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The Uplevel Your Online Business Show

The Uplevel Your Online Business Show

By Sara Loureiro

Hey, I’m Sara, Certified Business Coach & Practical Woo Strategist for women just like you who are on a mission to make a big impact in the world while making big money all while living a freedom based lifestyle. “The Uplevel Your Online Business Show is a place where wealth is empowering, purpose is crucial and high vibes are non negotiable.”
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Episode 44: How to Create Content that Attracts High End Clients

The Uplevel Your Online Business ShowJul 05, 2020

Episode 127: How to Scale Your Business Fast With 3 Types of Ad Funnels

Episode 127: How to Scale Your Business Fast With 3 Types of Ad Funnels

I've been doing ads on and off for 8 years and wanted to share with you all the hottest 3 types of ad funnels that are working the best in the 2024 ad landscape. Learn who ads work the best for, how to tell if your ads are actually making you money, why I don't trust ad strategists and which out of the 3 is my absolute favourite ad funnel right now and why.

May 29, 202421:17
Episode 126: 4 Surprising Things I Do Differently Than the Average Human that Make me Successful

Episode 126: 4 Surprising Things I Do Differently Than the Average Human that Make me Successful

Embrace your quirks to truly understand what makes you different and what sets you apart. In this episode I share my own health quirks that could have inhibited my performance as a multi 6 figure online coach yet instead of viewing them as hindrances I explain how I work around them for optimal business performance. Sitting here hoping this episode inspires you to fully embrace yourself and do things your way, too.

May 07, 202422:38
Episode 125: Is Social Media Fake? My Surprising Answer

Episode 125: Is Social Media Fake? My Surprising Answer

I recently saw a very prominent person online speaking about how most of what you see online isn't real. Is it all smoke and mirrors? My answer to this question might suprise you. After being in online business for over 9 years, I'm spilling all the tea.

Apr 23, 202432:40
Episode 124: Exactly What More Money Can Buy You (That You Might Not Think)

Episode 124: Exactly What More Money Can Buy You (That You Might Not Think)

Have you ever thought about whether or not making your income goal is even something you want or need in your life? Maybe you've thought about making more money but you also know that you can live with a lot less and aren't sure if it's worth the hassle. In this episode, I'll break down exactly what more money can buy you and how to understand the income level you need to hit to get the lifestyle you desire.

Apr 09, 202430:57
Episode 123: How to Identify your Core Values to Realign Friendships and Excel in Business

Episode 123: How to Identify your Core Values to Realign Friendships and Excel in Business

This is going to be an amazing episode for anyone who identifies as a rescuer, saviour or people pleaser and who's felt bad or undeserving about the success in their lives. Please listen for some inspiration about how to navigate relationships both in business and in your personal life as you decide to raise your standards for yourself this year.

Mar 26, 202433:10
Episode 122: Why You Actually Want to Fail and How to Get Back Up

Episode 122: Why You Actually Want to Fail and How to Get Back Up

This is an episode for anyone who feels like they're in the trenches of business, feels like a failure and needs to build a bit of resiliency. I talk about how the most successful business owners view failure and how to pick yourself back up and rise up even stronger after feeling like you've hit a wall.

Mar 12, 202413:18
Episode 121: Why You're Stuck in Business Overwhelm and How to Change it

Episode 121: Why You're Stuck in Business Overwhelm and How to Change it

We all have moments in our business that we feel completely overwhelmed and I bet you've even wondered whether or not being in business is right for you. In this episode I break down all of the reasons why you could be in overwhelm and how to change them so that you can be on track to having a business and lifestyle that feel in flow.

Feb 27, 202416:50
Episode 120: 3 Qualities All Successful Entrepreneurs Have

Episode 120: 3 Qualities All Successful Entrepreneurs Have

One of the most asked questions I get from clients is what do all of my most successful clients do/what qualities do they have that allows them to get really great monetary results. After coaching hundreds of people inside of my coaching programs over the years I've narrowed this down to 3 very important traits all of my most successful clients have.

Feb 06, 202414:57
Episode 119: Completely Change Your Life in 2024

Episode 119: Completely Change Your Life in 2024

In 2023 I decided to uphold the highest of standards for myself and drastically changed a few different aspects of my life because of it. From moving from a place I never fit in to hitting 7 figures CAD this year to having only the best relationships in my life and removing those that no longer served me, I talk about what it took to get here and how you can prime your 2024 to look completely different, too.

Jan 23, 202423:40
Episode 118: How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome as a Coach and Heal Yourself FIRST

Episode 118: How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome as a Coach and Heal Yourself FIRST

In this episode I invite my wonderful friend Anat Peri on the mic to help any coaches and aspiring coaches to become better at their craft by offering a higher level of self awareness. We talk about Anat's journey to healing and opening up a coaching certification as well as her pillars for complete healing that you can both apply to yourself and your clients

Jan 09, 202435:18
Episode 117: How I hit 7 Figures CAD this year and why this matters for YOU

Episode 117: How I hit 7 Figures CAD this year and why this matters for YOU

I'm in a bit of shock that 2023 has been my first million dollar year and I'm recording this podcast episode for you to truly see what's possible for you and of course, my biggest lessons learned while doing it. I talk about what it's like to hit 7 figures, why hitting it in CAD ultimately mattered to me and how to collapse your financial timelines by scaling up your business systems.

Dec 20, 202328:19
Episode 116: How to Embrace the BORING to Skyrocket Your Results

Episode 116: How to Embrace the BORING to Skyrocket Your Results

Have you ever felt like you constantly want to try new things and switch strategies in your business but don't truly understand why? What about struggling to be consistent at one thing? We can even apply this to your home life-- do you constantly desire to have chaos and disregulation in an area of your life? In this episode I explain WHY we do this and how to truly embrace different levels of boring in order to become a higher performer, get better results and become much happier in the process.

Nov 21, 202321:57
Episode 115: My Struggles With Living in Paradise -- Why I'm Moving

Episode 115: My Struggles With Living in Paradise -- Why I'm Moving

It's true! After 6 years of living in the mountains of Nicaragua, I am ready to move on. This is a vulnerable podcast episode of my struggles living in a different country, how I was in denial and where we're headed next. I also talk about how to understand how your environment affects your work and what to do when your environment isn't fully aligned to your happiness.

Nov 07, 202328:01
Episode 114: What to Do When You've Lost Motivation in Your Business

Episode 114: What to Do When You've Lost Motivation in Your Business

Is motivation important for your success? What do you do when you hit a slump? Is it normal to have periods of low motivation? In this episode I outline the best practices for anyone struggling to keep the motivation going in their business, the different schools of thought for how to overcome a motivation slump and how I personally overcome motivation slumps, especially in a business context.

Oct 24, 202319:12
Episode 113: How to Move Forward and Reinvest in Your Business When You've Been Burned by Coaches in the Past

Episode 113: How to Move Forward and Reinvest in Your Business When You've Been Burned by Coaches in the Past

This episode is dedicated to every single person I've gotten on a sales call with or have been in a DM conversation with who's wanted to continue with their business but just made a bad business decision in the past, either with someone who wasn't trustworthy or otherwise and feels like they are afraid to make an investment again. I talk about my own bad experience with a coach, how I moved forward from it and my best piece of advice to anyone who has been burned in the past, including how to know when to invest again and how to know if you're making the right decision the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time around.

Oct 10, 202325:13
Episode 112: What to do in your Business BEFORE you invest in Ads

Episode 112: What to do in your Business BEFORE you invest in Ads

In today's episode I'm breaking down some common business myths surrounding Facebook ads-- whether or not they're worth it in your business, when to start them, what to have in place before running them and how to know when you're ready to scale. This is helpful information for beginners and multiple 6 figure business owners alike including my experiences with ads and whether or not you should hire an agency to run them for you.

Sep 26, 202313:06
Episode 111: What it was like travelling 7.5 weeks in a Row AND Growing my Business

Episode 111: What it was like travelling 7.5 weeks in a Row AND Growing my Business

I'm so excited to share with you all of the details of our 7 time zone trip including where we stayed, how it was like balancing work and travel, what I'd recommend and how to truly have a system in place in your business where you can do the same.

Sep 12, 202321:55
Episode 110: How to Scale Your Business When You're Maxxed Out on Time

Episode 110: How to Scale Your Business When You're Maxxed Out on Time

This episode is a part of a client questions series and is all about the tools, team and self awareness you need to scale your business even if you're maxxed out on time. This episode is perfect for you if you're a parent, in a demanding 9-5 or simply don't have any more time in your day to grow and scale your business but still want to make it happen. Learn why you have been holding yourself back from scalability and the processes I tell my clients to do when they're getting to the multiple 6-7 figure range.

Aug 22, 202317:51
Episode 109: How to Stop Letting Comparison Derail your Progress

Episode 109: How to Stop Letting Comparison Derail your Progress

This is another client questions series episode all about staying in your own lane and making sure that you're not sabotaging your business in comparison traps. I talk about what's real and not real online, how to avoid comparing yourself to highlight reels and the biggest hack you need to avoid letting comparison affect you internally.

Aug 08, 202319:18
Episode 108: How to Keep Momentum When you Lack Motivation

Episode 108: How to Keep Momentum When you Lack Motivation

This episode is a part of a client questions series I'm doing and this one in specific is about maintaining your motivation and momentum in your business even when you don't see the results you want. I walk you through what to do when you've lost motivation, how to maintain consistency in your business and a quick exercise you can do to bring more life and intentionality into your business after a slump.

Jul 25, 202319:18
Episode 107: Should you Go Into Debt to Invest in Your Business

Episode 107: Should you Go Into Debt to Invest in Your Business

This episode is part of a series of questions I've been getting from my community. I'm breaking down what I believe debt is, if it's safe to go into debt for your business, how much business debt is actually good for you and how/when to pay it off. I'll talk about my own experiences with debt and how I personally make my decisions around investing-- when I say yes and when I say no.

Jul 11, 202323:32
Episode 106: Are Social Media Fads Sabotaging Your Progress?

Episode 106: Are Social Media Fads Sabotaging Your Progress?

Another episode with Dr. Lindsay where we talk about the latest trends in social media and how detrimental they can be for your business growth. We point out specific trends with whether or not hustle is bad, what it means to be a woman building an empire and how much manifestation and feminine energy is needed to build wealth.

Jun 28, 202350:18
Episode 105: What it really looks like to run 5 successful businesses and live a yes AND life

Episode 105: What it really looks like to run 5 successful businesses and live a yes AND life

If you are just starting your own business, you know that your business owns your time. Balancing your time and energy between your business and the many roles you play on your personal life can be overwhelming. In this episode, third generation entrepreneur and owner of multiple businesses Bunny Young shares how you can grow your business(es) and manage the other aspects of your life successfully.

Jun 13, 202344:34
Episode 104: Why You’re Giving Up too Early + How to Work Through Your Frustrations with Dr. Lindsay

Episode 104: Why You’re Giving Up too Early + How to Work Through Your Frustrations with Dr. Lindsay

Entrepreneurs experience more frustrations than the average person and it’s one of the reasons why they give up even when they’re just in the beginning stages of entrepreneurship. How you cope and tolerate your frustrations is directly correlated to how your business moves forward. In this episode, Dr. Lindsay talks about how you can work through these frustrations and succeed in your business.

May 30, 202351:44
Episode 103: Why You Need to Ditch Your 9-5 Money Mindset to Step into a 6 Figure+ Business

Episode 103: Why You Need to Ditch Your 9-5 Money Mindset to Step into a 6 Figure+ Business

If you find yourself surrounded by people in a 9-5 or are yourself used to getting a biweekly paycheque you're likely subconsciously holding onto 9-5 money mentalities that are holding you back from truly expanding into your business. Find out what these money blocks are, how to identify them in your business and what to do instead so that you can finally build a freedom based 6 figure+ business that suits your lifestyle needs.

May 16, 202318:54
Episode 102: What I Don't Spend my Money on in Business and Why it Matters

Episode 102: What I Don't Spend my Money on in Business and Why it Matters

Here's a potentially controversial episode on what I don't spend money on in my business and why I tell my clients to do the same. After being in business for almost 8 years and receiving the wrong advice I'm breaking down what the most important investments are in online business and how to tell if an investment is right for you.

May 02, 202324:30
Episode 101: Why I Don't Want a First Class Lifestyle

Episode 101: Why I Don't Want a First Class Lifestyle

I get really candid with this episode talking about what the hype is all about online in terms of first class lifestyles, if it's actually real and how to understand your own money priorities. I get super honest about WHY I don't want a first class lifestyle and what I'm working towards instead.

Apr 11, 202336:28
Episode 100: How I Made My First 7 Figures and What I'd Do Differently

Episode 100: How I Made My First 7 Figures and What I'd Do Differently

I'm so excited to be pulling behind the curtain on how I made my first 7 figures cash in my business and where it came from. I'll be breaking down the strategies I've used in each step of the business and how I would have done things differently.

Mar 28, 202341:32
Episode 99: How to Structure Your Team to Stay in Your Zone of Genius

Episode 99: How to Structure Your Team to Stay in Your Zone of Genius

This episode is for all of you who want to scale this year but want to do it without working 50-60 hour work weeks (ew!) I talk about how I scaled my business to 40k months and beyond in 2022 while only working 25 hours a week, how I'm restructuring my current team and the do's and don'ts of hiring so that you can always be on top of your goals while staying in your zone of genius.

Mar 14, 202326:15
Episode 98: Money Mindset Tips for Each Level of Business

Episode 98: Money Mindset Tips for Each Level of Business

Let's do a deep dive on the money mindset issues that come up in each level of business and how they stunt your growth. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale to 7 figures, there's likely a key money mindset issue that's holding you back from unstoppable growth this year.

Feb 28, 202320:58
Episode 97: What To Do When You've Outgrown Your Surroundings

Episode 97: What To Do When You've Outgrown Your Surroundings

In this episode I share how staying in toxic and lower vibrational environments affects your growth as an entrepreneur including what I've done to curate a positive environment for myself even in toxic work places. I also share the 3 biggest ways to help yourself let go of places and people you've outgrown and whether or not completely replacing your environment and cutting off relationships will actually help you with your growth.

Feb 14, 202328:54
Episode 96: How to Use Your Love Language In Your Business to Bring You More Clients

Episode 96: How to Use Your Love Language In Your Business to Bring You More Clients

This is a fun episode where I go over what the 5 love languages are and the key to expressing them inside of your business to bring you more clients and overall client retention. Learning and implementing love languages inside your business will also help you with engagement and client rentention to make sure to listen and implement to see how positively giving can impact your business.

Jan 31, 202314:41
Episode 95: 4 Ways Joining a Mastermind Doubled my Income in 2022

Episode 95: 4 Ways Joining a Mastermind Doubled my Income in 2022

In this episode I'm going to share how I went from thinking that 1:1 coaching was the only thing I'd ever invest in to why I'm now hooked on masterminds and think they are crucial to every entrepreneurs growth. Be prepared for some myth busting and what to look for in YOUR next mastermind experience so that you can double your monthly income just like I did.

Jan 17, 202314:08
Episode 94: A look inside my 130k quarter

Episode 94: A look inside my 130k quarter

In this episode I'm unveiling the curtain and going into detail about what it really took to make a 130k quarter while working part time. I talk about the energetics of what it took as well as some important strategic components that I needed to have in place to make this work. You will love this episode if you're more advanced in business and want to hear about real strategy to get into a new level of business but you'll also get a ton of inspiration if you're a bit newer and want to hit new income levels as well.

Dec 27, 202224:19
Episode 93: How to Become the Client Who Gets Amazing Results

Episode 93: How to Become the Client Who Gets Amazing Results

We talk about getting really awesome clients in our business all the time-- but what does it take to BE the client in the next investment you make that gets amazing results? Tune in to find out why I'm usually on the testimonials list for top results for some of my coaches and what I've learned from investing in mentors and coaching containers for the past 7 years

Dec 13, 202221:29
Episode 92: The top habits I want to leave behind in 2022

Episode 92: The top habits I want to leave behind in 2022

This is a more vulnerable episode where I talk about what I've learned while hitting my biggest year in business yet but also where I've found my own blindspots have been in living out my best life and how you can also create a similar reflection for yourself.

Nov 29, 202219:21
Episode 91: How to utilize your spiritual gifts and intuition in life and business with Midori Verify

Episode 91: How to utilize your spiritual gifts and intuition in life and business with Midori Verify

in this episode Midori talks about her journey from the corporate world to accepting her unique spiritual gifts as a medium. She also talks about easy ways to break down spirituality for anyone who wants to explore it without going too woo and emparts wisdom on anyone who wants to bring more spirituality in their business.

Nov 15, 202225:26
Episode 90: How to Overcome the Shame of Not Hitting Your Goals

Episode 90: How to Overcome the Shame of Not Hitting Your Goals

This episode is for anyone who considers themselves a high performer or high achiever and has trouble with setting goals and not hitting them and experiencing emotional turmoil in the process. I talk about where this correlation ultimately comes from and how to rewire your brain so that you can feel better about your goal setting and hit those goals much quicker and with more ease.

Nov 01, 202218:46
Episode 89: Honouring Your Spirituality and Increasing Your Energetic Vibration with Sheila Vijeyarasa

Episode 89: Honouring Your Spirituality and Increasing Your Energetic Vibration with Sheila Vijeyarasa

In this episode Sheila and I talk all about infusing spirituality into your biz and life in a practical way. Sheila is a published author, medium and spiritual mentor for corporate women. She talks about how losing her job and relationship helped her hit a rock bottom that kickstarted her entrepreneurial path, the best ways to get into higher energetic vibrations and the #1 thing that will help you step up your manifestation game.

Oct 18, 202236:10
Episode 88: How to Travel the World While Working Remotely

Episode 88: How to Travel the World While Working Remotely

2022 has been an incredible year of travel for me and let me do some bucket list items in my life that I've been dreaming of for years. I thought it would be helpful to share with you how I was able to travel so much this year with a full time business and being a mom of a toddler. I'm also breaking down some key components of what I needed to do that you can start implementing no matter where you're at in your own journey.

Oct 04, 202219:03
Episode 87: How to Find Out What You’re Meant to Do with Dr Tega Edwin

Episode 87: How to Find Out What You’re Meant to Do with Dr Tega Edwin

in this episode Dr. Tega and I do a deep dive into who is truly meant for entrepreneurship, the personality traits she’s possessed to achieve success as a business owner and how to gain clarity over your next steps in your career. You’ll uncover why following your purpose is likely keeping you stuck and how to know if a career change is right for you.

Sep 20, 202228:33
Episode 86: How to Hit Multiple 6 Figures/Year in your Business

Episode 86: How to Hit Multiple 6 Figures/Year in your Business

This is a fun very tactical episode about all of the primary pillars of bringing in over 200k into your business each year. I'll go over how I started hitting those numbers, how I leveraged more of my time when scaling and all of the mindset/energetic pieces that also may be preventing you from scaling beyond 6 figures in your business.

Sep 07, 202227:11
Episode 85: The Two Biggest Questions To Ask Yourself When Hiring Your Next Coach

Episode 85: The Two Biggest Questions To Ask Yourself When Hiring Your Next Coach

I just made the decision to invest in a new mentor and I had all of the usual doubts that you probably also have. Should you be making investments from a place of desperation? Is it only a good idea to make investments from a place of empowerment? Here are two important questions I always ask myself including how I get myself into the right energy for the investment to be 10xed. 

Aug 23, 202217:24
Episode 84: How to Shift Your Wealth Mindset to Create Generational Wealth

Episode 84: How to Shift Your Wealth Mindset to Create Generational Wealth

I'm excited to bring you this episode to help you understand the benefit of making more money in your business and how you can utilize that money to build more generational wealth for your family. Let's talk about designer brands, investments, luxury lifestyles and if the social media game you see really is all hype or not.

Aug 09, 202229:60
Episode 83: What High Paying Clients REALLY Want

Episode 83: What High Paying Clients REALLY Want

There are so many internalized and externalized myths in terms of what high paying clients are truly looking for. Are they all 6 figure earners? Do they live in rich zip codes? Does the money they make even matter? And what are they REALLY looking for from you? Tune in to find out how to make sure you give them exactly what they're looking for.

Jul 26, 202218:14
Episode 82: When's The Right Time to Hire Team?

Episode 82: When's The Right Time to Hire Team?

Hiring a new team member is such an exciting time in your business because it gives YOU the opportunity to grow exponentially. However, hiring too soon or too late can really derail your growth, too! In this episode I talk about the common hiring mistakes I see including how I was able to build a dream team that ultimately scaled my business to multiple 6 figures/year.

Jul 12, 202222:58
Episode 81: How to Fill Up Your Next Group Program

Episode 81: How to Fill Up Your Next Group Program

This is a more strategic episode about what it really takes to fill up a group program, what most people get wrong, what you need to look for and how soon before your launch you need to start working on it!

Jun 28, 202218:42
Episode 80: What I'm Measuring this Year Instead of Income

Episode 80: What I'm Measuring this Year Instead of Income

While income goals are really great and energizing, I 100% believe that we're in constant states of ebbs and flows and also conflicting priorities. I'm on a mission to live a holistic and grounded life and I explain a part of my methods for obtaining this that goes well beyond income on this week's episode.

Jun 14, 202216:04
Episode 79: How to Manifest the Life of your dreams with Victoria Gallagher

Episode 79: How to Manifest the Life of your dreams with Victoria Gallagher

In this episode Victoria and I talk about how we manifested lives that we're wildly in love with including how Victoria was able to quit her 6 figure job to pursue a career in law of attraction and hypnosis. Learn Victorias best secrets for being one of the most successful mentors in her field and her process for how you can do the same.

Jun 01, 202242:40
Episode 78: How to See Results Quickly in Your Business

Episode 78: How to See Results Quickly in Your Business

In this episode I first highlight the two biggest myths in the online space that can keep you from getting rapid growth online and also some of my top takeaways from the biggest mindset, energetic and strategic moves I've made in my business to see results relatively quickly and how you can, too!

May 24, 202226:25