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Welcome to the L2 Capital Podcast, focuses on potential opportunities in the market, and brings to you industry leaders and intelligent conversation about their respective areas of expertise.
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Podcast # 33B: Fernando Ulrich e Tavi Costa – economia e finanças

L2 CapitalJul 18, 2020

Podcast #3: Aaron Edelheit - Cannabis

Podcast #3: Aaron Edelheit - Cannabis

In this episode, Marcelo Lopez spoke to cannabis investor Aaron Edelheit. Aaron has been doing extensive research in the cannabis sector and has a knack for opportunities, like the purchase of properties after the GFC.

Aaron mentioned the similarities between the cannabis investment now and the property market in 2009. He also talked a lot about interstate commerce, which he views as a hindrance for the sector, and probably the most important thing at the moment.

Besides, Aaron gave his opinion on legislation, schedule review, illegal production and much more. 

Jul 20, 202342:38
Podcast #2: Jesse Redmond

Podcast #2: Jesse Redmond

In this episode, Marcelo Lopez had a very interesting conversation with Jesse Redmond, Head of Cannabis Research at Water Tower Research. Jesse discussed the current situation of the cannabis market in the USA and the investment perspectives. Redmond also explained the role states play in this universe, the existing political catalysts, including SAFE Banking Act, schedule review, tax-related issues, and what to expect from the Garland memo.

Jul 19, 202344:09
Podcast #1: Jim Grant

Podcast #1: Jim Grant

In this episode, Marcelo Lopez had a very interesting conversation with Jim Grant, founder and editor of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer. Jim talked about the many risks that are present in the markets today, from private equity to high yield bonds. Besides, Jim gave his views on interest rates and inflation, and its potential impacts in the economy. He also lecture us about his preferred commodity, gold, and talked about nuclear energy and uranium. Last but not least, he left us with 3 excellent book recommendations. 

Jul 19, 202331:57
Podcast #35: Mark Nelson - Energy and ESG

Podcast #35: Mark Nelson - Energy and ESG

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke with Mark Nelson, executive director of the Radiant Energy Fund, a non-profit organization focused on the energy market.

Mark is a nuclear engineer who started his career working with the famous Michael Shellenberger, author of the book “Apocalypse Never” and a great defender of nuclear energy as a source of clean and sustainable energy.

Nelson spoke about ESG investments – these are investments in line with best practices regarding environmental, social and corporate governance aspects. Mark questioned the ESG title that giants in a few sectors, especially technology, claim they hold . Mark explained in detail how energy is a topic of great relevance, but it is not given the proper credit.

Mark also explained the cultural war being waged against nuclear energy and its impacts on the world and told us how to deal with differences of opinion in communication.

When asked how wind and solar power would have supposedly gotten cheaper in recent years, while people who live in regions where there is a lot of availability of these types of energy sources end up paying more for electricity, Mark gave a surprising explanation. He demonstrated that the metric used by the sector is wrong and misleading (LCOE -levelized cost of energy) and gave a fantastic example to substantiate his point.

Mark also spoke about the situation in France, the anti-nuclear youth movement today, its origins and how to deal with the issue. In addition, it addressed an interesting item, the reverse carbon tax.

Nelson also spoke about the German situation and the major problem that nuclear energy will have to face in that country.

Finally, Mark explained, from his point of view, why it is easier to develop nuclear projects and build atomic reactors in Asian countries than in Western countries.

Dec 11, 202037:11
Podcast #34: Brandon Munro - Uranium

Podcast #34: Brandon Munro - Uranium

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke with Brandon Munro, CEO of Bannerman Resources, a company listed on the Australian stock exchange, ASX, focused on the exploration and development of uranium mines in Namibia.

Brandon, a frequent participant in the L2 Capital podcasts, returned to discuss important topics such as the restart of the Cigar Lake mine, the 20% cut in Kazatomprom's estimated production for 2022, the World Nuclear Association (WNA) Symposium, the latest developments in the spot market, the situation in Iran at the moment and the latest news from Bannerman Resources.

Marcelo had already mentioned in the last podcast recorded with Munro, in early June, that he expected the production of Cigar Lake to return this year and Brandon starts talking about the stock market's response to Cameco's announcement. The reopening procedures of the mine that had been closed due to the pandemic are due to start in September.

Brandon also discusses the decision of Kazatomprom, the world's largest uranium miner, to reduce the estimated production of the metal by 20% in 2022 and the importance of this attitude for the market. Munro talks about the consequences of this and the possible repercussions for the coming years.

He comments on the uranium spot market, the main factors that are affecting the price at the moment and how real investors are reacting.

Brandon explains that the WNA (World Nuclear Association) Symposium will be virtual this year and discusses what the implications will be for nuclear fuel buyers and sellers.

Munro also talks about the Iran sanctions waivers, which end on August 27, and what the United States are doing about it.

Finally, Brandon talks about the changes at Bannerman Resources and how it can affect the company and investors' view of it.

Aug 26, 202029:49
Podcast # 33B: Fernando Ulrich e Tavi Costa – economia e finanças

Podcast # 33B: Fernando Ulrich e Tavi Costa – economia e finanças

No episódio de hoje, segunda parte de uma conversa que foi dividida em duas, Marcelo López conversou com Fernando Ulrich, sócio da Liberta Investimentos, e com Otávio Costa, mais conhecido como Tavi, portfolio manager da Crescat Capital.

Marcelo começa falando do atual estado dos mercados e de uma possível bolha que está se formando nas bolsas pelo mundo afora, especialmente após a entrada mais expressiva do varejo. López cita o exemplo da Tesla e compara o patrimônio de Warren Buffett com o de Elon Musk, sugerindo que isso pode ser um indicador.

Fernando menciona alguns exemplos de empresas que estão quebradas e viram suas ações disparar nos últimos meses, como resultado de aplicativos como Robin Hood.

Tavi comenta sobre frases como “fundamentos não importam” e as críticas ao Warren Buffett. Nesse contexto, ele discute sobre a solidez dos fundamentos da economia e, mais especificamente, sobre o mercado de mineração, os setores bancários, imobiliário e de tecnologia.

Fernando faz uma provocação dizendo que o mercado só está subindo por causa do Fed e dos estímulos dos bancos centrais.

Marcelo fala sobre a tese de investimento em urânio e da assimetria favorável ao investidor paciente e compara com a relação risco x retorno no caso dos investimentos em tecnologia.

Tavi complementa os argumentos e conclusões com alguns exemplos e mostra que a dívida das empresas está alta e continua subindo e faz um questionamento com relação ao mercado de urânio e de commodities em geral.

Marcelo explica em mais detalhes o mercado de urânio, salienta aspectos ligados ao crescimento do mercado consumidor (reatores nucleares) e aos cortes de produção das mineradoras. Ele ainda destaca haver um déficit crescente entre oferta e demanda e acredita que o ajuste será feito por meio do preço do metal.

Marcelo também conta sobre a Coca-Cola e o que realmente está mudando nas empresas, e contrasta o aumento do endividamento e das recompras de ações com as receitas e margens dos negócios.

López pergunta sobre a visão dos convidados sobre bolsa, dólar e taxa juros. Tavi chama a atenção para o estresse no câmbio dos mercados emergentes e destaca problemas na economia chinesa que podem repercutir pelo mundo afora.

Fernando discute os impactos da atual taxa de juros no Brasil e da situação fiscal no câmbio, além das consequências da volatilidade na moeda, e defende uma mudança na meta de inflação.

Marcelo traz à discussão o tema bitcoin e Fernando explica o racional por trás da sua tese de investimento, que foca primeiro em reserva de valor e depois em meio de troca. Tavi também dá sua opinião sobre a moeda digital e sobre uma possível forma de diversificação.

Jul 18, 202045:09
Podcast #33 (A): Fernando Ulrich e Tavi Costa

Podcast #33 (A): Fernando Ulrich e Tavi Costa

No episódio de hoje, primeira parte de uma conversa que foi dividida em duas, Marcelo López conversou com Fernando Ulrich, sócio da Liberta Investimentos, e com Otávio Costa, mais conhecido como Tavi, portfolio manager da Crescat Capital.

Tavi começa discutindo sobre os 3 itens que ele e a Crescat estavam acompanhando desde o ano passado: a situação na China, os metais preciosos e a bolha nos mercados internacionais. Ele fala sobre sua expectativa em torno dos estímulos monetários e discorre sobre o impacto disso nos metais preciosos.

Fernando completa o raciocínio com sua visão mais macro e questiona sobre a conversibilidade do dólar de Hong Kong e os impactos na economia local. Tavi fala sobre os hedges que a Crescat Capital está usando no momento e suas expectativas sobre o futuro da economia chinesa.

Ulrich então traz suas expectativas com relação a tão sonhada recuperação em “V” das economias mundiais e compara com o pensamento corrente. Ele fala sobre o business cycle, indicadores antecedentes e sobre a rápida queda e retorno dos mercados internacionais.

Marcelo expõe sua visão de que essa é uma crise de solvência, não de liquidez, e que a impressão de dinheiro desenfreada não vai resolver o problema. Tavi completa com sua opinião sobre a atual crise e destaca alguns setores estão sendo prejudicados mais do que outros, além de comparar o setor de tecnologia com o setor de bancos.

Fernando diz que ainda tem muita coisa para acontecer em termos de “saneamento financeiro” e elabora sobre o tema, citando exemplos como o da Boeing. Além disso, ele levanta o questionamento sobre inflação e deflação.

Marcelo conta sobre o respeito que tem pelo mercado de bonds e diz que ainda não está claro o caminho que o mundo vai seguir, ou seja, se haverá inflação ou deflação. Nesse confronto, ele traz bons argumentos para ambos. Do lado da inflação, há a impressão de dinheiro absurda, do lado da deflação, existe o icônico caso Japão, que vem imprimindo dinheiro há décadas, sem que a inflação incomodasse.

Jul 15, 202034:19
Podcast #32: Brandon Munro - Uranium

Podcast #32: Brandon Munro - Uranium

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke to Brandon Munro, CEO of Bannerman Resources, a company listed on the Australian stock exchange, ASX, focused on the exploration and development of uranium mines in Namibia. Brandon, who has participated in L2 Capital's Podcasts # 05, # 14 and # 18, returned to discuss the Russian Suspension Agreement (RSA), the Iran waivers and the outcome of the Nuclear Fuel Working Group (NFWG).

Munro starts by explaining what the Russian Suspension Agreement (RSA) is in a very clear and objective way. Then, when asked about a potential disruption in the supply of nuclear fuel to the US due to this suspension as early as 2021, Brandon explains what can be done to mitigate this situation.

He also discusses the Corfu Declaration, an agreement similar to the RSA, but in Europe, and its practical effects. Through this Declaration, Russia would be unable to supply more than 20% of Europe’s enriched uranium demand.

Brandon explains how global regulation and control of uranium is carried out in the context of the global nuclear fuel supply chain, as uranium can be mined in Australia, converted and enriched in Russia, produced as a fuel in Sweden and be used in an American reactor.

Brandon comments on the situation in Iran, the agreement signed by President Obama, the US discontentment and subsequent withdrawal from that agreement, on the waivers granted to some companies, the recent withdrawal of three of these waivers and the consequences this could have.

Munro also talks about the release of the Nuclear Fuel Working Group (NFWG) report at the end of April, its main points, the consequences for the global nuclear industry and, specifically, for the USA.

Finally, Brandon and Marcelo discuss Cigar Lake, the Cameco mine whose production was suspended this year, the movement in Port Hope and the difficulties that traders are facing to find uranium in the midst of this bull market.

Jun 10, 202033:21
Podcast #31: Rodrigo Constantino - economia e política no Brasil

Podcast #31: Rodrigo Constantino - economia e política no Brasil

No episódio de hoje, Marcelo López conversou com Rodrigo Constantino, chairman do Instituto Liberal, autor de vários livros famosos e comentarista no programa 3 em 1 na Jovem Pan.

Rodrigo começa falando sobre os efeitos econômicos do isolamento e distanciamento social causados pela pandemia do coronavírus no mundo.

Em seguida, ele que já trabalhou com o atual ministro da economia Paulo Guedes, nos conta sobre o backgroundintelectual do ministro e comenta sobre os efeitos da pandemia no Brasil e da enorme oportunidade que o país tem no momento de fazer o dever de casa e se sair bem.

Constantino expõe sua visão sobre a situação econômica do país e sobre a relação entre Paulo Guedes e Bolsonaro. Nesse contexto, ele avalia as possibilidades de haver um desmantelamento de parte da equipe econômica do governo, tendo em vista fatores como a situação histórica do Brasil, a política do Centrão e o corporativismo brasileiro.

Em referência a um episódio recente, Rodrigo explica a situação da saída do ex-ministro Moro do governo, suas razões (ou falta delas) e implicações políticas para ele e o presidente.

Constantino traz sua opinião sobre a atual situação chinesa com relação a Hong Kong e Taiwan, e como o mundo está lidando com isso. O sistema vigorante até pouco tempo era o de 1 país, 2 sistemas, e a democracia sempre foi um ponto importante em Hong Kong.

Como economista, Rodrigo discute sobre a recente desvalorização da moeda brasileira, o real, e suas consequências disso para o país.

Rodrigo, como libertário que é, dá sua opinião sobre o bitcoin, a principal criptomoeda do mundo. Aliás, esse foi um ponto interessante e controverso da discussão.

Por fim, Constantino comenta sobre um de seus livros, intitulado “Brasileiro é otário?”, explicando por que o tão famoso jeitinho brasileiro é, na verdade, uma draga para o desenvolvimento do país.

Jun 05, 202033:27
Podcast #30: Adam Rozencwajg - commodities

Podcast #30: Adam Rozencwajg - commodities

In today's episode, Marcelo López talked to Adam Rozencwajg, managing partner at Goehring & Rozencwajg, a company specialized in natural resource investments, such as mining, energy and agriculture.

Adam explains the model developed by G&R to understand the dynamic of the shale oil production in the United States and the conclusions drawn regarding the level of productivity and quality of each oil well.

Rozencwajg talks about the price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia and the impact that the clash has had on the oil market. He mentions the strengths and weaknesses that each side has in this dispute, such as, for example, the ability to deal with low prices, oil price needed to balance the budget and the influence of the currency on the costs and profitability of oil companies.

Adam comments on the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic is having on world oil demand and stocks so far and his expectations going forward.

In the face of low oil prices, Rozencwajg discusses the ability of U.S. shale producers to continue to pump oil after price normalization and highlights the role and importance that shale has in meeting global energy demands.

Adam explains the behaviour of prices in the oil futures market, which is currently in contango, and the possibility of returning to backwardation.

Rozencwajg comments on the discrepancies he has found and as well as the upcoming potential opportunities in the oil and gas companies, then finally, on what is important to take into account when analyzing the sector now.

As for the gold-oil ratio, which represents the ratio between the price of gold and the price of a barrel of oil, Adam acknowledges that it is at a very high level and gives his interpretation to the number and how it can be an indicator for positioning in shares of the energy sector in relation to the shares of producers of the precious metal.

Another index, the gold-silver ratio, (which is the ratio between the price of gold and that of silver), also at multi-year high levels, is discussed with Adam, who believes one has to have exposure to precious metals and the shares of companies that produce them.

Finally, Rozencwajg talks about uranium, the fundamentals of the sector and his expectations for the price of the commodity.

Mar 27, 202034:05
Podcast #29: Shawn Hackett - soft commodities

Podcast #29: Shawn Hackett - soft commodities

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke to Shawn Hackett, president of Hackett Financial Advisors, a company that specializes in providing advice for farmers and hedgers about soft commodities, based on analysis and forecasts of climate cycles. Hackett Financial Advisors helps traders and producers make decisions in agricultural commodities in order to better conduct their business.

Shawn initially discusses global warming and climate change, issues that have been around for some years. He argues for the non-anthropogenic factors that historically influence the planet's climate, in contrast to the view that the human factor is paramount. Hackett explains how solar cycles work, how long each cycle is, the impact that changes in the sun bring to Earth, what sunspots are, what they represent in terms of physical phenomena and how solar winds affect our planet.

Shawn comments on the importance of understanding and monitoring solar cycles for agricultural commodities and how reliable these cycles are. From an historical perspective, he links these cycles to geopolitical and economic events and also to food production abundance and scarcity.

Hackett explains that the sun rotates around the centre of mass of the solar system and not around itself, as one might think. He then correlates this characteristic with the influence that solar activity has on the planet Earth under given circumstances.

According to him, other variables are also important to understand the climate and the changes to which it is subject. He talks about the temperature of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and their own cycles and how these cycles, associated with solar cycles, impact the climate in the world. Shawn also talks about the El Niño and La Niña phenomena and their relevance to the climate.

Shawn talks about the moment we are in in relation to solar cycles and ocean temperatures, and the effects that they will have on planet Earth. Hackett also talks about the existing technologies to deal with adversities in agricultural production and comments on which commodities producers and traders should seek exposure to at this time.

Mar 19, 202027:03
Podcast #28: Paul Ma – CGN Mining

Podcast #28: Paul Ma – CGN Mining

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke to Paul Ma, director of CGN Mining, a company that is part of the China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN), the world's third largest nuclear power corporation, and a member of the board of directors of Fission Uranium.

Paul has more than 10 years of experience in the uranium industry, including exploration, development, mining and investment activities. He is responsible for CGN Mining's overseas operations, including development, mergers and acquisitions.

When asked if the uranium market is an opportunity, Paul brought an elaborate explanation, putting into place the most relevant events for the sector over the past 20 years from an historical perspective. He highlighted the characteristics of the last bull market along with several important factors and how they have changed, such as the role of low-cost producers, the Fukushima incident, expectations, the installed capacity of nuclear reactors worldwide and the signing of long-term contracts.

Ma highlighted the existence of a deficit between world demand and primary uranium production and discussed the availability of the commodity in the spot market, the possibility of taking advantage of prices to increase inventories and the importance of guaranteeing a sustainable and reliable supply throughout several decades of a reactor's useful life.

Paul spoke about jurisdictions that he considers interesting for carrying out asset acquisitions in the uranium mining sector, provided some details about two projects recently acquired in one of these locations and mentioned the characteristics he seeks in an M&A operation.

Paul commented on his perspective regarding the expansion of nuclear energy production in the Asian giant, highlighting the technologies used, the importance of reactor standardisation and economies of scale in the process.

Ma also talked about the level of uranium stock in the country, the level of prices observed today and ended by explaining the main risks he sees for the sector.

Feb 18, 202029:46
Podcast #27: Anas Alhajji – Oil markets

Podcast #27: Anas Alhajji – Oil markets

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke with Anas Alhajji, a partner at Energy Outlook Advisors, as well as an internationally recognised author, speaker, researcher and specialist in the energy markets.

Anas begins by discussing how the issue of the types and quality of oil is important and how that impacts the world trade in this commodity. In this context, he talks about the characteristics of shale oil produced in the USA, the structure and capacity of North American refineries, the country's exports and imports of oil, the future demand for oil products and the impact of natural gas on the market.

Alhajji talks about the sharp drop in the price of oil this year and how the crisis that the sector is going through is unprecedented and the inconveniences and uncertainties that this creates for OPEC. He talks about his expectations regarding the impact of the coronavirus on oil demand and price.

Anas highlights in his analysis the influence that the American presidential election has on oil producing countries and how this is a decisive factor for the price of the commodity in 2020.

Alhajji points out that the years 2021 to 2023 should be very interesting for the sector and predicts a major global energy crisis, to which he attributes different factors, such as, the underestimation of future demand for oil products and the hype of electric vehicles.

Anas also states his point of view on the dynamics involving shale oil from the United States and Canadian tar sands.

When it comes to investment, Alhajji talks about how he prefers to position himself and where he sees more value along the sector's production chain. He also lists the main risks he sees for the sector and what can be done about the crisis he foresees.

Alhajji discusses his point of view on the expectations of oil demand made by many analysts and the exaggerations that these analysts make when estimating the impacts of certain changes.

Feb 11, 202023:31
Podcast #26: Fernando Ulrich - Escola austríaca

Podcast #26: Fernando Ulrich - Escola austríaca

No episódio de hoje, Marcelo López conversou com Fernando Ulrich, sócio da Liberta Investimentos, palestrante, autor do livro “Bitcoin: a moeda na era digital” e conselheiro do Instituto Mises Brasil.

Fernando conta sobre sua trajetória profissional, como vivenciou a grande crise financeira de 2008 e como teve seu primeiro contato com a Escola Austríaca a partir de então, mencionando figuras que o atraíram para o assunto, como Ron Paul e Peter Schiff.

Ulrich, que cursou mestrado em economia da Escola Austríaca em Madrid, explica como surgiu e se desenvolveu essa escola de pensamento econômico por meio de expoentes como Carl Menger, Eugen von böhm-bawerk, Ludwig von Mises e Friedrich Hayek.

Ele traça um paralelo com outras escolas de pensamento e esclarece por que os austríacos ficam excluídos do mainstream e do currículo das universidades, com menção à forma como enxergam a economia, o efeito das políticas públicas e a intervenção governamental.

Fernando, que é um entusiasta das criptomoedas, especialmente do Bitcoin, explica por que ele acredita no futuro das moedas digitais e aborda críticas relacionadas a elas, como volatilidade e funcionalidade como meio de troca e reserva de valor.

Quando o assunto é bolsa brasileira, Ulrich apresenta o case para o investimento em ativos de renda variável do Brasil, com considerações sobre as políticas públicas atualmente em curso, macroeconomia, composição do principal índice acionário local, fluxo de capital, participação de estrangeiros e responde se ainda vala a pena investir por aqui.

Sobre o dólar, Fernando dá uma explicação para o porquê de a divisa norte-americana estar no atual patamar frente ao real e fala quais as perspectivas para a moeda. Nesse contexto, ele ainda argumenta sobre a importância de se investir no exterior.

Ulrich comenta sobre os mercados globais e como a atuação dos bancos centrais e os movimentos recentes do Fed impactam os preços dos ativos mundiais. Ele discorre sobre existência de uma bolha de tudo (the everything bubble) e a repercussão que as políticas monetárias têm na sociedade geral e na política, além de tratar sobre como o Brasil reagiria na eventualidade de um crash.

Feb 03, 202034:03
Podcast #25: Kiyan Zandiyeh - Uzbekistan

Podcast #25: Kiyan Zandiyeh - Uzbekistan

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke with Kiyan Zandiyeh, CEO and Portfolio Manager at Sturgeon Capital, a London-based investment management company founded 15 years ago and focused on frontier markets in Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Kiyan explains that the company, although based in England, has teams scattered in loco in the countries in which they invest in. This enables them  to follow the local perspective and to manage, in an optimized way, the investments they make in these markets.

The main opportunity highlighted by Zandiyeh and the central theme of this episode is Uzbekistan, a country that, according to him, has essentially attractive characteristics, such as large population, favorable demography, economic diversity, large reserves of natural resources and solid foundations in terms of public finances.

Sturgeon, who has invested in Uzbekistan for 8 years, has followed the profound transformation that the country has undergone in the past 2 and a half years, since the president died and the dictatorship began to dissolve.

Kiyan tells us how the new president, until recently Prime Minister, is leading an agenda of deep reforms and restructurings that are promoting the opening of the economy, which was remarkably closed, and the country's de-bureaucratization. He gives examples of changes in the productive sectors and the foreign exchange market that have had a profound impact on the economy.

Zandiyeh also talks about the stability of the new government and about the country's growth drivers and compares it with neighbours and peers. It specifically addresses the banking sector and the opportunities that exist there.

Kiyan comments on the country's capital market, liquidity, fixed income securities, private equity and the way chosen by Sturgeon to capture the identified investment opportunities.

Finally, Zandiyeh gives his point of view on how the Uzbek economy would react in the event of a crash in global markets and what the main risks of investing in the country could be.

Jan 29, 202018:09
Podcast #24: Mark Gordon - Oil Fund

Podcast #24: Mark Gordon - Oil Fund

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke with Mark Gordon, CIO of the Ascent Oil Fund. Before taking his current position, Mark worked for companies such as Goldman Sachs, Soros Fund Management and Janus Henderson, where he focused on investments linked to the energy sector.

Mark explains that the Ascent Oil Fund was formed under the view that there will be a migration in the oil market’s perception from abundance to scarcity, which will cause shares of companies in the sector to rise substantially.

In the context of recent tensions involving the US and Iran, Gordon explains how conflicts in the Middle East may or may not impact oil prices, depending on the factors involved.

From a historical perspective, Mark discusses the role that perception and sentiment, regarding oil scarcity or abundance, plays on prices and market performance. He also lists the reasons why he believes we are in a transition period in regards to this sentiment.

Gordon still contrasts the inventory and sentiment factors from the point of view of their influence on the price of the commodity and its related assets.

Mark talks about shale companies, highlighting the operational and financial aspects compared to conventional oil companies, their advantages and also points criticised by analysts. After that he puts forward his expectations for the industry.

On the recent performance of oil and gas stocks, Gordon provides insights into the possible reasons for the poor performance of securities, especially the E&P ones, even amid higher oil prices.

Mark brings a totally unexpected perspective on the impact that electric vehicles have on the oil sector and the consequences he sees on the development of the EV industry.

Finally, Gordon talks about how he is investing to capture what he believes to be a turnaround in the oil and gas industry, highlighting the types of companies he is fond of in the current scenario and the ones he believes should benefit from the change in sentiment, from abundance to scarcity.

Jan 11, 202038:46
Podcast #23: Harris Kupperman - Opportunities

Podcast #23: Harris Kupperman - Opportunities

In today's episode, Marcelo López talked to Harris Kupperman, mostly known as Kuppy. Harris is the founder of Pretorium Capital and is famous for being a fund manager with unconventional investment ideas, some of which he writes in the blog “Adventures in Capitalism” ( He is always looking for asymmetrical investment opportunities in sectors that are disregarded or even scorned by most investors, which generally end up being the ones with huge potential for appreciation.

Initially, Kuppy discusses his views of the current market and system situation, the possibility of a crash, the factors involved, inflation, central bank performance and comments on what he calls Ponzi stocks.

In this context, Kupperman discusses private equity, the preference of institutional investors for businesses involving privately held companies to the detriment of publicly traded ones, players' perception of volatility and the risks involved in this type of market.

Kuppy talks about being short on the market under current circumstances and how he prefers to be long on some assets as a way to position himself for a market turnaround. From this perspective, he presents the investment thesis of the second largest position in his portfolio, with considerations on micro and macroeconomic aspects, which show his thinking when seeking investments.

Harris also compares the latest financial crisis of 2007-08 against the current scenario, with considerations and analysis of interest rates, defaults, the real estate and mortgage markets.

Kuppy talks about commodities and explains why he believes they are the biggest investment opportunity at the moment. On this occasion, he highlights uranium and its peculiarities.

Kupperman, who participated in the last uranium bull market, describes the factors that influenced the last cycle of appreciation of the commodity, and draws a comparison with the current situation in the sector.

Harris explains the investment thesis involving shipping companies, which today is the largest position in his portfolio. He highlights the cyclical behavior of the industry and the factors that may be critical to a huge appreciation of companies in this industry.

Nov 19, 201925:27
Podcast #22: Mike Alkin - Uranium

Podcast #22: Mike Alkin - Uranium

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke with Mike Alkin, co-founder of Sachem Cove Partners and manager of an American uranium-focused hedge fund. Mike has been following this market for over 4 years as an investor and was a speaker at the International Uranium Fuel Seminar hosted by the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) in Nashville, USA, in the last week of October.

Alkin, who also attended the World Nuclear Association (WNA) Symposium in London, commented on the biennial report released by the organizers and on the differences between the two events, highlighting the significant attendance of uranium buyers at the NEI-hosted seminar in the USA.

Mike spoke about his presentation at the conference, which focused on the uranium price discovery, i.e., the process of pricing the U3O8 market from a macro and historical perspective. He drew attention to the fact that this industry is scarcely covered by sell-side analysts, and that the consensus adopted by the uranium buyers lacks important and easily refuted fallacious aspects.

In addition to highlighting factors that are hindering the industry, such as the Section 232 petition and the Trump administration's creation of the Nuclear Fuel Working Group, Mike talked about the functioning of the spot market, its peculiarities and the movements it has observed in terms of player participation and trading volumes in contrast to other times and circumstances.

Finally, Alkin discussed a major issue for investors in the industry, which is the inactivity of buyers in the face of low and unsustainable prices in an attempt to anticipate a price hike and secure low-priced material. Mike explains how the activities of buyers' professionals are structured, the incentives they have and the way they have acted historically.

Nov 06, 201939:15
Podcast #21: Tavi Costa - Macro Research

Podcast #21: Tavi Costa - Macro Research

In today's episode, Marcelo López talked to Otávio Costa, better known in the financial markets as Tavi Costa. Tavi is a portfolio manager at Crescat Capital and he is responsible for macro research.

Tavi begins by talking about his trajectory in the financial markets and tells us more about Crescat Capital, an American company that manages hedge funds. He has been working for this company for the past 6 years.

Then Tavi talks about the main topics he's looking at right now and gives us an overview of those topics.

Tavi then discusses each of the themes in more detail, exploring historical data and using Crescat's proprietary models.

He has a very interesting insight into the US position in the current cycle, and presents data to justify his opinion.

When it comes to precious metals, Tavi discusses the current scenario and outlook for the sector. Also, Tavi talks about the relationship between the US Dollar and gold, with a very different point of view from the market.

Tavi also talks about China, likely future developments in that country, and what Crescat Capital is doing now.

Finally, Tavi reviews his investment thesis and says what can make him change his mind about his investment positions.

Oct 23, 201927:47
Podcast #20: Chat with Bram Vanderelst – Uranium Trader

Podcast #20: Chat with Bram Vanderelst – Uranium Trader

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke with Bram Vanderelst, head of the uranium trading desk at Curzon Resources. Bram, who attended the World Nuclear Association (WNA) Symposium in early September, agreed to come to the L2 Capital podcast and share with us his market insights and his experience in this profession, which is so little known.

Bram Vanderelst, who is a chemical engineer, tells us about his experience and professional career and explains that at Curzon they have a dedicated desk for buying and selling uranium daily in the spot and long term markets.

He, who has accumulated more than 6 years in the profession, talks about the role that a uranium trading desk has for the nuclear fuel market and how it provides liquidity for the industry, even though there are large participants from both sides, i.e., utilities and miners.

Bram talks about the daily life of a trader's profession in a niche commodity such as uranium, the kind of information that has to be researched, contacts that need to be made, and the analysis that needs to be done.

Bram Vanderelst discusses his view of the market with an analysis that begins with the events of Fukushima, the reverberations that the incident caused on the market, on uranium stocks and how the situation has evolved since then. He also comments on the commodity supply deficit and the outlook for supply / demand balance, with comments on the sources actually available.

Bram Vanderelst also discusses the issue of inventories’ tracking, the availability of data and figures related to them compared to other commodities such as oil, for example.

Vanderelst analyzes the effects that Cameco's announced purchase in the spot market of 10m lbs of U3O8 by year-end should have on prices, with considerations of material availability at different price levels and locations.

On the possibility of price variation between locations, Bram explains the arbitrage practices and the reasons that lead to divergences within the context of the nuclear fuel cycle.

Vanderelst makes an assessment of the factors that led to a sharp rise in the conversion prices of U3O8 to UF6 and the possibility that something similar could occur with yellow cake, going through current price levels, mining incentives and the specificities of the uranium market.

Finally, Bram draws attention to what he considers to be the risks that investors, utilities and miners could be ignoring or not paying due attention to.

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Oct 08, 201922:41
Podcast #19: Chat with Bill Fleckenstein

Podcast #19: Chat with Bill Fleckenstein

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke to Bill Fleckenstein, an investment manager with over 30 years of experience in the financial market. Bill shares his comments, market insights and investment ideas on the website

Bill begins by discussing the magnitude of the attack on Saudi Arabia may have on markets depending on the actions taken in response to the incident and ponders about risk premiums and how agents have reacted to geopolitical tensions recently.

Fleckenstein then talks about the possibility that we are experiencing a bubble in the financial markets and the role that central banks, trading algorithms and passive investment vehicles play in this context, all from a historical and economic perspective, elucidating situations of distortion in asset prices.

On the possibility of a crash, Bill comments on Fed interventions, the impact of monetary policy on the market and what may be the catalyst for a strong correction, as well as aspects of the current scenario that are unprecedented in history and thus create more uncertainties.

Now is a good time to be shorting stocks? Fleckenstein, who has been very successful in the past with a short only fund, explains his point of view about being short at the moment and justifies, based on his perceptions of current market conditions, the valuations and prices observed.

Bill also talks about investing in gold and other precious metals, as well as gold mining, in contrast to other asset classes such as bonds and currencies, considering all the factors hitherto exposed.

As for the US-China trade war, Fleckenstein discusses his views on the issue and his expectations of a resolution for the problem. He also talks about the way Trump and next year's US elections might impact those obstacles.

Bill concludes with an analysis of risks that are not being properly priced by the market.

Oct 01, 201928:15
Podcast #18: Chat with Brandon Munro - WNA Symposium

Podcast #18: Chat with Brandon Munro - WNA Symposium

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke to Brandon Munro, CEO of Bannerman Resources, a listed company on the Australian Stock Exchange, ASX, focused on uranium mining and development in Namibia. Brandon, who has participated in L2 Capital Podcasts #05 and #14, served on two working groups at the 2019 WNA (World Nuclear Association), Demand (as Chair) and Uranium Supply and Secondary Supply.

Munro starts discussing the impact that this weekend’s attack on Saudi Arabia could have on the energy market, particularly in relation to uranium and nuclear power as alternatives. He analyses the situation with short and long-term considerations, highlights the potential effects on investors and equity traders, and ponders the repercussions that these attacks could have on Kazakhstan, the world's largest uranium producer and also an oil producer, and the local currency, the Tenge.

Brandon then comments on the relevance of the WNA Symposium, held this year on September 11th/12th in London, for the industry and the release of the Nuclear Fuel Report. This publication, which is released every two years and has different industry participants in its preparation, analyses every aspect of the nuclear fuel cycle, from uranium exploration (U3O8), conversion to UF6, enrichment, fuel fabrication, and secondary sources.

This report, which draws projections for the period from 2019 to 2040, has three scenarios, a reference one, one optimistic and the other pessimistic. Brandon discusses what the assumptions are for each of these scenarios and points out that in all scenarios there is a growth in demand, reaching 3.5% per year in the optimistic projections.

In addition to assessing the likelihood that the optimistic scenario will materialize, he also comments on government policy initiatives that may be even more positive than previously estimated, citing, for example, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Munro, who has been attending the WNA Symposium since 2010, talks about his perception of the mood and feeling of the different participants in contrast to those of previous editions. Although the report does not discuss price-related aspects, discussions pointed to a consensus on both sides, from buyers and sellers, that prices need to rise to adjust to the reality of growing demand.

Brandon also comments on the possible outcome of the Nuclear Fuel Working Group, currently under way in the US and the start of a new contracting cycle, events that may be significant for the industry. He also discusses Cameco's need for purchasing at least 10M lbs in the spot market and the prospects for the price of uranium going forward.

Munro also brings to us some news about Bannerman Resources, such as the listing of the company's shares on the US OTC market, which will be traded under the ticker BNNLF.

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The L2 Capital Podcast focuses on potential opportunities in the market, and brings to you industry leaders and intelligent conversation about their respective areas of expertise.

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Sep 23, 201935:27
Podcast #17: Chat with Prof. Gerry Thomas – Nuclear Power

Podcast #17: Chat with Prof. Gerry Thomas – Nuclear Power

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke with Professor Gerry Thomas, a famous pharmacologist with a PhD in Pathology. She is a professor of nuclear pathology at Imperial College in London and an active researcher in the field of molecular pathology of cancer. Professor Thomas, who was at first against nuclear power but changed her mind as her research went on, debunks some myths and untruths that revolve around the subject.

The professor begins by discussing the reasons why people fear nuclear radiation too much, including psychological, historical and contextual aspects.

Then she talks about the health risks that different radiation doses can pose and how we expose ourselves to it.

Professor Gerry Thomas ponders how lifestyle and longevity have led to increased cancer occurrences and how these factors relate to the disease compared to radiation exposure.

The Chernobyl accident, in vogue now due to the production of an HBO series, is discussed in detail by the professor, who studied the subject thoroughly and conducted research on many different groups exposed to radiation - and how the radiation affected each group. She comments that the knowledge gained from studying the event led her to change her mind and to defend nuclear energy as a safe alternative.

Fire helicopter pilots, rescuers and local residents, for example, are groups that have been hit differently by radiation. Professor Gerry Thomas talks about the statistics, the occurrence or not of cancer associated with nuclear radiation and the severity of each case.

The latest nuclear incident happened in Fukushima, Japan, and it was addressed by the researcher who comments on deaths caused by the tsunami and the evacuation process, and discusses the effects of radiation on the population.

Professor Gerry Thomas draws a parallel between the two iconic accidents in terms of radiation level, contagiousness, how they both affected the population, and the immediate and long-term consequences.

What to do in case of a nuclear accident? Professor Thomas gives tips on how to behave in this situation and the tips will surprise many people. They certainly contradict, in part, popular knowledge, but they can make all the difference to the chances of survival and health preservation.

Access to: Oxford Martin Restatement 5: A restatement of the natural science evidence base concerning the health effects of low-level ionizing radiation

To know more about L2 Capital Partners, please check out our website!

The L2 Capital Podcast focuses on potential opportunities in the market, and brings to you industry leaders and intelligent conversation about their respective areas of expertise.

Aug 29, 201920:31
L2 Capital Podcast #16: Chat with Adam Rozencwajg - Commodities

L2 Capital Podcast #16: Chat with Adam Rozencwajg - Commodities

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke with Adam Rozencwajg, founding partner of Goehring & Rozencwajg, an investment firm linked to natural resources such as mining, energy and agriculture. Prior to founding G&R’s, the partners were responsible for $ 5 billion of AUM at Chilton Investment Company.

Adam talks about the investment process and how they look for opportunities in the commodities sector, with a value investing approach, meaning that they look for commodities that currently have depressed prices at the same time that present a strong possibility of course reversion and price appreciation. 

Adam Rozencwajg analyses the relationship between the price of commodities as a whole and the price of the financial markets today and makes a retrospective of the past, showing that at times, when this relationship was that insane, great returns followed.

The first commodity that Adam talks about is oil. He highlights a historical difference between the per capita GDP and a country's oil consumption and the way the S curve behaves.

When asked about electric vehicles, Adam Rozencwajg explains his views in a detailed, comprehensive analysis. He talks about the effects that the adoption of electric vehicles brings to the energy market and the impact on oil consumption. He mentioned Tesla, which is the most famous brand of EVs at the moment, and makes a very funny comparison with the Concorde. 

Adam also talks about shale oil, the companies that operate in the industry, and the fundamentals he pays attention to in his analysis.

Rozencwajg talks about his experience investing in uranium and explains what made him come back again and invest in the commodity in 2018. His explanation covers the strong fundamentals he is seeing and the outcomes he expects for the sector.

Adam explains his confidence in copper, highlights the various elements associated with the demand and talks elaborately about why he is optimistic about it.

When asked about the gold market, Adam Rozencwajg talks about the relationship between the price of gold and oil as an evaluation measurement and the outlook for the yellow metal and silver, another precious metal.

Finally, Adam explains why he is optimistic about agricultural commodities, with a range of reasons, from climate change, crop yield to sunspot activity.

 To know more about L2 Capital Partners, please check out our website!

The L2 Capital Podcast focuses on potential opportunities in the market, and brings to you industry leaders and intelligent conversation about their respective areas of expertise.

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Aug 15, 201935:59
L2 Capital Podcast #15: Chat with Vimal Gor – “illusion of liquidity”

L2 Capital Podcast #15: Chat with Vimal Gor – “illusion of liquidity”

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke with Vimal Gor, head of Fixed Income and Defensive Strategies at Pendal Group, an independent Australian asset manager with about US$100 billion in AUM, half of which is managed in Australia and the other half in England through the subsidiary JO Hambro Capital Management. Pendal is a listed company under the ticker PDL, in Australia. Vimal and his team are responsible for managing US$20 billion, allocated across different asset classes.

Vimal Gor talks about a very important and unique subject, which he named “illusion of liquidity”. He started by explaining what he means by this and then describes the pockets of illiquidity in different markets. Vimal used a recent example to illustrate his point. He then explains this illiquidity issue considering the environment of strong monetary stimuli initiated during the 2007-2008 economic crisis.

Gor gives his insights into the flattening of the US yield curve, with an explanation of the dynamics that are responsible for its movements. He also gives his opinion about the possibility of a US recession and its consequences for the world.

Vimal also discusses the possibility that the US and Europe are following Japan's path (“Japanification of the world”), justifying his position based on demographic factors.

In addition, he brings his conclusions from the meeting he had with Bill Mitchell, proponent economist of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), and discusses the implications of the adoption of such theory. 

Vimal Gor also talks about the risks of a deceleration in global growth and ponders the importance of having gold and cryptocurrencies in the portfolio.

In regards to Australia, Vimal comments on decades of uninterrupted growth, the appreciation in real estate, the level of debt and the outlook for the country in the face of the global situation.

As for the US-China trade war, Gor sets out his view on the changes that may come from the dispute and the other geopolitical issues at stake.

Vimal discusses the problems Europe is going through, as well as the many risks present today, especially the solvency of the continent's banking institutions.

How to position yourself in the midst of so many risks and adversities? Vimal Gor points out what precautions to take, which assets he prefers, and which assets he is more cautious about.


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The L2 Capital Podcast focuses on potential opportunities in the market, and brings to you industry leaders and intelligent conversation about their respective areas of expertise.

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Aug 01, 201921:39
L2 Capital Podcast #14: Chat with Brandon Munro – Special Edition

L2 Capital Podcast #14: Chat with Brandon Munro – Special Edition

In today's episode, Marcelo López spoke with Brandon Munro, CEO of Bannerman Resources, a company focused on the exploration and development of uranium mines in Namibia.

Brandon was our L2 Capital Podcast episode 5 guest, where he talked about the dynamics of the uranium sector and his views about it.

In today’s special episode, the conversation focuses on the recently announced White House decision on a Section232 petition filed by two US uranium miners, Ur-Energy and Energy Fuels, in January 2018. The two companies asked for a 25% market share as the imports of uranium, in their view, possessed a threat to national security. 

In addition to being at the forefront of a uranium mining company, Munro is an experienced lawyer and has extensive relationships with everyone in the industry, which makes his opinion and vision about the implications of the decision very interesting and worthy of attention.

The Trump administration has decided not to impose quotas on the country's utilities, but has been sympathetic to US miners and has announced the creation of a Nuclear Fuel Working Group. Among other tasks, the Group will have to develop recommendations to support and expand the production of nuclear fuel in the country, and it should be presented within a period of 90 days.

Brandon assesses the implications of the decision for utilities in the US and abroad and also for mining companies, in a very comprehensive way. He speculates on the possible outcomes of the Working Group, as well as considering the protective and incentive measures that can be taken by President Trump from there.

Munro also talks about the impact that the decision may have on the price of uranium and provides his estimate for the price range of the commodity by the end of the year, based on the dynamics he observes in the market.


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Jul 19, 201920:21
L2 Capital Podcast #13: Chat with Fred Hickey – Technology and Precious Metals

L2 Capital Podcast #13: Chat with Fred Hickey – Technology and Precious Metals

In today's episode, Marcelo talked to Fred Hickey, editor of the famous publication The High Tech Strategis (HTS). The HTS is a monthly publication with more than 32 years of existence that brings to its readers an independent view on macroeconomic aspects, investments in the technology and precious metals sector.

Fred explains that he began following and writing about precious metals in the early 2000s, as he believed it was necessary to protect oneself against financial measures taken by central banks.

Fred Hickey brings his insight on technology companies and stresses that he is seeing a new bubble. In particular, he comments on the case of Huawei and the possibility of it being banned from doing business in the US.

In the macroeconomic arena, he discusses the possibility of a global economic downturn and recession, bringing various metrics, indicators and examples to support his views.

Fred talks about how the central bank's action has led to a poor allocation of investments worldwide and the consequences that this can bring. He also commented on the companies that burn cash extravagantly, but somehow are able to exist today.

Fred Hickey explains in details his arguments about the bubble he believes we are in now, the role that passive investment has had in shaping it, the stage of the cycle we are in, cryptocurrencies, the possibility of a crash and the reaction of central banks in the midst of all this.

Fred comments on his point of view regarding controversial electric car maker Tesla and its founder Elon Musk.

When asked about how to invest in the current scenario, Fred Hickey suggests allocations that he considers sensible, given all his views at the moment, going through the issue of currency devaluation, the impact on asset inflation and the cost of living.

When the subject is gold, Fred describes the recent movements in the price of the metal, which he believes is now in a new bull market. He also highlights how the participation of extremely leveraged traders affect the price of gold and he describes in detail what he characterizes as a gold transfer west to east.

In addition to talking about his expectations for gold prices in the future, Fred Hickey commented in detail on mining stocks he follows, such as Agnico Eagle Mines and Kirkland, to name a few, and talked about their operations, characteristics and other investment-related metrics that are relevant.

Fred closed his remarks talking about his views on the risks that people are not taking into account, especially expectations regarding the monetary policy of the Fed.

Jul 04, 201938:06
L2 Capital Podcast #12: Chat with William Sheriff – Energy Metals and SWU

L2 Capital Podcast #12: Chat with William Sheriff – Energy Metals and SWU

In today's episode, Marcelo spoke with Bill Sheriff, chairman of enCore Energy Corp., a uranium exploration company with mining assets exclusively in the USA.

Sheriff, who has worked as a geologist, a broker and a market maker, begins by talking about the history of Energy Metals, a company he founded with a market capitalization of US$1 million and sold a few years later for US$1.5 billion.

Bill Sheriff talks about the importance of having a properly qualified team at the helm of a uranium company, with technical expertise in the entire nuclear fuel cycle and presents the credentials of the enCore team.

Sheriff highlights the advantages of operating in the US, mainly in a historical context of the country as a consumer and producer of the raw material for the generation of nuclear energy.

When asked by Marcelo López about the expectations regarding the petition filed by his competitors under section 232, requesting market reserve for local uranium producers, Bill Sheriff comments on his vision and that of the company, how this would affect enCore as well as its expectation around the commodity price.

Following on, Sheriff comments on current market conditions, what he expects in terms of new projects worldwide, about his perception of market participants' sentiment and compares the current scenario to the one observed in 2004- 2007, along with a personal projection for the price of uranium in the coming years.

Bill Sheriff explains what the SWU is and what the role of this unit of measurement in the uranium universe represents, together with its relevance to industry analysis.

Asked about the mining restrictions on the outskirts of the Grand Canyon, Sheriff details what the current situation is, what may change in the near future, what impact it has on enCore operations and what they have to do with section 232.

Bill still talks about the latest technological innovations and the main risks he sees in the industry.


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Jun 20, 201934:43
L2 Capital Podcast #11: Chat with Jeffrey Snider - Eurodollar system and financial crisis

L2 Capital Podcast #11: Chat with Jeffrey Snider - Eurodollar system and financial crisis

In today's episode, Marcelo spoke with Jeffrey Snider, Head of Global Investment Research at Alhambra Investments, a Florida-based company that provides portfolio management services to institutions with a focus on risk management.

Jeffrey Snider is one of the few people to openly and consistently talk about the Eurodollar System and he spoke to Marcelo extensively about the subject in this episode.

Jeff begins by explaining exactly what the Eurodollar system is. It originated through US currency deposits outside the US and outside the US’s regulation, but evolved to become a large, interconnected global network with an enormous volume of transactions. It has been key to financial dynamics for some decades now.

Asked about how the system really works, Jeffrey Snider sets an example to clarify the mechanics behind it and the effects on the economy and the financial markets in general, noting that the opacity of the system justifies the “shadow currency” nickname.

Speaking about the financial crisis of 2007-2008, Snider brings a surprising perspective about what happened. In addition to pondering the share of subprime mortgages in the context of the crisis, he lists some of the various signs that point to Eurodollar as the factor that exacerbated the problem and led to the financial dimensions it got to.

Still about the crisis, Jeff comments on the Fed's reaction and the adoption of quantitative easing (QE), drawing an elaborate and interesting explanation on the state of the world's monetary system and the ability of central banks to deal with the situation.

To conclude, Jeffrey Snider describes China's role and exposure to the Eurodollar market and provides insight into how to position oneself in regards to our own investments, in order to profit from the possible outcomes that he mentioned.

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The L2 Capital Podcast focuses on potential opportunities in the market, and brings to you industry leaders and intelligent conversation about their respective areas of expertise.

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Jun 06, 201924:28
L2 Capital Podcast #10: Chat with Marcelo López - Uranium Investment thesis

L2 Capital Podcast #10: Chat with Marcelo López - Uranium Investment thesis

In this special episode Marcelo López shares his insights on the uranium investment thesis.

It has been recorded in Portuguese.

Please share it with your Portuguese-speaking friends.


No episódio especial de hoje, invertemos os papéis. Marcelo López ocupou o lugar de convidado num bate-papo com Rafael Siqueira sobre a oportunidade de investimento em urânio.

Quer entender por que a L2 Capital acredita tanto na tese de investimento em urânio? Compartilhamos com você de forma clara e abrangente as conclusões das análises dessa oportunidade que está fora do radar dos investidores.

Marcelo conta sobre sua trajetória no mercado financeiro, sua experiência como hedge fund manager em Londres, como se deparou com essa tese e o que o motivou a ir mais a fundo para entender as peculiaridades do setor.

Após viajar por diversos países, dedicar muito tempo e recursos, e conversar com todos os players do setor, como executivos de mineradoras, de usinas nucleares (utilities) e de enriquecedores, geólogos e analistas, Marcelo identificou no urânio uma oportunidade que ele considera ímpar.

Nesse podcast, Marcelo responde às principais perguntas dos investidores.

Por que os preços estão tão baixos e como eles chegaram lá? Marcelo explica detalhadamente como uma confluência de fatores contribuiu para a queda da commodity.

O que mudou nesses fatores desde então?

Como é a dinâmica do setor, os aspectos da demanda, da oferta e do preço?

No que devemos prestar atenção ao analisar o setor?

O que está puxando a demanda?

Como a oferta está reagindo ao cenário?

Qual o preço de equilíbrio?

Como foi o último bull market e quais fatores o impulsionaram?

O que o atual bull market tem de diferente do último?

O que esperar daqui para frente?

Qual o horizonte para consolidação da tese?

Quais são os catalisadores?

O que é a petição da Section 232 e qual o impacto dela para o mercado e para os investidores?

Como se posicionar para lucrar com a correção dos preços?

Tudo isso trazido a você de forma direta e informativa.

 To know more about L2 Capital Partners, please check out our website!The L2 Capital Podcast focuses on potential opportunities in the market, and brings to you industry leaders and intelligent conversation about their respective areas of expertise.Follow us on social media:

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May 23, 201939:10
L2 Capital Podcast #09: Chat with Alex Molyneux - Opportunities in the Uranium Market

L2 Capital Podcast #09: Chat with Alex Molyneux - Opportunities in the Uranium Market

In today's episode, Marcelo Lopez spoke with Alex Molyneux, a senior executive and investor in natural resources, who today acts as an advisor to an investment fund solely focused on capturing opportunities in the uranium market.

Having already held various executive positions in companies in the sector, as he himself explains, he is able to have a deeper technical understanding of uranium particularities, such as operational issues, production, licensing and jurisdiction, which gives him a different approach when investing.

Alex Molyneux curriculum gives him credibility to talk about uranium. After a decade working as a specialist mining investment banker at large banks in locations such as Melbourne, Beijing, London and Hong Kong, he took up executive positions in publicly traded mining companies, founded a uranium mining company, Azarga Uranium, and held the position of CEO of Paladin Energy during its restructuring phase.

Asked about what he considers important in the pursuit of investment objectives in the sector, Alex talked about what aspects he prioritizes in the analysis and comments on what his expectations for the price of uranium are.

Marcelo asks about the recurring assertion that excess inventory is putting pressure on the commodity and it is responsible for the current low price. Alex Molyneux draws up a detailed explanation of different types of inventory, such as those held strategically by governments and those held by utilities. He also talks about the trends he observes and the perspectives he has for each type of inventory, as well as the impact of this on the market.

Alex also comments on the long-term contract maturities and the uncovered demand for nuclear power generators with the insight of someone who was the main executive of the world's second largest pure-play uranium company.

When questioned as to why utilities are not taking advantage of low prices to buy more uranium, Alex clarifies how they deal with price and what actually motivates them to enter into contracts. He draws a parallel to the latest bull market and lists the factors that are influencing the current scenario.

Alex Molyneux then gives his insight into the relevance of the Separative Work Units (SWUs) and what the price and volume dynamics of the spot and long-term market should look like from now on.

What price range is required for the start up or ramp up of production projects? How long will it take to reactivate the McArthur River mine? Will there be an overshooting in the price? Is it possible to cover the production deficit in the coming years? Alex gave his opinion about all of this.

When it came to KazAtomProm, Alex gave his point of view on the company’s production costs, capex, and the impact the exchange rate has on the company's decisions. He also talked about the role KazAtomProm has as an asset to compose a uranium-focused portfolio.

Finally, Molyneux, who has worked as an investment banker focusing on mining, discusses the challenges that uranium producers could encounter if they need to obtain funding to bring projects online.


To know more about L2 Capital Partners, please check out our website!

The L2 Capital Podcast focuses on potential opportunities in the market, and brings to you industry leaders and intelligent conversation about their respective areas of expertise.

Apr 24, 201934:36
L2 Capital Podcast #08: Chat with Simon Mikhailovich - Tocqueville Bullion Reserve

L2 Capital Podcast #08: Chat with Simon Mikhailovich - Tocqueville Bullion Reserve

In today's episode, Marcelo Lopez spoke with Simon Mikhailovich, co-founder and manager of the Tocqueville Bullion Reserve, which he describes as a global solution for those who wish to have gold and make use of a complete infrastructure with fiduciary responsibility and alignment of interests, allowing the purchase directly from the refiners.

At the beginning of the conversation, Simon draws a distinction between having gold as a form of investment and having it as a safe haven. For both cases, he highlights how to position and the incredible features of the yellow metal.

Simon and Marcelo conduct an interesting discussion of gold price performance since the peak in 2011, and ponder the effects of asset inflation, central bank intervention, currencies, confidence and how the “insurance policy” works.

Simon Mikhailovich makes a detailed analysis of the differences between the sentiment and behavior of Americans, Russians and Chinese in relation to the acquisition of gold, with a historical and political context for each.

Asked if gold is the only way to protect oneself and where to keep it, Simon elaborates with a thorough explanation of the weaknesses of the global financial system, compares gold to other real assets and underlines what makes it unique when it comes to protection and practicality.

After Marcelo brings some recent examples of consolidation activities among gold mining companies, Simon Mikhailovich explains how the prices, the expectation and the dynamics of gold extraction are the catalysts for the mergers and acquisitions that are happening in the sector, besides commenting on his perspective on this issue.

Simon, who has extensive experience as a derivatives investor, having made money on the way up and also on the way down in the last cycle, argues that derivative contracts represent a major risk to the system and discusses his macroeconomic outlook, including global indebtedness, asset pricing and possible consequences for the markets.

Specifically on the US government borrowing and central bank actions, Mikhailovich assesses the current situation, the implications of the policies adopted, underscores the importance of the issue of trust and compares the current scenario with the latest financial crises.

Asked about the importance of the price of gold, Simon Mikhailovich ponders about purchasing power, nominal and real values and cites historical examples of the commodity price relative to other assets to substantiate his view on the subject.


To know more about L2 Capital Partners, please check out our website!

The L2 Capital Podcast focuses on potential opportunities in the market, and brings to you industry leaders and intelligent conversation about their respective areas of expertise.

Apr 11, 201936:28
L2 Capital Podcast #07: Chat with Marc Faber – Gloom Boom & Doom

L2 Capital Podcast #07: Chat with Marc Faber – Gloom Boom & Doom

In today's episode, Marcelo López talked to Marc Faber, editor and publisher of the famous report Gloom Boom & Doom and a contrarian investor known for bold investment decisions in the past.

Marcelo begins the conversation by asking about the behaviour of markets from December 2018 to the present. Marc Faber attributes the December declines and reaction seen in 2019 to a number of factors, including the Fed’s capitulation, Modern Monetary Theory and the flow of investor’s capital. He also brings his perspective to the stock market in 2019 and comments on the possibility of a crash.

Following on, Marc discusses the monetary policy of the Fed and other central banks, about their recent decisions, asset bubble, Quantitative Easing (QE) and his expectation regarding the next steps that will be taken by the American central bank. He also talks about the economy in some European economies, in the US, in Japan and in China.

Marc Faber comments on the possibility of a recession in the US and China, for which he makes an interesting sector analysis, highlighting sectors that may suffer great contraction and others that may even benefit by an expansion.

Marc then reflects on the impacts of monetary expansionism on the real economy, on the effectiveness of this kind of policy as a growth stimulus and he cites the examples of Japan and Europe.

Faber, who has almost 50 years of investment experience, talks about negative interest rates and gives his opinion on why investors would look for assets with this so unusual feature.

When questioned about where to find yield at the moment, Marc Faber talks about the countries he follows in Asia, especially Vietnam. As for his expectation on the foreign exchange market, he mentions some emerging currencies and what he thinks about how the US dollar should behave in the long run.

When it came to America versus Emerging Markets stock market, Faber offers his insights into how the relative pricing between them is at the moment and what he considers the best strategy to profit from this difference.

Regarding commodities, Marc stated specific examples of how some types may perform according to the global economic environment and also gave his assessment as to the current pricing of the asset class as a whole.

Specifically on gold, Faber talks about his views on the metal as a form of investment, especially in the current context of high liquidity injected by central banks.

Finally, Marc highlighted those he believes are the main risks to the financial markets and asset prices, such as the issue of political polarization and China's slowdown.


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The L2 Capital Podcast focuses on potential opportunities in the market, and brings to you industry leaders and intelligent conversation about their respective areas of expertise.

Mar 28, 201932:21
L2 Capital Podcast #06: Chat with Alasdair Macleod – Goldmoney

L2 Capital Podcast #06: Chat with Alasdair Macleod – Goldmoney

In today's episode, Marcelo Lopez spoke with Alasdair Macleod, who besides being a very experienced investor, is the Head of Research at Goldmoney.

Alasdair talks about Goldmoney acting as custodian for clients around the world who wish to store precious metals outside the banking system and also the interesting services it provides to its investors.

When questioned about the recent market performance, marked by pronounced declines in late 2018 and a bullish reaction in January 2019, Macleod explains these events and establishes a connection between decisions made by the Fed, the stage of the credit cycle and economic protectionism, in addition to giving his vision of what to expect for this year.

He also draws a distinction between the credit cycle and the business cycle and highlights the factors that characterize the current cycle and uses recent data to give an opinion on the stage we are in today.

Asked what the direction of central bank interest rates should be in the face of current circumstances, Macleod gives his prognosis for rates, as well as its consequences for the economy and markets.

He then discusses inflation measured by governments around the world and points to the discrepancy between what is seen in practice and what is recorded by official price indexes. 

When asked by Marcelo about what can be expected of the performance of gold in the scenario that is being drawn, Alasdair highlights the metal's ability to preserve the purchasing power of those who have it in situations of currency devaluation and cites historical examples to prove his point.

Macleod then shares his view on investments in gold stocks as well as ETFs and how they can react in scenarios of global deceleration and appreciation of the commodity.

He reveals his expectation for Fed decisions from now on and draws a parallel between the crisis of 1929 and today, highlighting the current unprecedented factors such as high public debt and deficits and dependence on foreign borrowers. Besides that, Alasdair conjectures the impacts of these potential decisions to the dynamics of interest rates.

Alasdair also brings a positioning of the electorate on the political spectrum. About Brexit, he meticulously comments about the stage of the process and the impacts that could be felt in the markets.

Finally, responding to a request for guidance on how to position the portfolio to deal with the events he believes are on the way, Macleod talks about analogous situations of the past, specifically about Germany in the 1920s. 


To know more about L2 Capital Partners, please check out our website!

The L2 Capital Podcast focuses on potential opportunities in the market, and brings to you industry leaders and intelligent conversation about their respective areas of expertise.

Mar 14, 201932:28
L2 Capital Podcast #05: Chat with Brandon Munro – Bannerman Resources

L2 Capital Podcast #05: Chat with Brandon Munro – Bannerman Resources

In this episode, Marcelo Lopez spoke with Brandon Munro, CEO of Bannerman Resources Limited, a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, ASX, focused on the exploration and development of uranium mines.

Munro begins by telling a little about the company's history, as well as about his trajectory within the company, from the acquisition of the Etango Project in Namibia, various studies and licenses and the way the company handled the accident at Fukushima nuclear power plant in 2011.

Asked by Marcelo about the country where the company's activities are concentrated, Brandon explains with the knowledge of those who had lived there for several years, mentioning that Namibia contradicts the stereotype that the West has about the African continent. He highlights the characteristics that differentiate Namibia from other countries, emphasizing the quality of its road and port infrastructure, its political stability and the inheritance of German colonization.

Next, Munro provides a detailed explanation of the recent dynamics of uranium spot prices in the face of the trajectory to the current US$30/lb, highlighting events that have modified the demand, such as the emergence of specialized investment vehicles in the acquisition of the commodity . He also shows how he sees price behavior going forward, the levels that may be decisive for the reaction of market participants, and their impact on industry action.

Munro then shares a thorough analysis of how long-term contracts have always dominated the scene, while the spot was negligible and served only as a balancing mechanism. According to him, the Fukushima incident created a huge distortion in the market, profoundly altering the dynamics of the contracts. Brandon points out that we are in an unprecedented situation for this industry, which could significantly boost the bull market of the commodity.

Asked about the latest bull market, Brandon points to how prices rose from about US$20/lb to US$136/lb very rapidly and talks about the similarities with the 1970s. He emphasizes that current prices are unsustainable in view of production costs and that the only way out would be a huge increase in prices, possibly to multiples of current levels. He bases his argument with an estimate for the minimum price that would bring the market back to equilibrium.

Munro brings some of his vision about sentiment in relation to the commodity, going from the recent lack of interest from investors and getting to a situation in which more and more attention is given to the sector. He still explains and cites examples of why the stock prices did not follow the commodity price over the last few months.

Asked about Section 232, Brandon outlines different scenarios of what Trump's response to the request might be, on the grounds of strategic and national security point of view. He also mentions what he believes will be the implications for the companies in the uranium sector.

Munro also talks about his perspective on pricing scenarios and the performance of the two largest companies in the industry, KazAtomProm and Cameco. Regarding the latter, he still discusses the impacts of Cameco’s decision to put its largest mine in care & maintenance and to buy uranium on the spot market to honor its contracts, instead of producing.

Brandon then gives a real lesson on how uranium stocks work, highlighting the operational characteristics of each type, levels, potential for enrichment and its impacts on the market and price volatility.

Munro also talks about what the stock investor should look for when looking for uranium-related assets. He points out that there are few companies that are accessible in the industry and that many have specific risks, not related to the commodity itself, but to jurisdiction, for example.

Brandon concludes by commenting on the feeling about uranium and atomic energy as an alternative energy, comparing i

Feb 28, 201943:57
L2 Capital Podcast #04: Chat with Martin North - Housing market in Australia

L2 Capital Podcast #04: Chat with Martin North - Housing market in Australia

 In this episode, Marcelo talks to Martin North, from Digital Finance Analytics (DFA). DFA is a boutique research, analysis and consulting firm providing advisory services to clients in Australia and beyond.  

Martin starts by explaining how his company, DFA, conducts the research and consulting work. DFA follows a philosophy of its own and looks at different perspectives, with a wealth of detail.

Following on, North talks about the downward trajectory of real estate prices in Australia in 2018, which he had already anticipated, after several years of expressive appreciation. He explains why prices have risen so robustly over the last few decades and shares his point of view for the near future.

Asked about credit expansion and the granting of real estate loans, Martin presents recent numbers and market trends and highlights the strong influence of investors, including foreigners, in this sector. He further clarifies how rising property prices have led to a change in household indebtedness and composition of the budget - and the consequences for the economy as a whole.

Martin, when asked about the report published by the Banking Royal Commission on February 4, highlights the main points of the document and analyzes the problems with the banking system and the country's indebtedness and how they constitute a potential problem for the national economy. He also compares the situation in Australia with the 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis in the US.

Marcelo comments on the fact that a significant portion of households have negative equity and asks about the upcoming decisions of the Australian central bank, the Royal Bank of Australia, regarding interest rates and the impacts of this for the real estate sector. Martin comments on what he thinks will be the decision of the monetary authority in the face of the economic situation and still points particularities of different regions of the country and how they can be determining factors in the way that real estate prices will behave.

An important and interesting risk is questioned by Marcelo regarding the quality and construction standards adopted in the country and Martin, besides explaining the reason for this risk, reiterates his point of view that many properties may turn into chanty towns in the future and highlights the turn from excess demand to excess supply.

Are there more risks that people are not paying attention to? Martin North highlights Australia's strong link with China, rising funding costs, and political risk: elections in the country can lead to the termination of negative gearing. In addition to these, North believes there are many other risks that lead him to believe that the downside far outweighs the upside.

Finally, Martin explains why Australia is heading for a complicated period for the next 5 years, and why 2019 will probably be what 2006 was for the United States in relation to the financial crisis.

Feb 15, 201925:17
L2 Capital Podcast #03: Chat with Russell Napier - U.S., China and the risks for emerging markets

L2 Capital Podcast #03: Chat with Russell Napier - U.S., China and the risks for emerging markets

In this episode, Marcelo talks to Russell Napier, co-founder of the ERIC (Electronic Research Interchange) and creator of the course "A Practical History of Financial Markets". He was also considered the No. 1 strategist in the 1990s and wrote the very famous book "Anatomy of the Bear."

After talking about ERIC, which is a website for institutional investors to buy independent market research, Russell rationalizes about his recent Financial Times article "Cracks are opening in the global monetary system" which has caused controversy by stating that the current economic situation is not the end of a cycle, but something much greater.

When Marcelo asks what will happen going forward, Russsell Napier talks about the global monetary system and how emerging markets should pay attention to the relationship between China and the United States, not only with regard to the trade dispute but also with regard to the exchange rate and the impact that this could have on the world.

During the conversation, he also points out his views on transactions outside the US dollar system. According to him, this issue is much more related to geopolitics than economics. So the conversation goes on to another subject: deflation. Russell believes that the world is moving towards deflation and explains what needs to happen to prevent it from occurring, fearing that we have to face a worse situation than the one in 2008.

When asked about valuations of financial assets, Russell Napier talks about what happened from 2014 to today: assets in the United States have risen while those in the rest of the world have fallen.

He also believes we are at the beginning of a bear market and draws attention to the changing supply and demand dynamics of US government bonds.

So what are the risks to emerging markets? The problem, according to Russell, is that there are emerging markets with vulnerable economies. He also explains how geopolitical changes can be negative for many countries.

Other issues discussed in the podcast are Japanese assets and how China-US relations pose the greatest risk to markets. Napier also draws a parallel between Risk Parity, popularized by Ray Dalio and Bridgewater, and Portfolio Insurance.

While not optimistic about the setting, Russell Napier ends the conversation by suggesting some investment to our listeners.

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Feb 01, 201928:54
L2 Capital Podcast #02: Chat with Jim Grant - Interest rates and opportunities

L2 Capital Podcast #02: Chat with Jim Grant - Interest rates and opportunities

The L2 Capital Podcast focuses on potential opportunities in the market, and brings to you industry leaders and intelligent conversation about their respective areas of expertise.

In this episode, Marcelo speaks to the famous editor and founder of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, Jim Grant, who has been writing in this publication focused in the Capital Market since 1983 and has also written books, such as The Forgotten Depression.

The conversation starts on the strong numbers coming from the Unites States: unemployment rates, the fiscal stimulus, and also the strong GDP, for instance. Questioned about the prospects on what is probably going to happen in 2019, Jim Grant says he believes the essential narrative today is about the growth of interest rates and its consequences. He talks about what the current FED policies and what they have wrought: great distortions and the pricing of assets.

Looking back on what the FED did in the years of 2007 to 2009, Jim Grant highlights the need to do its best to raise the interest federal fund rates. However, he believes that the USA won't follow Japan's steps. Jim also talks about the anomalous condition in the world of finance: it has rising equity values and very low interest rates. Another issue that he explains is the asset price inflation, considering the fact that a lot of the dollars of federal reserve has been locked up.

Does he see a recession going forward? What would be the impact for emerging markets? Jim Grant explains why there's a tendency for the contraction of credit. After presenting some concerning information, he admits there's more risk than happiness in financial matters - even though he doesn't see a recession coming. Jim Grant also says where we can find yield at the moment, and gives a very specific example that clarifies a lot. 

After that, Jim explains about gold and what would make it go up: the loss of confidence in the institution of managed currencies and the federal reserves. He presents some ways of looking at gold market and points out an implicit suggestion for investors. After teaching us all about how things are not as they seem, Jim also talks about uranium and how 2019 will be the year for uranium investors and brings an opportunity he sees in the markets right now based on a question about the risks that we have right now. 

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Jan 18, 201931:48
L2 Capital Podcast #01: Chat with Rick Rule - the uranium bull market

L2 Capital Podcast #01: Chat with Rick Rule - the uranium bull market

The L2 Capital Podcast focuses on potential opportunities in the market, and brings to you industry leaders and intelligent conversation about their respective areas of expertise.

In this first episode, Marcelo had the pleasure to talk to legendary investor Rick Rule, CEO at Sprott, Canadian company that works as a global investment and asset management focused in natural resources and precious metals.

The first discussion with Rick Rule is about the uranium bull market, after a long period of bear market, when the metal was being sold for half the price of its production cost. The investor describes the rising process of the uranium rise in the market, highlighting the astonishing numbers that show it, until the disaster in Fukushima, which decreased the prices and the booming market, but also created the situation that led to the bull market in uranium market today. Rick Rule compares the situation in the present with the one we had 15 years ago, and answers a question about the mining stocks that didn't go up as the uranium.

About the future, Rick Rule analyses how the USA is dealing with the fact that they produce less than 3% of its uranium demand, and how China and Russia are causing impact in the space. According to him, the competition will take place between those countries and also Korea and Taiwan. Then, the investor makes prediction of what may happen in the future, including the competition for African assets.


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Jan 04, 201917:16