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SALES Network1

SALES Network1

By Sebastian Vivacqua

SALES Network1, a breakthrough podcast show by Sebastian Vivacqua, brings a wholesome approach to the art and science of selling. It is a modern show with a global outreach that intents to give a voice to sales heroes, growth addicts and rising stars from different regions and industries. You will hear different strategies, methodologies and techniques which you can use towards your limitless growth potential.
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9: Growth strategies when managing two companies concurrently w/David Franzen & Mark Brouwers

SALES Network1Jul 21, 2019

Final Episode: Manage your sales team with a coaching culture w/Matthew Toth

Final Episode: Manage your sales team with a coaching culture w/Matthew Toth

Can you coach passion out of someone?

Absolutely, what you can’t do is coach passion for sales, this is something that needs to be found individually by people.

But what you can do as a manager that has a coaching culture is use the energy of that inner passion in life that someone has and channel it into sales.

Also, you gotta learn the communication styles of each individual team member and speak their language.

I´m coming to the end of my podcast Sales Network1, and in this last episode of the show, Matthew Toth joined me to discuss what it is to be a manager with a coaching culture.

Here are Matt´s top tips for every new manager out there checking this post out:

- Have patience with yourself - Have patience and trust the process - Have patience with your teammates, learn about them and about their communication styles

- Be ready to have difficult conversations early on

- Taking ownership and having accountability for others mistakes

- It is okay to not know everything, don´t be afraid to say I don´t know

- Accepting the way you got to be successful isn´t the best way for your team moving forward

You can find Matthew on below link:

Aug 29, 202021:49
31: Feedback coaching w/Raf Baron
Jul 22, 202029:25
30: Contact Marketing - Marketing campaigns driving 100% response rates w/Stu Heinecke
Jun 29, 202033:21
29: Become Intentional over your sales career w/David Weiss
Jun 23, 202023:23
28: Break a wall and scale an opportunity #designthinking w/Charlelie Jourdan
Jun 11, 202024:52
27: Meaningful Learning Management Systems in Sales w/Chris Naegele
May 02, 202026:51
26: The pursuit for your craft w/Rodrigo Passarelli
Apr 09, 202031:35
25: Let's talk communications w/Joe Hendley
Mar 03, 202029:50
24: Differentiating your brand in the fashion industry w/Erik de Groot
Feb 17, 202019:59
23: Driving sustainable sales growth w/Randy Riemersma
Feb 13, 202027:40
 22: The Tonal Persuasion Method w/Darcy J Smyth
Feb 06, 202034:19
21: Rethink the way you sell w/Jeff Bajorek

21: Rethink the way you sell w/Jeff Bajorek

How often do you sit down to rethink the way you sell?

This is the motto of Jeff Bajorek, consultant, author at Parabola Consulting LLC and Podcast Host of The Why And The Buy. I told Jeff that I could not emphasize enough how much I enjoyed our conversation.

Here is part of what we discussed, and if you are in Sales I’d love you hear your thoughts on it...

Ultimately, you don’t need to make your prospects aware of the solution, so much as you need to make them aware that a better state exists. Ask the right curious questions that truly paint the picture in your prospects' minds.

What are your differentiators? Why are you different?

When you dive deep into these questions you might realize that you got no competition

Now, this is the thing when you control the narrative about the most advantageous way you solve that problem, your competitor has to sell to your prospects on a completely different philosophy. And, when you control that philosophy, you are in control of the sales process

Create tension with your prospects, as Jeff described it in our conversation

Let’s summarize it with the true fact that your biggest competitor is the status quote, your biggest competitor is your prospect doing nothing at all, wouldn’t you agree?

Links to reach Jeff:

Check out Jeff’s book, “The five forgotten fundamentals of prospecting”:

Jan 23, 202032:36
20: Without a community you are simply a commodity by and with/Sangram Vajre

20: Without a community you are simply a commodity by and with/Sangram Vajre

“Without a community, you are simply a commodity.”

Strongly said by Sangram Vajre, Chief Evangelist, and Co-Founder at Terminus: Account-Based Marketing, and in those words is the reminder to everyone that it all starts with your community.

FlipMyFunnel has grown not just as a podcast listened by 100k+ people, but as a community with over 10k+ people sharing their interest and passion for this category

It later evolved from a #FlipMyFunnel roadshow of events into partnering up this year with the lights of #RevTalks and #DemandGen, which brought together the super successful #B2BMX Summit last August, with 1k+ people attending it

This is how you drive a movement. Now, how do you get started? how do you build a community?

✏️ Think about problem market-fit or product market-fit. Focus on the problem, but your community is the way to discover that the problem is big enough

✏️There is no category of one that was created and has a successful movement, that is why having competitors is great. It’s a different ball game when you have more thought leaders that come together and talk about it, it creates a congregation, and now you are preaching

✏️Building a movement it’s not for every company. There are very few companies across the globe that have built a movement in their category. Therefore, figure out If you have the DNA and you have the long-term view that is built on category leadership and community. The how is the easy part but the why is the hardest part

Check out Sangram on LinkedIn:

Link to the popular “ABM is B2B” book:

Dec 18, 201921:37
19: Creating marketing and sales efficiency with a #OneTeam mindset w/Sangram Vajre
Dec 10, 201926:24
18: Mastering your sales process w/David Masover

18: Mastering your sales process w/David Masover

Here are some foundational questions: what is a sales process? 🧐

And, how do you match your CRM to the work your salespeople do to get new business?

In this 18th episode of the show, I had a special guest David Masover who runs his consulting firm. He is a sales hero with over three decades of experience in sales, and with his heart beating hard for the craft that he has mastered.

We cover a lot of foundational questions when it comes to the sales process, CRM, and the challenges and reasons why not every company masters their sales process.

Check out the links to the episode on the comments, meantime here is some food for thought:

✏️ Have you asked yourself these questions:

What are your salespeople doing to get new business?

How are they doing it?

What are the steps they are taking?

What does that process look like?

✏️ The sales leaders of every company should be spending time observing and profoundly understanding the work their salespeople are doing to get new business, then take what is happening NOW and clarify that into a process, and from there you can build-rebuild-optimize your CRM system

✏️Your numbers and stats are BS if you don’t do the proper work from the beginning

Here are the links to David’s books and where you can reach him: (The Salesman’s Guide to Dating) (Mastering Your Sales Process) (Managing the Sales Process)

Nov 27, 201928:24
17: Decisions and negotiations in life and business w/Stan Daulov
Nov 18, 201932:04
16: Trust-based selling w/René Linders
Nov 05, 201928:02
15: Coaching the coach in sales w/Andy Paul
Oct 16, 201931:14
14: Drive your company with a sales working culture w/Lova Kremer

14: Drive your company with a sales working culture w/Lova Kremer

Do you get every person that enters your company to work in sales?

I had an awesome conversation with Lova Kremer, COO of Startupfunding & Lighting Video Editors. He truly puts emphasis and passion in treating his team as his family and building a winning working culture that has accelerated the growth of his companies.

We got into discussing the why everyone that enters his company starts by working in sales; his methodology for training his sales team; his hiring strategies including his failures throughout the process and the system he has built; the working culture he promotes; and much more.

Below are some takeaways:

✏️ It’s about encouraging a sales orientated culture, where sales is oxygen, and this is why everyone in the company starts in sales

✏️ Nurture a leader servant work culture, where leaders serve their teams and not the other way around. Your team is your FAMILIA

✏️ He empowers his team to start their own side business by even helping them get started maybe also funding them because their personal growth benefits the growth of his company

✏️ Remember this one thing; you can’t lie in sales, don’t fake it till you make it because you will fail hard with that mindset

You can reach out to Lova and the team on:

Check out how this year event went and stay tuned for the next one on:

Sep 22, 201942:17
13: Sales in healthcare VR - the challenge, the experience and the future w/Freek Teunen and Jason van Eunen
Aug 18, 201922:06
12: The power of advocacy marketing and the flaws in influencer marketing w/Nick Stagge

12: The power of advocacy marketing and the flaws in influencer marketing w/Nick Stagge

Based on Edelman's Trust report, only 4% of consumers trust that marketers are acting and advertising with integrity. Only 4%...  

So, how can you grow your business from advocacy marketing? Also, what would you say are the flaws in influencer marketing?  

I had the pleasure to talk about this with Nick Stagge, which has a ton of experience with his heart beating for marketing, and he has recently shifted companies to build the marketing team from ground up as CMO for Wooly Inc, besides having his own side business Grounded.  

We discussed a remarkable case study of advocacy for Reebok; Nick has said the future of marketing is focusing on personalization at scale, what does this mean; where does he see influencing marketing heading to; and his takeaways for you as a business owner to go out there and start implementing straight away  

Here are the excellent takeaways from the episode:  

✏️ People are turning to other people for advice, and they don't trust marketing anymore. They are turning to their friends, family members, especially those that have experience in that product category. They are still turning to retail sales associates, and also asking industry professionals and influencers online 

✏️ The concept of a general market is a melting pot. There are so many different types of people, and to think one general message works for all of us is absolutely absurd  

✏️ A brand needs to figure out who they are, and have a strong sense of their core DNA and how does it translate to different types of people  

✏️ Historically we know that relationships have been transactional, buy my product, buy my product, did you buy my product? Then post funnel marketing is buy more of my product, and we become fatigued and exhausted  

✏️ We need to approach relationships by saying who are you, what is your story, let's connect and let's see where we have similarities and shared interests and passions and let's tell one another stories. When you do this and get to create a relationship, it becomes more personal, and that is emotional, which you then develop customers for life, who will help you bring new customers into your fold  

✏️ Content and authenticity matters; it's all about the voice of your brand. The future of influencer marketing lies in brands truly connecting with the influencer  

You can find Nick in all the below:

Aug 11, 201928:16
11: Building a winning sales team that 6x the conversion rate w/Bas Oude Luttikhuis
Aug 04, 201932:04
10: Building your personal brand and the journey of influencing w/ Andy Storch
Jul 28, 201933:33
9: Growth strategies when managing two companies concurrently w/David Franzen & Mark Brouwers
Jul 21, 201920:49
8: The winning attitude of a sales warrior w/Dale Dupree
Jul 15, 201933:40
7: The psychology behind videoing w/Jerry Delemarre
Jul 07, 201920:24
6: The importance of understanding what operational excellence looks like w/Beau Lloyd

6: The importance of understanding what operational excellence looks like w/Beau Lloyd

What is Operational Excellence in your view, guys? And, how important is that connection to all Sales teams?  

Above, was the main hot topic in our great conversation with Beau Lloyd, another young rising talent, working for Farfetch and his own E-Commerce Consultancy side business.   

We discussed that connection between Ops, Customer Service and Sales but also, we dived into E-Commerce solutions, which is Beau’s passion. Here are some of the key takeaways that you can tune in and listen in depth further:  


✏️ Basic Ops Excellence =   

✔Always striving to be better    

✔A continuous improvement mindset   

✔Mastering your fundamentals   

✏️ Just like in sports, keep doing drills after drills until the process becomes seamless, you have to utilize time smartly, especially in low season periods  

✏️ Utilize tools like Slack for communication across departments, and make sure that the channels are adequately split and segmented in the app, It’s the little solutions that can create a high impact in your organization and bring more value 


✏️Be honest to your potential customers if you might not be the best fit for them right now, and be there for them still, because that will build a sticky relationship  

Whether in Sales, Customer Service or Operations, I’d love to hear your comments on the topic, which is so essential to every business, regardless of the industry you work.  

Quick wins could = to quick losses, agree?  

You can contact Beau on below link:

#operationalexcellence #sales #customerservice #operations #business #knowyourcustomer #communicationskills

Jun 27, 201925:27
5: How to hug your customer and peak performance coaching w/Mark Booster
Jun 25, 201926:33
4: How to best apply your entrepreneurial skills in a large enterprise w/Sonia Ferreira

4: How to best apply your entrepreneurial skills in a large enterprise w/Sonia Ferreira

In this great episode, I had the pleasure to talk in person with Sonia Ferreira(LinkedIn) from Portugal, who works for the Maersk Group in a strategic and customer solutions sales role, and is also an investment advisor as well as a volunteer for women in business. We discussed how you can be the startup in a large enterprise.  

We also talked about the challenges faced in large organisations when trying to implement change; we discussed what the right mindset is; being a lifelong student; and more, here is some takeaways from the episode:  

✏️ Always keep a curious mind and challenge yourself to do things that make you uncomfortable   

✏️ Be true to yourself. You have to know who you are and what you strive for as an individual  

✏️ Surround yourself with like-minded people within the organisation that will challenge you as a person  

✏️ Take care of yourself in terms of how you evolve as a professional, develop yourself and learn skills outside of the company that will motivate you back into your workplace  

✏️ If you want to be the startup in a large enterprise, you need to build that community which shares your ways of thinking and remember if you really believe in something, and you have the vision and drive, you can do anything, but if you do it alone it will be much harder to create change in an organisation.  

#salesleadership #entrepreneurship  

May 19, 201921:10
3: The ins and outs in Direct Marketing w/ Chris Harwood

3: The ins and outs in Direct Marketing w/ Chris Harwood

In this third episode, I had a great talk and caught up with Chris Harwood(LinkedIn & Instagram), who is the MD at Synergy Direct Australia and Raging Muscle. He unpacked on the fact that direct marketing (door to door and B2B) is still a thriving industry that is not slowing down but instead continues to grow. Chris has raised over 20M+ in GP towards different charities in the last 10 years.  

We also got practical talking about how a typical sales training morning works at his office every day; an example of how closing a deal goes; why businesses and individuals should consider direct marketing, and more, here is a quick summary of notes, and tune in on the link below to listen to the full episode:  

✏️ In, direct marketing, you get to build a thick skin and a skill set for later on in life  

✏️ The quality of the volume is essential so that we can provide long term donations to our customers  

✏️ Self-motivation, passion and conviction are the key differentiators for the top performers  

✏️ It is of significant importance to be able to converse and connect with a wide range of people, generating the desire and impulse to be able to close a deal 

Do you agree with the future of direct marketing? Or do you have a different view on it? 

May 19, 201920:23
2: The Next Web Conference – Summary and two short and powerful talks
May 19, 201913:52
1: How to enable your sales team become the better versions of themselves w/ Juan Botindari

1: How to enable your sales team become the better versions of themselves w/ Juan Botindari

I had the pleasure to kick off the first episode of the show with a great conversation of wisdom in London with Juan Botindari, Global Head of Sales at Silverfin who is super excited for the future that lies ahead for the company. 

We discussed leadership traits; how to enable your sales team become the better versions of themselves; what to look for when hiring someone; cross-collaboration between sales, marketing & product with practical examples and more, here is some of the show notes and the link to the full episode:  

✏️ Break the hierarchy and ageism, and understand that just because you're older than somebody else, it doesn’t mean you know more  

✏️ The world was a different place 10 years ago, but one constant thing is that good relationships are earned through trust and empathy  

✏️ One of the great things about sales is that there is not one method that is proven to work over others, but If you think that your way is the only way you will find failure because the chances are that you're trying to make everybody fit for that same mould  

How do you enable your sales team to achieve their best versions of themselves?

I’d love to hear your feedback. 

#sales #marketing #salesleadership  

May 19, 201925:47
0: Interviewed by Ferdinand Lie - What can you expect from the show?
May 12, 201912:26