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Raising Wild

Raising Wild

By Brittany Sanchez

A blog turned podcast about motherhood and raising kids with a wild imagination, a wild and deep love for others, and what it means to have a wild and brave soul.
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Episode 10: The Cost of Distraction

Raising WildSep 28, 2018

Episode 21: Moving Mountains + Making An Impact

Episode 21: Moving Mountains + Making An Impact

In episode in 21, Brittany talks about the difficulty of mothering and addresses the questions "Am I making an impact? Does what I'm doing matter?" It's easy to be strayed away from the beautiful reality of what mothering is because we are stuck within the trenches most days. She encourages moms to keep pushing forward because we are in the season of moving mountains and some day we will look back and we will be in awe of all that we have moved. 

Feb 01, 201909:15
Episode 20: Breaking The Idealistic Image of Self Care

Episode 20: Breaking The Idealistic Image of Self Care

In episode 20, Brittany talks about motherhood being the next billion dollar industry and the way it is creating this idealistic image of what motherhood should look like. She talks about the need for self care, but within this world of manicured picture perfect motherhood in tiny little color coordinated squares, it can create this unattainable idea of what self care looks like.
Brittany encourages mothers to see that self care is far more than the #selfcare that we see on instagram. She talks about changing the idealistic picture of self care and how we can start approaching it with what it truly is—a time of healing and care for ourselves in the midst of caring for others.
Through this podcast she hopes that we can begin to change the conversation surrounding self care and help mothers heal.
Jan 08, 201905:54
Episode 19: Terrible Twos + Terrific Threes—When does terrific kick in?

Episode 19: Terrible Twos + Terrific Threes—When does terrific kick in?

In episode 19, Brittany talks about the phrase "terrible twos and terrific threes" and jokes about when we can expect the terrific part to kick in. She talks about her experience with her oldest and the behavioral transition that he's going through from 2 to 3.

Brittany breaks down why "terrible twos" happen, how we can help them through the transition, and she encourages parents to keep loving them through these difficult moments. 

Dec 29, 201810:46
Episode 18: Learning To Be Whole: Divorce and Human Brokenness

Episode 18: Learning To Be Whole: Divorce and Human Brokenness

In Episode 18, Brittany shares her experience with growing up in a broken home and how her parents divorce helped her see that the whole within her heart was so much more than circumstances--it was the inherent brokenness that has left us all longing to be healed.

She discusses how we can find healing through our brokenness and some guidelines that can encourage us down a path of healthy marriage. She challenges listeners to let this be a year of healing.
Dec 14, 201818:41
Episode 16: Healing Power of Food (@holisticwifehappylife)
Nov 30, 201832:19
Episode 15: Finding Joy Through Loss (Katy Rose Prichard's Story)
Nov 16, 201822:60
Episode 14: Permission To Rest

Episode 14: Permission To Rest

In episode 14, Brittany shares the demanding desires to work on projects and how it lead to neglecting herself into sleep depravation. In a society that encourages us to have a "side hustle" we can get caught in a place that we feel as if we need permission to rest.

Brittany encourages listeners to slow down and rest. When our bodies are sleep deprived it can manifest itself in many physical forms like vision loss and emotional forms like depression. By caring for ourselves we are able to care for our families. This episode is your permission to rest.
Nov 09, 201814:33
Episode 13: The Seeking Joy Project

Episode 13: The Seeking Joy Project

In episode 13, Brittany introduces the series "The Seeking Joy Project". The seeking joy project is meant to help realign and get back to the things that truly bring you joy. Brittany talks about how all of the titles that we carry can keep us from being who we truly are underneath all of it. She challenges listeners to build a list of things that bring them joy so that they can create their own seeking joy project.

Over the next few weeks, Brittany will expand on her list and the different ways that she is seeking joy within those areas of her life.
Oct 26, 201813:40
Episode 12: You Are Not "Just" Anything

Episode 12: You Are Not "Just" Anything

In Episode 12, Brittany shares about her recent struggle with not feeling enough and how that feeling of not being enough can cause you to not be present with your family.

Brittany talks about how we are not "just" moms and we need to take that word out of our vocabulary. She encourages moms to see the many layers of what they do and how it's a calling to raise good people.
Oct 19, 201812:30
Episode 11: A Powerful Voice

Episode 11: A Powerful Voice

In episode 11, Brittany shares how powerful our words can be. When we allow our no's to be maybes we open up areas to be hurt within our lives.

Brittany shares how one recent situation in her live allowed her to use the strength of her voice to turn a maybe into a no. She talks about the power of finding her voice after years of only knowing what it meant to get emotionally bullied into saying maybe. By saying no we not only free up our calendars to do things that we actually are passionate about we empower our children by teaching them that their words are powerful and it's most definitely okay to say no. The one true safe guard that we can give our children is a powerful voice.
Oct 05, 201814:40
Episode 10: The Cost of Distraction
Sep 28, 201814:31
Episode 9: Every Ounce Left

Episode 9: Every Ounce Left

In Episode 9, Brittany shares about sleep deprivation and finding balance with your “every ounce left”. It’s easy to get caught up in the cycle of self neglect when you are caring for others.

Brittany shares ten ways to help break the cycle of neglect so that we can find that perfect balance of caring for others and pouring love into ourselves.
Sep 21, 201813:21
Episode 8 Creating Healthy Habits: Breaking Bread

Episode 8 Creating Healthy Habits: Breaking Bread

In Episode 8, Brittany continues the series on Creating Healthy Habits and shares her first memories of the dining table being a sacred space. Her family was the driving force behind this idea of fostering a place of love and warmth around the table and the significance of breaking bread together.

Brittany shares 5 ways that she and her husband create that sacred space around the dinner table in their home. She encourages the idea of loving through food and creating lasting memories in the hearts of children.
Sep 14, 201824:04
Episode 7 Creating Healthy Habits: Others Are Valuable

Episode 7 Creating Healthy Habits: Others Are Valuable

In Episode 7, Brittany continues the series on Creating Healthy Habits and focuses on the importance of knowing "Others Are Valuable". She connects Episode 6 "You Are Valuable" to Episode 7 by discussing how when we value ourselves we are able to see the value in others. She explains that the way we view and speak of others is a direct reflection of the habits our children will acquire by watching us. She encourages listeners to go out and love others because by the simple act of loving others we can begin to change the world.
Sep 08, 201818:05
Episode 6: Creating Healthy Habits-You Are Valuable
Aug 31, 201818:21
Episode 5 Creating Healthy Habits: Love Is a Habit

Episode 5 Creating Healthy Habits: Love Is a Habit

In Episode 5 is the beginning of a series on "Creating Healthy Habits: Love is a Habit". Fostering what we ought to love in little hearts can be a big challenge especially when our own hearts are being torn in a hundred different directions. I'll be taking a look into the book "You Are What You Love" by James K. A. Smith and uncovering how we can calibrate our hearts to create a habit of healthy love as a foundation for not only our children but ourselves, too! "We learn to love, then, not primarily by acquiring information about what we should love but rather through practices that form the habits of how we love."
Aug 24, 201812:48
Episode 4: Postpartum Depression, DMER, and Anxiety

Episode 4: Postpartum Depression, DMER, and Anxiety

In Episode 4: Postpartum Depression, DMER, and Anxiety, Brittany shares her struggle with postpartum depression and DMER. She explains what the differences are between two, how they can manifest in different ways, and how she treated both cases.

Brittany invites Kaitlynn DeBoy, a dear friend and fellow mama who knows the struggle of postpartum depression and DMER, who shares her story and encourages women to not lose hope.
Aug 17, 201839:24
Episode 3: Finding Your Tribe

Episode 3: Finding Your Tribe

In Episode 3: Finding Your Tribe, Brittany shares her struggle with finding and maintaining friendships while in the trenches of motherhood. She lists some of the difficulties of friendships and then expands on why it is so important, even still, to find your tribe.

Brittany encourages women to put forth the effort, be committed, loyal, and vulnerable because it's in these places that we are truly able to see deep meaningful friendships blossom.
Aug 10, 201820:12
Episode 2: The Sacredness of the Postpartum Body

Episode 2: The Sacredness of the Postpartum Body

In Episode 2: The Sacredness of the Postpartum Body, Brittany shares a brief glimpse of her birth stories with her two sons-- the first son an unplanned caesarean and the second a successful VBAC. She explains her struggles with her body image since experiencing birth trauma and sheds light on society's view of "beauty". Brittany encourages women to see the divine work that has taken place in their bodies and redefines "beauty" by showing the sacredness of the postpartum body.
Aug 06, 201817:07
Raising Wild: Episode 1- Being Okay With Being Imperfect

Raising Wild: Episode 1- Being Okay With Being Imperfect

In Episode 1: Being Okay With Being Imperfect, Brittany introduces the Raising Wild podcast and dives deeper into the meaning behind the name "Raising Wild". She explains how "Raising Wild" became a blog that was started when she was pregnant with her son, Jackson and how it lead to this new adventure in the podcast world. Brittany opens up and tells her story about struggling with imperfection after the births of her two sons. She encourages women to not get caught up in the desires of perfection because when we let a ball drop it opens us up to a deeper engagement with our kids.
Aug 03, 201812:54