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Whole Hearted Leadership with Lantz Howard

Whole Hearted Leadership with Lantz Howard

By Lantz Howard

Are you ready to reach your goals? Do you need to align your intentions at home with your actions? Are you ready to scale from 2x to 10x? Do you need to develop a coaching culture and have transformational accountability?

Subscribe and join real-time interviews with high performers and coaching conversations with faith-driven leaders who are reaching new goals and living with their whole heart.

Lantz Howard is a professional executive coach who helps leaders solve complex problems so they can move forward with their whole heart.

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Unlock Your Hidden Aspirations and Pursue Your Limitless Potential | Real Coaching Conversation with Dylan

Whole Hearted Leadership with Lantz HowardMay 14, 2024

Negotiation Made Simple | Author Dr. John Lowry

Negotiation Made Simple | Author Dr. John Lowry

John Lowry is a recognized authority on negotiation through his experience as a lawyer, management consultant, entrepreneur, negotiation coach, and university administrator. His results-focused, systematic approach to negotiation has been successfully implemented by thousands of professionals across the United States.

Business and organizational leaders spend well over half of their professional time engaged in this process. It is the way they do deals, lead employees, and manage relationships. Most leaders learn to negotiate on the job through a long process of trial and error. In today’s competitive marketplace, there is no time for experimentation, nor room to make mistakes.

The good news is by mastering negotiation, the next level of success is actually closer than it appears. The actionable advice and practical guidance offered in this book give a roadmap for every type of negotiation.


Welcome to the Whole Hearted Leader. I am Lantz Howard.

I am here to help faith-driven entrepreneurs have a killer business, a passionate marriage, and live with purpose.

My goal is your flourishing.

One conversation could shift everything right now.

Lantz is a trained marriage therapist, professional executive business coach, and organizational health leader.

Reach out before you are ready.

Jun 04, 202445:55
Intentionally Pursue Your Wife, Identity Reformation, and Building a Business | Real Coaching Conversation

Intentionally Pursue Your Wife, Identity Reformation, and Building a Business | Real Coaching Conversation

Join me in a real-time coaching conversation with one of the primary problems I hear about from married men.

How do I be present, pursue my wife, and build a business?

This coaching conversation jumps right in after I ask, "What would be meaningful for you to work on right now?"


Welcome to the Whole Hearted Leader. I am Lantz Howard.

I am here to help faith-driven entrepreneurs have a killer business, a passionate marriage, and live with purpose.

My goal is your flourishing.

One conversation could shift everything right now.

Lantz is a trained marriage therapist, professional executive business coach, and organizational health leader.

Reach out before you are ready.

May 28, 202432:54
Dark Traffic: The Dangerous Intersection of Technology, Crime, Money, Sex, and Humanity | Co-Founder and CEO of Dark Watch Noel Thomas

Dark Traffic: The Dangerous Intersection of Technology, Crime, Money, Sex, and Humanity | Co-Founder and CEO of Dark Watch Noel Thomas

We hunt traffickers who use your business to conduct their business.

Our risk intelligence platform combines global corporate and human trafficking data, organized network intelligence, and complex risk-scoring models to identify illicit actors threatening your business.

At Dark Watch, our mission is to eradicate human trafficking by making it impossible for traffickers to use commercial entities to conduct their illicit business.

Dark Watch collaborates with corporate allies to uncover the shadows of modern slavery, offering straightforward tools and solutions to fortify against potential threats. Through our three-step approach, we empower global companies to shield themselves from nefarious actors and uphold integrity.

Who is Co-Founder and CEO and Author Noel Thomas?

Dark Traffic is the book that ushers the public into the next phase of anti-trafficking efforts to stop what has evolved into a $150 billion industry involving a complex network of organized crime trafficking sex, labor, and human organs.

As co-founder and CEO of Dark Watch, author Noel Thomas has led United States law enforcement and the judicial system into the new battleground, where high-tech data analysis is changing how criminals are caught and prosecuted. 

Dark Traffic arrives on a new wave of media attention and actions at the federal, state, and local government levels, and informs readers how they can play a role in identifying and helping stop trafficking that occurs in their own neighborhood. Noel’s story of how he became aware of the issue is proof. The trafficking game has changed drastically, and Dark Traffic will change all our perceptions of trafficking.


Dark Traffic was written first, to provide information. The public desperately needs to have a clear and accurate understanding of the problem we’re facing, since it threatens people, we love. Second, Noel hopes this book makes people angry, because anger focused in the right direction is a powerful tool for change.

We ought to be angry when young people are being destroyed. And third, he wants to dispel the myth that one person can’t do very much. Mass movements are made up of lots of “one persons” who come together to become one massive force for good.”


Welcome to the Whole Hearted Leader. I am Lantz Howard.

I am here to help faith-driven entrepreneurs have a killer business, a passionate marriage, and live with purpose.

My goal is your flourishing.

One conversation could shift everything right now.

Lantz is a trained marriage therapist, professional executive business coach, and organizational health leader.

Reach out before you are ready.

May 21, 202441:48
Unlock Your Hidden Aspirations and Pursue Your Limitless Potential | Real Coaching Conversation with Dylan

Unlock Your Hidden Aspirations and Pursue Your Limitless Potential | Real Coaching Conversation with Dylan

Join this real coaching conversation to explore how to unlock your hidden aspirations and live a limitless life.


Welcome to the Wholehearted Leader hosted by Lantz Howard.

I am here to help faith-driven entrepreneurs have a killer business, a passionate marriage, and live with purpose.

My goal is your flourishing.

One conversation could shift everything right now.

Lantz is a trained marriage therapist, professional executive business coach, and organizational health leader.

Reach out before you are ready.

May 14, 202443:15
Inside the Transformative Ecosystem of Ministry and Business | Founder and President of Mission Lazarus Jarrod Brown

Inside the Transformative Ecosystem of Ministry and Business | Founder and President of Mission Lazarus Jarrod Brown

Jarrod Brown is the Founder and President of Mission Lazarus, a nonprofit organization focused on development initiatives in isolated and remote villages in Honduras and Haiti. Jarrod shares his journey and his passion for finding sustainable solutions in ministry and business to transform lives.

Join the conversation to learn about a holistic and integrated approach to for-profit and non-profit principles that is rooted in the Sermon on the Mount.


Welcome to the Wholehearted Leader hosted by Lantz Howard.

I am here to help faith-driven entrepreneurs have a killer business, a passionate marriage, and live with purpose.

My goal is your flourishing.

One conversation could shift everything right now.

Lantz is a trained marriage therapist, professional executive business coach, and organizational health leader.

Reach out before you are ready.

May 07, 202401:06:25
Clarity is the Strategic Energy for Your Business | Coaching Conversation with Founder

Clarity is the Strategic Energy for Your Business | Coaching Conversation with Founder

Today I host a coaching conversation with Jon. Jon is the Founder of ⁠Solace Cup Coffee⁠. Jon is on a mission to provide clean water around the globe by using his business as a mission.

Through our deep coaching conversation, Jon clarifies his purpose and finds clarity to stay strategic in the next phase of his business growth.


Welcome to the Wholehearted Leader hosted by Lantz Howard.

I am here to help faith-driven entrepreneurs have a killer business, a passionate marriage, and live with purpose. My goal is your flourishing. One conversation could shift everything right now.

Lantz is a trained marriage therapist, professional executive business coach, and organizational health leader.

May 01, 202448:54
How do I become a a coach? | Coaching Conversation

How do I become a a coach? | Coaching Conversation

Every week I get asked about my coaching journey. Soon I will offer official coach training and a pathway into the gold standard for coach training with the International Coaching Federation.

The truth is that this question is rarely about "how to..." The deeper question is rooted in beliefs, values, and motives of overcoming fears and self-protection to walk as a wholehearted leader.

A few questions to consider:

Where do you want to be in 3 years?

How are you self-protecting?

What would it feel like to walk in freedom vs performance?


Welcome to the Wholehearted Leader hosted by Lantz Howard.

I am here to help faith-driven entrepreneurs have a killer business, a passionate marriage, and live on mission. My purpose is your flourishing. One conversation could shift everything right now.

Lantz is a trained marriage therapist, professional executive business coach, and organizational health leader.

Apr 23, 202452:36
Intentional Living and Marriage Planning in a Frantic World | Julie Baumgardner Senior Director of WinShape Marriage

Intentional Living and Marriage Planning in a Frantic World | Julie Baumgardner Senior Director of WinShape Marriage

Julie Baumgardner’s love for all things marriage and family comes from her own experience trying to navigate life after her parents’ divorce. Her passion to help people create healthy, vibrant relationships has taken her on an incredible 35+ year journey from counseling teens and at risk couples to speaking nationally and internationally, creating classes and resources for married couples, hosting a television show, and writing a weekly marriage and family newspaper column.

Intentional Living and Marriage Planning in a Frantic World | Julie Baumgardner Senior Director of WinShape Marriage

Find an upcoming marriage retreat and invest in your marriage:


Welcome to the Wholehearted Leader hosted by Lantz Howard.

I am here to help faith-driven entrepreneurs have a killer business, a passionate marriage, and live on mission.
My purpose is your flourishing.
One conversation could shift everything right now.
Lantz is a trained marriage therapist, professional executive business coach, and organizational health leader.

Apr 16, 202458:30
Guardrails to Growing Your Kingdom Business and How to Earn More without Becoming Greedy | Founder Brent Beshore with Permanent Equity

Guardrails to Growing Your Kingdom Business and How to Earn More without Becoming Greedy | Founder Brent Beshore with Permanent Equity

Today's conversation is with Founder Brent Beshore from Permanent Equity.

Are you curious about acquiring your first business or need a healthy view of how to earn more money without becoming greedy? How does our view of God impact our relationship to building a business? Why making decisions with a legacy mindset can help your anxious heart?

Go to and learn more about the free resources, Brent and his team have put together to help you in life and business. Subscribing to get his EOY updates alone will be worth your time and energy.


Lantz Howard is a business coach and executive leadership guide for faith-driven entrepreneurs.

My approach to developing executive leaders integrates the maximization of hope, gaining an outside perspective, devising practical strategies, and implementing measured discipline. This is all done with warm accountability aimed at achieving your desired outcomes. 

When you are ready to work less, earn more, and get back to what you love in life and business you can contact Lantz at

My goal is your flourishing.

Did you find today's conversation useful?

Send it to a friend and help spread the message about becoming a wholehearted leader.

Get one coaching tip per week at

Apr 09, 202401:01:33
Beyond the Battle: A Man’s Guide to His Identity in Christ in an Oversexualized World | Noah Fliplack

Beyond the Battle: A Man’s Guide to His Identity in Christ in an Oversexualized World | Noah Fliplack

Beyond the Battle: A Man’s Guide to His Identity in Christ in an Oversexualized World with author and speaker Noah Fliplack.

"All men face some degree of temptation or discontentment. Here is your guide to get you past frustration into freedom. We live in a culture where 55% of married men and 70% of single men look at porn at least once a month and over half of all marriages end in divorce.

To understand why that is we have to look beyond the battle to the root of both the problem and the solution…

In Beyond the Battle, author and pastor Noah Filipiak shows you why symptom-based behavior management approaches offer short-term solutions. Instead, he unpacks the keys to a gospel-centered, long-term victory, helping you win the war against temptation and entitlement."


The Whole Hearted Leader Coaching Conversations are hosted by professional executive coach Lantz Howard.

Business coaching for faith-driven entrepreneurs. 

Work less, earn more, and do more of what you love in business and life. 

My goal is your flourishing.

Reach out before you are ready and take your next step: build a killer business, create a passionate marriage, and live on mission.

Apr 03, 202451:03
Forgiving Forward | Author Dr. Bruce Hebel

Forgiving Forward | Author Dr. Bruce Hebel


Dr. Bruce Hebel is an international speaker with a compelling message of forgiveness that is revolutionizing the hearts of people from all walks of life.

Forgiving Forward is helping people experience the freedom of the Gospel through the power of forgiveness.

If you found today's episode helpful please take a moment to share with a friend and leave a review.

Are you ready to work less, earn more, and do more of what you love in life and business?

Lantz Howard is an executive coach helping faith-driven business leaders reach their next goal.

Take your next step on your entrepreneurial journey.

Mar 26, 202448:58
How to Create More Leaders | Leadership Development | Live Coaching Conversation

How to Create More Leaders | Leadership Development | Live Coaching Conversation

Listen to this real-time coaching conversation about how to develop more leaders. Through provoking questions and insights, he realized he needed a leader and mentor to develop his heart and mindset.

Are you ready to reach your next goal?

Contact Lantz for a strategy session to develop and create your playbook for your next leadership season.

Let's partner together to solve your complex problems and move forward with your whole heart.

Lantz Howard is a professional executive coach. You can learn more about his work at and read his unofficial bio at

Mar 19, 202429:27
Listening to Jesus in Your Marriage, Overcoming Leadership Obstacles and Navigating Grief | John Eldredge with Wild at Heart

Listening to Jesus in Your Marriage, Overcoming Leadership Obstacles and Navigating Grief | John Eldredge with Wild at Heart

John Eldredge is back on the podcast today to dive further into marriage, leadership, and navigating life transitions.

Listen to learn about what John values in their marriage, what obstacles they have overcome in leading Wild at Heart, and how to allow your soul to grieve.

I mention two of his recent books and he shares an insight about his forth coming book about taking shelter in God.

Get Your Life Back: Practices for a World Gone Mad

Resislent: Restoring Your Weary Soul

Wild at Heart: Restoring the Masculine Soul

Be sure to download the One Minute Pause App to help you practice centering prayer as you give everything and everyone back to God.

If you received this podcast from a friend who cares about you, you can subscribe and learn more about my work at

I am a trusted strategic advisor to help leaders create a passionate marriage and killer business without losing their soul.

Schedule your free strategy session and go to and receive a complimentary guide to help you have better intimacy and greater revenue in the next 30 days.

Mar 12, 202457:41
Create Meaningful Work and Overcome Burnout | Coaching Conversation

Create Meaningful Work and Overcome Burnout | Coaching Conversation

Join today's real-time coaching conversation. If you find yourself in a transitional season, burnout, or looking to make sense of building authentic friendships as a man this coaching conversation could be helpful to you on your journey.

Reach out before you are ready to unlock your potential with a powerful coaching conversation that helps you live and lead with your whole heart.

Mar 05, 202444:32
How to Create Excellent Work in a Noisy World | Kinsmen Founder Peter Ostakpo

How to Create Excellent Work in a Noisy World | Kinsmen Founder Peter Ostakpo

Join today's conversation with Founder Peter Ostakpo of Peter and his wife Sarah are leading a movement to curate deep conversations and support men in finding their identity in Christ through media, gatherings, and places for rest, recharge, and purpose.

If you want to make a difference today that will outlive you, you will have to move at a different pace. A pace that draws the soul into deeper waters. That is what Peter is doing. Listen to the conversation and learn more. Grab a Kinsmen journal for a friend, brother, and co-worker.

Peter is a man of generosity and wants to offer the listeners of this podcast a BOGO.

You can grab a BOGO offer by using the code "Lantz" when you checkout.

May you be encouraged to live bold with open hands and the same spirit of generosity that points people deeper to all the Christ offers.


Howdy! I'm Lantz Howard a trusted guide. I help business owners, senior leaders, and high-performing entrepreneurs create a passionate marriage and a killer business without losing their soul.

Reach out before you are ready and let's have a conversation about your path of wholeheartedness.

I am honored by your time, energy, and presence listening. You belong here. Until next time.

For the Kingdom,

Lantz Howard

Feb 26, 202401:01:31
How to Launch a Second Career | Coaching Conversation: Retirement, Book Proposals, Receiving

How to Launch a Second Career | Coaching Conversation: Retirement, Book Proposals, Receiving

How do you respond when someone offers you a gift? Do you try to counter that gift and reciprocate? Or can you fully receive in deep gratitude without needing to be a giver?

Lantz spends time coaching Greg through military retirement, transitions, launching his book, and how being willing to receive is his next gateway to unlocking his potential.

Emotional tension happens when you cannot open your heart to fully experience others pouring into your life and letting go of the guilt that you must do something kind in return.

The essence of grace is keeping men trapped from their next season of full expression. Listen for insights on how to receive with grace is giving.

Schedule Ask Lantz Anything to get coached on a podcast or explore working together and create a passionate marriage and killer business without losing your soul.

Reach out before you are ready and if it feels like a risk then you are headed in the right direction.

Feb 13, 202453:29
Unstoppable Mindset | Peter Vanderveen

Unstoppable Mindset | Peter Vanderveen

Have you found yourself at rock bottom and stuck? Pete and Lantz discussed Pete's journey from the oil and gas industry to helping other executives thrive. Pete shares his challenges of being a major executive in charge of millions and billions to surrender his life fully to Christ.

Grab a copy of Pete's book on Amazon.

Executive Coach | Marriage Therapist | Spiritual Guide

Feb 06, 202432:15
Identity and Alignment for Your Next Role | Coaching Conversation

Identity and Alignment for Your Next Role | Coaching Conversation

Lantz coaches Dan around identity, purpose, and alignment to help him take his next steps. Early on in the conversation Dan had the shift he needed and we could have ended the conversation on this note, but we kept going to uncover any other hidden gems.

If you find yourself in a career adjustment know that your external motivations will only become as clear as your internal reality. Take time to detach from what motivates you because you can do all the right things to find a job, but still be frantic on the inside. Your career shift or pivot will become attractive when you settle in on who you are and not what you do.

Executive Coaching | Marriage Therapist | Spiritual Guide

Jan 30, 202446:36
Sacredness of Secular Work with Author Jordan Raynor

Sacredness of Secular Work with Author Jordan Raynor

Join today's conversation as Lantz sits down with author Jordan Raynor to talk about how we can fully integrate spiritual life into our everyday life at work. The gospel goes far beyond our traditional paradigm of the church on Sunday morning and we need wholehearted leaders making a Kingdom difference in the marketplace.

Win a trip to France by pre-ordering The Sacredness of Secular Work by Jordan Raynor.

Executive Coach | Marriage Therapist | Spiritual Guide


Unedited podcast edition. Jordan and Lantz share a brief heart connection at the beginning around grief.

Jan 23, 202427:40
Entitlement and the Gift of Presence Raising Kids | Live Coaching Conversation

Entitlement and the Gift of Presence Raising Kids | Live Coaching Conversation

Join today's live coaching conversation about how to raise an only child who is not entitled, set boundaries, and give the gift of presence.

Executive Coach | Marriage Therapist | Spiritual Guide

Jan 16, 202444:11
Put Your Hand to the Plow | Former MLB Jon Edwards

Put Your Hand to the Plow | Former MLB Jon Edwards

I am joined by former MLB player Jon Edwards. We discuss his marriage, cancer, setbacks, moving to Japan, and his new adventure into politics and real estate. Join the conversation and take away collective wisdom to help you move forward in 2024 and simply put your hand on the plow.

Executive Coach | Marriage Therapist | Spiritual Guide

Jan 09, 202437:02
Overcome Marital Rejection and Open Yourself Up | Coaching Conversation with an Enneagram 8

Overcome Marital Rejection and Open Yourself Up | Coaching Conversation with an Enneagram 8

Do you protect yourself or guard yourself in marriage? Listen in for today's coaching conversation and explore what it means to open yourself up and face the very thing you are seeking to avoid. As men, we want a 7 step plan to grow ourselves and our marriage, but as he shares this one practical step at the end of our conversation is what he needs for now to shift the relational patterns in his marriage.

Lantz Howard is a relationship coach for men. He is a trained executive transformational coach, marriage therapist, and spiritual guide. His mission is to restore the hearts of men to the Kingdom and see their lives transformed by Jesus.

When you are ready you can get started at

Dec 19, 202351:24
Be a Unicorn | Founder and CEO William Vanderbloemen

Be a Unicorn | Founder and CEO William Vanderbloemen

Listen to the latest research from over 30,000 interviews of what habits separate the best leaders. The first habit we talk about is the one that is derailing leaders.

Subscribe to the show and receive strength for the leader's heart at

Dec 12, 202339:43
How to Flourish in 2024 | 22 Questions for Spiritual Leaders with Lantz Howard

How to Flourish in 2024 | 22 Questions for Spiritual Leaders with Lantz Howard

Our role as sons and daughters is to be in a relationship with the Father and obey him as we hear his voice. The following is not intended to be a comprehensive list of goal setting and having a killer year or even a theological framework on why I believe God desires us to pursue excellence in all areas of our lives.

Instead, the brief framework provided is designed to be used to help you create intentional time to listen, reflect, and respond to these writing prompts listening to the Father and trusting the Spirit.

Get the full set of questions by going to

Are you ready to flourish in your personal and professional relationships? Let's connect and talk about partnering together to unlock your heart and live in God's design for your life.

Dec 09, 202306:20
Rocket Fuel for Emotional Growth | Field Notes with Lantz Howard

Rocket Fuel for Emotional Growth | Field Notes with Lantz Howard

I am learning that disappointment, loss, or crisis is rocket fuel for emotional growth. Yet, many times I have not used the fuel or opportunity provided.

Have you experienced this before? Listen in to what I am experiencing as God's invitation to allow disappointment, loss, and crisis to shape me.

I would be honored to receive your gift of sharing and leaving a review to help spread the message of whole-hearted leadership.

Yes, I am an executive coach, marriage therapist, and spiritual guide, but I am a sojourner with you. Thank you for joining me on the journey and partnering together for flourishing.

Subscribe to the email list and find out more about working with Lantz at

Dec 01, 202304:27
Living Well | Former MLB Pitcher Shawn Tolleson

Living Well | Former MLB Pitcher Shawn Tolleson

Former MLB Pitcher Shawn Tolleson shares about his most recent date night with his wife, overcoming adversity in the MLB, and what it means to live well physically and spiritually.

If you find this show helpful and encouraging please take a moment and leave a review and share it with a friend to help others live and lead with their whole heart.

Hosted by professional executive coach and marriage therapist Lantz Howard.

Are you ready to have more love, peace, and freedom? Connect with Lantz and discover your path to wholeheartedness at

Nov 28, 202340:17
Live in Obedience | Ben Dozier from Building Roots on HGTV

Live in Obedience | Ben Dozier from Building Roots on HGTV

Join today's conversation with Ben Dozier and hear about why living in obedience matters even in the midst of your abundance. Ben pulls back the curtain on the ups and downs of starting a landscape business in 2005 that has grown into a network of businesses. Ben and Cristi live in Pagosa Springs, CO and their show Building Roots is currently airing on HGTV. Tune in if you desire to live in alignment with your God-given design and walk in obedience.

Hosted by Lantz Howard

Nov 16, 202349:37
Leading in Alignment | Coaching Conversation with Lantz Howard

Leading in Alignment | Coaching Conversation with Lantz Howard

In today's coaching conversation, we begin with essential questions:

How are you in relationship to yourself?

What are your values?

What is your God-given purpose right now?

Stop looking for life-hacks to be more productive and hear how this man desires to walk with God and serve the people right in front of him.

May you hear your story and grow through this wholehearted coaching conversation with Lantz Howard.

Apply to be a coachee guest on the podcast or get started with your transformational leadership coaching today.

I coach men to restore their heart and have strong relationships.

Are you ready to have more peace, courage, and freedom?

Schedule your call today.

Oct 05, 202340:00
Enduring Growth | Rhett Smith LMFT, Coach, Author

Enduring Growth | Rhett Smith LMFT, Coach, Author

Join Rhett Smith and Lantz Howard to discover what authentic growth looks like in your marriage, spiritual wholeness, and why having strong men around you is vital to your health. Learn practical skills to build your support team and how to become emotionally well on the journey.

Rhett Smith is an LMFT, coach, and endurance runner.


Howdy! I'm Lantz Howard. I coach faith-driven married men in their mental and physical health to reach their peak performance. I love guiding my clients to experience less stress, build a passionate marriage, and optimize their fitness. You can schedule Ask Lantz Anything to take your next step and join the ongoing coaching community, get customized coaching, or discuss wellness training for your team.

Sep 19, 202348:52
Prisoner of Hope | Founder Derek Aspinwall of Aspinwall Mountain Wear

Prisoner of Hope | Founder Derek Aspinwall of Aspinwall Mountain Wear

Derek Aspinwall shares the hardships of launching a sustainable clothing company that supplies high-end mountain gear from Montana. You will learn what is means to be a prisoner of hope in your business and life. Hear why entrepreneurs' faith increases more than others. Learn about how God speaks to you through dreams and how to take action in your life.

Get a flannel for fall and grab your favorite mountain gear from Derek and his team at


Howdy! I'm Lantz Howard...

I coach faith-driven married men who want to elevate their physical and mental health for peak performance.

I love guiding my clients to experience less stress, build a passionate marriage, and optimize their fitness. As a professional coach, former pastor, marriage therapist, and wellness practitioner I leverage all my training to help men get the edge in life they desire.

Join The Edge Coaching and Community

The Edge is a monthly mastermind for married faith-driven men who want to get physically, spiritually, and mentally strong.

“If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success.” Ecclesiastes 10:10

Avoid burnout, mediocrity, and a sexless marriage.

Commit for 90 days and reach your goals.

Sep 14, 202352:03
The Integrity Gap | Order of Man Founder Ryan Michler

The Integrity Gap | Order of Man Founder Ryan Michler

Join today's conversation as Lantz sits down with Ryan Michler the founder of the men's movement Order of Man. Ryan has authored two books and leads over 1,000 men in his Iron Council Tribe.

Topics covered:

You rise to the level of your systems.

Overcoming adversity in marriage and family.

Taking the next step in front of you.

Leveraging energy versus making sacrifices.

Why every man must focus on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

Howdy! I'm Lantz Howard...

I coach faith-driven married men who want to elevate their physical and mental health for peak performance.

I love guiding my clients to experience less stress, build a passionate marriage, and optimize their fitness. As a professional coach, former pastor, marriage therapist, and wellness practitioner I leverage all my training to help men get the edge in life they desire.

Join The Edge Coaching and Community

The Edge is a monthly mastermind for married faith-driven men who want to get physically, spiritually, and mentally strong.

“If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success.” Ecclesiastes 10:10

Avoid burnout, mediocrity, and a sexless marriage.

Commit for 90 days and your life will transform.

Sep 08, 202346:04
Power Your Best Life | Founder/CEO of TruLabs Brandon Pogue

Power Your Best Life | Founder/CEO of TruLabs Brandon Pogue

Brandon Pogue is the founder and CEO of TruLabs. He shares the following wisdom on this podcast.

  • Leverage short trips with your spouse.
  • The four ways God speaks.
  • Why discipline is key to success.
  • How he is investing into the growth of TruLabs.
  • Why a chaplain was one of their first hires.

I coach faith-driven married men who want to elevate their physical and mental health for peak performance.

I love guiding my clients to experience less stress, build a passionate marriage, and optimize their fitness. As a professional coach, former pastor, marriage therapist, and wellness practitioner I leverage all my training to help men get the edge in life they desire.


Aug 30, 202340:28
Leading with Significance | Vice President/Athletic Director of the University of North Texas Jared Mosley

Leading with Significance | Vice President/Athletic Director of the University of North Texas Jared Mosley

Leading with Significance | Vice President/Athletic Director of the University of North Texas Jared Mosley

Join the conversation and hear what makes a wholehearted leader and how to live and lead with significance.

"A life and leadership of significance will be marked with love and grace." Jared Mosley

Are you a married faith-driven man who wants to elevate your physical and mental health for peak performance?

Join my weekly newsletter for actionable tips on high performance and optimal wellness.


Aug 22, 202342:39
The Path to Wholeness: Managing Emotions, Finding Healing, and Becoming Our Best Selves with Dr. Mark Mayfield
Aug 15, 202335:45
Mark Miller | VP of High Performance Leadership at Chick-fil-A | Why Being a Steward, Serving Others, and Becoming a Daily Student Matters

Mark Miller | VP of High Performance Leadership at Chick-fil-A | Why Being a Steward, Serving Others, and Becoming a Daily Student Matters

Strengthen Your Stewardship and Multiply Your Leadership Potential

How can I serve you? I host two forms of content on this podcast. One is high-capacity leaders like today's conversation with Mark and two is supporting ambitious leaders who want to accelerate their growth in one coaching conversation. When you are ready to unleash your God-given potential reach out and let's connect to see if you are a good fit to share a real-time coaching conversation with the world.


Mark Miller has published over 25 books, has served with Chick-fil-A for over 44 years, and is getting ready to reach his next level of impact. Here are a few noteworthy questions:

Tell us about the culture of your marriage and how that reflects your leadership.

Why living adventure matters.

What would you want Truett Cathy to say to you today as you make your final lap at Chick-fil-A?

What is God's heart with the things that he has entrusted to your care?

Why does reaching and impacting 100,000,000 million leaders matter?

and much more.

Grab Mark's latest book Culture Rules: The Leaders Guide to Creating the Ultimate Competitive Advantage at


Support this content by sharing it with a friend and leaving a review. Thank You!

Apr 13, 202353:47
Keep Priorities Aligned

Keep Priorities Aligned

Mar 30, 202306:52
How to Overcome Fear by Thinking in 90 Day Blocks of Time

How to Overcome Fear by Thinking in 90 Day Blocks of Time

Apply for your coaching conversation over at

The Kinsmen Journal will be a gift every man loves. Grab a journal for a friend, your father, your son, or your husband over at

Mar 14, 202340:07
More Wealth and Less Taxes with Lance Belline

More Wealth and Less Taxes with Lance Belline

It seems like everyone I know could use a little extra money and financial wisdom during any economy, but especially the one we are in now. 

Tune in for a special guest and hear about a few possible ways that you can save money this year and create more wealth by having less taxes. 

Find out more about Lance Belline and order your copy of More Wealth and Less taxes at

Guiding faith-driven entrepreneurs to win in their marriage and be fully alive from the bedroom to the boardroom.

If you find today's episode helpful please share it with a friend and give a five-star rating to help encourage others on living and leading with their whole heart. 

For quick links and social follows go to - 

Oct 06, 202240:56
Sage: A Man's Guide Into His Second Passage with Chris Bruno

Sage: A Man's Guide Into His Second Passage with Chris Bruno

Join Lantz Howard and Chris Bruno and consider what A Man's Guide into His Second Passage means for you today. Chris has recently released his new book Sage. Sage will be a welcome gift to you and those men in your life that you love. The process of becoming a whole hearted man is not for the faint of heart, yet Chris has distilled wisdom and his training into material that could save your life and help you be fully alive. 

Chris is author and counselor leads a team at and

What is the difference in men who drift in life versus those who live abundantly? 


Who is in your corner? Every champion has a coach.  Schedule your free discovery call and get on the path of living and leading with your whole heart at and download the free resources that help you become fully alive from the bedroom to the boardroom. 


Please share this episode to help men becoming whole hearted. 

The best gift you could give today is the gift of the five star review and to help more people lead full and live free. 

Sep 08, 202249:44
How to Live a Legacy by Building Your Life Today - Big A - Aaron Walker

How to Live a Legacy by Building Your Life Today - Big A - Aaron Walker

If you are like me you like to get quick wins and keep moving. You can get your guide to 46 quick wins that will help you be fully alive from the bedroom to the boardroom at 

Today we have Big A again on the podcast. Big A is the author of A View from the Top and host of the Iron Sharpens Iron mastermind groups. You can find him at 

Today we explore why many men stop living at the age of 60 or 70 and what you can do instead to start building your life today. Hear what he shares makes a meaningful marriage, how to have a growing business, and keep Christ at the center. Don't wait to have a life of significance tomorrow when you can build it today. 

Are you a faith driven leader who wants to elevate your performance, have a dynamic marriage, and make a Kingdom impact? You could be the next guest on the podcast. I would be honored to serve you in a real-time coaching conversation and help you move the needle forward in your life by going to 

If you find this podcast helpful please subscribe, give a five-star review, and share it with a friend. 

Jul 12, 202252:22
Coaching Conversation: How to Stay Focused and Move Beyond the Dopamine Hits that Our Phone Provides
Jul 05, 202244:09
Faithful Stewardship with Steve Robinson Author of Covert Cows and Former Chief Marketing Officer of Chick-fil-A

Faithful Stewardship with Steve Robinson Author of Covert Cows and Former Chief Marketing Officer of Chick-fil-A

Steve is the Former Chief Marketing Officer of Chick-fil-A and is the author of Covert Cows and Chick-fil-A: How Faith, Cows, and Chicken Built an Iconic Brand.

We dive into marriage, leadership, faith, finances, and how to lead well in an economic recession. 

Jump over to to get your free guides on being fully alive from the bedroom to the boardroom.

Building Wholehearted Leaders: Guiding faith forward men to elevate their performance, have healthy relationships, and live with an eternal impact.

Jun 30, 202252:45
Do the Hard Thing First - Chick-fil-A Owner/Operator Tim Sweetman

Do the Hard Thing First - Chick-fil-A Owner/Operator Tim Sweetman

In today's conversation, Tim and I dive into marriage, leadership, fitness, spiritual disciplines, and why it matters to do the hard thing first. 

Tim Sweetman is Chick-fil-A Owner/Operator and Podcast host of Mission and Margin

Guiding faith-driven leaders to elevate their marriage and leadership.

Join the Wholehearted Leadership journey at

Jun 23, 202240:53
John Eldredge Resilient: Restoring Your Weary Soul in These Turbulent Times

John Eldredge Resilient: Restoring Your Weary Soul in These Turbulent Times

This podcast episode is a short version of a previous podcast that I hosted with John. 

John Eldredge Resilient: Restoring Your Weary Soul in These Turbulent Times

Jun 01, 202215:38
7 Ways to Elevate Your Leadership and Marriage Today

7 Ways to Elevate Your Leadership and Marriage Today

7 Ways to Elevate Your Leadership and Marriage Today

Practical principles that you can put into practice today. 

Get your field guide at

May 26, 202206:48
Is Your Ego in the Way of Receiving Compliments?

Is Your Ego in the Way of Receiving Compliments?

How did you respond the last time someone gave you a compliment? Did you respond with a simple, "Thank You!" If not then this conversation is for you. 

In today's coaching conversation, we explore the tension that exists for leaders to receive praise.

Your executive presence matters to your team and when you are unable to accept their compliments it is indirectly affecting your ability to give genuine praise back to your team.

Apr 21, 202220:43
The Biggest Lie to Overcoming Change and Transformation

The Biggest Lie to Overcoming Change and Transformation

You are living the exact life that you have created. Period. Stop blaming everyone else for your life and circumstances.

We live in a "do it to me, do-it-for-me, but don't make me do it" culture. This belief is keeping many people back from making meaningful change and transformation. In this episode, I share why the path of suffering is the path to transformation. 

  • What beliefs are you holding on to that are no longer serving you?
  • What decisions do you need to make to get to your desired destination?
  • How much are you willing to suffer to experience long-term transformation?
  • What needs to shift in you to overcome the "do it to me, do-it-for-me, but don't make me do it" mindset?

Come join the Champions Circle and get on a path of growth and encouragement with like-minded Kingdom men.

Apr 14, 202209:03
Logan Stout: How to Stay in Alignment, Be Present, and Listen to God in Your Marriage and Business

Logan Stout: How to Stay in Alignment, Be Present, and Listen to God in Your Marriage and Business

Curated conversations and customized coaching to help you elevate your marriage, business, and life. 

Join this Champion Hope podcast and this curated conversation with Logan Stout. Logan is an avid entrepreneur who has made millions at a very young age, played professional baseball, actively coaches baseball, and has founded several companies, including the Dallas Patriots, and Premier Baseball Academy. He is the Founder and Chairman of ID Life a wellness company that optimizes your health based on your DNA. 

Logan makes no excuses for staying in alignment with the Kingdom of God, leading his wife, raising two young men, and multiplying his time, talents, and treasures all at the same time. 

You can learn more about Logan and follow his social links at and grab a copy of his best-selling book Grit Factor.

Learn more about DNA Based Nutrition and Health Coaching and take a free health assessment.

Download your free Jump Start guide at and start your Five Habits of a Champion Husband at

Join The Champions Circle group coaching cohort and get on a path to overcome the obstacles in your marriage, business, and life. 

Building Wholehearted Leaders

"Champions on the outside are built with hope on the inside."

Lead Full. Live Free.

Apr 07, 202201:02:56
Coaching Conversation: Stop Leading Using the Whack-A-Mole Style and Lead with the End in Mind

Coaching Conversation: Stop Leading Using the Whack-A-Mole Style and Lead with the End in Mind

Do you struggle with the whack-a-mole leadership style?

Listen to today's coaching conversation and apply the same principles to your marriage, business, life and leadership. 

Hear why I believe every leader needs to write his or her eulogy. 

Grab your free resources and guides 

Jump Start book and 5 Habits of Champion Husband Free Video Course  


Apr 04, 202213:42
Jordan Raynor - Redeeming Your Time, Marriage Date Ideas, and Your Influence with Your Children

Jordan Raynor - Redeeming Your Time, Marriage Date Ideas, and Your Influence with Your Children

Join the conversation as Lantz Howard sits down and asks him eight questions about his marriage, leadership, life, and how he desires to learn how to play as a spiritual practice. Your life will be enriched by getting Jordan's book Redeeming Your Time and get a copy of his latest children's book at 

Here are the eight questions we explored together: 

  1. One of the greatest adventures we are on is to love, serve, and lead our spouse in meaningful ways. Tell us about a recent date and how that reveals more about your life?
  2. After a great date with your spouse and you need to work off the extra food you consumed and the desert, what is your preferred style of workout and what does that say about your leadership?
  3. It seems everyone wants to talk about winning but rarely do we want to talk about the process that got us to the winning season of life. One of the complexities of life is learning to embrace suffering and how suffering can refine the character that helps us grow endurance and how that shapes our hope and Kingdom ambition. Can you share about one of your suffering moments and how that has defined you and points to your desire, design, and destiny?
  4. Every ambitious leader has dreams and fears. What are your secret fears? And how does it hold you back?
  5. When you are out of alignment with Jesus, how do you know? What spiritual practices help get you back into alignment?
  6. God's desire is that we live fully alive and yet we know that tension that there is one seeking to kill, steal, and destroy. What are three resources that have helped you in your marriage and/or business embrace being fully alive?
  7. Tell us about what has your focus, passion, and attention right now? Why should it be ours?
  8. Everyone is moving forward. What are your secret dreams? If that becomes true what story would you share three years from now about how that champions hope?



Overcome your shadow self and stop playing small. Discover your hidden strength to lead in spiritual and sexual intimacy. 

Join the FREE Five Day Champion Husband Challenge Course with Lantz Howard


Executive Lifestyle Coaching, Training, and Community for


Are you ready to overcome the obstacles in your faith, family, fitness, and finances?

Try the Champions Circle Coaching Cohort


Mar 28, 202241:49