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Quarantined Tipsters

Quarantined Tipsters

By Othello | in partnership with

This is the QT (Quarantined Tipsters) Podcast, a show that was created and inspired during the pandemic of 2020.
We enlighten, entertain, and empower; sharing you the tools and insights to thrive in a rapidly changing world, leaving you inspired and refreshed with amazing perspectives.

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Stay emotionally intelligent, and, continue to tip the scales in your favor!
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S2 E1 How To Get Rid Of Hiccups?

Quarantined TipstersJul 14, 2022

S4 E5 How Often Should You Get A Pedicure?

S4 E5 How Often Should You Get A Pedicure?

Visit our partner website to check the transcript -

Thanks for listening! The Quarantined Tipsters or QT Podcast is in partnership with The show that enlightens, entertain,  empower, and most of all to let our listeners continue to tip the scales in their favor.

This is Othello, your QT host of the Quarantined Tipsters Podcast. Until next time, you take care!!!

May 04, 202402:60
S4 E4 INC Year End Thanksgiving 2023

S4 E4 INC Year End Thanksgiving 2023

S4 E4 Iglesia Ni Cristo Year End Thanksgiving 2023

In today's episode we are sharing some of the reasons why Thanksgiving to God Almighty is a holy duty. But before we dive in to the top 5 list which is related to the annual Iglesia Ni Cristo Year end Thanksgiving, allow me to say my courtesies to you my listeners, subscribers, followers of this Podcast.


Shout out with positive JOY to you my dear friends, loving - strangers and no-strangers alike.


To those who accepted with curiosity those rectangle QT promo cards and subscribed via Spotify or Apple podcast - I Thank you! If you're listening right now, I'm so happy you're tuned in!


To those whom I've met in different conferences, meetings, and trainings - thank you for taking the time to check out and made a follow of this podcast. Special Shout out as well to Miss A. Martinez @Sagility Health, our Vice President in the corporate company I currently work for, in the future collaborations instore for podcasts projects.


To those whom I've never met - both in the Philippines and abroad (like the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore and the rest of the other countries) who stumbled upon this Podcast, hey youu! Fellow QT, how could I forget you! You are in my mind of course whenever im seeing the stats in Spotify about listenership from across the globe,  I thank you for following us!


To those who Shared the quarantined tipsters podcast through social media of any kind, or even sharing via word of mouth --- HUGE THANKS to you As Well!

Visit our partner website for the full transcript of this episode.

Happy New Year Everyone.

Dec 31, 202312:52
S4 E3 What Is The Secret Sauce Of Increasingly Being Inlove with Your S.O. as the Relationship Matures?

S4 E3 What Is The Secret Sauce Of Increasingly Being Inlove with Your S.O. as the Relationship Matures?

Today at the Quarantined Tipsters Podcast, we're doing a read out from Reddit's NoStupidQuestions.


We stumbled upon this inspiring query from a redditor with the burning question - What makes you increasingly in love with your significant other as your relationship ages into maturity. Maturity in the sense like going 10 years, going 15, going 20, and farther, even 30 or more years.


To illustrate and put more context here's the verbatim from redditor steveplat66:

Why am I more in love now, than 30 years ago? 

Okay so this may seem like a silly question, but I'm approaching 30 years being married and I am wondering why these days I am way more in love than I was when we got married, exponentially more so.  I will see her face amongst others when at a party and all I want to do is walk over and give her a kiss, and sometimes I do.   I'm finding her way more attractive now than when we got married.  She's always had a great figure and been a bit of a hottie, but I'm just way more attracted to and in love now than I think I was when we first got married.


Yes I was in love when we got married, but these days it just seems to be that I'm infatuated with her.  Sex nowadays is awesome, not a reason for me to cum, but much more about the intimacy, the touch, the embrace and I focus way more on her pleasure than I did 30 years ago.  

But this is more than sex - I will walk past and steal a kiss, grab a hug or just give her a compliment, but I am doing this far far more than I did during our early years.

So basically my question is, have others noticed their love for their significant other increase tenfold as you mature in your relationship?

Dive deeper in to this episode by visiting our partner website:

The full transcript is posted in our website, and you may also check previous posts.

Thank you again for tuning in and being a part of the Quarantined Tipsters community. Stay safe, stay curious, and keep on learning!


Oct 15, 202314:17
S4 E2 Mastering Time Management in a Hybrid Work Setup

S4 E2 Mastering Time Management in a Hybrid Work Setup

In a world where work and personal life are more intertwined than ever before, finding that perfect balance can feel like a Herculean task. But fear not, because we'll be sharing practical strategies that will equip you with the tools you need to thrive in this new work landscape.


We'll dive deep into topics like time blocking, prioritization, and focus.

One highly effective technique for mastering time management in a hybrid work setup is **Time Blocking**.


**Time Blocking** involves allocating specific blocks of time to dedicated tasks or activities. Here's how you can implement it effectively:


1. **Plan Your Day Ahead**: At the start of each day or the night before, create a detailed schedule. Identify the most important tasks that need to be accomplished.


2. **Allocate Specific Time Slots**: Assign specific time blocks for each task or activity. Be realistic about how much time each task will take.


3. **Minimize Multitasking**: Focus on one task during each time block. This helps prevent distractions and allows you to give your full attention to the task at hand.


4. **Include Breaks**: Ensure you schedule short breaks between time blocks. These breaks allow you to recharge and maintain focus throughout the day.


5. **Set Boundaries**: Clearly communicate your time blocks to colleagues and family members. Let them know when you're available and when you need uninterrupted focus.


6. **Adaptability is Key**: While time blocking provides structure, it's important to remain flexible. Emergencies or unexpected tasks may arise, and you should be prepared to adjust your schedule accordingly.


7. **Reflect and Adjust**: At the end of each day, review how effectively you used your time blocks. Adjust your approach as needed based on what worked and what didn't.


By implementing time blocking, you can enhance your productivity, maintain a clear separation between work and personal life, and make the most of your time in a hybrid work setup.


For the other two techniques, visit our partner website for the transcript of this episode.

So, head on over there and revisit our notes for more retention,  Please don't forget to subscribe to our show on Spotify or Apple Podcast, or wherever you're getting your podcast from. 


But, before you go, I want to remind you that your support means everything to us. It's what keeps this podcast going and enables us to bring you more amazing content. So, go ahead and  show us some love, head on over to our Paypal or GCASH QR Codes on the website, and donate whatever you can. 


Every little bit helps and we appreciate it more than you know.


This is Othello, your QT host of the Quarantined Tipsters Podcast. Until next time, you take care!!!

Oct 01, 202313:44
S4 E1 Ted Lasso: Lessons on Kindness, Leadership, & Team Dynamics

S4 E1 Ted Lasso: Lessons on Kindness, Leadership, & Team Dynamics

Visit our partner website to deep dive on the full narrative of this episode.

Follow us on Spotify, Apple Podcast or wherever you're getting your podcast from.

This is the QTPodcast, continue to tip the scales in your favor.

Sep 24, 202313:16
S4 E1 Trailer: Ted Lasso's Lessons on Kindness, Leadership, and Team Dynamics

S4 E1 Trailer: Ted Lasso's Lessons on Kindness, Leadership, and Team Dynamics

Here's a quick preview of the QTPodcast's season 4 episode 1 - Lessons on Kindness, Leadership and Team Dynamics from Ted Lasso, the hit Apple TV Series.

Sep 24, 202301:03
S3 E17 IglesiaNiCristo's 109th Anniversary #ThankfulNoMatterWhat #INC109

S3 E17 IglesiaNiCristo's 109th Anniversary #ThankfulNoMatterWhat #INC109

What Are You Thankful For?

Last July 27, the church celebrated its 100 and 9th anniversary.. It is appropriate and right, therefore to support and partake in the Thanksgiving Anniversary of the Church thru a special worship service.

In reflection -this meaningful experience must be shared, not only from within but as well as to everyone specially to you, as a listener of this podcast.

Our team compiled some publicly curated posts on soc med like Facebook and instagram about the church member's thoughts on what they are thankful for.

We shall read verbatim these posts as a way of sharing, reflecting, and savoring the beauty and inspiration being brought by what it means to be a member of the Church of Christ.

Read the full transcript in our partner website

Credits on SocMed #INC109 Posts:

- Wilminia Dumaop

- Anthony Taberna

- Jeremy Pasamonte

- Rowena Sibulo

- Dave Solitario

Credits on Image Art for this episide: Michael Johnson Rapote

Special note:

This is the final episode of Season 3 of the Quarantined Tipsters Podcast.

Here's a preview for Season 4


1st, it's going to be a mix of myself hosting the show and in some episodes, co-hosting with guests or speakers, just what we have promised you back in the past episodes, dropping some breadcrumbs on what it will look like in season 4 of this podcast.


2nd, the theme for season 4 is about new beginnings and never endings. Hahaha! Sounds puzzling and interesting at the same time! But yeah, we shall continue the common denominator from past seasons -- being cerebral in topic and at times funny with immersive listening.


3rd but not the last - we shall be migrating to a new background music, sponsored by Spotify and artists who go pro-bono on their services.


That's it for now, please watch out our 1st episode of the season 4 of the Quarantined Tipsters Podcast on September 24, 2023.

Sep 10, 202316:35
S3 E16 Mayon Volcano's Top 5 Explosive Eruptions

S3 E16 Mayon Volcano's Top 5 Explosive Eruptions

The explosive history of Mayon Volcano as we delve into the top 5 most intriguing eruption timelines since its recorded history. Brace yourselves for a journey through time, where the raw power of nature and the resilience of the Filipino people collide.

  1. 1616: The Fiery Awakening - Our timeline begins in the early 17th century, when Mayon Volcano awoke from its slumber and unleashed its fiery might. This eruption marked the first recorded eruption of Mayon and left a lasting impact on the surrounding landscape, forever shaping the region.

  2. 1814: The Great Eruption - Fast forward to the early 19th century, where Mayon Volcano erupted with cataclysmic force. Known as the Great Eruption, this event lasted for several days and spewed ash, lava, and pyroclastic flows, devastating nearby towns and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

  3. 1897: A Volcanic Symphony - Just a year before the Philippines proclaimed its independence, Mayon Volcano made its presence felt once again. This eruption, known for its spectacular beauty, displayed mesmerizing lava fountains and a symphony of volcanic activity that mesmerized onlookers.

  4. 1984: The Lethal Fury - In the modern era, Mayon Volcano reminded us of its unpredictable nature. The eruption of 1984 unleashed deadly pyroclastic flows that engulfed nearby villages, resulting in significant loss of life and the displacement of thousands of residents. This tragic event serves as a reminder of the devastating power of volcanic activity.

  5. 2018: Nature's Fireworks - Our timeline concludes with a recent eruption that painted the skies with breathtaking displays of nature's fireworks. The 2018 eruption of Mayon Volcano delighted spectators with stunning lava fountains and ash plumes, reminding us of the raw beauty and unpredictability of volcanic activity.

These five timelines represent significant moments in the recorded history of Mayon Volcano. From its fiery awakening in the 17th century to the recent eruptions that mesmerized and threatened communities, Mayon's eruptions have shaped the landscape and the lives of the Filipino people.

I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I did. It's been an absolute pleasure sharing my thoughts and insights with you all.

Now, if you're like me, you're probably itching to get more information on the topics we covered today. Lucky for you, we've got a transcript of this episode up on our website https:/ So, head on over there and dive deeper into the discussion.

But, before you go, I want to remind you that your support means everything to us. It's what keeps this podcast going and enables us to bring you more amazing content. So, if you want to show us some love, head on over to our Paypal or GCASH QR Codes on the website, and donate whatever you can. 


Every little bit helps and we appreciate it more than you know.


This is the Quarantined Tipsters Podcast, where we equip you with the tools to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Until next time, stay emotionally intelligent, my friends, and continue to tip the scales in your favor!


Thank you again for tuning in and being a part of the Quarantined Tipsters community. Stay safe, stay curious, and keep on learning!

show notes:

Sep 07, 202312:09
S3 E15 Philippines Independence Day - 5 Interesting Facts

S3 E15 Philippines Independence Day - 5 Interesting Facts

Let's uncover the intriguing and witty facts about the Philippines' Independence Day, celebrated every June 12. 

Get ready to be captivated by these historical tidbits that will tickle your curiosity and leave you wanting more. Here are the top 5 interesting and witty facts about Philippines Independence Day:

1. The Revolutionary Proclamation

On that fateful day of June 12, 1898, in Kawit, Cavite, General Emilio Aguinaldo boldly proclaimed the country's independence from Spanish colonial rule. It's like he dropped the mic and said, "Adiós, Spanish reign! We're taking the reins now." The echoes of his declaration still resonate through the halls of history, reminding us of the fierce spirit that ignited the fight for freedom.

2. The Secret Society

Behind the scenes, an intriguing secret society called the Katipunan played a crucial role in paving the way for independence. This clandestine group, led by the enigmatic Andres Bonifacio, plotted and strategized to overthrow the Spanish colonizers. It's like a historical thriller, with hidden meetings, secret codes, and a dash of mystery that adds an extra layer of intrigue to our fight for freedom.

3. The Midnight Escape

Picture this: the clock striking midnight, the darkness enveloping the surroundings, and the sound of footsteps fading into the distance. This was the scene on June 12, 1942, during World War II when General Douglas MacArthur made his daring escape from the Philippines, leaving behind the promise of return. It's like a dramatic movie moment, setting the stage for a resilient nation that would eventually reclaim its independence.

4. The Resilient Flag

In a display of resilience and defiance, the Philippine flag was first raised and proudly waved on June 12, 1898. But here's the twist: it was not in the Philippines but in Hong Kong. The exiled Filipino revolutionaries, led by Aguinaldo, hoisted the flag high, symbolizing their unwavering spirit and determination to fight for freedom, even from afar. It's like the flag itself became a wandering hero, representing the indomitable Filipino spirit across borders.

5. The Liberation from Tyranny

Fast forward to June 12, 1946, when the Philippines once again celebrated its independence, this time from American colonial rule. It's like a rollercoaster ride of freedom, from one colonizer to another, but ultimately reclaiming sovereignty. This day marked the culmination of a long and arduous journey, signaling a new era of self-governance and a renewed sense of national identity.

So there you have it, my dear Quarantined Tipsters, the top 5 intriguing and witty facts about the Philippines' Independence Day. From secret societies to midnight escapes, our history is filled with twists, turns, and a touch of mystery. Let these facts remind us of the struggles, triumphs, and the unwavering Filipino spirit that continue to shape our nation. May we always cherish our hard-fought independence and strive for a brighter future.

Jun 12, 202308:42
S3 E14 Emotional Intelligence - Techniques To Diffuse Bad Memories

S3 E14 Emotional Intelligence - Techniques To Diffuse Bad Memories

This technique, shared by a fellow seeker of self-improvement, harnesses the power of emotional intelligence to transform the way we experience and react to our memories. As we learned, memories are not set in stone; they are constantly being re-encoded with updated emotions each time we recall them.

But here's the kicker: by consciously choosing our perspective and approach, we can defuse the emotional attachment to memories that no longer serve us. And the best part? This entire process can be done within the privacy of our own minds.

To put this technique into action, let's break it down:

1. Call up a memory that doesn't serve you.

2. Choose your perspective. You can experience it firsthand or be an observer, even backing up into space if needed.

3. Choose your approach. For example, you can support your younger self as your adult self, offering hugs, positive words, or visualize a healing beam of light that bleaches away the emotional weight.

By consistently practicing this technique, day by day, the emotional pull of these memories will gradually diminish. Imagine the freedom of holding eye contact longer, of shedding fears, and feeling empowered in your interactions.

Remember, emotional intelligence is a powerful tool that can lead to personal growth and improved relationships. As the original author shared, this technique has helped them overcome social challenges and release the fears accumulated from a lifetime of bullying.

However, it's essential to exercise caution and prioritize your emotional well-being. If the memories you're dealing with elicit extreme emotions, it may be wise to seek the guidance of a professional who can support you through the process.

In addition to this technique, exploring the realm of emotional intelligence further can be immensely beneficial. The book "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman is highly recommended for those eager to deepen their understanding and learn more about this fascinating subject.

As we delve into emotions and their impact on our lives, it's worth noting that certain emotions tend to shape our limiting beliefs. Fear, disgust, guilt, and shame are powerful triggers that influence our subconscious responses. By applying the techniques shared and reflecting in a journal, challenging ourselves, and seeking to understand these emotions, we can gradually put our limiting beliefs on ice.

And remember, my friends, each emotion serves a purpose, preparing us for different situations. From the fiery determination of anger to the gentle relaxation of love, each emotion manifests in our bodies and is subtly sensed by others. By learning to harness and understand these emotions, we unlock the power to navigate our lives with greater awareness and authenticity.

So, as we wrap up this episode on emotional intelligence, I encourage you to reflect on the power of your memories, the emotions they carry, and the potential for transformation that lies within you. Embrace the techniques shared today, explore the depths of emotional intelligence, and let it guide you towards a more fulfilling and empowered existence.

This is the Quarantined Tipsters Podcast, where we equip you with the tools to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Until next time, stay emotionally intelligent, my friends, and continue to tip the scales in your favor!


Jun 12, 202313:34
S3 E13 World No Tobacco Day

S3 E13 World No Tobacco Day

Top five insights that will leave you breathless:

  1. Toxic Chemical Cocktail Picture this: when you light up a cigarette, you're inhaling over 7,000 chemicals, including around 70 known to cause cancer. That's like willingly subjecting your body to a toxic chemical cocktail, a recipe for disaster!

  2. Silent Saboteur Smoking is a silent saboteur, damaging your body from within. It not only affects your lungs, but also your heart, blood vessels, and almost every organ system. Over time, it increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, lung diseases, and even cancers in various parts of the body.

  3. Wrinkle Factory Who needs a time machine to age prematurely when you have cigarettes? Smoking accelerates the aging process, leading to dull, dry skin, and the formation of wrinkles. Say goodbye to that youthful glow and hello to premature wrinkles, fine lines, and skin that resembles a dried-up prune.

  4. Poisonous Puff for Loved Ones When you light up, it's not just you who's affected. Secondhand smoke is a serious health hazard for those around you, including your loved ones, especially children. It increases their risk of asthma, respiratory infections, and even sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Do you really want to harm the ones you care about?

  5. Wallet Drainage Let's talk about the green - not the leafy kind, but the money you're throwing away. Smoking is not only detrimental to your health, but also to your wallet. Think about it: the cost of cigarettes adds up over time. Imagine what you could do with that money if it weren't going up in smoke!

May 31, 202311:38
S3 E12 Unsent Letters - Birthday Greetings for Shyla

S3 E12 Unsent Letters - Birthday Greetings for Shyla

I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I did. It's been an absolute pleasure sharing my thoughts and insights with you all.

Now, if you're like me, you're probably itching to get more information on the topics we covered today. Lucky for you, we've got a transcript of this episode up on our website https:/ So, head on over there and dive deeper into the discussion.

But, before you go, I want to remind you that your support means everything to us. It's what keeps this podcast going and enables us to bring you more amazing content. So, if you want to show us some love, head on over to our Paypal or GCASH QR Codes on the website, and donate whatever you can. 

Every little bit helps and we appreciate it more than you know.

Thank you again for tuning in and being a part of the Quarantined Tipsters community. Stay safe, stay curious, and keep on learning!

From your friend and Co Sun Life Advisor,

Billy Mac

May 30, 202305:58
S3 E11 How To Do Proactive Self-Care?

S3 E11 How To Do Proactive Self-Care?

S3 E11 How To Do Proactive Self-Care?

I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I did. It's been an absolute pleasure sharing my thoughts and insights with you all.

Now, if you're like me, you're probably itching to get more information on the topics we covered today. Lucky for you, we've got a transcript of this episode up on our website https:/

So, head on over there and dive deeper into the discussion.

But, before you go, I want to remind you that your support means everything to us. It's what keeps this podcast going and enables us to bring you more amazing content. So, if you want to show us some love, head on over to our Paypal or GCASH QR Codes on the website, and donate whatever you can. 

Every little bit helps and we appreciate it more than you know.

Thank you again for tuning in and being a part of the Quarantined Tipsters community. Stay safe, stay curious, and keep on learning!


Apr 22, 202309:02
The 7 Styles of Love, and Why Love Fades Over Time?

The 7 Styles of Love, and Why Love Fades Over Time?

I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I did. It's been an absolute pleasure sharing my thoughts and insights with you all.

You're probably itching to get more information on the topics we covered today... 

Lucky for you, we've got a transcript of this episode up on our website https:/

So, head on over there and dive deeper into the discussion.

But, before you go, I want to remind you that your support means everything to us. It's what keeps this podcast going and enables us to bring you more amazing content. So, if you want to show us some love, head on over to our Paypal or GCASH QR Codes on the website, and donate whatever you can.

Every little bit helps and we appreciate it more than you know.

Thank you again for tuning in and being a part of the Quarantined Tipsters community. Stay safe, stay curious, and keep on learning!



Love Styles and Why Love Fades Over Time, researched and fact checked thru multiple sources such as, TED Eds and AI.

Mar 15, 202313:41
S3 E9 Top 5 Reasons Why Separation and Divorce Happen?

S3 E9 Top 5 Reasons Why Separation and Divorce Happen?

I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I did. It's been an absolute pleasure sharing my thoughts and insights with you all.

Now, if you're like me, you're probably itching to get more information on the topics we covered today. Lucky for you, we've got a transcript of this episode up on our website https:/ 

So, head on over there and dive deeper into the discussion.

But, before you go, I want to remind you that your support means everything to us. It's what keeps this podcast going and enables us to bring you more amazing content. So, if you want to show us some love, head on over to our Paypal or GCASH QR Codes on the website, and donate whatever you can.

Every little bit helps and we appreciate it more than you know.

Thank you again for tuning in and being a part of the Quarantined Tipsters community. Stay safe, stay curious, and keep on learning!

Mar 11, 202309:54
S3 E8 What Are The Differences of Love, Being InLove and Liking Someone? (Part 1)

S3 E8 What Are The Differences of Love, Being InLove and Liking Someone? (Part 1)

Lifted from from the editor - Jo Adetunji (Editor of The Conversation UK)

Like, love, or ‘in love’?

Psychological research over the past 50 years has investigated the differences between liking someone, loving someone and being “in love”.

Liking is described as having positive thoughts and feelings towards someone and finding that person’s company rewarding. We often also experience warmth and closeness towards the people we like. In some instances we choose to be emotionally intimate with these people.

When we love someone we experience the same positive thoughts and experiences as when we like a person. But we also experience a deep sense of care and commitment towards that person.

Being “in love” includes all the above but also involves feelings of sexual arousal and attraction. However, research into people’s own views of love suggests that not all love is the same

Passionate vs companionate love

Romantic love consists of two types: passionate and companionate love. Most romantic relationships, whether they be heterosexual or same sex, involve both these parts.

Passionate love is what people typically consider being “in love”. It includes feelings of passion and an intense longing for someone, to the point they might obsessively think about wanting to be in their arms.

How does love change over time?

Research looking at changes in romantic love over time typically finds that although passionate love starts high, it declines over the course of a relationship.

There are various reasons for this.

As partners learn more about each other and become more confident in the long-term future of the relationship, routines develop. The opportunities to experience novelty and excitement can also decline, as can the frequency of sexual activity. This can cause passionate love to subside.

Although a reduction in passionate love is not experienced by all couples, various studies report approximately 20-40% of couples experience this downturn. Of couples who have been married in excess of ten years, the steepest downturn is most likely to occur over the second decade.

Life events and transitions can also make it challenging to experience passion. People have competing responsibilities which affect their energy and limit the opportunities to foster passion. Parenthood is an example of this.

Feb 18, 202309:49
S3 E7 What Is Procrastination & How To Deal With It?

S3 E7 What Is Procrastination & How To Deal With It?

Researched and read-out from SubReddit /productivity, with permission from u/Awesome_Pal

Procrastination is Caused by Emotion, Nothing Else. Here's How to Deal.

Procrastination isn't caused by poor time management, so there's no time management system in the world that will help you fix it. Procrastination is not a moral failing, nor a lack of discipline. Trying to appeal to your willpower and push through won't work. Procrastination isn't laziness. Developing a better work ethic or better habits is not the key to success if you're a chronic procrastinator. 

I'm sure many of you (including me) have tried all the systems and tips out there to fix your problem, and none of them have worked. Maybe your "new journey" lasted all of a day or two as you tried to implement your new strategy, and then you went back to your old, procrastinating self. Feelings of guilt, shame, depression, defeat, anxiety all well up again, discouraging you from even trying. You avoid your responsibilities because they seem too hard, too painful to face. "Why can't you just do things like normal people?" you tell yourself.

The reason you can't is because you're overlooking the actual cause of procrastination - emotional dysregulation. If you have ADHD, a mood disorder, or are sensitive to emotion, you're going to have a hard time regulating your emotions, particularly when it comes to tasks or responsibilities that require some effort. You tend to get over-emotional about normal tasks, convincing yourself that they're harder than they are. Negative emotion about something leads to negative thoughts, which leads to procrastination. You've felt and then talked your way out of doing something. To eradicate the negative emotions, you turn to more pleasurable activities to counter them and bring you back to a more comfortable place emotionally.

the key to beating procrastination is learning how to regulate those negative emotions. So how do you do that?

You remove the thought that whatever you need to do as difficult. It's not. Reading a chapter of a book isn't hard. You open the book, start reading, maybe underline some passages or take notes if it's academic in nature, and then close the book when you're done. Your mind has unreasonably built up that activity as a threat or something that will cause suffering to you. But reading a book is a very benign activity. Your mind is lying to you. How many times have you found something to be way easier once you've started than you had built up in your head? Even if it's what we'd label a "difficult" task - maybe the book has a lot of unfamiliar scientific terms you have to learn. So what? All you have to do is learn some new words. It's not that hard, yet our emotions make us believe a monster will be lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce if we start reading, or doing that math assignment, or start on that work project. It's irrational emotion controlling you.

Start telling yourself that the things you need to do are not hard; in fact they're very easy. This thing you need to do is not a big deal at all. Downplay the difficulty (because it's likely not as difficult as you imagine), and convince yourself that doing this thing will be a breeze. Don't allow the emotion of resistance to enter the picture. You need to reframe how you think about your tasks/activities in a positive way, tell yourself they're easy to do, and the negative emotion you usually have towards them will stay away. In other words - cut off your emotions about a task before they take hold. Regulate them. You're an adult, and you have the capacity to do this. 

So next time you're faced with doing something you usually procrastinate on, focus on tamping down your negative emotions, tell yourself the task is easy to do and no big deal, and you'll find that resistance vanish.

Feb 12, 202310:47
S3 E6 How To Manage Burn-Out By Improving Your Sleep Habits?

S3 E6 How To Manage Burn-Out By Improving Your Sleep Habits?

How To Manage Burn-Out By Improving Your Sleep Habits?

Rapid Sleep Techniques

1. Military Method

- Assume a comfortable position

- Focus on relaxing each part of your face (eyelids, jaw, lips and brow)

- Take deep breaths, and relax your chest

- Relax your lower body last, going from hips to feet

- Imagine a wave of pressure pushing you downwards

2. Build a Wind Down Routine

- Remove your phone from your bedroom

- Manage down to zero notifications

- Practice breathwork

Tips in getting a good Night's sleep

- Get a regular exposure to sunlight. Try for a least 30 minutes a day

- Avoid nicotine and caffeine. 

- If you nap, try to avoid taking one within six hours of your bed time

- Try to get your workouts in at least two to three hours before bed.

- Stay away from large meals and lot of liquids within a few hours of bedtime.

Show us some love by sending your donations by scanning the QR code in our partner website via GCASH if you're in the Philippines or via PAYPAL if you're abroad.

You Take Care!

~ Othello


researched and lifted from:

@matt_gray via Twitter, and

Apple Health App from the iPhone

Feb 06, 202308:08
S3 E5 What is Calculus? (ELi5)

S3 E5 What is Calculus? (ELi5)

Explain Like I'm 5, lifted with permission from Reddit username: u/practical_cartoonist


What is Calculus, Explain Like I'm Five:

Imagine you've got a big bowl full of water, and there's a little hole in the bottom of the bowl that's letting the water out. How long does it take for all the water to pour out? This is the sort of question you frequently deal with in a calculus class.

Of course you can't answer it because I haven't given you any numbers yet. But even if I had given you numbers, you would probably have trouble thinking how to approach it without the help of calculus.

The reason is that I can't give you a fixed rate for how fast the water is pouring out. If I said it was pouring out at 0.2L/second and there were 20L of water, then it would be a trivial problem to solve: 20/0.2 is 100, so it would take 100 seconds.

But that's not how it works in the real world. In the real world, the water would pour out faster at the start, and slower towards the end. At the start, when the bowl is full of water, there's a lot of heavy water putting pressure on the water at the bottom of the bowl, pushing it out faster. Near the end, when the bowl is nearly empty, the water might just be dribbling out.

It might be that the water's coming out at 0.4L/s at the start and 0.1L/s near the end. Hm. That makes this quite a bit trickier to solve. What can we do about this?

Welcome to calculus!

Calculus was invented to reason about rates of change. If you drop a ball from a shelf, how long does it take to hit the ground? Well it's a bit tricky, because the ball is moving very slowly at the start, and very quickly at the end. It speeds up as it falls, which means we can't just do a simple "distance divided by speed" calculation to figure out how long it takes to hit the ground. We need calculus.

There are two directions to calculus.

"If I know how long it took to hit the ground, can I calculate how quickly it was speeding up?". That's called "derivation".

"If I know how quickly it's speeding up, can I calculate how long it takes to hit the ground?". That's called "integration".

Calculus is going from "rate of change" to "the effect of that change", or vice versa.

What you will learn in calculus is how to do this (in both directions) when your mathematical formula looks in certain ways. Does it look like a polynomial? Follow this rule. Does it look like an exponential? Follow this other rule. Uh oh, it's a fraction. Follow that rule. Oh it's got "sin" and "cos" things in it. Guess what, even more rules.

What you will learn in "pre-calculus" is:

1.        ⁠Practising how to do algebraic manipulations. This is important because in calculus you need to learn a lot of rules, and those rules need you to be comfortable with algebra.

2.        ⁠Limits, which are the theoretical foundation for calculus, and allow you to understand why the rules are actually correct.

The Quarantined Tipsters Podcast is brought to you by our partner website: and

Please share your support and love by sending your donations via GCASH if you're in the Philippines or via Paypal by visiting our and scan the QR code from there.

This is your host, Othello... You Take Care!

Jan 30, 202307:51
S2 E4 Top 2 Things To Do Before You Hit The Road for a Walk

S2 E4 Top 2 Things To Do Before You Hit The Road for a Walk

Top 2 Things To Do Before You Hit The Road for a Walk

1. Wear a Mask

2. Wear Spectacles or SunGlasses


Kung hindi ka naman nasa isang polluted na lugar o hindi ka naman nag cocommute sa open air public transportation at walang peligro para sa aerosols at air pollutants, then go ahead, walk o maglakad nang may pag-iingat pa rin.

As discussed, the awareness and applicability to your current environment or surroundings play a huge factor whenever you go for a walk.

If you're in the province at ang simoy ng hangin ay dipa pollluted, maglakad ka and enjoy the breeze, the air, and the scenaries.

Ngunit kung ikaw ay maglalakad o mag cacardio exercise along national roads where Public Utility vehicles at may usok ang mga sassakyan, please be cautious and protect yourself… best to veer away from those place..

Go for a walk in a park where trees and greeneries are present because these areas will provide negative Ions which is good for the lungs, great to breath in and out, and will enhance your overall health.

Thanks a whole lot for spending your time with us, here at the quarantined tipsters Podcast.

Please send your support or donate with us by visiting our partner website and see the GCASH QR Code from there, you may also send your LOVE of support through PAYPAL using the same website.

Happy New Year with lotsa love and care to each of you!

My name is Othello, your host.. You Take Care!


Jan 04, 202307:58
S3 E3 New Year Greetings from The Quarantined Tipsters Podcast

S3 E3 New Year Greetings from The Quarantined Tipsters Podcast

Happy New Year - 2023! Indeed!

Let's all have an amazing 2023.

Keep the never-ending quest for knowledge.

Together let us learn, feed your mind and constantly aim for wisdom.

~ from your Quarantined Tipsters family!

Dec 31, 202203:32
S3 EP2 Chocolate Hills In Bohol Philippines
Dec 31, 202209:20
S3 E1 Let's Talk About Inspiration (A Birthday Greeting Special for Brother Eduardo V. Manalo)

S3 E1 Let's Talk About Inspiration (A Birthday Greeting Special for Brother Eduardo V. Manalo)

Based from HBR or Harvard Business Review author - Scott Kauffman:

Inspiration awakens us to new possibilities, by allowing us to transcend our ordinary experiences  and limitations.

Inspiration propels a person from apathy to possibility, and transforms the way we perceive our own capabilities.

In today's episode, we wanted to recognize and focus the spotlight to a prominent and powerful leader.

Someone who has been an instrument in molding the character of each of the members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, through his leadership and guidance, and, even extending this noble task to those outside of the Church, by the ways of gospel propagation, to let people know the importance of  and way to salvation on Judgment Day according to the Bible.

It is no easy task! The responsibility is HUGE, quite insurmountable from the imagination of the human mind, but these commitment and duty to teach, uplift and create a positive impact in the lives of mankind in a deeper and meaningful level have been carried on graciously and effectively by the present Administration of the Iglesia Ni Cristo - Brother Eduardo V. Manalo.

Ating pakinggan ang ilan sa mga nakausap nating mga maytungkulin at kapatid sa loob ng Iglesia Ni Cristo -

The way we are living right now is not only an era of INTERESTING TIMES but as well as an era of EXTRA ORDINARY TIMES….

Technology and digital advancement keep on revolutionizing, however, are you also up to speed when it comes to advancing your character and protecting your moral compass?

Who is your inspiration? Are you on the right tack in treading the upright path?

Don't settle for less, be one of the chosen few who gets to say with conviction - that they are not waiting in vain for the ultimate price.

…as your host and being a member of the Church of Christ - I am truly inspired and motivated by the leadership of the Church's administration Brother Eduardo V. Manalo. It's indescribable! For me, the combined love, efforts, sacrifices, and unrelenting care that Brother Eduardo has shown and continuously showing are truly exceptional!

It humbles me so much, it always give the spark of never giving up when sadness kicks in, since it's not always sunshine at all times in our lives. It gives me the strength to continue further, to finish the race that I am bound to complete.

From myself and the team of the Quarantined Tipsters Podcast, we greet you the warmest and Happiest Birthday - Brother Eduardo V. Manalo. More Power!

Dec 05, 202206:39
Happy Birthday Brother Elmar Villanueva!

Happy Birthday Brother Elmar Villanueva!

Celebrating the birthday of Brother Elmar Villanueva, the current Choir Leader as well as an Organist in the Locale Congregation of Imus, District of Cavite South.

Compilation of Birthday Greetings from the choir members.


For birthday greetings, and requests... follow us - The Quarantined Tipsters Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcast, and share your details for us to accommodate your request.

-- The Quarantined Tipsters Team.

Oct 27, 202206:50
S2 E11 Top 5 LifeHabits You Should Consistently Do (Part3 of 3)

S2 E11 Top 5 LifeHabits You Should Consistently Do (Part3 of 3)

In today's episode of the quarantined tipsters, you're going to hear the final installment of TOP 5 Life Habits you must consistently do…
Previously, we discussed life habits # 1 to 4, which are
#1 - Sharpen your skills by allocating at least 1 hour each day of practice
#2 - Get Quality Sleep
#3 - Go for Cardio Fitness
#4 - Practice being Stoic
Where we learnt the 3 foundational virtues in last week's episode…
Today we will discuss the 4th foundational virtue which is WISDOM
And the last but not the least, #5 life habit - Love Yourself!

WISDOM as the 4th foundational virtue in stoicism captures the ability of a person to have knowledge of things that are good or bad, and knowledge of things that are neither good nor bad.
It is so easy to say, it is so simple to hear that definition but through and through, it's quite complex.
Wisdom is competence in the subtlety and complexity of life, society, and relationships that enable a person to live a desirable life.
Wisdom is not knowledge. It is not intelligence. You can be intelligent but not wise. You can be wise but not intelligent.
Wisdom includes prudence and discretion. Prudence is regret prevention through initiative and action. Discretion is regret prevention through restraint and self-control.

Lifehabit #5 Love Yourself (Actionable Items)
-- Meditate - Meditating on a regular basis is like food for the mind and soul.
We all know it by now, but how many of us actually can say we do it enough?
When you get into a healthy practice of calming your mind you start to feel who you really are on a deep level and how you connect with everything else in the world.
Remember to treat yourself kindly when your emotions are beating up your brain.
Whichever faith you are in…. Seek and hold on to the power of prayer and medition.

-- Regular Self Care
Self-love is much more than getting a haircut and a mani-pedi, however taking the time to respect and honor your physical body with loving gestures that make you feel good is highly recommended. Confidence and beauty do start within, but sometimes looking good can help you feel better on the inside when you are struggling with self-esteem.

-- Practice forgivenes…
Forgiveness is vital to your mental and emotional health. Holding onto resentment towards others only hurts you in the long run. Equally, identify where you beat up on yourself for choices you regret or whatever toxic thoughts you have about your past, and then decide to let them go. Tell yourself you are just another human on a journey of life and love yourself through all your mistakes.
Remember… running your race feels good and easier if there is no heavy baggage, you enjoy the journey happily and with a smile on your face.

Sep 21, 202213:36
S2 E11 Top 5 Life Habits You Should Consistently Do (Part 2)

S2 E11 Top 5 Life Habits You Should Consistently Do (Part 2)

S2 E11 Top 5 Life Habits You Should Consistently Do (Part 2)

Lifehabit # 3 - Practice Stoicism

Stoicism is one of the branches of philosophy primarily concerned with finding the best way to live ones life and in figuring-out how to flourish as human beings. Focusing in understanding the different virtues, and learning how to achieve being a virtuous human being.

Happiness depends on virtue, not on pleasure, money, fame or any external good. To define

Virtue, it consists an inner harmony where reason, the faculty which links us with the divine, controls the passions and appetites, and in an outer harmony, for which we submit to providence, and acceptance of the workings of the universe as it is.

The 4 Foundational Virtues of Stoicism

1. Justice

In general the Stoic definition of Justice is something like applying wisdom to relations with other people. Kindness and fairness can be the end results of trying to figure out what is appropriate.

Justice is the fuel to reason. To execute these, we must practice

First Kindness -which  doing good to others.

2nd is Sociability the appropriate social interaction  with others.

And 3rd.. Companionship - Supporting others and not bringing them down

2. Temperance

It describes self-restraint, typically temperance with pleasure and material goods; avoiding excessiveness, doing things at the right amount and the right way.

This virtue is about soberness, moderation, or continence

One way of thinking about it is with reference to desire. "Passions" of desire are emotions that lead to binging, or other kinds of desire-related impulses that result in action against one's best judgement.

3. Courage

Courage means to face that which life throws at us, willingly and acceptingly: happily overcoming challenges and solving problems and getting active in our duties and priorities. It may help to understand that Courage doesn't suggest not feeling fear, but acting despite anxiety.

4. Wisdom

To be discussed next week!

We recommend that you follow us on Spotify or Apple Podcast, or anywhere you're getting your podcasts from. This podcast was made from making it easily accessible across different platforms.

You may also donate or support us through GCASH or Paypal, by visiting our partner website… and scan the QR CODE from there.

Thank you for having us here at the Quarantined Tipsters…

My name is Othello, until next time.

You Take Care!

Sep 14, 202213:37
S2 E11 Top5 Life Habits You Should Consistently Do (Part 1)

S2 E11 Top5 Life Habits You Should Consistently Do (Part 1)

Top 5 Life Habits You Have To Consistently Do.

Tip #1 Sharpen Your Skill of Choice by Allocating 1 Hour Each Day  practicing it.

An atomic habit is a regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to do, but is also the source of incredible power; a component of the system of change, for compound growth.

How do we overcome bad habits? First, let's agree to the fact that

Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don’t want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change.

Tip # 2 is the Life Habit of getting quality sleep.

Quality sleep is foundational in holistic health. It is when you reset all your body essential and non-essential functions including your brain & hormones... Everything waterfalls from sleep. In good or in bad. And many things impact your sleep too, from stress, lack of exercise to unhealthy or non optimal nutrition. It is not easy for many people to have a proper healthy sleeping routine. More than 60% of adults have sleeping issues in the world. For a variety of reasons. Which means they have other issues from bad sleep.

Tip #3 Exercise - Cardio Fitness

Cardio fitness is your body's ability to take in, circulate and use oxygen. This process relies on vital parts of the body - your heart, lungs, muscles, as well as the bloog and blood vessels that connect them. This makes your cardio fitness and excellent indicator of your overall fitness.

The metric for cardio fitness is VO2 Max - it's the maximum amount of oxygen (O2) your body can use during exercise.

We recommend that you follow us on Spotify or Apple Podcast, or anywhere you're getting your podcasts from. This podcast was made from making it easily accessible across different platforms.

You may also donate or support us through GCASH or Paypal, by visiting our partner website… and scan the QR CODE from there.

Thank you for having us here at the Quarantined Tipsters…

My name is Othello, until next time.

You Take Care!

Sep 06, 202212:31
S2 E10 Why Empathy Is A Must Have Virtue?

S2 E10 Why Empathy Is A Must Have Virtue?

S2 E10 Why Empathy Is A Must Have Virtue?

researched and lifted from

What is empathy?

Empathy helps us connect and help others, but like other traits, it may have evolved with a selfish motive: using others as a “social antenna” to help detect danger. From an evolutionary perspective, creating a mental model of another person's intent is critical: the arrival of an interloper, for example, could be deadly, so developing sensitivity to the signals of others could be life-saving.

Empathy in Relationships

The ability to convey support for a partner, relative, or friend is crucial to establishing positive relationships. Empathy enables us to establish rapport with another person, make them feel that they are being heard, and, through words and body language, mimic their emotions. Perspective-taking, or the empathic ability to assume the cognitive state of another person and see a problem through their eyes, can further cement a connection.

How does empathy benefit romantic relationships?

In healthy relationships, people expect their partners to empathize with them when they face hardship or personal struggles, but the ability to empathize with a partner in good times may be at least as important. In one study, displaying empathy for a partner’s positive emotions was five times more beneficial for relationship satisfaction than only empathizing with his or her negative emotions.

Can narcissists show empathy?

People high in narcissism, or who have narcissistic personality disorder, can exhibit empathy and even compassion. However, that ability only goes so far, as ultimately their own needs come first. Some researchers believe narcissists can develop greater empathy by developing greater self-compassion, which can increase their own feelings of security and self-worth and enable them to open up to hearing others.

What distinguishes sympathy from empathy?

Empathy, sympathy, and compassion are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Sympathy is feeling of concern for someone else, and a desire that they become happier or better off, while empathy involves sharing the other person’s emotions. Compassion is an empathic understanding of a person's feelings accompanied by altruism, or a desire to act on that person's behalf.

Downsides of Empathy

Empaths are often characterized as being highly sensitive and overly focused on the needs of others. They may benefit from time alone, as they find it draining to be in the presence of other people. People who are very empathic are more likely to be targeted by manipulative individuals. For this reason, it is important to create healthy boundaries in all relationships, and to be cognizant of relationships with "energy vampires," who are draining to empaths and non-empaths alike.

Accident Clip from Mad Maxy

Youtube Video:

We recommend that you follow us on Spotify or Apple Podcast, or anywhere you're getting your podcasts from. Huge thanks to for making The Quarantined Tipsters easily accessible across different platforms.

You may donate or support us through GCASH or Paypal by visiting our partner website… and scan the QR CODE.

Thank you for having us here at the Quarantined Tipsters…

My name is Othello, until next time.

You Take Care!

Aug 30, 202215:24
Happy Birthday! Sister-in-Faith Candida Firmeza

Happy Birthday! Sister-in-Faith Candida Firmeza

Happy birthday to someone who defines what a great leader, a warm and caring sister-in-faith fulfilling her duty as a Choir President, in the Church of Christ Ecclesiastical District of Iloilo South, Locale of Jaro —an honest, caring, loyal and incredibly kind and strong independent woman - Sister Candida Firmeza.

May you continuosly bring smiles and inspiration to all of the brethen and non-brethren alike.

You take care…

Coming from our hearts to yours… the Quarantined Tipsters team!

Thank you for supporting this podcast!

Aug 30, 202201:19
S2 E9 Twelve Internet Acronyms You Should Know

S2 E9 Twelve Internet Acronyms You Should Know

S2 E9 Twelve Internet Acronyms You Should Know

Listen to the podcast to know the details of each, and to understand where and when to use it.

  1. Y S K stands for You Should Know
  2. I R L acronmyn of In Real Life
  3. N S F W not safe for work
  4. A M A for Ask Me Anything
  5. P O V stands for Point of View
  6. T T Y L as in Talk To You Later
  7. GOAT which stands for Greatest of All Time
  8. AFAIK meaning… as far as I know
  9. I M H O - which stands for in my humble opinion or in my honest opinion
  10. I ANAL - meaning… I am not a lawyer
  11. DM which stands for Direct Message
  12. And finally FTW as in For The Win

Huge shout-out and thanks to these websites… how to, urban and - which were instruments for our research of this topic.

We recommend that you follow us on Spotify or Apple Podcast, or anywhere you're getting your podcasts from. Huge thanks to for making The Quarantined Tipsters easily accessible across different platforms.

You may donate or support us through GCASH or Paypal by visiting our partner website… and scan the QR CODE.

Thank you for having us here at the Quarantined Tipsters…

My name is Othello, until next time.

You Take Care!

Aug 24, 202220:33
S2 E7 Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Garlic Water Everyday
Aug 16, 202218:47
S2 E8 Magkano Ang Magkaanak Sa Panahon Ngayon? (How Much Does It Cost To Have A Baby At These Times?)

S2 E8 Magkano Ang Magkaanak Sa Panahon Ngayon? (How Much Does It Cost To Have A Baby At These Times?)

Today's topic was lifted and major parts were read verbatim from PHinvest subreddit by original poster: kingburgG

In today's episode, we'll tackle some tips, fact-of-life incidents, and true to life stories coming from PH INVEST redditors on the topic of… "Magkano na ang mag-ka anak Ngayon?"

Sounds exciting, timely and educational in these tumultuous times where high inflation, impending economic crises left and right, wars and impending wars, the ongoing pandemic, depression and mental health issues arising… it is just fair and square to discuss and arm ourselves with knowledge, tips and lifehacks if there are plans na magka-anak at these current situation of our economy.

Credit goes to the following redditors whom we have picked their comments, ideas and insights, featured and read here at TQT:












Special HUGE THANKS to the MODS of /PHINVEST namely:



speqter with the q (lovin' this username!!!)

Please accept our kind salute from the Quarantined Tipsters team, to all that you do, moderating the subreddit, and most especially, creating a community, that spreads financial literacy across your readers.

Sending more plus points and more power, wishing you to expand into more subscribers, which will definitely educate all walks of life esp the Filipinos.

Quick shout out to for making this podcast easily distributed across different platforms such as Apple Podcast & Spotify.

Kindly follow us or hit the subscribe button wherever you are getting your podcasts from.

If you’re enjoying this podcast, you may support us through GCASH or Paypal by visiting and scan the QR code on the website.

I'm your host Othello… and from The Quarantined TIpster's team… Maraming Salamat sa pakikinig.

Aug 08, 202221:21
S2 E6 Nine Surprising Benefits of Walking (Walk Walk Walk)
Aug 02, 202213:41
S2 E5 Five Interesting Facts About The Iglesia Ni Cristo (108th Anniversary)

S2 E5 Five Interesting Facts About The Iglesia Ni Cristo (108th Anniversary)

S2 E5 Five Interesting Facts About The Iglesia Ni Cristo

Researched from

Fact # 1 - The Church of Christ is a church for all peoples.

What does that mean? Researched from the website… The church of Christ is for everyone who will embrace the true faith regardless of race, nationality, cultural background, social standing, economic status, and educational attainment.

On to Fact # 2 - The Church of Christ is not limited in the Philippines, it has been spread-out across the six inhabited continents of the world.

The Iglesia Ni Cristo has an international membership of 149 racial and ethnic backgrounds. Whoaw!!! It maintains nearly 7000 congregrations and missions grouped into more than 178ecclessiastical districts in 161 countries and territories in the world.

Let's goto fact # 3 - The doctine: One God, The Father

The Church of Christ believes that the one and only true God is the Father, the creator.

God is a spirit, and therefore, He has no flesh and no bones.

There is no trinity of persons in God. As quoted from the website, quote "Though the Bible speaks of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spiri - never does it refer to all of them as gods nor as three persons in One God; rather, it points to the Father alone, as the True God.

In Psalms chapter 90 verse 2, God is from everlasting to everlasting; with no beginning or end. In First Timothy - Chapter 1, verse 17 - God is immortal; and does not tire nor become weary - - (from Isaiah Chapter 40 verse 28)

Fact # 4 - The last Messenger of God prophesied and realized through the late Brother Felix Manalo who became an instrument in the re-establishment of the Church founded by Jesus Christ in the 1st century re-appearing in the Far East - the Philippines in the era of the ends of the earth.

The Iglesia Ni Cristo believes that the task of understanding God's words in the Bible , and teaching them without any alteration, without adding or diminishing, is given exclusively to the messengers of God.

From Romans Chapter 10 Verse 15: And how shall they preach, unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!"

The Church of Christ believes that the late brother Felix Y Manalo is God's messenger in these last days; he was the fulfillment of the Biblical prophecies concerning the messenger from the Far East (revelations chapter 7 verses 2 to 3; who would preach to God's sons and daughters in these last days -- our time (Isaiah Chapter 43 verses 5 to 6, chapter 46 verse 11 and chapter 41 verses 9 to 11).

God reveals the meaning of His words to His Messengers by means of the Holy Spirit (2nd Peter chapter 1 verses 20 to 21, and the proof that the messengers were inspired by the Holy Spirit is that their teachings never contradict one another (1st corinthians chapter 2 verse 13).

Jul 26, 202212:08
S2 E4 How To Survive High Inflation & Weak Peso (Part2)
Jul 25, 202215:43
S2 E4 How To Survive High Inflation & Weak Peso (Part1)

S2 E4 How To Survive High Inflation & Weak Peso (Part1)

Based on the Philippines Statistics Authority website, the Filipino population as of May 1, 2020, is at 109 million, 35 hundred thousand three hundred 43.

Interestingly, the average Inflation rate 4 years ago (wayback 2018) is at 5.2 percent…

Last 2019 and 2020 - both years at 2.4 percent..

Last year 2021.. it's  At 3.9 percent… take note that those rates were averaged every end of year, meaning each month of each year - - there are corresponding inflation percentage which then summed up in total and divided it by 12 to achieve the Yearly inflation rate of the country…

What is alarming for this year 2022 (which we're at halfway thru the year… the inflation rate is already at 6.1 percent!

This is the highest recorded inflation since October 2018.

(PART 1) References lifted from

Definition and Example of Inflation

Inflation is a sustained upward movement in the overall price level of goods and services in an economy. It corresponds with a loss of purchasing power for a currency that's utilized within the economy. It takes more currency units to buy the same amount of goods and services as a result. Your money buys you less, be it bread, toothpaste, rent, or medical services.

Inflation causes a decrease in purchasing power when prices rise more quickly than wages increase. It forces individuals to spend more dollars, euros, or other forms of currency to buy necessities, which can put the average consumer in a financial pinch.

# 1 Inflation is a general increase in the price level of goods and services over time.

It's caused by demand-pull or cost-push inflation.

# 2Inflation can hurt everyday consumers, savers, and fixed-income investors, but it can help borrowers and lenders in certain cases.

#3Inflation is the opposite of deflation, which is marked by a general decrease in the prices of goods and services.

Our part 2 of this episode will air next week, dropping the final installment this Coming Tuesday.

We'll get to know some Tips on how to combat and survive high inflation rates - curated from the comments in PH Invest Subreddit.

Quick shout out to for making this podcast easily distributed across different platforms such as Apple Podcast & Spotify.

I recommend you to hit the follow or subscribe button wherever you are getting your podcasts from.

If you’re enjoying this podcast, you may support us through GCASH and Paypal by visiting and scan the QR code on the website.

Im your host Othello… until next time.

Jul 22, 202215:49
S2 E3 What Is Oil, Why Do We Cook With It, and Why Does It Taste Good In Food?

S2 E3 What Is Oil, Why Do We Cook With It, and Why Does It Taste Good In Food?

What Is Oil, Why Do We Cook With It, and Why Does It Taste Good In Food?

Today's show is more of doing a deep dive on the topic of Oil.

Explain like i'm five - - -

  • What is Oil and why do we cook with it?
  • And for some, why do food taste so much better with it?

Oil is fat. That's all.

Be it fat from seeds, nuts, or animals, it's all fat.

Oil is edible fat. Eating fat is satisfying to humans because of the high calorie content.

Oil is kind of like liquid thermal paste. It distributes heat evenly to the surface being cooked. Try browning broccoli wothout oil. The parts in contact with the pan will brown, but the parts not touching it will be uncooked.

Cooking in fat is beneficial because it can get to higher temperatures than water or alchohol or vinegar. Fats also carry flavor. This is why garlic butter and flavored oils are a thing.

Many of the parts of food that give it flavour dissolve in oil.  This means that the flavour of all of the spices and seasonings gets spread through the food when you cook in oil.

This episode were majorly lifted & researched from Reddit… Huge thanks to the commenters who conveyed their ideas & knowledge about oil and its significance. Special mention of gratitude to the poster wholesomeGollum.

Quick shout out to making this podcast easily distributed across different platforms such as Apple Podcast & Spotify.

I recommend you to hit the follow or subscribe button wherever you are getting your podcasts from.

The Quarantined Tipsters podcast is powered, and in partnership with

Jul 19, 202209:32
S2 E2 Today I Learned 17 Surprising Facts About Tears

S2 E2 Today I Learned 17 Surprising Facts About Tears

Today I learned 17 Facts About Tears is brought to you by 

1. Your tears are mostly composed of water

2. Not all tears are the same

You have three different types of tears:

  • Basal tears. These are always in your eyes to protect from debris and keep them lubricated and nourished.
  • Reflex tears. These form when your eyes are exposed to irritants, such as smoke and onion fumes.
  • Emotional tears. These are produced when you’re sad, happy, or feeling other intense emotions.

3. Your watery eyes could be a sign of dry eye syndrome

4. Cry all you want — you won’t run out of tears

5. We produce fewer tears as we get older

6. An irritating gas is the reason onions make you cry

7. It’s not only onions that can cause reflex tears

8. Tears are meant to drain down your nose and throat

9. Emotional tears may actually help you

10. Your tears contain messages that can be picked up by others

11. Crocodile tears are real if you’re a crocodile

12. Newborns don’t produce tears when they cry

13. Sleep-crying is real

14. Animals shed tears, but emotions have nothing to do with it

15. Women cry more than men do

16. Uncontrollable tears

17. A lack of tears can seriously damage your eyes

Kindly hit the subscribe button and feel free to share this podcast to your friends.

The quarantined Tipsters Podcast is powered and in partnership with

Jul 15, 202218:14
S2 E1 How To Get Rid Of Hiccups?
Jul 14, 202205:27
Season 2 Trailer of The Quarantined Tipsters Podcast (TQT)
Jul 14, 202201:35
Greetings from Your Host, Othello

Greetings from Your Host, Othello

The Quarantined Tipsters Podcast is back!

Your host, Othello - on working the different episodes to air this 2nd Season of TQT!

Jul 14, 202200:16
S1 E26 - The Grand Canyon

S1 E26 - The Grand Canyon

How was the Grand Canyon formed?

The Grand Canyon in Arizona in the United States is made of many layers of rock that is 277 miles or 446 kilometers long and 1 mile or 1.6 kilometer deep in some places. This huge gorge was formed by water erosion.

The Grand Canyon was once a wide, level area of high land, called a plateau. Over million of years ago, the fast flowing Colorado River wore away the land to create this natural wonder. The river's current is so strong that it wears away about 500,000 tons of sand and earth every day. Even today, the Colorado continues to wear away the rock little by little.

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Aug 06, 202003:21
S1 E25 - The Stonehenge

S1 E25 - The Stonehenge


What were these huge stones for?......

This group of giant stones, called Stonehenge, on Salisbury Plain in Britain is about 3,500 years old. Each stone stands 13 to 15 feet or 4 to 4.6 meter above the ground and weighs 30 to 50 tons.

A circular ditch, 320 feet or 98 meter in diameter, originally formed the border of Stonehenge. Within this boundary stood a circle of 30 blocks of grey sandstone, measuring 97 feet or 30 meter in diameter. A continuous circle of smaller blocks lay on top of them. Inside this was a ring of 60 blue stones, within which were a further two series of stones each arranged in the shape of a horseshoe, one inside the other. These surrounded an altar stone.

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Jul 28, 202002:54
S1 E24 - The Iglesia Ni Cristo (106th Anniversary) Part 2

S1 E24 - The Iglesia Ni Cristo (106th Anniversary) Part 2

This is the last part (Part 2) of the Iglesia Ni Cristo - 106th Anniversary podcast brought to you by The Quarantined Tipsters Podcast.

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Jul 28, 202005:02
S1 E23 - The Iglesia Ni Cristo (106th Anniversary) Part 1

S1 E23 - The Iglesia Ni Cristo (106th Anniversary) Part 1

This part 1 episode talks about the humble beginnings of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ).

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Jul 27, 202008:29
S1 E22 - The Buckingham Palace

S1 E22 - The Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the London home of the British monarch. Palace with 775-room royal residence.

Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live there in 1837 and a monument of her stands in front of the palace gates.

Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip live there now.

Sometimes, a flag called Royal Standard is seen flying over Buckingham Palace. When this happens, it means that Her Majesty the Queen is there. This is just a formal way of letting people know that she is at home.

The soldiers who stand on guard at the palace have the job of protecting this important place from danger. A famous ceremony known as the Changing of the Guard is one of London's most famous sights. Crowds of tourists gather to watch the guards marching in perfect time. Their red jackets and tall helmets of black bear fur are famous sights.

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Jul 26, 202002:46
S1 E21 - The Temple Of Buddha

S1 E21 - The Temple Of Buddha

The Temple of the Emerald Buddha

This temple is located in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. On the grounds of the Grand Palace complex, which covers 213,677 square metres. The people there call it Wat Phra Keo and regarded it as the most sacred Buddhist temple in Thailand.

Construction of the temple began in 1783 during the reign of Rama I, the first king of the Chakry Dynasty. Since then, each successive king has been personally involved in adding, restoring and embellishing the temple during their reigns as a way of making religious merit and glorifying the dynasty.

There are many breathtaking aspect of Wat Phra Kaew. The temple’s exterior is an attraction itself. The orange, green and dark blue glazed roof tiles,... golden gilt carvings,... bronze tinkling bells, and glittering coloured mosaics.

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Jul 23, 202003:02
S1 E20 - Venice Italy

S1 E20 - Venice Italy

How do people travel around Venice?

Venice is a famous city in Italy. It was built long ago on 118 small islands. Over 400 bridges connect the islands, between which are more than 200 canals.

The best known form of transport in Venice is the gondola. Tourist often like to take gondolas when they come to the city. But the people who live there generally walk or take a boat.

They don't use cars in Venice. The streets are too narrow and twisting for driving. Bicycles are not much of use either because the bridges that people use to get across the canals have too many steps. So boats are the most convenient way of getting around in Venice.

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Jul 23, 202003:01
S2 E1 - Robert Browning To Elizabeth Barret

S2 E1 - Robert Browning To Elizabeth Barret

Loveletter of Robert Browning to Elizabeth Barret.

Excerpt of first letter - January 10, 1845

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Jul 22, 202003:06
S1 E19 - Antartica

S1 E19 - Antartica

Antarctica is a vast ice covered land at the South Pole. It is the fifth largest of the seven continents and is the coldest place on Earth.

In summer the temperature never goes above -20° Fahrenheit or -29° Celcius. Almost all of Antarctica is covered by a very thick layer of ice with an average depth of 6,500 feet or 2,000 meters.

In December and January the sun never sets in the Antarctic. Different times during the day, it shows how the sun moves but does not set. There are 24 hours of daylight.

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Jul 21, 202002:19