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Living Beyond The Pain: Out of the Shadows

Living Beyond The Pain: Out of the Shadows

By Kristie Rochelle

My podcast is set out to reach women dealing with pain from IC (Interstitial Cystitis), Endometriosis, Pelvic Pain, and Infertility on a daily basis. Listen in as I will be sharing my story in hopes to motivate, inspire, and encourage women like myself to feel free to do the same. So if you are feeling like there is no one out there that knows or understands what you are going through I’m here to tell you I share your pain and struggles. So let's talk about it! You are Not Alone! I believe together we can form a community of support, love, and encouragement. Let’s take our lives back ladies!
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November 22, 2019

Living Beyond The Pain: Out of the ShadowsNov 22, 2019

Are You Feeling Tired and Weary?

Are You Feeling Tired and Weary?

Hey overcomer! I know that life has a way of turning things upside down. When it seems like you have everything under control and then something happens that changes your life. Whether it's something good or not, do you ever find yourself having to readjust? Have you ever found yourself growing tired or weary because you put so much effort into taking care of yourself and then it seems like it's not enough? I know that I have. I would love it if you would join me on today's episode as I share with you how a little misstep changed my life and caused some setbacks. I will not only share my story with you, but I also wanted to show you some love by giving some words of encouragement.

Verse of the day: Isaiah 40: 28-31

May 24, 202321:13
Health Coaching: Improving Our Quality of Life After Therapy Is Over W/ Nicole Reynolds
Oct 19, 202128:17
There's More To Our Tears

There's More To Our Tears

Hey overcomer! When you think about crying, do you see it as being a weakness? Have you ever found yourself hiding your emotions because you felt that way? I know that I am so guilty of doing just that. After being diagnosed with Endometriosis and IC then, hearing all that comes along with my conditions. I tried my hardest not to show any signs of emotions especially when I was in the denial phase. Have you ever done that? I would love it if you would join me for today’s episode as I talk about my perspective on shedding those tears and how by doing so it may be the release you need for your healing to begin. I will also discuss how there is power in letting go and letting God.

1 Peter 5:7  Cast "ALL" your cares upon the Lord; for he careth for you.

K's Motivational/Inspirational Playlist:
Song of the day: Let Go by DeWayne Woods (Bonus Song) I Got It by Pastor Mike Jr.
FB: @livingbeyondthepain
Instagram: @livingbeyondpain

Sep 20, 202118:18
Fighting Mood Swings

Fighting Mood Swings

Hey Overcomer! Mood swings how many of us have them? If you are anything like me they seem to come and go as it pleases. I know it is something that I have personally struggled with over the years. Living with any chronic condition can be overwhelming and can take its toll not only on your body but your mood also. The thing is if you do not find a positive way to handle it all, it can cause your emotions to spiral out of control. As you may know, I believe that having good mental health is so important to our well-being and our healing. I would love it if you would join me on today’s episode as I talk about fighting mood swings, how it has affected me, and share with you some things that I have found helpful to get me through those intense moments.

K's Song of the Day: Broken Pieces by Koryn Hawthorne

FB: @livingbeyondthepain
Instagram: @livingbeyondpain

Sep 06, 202121:60
Chasing Peace and Discovering Purpose

Chasing Peace and Discovering Purpose

Hey Overcomer! Do you find it hard sometimes to just get out of the bed in the morning but, somehow you manage to pull yourself together, get up, and start your day? Have you ever looked at your life or your situation and wondered, what am I suppose to be doing with my life now? If you are like me from the first moment you received a diagnosis (Endometriosis & Interstitial Cystitis) your life changed. Then all of a sudden all of the plans that you made, slowly start to change as well. I would love it if you would join me for today's episode, as I share with you how my recent health scare caused me to reflect on my life from a different perspective. I will also share with you my thoughts on how it is possible to discover purpose while chasing peace.

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" Roman 15:13

K. Rochelle's Inspirational/Motivational Playlist
Song of the Day: Be Blessed by Yolanda Adams
Instagram: @livingbeyondpain

Aug 04, 202120:55
Unexpected Challenges

Unexpected Challenges

Hey overcomers! Have you ever had someone very close to you suddenly become ill and all you want to do is help? You stop worrying about yourself when life sometimes throws some unexpected curveballs, that have you going through so many different emotions all at one time. Even though you know that stressing only makes the pain worse, you find yourself doing it anyway. It may even seem like everything is crumbling around you and you do not know where to turn. I know I’ve felt that way myself especially after my love ones took ill all around the same time. If you have,  I just want to encourage you that you will get through it because you are so much stronger than you even realize. In today’s episode, I will discuss with you how life’s unexpected health challenges not only put my faith to the test but my family's as well.  I will also share what I have learned through this whole experience.  

I would love to hear from you! If there is a topic that you would like me to discuss, feel free to share them with me. 


Jul 05, 202121:03
#Let’s Talk: Overcoming Interstitial Cystitis by Faith with Guest Dr. Tracy Alexis
Sep 10, 202035:35
#Let’s Talk: Overcoming Sex and Interstitial Cystitis w/ Dr. Tracy Alexis Pt.2

#Let’s Talk: Overcoming Sex and Interstitial Cystitis w/ Dr. Tracy Alexis Pt.2

Hey overcomers! I pray that all is well with you and that you are staying safe. I am so excited to have you join us as our guest Dr. Alexis and I dive deeper into our series discussion on #Let's Talk: Overcoming sex and interstitial cystitis. In this episode we will open up and share some personal experiences with you, bout how I.C. affected our relationships, being intimate sexually, and also how physical therapy maybe helpful to reclaim control of your pelvic area.  Dr. Alexis will share with you some nuggets or gems that can helpful to your journey.

I know that this is one of those topics that we are not always open to talk about and I think that it is time that we do. So that we can break free from being afraid of what your partner may think when you tell them. It is our hope that this episode will empower and encourage you to feel more confident about opening up and being honest with not only yourselves but your partner as well.

For more information on Dr Alexis and her book "Interstitial Cystitis A Personal Journey to Complete Healing"  go to her website at
Facebook@ Livingbeyondthepain
Instagram @livingbeyondpain

Sep 03, 202038:09
#Let's Talk: Overcoming Sex and Interstitial Cystitis with Guest Dr. Tracy Alexis

#Let's Talk: Overcoming Sex and Interstitial Cystitis with Guest Dr. Tracy Alexis

Hey Overcomers! In today's episode, we would like for you to join us as Dr. Alexis and I discuss sex and Interstitial Cystitis.  That's right! I know if you are like me sometimes discussing how IC can affect our sex lives and being intimate with your significant other can be a little much. You may even feel that it is not necessary to talk about, but we believe that this part of your life is so important. Sex can often be difficult for some of us and flat out painful if we don't be mindful of what our body is telling us. Becoming more aware of how IC can affect this sensitive part of your body is key. In this episode, we will share with you some of our personal experiences while sharing tips and what we have tried that has been helpful in aiding in a better intimate experience. 

For more information about Dr. Tracy Alexis' blog and book go to:

Living Beyond the Pain: Out of the Shadows can also be found on:
Facebook: @LivingBeyondthePain
Instagram: @livingbeyondpain
Feel free to share with us your journey or something that you have been trying that helps you with your I.C.

Aug 26, 202028:35
#Let's Talk: Overcoming I.C. Diet and Exercise with Dr. Tracy Alexis

#Let's Talk: Overcoming I.C. Diet and Exercise with Dr. Tracy Alexis

Hey Overcomers! Living with Interstitial Cystitis can be overwhelming, especially when you realize that this condition forces you to not only change the way that you eat, drink but also the way that you exercise. If you struggle with trying to figure out the I.C. diet and/ or finding it hard to exercise because it only makes your bladder/pelvic pain worst. I would like to invite you to join us on today's show as our guest Dr. Tracy Alexis and I share with you our personal experiences and struggles with you.  Through our stories, we will also share with you some tips that may be really helpful in your own journey.  I want you to know that we are in this together, so go ahead, click that play button and listen in to the third episode in our series! 

You can find more information about Dr. Tracy Alexis' book "and more tips on her website: 

For a chance to win a free digital downloaded copy of Dr. Alexis' book " Interstitial Cystitis A Personal Journey to Complete Healing!" all you have to do is share your name, where you're from and share something that you have tried that has helped you in your I.C. journey. You can share it on Facebook or DM me on Instagram. Can't wait to find out what you have been trying! 

Facebook: @LivingBeyondthePain
Instagram: @livingbeyondpain

Aug 20, 202029:11
#Let’s Talk: Overcoming I.C. and Fibromyalgia Pain with Special Guest Dr. Tracy Alexis Part 2

#Let’s Talk: Overcoming I.C. and Fibromyalgia Pain with Special Guest Dr. Tracy Alexis Part 2

Hey Overcomers! Have you ever been prescribed Elmiron to treat your Interstitial Cystitis? Have you ever suffered from Fibromyalgia pain? We unfortunately have and still had some side effects long after we stopped taking it.  On today's episode, Dr. Alexis and I will discuss how the commonly prescribed drug Elmiron has effected the both of us.   We will also share how I.C. can sometimes weigh on your relationships with family and friends. Dr. Alexis will also share with you some nuggets from her book.  So, please join us for the second episode of this series with special guest Dr. Tracy Alexis as she continues to share her wisdom, experiences, advice, and tips that she has learned throughout her journey to complete healing. 

I just want to take that time to give special thanks to Dr. Alexis for taking the time to be a part of our podcast show, especially while working and traveling. Your time and sacrifice is greatly appreciated.  I have enjoyed working with you and getting to know you my friend.

For more information about Dr. Tracy Alexis and her book "Interstitial Cystitis: A Personal Journey of COMPLETE Healing!"

Aug 13, 202032:06
#Let’s Talk: Overcoming I.C. and Fibromyalgia Pain with Special Guest Dr. Tracy Alexis

#Let’s Talk: Overcoming I.C. and Fibromyalgia Pain with Special Guest Dr. Tracy Alexis

Hey Over-comers! So often it is easy to lose hope that we will never find any relief from the constant irritating pain that comes along with Interstitial Cystitis and fibromyalgia.  If you are anything like me, you have tried countless things to help alleviate the pain, whether it is prescription medications or natural remedies.   Join me on the first episode of the new series with my special guest  Dr. Tracy Alexis who will share with us her personal  journey to  overcoming I.C. pain. She will also share some tips from her book "Interstitial Cystitis: A Personal Journey of COMPLETE Healing!" which is a must read for anyone who may be seeking other alternatives to pain relief.   

Special thanks to Tracy Alexis, PhD for being an inspirational guest on our Living Beyond the Pain Podcast!  

For more information and tips from Dr. Alexis's book " Interstitial Cystitis: A Personal Journey to COMPLETE Healing!" check out her website at

Facebook: Living Beyond the Pain: Out of the Shadows
Instagram: @ livingbeyondpain

Aug 06, 202029:03
A Procedure During A Pandemic

A Procedure During A Pandemic

Hey Overcomer! Having to make the decision to have a procedure or surgery done during a pandemic has it own set of concerns. Now there are more factors to think about especially with COVID still around. Join me as I share with you my experience preparing and having a Botox injection procedure done during this pandemic.
Aug 01, 202013:31
The Good Medicine
Jul 02, 202011:15
 #Let's Talk About It: Bladder Pacemaker and Urinary Incontinence

#Let's Talk About It: Bladder Pacemaker and Urinary Incontinence

Hello Overcomers! I think that it's about time that we talk about something that can be a little embarrassing to talk about sometimes. If you have Interstitial Cystitis or any other bladder condition I am sure that at some point you found yourself having to stop what you are doing and make a mad dash to the bathroom to pee. Sometimes the urge to go is so strong that you find yourself giving your bladder a pep talk until you get there.  Join me on today's episode as I share with you what I have learned about the bladder pacemaker. I will also discuss urinary incontinence and share with you a few things that I like to implement that helps me get through those very informative doctor's visits, as I continue to share my story with you.

Jun 26, 202020:50
Getting Back On Track

Getting Back On Track

Hey Overcomer! Have you find yourself struggling to get out of the bed in the morning because of the pain? Do you still find yourself getting caught up in the news and getting upset? If so, I really do hope that you have made or are making the decision to block out some of the noice and take the time to focus on your health and doing what makes you happy. Join me on today’s episode where I will be sharing with you some of the things I have been doing to help get myself back on track.

My Playlist Song:  OCEANS by HILLSONG

"Remember that you are loved. You are not Alone and that it's time for us to come out of the shadows! Love you! Be Blessed!"  (K.Rochelle)

Jun 11, 202016:28
Keep On Fighting We Can't Give Up Now

Keep On Fighting We Can't Give Up Now

Hey Over-comers! I don’t know about you but it has been a struggle for me lately. There is so much going on right now in this world that can having you feeling so heavy. No matter how hard you try not to let things get to you, somehow all of a sudden it just hits you and maybe you begin to feel overwhelmed by anxiety, fear, anger, doubts, and stress. As you may well know that none of those things are good for us because we know that it only adds to our pain. So, join me on today’s episode as I discuss what’s going on with me and what I am doing to manage my I.C and chronic pelvic pain as I continue to share my story with you.
Jun 04, 202016:37
Out Of The Shadows: Honoring An Untold Story

Out Of The Shadows: Honoring An Untold Story

Hey Overcomer’s! I always believe that there is power in speaking your truth. Everyone has their own unique story about their lives and struggles with pain. After being diagnosed with Endometriosis, IC, and Infertility I felt like I was the only one that was until I was told that my great aunt had the same condition. A month before her health took a turn, due to unrelated health issues. She decided to open up and share her story with us. Join me on today’s episode were you are invited to listen in on a phone conversation with my great aunt Catherine as she shares her untold story with us.
May 28, 202017:33
Pelvic Pain Awareness Month: Speak Your Truth

Pelvic Pain Awareness Month: Speak Your Truth

Hey Overcomers! Do you struggle with pelvic pain? Do you sometimes feel a sharp, dull, or aching pain in your lower back, hips, thighs, or lower abs after sitting or standing to long? I know that I have for years now. Have you ever spoken up about how you are feeling? Well I think that it's about time that we start shedding a light to the pain that we have been suffering with.  I'm not sure if you know this but as of 2017 May has been designated as Pelvic Pain Awareness month! So, I felt this would be a great time to spread some awareness and share with you some of the things that I have learned that may be helpful to you.



Pelvic Belts or Sacroiliac Support Belt (Amazon)  for Lower Back and Pelvic Pain relief
Kabooti (Amazon) comforts and reduces pressure on the tailbone
Everlasting Comforts (Amazon) helps with tailbone pain, back, hip, leg pain, sciatica, and posture correction

May 21, 202022:16
Really? What’s The Point?

Really? What’s The Point?

Hey Overcomer! I realize that with everything going on in the world right now that maybe the last thing on your mind is learning something new. You are probably wondering what’s the point. Join me on today’s episode where I will be discussing how important it is for self-love and growth. If we have made it this far while living with IC, Endometriosis, Chronic Pelvic Pain, and/or Infertility we can’t let anything stop us now!
May 14, 202015:28
Learn Something New About You!

Learn Something New About You!

Hello Over-Comers! Are you tired of watching movies and binge watching tv shows in your spare time? I know that I am! So, instead of spending so much time watching tv, have you thought about taking the time to learn or try something new? Just because we are in quarantine doesn’t mean that we have to stop living? Who knows you might be surprised what you learn about yourself. If you are willing to learn something new and think outside of the box. Join me as I share with you how learning and doing new things has helped me build my faith and confidence.
May 07, 202018:04
Don’t Forget To Take Care of You

Don’t Forget To Take Care of You

Now that we have started to create some kind of normalcy as we create new routines for our lives. I can only hope that you are not excluding yourself from the equation by putting what you need on the back burner. It’s so easy to do so, this I know from experience. We get so caught up with work, family homeschooling, and what’s for dinner etc. by the time you settled down you are to exhausted to do anything for yourself. As hard it may be don’t forget to take care of you! Join me on today’s episode as I continue to share my story with you.
Apr 30, 202015:56
Don't Say What You Can't Do

Don't Say What You Can't Do

Hello over-comer's! There has been so many changes in our world lately that can be overwhelming at times. It seems like each day that we are blessed with brings about new challenges that we have to face. Whether it's working from home, home-schooling, or the added stress from social distancing. It can all have a toll on you. I know that I have been feeling it everyday because we have had so many adjustments to our daily routine. Especially on those days when it is so hard to get out of the bed due to chronic pain or illnesses.(Interstitial Cystitis, Endometriosis, Chronic Pain, and any medical condition) As a parent learning that I would have to do home school for the first time I was freaking out and got upset thinking there was no way I could do this! I was like I just CAN't DO IT! I can only wonder if any of you are like me. Have you ever talked yourself out of doing something because of negative thinking? Join me on today’s episode where I will be talking about speaking life into yourself and any obstacle that you may be facing as I continue to share my story with you.
Apr 09, 202017:10
Finding Peace in the Middle of the Storm

Finding Peace in the Middle of the Storm

There is so many things going on in this world lately that can be so overwhelming.  It seems surreal that this storm (COVID-19) has turned our world upside down. The uncertainty of it all and watching the news change everyday can cause fear, anxiety, and stress which are all things that can trigger more pain. It can trigger a flare up if you're dealing with medical conditions like Interstitial Cystitis, Chronic pain, and Endometriosis. Dealing with what is going on is hard enough on it's own so, we do not need any added stress triggering us right?  But unfortunately it can and it did for me and I found myself getting upset and consumed by the news.  Join me on today's episode where I will be sharing ten things that I do to help me find some peace in the middle of this storm. 

Books I'm reading:
Bible: Psalms 91 is a great go to!
Joyce Myers: Healing the Soul of a Woman
Chad Veach: Faith, Forward, Future

Apr 02, 202016:37
Part 2: Circle of Support

Part 2: Circle of Support

Can you remember a time when someone in your life stepped in and helped you when you needed it the most? So often we get so caught up with the pain due to our medical  conditions(i.e. Endometriosis and IC), that we can sometimes fail to notice when support is being given.  We pray that God will not only heal us but we also ask for God's help. I know from experience that when you are going through something half of the time you don't want to even be bothered.  You start get short with people when they try to help you because you don't want to give up you independence only to have the pain intensify later.  I know that the last thing that you want to do is push your loved ones away. I know that I don't. Lets not take them for granted and try to show more appreciation. Remember that when people love you they hurt when you hurt.  That's why I want to encourage you to learn how to be more open to letting the positive people that are the closest to you in, especially when all they want to do is be there for you.

I was reminded of a story I heard about a man stuck in the snow praying to God for help.  God answered his prayers by sending help (a sled/sledders) three different times but he refused to get on it. He would say that he was waiting on God to show up each time. After he didn't survive, he made it to heaven and asked God why did he let this happen and not answer his prayers? Then God asked him "Did you not see the sleds that I sent you?"  Please don't ignore the sleds (people) in your life that God sent to help you.  Even if it is for a season!

Join me for part two of Circle of support as I continue to share my stories with you. I just wanted to take the time out to acknowledge some people (sleds) in my life that was really there for me when I needed it the most even with the little things that add up to be so much more.

Mar 21, 202020:06
Circle of Support

Circle of Support

 Can you remember a time when someone in your life stepped in and helped you when you needed it the most? So often we get so caught up with the pain due to our medical  conditions(i.e. Endometriosis and IC), that we can sometimes fail to notice when support is being given.  We pray that God will not only heal us but we also ask for God's help. I know from experience that when you are going through something half of the time you don't want to even be bothered.  You start get short with people when they try to help you because you don't want to give up you independence only to have the pain intensify later.  I know that the last thing that you want to do is push your loved ones away. I know that I don't. Lets not take them for granted and try to show more appreciation. Remember that when people love you they hurt when you hurt.  That's why I want to encourage you to learn how to be more open to letting the positive people that are the closest to you in, especially when all they want to do is be there for you. 

 I was reminded of a story I heard about a man stuck in the snow praying to God for help.  God answered his prayers by sending help (a sled/sledders) three different times but he refused to get on it. He would say that he was waiting on God to show up each time. After he didn't survive, he made it to heaven and asked God why did he let this happen and not answer his prayers? Then God asked him "Did you not see the sleds that I sent you?"  Please don't ignore the sleds (people) in your life that God sent to help you.  Even if it is for a season!

  Join me on today's episode as I share with you some stories about my circle of support throughout the years. I just wanted to take the time out to acknowledge some people (sleds) in my life that was really there for me when I needed it the most even with the little things that add up to be so much more.

Mar 03, 202018:53
#Self-Love: Living Beyond A Hysterectomy Part 2

#Self-Love: Living Beyond A Hysterectomy Part 2

It’s one thing to have a hysterectomy but it’s another thing dealing with all that comes with life after the surgery. I know that the month of February is known for having love in the air. so, on join me on today's episode where I will be discussing my journey to self-love after having a hysterectomy. So let’s talk about it!
Feb 19, 202015:40
Living Beyond A Hysterectomy

Living Beyond A Hysterectomy

No one ever really wants to have a hysterectomy but for some people like myself it's the only option left. Having this type of surgery can be a difficult choice to make especially when you have never been pregnant before. Join me on today's episode where I will be discussing how my condition (Endometriosis) lead me to have to make the life changing decision to have a hysterectomy. I will also discuss how I was feeling post- surgery as I continue to share my story with you.
Feb 01, 202017:59
What Do You Mean Endometriosis Can Cause Infertility?

What Do You Mean Endometriosis Can Cause Infertility?

Being diagnosed with Endometriosis is hard enough to process itself but, now the doctors are saying that it not only causes pain but it causes infertility too! Hearing these words can be so overwhelming and scary at the same times, especially when you desire to have children on your own. Just when you think you have enough on your plate with battling this condition, now you're being faced with the reality that you may have a difficult time getting pregnant or even worst not being able to get pregnant at all. Join me on today's episode where I will be discussing how I was dealing with with infertility, my relationship at the time, and an unexpected twist in my life.
Jan 24, 202020:44
Hiding In Plain Sight: Working While In Pain

Hiding In Plain Sight: Working While In Pain

On today's episode I will continue to share with you my journey. I will be discussing how I dealt with chronic pain while trying to hide it at work. I'm sure that many of you at some point( if not currently) have gone to work while battling with chronic pain or medical conditions but no one can tell when they see you that anything is wrong with you. I know this because that's exactly what I did for years. I will be discussing how I found out about having Endometriosis, Infertility, Interstitial cystitis and my reaction in this episode as well.

You can now check out Living Beyond The Pain: Out of the Shadows on Facebook anytime!
Jan 11, 202018:03
#Pain Doesn't Discriminate: It affects your family too

#Pain Doesn't Discriminate: It affects your family too

Happy Holiday's Overcomers! How often do we really ask ourselves about how our families and loved ones may be feeling about our mood swings, outbursts, and our behavior when we're dealing with Endometriosis, Interstitial cystitis, or chronic pain?  I believe that it's a good idea to see things from a different perspective sometimes. Our struggles not only affect us, but it also affects our families too! When someone really loves you they hurt when you hurt. So often we get so caught up in our own emotions and struggles with our conditions and pain, that we forget they have feelings too.  Then we can hurt them even more by withdrawing or pushing our family away. I believe that it's time to change all of that and restore our families!  Join me in today's episode where I will be switching it up a little bit by inviting a special guest one of my close family members to the show! Join us as we discuss her point of view watching me struggle; as I continue to battle with these conditions. We will also discuss how it has affected her throughout the years!

Dec 24, 201916:25
It's Not You I'm Just Going Through

It's Not You I'm Just Going Through

Happy Holiday's!! In this episode, I will give you an update on what's been going on with me as I  continue to share my story with you. When you are dealing with pain every day, I'm sure that you have those moments when you just do not want to be bothered. . You don't want to be rude or cuss anyone out so, you start to think that maybe it's best isolate yourself.  Today I will be discussing how my struggles with pain from Interstitial Cystitis and Endometriosis, caused me to isolate myself. I will be sharing the first time depression crept into my life. I will also be sharing 6 tips that I use to help motivate myself during those difficult days when I want to push everyone away.  

Are you having signs of depression or having suicidal thoughts? If so contact your local healthcare provider or you can contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 1-800-273-8255 asap. Our world needs you! 

Dec 24, 201919:03
November 22, 2019

November 22, 2019

Nov 22, 201900:60
 #Let's Talk About It: Interstitial Cystitis Part 2

#Let's Talk About It: Interstitial Cystitis Part 2

Join me on today's episode, where I am continuing my discussion on Interstitial Cystitis. I am also sharing my experiences with the different medications, treatments, and therapies.
Oct 21, 201918:18
#Let's Talk About It: Interstitial Cystitis
Oct 11, 201916:45
#Let's Talk About It: Endometriosis

#Let's Talk About It: Endometriosis

Join me as I talk about what Endometriosis is and how it has affected my life, as I share with you just how my story began.

Sep 24, 201916:32
Intro: Living Beyond The Pain

Intro: Living Beyond The Pain

This episode is an introduction of what my podcast will offer. My focus is on women who suffer from pain due to endometriosis, IC, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility.
Aug 21, 201902:11