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The Seth Campbell Podcast

The Seth Campbell Podcast

By Seth Campbell

Equipped with massive vision, a passion for leadership and unwavering faith, Seth Campbell is pioneering the evolution of how leaders run their business. From relationships to strategy and personal growth - no topic is off limits as Seth explores the intricacies of business growth.

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Ep 17 - Every Business Needs A Heart & A Head

The Seth Campbell PodcastMar 07, 2022

Ep 26 - Alissa Gamble: Millionaire Founder Part I

Ep 26 - Alissa Gamble: Millionaire Founder Part I

Join Seth for Part I of his very first interview of his Founders Series. In this conversation, Seth speaks with Alissa Gamble - founder and owner of Minegar Gamble Premier Real Estate in Boise, Idaho. 

Jul 11, 202227:34
Ep 25 - The Three Most Important Skills You NEED To Scale

Ep 25 - The Three Most Important Skills You NEED To Scale

Inspired by a conversation with his oldest son when he was young, Seth shares the three most important skills you need to learn in order to scale. Sales, hiring, and leadership mastery are all required but what happens if you're only good at one? Will each give you the freedom of time and homey? Listen to find out! 

To see the visuals referenced in this episode be sure to head over to YouTube ( and watch! 

Jun 13, 202229:15
Ep 24 - Four Reasons A Small Business Is A Stupid Business

Ep 24 - Four Reasons A Small Business Is A Stupid Business

Business owners seem to always come up with excuses as to why they should keep things small. It's too many people to manage, too many problems, I'll have more profit for myself ... What if Seth told you that is a stupid way to think! In this episode Seth tells you why a small business is a stupid business and breaks down the barriers many entrepreneurs face when it comes thinking bigger. 

May 30, 202224:23
Re-Release: Ep. 10 - The Three Legged Race

Re-Release: Ep. 10 - The Three Legged Race

Operations, Sales, and Finance - The three legs of a successful business. You can't expect to drag one behind and win the race. Listen in to learn about the delicate balancing act between these three crucial roles and what happens when they are out of sync.

May 23, 202228:07
Re-Release: Ep. 2 - The Big Picture of Leadership

Re-Release: Ep. 2 - The Big Picture of Leadership

Learn the process Seth takes his clients through to discover what their leadership journey looks like. This is a big picture overview of how the most successful empires and businesses are built. This is more than an MBA in one episode of real life multi-million dollar lessons in business and leadership.

May 16, 202234:46
Re-Release: Ep. 5 - You & I Are Good, You & The Role Are Not

Re-Release: Ep. 5 - You & I Are Good, You & The Role Are Not

How do you address performance issues? Seth dives into the obstacles of addressing someone struggling to meet their goals.

May 09, 202231:45
Ep 23 - Navigating The Four Stages Of Training

Ep 23 - Navigating The Four Stages Of Training

In this episode Seth goes over the four stages of training and how they are absolutely critical to scaling your business. Are you preparing to scale? Are you trying to scale and are stuck? Often times... it's your team that needs the attention. Listen in for a deeper insight into each stage so you can start applying the strategies I share right away!

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Apr 18, 202232:30
Ep 22 - Leading Group Effectively To Scale; Part III: The Four Key Ingredients

Ep 22 - Leading Group Effectively To Scale; Part III: The Four Key Ingredients

Part I was about vectors, direction and alignment of your team. Part II introduced the 20/60/20 model - how to lead large groups without using more hours. Now take in Part III which wraps up this series by giving you insight and clarity on becoming a leader of leaders and scaling your business without the stress and time with Seth's Four Key Ingredients. 

Don't forget to join the private Facebook group for discussions and networking with high level business leaders just like you!

Apr 11, 202220:55
Ep 21 - Leading Groups Effectively To Scale; Part II: The 20/60/20 Rule

Ep 21 - Leading Groups Effectively To Scale; Part II: The 20/60/20 Rule

In Part One of this series we uncovered the best team alignment hacks with 1 core truth and 5 key rules you need to follow. In Part Two, we explore the 20/60/20 rule of leadership to keep you from falling back on the false belief that a smaller team is better. Follow along to learn how to avoid burnout and manage larger teams with less minutes by using this time tested, tactical model.

Don't forget to join the private Facebook group for discussions and networking with high level business leaders just like you!

Apr 04, 202229:51
Ep 20 - Leading Groups Effectively To Scale; Part I: Vectors

Ep 20 - Leading Groups Effectively To Scale; Part I: Vectors

Leading large teams can be exhausting. Don't go backwards and give up on your dream of scaling! In part one of this three part series find the solution to this daunting problem by learning the 5 Key Rules I follow and how to utilize the right tactics to get your team back in alignment and focused on growth. 

Join the private Facebook group at

Mar 28, 202224:24
EP 19 - The Three Greatest Negotiating Tips

EP 19 - The Three Greatest Negotiating Tips

What's behind the triggers that cause negotiations to go sour? 

Negotiating is powerful in every aspect of life, even when you don't realize it. The stories we create in our heads can be detrimental and often times aren't even true! Listen to learn how to control the situation and get the outcome you desire. 

Don't forget to join our private FB group over at

Mar 21, 202225:38
EP 18 - Are you playing defense?

EP 18 - Are you playing defense?

What is the difference between millionaires and billionaires? 


Listen as Seth reflects on his own business blunders to share with you the 3 categories of disaster your business can land in if you chose to not play defense and how to avoid ending up there. Get tips and insights to increase your business' longevity and leave a legacy. 

Mar 14, 202231:00
Ep 17 - Every Business Needs A Heart & A Head

Ep 17 - Every Business Needs A Heart & A Head

Almost all businesses can be a connected to a heart and a head... what does that mean? 

The most successful ones aren't ran by just someone who is logical or just someone who is passionate. As seen with famous biz duos over the years it takes both to launch a company into greatness. And it's not just that cut and dry. As your business moves through various cycles and stages one might need to shine more than the other... but when? Listen to Seth discuss these two crucial personalities and how they make each area of you business function like a well oiled machine. 

Mar 07, 202219:44
Ep 16 - Should I partner?

Ep 16 - Should I partner?

In addition to coaching high level entrepreneurs on strategic leadership, Seth also consults leaders on how to handle WHO they lead with. 

Partnerships can be great but most do not succeed - why? Listen in to Episode 16 as Seth goes through the patterns he's observed through many partnerships over the years and talks about the 6 filters you need to view your business relationships through in order to protect yourself and your entities.  

Get access to the Episode 16 resources at and don't forget to join the private group on Facebook - The Seth Campbell Podcast! 

Feb 28, 202233:54
Ep 15 - Most Leaders Misunderstand Advancement

Ep 15 - Most Leaders Misunderstand Advancement

Advancement is culturally determined. The idea of advancement is actually upside down for many and typically modeled after the org chart but is this really true to reality? Seth believes the pyramid of advancement should actually have the point at the bottom! Learn the real life lessons and purpose behind that theory and how we should be viewing advancement in today's workplace. 

Dec 24, 202141:36
Ep 14 - The Great Quit

Ep 14 - The Great Quit

It's the end of 2021, what has been happening in leadership that is causing what has come to be known as... The Great Quit. How should you deal with this as a leader? How can "The Great Quit" be a positive thing for your business? Listen to find out! 

Dec 22, 202130:37
Ep 13 - I Owe You An Apology

Ep 13 - I Owe You An Apology

Cancel Culture - How does this negatively affect society and mental health - especially on adolescents? Listen to Seth talk about how our beliefs trigger responses that may or may not result in favorable reactions and what those reactions mean for our relationships. 

Dec 02, 202136:21
Ep 12 - Can You Hear Me Now?

Ep 12 - Can You Hear Me Now?

Seth discusses common communication failures in and outside of the workplace. Are you an inferential or direct speaker? What about your listening style? Learn the differences and combinations of styles and how to improve your communication to achieve greater levels of success. 

Nov 03, 202125:04
Ep 11 - Training The How, Managing The What

Ep 11 - Training The How, Managing The What

Train your people on the process, manage what the outcomes are. Most leaders have this backwards - they manage the how and train the what. It's been found that this often leads things to go off track. Listen in to hear Seth's take on how to flip the script and give them the autonomy and resourcefulness they need reach success and your desired outcomes. 

Oct 25, 202129:04
Ep 10 - The Three Legged Race

Ep 10 - The Three Legged Race

Operations, Sales, and Finance - The three legs of a successful business. You can't expect to drag one behind and win the race. Listen in to learn about the delicate balancing act between these three crucial roles and what happens when they are out of sync. 

Don't forget to join our Seth Campbell Podcast private Facebook group for the extended version and updates, tips and tricks from Seth! 

Sep 01, 202127:42
Ep 9 - The Science of Execution, Part II

Ep 9 - The Science of Execution, Part II

Continuing the discussion about execution, Seth talks accountability, the cadence necessary to get the job done and how it can be applied to all areas your life. 

Join the private facebook group - The Seth Campbell Podcast to watch the extended version, see Seth's charts and visuals and participate in leadership changing discussions with other business professionals! 

Aug 16, 202124:20
Ep 8 - The Science of Execution, Part I

Ep 8 - The Science of Execution, Part I

Seth discusses the core ingredients to getting things done. One of the most important aspects of business is execution, a common struggle many people face. Learn about the root motivators of productivity and how to overcome the struggles you face causing you to loose momentum that could your dreams.  

Aug 16, 202128:07
Ep 7 - The Quarterly Reset

Ep 7 - The Quarterly Reset

Are you just reacting and responding? No longer steering your own ship?

The world is moving faster than what you can keep up with and more people are getting exhausted, closer to burn out and feel out of control. 

Do you feel an overwhelming need for help and to be re-oriented? 

The best way is to sit down, list out your roles, goals, and big rocks and schedule what you need to do to make it happen. 

Follow along in this workshop style episode on how to do just that, set a schedule that sticks, and keep on track for achieving your yearly goals. Join our private Facebook Group - to get exclusive access to the full length recording and download a PDF to help you complete your quarterly reset.

Jul 21, 202132:21
EP 6 - Tree Shakers & Jelly Makers

EP 6 - Tree Shakers & Jelly Makers

Are you a tree shaker or a jelly maker? Seth goes into detail of what these mean, why it's not bad to be either one and what to do to find your right match so you can experience success in your business. 

Jul 12, 202131:24
Ep5 - You and I are good, you and the role are not.

Ep5 - You and I are good, you and the role are not.

How do you address performance issues? Seth dives into the obstacles of addressing someone struggling to meet their goals. 

Jul 01, 202129:58
Ep4 - The Hero Always Dies

Ep4 - The Hero Always Dies

In our general & leadership career path we can pass through up to three major levels. The problem is... 99% of people never make it out of the second level because they keep their inner hero alive way too long. The hero always dies... you get to determine if you leave behind a legacy for generations or if you leave behind an empty hole that is lost forever. How you navigate the opportunity to go from level two to three will have consequences for many generations, and the world, unfortunately, will teach you exactly the opposite of what to do. Are you being passed up for promotions all the time? Are you a high achiever who people have stopped listening to for no apparent reason? Are you one of the best in the company, yet still don't get the respect you feel you deserve? Then this may be what finally reveals your blindspot. Let Seth help you break through and go to level three so you can make the impact on the world you feel burning in your heart!

Jun 15, 202137:35
Ep3 - The Workplace Love Triangle

Ep3 - The Workplace Love Triangle

Not what you think, learn about managing relationships within your organization in ways the books and classes neglect to teach you. Come hear real world scenarios and scripts for how to handle one of the most deadly questions a leader can be asked.... "Can I tell you something in confidence?" 

Jun 10, 202127:01
Ep2 - The Big Picture of Leadership

Ep2 - The Big Picture of Leadership

Learn the process Seth takes his clients through to discover what their leadership journey looks like. This is a big picture overview of how the most successful empires and businesses are built. This is more than an MBA in one episode of real life multi-million dollar lessons in business and leadership. 

May 13, 202131:14
Ep1 - The Relationship Triangle

Ep1 - The Relationship Triangle

Explore Dr. Stephen Karpman's Relationship Triangle, also known as The Drama Triangle.

Listen in as Seth explains the three main roles that emerge in stressful or high-conflict situations - the persecutor, the victim and the rescuer. Learn how we move between each role in different circumstances and how to counteract our natural reactions. This is one you'll want to share with every family member, co-worker, and employee you know.

May 01, 202126:51