that heart and rejoices with us.


 May we pour out our hearts to the Lord today as well.

God bless you.   See you next week.

May 10, 202401:18
【詩篇 96:9】

【詩篇 96:9】

『聖なる装いをして 【主】にひれ伏せ。

 全地よ 主の御前におののけ。』






May 10, 202401:23
Psalms 95:7-8

Psalms 95:7-8

「For He is our God,

 And we are the people of His pasture,And the sheep of His hand.

 Today, if you will hear His voice:

  "Do not harden your hearts,」 Amen.


 Each of us has a different sense of past glory, present situation, and hope for the future. We may despair or hold out hope for today, and life is full of joys and sorrows. In the Bible, today is a day to cherish. II Cor. 6:2, "“In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation”  Luke 19:5," I for today I must stay at your house." and Luke 19:9 "“Today salvation has come to this house," If we make good choices on this day, it will lead to a good future.


 May we entrust ourselves to the Lord today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 09, 202401:27
【詩篇 95:7-8】

【詩篇 95:7-8】

『まことに 主は私たちの神。

 私たちは その牧場の民 その御手の羊。

 今日 もし御声を聞くなら




Ⅱコリ6:2  今は恵みの時、今は救いの日です。」「ルカ19:5  わたしは今日、あなたの家に泊まる」「ルカ

19:9 「今日、救いがこの家に来ました。」、今日という日に良き選択をしたら、それは良き未来へとつながるのです。



May 09, 202401:38
Psalms 94:19

Psalms 94:19

「In the multitude of my anxieties within me,

 Your comforts delight my soul.」 Amen.


 Anyone who has believed in the Lord will feel this. I shudder to think what I would be doing now if the Lord had not saved me. Why me and not someone else? God graces those whom He wishes to grace, and blesses those whom He wishes to bless, and His thoughts are immeasurable to us human beings. So we must put aside our abilities, personalities, and achievements and walk humbly as vessels to be used by the Lord.


 May we walk in the way of the Lord today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 08, 202401:11
【詩篇 94:19】

【詩篇 94:19】

『私のうちで 思い煩いが増すときに



 この世を過ごしていくときに、たくさんの心配事が生じてきます。金銭的な事、身体的な事、精神的な事、時には、このような思い煩いで圧倒されそうになってきます。そんな時には、神様の霊的な慰めが必要となってきます。「ピリ4:6 何も思い煩わないで、あらゆる場合に、感謝をもってささげる祈りと願いによって、あなたがたの願い事を神に知っていただきなさい。」



May 08, 202401:20
Psalms 94:17

Psalms 94:17

「Unless the Lord had been my help,

 My soul would soon have settled in silence.」 Amen.


 Anyone who has believed in the Lord will feel this. I shudder to think what I would be doing now if the Lord had not saved me. Why me and not someone else? God graces those whom He wishes to grace, and blesses those whom He wishes to bless, and His thoughts are immeasurable to us human beings. So we must put aside our abilities, personalities, and achievements and walk humbly as vessels to be used by the Lord.


 May we walk in the way of the Lord today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 07, 202401:12
【詩篇 94:17】

【詩篇 94:17】


 私のたましいは ただちに

 沈黙のうちに とどまったでしょう。』






May 07, 202401:26
Psalms 94:9

Psalms 94:9

「He who planted the ear, shall He not hear?

 He who formed the eye, shall He not see?」 Amen.


I still do not know why God chose me. I was quiet, not very talkative, and not very smart, but God chose me and saved me. I don't know why, but if I had not been saved, I would have lived a horrible life. The answer to what I was born for, what I live for, what I die for, and where I am going is in the One who made my ears and mouth and breathed into them the breath of life, the One who knows everything about me.


 May we keep our focus on God the Creator today!

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 06, 202401:15
Psalms 93:1

Psalms 93:1

「The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty;

 The Lord is clothed,He has girded Himself with strength.

 Surely the world is established, so that it cannot be moved.」 Amen.


 This is called a royal psalm. Israel was at first a theocratic nation, and then it became a monarchy. The king, is God's anointed one, and the Lord is indeed the king. So the king served God and the people worshipped the king. During these periods, the nation was blessed, but when the king turned away from God, the nation would not be able to stand. Historically, Israel had to experience such a thing many times. But once again they were able to turn back to the Lord. And that is why they sang Psalm 93.


 May we learn to humble ourselves to the Lord today.

God bless you.   See you tomorrow.

May 05, 202401:30