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Too Human with Nurse Nell

Too Human with Nurse Nell

By Danelle

My job as a trauma informed coach is to lead you back to yourself. Self-help can be an endless circuit of constantly trying to “heal” from your humanness. My job is to help you embrace your messy and adorable humanity with so much love, humor, kindness, and understanding. My philosophy is: All parts of you are innocent. Even the darkest, hairiest, most disgusting, most disturbing parts. I help you relate to all your parts in a novel & magical way that will change how you see yourself and, therefore, everything else. As within, so without :)
Currently playing episode

75. Full Somatic Coaching Session: Letting the Feeling be Fully Felt

Too Human with Nurse NellMay 15, 2024

79. Un-Shaming is the Key to Self Love

79. Un-Shaming is the Key to Self Love

David Bedrick writes, "A parent asked me to help her ten year old son who had been expelled from school for spitting at the school bus driver on 3 occasions. Here's what UnShaming revealed:

UnShaming begins by getting to know what a person is actually doing, instead of assuming that I know and believe it's wrong.

I asked him to show me how he spit. I modeled it for him by spitting myself. As we both got into spitting, it was apparent that he spit with a certain anger.

After he was befriended, he told me that he hated the bus driver.

-'Why don't you like him?' I asked.

-'He treats the disabled kids badly when they get on the bus.'

He and I shared something - an outrage for injustice.

It was easier for me to express my anger, not because I was a better person or more mature, but because I had privileges that he did not, making it more likely that people take me seriously:

-I was older

-I had advanced degrees

-I had a facility with words to amplify my voice, a gift I always had.

He didn't need to be told why he shouldn't spit. He needed to be empowered so that he could express himself in MORE powerful ways.

AND the school system needed to take heed of the bus driver's bigotry - they too, along with the bus driver, should have been brought to my room or expelled.

UnShaming doesn't fix or heal what is wrong with a person, it brings out what is RIGHT about a person, confirming and validating who they really are."

Here's the original post:

May 31, 202418:00
78. Stop Pathologizing Yourself
May 29, 202438:39
77. I Would Never Believe in a Spiteful God

77. I Would Never Believe in a Spiteful God

I would never believe in a God or a universe that was spiteful or judged me.
I would never personify the idea of God, an overlord, or an energy of some sort as being hateful.
I think that's incredibly internally abusive
…..and it’s not your fault. AT ALL.
Religious indoctrination and purity culture pushes this idea that God/the universe/source energy is going to punish you for the “wrong” shit that you do.
Even if you’re not religious, these ideas are in the air you breathe.
Literally that “life” is somehow against you.
This drives you to be in a trauma response (fight, flight, freeze, fawn) on the daily.
But…. ya know what’s cool??? You get to decide what attributes your god/universe has.
God/the personification of the energy of the universe is created in your own head. & that's the best news ever. There's no out there, out there. & she/he/they/it can be as real as anything else.
You get to conjure something or someone beautiful as your spiritual guide(s) - a wise, kind parental figure. An energy of the most blissful love. Pure acceptance of every part of who you are, a hilarious magical gnome….
Or stay in fear, lack, and shame by creating an absolute ass-hat persecutory POS as ‘god’ that reminds you of your abusive dad. Keeping the outer (and therefore inner) critic LOUD.
You get to decide what serves your life best.
Join me in un-shaming yourself and connecting with your spirituality in a way that works for you, with you

May 25, 202436:56
76. Showing Up When You Feel Haggard AF (and breaking down a coaching review!)
May 24, 202422:23
75. Full Somatic Coaching Session: Letting the Feeling be Fully Felt

75. Full Somatic Coaching Session: Letting the Feeling be Fully Felt

GUESS WHAT I'M DOING!?!?!? I'm so excited about this!!!!!
I've recruited a handful of people to guide through a somatic (body-based) coaching sessions who have consented to SHARE IT with you all My intention behind this is for you to have an inside look into what my unique and specific style of trauma informed somatic coaching looks like.
Keep in mind, not every session with clients are somatic.
There's sooo much more we pull from and lots of education, nervous system tools, and pragmatic magic that occurs.
And....such a VITAL part of the work i do with my people centers around slowing down and FEELING your emotions in order to process them.
"Every feeling fully felt is bliss" - my boi Joseph Campbell

This is the first session that I'll share. Each session is always so different.
I never know what to expect and am always so pleasantly surprised with what comes up.
This woman is a somatic practitioner herself and is highly attuned to her body, as you'll notice.
Sometimes processing something moves quickly, and we work something out from start to finish, and even move through other things/patterns/stagnancies. Other times, they are slower, with lots of silence and space, to just BE WITH what is there. All of it is perfect.
When we do somatic work, we are tuning into the unconscious.
So, lots of what we talk about and what I guide through won't make logical sense to the conscious mind, but works out all kinds of kinks, confusion, dysregulation, stories, in the unconscious...which then obviously affects your conscious life in profound ways.
It's pure *magick*
What's cool about watching a session is YOU get the medicine, too. Notice what happens in your body/mind as you witness this & let me know what your reactions were.

May 15, 202456:27
74. How to Communicate in Relationships Without Being an Ass-clown (in a bad way)

74. How to Communicate in Relationships Without Being an Ass-clown (in a bad way)

the title says it all

May 07, 202423:09
73. Your Second Reaction is Your Authentic One
May 03, 202420:45
72. The True Power of Coaching the Unconscious Mind
May 02, 202419:57
71. Why Mindset AND Body-Based Therapy Work Together
May 01, 202411:16
70: Is Trauma Informed Coaching for You??

70: Is Trauma Informed Coaching for You??

My name is Danelle and I’m a trauma informed life coach for women


My work is best suited for women who have been in therapy for a while – perhaps decades, but are still feeling stuck. It also works well in tandem with therapy.


This means – you’ve done at least some reprocessing work- perhaps work like EDMR, and/or therapy frameworks such as CBT, DBT


You know no one can save you from yourself (I mean u might have deep hardwired fantasies about this but ur aware on some level of that being a fantasy and ps I have some bomb ass tools to work with that fantasy ohhh baby)

You know you’re responsible to work on your shit. You self-aware & motivated to make changes, improve your life and how you feel, but you’re still feeling:

tired/exhausted by your mind

like you cycle through burnout and rest

Not confident (body image issues, social anxiety, critical of yourself, etc)

Still get into fights with your partner about the same things and end up feeling bad

Have that underlying generalized sense of unworthiness/not being enough, especially after you feel like you’ve been rejected, you’ve disappointed someone, etc.

You don’t feel safe even in safe situations

You have a hard time speaking up, knowing what your needs are, or making your needs heard

You put others first

You people please

Let's talk about how trauma informed coaching can help.

Apr 29, 202452:16
69. When You Avoid Pain, You Avoid Life
Apr 28, 202418:03
68. A Unique Way to Find Your Own Answers
Apr 24, 202427:52
67. Performing/Masking vs. Safety in Authenticity
Apr 22, 202429:48
66. The Value of a Life Coach
Apr 10, 202451:49
65. I'm in a Rough Season of Life. This is How I'm Managing.
Apr 07, 202433:04
64. Relationships Show You to Yourself
Apr 05, 202432:22
63. What Do You See When You Look at Yourself? With Self-Love Coach Juliana
Mar 29, 202455:46
62. Healing The Abandonment Wound

62. Healing The Abandonment Wound

Abandonment is a major wound for us humans. Understandably. Being left when you need support or are in pain is a common human experience, and we actually start to internalize the external experience of abandonment by learning to abandon ourselves.

Abandonment from the outside can come in many forms:

  • Being told you’re too much or not enough
  • Your feelings are not validated
  • When you do not feel heard or seen (and you want to be heard/seen)
  • When your pain goes unwitnessed
  • When you are struggling and there’s no one to give you want you’re needing in that moment - a hug, a conversation, quiet time, space for expression

It becomes a knee-jerk reaction in moments of pain to abandon yourself and re-create the same behaviors as the caregivers who abandoned you.

This podcast will shine light on how to know when you are abandoning yourself, and what to do instead so you have the experience of being a loving & compassionate ally to all (deeply innocent) parts of you that just need your attention.




It’s $44.44 😌

1 Somatic Coaching Session to Drop from Your Overthinking Head to Your Body


~~Head to Heart Session~~

Problems are often not best solved from your conscious mind. Especially not a stressed mind.

Like, literally – when you are in a stress response (flight, fight, freeze, fawn - even subtly), the body routes it’s precious resources AWAY from the parts of your brain that are great at critical thinking/thinking clearly and TO your limbs (so you can mf FLEE/FIGHT and whatnot).

Accessing your unconscious mind & your place of CALM is a practice. And you may access a type of clarity in ways you may have never experienced before in this session.


-Sessions are 60 minutes long

-You can keep your recording of the session for life if you want it

-Investment is $44.44 (angel numbers bb)

This session is for you if you are:

-A woman who overthinks/ruminates and feels overwhelmed

-Feels like she needs to be productive to be worthy

-Needs/wants a break

-Is imaginative/a visual thinker

-Is open-minded

-Is ready for a shift in her life


T: “One session with you was more helpful than 20 years of therapy”

C: “What surprised me the most about working with you was how open you were. How willing you were to go “wherever I needed to go.” It didn’t matter about the topic, or what was said, or “how” it was said. You just lovingly accepted all my parts.”

T: “You’re so brave – as you guided me down into the scary-ass basement of ghouls within me, you had the energy of “let’s go girl!!” It’s so nice to feel a lack of judgement and open up about things I couldn’t speak to anyone about. With other mental health professionals, I tend to feel some judgement and wonder “am I too much?” – or feel this sense of needing to protect them from my darkness.

Coaching with you was a different experience than anything I’ve felt before. It was crazy.

I’ve never laughed-cried like that before. The relief was that immense. Your wisdom is something I’ll never forget. When we did the somatic practice and talked about a spot in my body where I held very scary, painful trauma, you were so fearless. I’ve always felt afraid of other people’s emotions and the way you held space – with such understanding and fearlessness – was awe inspiring.”

P: “The most unexpected thing was how deep we went in one hour. We touched on things that it took me years to express in traditional therapy. In one session, I realized I wouldn’t die if I faced my pain. In the days since our session, I’ve paused to ask myself, ‘what’s going on in my body and what sensations do I feel?’ I’ve always felt so disconnected from my body and our session took away I lot of fear I’ve held onto."

Mar 23, 202445:07
61. How I Went From Shy to Self-Expressed Queen

61. How I Went From Shy to Self-Expressed Queen

The title says it all!! This episode is so near and dear to my heart. I've been reflecting a lot on the fact that my shy child-self would be MIND-BLOWN with how self-expressed I am nowadays. I've noticed in the last 2-3 years, I've absolutely quantum leaped when it comes to authentically expressing myself to others, and in this episode I detail exactly how I did it so you can re-create it in your own life.

Message me on social media to let me know what you got out of this episode!!!

IG: @nurse_nell

FB: Danelle Gal

ALSO OMG grab my free offer: Existential Kink and Tapping for Anxiety!!

Mar 16, 202434:47
60. As Within, So Without - With Spiritual Life Coach Britt Russell

60. As Within, So Without - With Spiritual Life Coach Britt Russell

Helllooooooo I got a fresh one for ya!! Britt is a spiritual life coach who I met while we were both working our medical jobs. We connected immediately, and she's been such a light on my path. Like literally when people say "she's such a light in this world," that's how I feel about Britt. RADIANT human who's walking her talk.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • Not seeing people as they are, but seeing them as we are
  • Numbing out with substances/addiction in general
  • Believing you are wrong and broken & what to do about that mindset
  • Trusting vs. distrusting yourself
  • Shame
  • Projection
  • Spiritual paradox
  • The feeling of being watched inside your own mind

....and more!

Here's her bio: Britt Russell is on a mission to inspire spiritual expansion within your mind by sharing spiritual teachings she’s unveiled along her journey to unlock abundance and inner peace. Trained EMT, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, and Psychic by nature with the ability to feel others beyond their appearance and words. Believer in humanity and advocate for personal empowerment.

Check out Britt's podcast, Through Her Lens. I was a guest on her pod (second episode!) and it was a delight.

Here's the link to listen to her podcast:

Follow Britt on social media here: IG:

or email her:

Mar 14, 202401:10:08
59. Rescuing Others is Hurting You (and What to Do Instead)
Mar 11, 202417:07
58. My Magical Experience With a Somatic Coach

58. My Magical Experience With a Somatic Coach

An account of an incredible coaching session I had with a somatic coach (who's getting certified in the VITA method)

Somatic work never fails to blow my mind and allow me to find the answers inside of myself.

The coach I worked with for this session was Verity Mitchell

Her FB is

Book a consult with me here

Feb 28, 202422:18
57. The Radical Practice of Saying "Yes" To It All: A Convo with Fellow Existential Kink Coach and Nurse Chelsea

57. The Radical Practice of Saying "Yes" To It All: A Convo with Fellow Existential Kink Coach and Nurse Chelsea

I'm so THRILLED to introduce you to Chelsea (if you don't already know this icon). She and I are both nurses and shadow work coaches. She is an oncology nurse, and we met during our Existential Kink coach training. We were in the same coven (small witchy/magical groups) during our EK training, so we spent some solid time together holding space for each other. She is truly a special human, coach, and healer.

This conversation was sooo good, and the word I use to describe Chelsea is an "expander." She is gentle and fierce simultaneously, and when I'm around her, I feel energetically/emotionally expansive and connected. I think you may feel the same or similarly as you listen to this episode.

We touch on:

-The underbelly job that is nursing

-Shadow work and existential kink


-Different types of medicine/medicinal experiences

-The unconscious vs. conscious mind

-Transitions and portals that open as a consequence

-My experience with a psychotic break (or at least psychotic break adjacent)

-What it means to say "yes" to it all, and ride the wave of sensations


...and more!!

You can find Chelsea on IG @sohumanwithchels

Feb 22, 202401:00:28
56. How To Find Clarity and Direction

56. How To Find Clarity and Direction

I think I have a unique take on clarity and direction. Lots of my clients come to me not even knowing what they want, and to me, that's NOT a problem....and it's also understandable. It's part of the human condition to not know what you want. In this pod, I share some mindset stuff and tools to help you re-frame what it means to be "clear" about what you want and where you're going.

Shadow Games, my shadow work course (existential kink and emotional freedom technique) is on sale now. Doors close Thursday, Feb. 15th, 2024. Get it here:

Feb 13, 202432:28
55. Want Peace? Stop Being So Defensive

55. Want Peace? Stop Being So Defensive

Oh this is a deep dive. In part 1 of this pod (first 15 min or so), we explore some mental re-frames and create lightness humor around others' opinions of you. In part two (last 20 mins or so), we dive into The Victim Triangle - my ultimate psychological tool for inner peace when it comes to the complexities of interpersonal relationships. This episode is PACKED with value, I hope you enjoy it.

Wanna go deep with existential kink and nervous system regulation? Get my course Shadow Games:

Jan 25, 202440:11
54. Women: You Need To Brag

54. Women: You Need To Brag

Seriously. Specifically, you need to brag in safe spaces with other women who are also bragging and celebrating themselves. This practice is RADICAL. It's confronting. It's uncomfortable at first. And damn is it healing.

Come to Cozy Group Coaching - my $16/session coaching group. We are going to be sharing our brags at the top of the call. Join us here:

10 women max per session. 75 minutes per session.

You get coached on a first come, first serve basis. There will be a group activity/meditation, then we get to coaching. You can get coached on anything.

These sessions will be recorded and I will use some of the content to create social media posts/examples of coaching. You will always have the opportunity to consent or not consent to your coaching being shared.

Jan 18, 202419:47
53. Cults and Sovereignty in Personal Development
Jan 11, 202431:48
52. Shadow Work Somatic Practice: All of You is Welcome

52. Shadow Work Somatic Practice: All of You is Welcome

Get comfy and let's meditate!! After a brief intro, I guide you into a meditative hypno-therapeutic practice to radically accept and welcome everything that is going on inside and outside of you - to find your inner pillar of groundedness and peace with all-that-is. ENJOY!!!!

Find me on IG: @nurse_nell

Tiktok: @nursenell33

FB: Danelle Gal

Dec 28, 202330:50
51. Things I Live By

51. Things I Live By

Yayyyy. I've developed some very healthy and helpful ways to view myself and my life. I have a bunch of things written around my office that I look at every day and felt compelled to share them because they are so good & may help you too

Follow me on social media:

Facebook: Danelle Gal

IG: @nurse_nell

Tiktok: nursenell33

Dec 19, 202333:50
50. People Pleasing is Manipulative

50. People Pleasing is Manipulative

The truth will set you free :)

Follow me on socials!:

IG: @nurse_nell

Tiktok: nursenell33

FB: Danelle Gal

Dec 15, 202316:36
49. Forgiveness is Not for Them. It's For You.
Nov 27, 202331:11
48. Narcissists vs. Empaths: What Pop Psychology Got Wrong
Nov 14, 202339:01
47. Track Your Menstrual Cycle & Become the Oracle of Your Own Life, bb

47. Track Your Menstrual Cycle & Become the Oracle of Your Own Life, bb

This episode is for humans who menstruate. Tracking your cycle is SUCH AN ABSOLUTE MF fact that we are not taught this in detail growing up is wild to me. Makes sense tho ya know (*cough* patriarchy *farts*). When I started to become aware of my mood patterns, I could more easily un-shame myself for my thoughts/behaviors/etc. Tune in for the basics of cycle tracking and the different mood phases. Become the oracle of your own life.

SHADOW GAMES FLASH SALE: My pre-recorded Existential Kink, tapping, and embodiment course is on mf sale:

Work with me♥️ Free consult call:

My Podcast: Too Human🛸

My website 🔥

Get emails from me 🧚‍♂️

Podcast appearance: Nurse Nell- Trauma Informed LIfe Coach on Somatic Healing

Nov 10, 202321:56
46. Death, Grief, Letting Go of Control, and Soothing Words

46. Death, Grief, Letting Go of Control, and Soothing Words

Welp. There's a lot going on right now. Personally and globally. In this episode, I share about some recent losses in my life, rumination, anxiety, reflect a bit on Palestine and Israel, and share something I wrote this morning that was soooo soothing to me and could be soothing to you, too.

Book a trauma informed life coaching consult with me here:

There's a flash sale of my shadow work course Shadow Games now. Get it here:

Nov 06, 202327:00
45. Why You Should Lean Into Being a Basic B*tch

45. Why You Should Lean Into Being a Basic B*tch

HELLO. This is an interesting topic. If you are a creative type who feels like being "normy" is a death sentence, this episode is for you. Leaning into your basic b*tchness = integration & freedom, while trying to avoid it = isolation & disconnection.

Nov 02, 202318:43
44. Surrending to the Human Experience with Ilana Khin

44. Surrending to the Human Experience with Ilana Khin

Sometimes articulating the most simple truths is the hardest thing.

Ilana is so good at articulating deep truths in an accessible, digestible, embodied way

I love this woman. She is a truth seeker & finder & and I appreciate every one of the conversations we’ve had

This episode was therapeutic for me. It felt like a warm blanket. It felt like permission be with What Is.

I’m truly sooooo excited for you to experience her magic, and feel that too.

If you are a human having a human experience I *highly suggest* listening to this episode (lols). For real. I believe whoever is meant to listen, will. Absorb the wisdom in your bones. See what happens ♥️



Find Ilana on instagram @ilana.khin

Oct 30, 202354:58
43. Un-Shaming: An Underrated Aspect of Trauma Healing

43. Un-Shaming: An Underrated Aspect of Trauma Healing

The title says it all :0

Book a free consult with me here:

Oct 15, 202319:18
42. MY BOOK RECS - Non-sh*tty self-help, joyful business/marketing, sexi fiction...

42. MY BOOK RECS - Non-sh*tty self-help, joyful business/marketing, sexi fiction...


I LOVE TO READ. Here are a few of my faves of all time.

Genres include:

Non-sh*tty self-help

Joyful & sustainable business/marketing


Sexi fiction


I'm a trauma informed life coach for women. Sign up for a free consult with me here:

Oct 06, 202333:07
41. Your Ego Only Wants Good Things (why that's a problem and what to do about it)

41. Your Ego Only Wants Good Things (why that's a problem and what to do about it)

Your ego loves to hate negative emotions. Your ego loves to be identified with labels, status, control...

There's a problem though. Your unconscious mind wants everything. And it will fight your ego and your ego will fight it. This will cause constant internal war.

In this episode I outline how to dissolve the ego's grip on your consciousness so you can go with the flow easier, and quiet the raging war in your mind. :)

Sign up for a free coaching consult with me here:

Check out my website here:

Oct 03, 202316:08
40. Being Ok Even When Others Aren't is an Act of True Service

40. Being Ok Even When Others Aren't is an Act of True Service

In this episode, I talk about perhaps the most important concept in my life currently - a sneaky facet of codependency where you base your emotions around other people's emotions - for example - "I'm not happy unless you're happy" or "if you're angry, I'm angry now too."

This enmeshment and is so common and human, so don't shame yourself for it.

What's important here to note is that this kind of enmeshment isn't helping anyone (empathy is different btw).

Two dysregulated people are worse than one, always. It's a great act of service to learn how to regulate your own nervous system and stay un-enmeshed from other people's emotions, & be able to co-regulate.

It's true self love instead of self abandonment, and in turn, it's so loving towards other people.

Sign up for a free coaching consult with me here:

Check out my website here:

Sep 24, 202334:08
39. Remembering Your Magick with Holly Hamel

39. Remembering Your Magick with Holly Hamel

I am blissed the f*ck out to share Holly Hamel with you all. She is one of the most unique, grounded, spiritual, honest, authentic souls I’ve encountered.

((I am connected to THE COOLEST people, and for that, I am #blessed, and you are blessed as a result LOL))

It is a privilege to introduce you (if you don’t already know her) to this icon.

Holly is a psychic, intuitive, spiritual coach, magician (magick with a -CK), coach (amongst infinite other labels), and has a 20+ year background in mental health & postpartum counseling.

We were in the same cohort for our Existential Kink coaching training, and she stood out to me from the start.

She is a force of nature and overall wonderful human. Her energy just feels very….good to me. Being in her presence is warming and inviting, AND she tells it like it is. She has a directness and a soothing quality to her. She really does have high priestess energy.

Here’s our awesome conversation together. ENJOIIIIIII!!!!

Find Holly on IG: @holly.high_priestess

Holly’s offerings:

Sep 22, 202359:50
38. Hearing Your Own Voice in Life and Business with Michelle Etchison

38. Hearing Your Own Voice in Life and Business with Michelle Etchison

I am truly so MF thrilled and HONORED to present this *chefs kiss* human(oid) to you all.

I genuinely laughed hard many times throughout this convo with Michelle, as well as received so many light-bulb moments and downloads.

Ya know that quote by Maya Angelou: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Michelle's words are sooooo wise and poetic and beautiful AND the thing I noticed soooo strongly was how I felt during this convo.

My body was legit buzzing in such a grounded gentle lovely way, and THAT is the magic of being in the presence of the goddess queen that is Michelle Etchison. Her vibe is immaculate.

I’ve been following Michelle since I started my coaching business- she was one of the first people I was attracted to in the online business space and it has been a f*cking treat to watch her evolution over the last few years. She's a self expression coach and is so incredible at what she does.

She is the real deal. She’s someone who feels -solid- to me. She shows up. She’s brilliant. She’s herself. She exhibits and embodies a kind of feminine freedom that is a permission slip for other women.

Tune in to our pod pod for the magick!!!

P.s. one of my favorite moments of this episode was when Michelle said she feels like the spirit of her business is being run by her first bird, Beau. Consider me obsessed with that type of energy. THAT is what we need in the coaching world & life LOL

You can find Michelle and her offerings here:

IG: @happyhoelife (moved from @michelle.etchison)

Naughty content challenge:

Happy hoe life membership:

Michelle's podcast:

1-1 coaching with Michelle:

Sep 14, 202301:02:20
37. What Does "Expand Your Nervous Systems' Capacity" Mean & Why It's So Important

37. What Does "Expand Your Nervous Systems' Capacity" Mean & Why It's So Important

Talking about SUCH an important concept today - what it means to "expand" your "capacity."

Sign up for a free consult with me here:

Sep 12, 202318:14
36. Consuming Content and How to Clear Your Channel

36. Consuming Content and How to Clear Your Channel

Move faster, consume more, succeed harder, grow, grow grow....

& how to clear all the bullsh*t to find your peace.

Sep 07, 202330:16
35. Debt is a Neutral Circumstance

35. Debt is a Neutral Circumstance

We're talking $$$$ baybeeee


What are your thoughts/feelings about your debt?

Let's re-frame. Dissolving the emotional charge around debt is so SO so so important. If you have debt, this episode might change your life.



SHADOW GAMES: Pre-recorded Existential Kink, tapping, and embodiment course:

SHADOW GAMES (payment plan $122 x 3):

Work with me♥️ Free consult call:

Aug 24, 202330:57
34. Tools to Overcome Overwhelm

34. Tools to Overcome Overwhelm

This episode is originally a workshop I taught! I teach 2 simple tools and share some tips about how to deal with/move through overwhelm.

I’m a trauma informed & shadow work coach for women. I specialize in nervous system education & regulation, existential kink, people-pleasing, anxiety, getting out of victimhood, and creating positive spirals of synchronicity in your life. Dm me to apply for a free 45-minute consult (or go to the link in bio bio)♥️

Aug 20, 202325:31
33. How to Do Byron Katie's "The Work" Without Bypassing

33. How to Do Byron Katie's "The Work" Without Bypassing

Ah yes. My girl Byron Katie.

Her 4 questions:

  • Is it true?
  • Can you absolutely be sure it's true?
  • How do you react when you believe that thought?
  • Who would you be without that thought?

Her 4 questions, on the surface level, can seem simple and like they're just there to gaslight you, but my understanding and experience of The Work at this point is that it's incredibly profound and I've worked through some deep and long-held beliefs by practicing The Work.

The Work is meant to be meditated upon, and felt into. My interpretation is that the questions start to dissolve our grip on beliefs that cause us suffering, and therefore allow us to connect with the truth of who we are beyond our thoughts. It's the SOMATIC/FELT experience of WHO YOU BE underneath your thoughts is what makes this work profound.

It's about your truth, not mine. Don't gaslight yourself by answering "no" to "is it true?" if it's not true for you.

Listen for more, and to learn how to do it yourself :))



SHADOW GAMES: Pre-recorded Existential Kink, tapping, and embodiment course:

SHADOW GAMES (payment plan $122 x 3):

Work with me♥️ Free consult call:

My Podcast: Too Human🛸

My website 🔥

Get emails from me 🧚‍♂️

Podcast appearance: Nurse Nell- Trauma Informed LIfe Coach on Somatic Healing

Aug 11, 202328:11
32. WTF Are Spirit Guides? + A Ritual to Connect to Yours

32. WTF Are Spirit Guides? + A Ritual to Connect to Yours

YAY I love this topic.

The seen vs. the unseen. Conscious vs. unconscious.

Your spirit guides can be whoever or whatever you want them to be.

I believe I have a unique take on spirit guides that makes them accessible to anyone.


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Podcast appearance: Nurse Nell- Trauma Informed Life Coach on Somatic Healing

Aug 08, 202331:54
31. The Horror and Profound Beauty of Being Human (with Sherri Hasley and I)

31. The Horror and Profound Beauty of Being Human (with Sherri Hasley and I)

My friend and old client Sherri Hasley and I have an in depth, fun, heartfelt, meandering conversation about trauma, shadow work, the importance of mental health support, Existential Kink, toxic positivity, how psychedelic it is to feel your feelings, and more. Enjoi

She interviews me, but this is a fluid, flowing conversation where we both share our beliefs.

Find Sherri here:

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SHADOW GAMES: Pre-recorded Existential Kink, tapping, and embodiment course:

SHADOW GAMES (payment plan $122 x 3):

Work with me♥️ Free consult call:

My Podcast: Too Human🛸

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Podcast appearance: Nurse Nell- Trauma Informed LIfe Coach on Somatic Healing

Aug 05, 202301:31:19
30. Overcoming Good Ol' Social Anxiety

30. Overcoming Good Ol' Social Anxiety

I was talking to someone a few months ago who I didn’t know super well.


As we talked, I felt like my lung channels were narrowing, making it harder to breathe.

I was hyperfocused on what they were saying but surely missing important non-verbal details.

It felt like there was a heavy ball in my stomach pulling me down into the earth, where I could disappear and honestly just….rest for a thousand years.

I felt like everything I was saying was fucking stupid and every movement I made was being watched carefully for any signs that I was an imposter. I had to be careful. Very careful.


Ah yes, good ol’ social anxiety.


I always wondered why in some social situations I had no problem at all – felt totally at ease, happy, excited to be there – having interesting conversations with new people who felt like friends in no time. And why other times I felt like I was going to shit my pants and die.


I realized, for a teeny tiny moment, in that conversation with that human I mentioned above, that there was a program running in the deeeeeeep recesses of my mind, causing the constriction. I heard a voice: “you are stupid” “what are you doing” “no one likes you.”


This voice (that I’m usually unaware of because again….it’s so DEEP!) was literally sending me into a sympathetic nervous system response (fight/flight/freeze/fawn). The hypervigilance, hyperfocus but unaware of important non-verbal details, the sweating, heart racing, frozen-ness. The inability to remember what my favorite book is or a good show I’ve been watching recently. This is a typical stress reaction – the same kind we humans get if we are being chased by a lion.


Listen for more

SHADOW GAMES: Pre-recorded Existential Kink, tapping, and embodiment course:

SHADOW GAMES (payment plan $122 x 3):

Work with me♥️ Free consult call:

My Podcast: Too Human🛸

My website 🔥

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Podcast appearance: Nurse Nell- Trauma Informed Life Coach on Somatic Healing

Aug 02, 202311:59