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Spiritual Chill Pill

Spiritual Chill Pill

By Maria Franco (and former co-host Kimberly Roman)

We explore the journey of spirituality, self-development, self-love, and the struggles of day-to-day life from the perspective of two girls who don't have everything figured out, but are happy to talk about their experiences along the journey in a candid and heart-warming way.
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#018: The Magic Of All Things With Sabrina Scott

Spiritual Chill PillMar 24, 2021

#033: Lessons On Love (ft. Teza Lord)
Nov 17, 202142:11
#032: Let's Talk About Crystals (ft. Sarah Barraj)

#032: Let's Talk About Crystals (ft. Sarah Barraj)

If you love crystals and want to know more about what to do with them to improve the energy around you this is the episode for you! From the beginning of times, crystals and gemstones have been very attractive to people. Not only they are visually appealing and interesting, but also they have their own energy. Every crystal has a very different composition and structure and from a spiritual point of view people believe they can have an impact on our energy fields and the way we feel.  

Welcome to another episode of Spiritual Chill Pill podcast where we have the lovely Sarah Barraj explaining everything about crystals, from purchasing them for reputable sources, to how we can work with them and how we can clean them and recharge them. 

We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we do! 

If you want to know more about Saraj you can find her on Instagram at @cerabarr! Also, if you loved this episode follow us on Instagram @spiritualchillpill_podcast or like our Facebook Page! 

Related books: 

The Crystal Bible - Judy Hall Track: 

Travel With Us — Vendredi [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: Free Download / Stream:

Oct 27, 202136:50
#031: Beyond The Emptiness - A Food Addiction Journey (ft. Rouba Chalabi)
Sep 15, 202139:21
#030: Modern Magical People - Integrating A Modern Life With The Spiritual World (ft. Fire Lyte)

#030: Modern Magical People - Integrating A Modern Life With The Spiritual World (ft. Fire Lyte)

Do you ever feel like to fit in the spiritual community you have wear white robes, talk only about love and light and lose your ability to question anything? Even more so, do you ever feel like to fit in your former group of friends you have to prove to them that you still have a logical mind and that you don't "just believe in fairies" now? Today we have a super fun episode with Fire Lyte where we talk about what it is like to be all aspects of ourselves in both worlds. We talk about how we don't stop being one person to become another, but instead how different aspects of our personality can be integrated together to live a more fulfilled modern spiritual life. 

Fire Lyte has run a podcast for over ten years called Inciting a Riot where he has been interviewing witches, fairy experts, spiritual people, and even a werewolf. He encourages critical thinking in all areas of life as well as living an integrated life where we participate not only in our spiritual world, but also in areas such as politics and science. He also has an amazing new book called The Dabblers Guide To Witchcraft which comes out on September 28th (later this month!). 

You can follow Fire Lyte on instagram @incitingariot or his website where you can find links to Inciting a Riot episodes!

Referenced books:

Fire Lyte - Dabblers Guide To Witchcraft

Scott Cunningham - Earth, Fire, Water and Air

If you loved this episode follow us on Instagram @spiritualchillpill_podcast or like our Facebook Page!

Track: Travel With Us — Vendredi [Audio Library Release]

Music provided by Audio Library Plus


Free Download / Stream:

Sep 01, 202137:24
#029: Am I Doing It All Wrong? A Self Care Journey (ft. Nunzia Lopiccolo)
Aug 18, 202137:10
#028: Discover Your Soul's Journey - Accessing Akashic Records (ft. Tiensirin)
Aug 04, 202135:47
#027: Mental Diet - Feeding Our Minds With Positivity
Jun 02, 202132:46
#026: The Art Of Letting Go And The Importance Of Grieving

#026: The Art Of Letting Go And The Importance Of Grieving

We have all experienced change in our lives at some point (expected or unexpected) and we have had to let go of the past to move forward towards the future. This process is called grieving and there is no other way to go past it than through the process. When grieving relationships, sometimes the process is slightly trickier because maybe we think that there are things we could have done better, or that we there are ways in which we would recuperate the relationship and not wanting to do so makes us feel guilty. We also experience a lot of pressure from society to have a timeline for grieving, and appear strong and stand up for ourselves. And even though those things are somewhat helpful, when it impedes the process of grieving and letting go they do not serve us.  

In this episode, we talk about the technique of "letting go" from David R. Hawkins, where we explain how to gradually let go of the feelings attached to a situation and finally start grieving the past. This process manages to link limiting beliefs with bodily sensations and feelings and as we let go of the latter we also move past the limiting beliefs. We explain also, how we have applied these techniques to our past grieving process and what that looked like. We hope you find this episode useful! 

If you loved this episode follow us on Instagram @spiritualchillpill_podcast or like our Facebook Page!

Referenced books: 

Letting Go - David R. Hawkins 

Man's Search For Meaning - Viktor Frankl 


Track: Travel With Us — Vendredi [Audio Library Release]

Music provided by Audio Library Plus


Free Download / Stream:

May 26, 202130:03
#025: Manifestation - Can Thoughts Create Your Reality?

#025: Manifestation - Can Thoughts Create Your Reality?

Perhaps you have heard at some point the idea that we can attract the things that we want by just directing our thoughts to it, or perhaps you have already read the book The Secret and started implementing some of its techniques, or perhaps you have never heard of "manifestation" before. Whichever level you are in, the main questions are the same: Do you know exactly how you can direct your thoughts to manifest your reality? We don't either but we are in the process of learning!

In this episode, we would like to discuss manifestation, what it is and how these techniques have played in our lives. Is it just positive thinking and intent or there is more to it? We discuss the science behind it backed up by quantum physics and different techniques we currently apply in our daily lives. We also discuss why it is more difficult to manifest in certain areas than others due to limiting beliefs. We hope you enjoy this episode! 

If you loved this episode follow us on Instagram @spiritualchillpill_podcast or like our Facebook Page! Also, you can show love and support us by becoming a member at Patreon!

Referenced Books:

The Secret - Rhonda Byrne

The Nature Of Personal Reality - Jane Roberts

The Feeling Is The Secret - Neville Goddard

Letting Go - David R. Hawkins

The Game Of Life And How to Play It - Florence Scovel Shinn


Track: Travel With Us — Vendredi [Audio Library Release]

Music provided by Audio Library Plus


Free Download / Stream:

May 19, 202130:05
#024: When The Universe Slaps You In The Face

#024: When The Universe Slaps You In The Face

Finally, we are back after a short break and we are here to discuss what has been on our minds in the past couple of weeks and months. As we started this journey we wanted to show the perspective of the learner including the times in which we are not so put together and what do we do about it. In this episode, we wanted to discuss the non-linear spirituality journey and how it is possible to fall back into old patterns of anxiety when confronted with your shadow and deep-rooted limiting beliefs. This is what some people might call spiritual depression or the dark night of the soul. Some of our limiting beliefs make us think that once we have achieved a state of bliss or any other achievement is it impossible to fall from Grace. This is farther from the truth and, even more so, should be expected because doing spirituality work is not a “cure” against all things. In this episode, we discuss what spiritual depression might look like physically, a couple of techniques that worked for us when going through the process and what limiting beliefs we should let go of in order to remove the pressure from ourselves if having a perfect life. We hope you enjoy this episode!

If you loved this episode follow us on Instagram @spiritualchillpill_podcast or like our Facebook Page! Also, you can show love and support us by becoming a member at Patreon!

Referenced Books:

Letting Go - David R. Hawkins

The Big Leap - Gay Hendricks

Meditation For Self-Love | Marisa Peer


Track: Travel With Us — Vendredi [Audio Library Release]

Music provided by Audio Library Plus


Free Download / Stream:

May 12, 202130:11
#023: Get To Know Your Body With Ayurveda (ft. Taylie Hu)
Apr 28, 202133:16
#022: A Real Story Of Alignment With Bree Brown
Apr 21, 202151:51
#021: Regain Control Of Your Mind With Hiba Balfaqih
Apr 14, 202143:41
#020: It’s Not You, It’s... Me? - Part II
Apr 07, 202124:59
Tune in for a Spiritual Chill Pill!

Tune in for a Spiritual Chill Pill!

What is Spiritual Chill Pill all about? We are a podcast about documenting our journey applying spirituality to our lives and how that has dramatically changed our relationships, careers and outlook in life in general. We don't have everything figure out, but we are happy to share our journey, including the non-glamorous ones!

Apr 07, 202100:44
#019: Relationships - It’s Not You, It’s... Me? - Part I
Mar 31, 202129:30
#018: The Magic Of All Things With Sabrina Scott
Mar 24, 202147:11
#017: Journaling - Why Getting It All Out Is Free Therapy!

#017: Journaling - Why Getting It All Out Is Free Therapy!

Mar 17, 202132:05
#016: Intuition - Let Your Feelings Guide You

#016: Intuition - Let Your Feelings Guide You

Intuition is that inner compass that everybody has that moves you towards things that are beneficial for you and away from things that can be detrimental for you. Even though everyone has this tool, from very young we learn not to listen to these gut feelings because they appear to be "irrational". Funnily enough, sometimes it is people and society that tells us this and those people that deemed us as irrational or emotional more often than not are people who would not benefit in us actioning upon those emotions. So how can we free ourselves from that and listen to our intuition more?

In this episode, we chat about our own experiences with intuition in career, relationships and life in general. We discuss our experiments to get more attuned with our gut feeling and get closer to our values and life purpose. We also discuss books that have been very eye-opening in the area of intuition and have sparked a lot of shift in mindset. This episode is very geared towards women intuition which is the perspective that we have as hosts but we would love to hear more takes on this subject! We hope you enjoy it! 

As always we are very happy to hear your thoughts about the episodes via Instagram @spiritualchillpill_podcast or Facebook!

Recommended books:

Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype - Clarissa Pinkola Estés

Untamed - Glennon Doyle


Track: Travel With Us — Vendredi [Audio Library Release]

Music provided by Audio Library Plus


Free Download / Stream:

Mar 03, 202134:54
#015: Empowerment Through Forgiveness

#015: Empowerment Through Forgiveness

What does it mean to forgive a person or a situation? Some people look at forgiveness as accepting the situation, absolving a person and/or renouncing control. Some people decide not to forgive and instead hold grudges that in the long term become unhealthy. However, this doesn't have to be the only way. Forgiveness can instead be a tool of empowerment. We regain control about how we feel about a particular person or a situation and integrate the lessons that this encounter has brought to us. Of course, we acknowledge this is also one of the hardest things to do in life, and everybody has their timelines to allow themselves to forgive. Our goal is not to push people into something they aren't ready, but rather discuss the option of forgiveness in the light of personal growth. 

In this episode, we talk about forgiveness from our very personal perspectives. We discuss how changing our understanding and acknowledgment of a situation has helped us free ourselves from the control that others have on our emotional state. Moreover, we discuss what the path to forgiveness entails in different situations, small and big, and how we can apply radical empathy to make the process slightly easier.

As always we are very happy to hear your thoughts about the episodes via Instagram @spiritualchillpill_podcast or Facebook!

Referenced books: 

A Course in Miracles - Helen Schucman

The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz


Track: Travel With Us — Vendredi [Audio Library Release]

Music provided by Audio Library Plus


Free Download / Stream:

Feb 24, 202129:24
#014: Healing Through Yoga With Kat Owens (she/her)

#014: Healing Through Yoga With Kat Owens (she/her)

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been imported into the Western World for many years already as a way to cultivate our feelings of well-being. However, the yoga teachings go much deeper than a single form of cultivating physical capabilities. It is a form of healing for individuals as well as society. The sad truth is that some of the depth of the yoga teachings is lost in western societies due to the resistance to bringing spirituality to the forefront and the lack of inclusion and diversity. 

This week we have a lovely chat with our friend and favorite yoga teacher Kat Owens (she/her). She is here to tell us all about trauma-informed yoga and trauma healing through yoga. She emphasizes the importance of spiritual practices that align with outer actions toward social justice and collective healing. The understanding that each body is different, and each person is carrying its own set of unique experiences; therefore, the practice needs to be made inclusive to facilitate the healing as individuals as well as a society.

Where to find Kat: or Instagram @_katowens

Referenced Books:

Skill in Action by Michelle Cassandra Johnson 

Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness by David Treleaven

My Grandmother’s Hands by Resmaa Menakem

Don't forget to subscribe and follow us on instagram @spiritualchillpill_podcast or Facebook!


Track: Travel With Us — Vendredi [Audio Library Release]

Music provided by Audio Library Plus


Free Download / Stream:

Feb 17, 202132:40
#013: Thoughts On Dealing With Overwhelm
Feb 10, 202131:42
#012: 3 Tricks To Reprogram Your Mind With Kirsty McIntyre (NLP Coach)
Feb 03, 202142:01
#011: Are We All One? The Answer Is Yes!
Jan 27, 202132:07
#010: Feeling Guilty? Don't!
Jan 20, 202130:19
#009: Exploring Our Inner Darkness Or Shadow Self
Jan 12, 202125:15
#008: When The Hardest Person To Love Is Yourself
Jan 06, 202134:45
#007: 2020 Retrospective - The Beauty In Our Struggles

#007: 2020 Retrospective - The Beauty In Our Struggles

This year coming to an end has presented immense challenges but also tremendous learning opportunities. As we come to a close, it is a great time to analyze the beauty in our struggles and be grateful for them as they become great avenues to get to know ourselves and achieve higher consciousness. In this episode, we discuss how the circumstances of 2020, both personal and global, have induced dramatic changes in our lives. It has been an interesting year where, given the lockdowns and dramatic changes in our social interactions, we have been forced to be with ourselves, become spiritually and emotionally self-reliant, and narrow down on what is important in our lives. It has also been a year that has forced us to become more intentional on how we choose to use our energy and how we choose to interact with others. Join us in giving thanks for all events in 2020, especially those that, in retrospect, have been the biggest catalysts for learning. 

Dec 30, 202035:54
#006: The Labels We Apply To Ourselves (Understanding The Ego)
Dec 23, 202033:35
#005: Meditation, My Dear Friend

#005: Meditation, My Dear Friend

Everybody nowadays talks about meditation and the benefits of clearing your mind. But are we doing this correctly? Are there wrong ways of meditating? No, there are so many different ways to dive into meditation and so many different purposes for it. In this episode we dive into how our meditation practices have evolved over time, and what has worked for us in developing this habit. We also dive into how developing this practice might be hard at the beginning and how, after turning it into a habit, it's something we can't really let go of. 

Every single technique that we describe has worked for us personally, but might not work for everybody. We encourage people to try different things and see what works for yourself. Our aim is to demystify the fact that there are right or wrong ways of meditating and show from our own experience that everybody can tailor this practice into something that works for them in the long term. 

Referenced Apps and Books:

* - Binaural Beat Meditation Journeys

* - Marisa Peer - "I am enough" meditation

* - Aaron Abke - Shadow Work Meditation

* - Sam Harris Waking Up App (excellent for beginners)

* - Headspace App (excellent for beginners)

* - Calm App 

Dec 16, 202028:10
#004: Chicken Soup For The Soul
Dec 09, 202031:36
#003: What's Your Emotional Emergency Toolkit?
Dec 02, 202030:33
#002: The Danger Of Narrow Focus And Unhealthy Self-development

#002: The Danger Of Narrow Focus And Unhealthy Self-development

When we are anxious is very easy to see life through a very narrow focus where our problems seem enormous, and even worst, we feel like we are not good enough because we have these struggles. Therefore we incessantly go through the path of self-development trying to “heal” and become something or somebody ideal, never feeling like we are there!

We explore the fact that the key is perspective and understanding that we are already deserving and good enough. As kids, we learn that we need to become good, rather than we are good and deserving already. We explore how changes in perspective can help us accept ourselves in whatever stage we are and bring more authentic selves into everything we do in life!

Books Referenced:

Think Like a Monk - Jay Shetty -

Dec 02, 202039:28
#001: Let's Start With Why!
Dec 02, 202039:03